******* WjMuairc, WOT. n, im. SJT Needs Mor*,.Tfc* A Success At Kinston * m~ ■ <»- r t ■ ■ iOIiTOM, Ns*. 33.—'the poster •( the aft PW"P*r of No, S company bast TMiSay >u*ed to ‘delift-r" TM gallooa a gp~M4 WNli Ms The ma th n*e i* M a tgpe that has recently been adopted by a n ember of aMtropoiiUn depastnowtw ViiMdolig.a h.dtoe .Meat Ir pwrfWd 4t OMtno. of the kind. ft With the Move dg-ft, thpkhojrtji witnessed the test* were ettlmSiST» ■ jPjrign 'V .f *W* 1 ») •» -A What Maa that man COTalng a boat I Ju*t mot coning oat of poor oftcot iH.ib^MkiVi'ttLrs nonius fg jfrcmgn An 11. . T»o T »u*y to 'Mcumhta. »| '.-•■•«*** ve**»*f* «.*** ‘Soft raecigjlldf.** t hstMsm ** jftgifmjp- W In Or. Enand**. „ -breeds o»u»Ug, fPC cur yZn V awW^gy aslatsiana to atnogh^^kioav ‘ 'Mfnt'iv tjtMc Jfcataio erpepiJ* I pi** l * , gad atfU»«rg pioooer dV ni«i«s bit tpa|4#u«e trUg. fi'rLl(f«4 W , tb« aiate as ho is able to foTloW. when the .male plants winds the migration too, Bard and the. op. the Mante writ )“fVf MreikEaUg* 4«H b*M|rrd UHMhea, >wd u< oroaa-j hiwfda. ariae." Or ad . i.“* , v . , Tlip Inked StsiMa uwtoan effam-e prerented the Bwr<%h buttnMt from taking In U*% hoMniogi gpecimene which hu wonted,ld ahow te Am.-mea iwien- Tb*e was in eerordager With the l»H designed te pre-rent agreedhea of filMt discaeae. Dr. tntndar now in tepdt to prevail open the Swedish gwv f"Wht te inapt.u plants which it is ** •** , * rl ' to give pledges to the Unitod States agthoritiee that they nee f*ge tee*. dUeaaes. - —a— r *- vet T - - t ts RIFF MQMU. QUITS *- . L • m B|m ■ Han te Ahd-Kl-Krlm, leader of tha Rtff rohala Magocco wth» have glv— f cwlg aiuflfc tipmhta for yearn. Now y« it toady to —tt and has otoml te ; loeraudar and to rMaaao all his pria- FOR YOUR I DINNER.... • ] Celery j Cranberries ) Lettuce Chickens . « p . Oysters . 1 ' Green Peas < Pears / Oranges .. ; ■ » ;j |! Sweet Potatoes J 1 Cabbage J > Collards 4 v 1 L I uttgtgrywtic WjWWWh How OHiaosw WW Out the "DaMoo , Crowd" When They kaMH Kiani. ggh I , AiiHHMI Om 4w An»tmo€i WtR ’ UM-Bucvd the pAdlc te tig then terri-J »! I ‘ iiVPWJK m KA (eigl ni v the Bf|] ** hruiM, who guicktf Mdwng the alum- Hint “the IteltidM wdro tn town Sn | UMatitimr fho buMIU* had entered I nn ntb-y to the rear of .Wv of the ! bapke. Hen- they Rod their hnram j •Md tuvpaiiMj fur nctlun. Ural Daitou. mSUHaraLwiMii u«-tt hitetcued Into the k-trst Natloonl I Iwuk etTuao the tern*. The n*vtala 1 of lf>t h hnnhe Whoa tethnidsOcd with ;J guns, blaudly UU*>riued the robber* that , the tiiur lock te tho «aults »trtjd oat Imi off for lb olouUk 1%0 bandit* | w S lK ' i ws. | iiprteg thia wait the town «u am teg «*I hatleu beggg to fltr . through tito window* of the- Ooodoa 1 hank, la the First *otlocal shout , 9MMNN> to grp—karho woo oectmd and I rtuffed into n grain tack, and Bob gnd t Bteteett Hatton roc apod to iho alley 1 Vjj a rear door. Here they were i )o|»ed hr (he Sam hnndit*. who had: ' *eturt-d about ««j(IOO. I , A jtertfic dffht wek l-lafto In and ' a—V thia alley, three or four rttigeps I being killed and several wounded. Joint j Kiocfcr. a Mvorymaa, killed Itob and ] Or*t Daltnw. and HH Power* was ahm j •Mot dead. Brwpgwell Wan firtnll* j wwandod and was Tudhd dead Jaat out I alia los’l. Usainert wan aerlo—ty «h«t j bwt rerovetwd and wga aautcnced t» | the pool««otin ry for life, hat wn* gar j doned In lih>7 and hs now living n rv ( au«rtab> lih-, Dili fh.lt.,n «*• kiliod j in the luthua territory te IHM while 1 iwMMteg orrupt.- Porgote Dignity #f Program. At « recent Nptore Utudy « loi> taeei 1 lag al which »r. 0. 11. Bigearaann ] was u guont lie told the futlowteg { st«r j; i ' f Fat and Alike ware section cm 11 Jjlo) n-s. Mike wan made superintend ] ant. |’at went into hte »Itc«- one day I end *ald: “IJi-Uo, Mike, give me * J rnflndad paa«“ I fflllie, feeling the Inportaitrc of W* 'J pn—otiou over hi* old frtend. s«W 'l •that's no, W|D>gr yog AK-tdij ten o’clock ronMsrruw morning yon y coni'- l<> the door, kdouk, is— off your i hah aerppe your feet nod any: Tlnad 1 iuorainy. Mr. Mwimy.' I*U y '00.4 mornteg. ('at. and ghat ran 1 do for >—r Th— yon state your business fn a dignlttcd banner, and 111 take it on dm advisement." The aeit morning Pat came.l knocked at the door, and followed db f ractions explicitly. \. lien ha said “Good ‘ i.mrning, Mr. Marshy;' Mike aald:', "Now. that’s more like It. What can ,l,ds> tuf jou. pair ! Hfou can go to the devil. ,1 got a gfre over (he It. A O." Put regmnde.). I “Bat T thought they didn’t give tmaaee any tuora." .he Knciish wouun la the «rowd Maid.