•4) JOIN THE MED CROSS SUNDA Y- WIPE OUT TUBERCULOSIS b~ ‘ ■ ■■ - - ■**■■■■ ■» i WKATHItik j 'ft* PMriarSatarbM. »«**» feuh P •’ VOtVNtQNti XliMHIt IJ« 111 ■HT’ I I i ft 111 ni i.flM I IbLUIULU I UIIL mum INITIATIONS T uNPgR CAPITOL DOME I ' *m Juan. mn »- the sea Klax Uu la Kartk Cinllu t*t Mtor *kn »Hw iI'»HJ. *■ iwin. 4 »#»■»■ mbs# rw*- Ua aaany a* a Mlliia laflewda »• ta . IMw* aa aa** an the Gawacul Aa lav*mAlk kaaaaa J* , IV tilt VMM x the Hu Klaa ;•) «M. lt|saha baa had rimtlar Ugtaiattoa la arta4 tar aaaa# Mm, ww ■* to 11 «■ a a 1 to "to 1 im « •“ ~ U Ska rveaut diatarhaaraa la hia how. jygrarf faraali W a>»M Ua la “far dhgniood ar m total la*ao<h a maw- Waa la daatrwjr MawtHy" aad mat* MilVnl far each violation lm MIMHMaI la fail far aat laaa I baa aba bar Mara Uaa Era year*. juonor to lurrmim CONGRESBIONAL INQUIRY ‘ Washington. n#v. st -R# P r.**nt oil*# John W. Rainey, tba«<nl, Illinois, aaaaaaaatf May that be weald introduce a nmMim calling for investigation of towApipdr ropatta Unt the Ku Jtlui lU. hU initiated iMtatom • under th. JLI. wf ak A M to* WV ' ratwwoh Atkaa to leave _ l 'T- •* «Om IN NSW YORK -Tl»a Raw. Oacar •Mbii tUtt M hoi pad u propor.tr u. await Son W fe i rkaAoil MP9IBV "M CHVCV9O fpyw.ed wo. in (or mo d tail *FV °i N»*. SfU*« talofrom bo said »»t the park at Ik* Klon woald proceed bora In , jh* open. notwithstanding Ur awywft Ha declared that any .(fort Vo ekfarretto ardor would ywnalt in A t*tt at lap* regarding civil and religious liberty. Tba Reverend John tHroioo. paatar of Cahwry church, paid Mr. Haywood had baap carving ar a “courtesy authoriaa- May.” Dr. RtraUn baa recently rrpudi ll|4yt)l connections botweon thr church •ad Klaa, and aaaeanetd that b* would bM» Mr. Haywood', autborivation ra "Mk .f. Hurley, proprietor of the '•at* l .Hprmitoga. anpounewd May that be bad abh«d Raw. Mr Haywood to give bp hi. roam which be had occupied at tb* hotel "Haywood did act haw. Klaa bead- Auaytera pt Uc batai." Mr. MuHey acid. “0* lived here (ay oae day." 'r* >■<■■'» ' *- DEMOCRAT)) TO GIVE BIG DINNER PARTY .o . , —-- .1 SALISBURY. N. C, Now. M »TI. State Democratic Eaacetiv, Committer will tt*we a aopper la hannr of the epaaty chairaiea end wiee-rbalrmaa of the Democratic eoudy aaeeultve com mlttee. of U<* State at a RaMgh hotel hecieniny at • p. nv, Monday, Nawemher 91. aeeording to annoanewment made bar. today by J. D. Norwood, chairman o 1 tba State Democratic Executive Com- MlttCe. la addition te tbeae aßkiali of the DemeeraUt party, the .dvt.Ory com mitter. State oMecre, former chairmen as the *»ecetiv« committee, former ifeetenanl goveraera and .peahen of tba hopag have,born invited Dlofuaiioa as the recent election and the outlining of piano for the future will he among foWtOfciPW-tlir eve. ryag'e program,fhai»«ioW\Noljwo»>d • toted y \ ' / OSTEOPATH KILLED (Nr WHEN PIRTOL DROPS Mi»». t New j U -tfia /Wife, parent* and tblrty fte. rued, et aa {eatertslnmeat at ble heme aaw Dr. Oamge A. Still, ppytldent of tba Amort- af Oateopethy here and na 1A Earned laat night when be areldeatly dropped a pletal and a bullot penetrated hit brain TRAIN SERVICE IS CRIPPLED BY SNOW OkKAN, N. Ym Nov *t.