HcaevpiG, bbc. b ua yMfi in mi— .... . m.i ■■■■.. 11 i. § tv MART DANIELS MASON, Editor m Ann I .. i ~ ■ j SUKUUM n OtR “ ~ sit It* Joy 111 fan. A*4 rut* ha* tar**4'lnto snow, tk*t Mr* tk* rivers ran, AatMM; la bare, And Winter to near. Thg fruit as summer's gathered f Haw gnldtu ik* ry# Haw fair it th* sky . la* Mi good aatnmn weather. Th* y «#ws an fad, Tkar**a aalaap ta tka *k* They’re all aalaap, Bind tka gray moutict squeak Aad aatawn day* ara aaar over DAVID LILES. CiIMW, N. C. k• * • | Better TU friend* of Mra. J. M. Latin will bo'gUi to loarn tkat aka i* murk bet tat aa IHn*»« of saveral rtny«. • • • Mr MMIMm HI Hl# koat of friends throughout tka city win regret to laarn that Mr. (I. C. MJAdteforr le very aick at hi* home oa Leslie atraat. I • * n Malar Party , *a HaMik Mr. Mr. 7. M. Howard. Dr. J. M Howard, Mra. Matt Allan and Mra. WU- Una Spies r aaotorad o»«r to Raleigh yiskerduy morning and ratumad in tk* afternoon. • * a SLTJ I Mn. Paul Bordan charmingly an-[ tertbined yaatarday afternoon in kon-1 or of Mis* tame# Bordan, who it home on bar vacation a* tka guest of har mother, Mra. Arnold Bordan. b m % m Complimentary to Mra, L. A. Mah- Ur of Raleigh attractive honaa guest i of Mra. Joaopk E. Robtnaon. Mra. E.- 0.4 Btnaa wka kortcaa at bridge yea torday afUmnon. Pall flow*ra aad foliage ware uaed to creall a pleating floral affect ia the roome where two tablet of enthus iastic bridge were played. A beautiful colonial ooraagu waa preaeated to Mr.a Makjer* At t«e conclusion of the garnet Mra. litnea, aaatated by Mr*.,j Mattel Lea Cannon, aerved a » » mop t* the c**k»d««lr " I Li*hy fa**T. Os r.ripMsahor.., eanp , *!gF prom. | is* Mt,’’ occompopiA h>N Miss Sallis af Goldsboro, *t the pV^n*.. , /' • • # Eajoyshl. Dagce et // ' Algoaqain last Might Messrs. M. E. Robinson roHftl/j - M.: Longest wean hosts at a Beyl « ~ able dance given in the Algonquin club rooms from 8:30 to 12 last night. An.* "orchestra" furnished music through, i, out the evening. L .rr-■ ■■ - j ‘j Moving Plant Wit v* to Kart 4ngia. I Tk* amretug plant I* a native «>f 1 Ragt India and ta remarkable by re* 1 nets as tha notion of It* leave*, 'nine 1 am arranged in r”oui« of three, the 1 lataval laatrts much smaller (ban the 1 terminal ana Ttnan lateral leaflets 1 ara la cooat* ut motion, being elevated 1 by a BMCranaloa of )Of Ire and tlgm 1 mating downward tv wloillar rupid 1 lartta. Tk* motion In not rapid, a 1 •wtnkleta vpmoAd.iwn movetpert tak tag Bran two to four telnatee Tk* tartntoal leaf doe* not retnatn * I qalat. bat Ita movements are aot Ilka 11 rkoaa es the oihers. 11 —;w— -...*• w . . SC . r - ; J* tfbaiLlfk*. -krtffc i VOliA VILLAGE ii AMERICA ' b Maw Yarh CecnNiwoity Might In IffaM . rtav* Baan Tranapartad B*dl|p iirta Thla Country, Rxcept for Ha oca telephone wlr* ‘ aad two automobiles, LUUa York. h. T., might boa Volga Mas an: tiling* traarptaatad bodily from Russia to ih« Unitad Stataa. If haa neither gka nor elactriclty; ' neither bathtub* nor oeWara; po water napplj cicopi a npctng. ■ la fact, Littia \ortt M» t ovm wa tha map or ia tha po«f ofllc* gnidc 1 None tha ieaa It la a place ta know about, if sal ta In* 10, write* Kuta . McClary In tha N*w York Wotid. It ia a village of pMUchlo and choc olate octalr bouiev. skeltering 50 peas-, ant famllla* with a total population, us SOB.'