Goldsboro’s Fall FashftHMg Tuesday and Wednesday, U 0077 -=-■ 1 .1 : ■■■■■■■, - , ... a l : WEATHER Pair s-d coaler Tuaoday; Wadatglai fair. A " f- „ t VOLLMK ONE; NIMBKK 2ft. ■tt” ' -v JAIIISH CABIICT * mhos hi * wm AmaNhlh Said to Not Wish r~'M War With the Britiah 4*7 Empire * —i ii ■ Birr.TURKS STILL % INjDEFIANT MOOD LONDON. Sept. U—The cabinet U>- d»y considered the near cum situation with all the minister*. Admiral Beatty, the Karl of and the other mill tary and naval personages in aUcndahce. Premier Lloyd George heartly eongralu* lated Lord Curxoa on thk mult of hi» . mission to Pari* which waa regarded in official quarter* a* eminently eatlafar t«ry. The incident of the iovaeinn of the neutral tone at Thatch when Turkish cavalry, which entered the cone Satur day night, retired Sunday after a meet ' In* batween the commander* of the Turkish and British force* waa looked upon a* indicating there need be no f##r of the repetition of aurh incident*. A Beater diapatch from Conatantin’e ple today aaya the merit** between General Sbuttleworth and the Turkiah commander waa of ~tho friendlieat na ture, the Turkiah officer, in agreeing to withdraw hi* rivalry behind the neu tral line, declaring the >Cemaliats did not wish to go toward the British Em- I'ire. 1 urha Will Not Accept niNSTANTINOPI.K, Sept it, (By the Associated .Proas) Hamid Bey, rep reaentative of the Angora government la Constantinople, derlared today the allied invitation to (he peace confer once conld not be accepted hy the Thrk l*h Nationalists on the term* laid down. W'e rannot acretit the allied term* be. eauar they propose to demitilaft** the Sea of Marmora aiid part of Thrace which would prevent us from bringing our troop* from Asia In Europe. said llainid in a statement to the corre spondent. "Neither ran' de sqcept lit erally the condition that our army shall advance* while thy praee conference t* ‘'progressing.' "Tbia would so circumscribe our movement* that the enemy would have | ample opportunity to prepare force* ' for a fresh attack and would give ihe allies a ehsnee to complete their land and naval reinforcements in the event the conference failed. • "Kcgn rding the straits, we have al l ready admitted freedom for the passage of all vessels through the Dardanelles, but we are not prepared to define t« what authority or body the control shall be vested That question must be set - tied at a conference between the Turks and the allies. •>• „ ”We aI •o in»ik that all nation* hav-l ing commercial, military or othyr In tercats in' the Dardanelles, including Russia and B|JgoriH, shall participate In the confctfpte. "Wc,furthM Insist that Great Brit ain shall sugtaea I nil naval and mili tary mueemAFtt.->■ the si tails during ' the euucsr or Hie conference, a Aatorirans Will Protest Removal of Refugees ,S V . . LONDON; Kept. 26. A fcruler, dis patch from' Athena fay* Unit Admiral Bristol has informed the Grech gos ; ornpieat that th* Untied Stairs will undertake to prolret wgh deatyoyers the removal of Uisurj inalning l&U.imit refugee* at provides the means of r y The Americans fwrtdlcr''nndcrlak.- to provide ahelter end sustenance for th nfugrrs and they (lx s limit of one » week ‘for their awbarkany The Greek government ha- grate fully airepted do offer, riINBTANTmOPLK. Sept 1' Turk mUfA envalry armed with machine w>* •mtßrned withm the neutral tone «t t h«p*k today. General Herrington, the- British high commissioner. ikatrucleil hf- 'J'*' IJsiionaliat rvprooentatlv, here to KUokut-*t Mustaphu Kernel Pasha to or their The failure in given s> reasonable tlftie would *kfall upon «h* head* of the K.nislirtn.; wtbe instruction* said. A fir* k» raging in Upper iVre Strwl,' a a mala thoroughfare of the capital: The Bk population I* In % slate of pamr. f Th# Angora government officially ah ' pounces that two Kemkllsts cavalry di visions, totaling Umsi man, have orctl pied Knn keui. , American- to Hr Rrmo'cff If Necessary rdONBTAN riNiiPLiv. Sc pi, 26. «.;k at hi* desk in the Btajte Ib-pnit ui, nt. uf'ot an ebsrnce'in Brasil of i-evrral weeks. While no statement