If Yon live fa Wape County You Are Expected to Attend the Wayne Fair, Nov. 14-17 ' JSlplacrr:...:.. t .rag rrv,,. 1 irss.".,:. 1 ," 1 m ■ - v. -—1 : ■ ; WEATHER . *•••*> Wr nkNb : : 4 W*fc«a»» and AinOtr. r~~"" i i —ifi ii tim> <i ■ viufta am, nma m vfc. .-V -> A'ejc ForA Goes Democratic tAnd Country Tends Same Way , BOTH CMIM ' Sflira ELECTED •• OlElinilCMS LODGE 18 TRAILING j IN MASSACHUSETTS /jL & it • incnUte Nnthmi) CmmUlm / CM** l*r*Sldiot» TUt Coon try Wmm Go DcnocnUlc Is Hein*-Canted Out—Venn*# 900 Comoo Hack to Democrat!. Fold While Virfiaia District Goes; Democratic For the Ft ret TUae la 22 Yearn— Complexion of Next House of CjopreaeatativeM Still Uade- The outstanding features of yesterday’s election was the election of a Democratic Gover nor and a United States Sena tor in New York, and the prob able defeat of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massachusetts, who waa still trailing hie oppo nent, William A. Gaston, several thousand votes at a late hour this morning, with haif\of the precincts heard fforu and the precincts still unheard from be ing normally Democratic pre cincts in Boston. The only notable Democratic reversal of tha election was Senator Hitch cock’s defeat in Nebraska. Dem ocratic headquarters from Wellington issued a statenfent that their pre-electioit predic tion of, big Democratic majori ties ami ths election of many Democratic representatives to the house was bqing fulfilled by, the returns. \ NEW YORK. Nav. V-Uta tonight returns from Mo national election ware apll a* mregrs at to gtva no In dlaatton as tha political complexion of tv noat congraa* and war* coming ia slowly. " Only wta turnovers la tha haute had at that hear barn recarded. The clertton of Hall, chairman of tha Damo •ratt« National Committee, to the house from Tennessee, over the Republican UcamjM-'kt of tha fourth district. * Rap. Benj. L. raircnild. of tha twrqly fouth Neat York district was defeated by Jamea V. Canlay, Democrat. The llrst overturn In th* United Status Senatu came when the New York sute Republican Committee conceded tha defeat as Senate'' Ualder and the election of-Dr. Royall 8. Copeland, Damacrat, New Tort Ctty s Health Coauniss inner Senator (’alder I* • member of three important Senate Committees, linanee, | banking and eomraerce. Democrat!* delegation* of senators and representatives were being returned froai the Southern States. At D IM o’clock one third of tha re turns from tha House Os R*j>y«scata tivaa had bean recarded, mostly from the South. Ia tie State of New York tV election of Alfred E. Smith was conceded by Governor Miller, the Be publlcuK incumbent. Iq ConiWgllcaM, Senator McLean. Re publieoßemras In tV landj in Indiana, former Govarnar Ralston <■ ahead es farmer Senator Albert J. Bev eridge. All tha women eandtdates to tb, house included ia the early | return* wara beaten. Speaker fliUetts, f Republican, wa» re-clectod from tha second Mas*schuaatts district for -his sixteenth terra, making him lbs patrl-' oral of the urw House of Rnpresaata-, - -'’’tvas.osn honor new held by former ' Speaker taluion, who was net a eandl- Ruat* far ra-ulpeUo® *• th* n* w co ®' ’ WpMuhu, 4 , itt ‘ i Uacta J*c Cannan has had 23 t«-rms hut they waru not continuous. Thras chaitmen Important 'comraittdas of atfia bouse ware returned in re-eWtioi Representative Butiar add desks %n. as PenMplvMU. and Dempsey of Spv York They V# rbairmen of the Naval, hanking, and rivers nod harbors committees raapacfivaly. At midnight congreseinonal setorns wara complete from only aavea elate* TV election