* - . 9 p , ‘ « f ■ ■<> • • ' > * . a - O # ff Racing at the Wayne County Fair Will Be the Best in the State thf noi dsroro i » J| JJLi 41 UJILVI lLi f f,U I associated press VOLUME ONE; NUMBER UN. MR. HUGHES TELLS CLEVELMID PEBPIE OF HARDING'S WORK In Astoninhed At What Has Been Arrompliahed In So Short Time REPEATS IDEAS OF FOREIGN POLICY —» CLEVELAND, Ohio, No*. 4—Prin-i eiplr* of American foreign policy were described at “simple and readily stated" here tonight by Secretary i Hughes, speaking before an -.election mas* meeting in support of the run didacy of Representative Fess for the aenate. ’ "We do not covet any territory „any-j vhere on God's broad earth,” Mr | Hughes declared. “We are not seek- j ing a sphere of special economic influ-( ence and endeavoring to control other* I for our uggrandiiement. We are not j seeking special privileges anywhere at j the expense of others. We wish to protect the jisst und equal right* of j Americans everywhere in the world. We wish to maintain equality of comma r ‘eial opportunity; as we call it, the op; t> > : door. That is not a dcrogration of anybody else; the door is Just a* open • o others as it is to o*. Equally me ms j equality. It . dosen't mean privilege We desire, to see peaceful settlement*. We are most desirous to see the world starting again on a sound economic basis, with every people inspired by hope ’and girded to the highest achieve ment* in the interest of their prosper-, ity. Wherever we have had a chance to pfomote peaceful settlement in this troubled world we have taken It.” Mr. Hughes called attention to the 1 arbitral adjustment between Panama and Costa Rica; the ratification of the treaty with Columbia; the Chile and Peru negotiations” in the friendly at mo phere of Washington," and th. forthcoming Central American arm?lfm-i itution conference in Washington as; illustrative of the American purpose and effort. At more length he drew the pieture us the Washington confer 1 ewe«* ns istuiuuio* of araaftot and the 1 paralleling Far F.a»tern adjustments. A* a result of thfi general atmosphere of the Wsahlngton ronferenee, Mr. Hughes said, China and Japan have found it posstbl* “to settle the serious Shantung controversy" although that queitioq was not a part of conference piccecdings. “That settlement,” he added, “is now belpg carried into effect." No “cry of the afflicted” from uny quarter of the world had gone unheed ed in America and aid in European economic recuperation had been “lav ishly extended." Mr. Hughes said, ad ding: "But we cannot change the cherished policies of European stales. pol icies huve their background' in history, and have their explanation in national Vonvii-Mons with respect to the require ments of national safety and national aspirations. There 1* now an intense feeling of nationalism- 1 in Europe which is readily explained, and this in each case give* aim to national endeavor and determine iVational policies as to Eu ropean questions. ••The American policies to which I have referred will gain nothing by be- 1 j„g confused with other* Our poten tmi helpfulness will be diminished and ■ot increased by miring in matters that 4rr not our eoneer and becoming parties to controversies, and partisan* of interests and ambitions that are not our*. We have a great inflp< nee for peace and helpfulness In this world and we propose In preserve it and the best way to preserve it is to maintain our own definite American position ,un confused and nuobscured. Mr. Hughe* the twenty month* of President Maiding'* admin istrution saying he thought it fair to say that no one would have supposed that a* much could be accomplished in that period a« has been achieve ! under the pn sent administration " He added that he was fl*d of the opportunity' of attributing the gain* made to the "wise, high minded, indefatigable and states manlike endeavor