—lndianup<>li« New*. I,«S—e An Insusotlon. * •'Oladyn O'Weary imri looked at the | clock yeveral time* and at last Percy Tehere observed hey glance*. _ “Vou were lookluc at (he c|o« VT’ It* —U. T %••,* she answered with a" fatal mile. ( Tb«u l»e go( up and went over to; (he inutile!piece agd look.-,i *1 the I dock fyr fully half a minute. “I rttin't see anything the matter with | It." ha sold, and returned to hi* seat. And lie stayed an ho— longer—Kan { PH/ *** > ,t v v , Meuaea •eawv CaMrtdg— Boxes. Boxes which contain cartridge# fm teMniry are perhaps th* Inet hy-prod act* of mar to o* put to a useful pur ! { pone In Berttn. Jhicanao of the short-1 age of housing, the small boxes, which | ara lying oh«m te tbowakods, an* he Ing ailed with clay anl laid into wall. I j with mortar aa ordinary brick* would | he laid. The houses are small, eonalst of only one Boor, bat give room fat! atra really only. ' i She Knew Who Wrote It. j Nancy, who ia la the Brat grade ot school Ifn. it, cam* homo the other! day all bxcited. "Oh, mother," ahe —ld. "teacher to teaching us a poem culled There. Little (Hr!, Don't <\j,‘ “ “That’a Bne." said her mother. "It was written by Janie* Whlteoml, Hlley, who wrote the bnrnhlo bop poem that 800 Ann* taught you." "Oh no, no, mother, Mr. Rile) didn't writ# the humble bee poem. Hut Aa— wrote that for me. I saw hot do It* Rough Talk. any headway wtth that hu4k> gal over la Kicker coaaty, OateD" "Na; Bight aa Well Mop court in her. I rock— fold ink If I didn't May away she'd shoot me." "Miogt j»T j “With SB laeoM fan."—LoolavtUp | Oeurtce-Joarnal | The Koaooo. Ifortoo and l—kUr Mote**. Wemmg'a . Cigh . Cafeteria and j tea i„ iL P.U.L- 11 "A AND P. RED CIRCLE COFFER” 11 -Th*" • n^m -\ muliwwi *m jijr * • •: *' \'» ij . 9 T\frO BUSINf SS MEN j - **»■»** \ TTOiere are two types of business men nowadays. One ft of them believes in the old methods and old ways, the 0 5 . other in tfie now. The editoj-of the Washington Hcirnld * 3 f; * Has found in his city two splendid illustrations o< both ’(t y '■ a Ono j- an elderly man who has made a great \ 1 . mo in,the past. Because he used to p\w»gff J a certain po|cy he still persists in *ciiuging to J that policy. He is a firm believer in the business math- 1) [ «ds of 187 h and is at a loss to Understand why /) ( his trade has slipped away from him. // i . “The people around here are too stuck up,” he is (i quoted as spying, when the newspaper man visited him J in .hie suburban store. “They want the neighbors to see vl 1 * the delivery trucks from dawn-town stores stop in from/ of their houses. . Whes they come to me I just wrap up a the bundle and they have to lug it borne. They can go J i n *» ft *o . o a » »* < * . ».• i. ■ u4’ •’ * „Op the samccjay ( the editor .of the Herald says h$ f talked .with another who recently has opened a « auto accessories store. He is enthusiastic. * j "I expect to clean up $50,080 this-year ”he said. *T*§ | got an idea pbout keeping three truck* on the road all V ft th'e Jtiafc to give service to drivers when their machines m bieak down, it will not cost much when i consider the extra business it is sure to bring in. The idea is sure to f * * a '* . /.y. ■vSvx-'i go over” ; f v■ . 9 *....... \ ». In all probability the first businessman will go out if r iff business ppon. Hc f wants to. He » pfctorly disgusted . 1 \yitH the. wpys of thjp new generation—asking for deiiv- 1 erv seiw ice ambrotusing to lug bundles home. S We have little doubt, on the other hand, bat ttaat the j • i. t. (>! - j* J v » tr‘ second business man will make his $50,000. He is of j the new generation and understands it. He wqg.born I with the idea that service pays and that people have a I l ight to expect service. ft The first bpsin' s-i man is also quoted as making some . .*8 sarcastic remarks on tho value of advertising. “Let I people come to my store if they want what Fve got,” he I said. “I wpn f t bite tlipfh." W This is in line with the old fellow’s general attitude. ’* * 1 Mm He cannot understand advertising because he cannot a uneferstand the general idea of service as a saleable commodity. He cannot understand that customers of )} today demand deliveries and tnat advertising is a part ff of delivery—perhaps the most important part. $ The other man understand, this. He will advertise as (j well as keep his service trucks on the road. I The clash between the new and the old ways must (i suit in the defeat of the old. The word moves faster to- j day. are busier. The old merchant mentioned )) in the first instance doesn’t know that customers will not carry home bundles lgxiause they are too busy with ft , ». * n , their own concerns to bother with such details. He . Q|3H thinks they are too proud—which is the most erroneous | ( conclusion possible from the facts. . 1 PAGE FIVE