of 11# Democratic Reprf tentative and 01 republican* out of a total of (33 had Vet reported hut these wars ia Be *iM indicativ* of tV political complaaioa of the nest conge#** In the house M» Glllett had beau re elected and Meyer London, tV only Socialist had Van ' defeated. ia Delaware Senators Dupont, its pub liven, was leading far both tba abort (•rut V 4 *•»* <•>« torts, to (oilers. In 1 -fjklte. a'xteito Adi m&Li ifatu ilkorhMvAAm. ctffat . ** Mo I THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ! — : li 11 «'"■ amrttos—mm i -mm is nai ,**•***••»,*•** * HAMILTON fcoLT. • * i —ft a * . Hamilton Halt, of New York, wV • * will uiprah Hi tV court baas* at • , • GaldaVra Sunday afternoon. ia aaa • j * as tV roan try** mart dlnUngataVd • I* * touraalirt, and widely krtpwa aa a * j • loctarer of Into rant tonal panes and • |! * to a wertar for improved aaaial and « I * laVr condition*. Mia activities have • * Ven both nat tonal and I ate mo- ♦ 1 * UoaaL H* V* traveled and studied • * esteaaivaly to Vtb Mm sort sod IV * * »•* Ha la a ataVr *f IV board • * ft, trartaua es the American Cottage • * far Girls g Cnart aatlsauie and a • * member nf tV IstemstUssi Can- • ' * ci Hat ton Society. Bora la Brooklyn * * to UTS, ia wap educated at Col am- • * Mo. Mas baea editor apd owaar of • * Tbo,.lndependent, and Is tV author * *nf several Vaßs. He baa mode aa • * iatiaute rtady of oowdUiapm leading • * to world pane*. • * • • • • • . a a a f. ‘ a Indiana farmer Senator Ralston, Demo crat, with only a part of tba slate re ports was leading former Senator Bev eridge. Republican, ia what appeared to to a doss contest. In lavra Smith Brook hart. Republican, running tu BH Uto unoxpirrd term of forma# Sen ater Canyon, was leading on the third us the returns. In Maryland, Senator Prance, Republican, started ahead us William CaVll Brace, Democrat, but with half the atato in, Mr. Btuce took a sustantial land. In Missouri, Sena tor Road, Democrat, was leading, and Michigan, Senator Townsend was ahead of his opponent Wooderidge N. Farris. In New Jersey when* prohibition was largely the issue q overs or Edwards, ' Democrat, running on a ’hoor and wine platform, was slightly ahead of Sena tor Freleahuyaen, Republican. Repre sentative Free, of Ohio, was leading Senator Pomerone, Democrat, on whom a hard light wn# conducted by tV la- Vr elamant. * ‘ la Rhode Inland Senator Gerry, the Deraasgrt incumbent Whs hlimmL Sr i Tt nnesier. too, the Damumatto incum bent, Senator McKaUar, uaa ahead of his opponent and in Teus, where a nomiaattod.it equivalent to election, Carle B. MayAield was lead ing. Ia Utah former Governor Bam berger, Republican, was on the face Us I early returns running ahead of Sena tor King, Democrat. In Vermont, Green. Republican, bad a large lead In his race for tV seat In tha senate and .In Want Virginia Senator Southerland Republican, was ahead of hi* Demo i cratic opponent. In W i scon sin Senator Lafolletti, Republican. was -dsel..rad I elected. GASTON LEADING LODGE. BOSTON. Nov. 7. Cldto contests for senator aad governor were indicated by returns from more than one-third of tha election precincts in Massachusetts. Thy vete of Ql precincts, including M 6 in the city of Kloston, gave Gaston, Democrat for senator, a lead of IHJtW over Lodge, JDpubltcan and FiUgerald. Democrat for governor, a lead of 100,000 over r«i, Republican. The Boston pre cincts heard from gave Gaston a m-,i Jority of 411.71*6 and Fitogerald (7,««2 Thomas C< O'Brien, Republican, was I elected district- attorney of Suffolk county, Including Boston, by a eub . stsntlal margin over Jovheph C. Pet j letter, Itemecrat, wHo was removed from that office by the Supreme court. The; 621 precincts gave for governor. Or, Republican, 1*0.672; FiUgerald, IS!,tag; i for senator, Gaston, Democrat, 126,176; Lodge, 10#, #47. J TENNESSEE DEMOCRATIC. MEMPHI*. Nov. T.