ut the President of the Eniled Stales.” The President, he said, had “given u* effective and con *titut»rtn«l Imdfrihip. ••Whit thi* American p*opl«* wunt#d ha. been done.” Mr. Hughe, declared, "and they know that the credit is not due to those who have constructed but l„ those Who have helped " Clawson Williams Winds Up At Fremont flaw-on Williams, Democratic nom inee fur soliritOr from this district, eon eluded his Wayne county engagements with an address at Eremant last night na which hr dealt with the national la sues, Just as he did briefly in his speech at Grantham's store yesterday after noon, and at Mt, Olive Eriday. Col. A. f. Daeis preceded Mr Willmms, mak ing a vigorous speech. Money invested in knowledge pays the best interest. NOVEMBER IS WILL BE UK DO HERE Board Appointa That Ihty Bv l nanlmous Vote—l-anßxton to Address Teachers* 4 November 15 has been selected a* Ay rork Memorial Day by the trustee* of the Goldsboro graded schools, it was stated last night by George Kornrgay and Col. J. D. Langston, members of the board, Cuptnin N. A. O'Urrry who wa appointed to select the speaker selected Colonel Langston. The day here will be moVe generally celebrated than any of the national holidays, due to the reverance with which Aycoek is held by h l * home fntks here, overtopping hie Statewide and nutional fame as n letter in education. The legislature is to be asked soon to 'make the day n State holiday. The board by a motion and unani mous adoption tet that day, and request that s'l the siltool* us the county “here after observe in some filling and proper manner, the day, in commemoration of the virtues and the great constructive work dune for the public schools of the state, by the lat and lamented Charles B, Ayeock." On that dsy all the tom her* of the city will sheet in the aiidttoruim of the graded srhool and be told of the life work of Governor Ayeock by Colonel Langston, with the idea that they will use this as a part of their history instruction. Another phase of the day is that it will stimulate Interest in the unveiling of the monument to Gover nor Ayeock, which is soon to occupy the plqt beside that of Charles Duncan Mclver in the eapitol square at TRg high. TWO Bl MEN IN FRESHMEN WE Ruck Ivy For Slate and Griffin For Carolina When Teams,. Meet At Tarboro Nov. 10 TAKBORO. N. C., Nov. 4 All ar rangement* are being perfected for the annual football game between the fresh men teams of North C»(01ma State ( ol lege and the University of North Caro lina which will be played here on next Friday afternoon, November 10. Reports from the rival camps say that both team* will -line up for this im portant game in the pink of condition. There have been no serious injuries to the State squad and of the injured on the University squad a I will be ready for this game with the possible excep tion of Fullback Gold. Gold has a bad ly wienched knee as the result of scrim mage* on the Hill and it may be that he cannot get into th* game. However, Underwood, the star hack of the cham pionship Fayetteville team of last year has been showing well at fullback since Gold's injury and will in all probability start the game for the Little Tar Heels. This gable should prove one of the host played in the State this year und there are many , who think that it will he ' even harder taught than the fair week game between the Varsity of the two institution*. The first year team* at both Chapel Hill and Meat RaU- g.i are composed us experienced high school and prep-achoul men ai d at both place* the first year teams compare favorably with the Varsity us to weight an# site. Those who like a real football game with neither t.fffm asking nr giving quarter should see this gttmc next Fri day;. The fans in Eastern Carolina will have the opportunity of seeing several of their home town hoy* in action In this game. Rocky Mount fan . will