* Modem Inventions arc Inn urkrt beyond the purse of moat at the lulu bit an it, and (be dealro as tbs raat, ( ororlng law than t aguaru mil* of ( fertile meadow and farm land. Uttla York lit a gj tha foot of Muunt Adam , aad Mount JD\e, beautiful tUii* of Mt*! lower CaUkllla. 0 ! , The inhabitant*. Kusatan-Ogrmaa. Lutherans from (ho Taiga river valley, are daacawUnta of thoae who followed f atberine II from Prussia Into Bcsait. when tbe German princoa* bacama the, Wife of ike future cur. They have brought wUii item to Lit-1 1 He York tha tmditlo&a and cue t»io| ha wall aa the langahgo and retiglon of thair ancaatora. CnUka Amartcaa farmera. tha ptuufi lira in communities and work thair Individ nal plot* of land The ullage la alt uat*4 en th* hillside and overlooks the fartUa meadow land, divided into Ttrl oua-siaed "farms," according to tha affluence of the owner. Tha largest fprt# ha* ten acraa aad the *mnllaat, 1 ana. ROMANS BELIEVED IN OMENS All Minds as w flig*R* Oand and Bod, , Had Oirsct Inftwanea an Thair . a, Action*. The ancient Roman* were great be liever* in signs and seldom cared t* , undertake *u enterprise without con aultiug tUeui Home persons looked at bird* flying iWartoewd Other* mt tty animals, to use what "signs" wars In otda. Perbapa most Interesting of aIL wu« thr custom of keeping cartam rbtckeu* aud calling them aacrad. If aoine one wanted to know If a plea 1 would succeed."he tried to feed tha I chirk en* If they ate heartily, It was a good sign. If they refused to eat. the pi»n was probably given up. When | n R'.tnsm died, food and drink wer* placed bealdo hla body la tbe tomb. Animal* were sucrihcsd. and milk or wine was thrown on the gmand. This wa* i,-lasted *very yaar. If the nia fives forgot, the soul yrsa sut>po*,d to ‘ heconic evil and to bnug bad luck Animals wore sacrificed In honor of j (he gods, as well as for tbe .-pirn* of iu*q. Pig*, oxen and asleep were tbe cream re* most often killed Floor j aad salt were «prtf,kled over c*>;h an! ' rupl, tU be»td waa covered v ltd cloths, su4 than the priest raised s Urge t.nlfe or an al for the uraih-dtalitig blow. Prayreiv. were raid bv those i looking on ,'Jhc hone* ym| f|t wort placed ou tUa *Ua< and burned, 1 ThaV* Different. Ttioa* were liard and blit ro!l«rt->r* rame nearly every day to ree Ole. Tin* annoyed him very mu,, i. V very time: n colieuor came he ihrew up his! hands, shook hi* head and talked Nor-, wsgisn. tine day a mowing machine roliector lulled and found enothor oof lector ahvad of him, also trying to ret money from Ole. „ ( •T'vo been wording on him for nearly an hour, but the poor fellow can r tin dorstaod a word as RngUth " sai l the •r»t collactot, "»o there's oo T,fe of wattiug any more time on hint." "That * too bad," returned the other. T wanted to tell him that as I was loosing up tho road on* of bia eowa I brake through tb# fence and tw—'" , Before he cauld say another word. Oi* Jumped three feet from tho ground j and shuutad. "By yhnluy join pup. var she go?' and disappeared down the road in g cloud of dVat.