-Train and trolley amfro wat crippled today by UM biggaot Navewbar oaww fall in the bUtefy as tba Tba Worm developed IRMf a hliaaard aad man than foui lurhee as new baa already fallen Eight bar yea. Urged with grain, wane •amth led eight ip Dae Ida Lab*. Two aara at. Mitered 4* ban boa* drowned ■ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS TIGER REPLIES TO J AMERICAN CRITICS oanuusns 1 mCKK MISLED j Prrvrur Fr«wchwun Dcfendht Om Use of blacks fas the Occu pied Territory in Gcrstany * WILL TEIX SENATORS HU) MISSION HERE 1 BOSTON. Nab. 24.—(8y the Aaaoeiatad , fm.) —The Tiger as Yranee lathed I barb at hia acuta critics today la bla ftr»t American iatervirw, gcaated to tba materia ted Prcaa. replying particularly to too criticism, of Roaatori Hitchcock sad J Barth. Aaiwcriag Senator Hitchcock’* dc ' I>*ad that be acplata why Fruca ia •latad aa using black troop* ia her army rs occupatiim. the Tlgar declared JAM •ttekebek bad base misled by Ornate i ropagaada, and that today there wa* net a tingle blackhold on German tar* j ,itorir "Senator Mltehrwek callg me a 'milltar ' let," Clemoacbaa said. “Wall < glad ; to tell Mr. Hilthcoek, be 4a la tka senate owing to tba rate far oaly a few mare day*. Rben ha la free, f dare him ta ga to Fruae tad Irani tba farti. 1 Tp Hanator Borah', rccowt atiertlaa that ( lentcQOUU yra* primarily retpaa albic UfT appditioaa In Europe became pf hia'gceat influence In the drafting as UM Vcegaatg* treaty, tba aged augi man declared hia altuation “was larly 4pg(wat)ng-" Mace ia France gc .hocid ba Mart bitterly criticised." ‘‘far baring ashed from the Germans lea. fbanT aught U»." When be vu» told that tome of the senators at Waabingtoa bud said they wwre not uMo Vo angarutand clagriy fram bit .pcecbea Jutt what ba aruwtag of AfWira, the tiger taid with a gleam uSohoon*iu Tromant tom Fie—tba aacand foruwl spaueb eg Mr Aeteriegn taut. , Hoavgivgoau received Ua utlarvlawar. ta bia raoip home as F. 1,. Hlggiuon. JK wipe* ba la wblW la .this »it»‘ |f F«r. bis u.ual gray caUway null and bit gray ahull eppo Wpp perchhU OH kO bald bead. Seating >!m*rlf in a hug* ckalr bo said “now put any qua alia ua you Ilka,* and I will paawer them." * " ' k .The Intcjrvlewyw* went at race ta tbr subject as t£a Waahiagtaa crltirlsma. Clcmrnca.u smiled and shrugged. "I had made it a pciat not ta diaraa* offlnal people Ip bmarica.” he arid. "But I h*v» said I will answer all, to f mast answer. "I am glad to tell Mr. Hitchcock b* ig, i‘u th# senate only for a few days, •wing ta tba vote," be began, referring ta the Nebraskan*, recent defeat for reveler, tioa. Therefore f think I'll be excused if I dure him te go to Europe and if be And. any one in my country eleawbeve who auya I bare been a militarist, then TH own It “I have Buffered much from igTI tp I*l7 for not Rhf a militarist, 1 tuned | miliuriat wf, I» M A "Vl'tbrtffd ' '-.tending the MTTfcr England and America appeared." Ached to answer Hitchcock', gnpation