see Braswell and Spiers on the Carolina quad and Johnson and Herring on the Htutc squad. Goldsboro people will see Itu.klty on the State team and Grj fffs in Oi** l/Mckhcl'l for Ihr ( arolina frrshie*. Now ll<*in t will ««•«• thr two Foy boys on th* Carolina brnrh and Kumrmirrll on thr State aide. Pan# from Oxford will *«•«* Mitrhell on th* State »<|u*d while ‘•Hilly’* Devin, cap tain ar.d quart* r hack, will >«ml the younp»trr* from ( hup* I Hill. Tarboru people will »rs Ma>o ut tnd for the State team and Denton, A . ot half* hack and Nath at end for the ("Carolina freihmen. From other Pert ion t there are other men on both vquada and the fant from th* east will be proud of the work done by the "home town” hoy* on both tram*. Army Fliers Lost In Fog and Killed LAKE CHARLES, L*. Nov. 4 Th. bodies of Lieutenants Mil!yard and Gar land, of Fort Bliss, who were kille when their plane in which they wm flying from Wa-hingt.in to El Fu»< crashed to earth today at Clinton. La were resting tonight in a local estah lishment. The airplane was demolished and the bodies of the two aviator* had ly mangled. The aviator* are btliev-- to have lost their way In a heavy for. and when attempting to make a land Mig probably misjudg'd th* distance 4. the ground. I * GOVERNOR FROCI.tIMS • i • • ARMISTICE DAY HOLIDAY • * -e * K IIEII.II. Nov 4.— Governor Mar- * * liws to4s) Issued a pro. tarnation * * railing upon the people of North * * Carolina to observe Saturday. No- * 1 * vein her 11, as a legal holiday, in * * commemoration of the signing of * ’ the Armistice, November 11, I*lß. * * when "I'russianism yielded to * * democracy, and victory perched * * upon the banners of Ihoae who had * S* enlisted in the tsuae of humanity.” * * “1 rail upon the people ot oar * * State," the governor aaid, “to oh- • * serve thr day la appropriate tnaa- * * nrr, and not in the spirit of haughty * * pride, hut with a sense of profound * * gratitude to Almighty God. ruler of • ( * the world's destinies.” • * ••• •••••a ,**• •' CHARGE iff CO-OP. NRE BULLING CQni Textile World SußKests Imp* ligation of Their Activi ties By C'onßreHsional Committee RALEIGH, Nov. 4. —That the rotton co-operatives are recognised as a factor in the cotton trade is indicated hy a re rent editorial in The Tritile World, which suggests .that an investigation of their artivitirs he made by, the Congres sional committee appointed to look lltto the operations of the rotton exchanges. The editorial wasjtivrn prominence in a recent issue of the Boston Transcript Exception is -taken by The Textile World to thr alleged financing by thr War Finance Corporation. As a matter of fact no money hn* been advanced to the North Carolina ro operatives by the government, although a tentative agreement was made to loan th# Tar Heel ro-operatives ten million dollars and so far as ran be learned her* no other Southern cotton co operatives have had 10 rati on the War Finance Cor poration Tor a loan. The editorial from The ,'extilr World follows: "The investigation of the cotton ex changes, authorised by a resolution in • trostttcitd at the last session of Congress hy Senator Smith, of South Carolina, should be extended to include th* op erations of the State marketing associa tions. The Staple Cotton Growers’ As sociation of Mississippi and the eight -State co-operatives that are linked op in th* American Cotton Growers’ Ex change were loaned more than fifty mil lion dollar* by the War Finance | ur poration for the ostensibly purpose of aiding them in marketing their cotton in an orderly manner. To date the co operatives' interpretation of orderly marketing is a holding movement in volvitq, more than two million bales of cotton. “It is common knowledge among rot ton .