-Kenn#th D. Me Seller, Democratic candidate for re election as U. 8. senator from Teams see was leading Bandars, Republican nominee, more thgn 2 to 1, according ta unofficial returns. Returns fryai same precinrU give to Austin Keuy, Democratic nominee | governor, 43,761, and Alf Tayler, Re- V ! publican for re-election, 2(,41M. LGIHIE TRAILING GASTON. BOSTON,-Nev 7, — When returns from a little mare than Vlf nf the Style elec tion preeiaeU ia Massachusetts had be m counted Senator Lodge. Republican, was trailing A793 rates behind William A. I Gaston, Democrat. TV precincts counted , were from all parts of tV .Stole and HialteM nil except I# of the 274 In ®**Mb. Tha vote of 741 preelects was fasten J 73Art) and Lodge 174110.' INDRFRNDVtT LXADfNG TOLffTRAD. RT. PAUL. Nav. 7.—Rav, «. J. Kvala. independent, was leading Represents iiv* A. K. Volstead, author of IV prohl bitten enforcement art. in the flrst four precinct# to report from the seventh congressional district. TVs# precincts give Kvale I#7 and Valatead IM. VA. DISTRICT GOBS DEMOCRATIC FIRST TIMH IN » YEARS. I BRISTOL. Va* Nov. 7 Ge.rge' C. ! Faery, Democratic, as Caawall, was Ulavtad to congress, from tV elate dto (rirt by a majority estimated an oa «B 9£o VTtoJi PNEPUItION FOR - sraursK Bolh Cirofau and V. M. L Which Meet in RichMond Unbeaten at Hoar f HAPLL HILL, NoV. 7.—Carolina. , back from Ks victory aver Tulane in ) New Orleans la new preparing fur ito ttruggie -with V. M. I. ia Richmond nest Saturday. I* Nailber tarolloa hyr V. M I. has mat defeat in pfcv B*uth thto yaarv Carolina ha* VatM N. C, State, Maryland, and TttW Y.,M, I. ha* beaten N. 8. State and th. tlnlvtfraity us Virginia. Now thaaa two; conquerors each other, and oea pf them-unless of mm. 1 there Is a tie - will no longer V, able to attach ta Its name the aatiafying phrase, "thu* far unVaten by any i Southeha team.” Captain Fritehard and hi* man came back fyom New Orlaaaa emitting e»- 1 cJamationn about the intense Vat there. They playid tha game on a Said as sand, where there wara aaly a few patakas of grass? aad if you take It from tha axparirare was simply aw-j fal. Pr. Lawuoa, who accompanied Aha team on thu trip, says that the thermometer was #4 degrees during tV game. All IlKull, one gathers that Bedoftina playing football on tha Arab laa desert would not V la a much worse fix. The returned warriors hav# added 1 much to (be rather meagre details thaL came frofe New Orleans in th* first reports. f Tulan# did nat camplaU single for ward pas-*. One of their pawns was ia t*resptad by Sparrow, who thereupon ran 60 yards and narrovly escaped scoring a touchdown Cfrolioa was well ahead during meat' #f tha gnaw. In the second part nf the first ffunrtor. however, the viritoH ware leading by only 7ta *. After tVy mada their first touchdown they kick *0 off [to Tulane ant it Was than that Lautcnschiagar ran through tV whole Carolina atovun #6 yards for a touch down. After tVt Tulane never rush ad thu ball to within the danger sous. Carolina*! second score was made to the second quarter. Tulane came veay J nesd holding tha .attackers for, downy inside the five yard line, but McDonald finally got through for th# necessary,, on# yard on th# furth down. Sparrow's two successful