aa tu the nature of the conference waa forthcoming eith er at the Kmbaaay or the , Slat* De partment. there were indication* Hint the Near Kurt wa» among the subjects diieuaacd. Unofficial advices from London hove indicated, that the British - government Would welcome American participation in tb\ proposed conference to determine, the (Inal disposition to he inn dp of tile Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. It was rgurdrd a* probable that the Brit ish Ambassador ha* sought to Icnrit from Mr. Hughes whether an Invito •tion to send a representative to thc„con-' • ference would (ic areeptud by the Wash ington Government. What impression a* to the Ami.-riiati| view point on the question he may have formed from hi* i-onverealion with Mr. Hughe*, was tiot known Up to the prt-a ent, American Intervention in the Near Kaat situation has been strictly < un fitted |o relief work at Smyrna. It la obvious, however, thnt with kin; grow ing merchant marine, th* Washington Government has a very materiaf in trrest in any question involving f.r-e dom of the Dardanelles and the Hus phorus to merchant rruft of nil nations Another matter In which the Aim cl ean Government might become ijitrrcat ad aery particularly n* to the result of any settlement* reached by the al i lied powers in confrrenre with the Ki m aliat aujhoritics is the status of the treaties of rapitalutiou between the Thrkisb poverpmejit and the United States. The uxtrn terrHorlol highls of Americana in the former Turkish Rnw plre under which they . are subject to J trials before Uousular tlourt only is in volved." LAWYKRS .SCRAP TEN BUCKS WORTH The county school fund was enriched tv the extent of twenty dollar* yvstcr n the Middle 'West ’• ncnnEii PLMNED TO EEUPE First Ci'tivu Found Tcitdinu to Explain Murdgr of Rector and Sexton's Wife i* ■*- * New BRUNSWICK, N. J , Tiept. 2fi Several clue* were found h'y deteetives investigating the duoblr shouting of the Reverend Edward Wheeler Hall, Rector of the Church of Rt. John, the hiaugeliat, an<) Mra. Janies Mills, wife of th« Sexton. I* support the , now theory thnt the couple intended to fle;i4 tu the Orient. • The fnte which the Rector nnd Ihe leader of hi.-, rhmr shared, prygbrutofp ifimted out. might have been hanteacif by rumurs which svemed to bavh bran ! il’irculsted frealy by certain member* of the congregation, that th* plans us the two to leave New Brunswick had reached a stage of action. All his pa |n r» and iiMects had been placed in such order by tbr -Isin Rector, de tectives said they learned, that the work of the pastorate could He under taken by a successor with th* least possible difficulty. The first inkling received liy the nu thorities of an intended clopmeni came when I’rv.-ivutor Striker of Middlesex county wa* informed that a relative of Mr*. Mill* had n letter from her, in which she herself told in Retail nil her plans to elope to Jupnu with Kr Hall. THE WAYNE BUNK MMESJHfI MOVE (fuil Httsinr-ts Snlurdity Afier niMin in Okl ituildinj; Start ed Monday in New The Wayne National Hank went to Imd Saturday night in it* old home and woke up Monday morning in its tem porary quarter* across the street in the Borden building, where it will re main fpr the eight ur top month* re quired to demolish the old building and put its handsome new structure in its place. It was a gigantic wndertaking to nyiyp Afhe hunk * whole outfit in the short space of time as wa* Diluted hut It was done successfully without a hit of interruption in business. Th* demolition of the old building will murk the passing us a landmark. It wns Completed in 1 A)B>. The founda tion wa* laid in the previous year and the historic fire of that year swept over the foundations. At that time the build ing was occupied hy the Bank of |>cw Hanover, which had been established In lH72_jcith the late Mr. K. B. Borden as ' president. The original bank was bought out «sd the Rank of Wayne, chartered in 1881. The old building wa* a fine one for the day in whirh it was built, hut it is pow to be supereedrd by nrie in keeping with the hank's busluv - and