PAGE FOUR M HUUM «*s flYHrf*'* trsiy Day latapt Man Jay at "srsrsi* 10 - mtMtoto n»u«nKo co. ;«ka V. Uatatao. **•**•«• 4,1 ■ ' 4u*jMkferr> ~ j B. r. Baaalay BditsrUl w. W. HMdas BaMaaaa ttlßßCmirrlON IN ZtDVAWCR By Mail Pat Y*ar... By City CarrWr Pat Y«a».B 00 Weakly fcy Carrier -0 Itttnd at the Poat o®r« at flclda bare, N. C, aa aaeoaf-rfaaa »a:t«» ■ 1 11 ——r trm*l — of Tka Aaaaclatcd Pr«a» TBa Aaaaalatad Prvat ta eaclualveh , aatitlad *a tba tar rapublicntlon af all o*w* dlapatehe* credited to It or i aat alkarwfia ered'ted In ihl» pen r •ad alia tka lacal newt puVithed kera la. All right* of republleatlon of dlayatakaa haraia at* al»o r**«r->ed > ,i SATURDAY MORNING, IliC. 2, I*2* m *_ - / paagai^t-sas CYNICISM GONE TO SEED I While the mo*t of th*- court *■ try wu trying to-b thankful* and moat of the rtewspujii » were* writing *i*ncmi mg mg e»i itorials. The Kali inn i e came out imt inf with an ediloritu » cynic .-.I and pessimistic that il is worth reading after the da\ has pa* aed. One might suppose that i tho whole Sun staff had, been , thinking acme of the rac*ui ] * fiquor which it charges pro hi-j Mtion with being responsible \ for and then mlid because it was not good liquor. “Why Bp i Thankful?'! asks the Sun, and then aays: “This old world i in tb< < Hades of a tlx. Why be thank- ] ful for that ? |j “It has progressed in the art of veneering, it has come to,be ! expert in,' applying the paint and powder ami rouge stick oi civilization, Shin ond i I doesn’t the sum.' old hapjp;. !| heart beat in its liossom arc ' not' its teeth still the teeth of the tiger, aren’t its nicely man-- 1 icured nails still the nugxilcsa daws of Jthe ravening wild 1 beast ? If so, why be thank-j : ful? "Coming down from general- ; izations to national particulars, whjr should Great Britain Is thankful Is ahe great any;* more? In helping to heat Ger manv did ahe not overthrow ' the oki order which made her great? Did she not scuttle her 1 ' own ship Os state? Has not the old England largely passed away? IS she not a thing of ' shaeds and patches? Has not.] thg Lion become a sorry look- ' ing animal, more like a mon ' grel than the king of beasts? •! Why should ahe be thankful » SB she looks at her reflection in the mirrors of Downing and erf every other street? 1 “And why should Ireland Is. thankful? A Free State in ' which Irishman are cutting each other’s throat instead of ‘ the throats of Englishmen, in which even the reverend# fcr reftfioua authority, fhP chief characteristic of Catholic Ir&nd, has been furcotten in thlpiati luat fur murder, should Russ a 1> thtnkiul? She traded the 1 witch of Czardom for the devil of Bolshevism, ahe thrown of# chains of c;r kii.d i i chains of allot 1: . exchange<• the right t . 4 for the freedom U n. .»i*v«•. tl , libwty to die ti’om i osfilentc and political perse* “France tells all the world she is not thankful. Sh in crying out against her unhappy fate. She is* 1 - determined to commit national suicide or in temation murder. * "Germany si-vir no rddaon for thankfulness. ~Slie would ratti er curae than pray.' She ia a Sisyphus who cannot reach tic top of the hill with her rolling atone of ityht. “Greece, pour Greece, has gone completely mad. Why should she he thankful for the little men who have succeeded those who made her a synonym for valor ami genius? “Italy may return thgnks for Mußßolini. the apparent Caesar. But how donk BWHui la t ? "A» for ourselves. whv should we la thankful? Should we 5e thankful for a prohibi tion policy that is making u* ,i nation ol bootleggers? ‘Should we lx* thankful for our profiteering business men, for our petty for the multiplicity of our foils, for the absence of public *vr dotti and great ness” “Bhould we be thankful foj our cifir#tt«-smoking girls our jazzy-mi nded hdj’fc ! Should wo be thz«kful for our Ku Kiuxed patiioilstn. f<u the grafth of ill will Amu iotPB, for Llic rise rtf Ingotvv BhouJo ... ———— m •\ ii ■ m wj thankful that Christians aocm 11to delight in the pi-opaganda of hate and entertain tin with gladiatorial combats in the pul igSEl. .