nrrMpAj MQa?JTNc. t not.u* im MARY OANIRLS MASON, Settlor —■ ■■ 1 II .——*■« ■ . any*, . w. , > THANKSGIVING F*t that t« in living in this hoar, 004 of Nations, God of Wo thank The*. Grant aa of Thy power To llvo aright’ For that our wills > spring forth to moot Tho challenge wkl(lK|hi hour sounds ebay, * jN thldk That. Keep ul from dis graeo, of hato, or fear that oar llatrning heart* aro grown Mho tender, with the whol# world’! Wo The*. Love more like Thine own Gtve ua to know. Pm that our thankfulneai barm bright B, (W* Thee, God of gifta tupreme, Thee. Merge it in Thy light. The New Dawn’a gleam I Minnie Lenona Upton. Mm Graaaie Leave* Friendt of Mre. A. E. Graatie will j •>0 Very glad to learn that the la im- j Plowing nicely after a very teriout ill- J “Oid in a local aanatorium, and hat re- i ‘pthd to the extent that the wan afco to leave the aanatorium yoaterdly if • o a Mtn. Grevee Eatertaiaa ottß. C. D. Grove* delightfully\enter tdined Mn. W. L. Bawling. and her jMrnnniag riaitora. Meadamea J. F. Band P's »“< M. A. Stewart, of Norfolk, at ! Im tinner party in the Cafeteria, Tue* ykf evoaing at aeven o’clock O O • ■To Atlaad Game '“|At ChorfattovviUe I Mia tea Lena Simmon*, Margaret Ed- I ■NifMaon, Virginia Simmon*. Dorthy ffflmtnona, Elisabeth Bogle, Mark Mlc- Ihll* add Sarah Bordun and Mr Edwin • <m*ph have gone to Charlottavlllo to j Wtond tho gamo. o • o •b. nwd Mia. Land at PNM Early la fdgooamha i Mr- and Mr*. E. M. Land and Mis* ■Eotrica Psrmelee, their houte guest, loft thb morning for their farm in county to attend a houao <o*t*y. They will return Saturday Inominf and Mint Parmelee will visit ■r. and Mrs. Land hors until Monday. Mtla Rachel Borden waa hoetea* yea- I terday afternoon to tho Wsdneiday Bridge flak at 0 aeries of intonating games. Following then delightful re- Treahmenta were served. Guests for the afternoon were! Metdamea E. E. Euat- 1 lw. P. U. Bumgardner and H. M. Hum ■bay, and ths regular members were: ■ Meadame* Robert Powell, George Dew- j try. B. Bv Miller, Paol Borden, Rosalie . Kxum, W. H. Smith, E. M. Land. Miatet , -Clara Spicer and Helen Kirby. M* * * Stetarn From Bridal i Mr. and Mra. t. K .Raa, Jr. arrived the city teat night from their brld tel thip apent In Florida. They will 'visit Mra. Reaa parent*. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Summerlin fore ft#’ day* be fora going to Norllna. where they will gnohe their homo. * • • *»* Bbal Peptic *dßMwg ( X Margaret Kornegky chaperoned VAUDEVILLE Acme Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY This Week PHIL PETERS CLASSY STEPPERS PEOJLE 16 f / Opening BID n * BLACKCAT CABRETTE > Friday—Two Jolly Barrons v Saturday—Topsy Turvey Honeymoon Gpod Singing—Dancing and Vaudeville Specialties. ■mi s w i ws . ns ADMISSION 25 and 50 CENTS the |-A grade of tho Goldiboro High School on o moot enjoyable outing yes terday afternoon. Leaving immediate ly after school at thfod-ttn, they hiked out to Haaa'a Spring*, where an after noon of rose ting weinora and toasting mofahmolloW* wad enjoyed. The name* of tho fortunate porticipeate are listed below; Mlaaea Alice Slaaghtor, Elitabeth Ray I Virginia Kornegay, Louriae I Eleyaa, Rlitahoth Speer*. Annie Bia mone, Ruth Pate, Pauline Thorton. Georgia Davit, Leaiae Loeham, Ida Mfr golia, Sarah Faulkener, Sadie Lea Southerland,Mestra. Robert Eealy, Mar vin Bherrard, Adrien Crampier. Fred ( rowvoo, Haywood Lynch. Edgar Simp kin*, gillie Brat, William Lang*tan. 000 Goreroor To Entertain Governor Cameron Morrison, will en tertain at a reception this oveaing from 