prestige and the growing city oT today. The new building d* to hove a fount dot ion fqr n structure of ten or more stones. It will at present be stopped at three stories hut the foundation will he sufficient for additional floor* as limy *f* required. It is estimated that approximately a year will bo required for the conipjetihn of the stgqeture MR. Mclntyre’s STRONG SERMON lly R. HOWELL. I Thoec who heard Rev. I’ekrr Mein tyre preach hi* sermon on "Three In Uictments of Wsste," Sunday morning could not help being impressed and helped Mr- Mclnly r>- gave this subject the. usual thorough nntl intelligent treatment which show* the thought and curs- so characteristic of his sermons." Th" appeal to lift one's -life above the realm of selfi h ne*«, above the mere economic standard, to conserve one* resources and energies for the services of la-ting gopd and huppiness rpuld well be taken to heart hy any of us this wasteful, tempestuous .Iffa.' AII of u* are more or less riotous and Waste ful in our living W«1 waste olir rn •‘rgles ansi our substance, our nine and our opportunities; How cli.iracts ristji of J, SO*' ,-rmyn. Is this type of ertnon! How timely and fitting to the life that we are living! * How much mere sub-tantiait than the imre repeating of trite, hjdicirl or 1 religious -ounding words sod phrases,j *u < h raclerisUv of touen of the preach ing we heart God gave Me brain* at u»« snd if le whoiespnie Id hoar the i« 'fit* es thrPr u*c in/the puiptk It I*. *ninatatlng. It t* helpful. It la- la *P" mff- j Th* growth as Mr. (Mclntyre's hureh and Bunday school |» nfft tu he syan- ' dered at. I'rvsbytefiana and all of Goldsboro end Muyge county may well r|* proud to hate p preacher of Rev.' 'f» Mclntyrr « <«iik. » Tb*. and bruised the left shoulder and knee. At th« Goldsburn-hospital why re an X-Ray agamiuatinn wa* made It was stated that while th* little fellow ,*si serious ly hurt tfie wound* wero not expected "to prove dangerous l# life or permanent , injury. • «h The accident ucrujyrd on R. William —ttreel near ,tlMvbunr.,i«t L Kir irt^the litilw fellow’s grandmother, and near tbc home of hi* parent*. The child rati-from behind a car sUnding pn the curb for the purpose m dashing across the street. A* a cir was ap proaching from tb« opposite direction from whirh Mr. Jt route was coming the child must have been watching this and >o did not so* that a, ear was coming from the other direction. Just as he ran from th* stationery enr Mr. Jerome’s J ' car struck him and knocked him down. Rev. Mr.'Jerome says that tba child could not have been more than two ur three feet from his ear when h* dash ed out from behind the stationary Ear, He did not harr time own to apply hqi> break A number of prraons, Including, ladies,, saw the accident and hastened to the rescue of the child Hr wa* tak- i in to the residence snd pretty seen ; carried tq the hospital. Mr. and Mra. Jerome Greally Shocked. Mr. Jerome and hip wife who was with him werw greatly shocked by Uie accident. They had beep up town shop ping and were drivingUyome at a speed of about twelve' milelT they think, in a smnll ford car. Mr. Jerume told The '■ News last night that he was so over- ‘ come.and unnerved by the sad areidrnt that be w»* unable to fill a night ap- ; point merit to prrarh. He is pastor of j Elm street and I’ikeville Methodist | cifurrhea, He slated that he had never before hud un accident. * "1 am deeply shocked and grieved," ha laid last night, iirijl Mra. Jerome is also. I did not see the l.ittld fellow until he was right In front of my csr. He came out from around the stationary car and I think he iuu*t have been watching the car coming in the opposite direction and did not see nunc at ail. I could not see him far tha car stand ing by Ihe curb. 1 don't know that I even got my foot on the break, it waa dona ao quickly. ’’ Mr. and Mr*. Wilkins have the sym pathy of hundreds of friends on arrount of the shock and ih* painful injuria* of their little son. FmiKEB MEET IT MUM _ I < alh-H lly Axrit ullurnl ( omrait t« to Discuss Farming and Ulan Tour The agricultural