PAGE EIGHT NEWS OF THE CITY to mm «t MMtti Tin Christ*** Ummii Federation will bald service* at Ebenster church, ia E<*% Township. noil Htstia, sf*#r n«an *t » o clort Prof Henst and or brnm *lll furnish stMc faring th* crftoN. I*gfffrh* ii coMIAUt i«i*lte4 to afcifcd wd H r#t]u*«fs4 to bring a Jiatn.fcatssry recital >Oftf hook M*rf Hu tout Bon Whitley. a ralarod farmer llv laf on 111. N. W Boyte's land on Galiiskero R f 0. 6, i» minus a torso lodop. Ysrtrrdsy Bon droOd bit kortt »ad buggy to town and tied die hone in th* lot barb of Hsndly anil •tailings' stable. Re tied tbo animal with a tape rood and slrang. When he wont bock •omo boar* later horse and baity war* tone without a trace. Ho re ported tbo matter to Ike police and ala* offer* a reward for information, hot an far ao information bat come i OTTO* COM INC I* Yesterday *as a b»| day with the Waynj Bonded Warehouse, Manager Hub A*on hiving received and stored «> Barnes Brothers, having bought out the store formerly operated by Barnet Gro cery Company, will be open for bntineth tomorrow, Saturday and will appreciate any business given us. I ) t*lean lines*, Quality and Service / Yours to Serve, Barnes Brothers I Goldsboro Milling I I Company I I t * A FEED FOR EVERY NEED I I OUR SPEC IALTIES I I State Seal Corn Meal, B I Vanco Flour, I I Diamond Dairy Feed, I I Diamond Dry Mash, I I Diamond Scratch Feed, I I f Diamond Hog ( hops. I ■ * t HAY, GRAIN AND MILL FEED. I I )K Corner Vine and Center Streets. I HELP YOUABELF BY BOOSTING (iOI.DSBORO JOE A. PARKER REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY-TIMBER—FARM LANDS f L i 1 J GisMsborii, N. C. &00 bales. Something over three hund red of these cam * in on tbo railroad. Already the Warehouse has stored A, (KM) hales, practically all of it cotton belonging to tba Co-ops rat ire*. The warehouse structure is now about com plete and indicatlana arc that it will be full in a abort time. i*> .. DR WALL TO PREACH rHANEJU.IVIND SERMON Dr Zeno Wall will praach a special Thanksgiving aerman al the First Bap tist church this morning There will be a free-will offering for the Haprint tßphanage at Thnmasvitle and for the Kennedy home Special music and other feature, nf the day have been planned. Any nnr wh* will clip tkiw Advert iseiitfffit and present it may have hib Battery, “any make," recharged for (I.M. F. J. POMAK K At tlueen Motor Stand SPECIAL NOTICES „ RATMB TwMty-ffep eenta par feoertlew fee M werda st less. Fat as at* tbaa U word*, one sent eadk. While spore er type Adpley ede Insert ed in the column for M cent* p*r inch, seek I seen non. When fvt er mere eeeescetiee Isser tlena are desired a dlsceeat es to per cent la allowed. W ANTE Ik—TO KENT OR BI'Y HEi ond band Baby Carriage Good con dition. Call Telephone no WWI ao-atp STRAYED FROM BACR OF HAND ley A Hulling*, Ray horse hitched to top huggy. Finder return or no tify Ih-n Whitley, Route h/p, 6. Gold boro, and receive reward 3*-.ttp 1 FOR RALE—FEMALE BIRD IHH. j Well trained, especially for retrelv i inf. About «' years old Ed Godwin, Goldsboro. N. C. 2H-2tp 1 HAVE M TO M PFR CENT ON AUTO part*. New and used parts for ill rar* and truck.. Mall orders given prompt attention. Write for our bur pain -beet Whilfon Auto Wm ~ it 1,,t. Apply I"'. S John tnei 24-tfe FOR RENT—I WO | tRt,L ROOMS, - iiitahlr for light hnu - keeping Near ; nation l hone 741 U 26-tfr l \ PEW KlTkß*—At L MAKER CLEAN ed, repaired ntjd ndjastad. Agency for the Underwood The machine you will eventually luy. Chapman'i Type writer Shop, National Rank Building. WA-djTD—ONF HOV srUTKKN YEAR* „ nld nAT messenger ervlee. Good pay OpporithvUy to fidvnr -e Mu t have bicycle Porte) Teleprnpb tv ANTED—CHAMBER MAID IT HOR ton Hotel. 