about black tiro op., the Tiger inid, “bon" and waded in. "In the Orel pine# there aye no black troop* In occupation in the area oecupe ; lion of the enemy. In the second place, 1 here acta black American troop# at the front, and atood the Are with brarery, toe. f ' t . "Os court# this hae nothing to do wjth j|tbe question of whether wo ar# miliwr «»>« or not. It ip an attempt as Gorman propaganda to oppose Franco and Ameri ca and obscure what ia r*ally~ttia groat question. \ “The Gorman* and all of our faeh had Ih on hUliag enough as our whit#/man, j and IlkblKM lilark men fell gdllantly fighting ag ‘tbr frontier# of Übrrty' h* E.-rreeUent Wiicoa- called them. V» Mfo not going to deny them a place in "Bow tbues black .tidier* are always mow or leap occupying town# in France, aad alpnya get ul«ag perfectly with the »*iie Fauuch people. Even, I should •ay, thfjr fipcipiine ia strigtar than an> whit* trouge <"Sa-*| Cv»* soon paper* of ,Geraian propaganda which I tufAa.e Inapirvd Mr. •ttrbrerk'. aayinga. aad I can plgla ly .ay they are *• eian/gtes. ' "The day before I |*ft P*A* I 'heard that theao .tone* weald be employed to pror# ww pro a militaristic peeple.. g* I asked the efllrial pa apt ■ te plian Information . * Tka aaewer waa that tkor* had boob only an* established rasa of a Sowgalcte baring miatrantod a German woman. Re w*» raahiawd and aonUnnad by i mili tary tribunal.” l .Th« ruHit hhuh , VrvagM fawn* bent i i inM tbn uneupnaMw aouw an Psat . lam ■ •« entiaued *a Hafo Vwa Prar. f »ni HHMO. NORTH CAROLINA. MfTVRHAV MORNING. NOV. M, IMS. ilißnfis r mm ( tnnenr«Ru Says Mlm<Ri Is la ; Gat A Marks to Psrtkipsta Ih LBRRgni Cssfab RORTON, Mata. Nov. kbtlag blood ap. j>* Tlgar nf. Franca turned two. the abatraet ta *V specMk today, aoswerad IHa cri »*« * WuMUugtnn uMk balked Fbfaeev, and declared that what bn really ram# to America to de wa. to ■•• k dujifujr the t ailed Anton to tb# cwufcreuce U I. attune fay tka •afllljjlaMf as tba wgfatu dkala. bpvuklag ta Fremuut tamgie befoev m fuk|MHMs aiHgifg ggSIFMIT, V.MRIf •**•■ •aid ba bad aft toVandad to InM •* Amorikwap bow ta run their tv. *3EV' *r* •• >• ’ p tortkkv- to wM. referring to tka aaaeVtlnM qt Waabingtoa that hi* ad dresuoe Mara fan vague. “They alaa dare me. lam ready today to Ram tan to gw u IMfle further. “Ml give you act a* advice but what I tblak la Ibo vary rimpliuot tbina to tba * wurll There to at I uoaane a cua furuww whore Ragtaad aad Fruare •aa wpaused to agree wRh Maly. Lot tba Yaabeee camp pad any, ‘Gaod-day geattomeu. to there a seat torjaar JTtoy will give him da bettor. Gu Ike re and >n will mm tka Motora gueettou IrawMlog the »erid tor MM yarn, aad ywu wtM da muto-pau will oaatto “ Yttian you can da It. *-ttuuu» tka prman us Amerira to Ruwga again will tall »to Grrmawa. gbap will aat ga furikrr Md« aartoto Itmlto. .ad ba «*••• Aery tody wUI .ddawtead SpkSvS; WfhHto tof.Rtotof UL •• Mto, *4 HAtoeadJiletf to [to liwscmwsißS ill BE HUSHED H.i • sf /.iffi iviV:!) G - <£ti WlttßMto Dtoeribto Thk Mtokaii as PuakhaMst As . BthUl Rjid Expensive GREENSBORO. N. C, Jig J U. D* •cribing tba chain gangs in South Car olina "a* brutal and axpoualvo," 'G. fruft WiUiama, of Columbia. 