— I'orbt** Mag-1 gain*. Work of Load-Cutt.ng Bee. Tho ICkf oittlag bo«. drills la a land Bank a hoi* ten tadivs deep ami half | *n Inch in dlametor aad divide* It Into ' about a doianvi irta>< ata or ceßk Mach cell la cumpaOM us iiHves of leaf cut into pro par ahgpes and carefully fl|ffcltT|Xlttl|l Rosa leaves null sw.-Ct pan loaves ara among ihb Uroriles of (ha baas. Tha ewuong t* flono with tho, Jaw*, whll* the alt leg* hold the Ithf la pC«lMon aad enable tb* Insert to turn Itvaflr abeut with the precision of a pair of comgiamaa. Home of the rat pieces ars perfe, ( rtrclea, others are oblong figure* us varying psopor- I too*. Having cut out tbe segment of leaf, an oparatton requiring about twenty r*cond*. tha boo carrtoa It to the aawt-baak aad than returns for more material*. Whaa a piece baa , been nearly cut off, tho ba*. tn order |o prat cut ten nag. pot dm Usrtf In tbe air with It* wing* aad doth plate* tha ( •wuHßjeißfagjg - , h ’"—■•■ - ■ ■ I I ■■*>! I I ■ ■ ■■ IliiM ill II , ASK US PTRBT—WE HAVE IT Palace Drug Store Phone No. 8 • * Goldsboro, N. C. 10-Minute Delivery Service . """T> *<**!■■ "■ 1 ,'i ■■■ :.t n ’’’person al’’; ■, Mlk* Ilatii* Mac Morr; «y, who it blag home draion.vlraticti werk at Jackvvnvillc, riturra'd this morning af «r Ij’etng with Capt-via and Mr». A O. Ikmrnt a fc*- day Mrs. G. C. Tucker of Naw Lrn I* visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Lynch. Mr, Glenn Barden, who ia* a teacher ! ia the Rocky Mount school* this yaar,' s tho guest of hu fstitvr, Mi J. C, Bardag, Mir* Edna Brown of China Givvc, ■a tbe guest bf Mr.:. 11. C. Dali- at Sov* n Springs. Mivs Etta td&nson of Wilaon, en ..•oui- to Beaufort stopped over in TohUburo yrxierdsy and was the guest o 4 Mra. Siii rrcyman, 11 Mira Ward Moore of Greenville I*l visiting her sinter, Mri. D. 11. Bland. Mia* Jspic Ipock of Dunn ia the ituest of her titter, Mr*.-A. 11. Coward. Mr. E. It Wilkrr.ion of Wilson was ' a visitor in 'Goldsboro Thun day, Mias V. Esfhir .Starlini; apant ,Thura-l lay at her home in Tine Level. ■ i Dr. G. (ilyde Morris wot a visitor in' Mt. Olivo yesterday afternoon. “ I Mitt Isabelle Faison Ii the guert of Mus Sattetficld for a few days. lira. G. £. Horton had aa her gur&ta Thanktgivdng day the following l rciativeai Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Croon, taleigb; Mr. and Mrs. R. £. Hill and itllc daughter, kronke, Whiteville; Mr. John L. Groom, Mi. and Mrs. Lowry Crvom, Cold Point; Mr*. J. K. Banner man. Dunn; Mr,,. Jark Coburn and Mr. ishley Bryant, Kobirrsonville. Mr. Lrtlio Gardner spent Thanksgiv ing iig Greensboro with his family •hd are visiting ,Mr. sad Mra. U. E. Cartland in that city. Mrs. Robert Denmark la visiting la Mount Clive this week ead. Mrs. J. H- btabbs, of FayetteviHe, * has