-hippers, broker*, *(;d mill buyer* that the Staple Trust'-has been holding its cotton two to four cents above the actual market, and that the co-opera tiwra included in thr American Cotton Growers' Exchange have been detnand ing one to one arid a half rents above the market for shorter staple rotton* that are handled hy them. The legitima ey of such a selling policy is not ques tion, d; in fact the organisation of growers to make p sslhle surh orderly marketing of the staple has been advo cated In these columns. Naturally, how ever, w. had assumed that such a plan would he privately financed and that it would not be allowed to develop into a deliberate attempt to bull the mark*'. "The rotton exchanges will weirorm thr clean bill of health that the Con gressional investigation ly reasonably certain of giving them, und no doubt the rotten CO operatlVi - will welcome i similar opportunity to refute the charge that they are making illegitimate r o of govi rnmi-nt money The A’.*ir Finance Corporation has ample power* to eon ydurt the tatter investigation if the C«n --““ greasional committee should feel IC'tlT 1 be outside of its province, and the time to undertake surh an investigation 11 I while tiy selling season i* at its heig t." Wake Forest Heats (iuilford in Tennis W AKF. FORF.ST. Nov. 4 W.»ke Fdrc t j won'* complete victor) here over Guil ford ( oil#-ire ycMrrduy m the fir*l inter fftllffiit# ronteit in t«nm» thi» teaion. The Old Cold and HI»(k racket •« rt showed excellent form and had little i trouble in WinntfiK from the ?mtor» Ihe tournament coit-t t« d of f«*lir f fnn*rhrtwo Mingle and t*o double. In the atnglo ('url)b* , KtnngfDdd, I (captain) f*.r Wake For* t, defeated • Winn and Morn*on, (captain) of (*U‘l ford, 6 -.*l, fl-.t, and 11*0, f» 2 r« *pectively. ’ | Ktringfleld and t arlyW defeated Morn* son and Fvyim 41, d 4 on doubles, • while (»raham and Blount, of W ate Forest, won from W»nn and Joyce of • (.utlford 4, f- 4 Ih< playing »*f f «p\ • • taina HtHnidfld and Morriiou *»» hrtl liunt. but the work of StrtHgftcht wd» • i iiign conaiatent. I li iriturn • huinpiott J< ' l.ynch ha* been birred fr»im M*«t on Fquare Garden • 1 until he can ahow better hoxinr than ho » ( displayed in hit la t bout it) the big arena. * GOLDS KURD, NORTH CAROLINA. Kt NDA V MOKNINti, NOV. 5. I»JS. SECOND PWMENT OF CISH TO GHOWERS IN SOOTH tin t Monday Week Ih lh»v Set and Three North Carolina Coun ties Are Included MONEY COMES FROM * SAFES ENTIRELY FLORENCE, 8. C„ Nuv. 4 The second cash payment to members of the co (irowers* Co-operative Association in South Carolina and the border market > in three North Carolina rountir* is to begin on Morrilny, November 13, accord ing to a statement given out here to night following a coafervncc of asso elation oftlcials. This second payment, 1 it is pointed out. will put all growers in this territory on kn equal badi, tlui - ! who made early deliveries, before at v,Slice iiaymcnt* were increased, r -reiv ing check* covering the difference be tween first advance, in addition to the amount of the second payment. Check already made hut are to be distributed only on presenting participation certifi cates at the towns where these receipt* were issued. Arrangement* are being mode to dis tribute checks, drawn on local hanks, at co operative warehouses or at central offices located at ouch of forty markets Holders of assigned receipt* are re quested 'to present them at place of is sue. J. H. fn||, treasurer of the asso- , riation, states that the cash for this second payment’ come* entirely/ from sales of tohacco grown in South Caro line and the border counties of North Carolina, and not from sales of tobacco j from Virginia or the old or new belts of North Carolina nor from money bor rowed from hark*. 