8. C- for "tkdT secretary as the State Beard as Public Welfare, predicted that within a few yearn th* pri.oa camp* would be abandoned aatircly. Mr WllUam*’ addreaa waa • scalping Indictment as the whale penal system in fkuth Carolina. Prisoner* sent to the ritain gangs a* tb# expense of the Stotq the speaker .aid, *en piaoed to cHaldmjMWvd to near .tripe* and tba Jtf VWtod to the back* of th* unruly !/Mwyflf«U> which often left them ajjßitodWr'to daelnrwd, waa duo jto poiit me .lacy iUceetoWwf Candida too j f# r eHee la Rearih Carottaw- paid ttope Who i bet pad stoat them WMtoJdVV. | WlHlamp* rocemipmtdwtton* • moane us Wpwvlnmftbe paB.I .yftcfla weyo: 'KstabiiAmrnt .at’ n farm". ah -which women primmer* c<mid to employed; f training achoal far tR* yaqnger prl.oW rrp ia tiiace of th* prevent State peni tentiary! creatiau of a Judt parol# sys tem: dlrtrict JaJla instead afWVdßty Jaila; a raceiving atatton through which all priaouieVa would to tent and ym vixien for paying prisoners something fra their iator. Q Dr Jcarte K. Stolaer, es Chapel Hill, outlined, th* purpoces of th* cOmmitto*. MANY JAILEDtfN UM ANGBLEB FOR SPEEDING j LOti ANGELES. Nov’ M.-Tblrty-an# persons. Including one weuaa, wars in Jnil today far speeding and rcrk'ea* driving, bringing up to U the total to rrttlVe such aenteneo* In tb* Lee An geles police epptt tbtoweek. fifty ul '•tod pFv/yder. wym retifUd M appeer Car FHjMlint today and Pallce Judge (.karnbrr. said: . am sanding ipaed manine, to Jail fmcause that is where they belong j-. OFFERED TO RETURN $lO TO ROCKEFELLER NEW YORE. Nav. 54.-| c ,or. n t of the idrntity as tba daaar, a church usher •V* MW* *• return * lie Mil to Jekn 1 Vhefellw, Sr., berauae to theught Ihd flaaaner bad not Intended to put that mark in the caUoelion plate Tb* atmry waa told by Jaba D. Ruck. *v**vr. Jm. at Um dadlaailaa rfftytiti ta«t ltaftl*t «k|reb ,*a> r* * * •••.«*• ;> LOCOktoCIVH -HOIUTR RLOWR * • nr; on Fire to mocrß i • ON Atm RRTATH MILS AWAr^< i • Biunntom'. n. 't, n*v. h- « •Two mm & dead «M a ttatal Ip • ’* wxgaeted to MU aa a raaaM as ax- • • gtoatow as d fIMMMRtaa btatoa as • • a fa* ffpr Yarik nitm. train aa M * • eat, rod tka AMac ImaH tatogto. • • Flapaa as tka Mfkn blown atkriy * • a Mila, sat In to bulMßuga as tka • a eaiaiaL * MEETMttM WITHBMKBGUfIr Grtot TratflGtotoi Rlvhlr Bwk log SflißHn YVrtorjr AfUr S«iy IftSfMi . I , ’ ••• '' • • NEW HAVEN. <W. Nav. vaH and Yale bring their IUS football ****** ta a riaaa taatorraw afternoon at fata Bawl in tka traditional struggle batWuau the tko otovona Na champianabiy Will ba M atuia, as Prince ton's Mnaatlanal efetortos aver bath the •tbar teama have dtaabod tb* Rig Three tit)# fur tba Tig*an, bat triumph for either tpam will ge a tong way toward counteract!ag tba mamary of IMS re vermala—tar ntha Crinmen. defeat* at the hard* as Prlncwton and Brawn, and far tbr Rlua. aotkack. by lowa aad Friaeatau. Talc laaxMd .Monger against