10 until it O’clock at tho tlve maaiio* in Raleigh in honor of 1 the teachers attending the Teachers' aaaewrbly- The i-oldabor* teachers at tending the assembly are Misses Al | lie Freeman, Rennie Peel# and Mr* H. i K. Fennell. sen Tho Parker-Conto a Wedding A wedding of interest to many Qold*- l oro people waa that of Leroy Parker, of Mount Olivo and Mias EvagCnata, of Goldsboro, at ths homo of tho bride's parents in Smith Held (not evening, tho Rev. William 0. Cone, of SL Stephen’s Church oAciatiag. Mlaa Coots waa given in marring* by her father. Among these present wort: Mr. Graves Smith, Mr. David Prince, Mite Bottle and |T»* Blanc)* fight, of Goldiboro, with many from Smlthfiold end Mt. Olfve. Thd young couple will reside in ML OWvv after a short wed ding trip in the Wtetern port of the State. see Get of Town V letter* Out of town riiitor* in the city yes terday wers: Miss Catherins Boyd, New Bern; Mi*e Annie Duncan, Beaufort; Prof B I. Heffner. Mioses Elisabeth Chwek. Loui* Moon, and Ethel Rees, Hookrrton; Miss Mary Lou Wilkins, Ro*e Hill; Mr. L. N. Smith. Raleigh. Mr. S. L. Roberts, AsMevillsj N. J.. Siginor, of the Newport Schools; Ellon Dale, Faro. PERSONAL ‘ Miss Coloots McEorhern left yester day for her home in Wilmington. She expects to return Sunday. Mi*a Florence White Is in Wilming ton a* the guest of relatires. Mr*. Flora Kendall i* spending Tha nksgivtug In Wilmington wftli I friend* and relative*. Mr*. L. H. Jones left yesterday after noon on a visit to La Grange, and will be there until 8u nduy. Master L. Newell, Jr. It in Wilming ton visiting hi* aunt. Mr*. E. C. Craft. Mr. Cecil Boat hat gone to Warsaw to spend Thanksgiving at horn*. Mia* Lilli* Walker is spending the holidays in Qreenthnro. Mr. Carlisle Shephapd went down to Wilmingtoa yesterday, to visit friends and relative* until Sunday. Mr. Sam Emory is spending tho holi days at his home in Ckata City. Ask us first—We have it Palace Drug Store Phone No. 8 10-Minute Delivery Service Mia# Paulina C«bb, of Bowan, whn has boon visiting Mra. A. K. Robert •on, bus returned home. . Mr. wi Mrs. Crooch, of Winston talem. ara tho bona* guest a of Miss Leah Slaughter. Mra. W. A. Aldridge is visiting in Mt. Ollv* and trill he there the remaind er of this week. Mt. B. M. Land Wan a bwsiaaaa visitor in Raleigh yesterday. ' Mr*. Them os O'Berry returned thin morning from an extended visit to New York. Mtea Elitabeth Waters is spending Thanksgiving In Wilmington. Mr. John Hobbs wao • visitor in Wil son yesterday murniag. Master “Sonny" Graham, of Chapel Hill, I* tho guest nf Mr*. C. B. Wilkins. Mra. H. M. Humphrey and Mias Mary Humphrey spent yesterday morning in Wilton, shopping and visHing. Mr. and Mra. M. J, Beat aro in Lam- ' hecton, visiting their daughter, Mr*. J. C. Fuller. 1 Mra. M. B. Andrew* and children, cf 1 Fayetteville, are the house guests of her parents, Mr. and Mra. J. D. Daniels < on East Walnut Street. Mr. George Norwood spsnt yesterday afternoon in Raleigh on business. Misi Margaret Hines is in Raleigh I spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mra. B. H. GriMn, at tha Yarborough. Mioaoa Varna Baker and Nonas Ward, of Newton Grove, aro visiting Mr*. K. B. Herring, on E. Walnut Street. Dr. J. M. Howard has retained from * a business trip to Raleigh. Major Matt Allen it home for Thuaki- J giving. • | Hr*. Tom Whitaffeld Is vlaitiag J friend* and relatives in Mt. Ollv# for ! a few days. Mra. Jamea Jeffrey* Is spending * Thanksgiving with frtend* in Rategh. Magdalene Hsmmoll, Virginia »“<l Wf‘» Suther are in