8o far the associa tion has not borrowed any of the thtrty mjllion loan approved by the War Finance Corporation. Directors attend- ' ing today’s meeting included, J. A. Brown, Bright Williamson, T. H. Young, and E. C. Epps. COTTON OSES TO K 1 LOCH MARKET Unprecedented Prices Here and in South Carolina in Past Two Years Spot cotton brought ”t! emt# on the local market hero yesterday and Fri day, which is the highost price it hss brought since the peak us IHtll and Dtj'J Local buyers, particular B. G. Thomp son, have been busy making thnr own estimates in which they have far more ’ confidence than the figures put out of I Washington; they have futjh in the market; apd they have been buying: Upon the government’s issuance of it. report that the world's rotton rrup would l>e about lh< same as it was lgpt year Mr Thompson said he had hi* “Own opinion about that.” Anyway, the local market is up to price* unprecedented for the past two, year*. According to local buyers it is a “Bull market.” South Carolina t’rirea. GREENWOOD, 8 C„ Nov. 4 For the first time since t!C!> rotton brought Jfi ei-nt# per pound here today on the lo at market. GREENVILLE, S. C, Nqy 4 One hundred and twenty five bales of spot, rotton sold for 25 and one half rent* per pound on th* Greenville market to i day. This is the highest prire paid in the history of the market since spot’* quotation in HMff. BI.IZ7.AKIt—HEBIO IM DAHKNF.Htf. I'CF.BI.O, Col,, Nov. 4 I’ueblo has been isolated for eight hours because of a severe billiard which struck this re gion ut noon today. All wires are down. Meager reports of a tornado at ■ Ordwsv and Bugareipi, y,f., r, i mil s east of here have not beeit Verified The old-time annual byeir'e runs ar» still held In Baltimore and Boston. Bal timore wheelmen recently pedaled lo I'biladi Iphia on their rentur/ run. Oklahoma Cyclone Kills Four—Damages Property DRI'MRIOHT. Ohio., Nov 4 tßy the Associate,,l Pre.s.t l-'our persons are knoWn to hove been killed, and Mt were injured, some seriously, and many ar missing as a result of a tornado which Struck in the oil fields just soilhwt u j of tier* eurly tonight. The storm came m a northeastern!.- j direction. It misted the town of Drum j right. All the damage reported su. to j house* and property on the oil leas** ( The kn iwn dead are Mr and Mrs J'w Jennings, their fourteen-year >ld >»n and a fifteen-year-old hoy. named Dobbs After aitiking southwest of Drum I 1 right th* tornado turned and descended near Mannaora. about 26 in ilea north • OHIO OFFU'ERM TAKE • • CORPSE FROM MOURNERS * «,- ■ „ e • CLEVELAND. Nos 4—While* • mourners were assembling and final * • preparations for the funeral service* • were bring made police today swept • • down on a west-side house and took • • thr Ixsdy of the woman from the a • undertaker under order of the * • coroner. The. coroner announced • • that he would perform an autopsy * • to ascertain the raws* of death. • • The woman died in a local ho*- * • pital here Thursday after an ill- • • new. of a few das a. The funeral • • party was iust.ubout ready lo start • • for the rhurch. and the body was » • just about ready lo lie put In the • • hearse s awees'esaswaws* BOTH PARTIES WILL USE THE COURTHOUSE •. 4 ' Dr. J. E. IVrson Determined tc S|Mntk—ldtnßMton Thinks Bailev Would Like iHrhute Both the Democrat* and the Repulili ran* will speak in the courthouse to morrow- evening ut It o'clock it wa stated hy C. M. Johnson, rounty audi tor. The Republicans will hold thcii speaking in the commissioner's roan while the Democrats will hear J: W Bailey in th* auditorium so that the much-speaking of one will not disturl thg other. Dr. J, E. Person, Republican Candi date for the state senate, has stated that he will speak in the court house Mon day evening, that the meeting was a I vertised for that day, that he is going to speak and that that is all there is to it. Col. J D. Langston, said that nothing Would betkesr suit J. W. Bailey, speaker for the Democrats, than for the Repub lican* lo hold their speaking in the main auditorium with the Democrats. Two