drop kicks' came in the thirl quarter Thoy ; brought the score 1# to ff. This sras a' comfortable lead, and when a penalty j of 16 yards carried Carolina back! close to ito own goal in the finlil qusr-1 tar. McDonald decided to taka a! chance aad gave the signal for on* of Johnstoa'a swooping end runs. The ball was fumbled aad bounded across the , goal lien- A Tulane man fan on it and tv score was IB to IS This hap pened aVpt three Winutot before th* game coded. , Carolina "lost besvily maty times by penalties. Tulane was peasiiaud one# and tVn for flv# yards. Os th* tweaty-four men whom Bab i Fetter took along with him oa tV trip, 23 entered the game. Matthew* aad Mclver started a* todies. Mclver took Mount s pines at center about tV mid dle of tV kame and Fordham substi tuted for Metope. I’endergroft , aad Jackson were two other line substitu tes. Khepard snl Lineburgrr went in as ends in plac* of Roy Morris and Cochran. In the backfield th* atorters war* th* regular string— McDonald, Johnson. Morris and McGee—but be fore th* name wasoconr Randolph, Ten ney, Whedb*4. Sparrow and Bontiar had baaa wnt In. 801 l Weevila Meet Wilmington Saturday H> EDWIN (. IMH E. the 801 l Werviia, fresh Jram their virtery over Greenville, will piny N«-w Hanover tads Saturday ia tha ascend game of the championship aerie*. Th* local team Is am for revenge. Last yt*» we war* dsfuatad by WAtoiing- ' ton la th* championship s*ri*g|Tkls year they Vv* defeated GoidaVr* n Wilmington by tV close score bi seven lu (It. Ifepportur* «f *he B"f1 Waarils aspect th# labia* t# be turned Bnturday. TV Wilmington followers say history will | repeat lUelf. Th* gam* Hatorday wi',l i. settle tV dispute. V , Wilmington I* Goldsboro’s rlpsest rival Mace I HID when Uoldtbaro dr- ! fasted her team an Wilmington sail by sear* es S7 to nothing th* game be I tween the*# rival sahoals has attraatrd mart attention It was In this game that Raahlay, captain and quarterback pl th* Bull Weevils last year, was ac- Iclafmad greatest us high school quart# r haaV by W ilmington laliaarsrs. U )#M Wilmington gas played ham aad again (Cgptfhuad aa page two) t < f*-ii ■jn'MtvHh - ■,'< U •' I HIM —OHO. NORTH CAROLINA. WKDRBBDAY MOHMIM, NOV. a. ISIS. •mriiTE AND FDUGUpIPttTS GOV. m RUST Lawfotea Mafa«* Tw» Hhbbclhb to School ChfMron I’re Him but ry to Not. Ift HIS NOTBB AND J SYNOPSIS »F AYCOCK T* ' G T'w# speeches war# delivered by Cut J. D. Langston to the school children and teacher* pf tha Geld#burn Graded reboots yesterday, ia which k* teak the J position that there (rare thru* reasons why Aycock occupies ffrst place ia North Carolina hiaturyj ‘ » "The ffrst.’* said Col. Langston, “was hi* leadership to tV White supremacy eumpalga ia which V tart th* high moral ground that sHNoug* th* whit*, i man must rule V mVt Vu|# to right, I eousness TV natmnd was hit tobd i ernhip to tV grant vdoentiohai earn paign which bugaa ia iIOO jwd oua tialted today. Prpgraan 4a education date* from Charles B. breach. I • j “TV third it tha frtt that ha was and la tV must balavdd Nurth Caralta -1 in*. Lave and mipHcttf ware bin pre dominating cVrahteristgs. North Car*- ltniaas loved him hcaaunu V lavtd them. j Referring t* th* daati us Aycock while delivering an odimationai tpaeeh ia Birmingham, Ala., Uol. Langston said “It {s worthwhile t# ttve a* Ayeort lived, and it U equnllyl worthwhile ta die as Aycoch died, f Wohtd V happy if I knew that whan I coup* to die I would die with same wards an my lipa that would make fur thq growth us my statu aad aatiea Aycock has phuto gmpked Nurth