Benncttaville, Sootir Carolina, a* tha guests of Mr*. R. B. Kirkwood. Mr. J. W. Seta, Jr, of Raleigh, le In * Goldsboro on a baelnoat trip, and !a 1 registered at the Keniton. Mr. and Mra. R. R. Austin went ap *o 1 Durham yesterday afternoon and will * return tonight. Mr. A. 8. Grady, attorney of ML * Olivo, wna in the elty Tuesday UR legal J ljuaine**. ' Mias Jaat* Scott it In flaunt Olive at ' the gaeat of Mr. end Mr* Merman An- 1 dtpws. Mias Mary Poplin it tho guest for 1 Thankagiving of friends in Mount Olive, ' Mra. Charlie Water* and tdiildren 1 left yeaterday afternoon for Mount 1 Olivo to spend Thankagiving with rota- 1 tivea. Mr. Water* will join them this ' morning. Mist Mary Talton left yesterday af ternoon for Wilmington to viait for f several days. 1 j, ; i Meadamea J. F. Bakey and M. A. 1 Stewart, of Norfolk, who have beten 1 visiting Mra. W. L. Rawlings, returited 1 home yesterday. I Mr*. J. P. Hewitt and Miaagt ltd • garet and Jaaa Hewitt, of Rosomai*y. * will arrive tonight and are to bo tMe ' houaegurata of Dr. and Mr*. William ' Smith. i Mra. Faison Thompson went to War saw Tuesday t* attend a party at Mr*. W. L. HIIH. Mra. C. E. Boat, of South Rivpr, lo : • • pending tho week end in Guldsboro < a* the gaeat of her slater, Mia* Mary 1 Alien Groves. v. 1 Mra. F. W. Hollingsworth, of Statea- * v> Ho, who bo* been ■ pending some 1 time hero with her parents. Mr. and 1 Mrs. F. L. Caste*, returned home yes- 1 terday. 'I Colonel John D. Langston and child- ' ren are spending tha day in Darham and wlTl Attend th*, Trinlty-Woffard I game. I Mr. W. C. Daniel*, traveling repre sentative es the Baker Binnrtt Co., 1 la in tho (city vieiting this parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. » Daniels. Mias Freda .Cuben Is visiting haW sister, Mrs. ff. J. Need!man. in NeW 1 Bern. MrJ J, O. Bitiell \spent yaßterdap morning la Fayattovillo on baaßisss. Mra. Marshal! Williams, of Fsisen, wo* a visitor In tho city yesterday. Mias LofifSe Ptidgin left yssHsrday afternoon for Warsaw t* visit. She as pects to return Sunday. Messrs Lodi a sad Farrar Oner are home from Atlantic Christian College to spend Thanksgiving with thair par ent*. Reverend and Mra. L. M. Onter Miaa Jessie Winstead Is vlaitiag in Roaehill for a few day*. Miss Satie Sagga mt MU****. le edit ing Mlaa Carrie Hinson, on Spruce It. Mias Hansford Patterson, of MoiMfcr, Virginia, (a spending Thankagivlv* ! with Mlea Eleanor Daniels. Mies Maggie Blackman, es j is viaiting Mra. F. W. Rutledge. MY. Clarence Parks, of Wilailagton. is visiting hi« parents, Mr. and Mrs. B | F. Parka, on Asha Street. Mia* Julia Mala Southerland of tho Warsaw High School faculty, is home i for the Week end. Meter*. H. D. Bateman and D. 8 Boykin, of Wilson, were hualaeaa visi tor* in Goldsboro yeaterday. Mr. A W. Gilletta left lost night for his hotiM In Copron. Virginia, whord bo will visit? for ths remainder of the Meek. ~ Miss Margaret Soeaer went over to Fremont last night for a visit of a fnw dag*. Messrs. If axel Zealy and Thomsa Campben are home from the Oalveraity ! s dfs df Goldsboro, N. C. far tho week end. Mr. Solly Isaac*, baa f»turned from » business trip to WlteaJugton 1 Mr. K. W. Vick was a business visi ter in Wilratugwa puadsrday . Mr. Vaaoa Weill Is hstne for Thanks giving. Mr. Lewis Giddoao la home from Chapel Hill to spend ths holidays with his pa rants. Mr. 0. L. MlddUton. mt Manroe, ar rivovd test atght aad is tha guest of his father aad mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. C- Middleton , Misses Annie aad Helen