years ago with a president ill election on th# auditorium of thr rnurt hquse was filled with people it the filial • peaking on tho eve of th* election. This year the number of people that will tain out to heap J. W Bailey remain* to b# seen. According to the way Mr Bailey ta'ked in his 55'ake Forest soeeeh it appvara to these who are in Wayne county politic* that he will have some thing to wake the votera of the cuunty up with when ho arrives The appsal in his Wake Forest speech wa* far oqtaid* hi* usual political spesrh. FOOTBALL KKKI'LTH Harvard 24; Florida 0. Byracuse Nebraska t„ Washington and Jefferson 14; La fayette 13. Alabama 0; University of Pcnnsyl vama 7. Pittsburgh 62; Geneva College 0. Princeton 22; Bwarthmore 13. ' Carnegie Tech 7; Alleghany 0 • bar lest on High Hchool 6; Peabody C Yale 20; Ilrown 0. Holly Cross Iffy Georgetown 0. Illinois 0; Northwestern 3. Cornell Mt; Columbia 0. Trinity 7; Oglethrope 8. King College 14; -Cumberland 0. Georgia Tech 21; Liemson 7. V. P. I. 21; Maryland 8. University of Virginia 22; Washing ton and Iwe 8. Michigan 83; Michigan Aggies 0, Auburn 8; Georgia 3. Sewaner 7; South Caroling 8. N. C State 15; Davidson 0. Furman 87; Eiskine 8. William.and Mary 7tt; Wake Forest 6 I’nivrrsity of Richmond 41; ltan dotph Macon II Army Vl; Honaventure It. University of N C lit; Tulunr 12. Johns Hopkins 36; Maryland 8. V M I 82; t stholic University u. West Va. 34; Cincinnati It. Vanderbilt 14; Tennessee 8, Center 27; Kentucky t) Finn IU; Emory und Henry 0. Newberry U>; Citadel 7, lb gin* to look as if th* Hgfrvard and Yale football warriors will h*Ve s busy afternoon when they alten.pt rage tti*. Princeton Tigers, ' west of here An oil worker nomei Wall was killed nr,.r there. Severu automobiles filled with physicians, dr parted at once for the oil.fields. The total darkle « which covered th. Ot| fields as « result of thr destrurtioi ut thr electric lighting equipment, i I,it.deling (lie W"fk .d incus parties Many houses of ml worker* wen wrecked and pumping machinery strrwi about four mile* in the oil fields. N trace of the Jennings' house hs* bee. found Th. bodies were picked up i quarter of a mile away. A heavy downpour set in ilomedlati I after the tornado passed and Is con tinuing. xht, hi- adding to the difficult; - us bringing in tfav injured. EXPOSUre NEARLY KILLS NEW MOTHFfI On* of Ihtw# Who Worked iu Drw and Mud .at hornr- KHy -Horn* Zell* llatper, nge 23, of this city, who h.« hei n near di-ajii in the Goldsboro hospital for the |i»»t fqw weeks as |. re.ult of wading in the ilow, overwork. “>4 exposure endured at the Hanette I in Duplin rofinty jus; one Wrmh nfli-r giving birth to a child, is gradually glowing » little stronger, It was slated yesterday by Welfare 8u p tinlrmU-nt A E. Howell N.verthe li v, the welfare superintendent hss'lii.i none of bis indigution about the causes that In ought such « condition about, qnd declares thnt just as soon as he comes buck from his Missouri trip next week there will lie several indictments grow ing out of the case- of Zelic Harper Mr, Howell, though. Is not ready lo call names until he ha* his warrants ready to .verve. One that m all |>rul.il.,l i|y will n,,i no , indicted anil who Mr. ltowc'.!> thinks ! should be indicted is MYs. Henrietta ' Kornegny, of Duplin county, who runs i a "So railed home." Mr Howell stated that Rev, Peter Mclntyre, pastor of the • Rrirt I'r*— l> > terinii chinch, lo!d Itsm that I this woman ought to lie tn prison for ! the manner in which she up«rated h r home, It has been reported to the Wel fare superintendent rpeatedly that In many ease* children were kept thirty without sending them to srhool at all. ami that unfortunate mothers whu were forced to gu there for aid were*worked until the day of delivery, then put back to wurk ditching i« the mud or dew, ur doing whatever ramu to hand. The main