th* Tiger* last week than Harvard did the week before. lYofewptoely. bath atovaar ar* about «n a par. kith Tula betting a slight offensive edge, an form, boaauaa of H* harder running - attack. Rut the fact that both toaam, fegva concentrated for a fiaal aad eupreWe effort, and that th* tradiltoeta! spirit as rivalry will Inspire them to hereto helgkta, make* i comparison *f Berm and records relative ly of lltt'o value. ' . H#th viare*a paamioc to bar* their fuM Mrcugth took, lineup with YaleJ , Fronting Sbe paabubl* reieru ta 1 tbair regular gmria of D’Hoara and Mai 4*taW‘ *•*» llbl'll MM, urito bar* barn rH through ia Juried OMoarn Hi the **** MltoltP that ba piajrnd againet the Tlg**» • Mark ago. itoarod that hit! .dadpkiebtog ability will R. .. autetuad toe Blue treat. ■.! fb# guana will to th* furif-ftret of lb# aeriga, which davee back to im! Os tb* 4 a gam** played ta Halo, Yale i bald* a decisive margin with SS *U , UMa. it Atlanta, white ft*, gam,, have ended la Uaa. HIM Harried*, on premacy ia tbeiaet decs Ac ha* toon clrjn-mrt. tto Griwoaa toeing aov., Hctaiu* and hoc ana defeat fine* lp|t. Friar ta which twg fworoles* tic. wot* played. - ' 1 ' •' ■ HEAD A >U PENALTY CHICAGO, Nav. St -Jacob S. Cu«*y, wh# gained tamo a* loader as "Conor's •may," wo* aa rant* te bis Obi* home tadny mi... 11l paid .wdto aft*, a. war arrested in Rvaaaton. Hk, yeaterdiy au a charge as speeding. MW HER Kill ■■man CMWftgy'g Jury Orngtrigg ***** Bin Vm KIIM4 AceMcntil Mlumar N. C. Nav M—That WO. Corn Johnson W.et, a god tt wife •f Fred f. West, SS. Turner Street cdtae »• her death to the result as an ua •vridabla accfggft. ... Ih , „ t4icl #f j« aorogir'a Jury tMh afternoon which baojd .kb* ÜbbuJ*! aaagont of the irngtoy (a whieh.TfV.Wf* iR.t tor Ilf* Inet eight. . - - Mm. WcH was k.lleqrJJh'm^J^’toi' iSTS-^toStfSl 'Vgercrvill# highway, shea k^awto mail, .hot gua w*» aSriAantally die charged Weet told the cocoaorip Jury that their dag. iraptug'wpoh th* **„ • red (to weapon whrp Me foot the trigger, entiaa rhgrgv eoUrwd th* left *>d* of the woman's boad. Kvaring uUgry te her hu.band. .who has *Ua»todTflargo hollow tree In pur • alt of on •‘possum, Mr*. W*m togged him la *0 mo«Mawa. Host taotiflod Aa ho • ought to eowfort bar and cmhraood her the Hog looped toward thorn. 4 Funeral dtovieot will bo totd boro Saturday morning *1 K «0 o'clock The body will be toben to Baluda. N.#C„ far burial. S . rd "* MOTOR TRUCKJ TO A|D DELIVERY XMAB MAIL WASHINGTON, Na*. tl.-Mobillaa tlaa of motor tracks far the atovamani of tto ChriMmax mails baa boon ordered by Diruatar Lard as tb* Budget Aa xa g Mgwa srEJiRF In f Bsi >|• ttoaa Mu ta to utßtato'fri; •» s » N *•**'""'* me me cist F ime cut ' : j 9 • * ' *, Co«irov«niy Bftwssa SatfllMra P»w«r Conpuy urf CMIm Milk lsJßdnc Hvprfl RALEIGH, K. C., Nov. ft- —Arguments in the mm as III* North Corolla* Car* Iteration Commissi** against Ik* Mouth *rn Power Cwmijt aad • Urge number of ration mills w#r t to bo cemylelod In »h* Stale Supreme Caart Into today Tb* bearing develepud from • contro vrrey between tb* roltao