Moore, of Mount Olive, are visiting Mr. and Mr*. O. C. Jones. Mis* Carrie Scwelkort, who is teach ing at Steadman this year, it the house gaeat of Miss Nellie Josraa. Miss Adel* Rosa* is spending tho holidays at her homo ia Copron, Va. Mra. Eatelie Smith hat returned from a visit to WhiteVillb and Wilmingtoa. Miss RoWena Berdan has retained from Clinton, whom ska has boon on on extended visit to relative* Mr. Bishop Malpass it heats from tho Uaivorsity fat I sass days OF YR OLD TYMI Santo DlMisaii BMwosm tho QUosrv aaco mt tho Dap Thou aad tho Foatittea of today. From picking tho staAaff oat of a wild turkey to kicking tha stuMng oat of a wild football piayer, Thanksgiving day absorvanc* has uadargono a de cided change* d*oa wMkla the ken Os the present Writer, who, at tkat, Is gait* aid enough to gain a permanent homo among tho mummies at tho Me trepioitsn Museum of Aft, Roy K. Moulton writes ia tho Now York Eve ning Mail. Thera wore days away back in Paritan times whka people had a '.at to bo thankful far and eaoagh sens* to bo thankful for It. It is still true that a portion of oar groat metropoli tan population And time to render thanks in tho old-faskloaod stylo, hut the rah-rah Thank*firing has been with as *oae twenty yearn now, and it seems to be gaining momentum. In the old days they used to lease a platter strewn with the hones of wild turkey, and now it is tho general cus tom to lose* the gridiron strewn with arms, tegs, cars and other more or let* Important impediments. Tha history of a Thanksgiving day used to be set down by the Church clerk, and now it I* tot ifnwn in Jaaa by tho sporting writer, all of which, geos to show that civilisatlan is mov ing, though wo can't always decide whch way. Y* Oid Tymo Thankagiving. ’’Know ye all me* by thefc presents: “That I, Makepeace Wharhurton, governor, do noaAnnte Tharfday, ys twenty sixth of Novcmbor, to boa day of ihsnkfgtving and a day of prayer in remembrance of tha groat blcfflng* w* have received daring the path year. All aad fUndry of tho population are order ed to attend service and profoundly render thanks for pease sad profperlty or pay penalty on the pillory, the duck ing stool or tho or the fteck*. “MAKEPEACE WHARBUETON, “Oovemor.” Those were the days of real Thanks givings. Pelog Prouty did not have to go to the batehor shop aad batter his soul, his hoaso aad lot and his Ford for m tarkey. Ho klaond his wife, Prd denco, and the kids good-hy for maybe the last time, and net forth far a wild turkey. Ho carried over his shoulder on kb- pound blunderbuss with a sprin kler sttatchmetit on the inutile which would sutler shot over m fsir-sixad township and would kick Peleg for a goal when it went off. If the Indians got a bead on him first it was good night tarkey, and if he gat a head on them flret the springier attatehasont en abled him to put the raspberry on eight or ton of them at onaa. If Peleg got homo all right with tho wild tarkoy they had a Thsnksgieipg. If he didn’t they had a funeral. The family would go to church the morning and •rrlvd'dhere with sev eral arrows sticking through their clothes and hats, and after good old Elder Hudnutt hod prtsrhod for four hours and a half sad finally stopped, tho congregation had something to be thankful for. When the feast ws» ready. Psleg, his wife. Prudence, and the Children, Steadfast, Charity, Prosper, Fsith, Cromwell end Whetstone, seated them select shout tk* table, the room would suddenly fill with smoke for the reason that there would be an ladlsa sitting on the chimney top trying l# smoke