reason th* won't b« is that she doesn't ! !ive In Wayne rounty, | Mr. Hnweil said that he had had many | requests and Application* to sand chil dren there, but that the Institution was never recommended hy the State, He further statigl that Mra. Kurnegay hxd canvassed Goldsboro many times for money for this home and under claim of working in tha jails; und that in reality a fin* home and plantation hxd bcaiy- built up of thr fundi aupposad to have been contributed to chsrlty and by the labor of child ran. "Many of tbs children," bv went on “who hsv* been sent there have later bean taken away by th* Hut* author- Itieg. Ciaawel' Training School, I be lieve. get the list batch.” WAYNE MEN INCLUDED IN SUITS FOB DAMAGE Twenty-six Growers in Fifteen Counties Are Hubject For Alleged Violations RALEIGH, Nuy. 4, A record for legal action by the Tobacco Growera* Co operative Aaaoeiation wa* esUblisb-d to day when 28 growers from 13 rountita of North ( typilina grere named In aiilt* for liquidated damage* and attorneya’ fees amounting to f 21,700. Hundred* of local* of th# association and irore* of co-operative warehouse men throughout the State ore now guarding th# rnntraet of the a«*ortatio~i by increasing tha supply of evidence and affidavits for legal action and a**-!* result of their artivilies the long arm of the law today readied from the mountains to Ih* roast, pointing lo al leged offenders in 11. aufurl, Eranklii, Granville, Hokr, ILcnolr, Moore. Stokes. Surry, Make. Wayne, and Warren eoun tte*. Among tile large growers named .n v today's suits were W K Forest, of Kin* lon, from whom the association seek* damage* and fee* of »3.MtO; K A Stephans, us Apex, for S3,IKK); J. D.-.Ed , donson, of Pinelnp* and Ri|,y Edward*, j of t roeowinlty, for »I,:m>o each; four suitfl were filed against grower* in #Sur I ry rounty and three suit* »arh in lleau fort, Wayne, and Leaoir today. Colonel LangHton FiniHhes At CalypHo For the 14th Time * at, J D l-angston, who hs* turn closing the campaign at Calypso f.r the past 14 yssrs, * leapt when h.- v>- Ihe service, wil) rinse the campaign there again Monday afternoon when he •peak# at 4 o'clock De«p|t* the oilontl’s many appear anre* the people there still turn out to hear him year after year, which is one P"od proof that they are not yet tired of hi* speeches and that he undoubtedly has something new t« offer them *«ih election. This year h* hat a new idrffkrubout taxation “Huppos# you were an out sld.r and were coming into the State «<> Dv»? What would the State .ft.-r •ru for what you pay out in taiciT" jhi ask*. “Huppos# any 0 f , k# rrr „ ni' ginma put on by Democratic admlnl* tra.M.n such s. the health program, or 1 ,h ' eriueatlonal program which was on | known la th* State 20 yea,, stricken out, wouldn't you l*eve' tfu- State tomorrow ? I known t Would He railed tbti ••Bsrterlng for t o r;. menL” FRICK tIVK t E.NT» MUSS HAS DO FRIES) MIRE AT ALL SAYS MCIEM I h«> lU’st Minds Have Item Un* able to Lead and fficrt! U No CoheMion HAS NOT HEt’UREI) RESPECT OF COUNTRY Al gl M A RLE, Note. 4 The crnlic parly ha* fulfilled *v*ry expecta tion of those who believe ihnt the true functions of Htate government i* tv pro* m the largest meaner* for th* Aerial physical. cultural ami moral w*|. fan- and contentment us all Uir people of the State," »Ucl*red A W. Mellon, speak mg 111 fore u large Midlt nH ho.