Carullaa ideal* y* per | fectly That they will Uve long after the monument of stone erected t* hto memory shall havu «ru«n(bl#d ’tote dtHrt“ Cul. Langston gav* a* tha foundatiw* of Ayvart’s ehnraatar; { Faith in dud.' . love fur kin fallows nnd freedom from • prater**#. * " n men he *m« tender ns a wemaa. yet stVong and sturdy ia his euuvktiuuy.l It waa hi* sincerity that enabled him fa see and picture so closely the par sons) verity as education I* was hte fenrlaasnaan that master aad ta portray tb* second grant clement of education, self-restraint It was his auhllm* ua- Mlffshness that enunod him to nay: “I cannot get ths beat fur my Vyp and i girl* unless I pm willing to gtv* tb* best t* your beyi and giria." , Referring to Aycock'* oHelal record ■ Cul. Langston said to part: “Governor ! Aycock despised interference with the peoples will. H* had a contempt for ; one who votes for r*>n or bolds office far gain." | In closing his address Col. Langston ■ said: “I take nothing from th* glory; jof Vance and th* other grunt landers 1 of thie stote when I say that Charted B. Aycock bolds first place c In Ute his , tory of the state's progress. Those greater* lenders builded berocily fur ? North (’nruUna, but Aycock seas North [ Carolina fee he held mastery ovar j thoa* Ideate that typl% the Vst thought and dnaariev*' wf the Did North Mate.” Th* following is ,>h* synopsis of tV Important events id Rycoek's \ life, token from the notes us Cot Langs ton’s speech. Born Novambrr 1, I Kb#. , Birthplace—Near Fremont, Wayne county. Died April 4, 1612. ' Called Educational Governor. Three memory point*—Whit# su preatecy lander, Eduratioagl Gvvernvt. meet beloved North Carolinian. Parentage Benjamin Ayeock, Bar- ; ana Haoks Aycoab, Primitive Baptist. Quaker Education —Nabaatn. WlUaa Colle giate Institute. Kinston. University of Narth Carolina. 1*77-IHKA Wiley P. Msngum Medal. Bingham Veay Medal !«AI Partnership, marriqge. Kuper-. tntandeM of Publit Instruction, wsync j coouty, laxg—Clevatand elector. IK## Defeated by B. F. Grady for! congress. „ I KOI Married again, wlfa’a sister HW Clewlenff , elsrtor -at - large, ; Butler debates, n,other’s diath. I*#S -U. B. District AMorney until , I##7. Vprtawcy Campaign, Vy not* I#oo~ Namuwted far Governor unan imously, constitutional amendment '(negro) {-snipeign, promises edura-i 1 t Inn a I i sispnign, sleeted Governor 1001 Inaugurated Governor, - nduca tionsl campaign. I IK*4 Main* canvas*, nalioaal fame IMb Partnership Daniels, L. L. U., from Mein* t'nl#*rc|ty. I pun -FrohfhiUdn campaign I Dirt) I'srtnsrship Judge Wiastun, Raleigh. toll-Candidate V. 0. Senate, toll -Died April 4, grant life, gtar iaus death. Buried Apnl 7»h. „ Getting into Insubte is go—«uMy mm pemMvs, hut **m> people meat have Hr it ' iM&tt’i- ndurJtlL* KNOW! DEW 8F BIG PEHSniHI MIK DISISTEI HOW IS N 'f iT n f >fTT*T ■’ Mac Chared off Grb Durinr Day nnd Five More Hodien BroMhl to SorfaH THREE RESCUED * ALIVE ARE NOW DEAD BPANGLKR. Pena. Nav. t.-Th# Reilly (toui Company, swept by a gae explosion yesterday dtoraing waa clear es ito fa* today. Lata this sftcrnoan rescue grew, brought out ffvo bViea. believed to he the last la th* works This brought tV total us known dead t* ,ff# Thirty -two teiaum war* rue cued. Official* es tV company declar ed that re-cheek ef,yVir records taada it ptacticaily certain that 111 m*a Vre in th* mia* when the explealaa, occurred The tatal list as aareivan includes six mine#* who were ta thf 1 cage when th* |o*ff es gv aad smoke issued from the mouth thu min*.; Th* total dead es fa* includes