bees visiting ia Betafort and spent , yeaterday harr on her return trip home. Dr. E. F. Pope and Mr. A. T. L'aaall, 1 are spending a few day* In Raleigh. Mr*. R. A. Smith eras a visitor In Smithfleld yesterday afternoon Mr. and L R. Casey and Mrs ' J. V. Casey, of Bummerft*ld, are visit ing Mr*. W. C. Baggs. Mr. E. V. Pipkin, of McCall. U visit •ng hi* sitter, Mr*. G. K. Tkerton. | Mr. Ralph Irwin, waa a visitor in : Wilton yesterday. Mrs. |L H Mahler, as Raleigh, i* thr loose gacst of Colonel and Mra. Joseph EE. Kobinaon. Mr. aad Mra. E. A Steven*, of Gnat kam Township, are ia Richmond visit ng Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar Steven*. Mr. a*d Mr*. P. L. Caatet, aad daugh. ; i ter, Mias Hannah, of Conetoe, ary tha rticati of bet mother, MW:--" "Z. fl.' Torter, Sr. Mrs. liiainey Cox J* «pending the | stock end with Mrs. Wiley Ayrock, in Fremont. Mr; and Mtr. J. Wayland Jones, es are visiting My. Host I and >lr.>>Lry Emua Glddant. Mr. ' noloriM* over yeaterday morning and orougbt them back in the afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Fred Cohen, of Win-j »t*a- w alcm, ara .visiting Mr. and Mr*.! t»aac Cohen on Will Jam Street Mutes Laura und Hetty Lewis, »n Faison, Fere shoppeh* in a Gold-boro yesterday. Misses Mildred McDonald and Mary I Kimble were among yesterdays i|uota I o' visitors from La Grange. Miss Irene Crtecli has returned from j Clinton, where she has been on a two weeks visit.* Mcsdaroca J. Carl-oil uhd Arthur j < <>ok, of Warsaw , were in the cicy j visiting and shopping yesterday. Mr*. W. H Carroll, of Turkeyvwus :n : tbe city Friday. Mrv. Joho It. finith is visiting her j t-n. Mr. lL,| Crawford, in Kinston. I Miss Eleanor Dawiel* and her guest. Miss H.insfiiril l’at vrson, of Manteo,, \ irgiitia, sprat yesterday in. RgJnglu Mis# Dot thy Hold. 11. of Millls. Mat*., > thu bouse guest of Mrs. C E. Pi'., kins. Miss Flora Hill Is Jloinr from the A'lcntia Christian Co'lag.j for tin w* k ' < nd. Gtvnd Califmnia Rglauia, lit the great rolaUi grup. gro*ta| district <>f central C iJlTmniu the dry-1 lug in done in trayw iu the open air. ! Great Iqae result if ram should fall on tile partially dried fruit; hen<*t whta rain U expected lb* itiforniatloa I* Immedtaiwlv spread Huvaghmit tbe »*ll»-v l-jr tetejih-wtu and frieinraph, and every hvai)"l>l« p r.cn la sot i* Harking the tt. /*. t vea tbe school* may be ■ loaed and the children r>re**ed Into aerrtee. and woe betide ilw unronanaie tramp raagtit la tba district whu baa a dlsiarUaatWa to he., <-«mu* arquatntvd with work. Thla U »Botber Inrlaoc* lodlcatly* us tha val uable turtle* rat,dared by the weath er bureau us tb* Halted flute* Uw pertinent of Agrlcuitar* la warglafl *uit grower* sgainoi paartbto loaaan JU*l Flattery. *T Bnderaiaod ttig pbotogivplie* praiaad yaur beauty vary Mflbiy ' 'Yaa, but l*va laebaii in v*io fag Uw last au month* aud be has yet to alaplay la bln front window (A* *■ 1 • k "' _ a ■ ■■ / . SLEEPY TIME FOR THE LITTLE FOLKB BILLIE ROHM I'M MOVER AG AIM » I -poke up aga})i , aiul said: "Jocko, gun is mighty | heavy and you hud better real it on , Blsckie's bark wben you shoot, and for fear tt should kick Ilk* I have seen ; sruns do, you hud better have Dr. Goon and Rtlhe Posum stand behind you to ; hold you up if the gun should kick.” , So Jueko put the gun across Blaekie's back, and Billie I'ostum and Dr. Goon stood cl use behind him so us to Catch I him |f the gun should kick. Blacki* | stood right still and Jocko got a good »im at the frea- ind fired both bar j eels, "pow-pew.’’ If anybody cauld aak Jocko Monkey, Dr. Coon ov BiUie Possum whether a gun could kick, they wuuld bear all three of them eajr yes. That gun err tainly did kirk and all three of them rolled a err each other just like tho , somera.-iult felloicy that you., lee in a , cirrus. ft's the enly thing that ever hsp i |H>igd that didn't m*h,. Billie Posam ! grin, hut he certainly couldn't And j .anything in that bump t* laugh about. Wben b* picked him»< If up and was able to talk, he said that kn. plways thought that a gun shot the other way. TLen Wou-Wod Owl told him that “a» a rtilo they ito, bat this seem* to be on* of tho&'-rfllea that work* both ways." That brought thr grin back to Billie Possum, for he thought it wa* pretty smart in Woo-Wao Owl to say such a thing. Rut Jocko Monkey was might* i various to see hat had happened at the ; other and of the gun; an a* quirk us be 1 picked himself up he run down to tha water to tea If h* hit u goose. Re found that be had killed four gets* and every one was lying flat on hit back ia tha water, with feet stick- Ing straight tip Blarkie Bear was the best swimmer 'la the party, he went in and got like nee.c and brought them nut "What are wg going to do with *ll thia matt. Rlseklef* said Dr. C**n. "With all the meat and earn and apple* •nd thing* that Ko gg n 11,, Mon'* *" # fa i-3i“ discount! n (I m- i - H «- * « , _ ■■ { . For One Week i 1 I V », *' \. t 1/ "jv ** Mm m i | t • , v *» IB K Beginning Saturday, December 2nd, we will offer our Vi 17 •> ‘ • , „ g V vl t entire stock of coats, coat 9uits, dresses, skirts, blouses, w \m ‘ ■ \\ % ' \| // sweaters, kimonos, bath robes, petticoats agd millinery « I „ AT 331-3 PERCENT OFF ft lr ff I The Original Price ■ i i ti / '■" m \* > « \ Satisfactory deposits accepted on any garments select- (( I 7 ff )) , ‘ft edu Nothing 1 on approval. Nothing exchanged. | sH /f Remember the Date, Saturday Dec. 2nd at 9.00 o'clock I • - * * " M K n 1 i r’ m / 1 19 I L E. Pearson Co. i# P ■ 1 Iff / Next to Kress' ' * M 1 ' 4 ff _• _ , _ « k . ,* n » •' 1 . ' r ~~' v ~" " "" V 1 "• —■—■■■; J-' CHAMPION TRAPSHOOTER _. ■ Mm, K. L. Kin* of Winona, Minn.. * tlx womans im(l<>unl clay turgrt rliumtilna fur UKtt-28. }Ou- Won tlis till** at the TV eniy-third A nan it I (.rand American Handicap Trapahoot lug mumey »ing.