* 1 tonight in behalf of th* I'.m.icralil party. ~ . "It la .futile,** Mi M. I..MD runlinueil “to attempt to compare the groat record of the Democratic party In North Caro- I lina, with-the Uopolilirun pucty, (or th* I leasun that during the two pertvda when the Republican party in power It* record go aurally,* both In It* act* of .plain ion and coin mission, dyirlosed nothing to bo proud of. or that would in any way command It to any latelli ttetit or f tir-mindcd cl titan of th* Siajc.” Ha* Kapadlated McKinley. Referring to th* tariff, Mr. McLaaa aald ia part: *in th* enactment es the Korditey MaCumber tariff bill, the Re publican party haa abandoned the poai tion It haa held upon th* tariff qu*»U ainre the party waa founded. Thai t* to any, it ha* abandonad th* idea es a protaa-tir* tariff designed le cqualiaa th* conditions surrounding American ntanu facturer*. aa compared with those abroad, and haa auhatituUd a prohibi tive tariff, which In practice amounts t* an embargo upon Imports. The party ha* repudiated th# doctrine which M«- hlnlay bettered In. At n life* when b«ai* na»*. industry and agricultural prosper- Ity sr# largely dependent upen forel . n markets, the Republican admialt.rattan haa adopted a policy, which will make it well night impossible for ns ta tail eur products abroad. Republican saw* papers, business organisations and 'a ; dividual Republican* of tbu highest standing, and who hav* always haliuuad In lb* aid Republican doctrine of pro lection urt now With « Wonderful de gree of nnaaimity denounring the new tariff bill aa a aahame to permit a few big trusts and monopol *• to rob tha A merit an people of throe billiona of dol lars. Thst ataunrh Republican news paper. th* New York Tribune, calls th* act a "monstrosity." The Boston Trass crlpt. the lesding Repuhllean paper In Ntw England, eh :*•*. Utc* it it 'A dis grace to th* party in power, and a in*nnee to the nation,' and state* further that th* art wa* devised by 'A rone spiroey between pork barrel politicians smi *paclal interest* for th* twa-fold purpose of ra-aUctiig. t*e politicians und paying new tribute to th* special interest*.' - 'ln the fart as this overwhelming criticism fren high Republican source*, it ia not nrreasary to quote Democratic opinion." Slump In E-sport Trad*. Referring to th* policy of Isolation, which the Republican party haa adopted m connection with our foreign affair*, the speaker said. ' The Industrial de pression, through which we have been passing for the past year and a half, waa proximal, ly caused by the tremendaua »l«lmp In our export trade, which amounted to about seven billion dot- Isrs in one year, and this slump in eur •'*P'>rt tlVd* Is Imiai ,U*l*(g attributable to the action of the %htollira« leaders ‘kv treaty, adopting the po'icy !R>*X.n£j.|c ,rala ,",n. * h,rh in l“W destroyed th* greater l'«r* of the forngn demand for surplus American products, particularly tha ■products of agriculture, Th# record ihiiw, that American farmer* alone have •offered losses Ssnce the Republican |Msrl> lume into p.,w, rhy the tggpreci*- tion in their property and farm products sggrtrating thirty billtoa dollar*. The Republican commodity paste of )»2| and im ha* been the moat disastrous panic that this country has ever eaperienced. A. an Instance of this, corn was aelliag St interior points in th* cor* belt at fifteen cents a bushel in September |pgl. and was for a tim* a* unsalable that ii became the chief soar«« of domestic I raderleaa factions. During the Wilson administration ibere ws. „„ lack ot l„d, rikip #n4 ' consequently th* record of ocblevomoat *»* unparalleled In the histary of th* country. ” wtaaWHi l 'ider the Repahlican administraUaa, thei* is tie leadership. Th* Republi can party is derided Into factions ond rruups. The so-called administration leader*, referred to by Mr. Hording as hi* “best minds, H hav* been unablo to e*d, and there hits bean a record of vacillation, drifting and w rjft-'-i* and wobbling, which haa had no, pusltol in any political party in Ih V, *ry o(.'thr ruvernment fn (<> »p- . the agmlni.. (ration is not n inye ted by any c*h*aiv* Irsdnr hip . program, It has bees rcfi nl . ,d I nd It ndemneif try a Inrsr* Krpuhiiaaa pre*« ••( the* tountiy, m w#f| si hy numerous ladi* it'vntiaut don rrjfr o ix ) ,e i

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