three miners rescued alive who failed to re-, gain conconscluusneas. RotarUuii to Hear Farewell Sermon of Pastor Adams TV Rotary Club es tb* city wIR at tend service* at St. Pnul Methodist charch Banda# srthteg next la aampll- { m#nt to Rater is* 0. T. Adam*, patter #f th* ekucrit, wbsqp fear year* nf servla* a* paator as tha riiWeh will V concluded V tVt tins*. At th* flub meeting tost night Mr. Adapt* made a saw r*marks feaUagiy axpressing kis ptefaur* aad tV haaadt V has derived aa a member of tV aiab, aad a faamal resolution provided far tV atteadanc* as Ute members nt tV last aarvte* wai paaaad. In hi* mmarto Mr. Adam* said that WAR kin church iqemborakfp ha valued Kotory meet highly at all organ inatlms Which h* had Van aaaaeiatad With. Mr. Adam* i* concluding hi* four year*’ work ia Coldahora and the ***- icrenr* which meets ia Rateigh aa Tuss day wUI, of coarse, sand him ta atgdtov city- Last eight, also, tV clulvapprtntod a committee to arrsnga f«t tV spook lag ia IV eoorthouse next Suaday after noon wVn Hamilton-Holt trf Maw Yark, will rank* a public address aa “Warld Peace." This addreua ft under th* suaplees of the club aad is free t* the public. Mr. Holt 1* on* es th* Vst knowq eitinens es tha reentry aad hi* addfess wilt V a presentation of tV conditions now surrounding world nf. fairs. Os (his committee Mr. C. E. Wll kins is cksirman end Messrs Chari** Thompson, Lionel Wail, Kenneth Royal * and Jlaiand Uesnley, are memVrs. « Aycock Memorial Day Commendedf By Miaa Gertrude Weil Mian Gertrud* W*U, aaa of tV Vat known woman leaders as tV Mate, la heartily ia favor of tV suggestion that the legislature V asked to sot a day far th* Btoto-wldo observance es Ay took Memorial Day la tb* pub!to. schools. Last night MU* Wait gave Th# News a* interview | n which sV warmly endorsed the proposition, and call* nttenUsn it th# paauliar obligation reeling upon Wayne county. iV homo of'vtoe grant educational leader*. “The proposal ta inaugurate a State wide celebration of Aycoch Day la the public schools of Narth Carolina teams * moat fltting project," said Ml** Wail. “To whom da tb* school* of the Btata owe more than ta Churl** B. Ayeock, wbo i* his ordor for education spent hi, time, hia inluaaee, and hto tinspy pasted eloquence to haao oar school* on a sura foundation aad to promote tV quality sad extant of thalr usefulness* Th* men and tV women, the Vy* aad »h# North Csroilna should •*- Jolt# nt this occasion for honoring his name and perpetuating hi* memory. Aqd who mere than th* people *( Wayne counter should fasl proud and grateful of this grant cm.cn, who Iter-d In our mtosL Wayn# county school chil dren especially ahould wrlcoUM lb* «p portunity as taking part in (hit cnlshra Don, of bringing their offerings for tV erection of a Attiag Ayeock memorial status, aad Usds having a%*rt to * beaut*(af trihato |a a gr ca i man." ( Operated on 25 Children First Day Twenty-ffv# children wer# nperatod a-i i rt tV tonsil and adenoid clinic which waa opened nt th# rammunity house yes ! I terday by Us* Rtate aad esunty heard of health, It was stated last night by Dr. J. A. Ellington, public baalth of ffrer. Th# community house has Ven converted lat* a hospital It I* full *f cots, with a ritO# dying la each cat. This morning tVy will ail V taken to their komee aad today IV name program will all Vgto ovur again. TV citato teat* •tati! Friday ,**. 0 C Dnatets has Ven turttted V tV Btotq tg V % opusvtog. #,, '■ W !fr L , Republican* Make WutcrHaul In North Caroling Election • sonnaeoooasea Reynolds Pays Co-op Vji More Than Million • (Bpecial to TV Nows) *!