-d at Atlantic city, -V. J. Hu entry '.lat mm* the Inrgam In fhr history of the nnaoclatlou Interrupt**. Mr employer U a golf ent hat last nod Whan ha haa played a guofl game ha never falls to glfa tha oArs fail l-smeulars. with u nouns Cralloaa. aa , ha keeps hla dub* downtown. Ona afternoon ha last about fnor i o'clock. Directly alar 1 dragged mit h»* Huh* Swinging tha hag ►. ui> vbouidet I .v|v*n, «p|)nl a tail to tha and ' •■iing at It. "slate. • I commanded "„n tha grant- ; . aat golf performor who ever in,a ! 1 hall. Laat week at llllDdule I want ' around In tttu, i.nd * alii now—" Tha door *Dmnt> I iiehlnd me. It* had ru*W rno«|. —Chicago Tribune. 11 ' ' * ' ‘ ir * n " * < la,t night, nnd nil tb*i r gri %r, I don’t i know what wo art* to do with them." | “Wall,** *md itlacklr, “I know wliul «a ar* going to ilo; wr ur> going lei halld a* • »mokr hou«a, for now wa ha«r a gun. w, ran gat enough meat * to have some on hand all the time, and I If It mint or geta rold, w* won't ha** to go out in It to pet tomethlng to **l. "We tnn ke« p what wa Hgi-c In my k'lehrn till mt get the imnk»- h*W»e hard t>r. toon and I wiH make plan* ■ boat' building th* hou*r tomorrow. Wc map have ta rail an Ipr. Mi* I again befot* w* got It finlTbcii * j, ===__^== I UNHOMORID AND VNtUTia' •ntrraa *u« runnalatla*.'’ remarks® lh» tillage bhlloaaphap. “Wailr ingnlrpd th* goo Ham an of Maara. *Thp world doesa’t aspect much of dull* Ilia ua." “Thitt’a a fart, and If a man rag .!*< hla wlfa to look at the matter tba j an me way tha world doea ha’ll har* prvtly smooth nailing." Ovaranthualaam. "I should llbn to make a bl* auh •eriptlou to yoor tampoign fund,'' as* claimed Mr. Dunlin mag. "Couldn't think of pormlttln* It," SnM Rmuitor Korghnm. “But I really enjoy ur j “Thul'a tha polot. 1 am afraid you** enjoy It ■<> much you couldn't refrain from talklu* about Itt'—Wash* Instim hinr, Tartlaaa Question. "Did you demonvtrule n car to that , Indy i uatmoery' •’Tea," replied tha talesman. "Ah* ashed me If wa rauM furnish uphoi -1 atertng in watch her hair." i "Hut she wen Pout In a huff." "I lunen it wan my fault. I anked her If nlie wauled to mutch it u* It 1* at present." -- 1 .0, ...I. ....... , "Who was N said that a waman’n boot triaud la har draaamaberi" “I don't knew. Probably har draas ■ nukav i t ’ _ - u. diriitmas Suggestion No. 13 | OVERCOATS Make hin Christ man a wnrm heart v one and on* that I he will remember for yearn by getting him the *ort of I overcoat h# liken. Let ua ahow you hin choice. Over* I coats, from SIB.W) to $-15.00, I A. A. Joseph, My Outfitter I I'nder Kin nanM*rf t- t. I 1 eiiiinVu 0 rl ‘~tsrtk * I* . i •*' j MAUAKOTMMCATiI J ■ 1 I m S l; j ffße 4 ' Bp M Ai y 4|| ta Ipf! J ■ ' HL ; TWn ntatne of MaaSaaoN, gnat fkdh ewi of lh« Wampaooagn, prutaoUr aai |ir< *«r\ er of th* PUgrlma, was adhetat* |y dedicated recently on Oata'l hill, Plymouth. »Ums. Mora tana #OO Uni Men nod Daughter* *f Pochoatna from all over tha Unlted'Stntea wwrw peaaem at the ceremouy. The Natal wag Uiv veiled a year ago. its focaAl pragaa Kftlun td the touD of PlyaMUh Nag aa a fnature of tha gprdaty -MU) ****** ruun.ll of the National Osdft tt M Wa Want to Kn*w. J Knicker —“A man hna the right M • urk and to quit wort" Ilgrkwa ■ J niador what bawd do*u goU cvuwf J PAGE THREE