•, “Individually most us us can be thankful that we arc not wprae off than we are; that we have escaped a let. of retribu tion which we have deserved. Let us be thankful that our particular Nemesis has not overtaken us, that we are not jin the penitentiary or the po lice wagon,, where - perhaps we belong. “We may be thankful, abovej all, if we can look Heaven in the face and honestly declare we are not hypocrites. A tur kyr is something to- be thank- I fid for’today if we have - nut stolen It or cheated tor it Bui! th" honi’dN us (•?■(!» llt> i i| id; wickedness i» a better J lof gratitude than the smirking •’ace anil roilen heart bl‘ the 1 j hypocrite.” -- r t ARE TCHI MANY GOING TO * COLLEGE ’? • 100 many young riv n! ;u.d eng 'vufucu going to col icpre ? This oucstion lias- U’cn; fyiii k. C;c * rouirdz for somcf ;■ was Mart ml Lv\ a :• am k of Dr. Houkiifs of Dart-j r. «uti College, made to tite un d<- graduales of thnt tioe. tent ' r.i'uny men were, going to college who had no! business to i>e there at all. Th'c jdci n -tatfrm’ti. of al literal truth is u tact of which O' oik who ha i observed such i rot t < r % ut all u> perfectly well •Cv.,rc Dhl ii hi unite r-i■ ■ - u • tom nowadays to take a m • * '"hic'i w com* t in its proper kordtxt ~n*l eularga it to an-application-wide- i. anihor* never meant at all Thu#, aj large, f*er c* id *>f tia* loounent j which gwx from longuo L> tongue or from publication to publication, is based upon an erroneous conception of the original atat* ment. Dr meant, that some boys i.ere ii c<d lege whose pin-pose in life, if, they luci any would b • bi ' served oy some other course of training, or I hat many were not individually adapted to col lege curricula. Every ‘one knows this to be true. But the comment which Ifas been going the rounds assumed that the original statement expressed the view that education gen erally. and particularly college training, should be limited to mAre or leas of a select few. It ia an old saying that you can't make n silk purse out of a sow's eiir Neither can you give the rapacity for education to a youth who has not that capac ttv g Such youths need some thing else and it ia but u recog nition of a common fact to say so. While it is tyue th»d a grant manv men are in college w ho' had best for their own sake# and fort Hat of the genera! wHfnrc he elsewhere, it al o true that there art* mui"’ vho are not at college who for the same rimson had best be .there it is o<>t a question of too manv going to college, but of the right ones going. And since thorn if* at present no \ tv good >’av of, determining who .should and who should not vo except bv nctuol i*t}>* ri merit, th.vt nwjins v ill probably °be eynti.*iu*d to, uicd. - THE BABTIKI llkllk The advertisement in' rbi- »»su» revurdiug the 75 mil lion campaign of t!i«> Baptist dr * untiivS:ion ot tin South 4c ; 11» to the p*ihltc the lanp* phi is- und iiaken by. tlii *jc :s>niipatioy , in the ekmifig ' v »ckf» of 1 In’ fiscal veiur of ! d: nomination such ad\crti*«> moats have appeared in tiie in-v\>papers fcrund wide. The i BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEORGE McMANUS 1 'ni r* m i * i Nia/F.Tir r t l ' sok # kragpl - j 't |qg) iifty | j |!g v - ’ '.