Mill* and the Rawrr company relative la rat** U bo charged by the corps ratfea, which was organised J. B. Dwk* aad devilepod to inch an extent that it wa* classed *• a subtle service tonerrn by lb« State Siiprcm* Caart. Tht company appeared before tbo «*r yarallon commission asking that .a aal lana rata for tta power l># Im4 Mow rat**, amouatiitjy I* aa f arenas of U 14 PV_yr*L amor *rd*r*d by tbo «*m minion, and when the mllU objected tb* body acat tbo taa* t* tb* Cfeerigod county *ap*rl*r court, wbor* a taiatrial restalfed. Tb* cattoa mil la contended at lbe hearing today that tb* power company' baaiaoaa I* Interstate aad tb* eommU •ion baa a* JuriadUtlon o**r IL It alio roat*ad*d that tbo pow*r **rpotation cancellod all *f it* **atraat upon tbo lutjlti of tbo rata orda* aad Utat tin rata* aow la faro* dloerimlnats agatoat North Carolina mill* la lava* as than of Soalh Carol] aa. la it* eontrntiaa*. tbo power eompaa> asserted tbo »pa*»l to tbo So peso* Caart «a tbo part as tbo mill* wa* pronator* aad frafomnury aad aapb? to bg di*w*i*ood. It apholda tbo •*- thority as tb* «o>»notion lonMiaatow »"<i maintain* tbo pot loot rate* art "Jaat aad taaaamobla." - ■ ■«* | IT (M EIIITV Mun> m Hmm Os in OTPMHSS * , i ■ m HOME NOW TN ttRTW ■ CONDITION THAN EVER 1.-‘Co*b, superintendent Os tbo Wayao county boat, l* near do*uT of paralyai*. Tba superintendent who** admintrtre tlon baa baaa condemned by abaat every ortraal*ati*n and Indlvdaal wb* ha* «**r olpltod tb* county ham*, aad which baa prralatad de.pite tba fan tba eaoaty eomml»*i*ner* bar* appointed S now luperlateadenL I* helplen aaw, falSll lap tba judgment of than eapabl* of knowing wb* stated Mvaral awtbi ago that ba waa a St inmate far tba lasti tatioa rather than a aapertatoadaat. Unable to ep*afc a* nrallowr, tb* f*r>«r Myriateadent wb* far a l*a« t Mp wa* too feobte t* hath* *ay as tbo females t*f tb* vaanty ham*, la aoMl* fp*Mot a pathotie eight see* t* tk*ao wh* bar* been moat load la cendoatring M* administration. Yesterday tbaagb. Aiwa* considered that bl* condition war V degree ** twa batter. Tbo *ap*riatand**t'a wif* aad faadly sfcav* been administrating tba affair* as the V.uaty baton aiaao hi* laat Mine*#, aad the** oppowddt* of waapoa agffiag* •n tbV gr*aadp/*f -Ueh of executive ability\wi|| have mack poadortag to do o*«r y»e •tatement that tba «o«aty ham* l* aow eoaaidorod la bettor dbn ditien than it ba* he** la many man tba. Tb* eenlrett as ff r . Cobb lute «ntil the ead as tka yaar. At tba baginnlag of the now yoar tb* cowaty ham* will bo moeed to now gaorura now being cem plrUdj aad tb# aow eaporiafeadeat will tab* up bl* w*rk. t laKAKHVILLE NOW HAS OF COMMERCE N C. Nn tt.-'Leaha vl|| t u*w Mb a *b*a*b*r of roan papal with a m«t*Rb*r*hip as IM *• a reoalt "/ organisation being perfected loot night with tX* election of rtevea direr "S - MILLION DOLLAR MILL PROJECT 18 ON rOOT CHARLOTTE. No*. 14.