committee of the, Gold*l>ora Chamber of Commerce ha*' issued invitation* to the president of eveiy hank in, the rnunty and to over one hundred prominent farmers is Wayne, requesting them ’to meet her* in till- 1 hnniber of Coinnteree rooms to day, at twelve o'elock, at whirh tint > „lh« agricultural committee as the < hamber of (omtnerrr will present to* the farmer* and hankers the diversifi-j fin tiling pri grsiH which ha* b*i-,i un | roved hy the >A nily and Stale agn- ! . oil oral official* and endorsed nt a • eeting of b*rm«-r* and husiti'-ss men here on Hrpu-inber fifteenth. Every .farmer and huamess man in Waynv* county, whether they receive J * >pedal notice of this meeting nr not, I I urged lb b* present. It Ii hoped ‘hat at lhi*_ meeting the hanker* and *«« farin' r» wi!l dveidv on a definite pro gram of production lof Iftt" future that I will -ave the tounty trwm the ftnan- I r««l rinbAirmimflit that the boll w«*rvi| , A* i*«rr briniK defifiiW I »l* arc t«k«n At thlv eeting It is hoped that drf tnitr plan* will be made for nur Vli'avne 1 county Miomobile tour through section* i as Narth and South Carolina that hev* • been practically ruined hy the boll •eevil. Every eltilen as Wayne whs is Interested Tn this automobile trlji Is Uirt i<*iari< * also are forbidden en- Iranegyjo Turkey berauee tha Salta* 1* usustMr me nt 100-'d in such beok*. and thadns > entrary t* Turkish law. 'HR SHOUTS MRS TIEMMI IN COURT Fireedy R«n«n(a ’Statement By Poulin That He Wrr Not Guilty i» Spl’TH BKND, lad.. Kept. 26 The defense in th* Titrnan-Paulin trial rested its case late thU afternoon after the Htatg had flaUhad Its cross caarn iiqdien of the defendant. Harry Roullq »*• thy -lkst witqc*-, to tab* tbs stand. The prosecution will 1 malt* % short rebuttal in th* morning, qften yrhieh the attorneys will give their sloalng arguments, an hour bring allowed for each side. The case is j nation hy Prosecutor Jalllson, on being questioned, denied ever having had nny relations with Mr*. Tlernnn, th* latter jumped to her feet With shpute “You are a liar.’* When she repealed the aet a short time later, Jinjgr Du i eomb Severely reprimanded her I bus turn BULL WEEVIL FI6HT GoMnborn nnd Ml. (Nfve liMti tutionn Afarcndv IAO I'er ( eat Solid At n meeting of all the bonks as ■ Goldsboro and representative* of th* ; Chamber of Coproiereo, Monday. the; question of tha bank*' coming u»to tbs, Ra*tem Carolina Chamber of Commoreo wa* taken up. Secretary Hartlatt of tha Kaetern Chamber mersly enumerated the various plant of the organisation for' the benefit of those who hod net ot tended any one of the various pieot ing* that have been bold in thl* **e tion. l»r. Htrosnider, president of th* j Chsmbet of Caunmerce, presided over' the meeting. , Banka All Join In Movement Full (fueta At th* cloa* of the Informal discus- j •lon. rath banker stated that hi# jlnsll tution would’ join in tb* big movement and us* every effort possible to offset, •» far aa possible th* effect* of th* weevil In thl* section. Each bank will tak* th* amount naked by th* commit tee. The fallowing banka were repre sented: Wayne National Bank, Peoples Bank. Parmer* Bank and Trust Co., and The Goldsboro National. With the oolld backing of th* banks in Goldsboro, the prospect* are unusually bright tor a reai successful campaign l Monul Olive Bank* >ll In. Hev#r*| Week* age alPof the b«nlu of Mount Oliv* came Into the organi sation. Th# two bank# of Fremont will be called upon Ibis week, and tb# batik at Fikevllle will also h* waited on. It looks Ilk* a 180 per cent for th*'bank ers of Wayne county, whirh will b* a glowing tribute to the fina'nclal Intll-- tuiien* (or all pf Eastern North Caro lina. Healnoaa Asked to Tak# Membership.. Areording to tb* plans of financing, business men are asked to4*k* Indivi dual memberships, Karh ronuty is sup posed to get one II.W) membership for each I.iHMI population The business men of Goldsboro will be given an op portunjly to join thia organisation 'me day this week. These isn't ’any doubt but that Wayne eounty will go over the tup in every particular. 