'Phone 861. 2f-tf PORT ABOUT *.W P M, NOV. 14TB, between Union Station and Keunon Hotel, Tan Portifoiio eontainintt or der books and flour advertising mat ter Finder kindly deliver to Ken non Hotel, or pbonn MX J and yet reward, ri. W. Moye. if. c . THE 1 T- GIIFFII CO ONE OF CITY'S ISSETS Rcmarkublp Kvcotd Achieved liy lahrJ ( umiianv for Many Years* of Town’* Growth With lock and service unexcelled in Eastern North Carolina, the A T. (.riffhi Manufseturfrig Company of (ioldsboro h 0« prospered since it jras established ,n jpur. During seventeen year* of business the plant her never down (or lack •■( orders .. r reg ie ted to ilerlair dividend. year has shown h balance on the ugfit sub of the ledger with th exception of one No change has been made m the officers with th. csreptlon of when A T. t, riff lit turned over the office of secretary-treasurer in his •on, F, Ai Griffin The officerk^are: J I. Borden, president; A T Griffin, sgT president and general manager snd E A Griffin, secretary-treasurer The director.: C Dewey. J L. Hordeu. I - K. Borden, George C Royal, J, r R .enthal ond A. T Griffin. Covering two cily t,|„ck* and w,lh idesl railroad focilit.i , the \ '\ Griffin Manufacturing t ompaoy makes a -tmciaily of finished material for reside nr. . and earns a .lock of both while and yellow pine for ut,. in tin manufacturing thereof. They carry all kinds of building material and ship to all points in Eastern N orlh Carolina. •r4*ra no*. N. A. Pika. Pikaailla, j N. C, 28-lmp THE GOLDSBORO HOSPITAL Established 18H6 FOR THE CARE OF THE SICK V * (Jeneral Medical and Surgical Thoroughly Modern Equipment Cases. ' for flu* cure of Maternity A thoroughly up-to-date and Cases, modern X-Ray Equipment with expert technician in charge. Specialty Equipped Operating p** Modern laboratory Being Ro ° m Fnr Stm ' a,MI Throat Installed Work. The highest type of nursing. Special attention to diets, . . -> (ioldslmro is justly proud of its hospital Kor information apply to the Superintendent I FIGHT THE BOLL WEEVIL, SUCCESSFULLY I I COMPEL YOUK COTTON TO MATURE EARLY I I With Specially Prepared I ■ ■ I Seminole 801 l Weevil Fertilizer I ■ IT IS THK ONLY WAY I I We gladly furnish particulars I I THE SEMINOLE PHOSPHATE I I COMPANY I I Manufacturers of I I QUALITY FERTILIZERS I ■ FOR ('OTTON AND TOBACCO I I GOLDSBORO, N. C. DUNN, N. C. I the pilgrim fathers who established our first thanksgiving day were HUMBLE AND GOD FEARING PEOPLE. THEY WERE ALSO FRUQAL PEOPLE The example of piety is worthy t>f all emulation. And their habit of frugality, though necessary in that day, is no less necessary today to the man who would be happy and prosperous. . ~ Piety and spendthriftiness do not go together often. Power is based upon conservation and proper use, not upon abuse. us talk to you about the value of saving. * The People’s Bank & Trust Co. WANTED TO EENT—4 UNFURNISHED room* for Urht hou»»kccpiaj Kef ereneo furnished. P. 0. Boa 81. Phono ST. 28-1 wp TTTTtnY>T TTO». M, 1W WANTED EXPERIENCED STENO pripher and hookkaapur. A44Dm. Attention, W. C. D., P. O. W* AM. CHj _ U-tl