i them oat and glam the tarkoy and Peleg’s flagon of flrowster. Indiana Took Part. Peleg would nonchalantly wander ! oeer to tho fireplace sad throw a hand | full of gunpowder Into it and ths In dian wonld moke a dash for the crook siear by, angrily pursued by his buhn iVig breechclonf. Peleg would return to th# fesst and ■ if, "For whnt w# are shoot to receive let us bo truly thankful ” And h# rs reltvd it quickly. A noble redmsn pok ed hi* arm through th* window and firmlj nlchdd Filer o* tk* boon With o torcunj hawk. Being a hsrd-ksadcd Puri tan. P* leg would g* on with his dinner *fter throwing th* torolsiyh*vk barb over >iw shoulder sad catching Mr. ShlnncVock just below th* Adorn'* vp ffte The afternoon was given ewer to ' 1 • o' J ’ 1 *"'7 j * J */^H 1 k . JlfV I ■ wmM* | * '.I® 1 ..' V.' ...X. i ‘ { ’1 £► • 0. s || Let t/s Be] Thankful «' - iiil / i Let us be thankful for the bounty of Providence. —for friendship that we may tir peace with .*+.} otir fellows —for sunshine, and rain and snow, that the earth may become fruitful * , * \/> , # —for our birthright, that we may know the true ** worth of freedom and democracy v* • »,*.'■ . ; 7'7| —for the sense of smell, that we may know the clean perfume of Autumn mornings u " **. v' | ■ &, And let us be thankful for our legs, that they can carry us among the hills and down in the valleys. Let us give thanks for our health and strength, that we may attend our daily labqrs and reap the reward \ of our toil. * 9 iMM 1 \ And let us never lose the sense of gratitude for the heritage which has come to us from the Pilgrim Fath ers—the heritage of courage, resourcefulness, piet? and enduring faith. Let us use this heritage in our business, and in all the walks of life. A > . m. Aft A' H. Weil & Bros. meditation pad reflection. CoVobrollon •( Todor But nowaday! they father is lomr Jan reetanraat and the . boet .aaya: "For what wo haven't had dating the past under the Volitead art tot u» be—,” welt, anyhow, something like that. The waiter doee not reach trroa«h the window and tap bin with a tommy hawk, bat he blta him for a |M76 cheek and a (to tip. And tnitead of spending the after noon ia meditation and prayer, as Piles did, hie greatgreak-grestgront-great grandson alia ia a.grandstand with 11,- 000 he re tore nad they yollt “Freehwater's got the ball!" ■’Kre oh water. Freshwater, tip, boo-ti bah! freshwater. Freshwater, rah, rah. rah!" “Oo to It, romailkt Now, hoys, the. Comsilk locomotivei “Rah rah rah rah rab rah rah—Cam-, ellh, roraallb—hip, hip, htp, hip. hip, hoeraht" , Aad after the game Feleg'a descend sht edsemfaiilhe a ye on 4 flapper ta a hotel for fllanor, where ho gets a piece of usrksy through whleh bo can road the name of tbo oaf# and make oat tte coat-of-arms la the center of tbo plate , and call* it a food. The only folks fuaalor than the nld ones nro the new ones. Dr. G. D. MORRIS Borden Building Phone*: Reeideno* I7i» Office 134 Ilount—9-11 a. m/-2-4 p except Friday afternoon Suggestion No. 12 * . W Hid handa nutv br Cold but as long an his hasTt is* warm vou min hi get him a oatr of warm won ftwfa now nr tell him to get them and wait till Christinas to get his silk or kid gloves. Nfcw foubgtevw* Ht»t reived tAdsv' xp”* 4tf, We, aafrfSc \ / . r * A. A. JOSEPH, My Outfitter* , Under Hotel Kennon lAA. C. JOY*m Hb «. PrweOoe IhnHfld fk . T** smtcßßY, onnvmfiSr, am (•wi i O«eo fnarth floor SmtSoif'AMliag. Houas » *o tt ito H fMMdtStM Telephuno: Office TKLCFHONB OflUe MS. IST-W. PAGE NINE

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