-The May* Mill, la*. win build a weaving mill ad dition to if* proeeat epiaalng gloat at Cameron. N. CL. it wa* »nnaaaaad bgr* today by Stuart W Cramer, proaldoni The addition will eoet a boat 9MSS4B# h, added. Tb# eoaetraotioo as weaving mill will enable the concern to mill** Its In -yarn* aad samplet* tbo maaafaetgr* of teatile* tastood of eolllag tbo ypnm t« eastern manufacturer! la mate late cloth a* has bona the custom. Thor* ha* beta mack agitation amgpg e*wtb aad it hsa-bMa ladUat*d *4ban wHI rtab* •imtloo aatien imsucniF: THEY SWIF DDLUHtS Officials sf U. R. ssM Slats Da paftMsat flay jir VHjilff b to Ba Made RALEIGH, N. C,. Nov. it.-**lt ba* N»« f*r»anat* for the world that (arm m ar* aeeotomed t* dU**arag*«*a» and privation*. They are *ac*aat*rtag th*lr third ba*d year, aad lanky to tb* farawr who iwap* bto dollar tbla year. Tbo big crop* that ara feeding a* sheep !y war* produced at a loaa by tb* aver ago farcer." , > . ■ ■’ ■ . ~ ; Yki* aUtement was leaned by effeiato of the United Bute* aad North Cars- Una depart meat* of aCrtkuHaru aad •gricaltaral economics today la a dU cuaeian as tb* "Agrtoaltaral SHi*a> ’ • • « ■PNtotlaally all wap* ara barre*tad. with retry little cattoa. potato** aad ,«*rn abt boaood. Phil grain* are abort of than a aal to a* rang*, tb* dry aoH to this hindering ***diag. With (he yaa. tor*#* *nd*d, tb* Itowtaak feeding e*a too begins. "Tba awaay tropa <*ttoa, tobadaa, batalass aaalss toksl Mkart-Aia wL**M ’ pvtatvti, sfp'ts MV •Wfrr*VTl pitrTl faL Traaapariatloa la not (iHy latfe factory, bat «otta *aaaattol. Labor has bad It* shortage felt k many toaaHttos. "Cempotltlv* waga* affbtad by atbaa IndtMtrtos baaa ban- felh Imprwvad rity ceadltton* w*rraat paying for to- W*. Tb# ratal v aad grbaa nm aa with pri***, at* «l Os Miff, Tb* •ffori* of into* *t eottw* aad tobsoaa *r* gglta a*H—hal* Ip atbaa ba*la»a*. f*tat*a* *r* brtogtaf *b*avdly law grit**, with- aa markat a* all to away ' |l|Rt.T*V fk pylfi j tlo9 Rway area*, eapaeiaffy wbor* ofiafftaa wa* a«t daae . "Ctotaw glanlag* ar* aal ap p* high to ‘ «p**t*d aad pta* bat* ffaa* la ■bov# Si coat*. T%« rapid aad mutate td advaaeo* ia ear dry goad TltlbTt. lacroo** Ip tipotU as cotta* tad aa #*• mb«t.ji,jp to* »• pytod ffib rv*r*t mni9MimUh * hMh ten. Tka B |tla»i ap* fkatftte w *w* vw * h aft ivwi— to*cent thereby. . .“Trend *f liv**t*ch prtoe* ar* ap- Mrd. Bari baef #to*r» rdatbod tlS.fe f Ortobat," while to* average as btfef kd*M tto* IIS.TS par MS paaadt Do ••tod* far feeder eattt* bav* baaa go*d. Bagg bav* yaw* fewer, tap ptto»t to Chfeag. feting SSJS lase to Oatptor/af II to fed* than ad U«t*b*r 1 ’•* "Only eatten aad I toad* * bav* fair •itbaag* vote**, awl tbea. ar* Mow par la parvbaatog sari aad mom otoov eemmedlties Other tropa fe Uit N •P*ri lab lib* to# mow #f to* *a#to. A wait as ewra, potato**. who*t, or hay* fern* than half as mate sari a* H would ia lit. Os all wwawadlM** combined. «*ra will bay hwt N per *aat m matot wheat T»; bag #4) patatoa* Ml rattl. «f keg* Hi *gg* IM, aad bailor to per *nt ml tba eaaotlfe they wogld parebaeo before too war period. All farm prodacta bav* a reloUv* par ehasiag power *f *4 per gait, wbiak I* a cmtlipd datltoa as tb* y-frirngt •ate**." It woo ftetad. - DROUGHT FORCES I rowm-M Many MtBS !