- • RAI.BIGM, Nov. T.-A cVcfc for • • on# million, wr huadrud aad twav •{ • iy-o*v«a thounuad, six hundred • • ssvouty-three dollars sad rtg coats. * • *«• received today by tV Tahacco • 4 «tom Co op* rut toe Asaa.totlna • • fruaa A J. Reynolds ToVcco Cam- • • vay M account mt ante* as Wtfatod • I • (tooth CaruMab tobacco. Treasurer * • ( ruiff states that this asmy wtU > *-V diatribrted Mat Moaday ia tb* • • second vymaut to m*rtVr* of th. * • nsaocirtton la South Cuuite* aad • • bosdar North Carußaa matorts. * tra yon ms to SCHOOL Srjtr Aycock Bwllt TMir Bcfaoßh rrS Aaka Tribal# to Qrooioot Norik CriwSrlrr Nav. u ARE ERECTING A TRIBUTE IN MARBLE (By NATSAN A. O’BRRBY) J I am suiu yya snjoy reading aad Vv lag yaur teacher tali you atoriM pf great man! You ter* to rate as Washington aad La* aad as tV gaunt Bauds (K*f Mi . fur tbulr bom* Uad aad yau ksstr toeir birthdays, «*d w* have built auuty huau- Ufal monuments to tbsm North (faro- Uaa baa bad many grant mo* aad great worn*#, Th*** mu# pad -itink has# men of North CaroUsa. there ban #u** r Ven n mao who has Ommt mar* for bis •trie and her ebtfdrrti thus did Go,. enter CVriw B. Aywoek.'sad I want to to'l you o HtO* btt about sum* of tV thto#* tVt V did f*r tb* children •f Oil* State th. four years that V w** chief *mmu tW. of this Btata hie groat plea ur«* “Build more sad better auhootltoMoo,; and educate tV childrea." For you murt ‘ remember thu Narth Carolina did net l always has, the good, e.mf.rtahl. •tonol houses Uat yau aaa go to aahaoi 1 to. aad yau murt rentembar too, that rinuy. uojf hoy, .ad girl. a*iy had th# ebaaoo of gotag to school a saw vroobs of tV year, aad lad to shy, many hoy* *nd girls aavqr want to üb#at qt •U. « 7 * j Wh*« Charles B Ayaou# Veam* gov uraor of this Btata kte boart was aomly toncVd Vow. so many children war* grawtag ap without a good ertMotioo. ■o this One man sat shoot, planning aad devising way* aad ■—ini by wMub toU draa could Vv* mar* aad hum* trkiili to attend. Nam ta* older ana* aaa teak Vto .vc ,v#a port if teas m twmrty ***** »•< »#* how npteadidly tote greet *“ »W*M sod labored for ua. fm j (fc«» »# not o Mate now that aaa fa* I ! aoy prouder as (V growth as bar and of tk« rnhylrr wducMtion of Mr rhildm %hnm our otaU mi ft»l. i w# ar. planning soon to aruct a Vau tlfUl monnmaat ia Vlalgfe ta this nahla «««. and I cannot help hat Viteso that t oqch school child In Ways* county wilt i V eager and anxious to ceotribal* a j small amount of monoy far tV com piotion of tbls monsment ( want to ask each ape of you auvural thousand school children la Ways* county to naa tribut* a small amount as money, «, , torg* amount of money to this mcaioria) fund And i belie** y*a will da It with a willing spirit, and eh earful heart. Far do w. nat all lav* to sometime* asset ! gift* to tha memory as thaaa who hav* 1 done so merit far ait *} The board of education of Way*, county have nat apart NevomVr 16 at I “Aycnck Day” in Wnyan county. Op this Jay your teachers aad aiVrs will tall ! you Os th* great dead, that Übarlaa R. Aycock did oa educatisual llaoa while i J! North mcritaa. 