1 (ieorarU Juriqre Scores I lawlessness W'lhjDKß. Ga, H«j»t jr>pW | i>b#s< • of work conducted by th* *ddh- ’ Ap drttdiwp t* build strung, healthy hpdiak, thM will; 8h •agletaat U> dlaoua*. ■■ m \ ■ m —»-—--- tip *' tjP£A of 1 Asbw’Tted PRESS iuMMHIS Fffl IT COMES IHE TO REST« HIM v * ll - « . Hi* Many BtnwM| A idthon* on Tariff Ma|K Bay HaV TliSrS I.ON(;ER FIGHT THAN ANY OTHER LIVING man " Simmon a,haa jotnod tk* to th# farm" movrm.nt, far ho I* 1%. turning (a his farm In North C«r*Uhj» after tha tiring Work o* th* tariff Wit aay* 8. K. C. Bryant, Wn*kin|tMl oor reapondent of th* Char latte Oktarvur Ha la aufftring from “brain fag,” 'he *Wd before leaving H* do** not fool , ! n *w Ilk* making any cnmpnigu ipnk I va. Tariff*, he said, an kiitlag. Msnator Simmons ha* tk* follow fag Va aay about tariff fight*:. “I cannot view Da my mgsd on a light ■oval, fur U ha* hoc* ** lung on aoha dale* and rate* no wool, aogar, aiaml ■rum, steel and other commodities that I cannot got away front thorn.! “Thvr# la only on* way hy which I ■»- ran now ***k r*H#L and that k» to go down to my farm* in Joooa luuntiea, walk through th# fWda, kink th# clod* of tnrtk, roll n pumpkin ovur n corn row, smell the autumn burvuak nnd gna# at the autumn ski#* nnd laud *c«p* Than, in tk* midst of kucuiic JU tura, 1 will in a few week* forgot tkora «r# suck thing* ns n tariff and prwdn lory into rust#, ”I>n you know,” wont on th# senator, ‘‘l has* been actively engaged In more tariff and us legislation than any llv- Ing man. I betlvv* it wantd k# isrwat to say that my term as Servian |g thl# ras port la longer than thnt of nny nu in the legislative history of our chan try. , » . ~ •W*l#w #f Grant Woch. ’ ”1 somvtimos think It i# a miracle that 1 am alive whan I roving tk* MUM# - <>f the numbers es moo actively - r jp •• 1 hsv« bovuNtl this sect of wJk, wh# hav# graves or boconm wnatMU jo-fatOf Tariff legislation I# tbc mmt mg hrnm work on# can engage fn. Jt is fathom!*** In its reap*) rr—ytuxillai *o much a* that v#ry fug mfkdt MMiLg rv-r mastered the IntrlOMlW d| (Kl ■ . i»ow. H yeort ago, I -"lively engaged in (mining or opp-jM five tariff measures. I fpwh4t~ r ljSs I'sync-Aldrich bill that Pruoidngd chsrsctorlied a* * foul hlundo(,E% tl'vo signed it. 1 opposed with *jß-: ? ”"« ht rrciproelty tariff With li-.;. sia Y»k Wig recall that the groat ' ocat, W W Kitchin, largely foilKys csmpaign against rue m North ("1 the senate on ray "pposltio* tdfl.t£' X measure I put my Speech In almost every farm business office in the state, and but It was s bard fight. Rewrote lladerwoud MM. ”ln 1811, when th* d#m##ntt tag* into power, I was mod* chairman es the finance committee When th* tfudef Wood bill cam* over to tb* --mtt( the finance committee rewrote the fc|M making some tight hundred thungos. |i was th* senate bill with thung dgR hundred change* that f|Mf^ : jigZS^'’ Ihe t nderwood . '•nd not the original Uitdd«N#d Ufi' >b. framing of that bill ip j£TShW nsnrv 'ommltter wo* - ’ ufßugfll t«M < 'gsnised the i-ommitu-a BMP- ,.rb O# . " tees to work out ,hjl — I ws, the •>-otfhS*9^^^p-'*' 1 ’*' h 'Ub-Mrtum.tie*. Mkd ui most of th* matt imßpytfMtJ hroatSpe I *«> St soy Item then jLh;dp. “II '"gill without feeling ImSS- ' "The war w | *# RMgj6VMiKi. •"!( d.rr. . big la, bllj, &flßh£E39ffjL. hi '" cm-.- to n un#*thoSvZwpM ' bills *vrv na~hiroSsa*m«. pass „ say ' K -tiff was to Him jMM; ' "-or h hich to hS|TJJ|S' "-'"‘l i nnd “bo lame her* MbteSg ''kn’-JgSUi « high tariff WfigFJb|ff -h| ~ Hi-ome Ktl d a s«g a f'j23HE|^Ff "" * fruined .nd po#apd‘ - . one bill phene O'Hi,(XSi,QO»i ; Lam Wath Maa ~ : ffhadA M ih. w«g >“g--4fC .. ■ "ergency spd "'rtf bills and a * '"’thl 1 born# heavily »'ns T l4r "»• < h * " »*■ reported m it hg Mh»' flnwS ommitts*. It eogjymHC^HPm^ ■ nendmonts t* tjm CSL |jj| ’ 1 “r**/ drown, HH’.WWthors of tka » ,i* bsd no XwWdg* *t Jig pijyr •ioo* « r what >ffo*t they »4 k,-e. ”•«* «h. Wlnudlg monshoro iTth. roT wide# haul Id opend grukj - n t "> WMnnMh. Aa rsekkg dgnpawt OS ! . ,_l * how gd yoors of agh, wp#|wt Nt «^| i #~r. ~MimM A rmcm nn cavm