■ Plb4bhm( ClfeKiß It Clbbs to Ctriais Dsys ta ■' F«r Wfcilt CfIABLOTTK, Ma*. ft.—The Southern Ifewer Company which eaprilo* hydro electric pewer fe giants fe to* Caro lina* aaaonacod bore fete today tori because as drought condition* aaa uras using it# current waald by *ab«d effect I** next Meoday to saapead aa* as tbs power for one day each w#ah. Users as lb* power Wet* divided late He# soar* for the parpooo of to* car tailment aad all tb*** in thbr Stoic D.gSk _a gd Mmllskaiaw nprin aspt t* as* a# power betweaa ria a. m. aad •la p. m.. Monday, *ll fe Bowaa. Stanley. Cdbarraw Moebleabarg aad Union eotwtiw*. N. C., and tarh eooaty. S. C„ tp obecre# almilar boars aa Tuesdey i all Hi Oariaa cowaty an Wodnabdayi tbo** la Rutherford, Cfeeefaad. Liacola, Catawba, Iredell aad Sorfce ceuntlos. North Cardfto* i *nd In Bportaabarg reality, S. C., ** Ttonsday sad I* Lancaster, Chester, NewUorfy, Craoawood, Andcreon. Urooa- Villo. rtckeoa aad Oaooa* eeapHc*. Sooth f'arrilaa, aa Friday. » > - CATtWBA BffBAKB BffCOBO IN TUBE BY MBBSHMs HICKURY. N. C, Haw. Sf.—Tbta* thousand Cdtawb* county turkey* the largest aambar tear bowagbt to this market ta en* ***iaa Wmw dalfurad la a tonal plsat and dgasi Mr Thanh*- gitriag dinner* MuoagbiltlAtoa •a^Wtot. won If wtlMtHto ' 1,1 -■ Wt" 111 1 ■ mmmnnmrn ~ MEMBER W I ASSOCIATED PEEBB I • 1 MKsMnmu 1 APT! TUT EtofiOT ' KLIEFIMNHM : ** il * 4 ' ■ V l Stnac Effatts Is Eilat Wayas . c **“ »J " : TONAh ’Mtow. Waya* county's rampaiga far Hoar East Belief tola fiscal year wfft «p*a la a number *f rkurebe* Saw limMlM i aad with aa edaeatlaaal mas* amotlng • ia tb* coan boa** at lito p. m. Tb* Bav. Tboma* B. ■caeun.'lt Ahair . »aa *f tb* Waya* aeoaty iemfellt*i and will nub* * strang effort t* rria* Maya* retilf i *u*u as «b Coring week. A. H. Bow.ll if Urn I Parmer* Beak aad Tfewt Caatpapy I* i iraaaarwr- far to* ranatp- iNdto and -»- t--t 4 a. | Hff Tpt'HPPk I .^'. ; lUarat evowt* to too NWr l|Mlftol a « Ulnanai Lm *■*- - »« •wtotoMMto itowtoetoas Ito UM MH|atoßH^g2 l ii tfcff ©f Ih i 'Wit Hil iMPHff# litiJgt , hilJra ji. uiVljl g % - "*w»‘ esflitoi wtoitoto to top . mm r fjSO p. m. Pured mmie wfll bo^Pfaridml ! ! H AITIBTB TOi^LgT^ [! NASH VIUX. Toon., Nov. ( : kr Tz th * un^* n t H ** ****■ **ri» membJf'gpa bav* aot Mibattn bad a »b*r# to tb* SfMSfltoS oAtototon • la that movewAat. Br; Si Nnmgdbtogdfftfi * <Jfe**dbr|*f tori «aatotop an, NfeW Will b* rearked #!•«* of tb* campaign B»«ember. MB#. : "'S^rSaa - MTATOVILLC. N, C. Mo*. *C~*. W. I White, farmer eaohtor cf too B#Rfc as » Stony Print la whoa* «er*aat* * *b*rt ag* of *#.#a* u ftSSSS to alleged fe » bav* hue discovered after k* dfenp - peered, he* writfea tbh hoard as ffptfe > sere. ****rdtng fe aa amfeSMtoSMb to- I*day fe L k Wait*, praattoat <« M« I institution. Whit* gave a* tefarasHag • tkr instiuliM kas kaai la 1 With tb* sxeeptiea rnr a few alnto : uTaKuta.* ! a p. mtotoatoi MBffT OHUtoPto SATVtoBAY . U, aUU »•!■ f* ft 141® JP®V ft f'jMHUr®

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