7 hay wUI also tell you that a commit- , lee composed of the friend* of tVrio* B. Aycock Vv. tet lb* east met to aruct on C apitel Rquar. ia Rateigh a Vauti fut monusMut to tbi* groat am This moaumunt Will V’ erected by m*a ; ""men end rhlldr** of Narth CaraMmi who loved Charles R. Aycock. Noer I am atkiag aach ana es toe school children as Waya* county to uar- ' ry to their schools on November |§ j money, whether it V a yauay, a dim* 1 or dollars, aad gie* it to your toaaVr end she ia turn will tarn it ever to IV proper committee aad this gift mt yaur* Will help par far tha east as tola b**u tlfnl monumefft. which wa ar* eraettag t# th* momery as tha greatest Bd.e. tisnal Governor tVt North Carolina ever had. a , t - - vj Am oaufastet baa druates as tb* fw- Mi IMNMF * MEMBER DF ASSOCIATED PRESS l PRICE FIVE CRNIn nf ' - ’ “ , Dt MOCfMTS UffMERS 111 NURDS BOWN I^tteklMFß TaOTS^SRS, an RALRI9H. Nov. 7.- Democratic «m«. dbtoa tor roagrena frsm nil es tV 13 Ptokh Cay*Man district*, « the fna* as Wtaflctel rsturas compiled bug* to "■ffht-white art eaatgtet*, wan nt* th* *nnl r*milL*ipvSlf « iharn cam* fBN» to* large Muntiei In (V eighth, atato. Md lento dtetrteu Wh*r* to* Republican vrt* ft warily tergur tha# ta stoat pmrto as tot Btato ahaw toe three Pumacrnti* —-Trtntr i bad pQad up t heavy majorities a# th* strength as th*s* retuom. Fi RII THH RR-RUplMy R^to^pm sass Ohwrvsr tadtaato toakTuto tfahrt *l» th* unadiiato. had bwu •fatted. Mr*. Lacy B. Fnttoreun, Rum H i to* *aly wmnaq saekiag ttartlw I# congress in North Carritaa, wn* d*- f-tod by Chari*. lL oZtmm, Z cumVat, only wtoftito vaterna ta (h« hn#w rt r*yr***auti*u*, by mare than two vote* t* as*, an tha fba* rt ..riiriri retarns emitted tontata rt s^%!N{pSjh-.- mmm UJN aad Ha pattorean MM 4 re la # Fannarl* vania. b«t Va reaidrt nmay yunta i * tote Btata. ~W* *' k aadTethTwlVre * «*M far Dr. A to# CMagbriTtoJaPhT' ' n(• if tn Jk. E*-- Itrrrlrftorfftt- Igii Dvhiocret. Jdffg. ngsiato. M 76 fay Ik R BBF-, „ , a dVam w • * v *r, flMfßtf irf ■|dM§| •t ru>*,. RapuhUaau, |» IN attrt zr,* rtLi^ss&St mil Damacrat. 4ff7ff. and Tbaato* f. Head Repabltcna. Ms In 12 ont *f IM pa* «(nria; fourtb. Kdwsrd W. Fan. Duma erat, MM, Haator. RapaWtaaa, BN «a It out as 10# pesetacte: sJxtb, toftwa L. Lyon, Dsmoerat. *l7#, McDonald, V puhlteaa, 1.304 la 61 art of tip yg*. Democrat. Wjm, «SC can, 2,4*6 I. |« » at of *l7 yrttfatll •bfvbucan counthr no WMOCRAWI («#*<tal ta Th* Mfawa.) RAUHOR, Nov. representation ia too tofteteture fat been reduced from ll* natMti repa^pt- Burh*!*^’VrrtteL*’Hmtato! “•d Are *r nl« other* normally Republi esn , ouotfes, ato Vltevcd to bs*« «•* Demo.-ratiC by fair WAYNR MAJORITY LIB# \ Al H e ctoto teat nfabt CW. Goarga R. Frasman, chairman nf amwlF tort##* crette axoaartva asm mjrt *t, artff tbrt j^a VMrtredTten pceciarta." rertlnnid c#|.- Fream#*, -thrt hav. Van gtvtag BwnWfaun ffk. toi inns for mm year. l> H#M rata I* uffaat if tV oofti 1# there preetact. and by to* great iriß. tlaa as tv RepnbHaaa vrt*. M*ay rt tV prarlact* report that 'tim •*> p« hi Gaos rated tba straight iartnaMM* ticket vatad arty forty-throe as aoatart law baateaff rt th|rty-law In tV teal •farttao, If ffil ffto# aafftapkla that tear* waa lean eqwtafchm tow ta fCaallaaad *a# yaftoh**) Hobbi Elected to House in Sempeon (Bpadtal to TV Nows! ‘ in ton, Nov. 7 -Hobbs, pamasartta candidate far reyresaatotfra, baa a#- pareatly swept to* aoaply M* |ste 644 majority ta IV two Citato* ymiarti Hi* majority from th# rouatoy wUI pvuh shty carry It toward aaa thanaand TV •aaHttea tlebrt far clerk last by f*ar vote# | a (I‘ntan prorinctn, Hsasyafftt Vat Re pa hi teas Jernigen by eovarul te two Clinton precincts. «>No n*V 1 tafto large country precincts, bat Turkey *#d McDenteD gare Mrsight Vpubllmare 0>e)o. ifee over tleftteo Ad PHhS.. < MltuaMste. mats n*d ert^Hb ..on., ticket* ceasing to* HnprtKa , majority- J-j-jhlptaJjl W. ' u, . iii f -. j 4AL

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