■ V ■■ ii. n' expense has b««n borne, as in fjthistf case, by contrilxiUons of 1 earnest men in the denomina - lion, and therefore does not come -out of the organized funds \at all. Such man recognize the t value of thoroughly setting ; forth the plane, purposes and • hopes of a great undertaking of . educational and philanthropic not only before their t own members, but to tike public : at large, As illustrating this point, the • l*resbyterian denomination ini the State is making a groat, es-1 I !fort to increase,the endowment 1 of Davidson college and for the «,upport of the denomination or phanage at Barium Spring*. Page advertisements in the, daily pres# are constantly keep* j ihg these purposes before the j public and the. pages for the I most part are contributed byj men of the denomination who J .vant r.v mu hto ».-i* tin* plans uieceod; Advertising matter of lhi.4 kind n-aciu.u a iurgor uudi-. ience than the denomination in-' jvyived, ii is t£,P\ hut they are ! lilgidv Valual'le in keeping public a'ctptain'ed with the piiir- M*o> ■ and in creating a syiTipa jthy for and un understand of, tb purpo.'* ' involved and have II r* If-xivi influence c\ .11 with tin the particular deiiotmnatioii jal ranks! Then, 100, they aqJ, ‘‘jualnt the world with the gen eral thought andtipurpoae of the i several denominationa which | have imilar campaign# gbing on at the sail 10 liniu. All of .them tend twith to help each other and to impress-upon the pubi c generjillv the fact tint the several branches of the churches of the South are awake (to the needs and opportunities [of the hour. j ,!, . I OFFICER# BUt Kjtßl* oi il II M M ints \ set UPT (Wilmlngtan At ttu fcunu«l imrimj *,f th» N’urifi ■ t »rollna fch*,n Lm , itni|ro<sii 1, ‘ on, * J r'i*l4>., of Soiillipoit. |>rv«i- „ I ,t»-rq „f jin* Wil 11.tnitVon, ,Dnin»«*i<'K ■ r.J Soutbrrn ,«sy, (l*<;**f' ’ |.r*MlS«nt ol the l»oUy. H. P. Edward* 1 <* ** tlNliil v|, „-riM(l.?i.i ami X p, I| - , k wui ckokcD for »ocr«tary-trv«*. i. i«,t. /> Th* m**jl m»t w»* luld at th* Hl*n,l 1 '*' ! ia lUIiMKb, an,l w.u ~j , ", any 'of th* •t*,hhi,li|ir of the »h„rt 1 ait railroad* «f tb* ouit, * lists °f *it;*i im#SH«n«« to tUd rail rarrii-r* w*>r<> ducuiM-tl at the j mvotuiK but no information of a |>ab- j It* nature Wat yivrn oat by tb»M> in •ttcndancr. IT# JPBT TtM) FAR (From tho Wilmington lli*p*trh) Local good road *nthu*ia*t* and S’ltmat* am*rally are hoping that the tour of motorUt* from the New Eng. land *tat«* that will paaa through North Carolina will Inrlud* Wilming ton In lla Itinerary and *pcnd n few day* here before proceeding further • outh. , ,T),, fiaity that makto up thu raroT*n 1 **'ill Imv.-I "i fat tuti„nu>bilt n 1 wllll he met tti the Virginia line by a putty , fr„.n the tlrulumvllynu ( luH. Jt will l«* **rol tcd by the delegation from I th . tub to tin diffcri iitp. ilt. 111 tl state. j I’AKIN CROSS Jl Hll EE IYI U'ET IN eKTCUI t ( Twin CI»F BsulttlyO j T'., vrho , u t,» th, r.,i ,1 ,f j th* opening M,,| ctniiplvt ion of lb* Win* j *t<vr ta.trm-1? :■ I, Point ydndaay i n i in' Iks* m ,*>r ft, at Vnu-’i Ct*»\ • ping pte*j»r« weekly at »t>«„ *if thr !,> 1 t h <-« , E#»rt "** h*ir.g hr li,« j ,ii* , tpil> up ritto t. ha*, on,, uth* , of *:■ 1 nwt on the pr.rrrjm whuh or PS >■ I,* lot such a/f>.,Hur# and '' f ' [ Huv. *i,- : •; f \ ■ 11 • ..j? ti- *■ It • v:ir(on '‘pTimittfc* for th« cvh • t*f» Muiuld) Itck'taH 1o ktifk wul |»ldd* tur th# »»il *lor^TA** 1 Wull th>. MU YOLitlliUc-s if I put 1 forth ulwtH At! %a>. mi ■ .w-., . - I. .* .. . . O TODAY’S EVENTS ' | Today I* th* STith nnhl*«r»*fy of ■ the deapth of Cott**, the conqueror of [ Mexico. Th* fourth InUraational Hay and 1 Grain Expotltlon will he opened In * Chleaf# today. l>*l*gratea from many Ntatea are to 'gather today in Richmond, V'o, for ■ I conference on rural toiumunify probe Ileina. , Ih* apeeial »e»»inn «/ the STth Ciin l»re«e *nda today, jo ho fnllowid <m | Monday by th* open Inr of the regular iind final inUon. * With 10,000 aninr.ah entered, jh* twenthy-tbiiM annmil J .International : Lie* Mink Etpoiflon opening in Cfcl *ayo today, will I* (he Imj, 1 ( xaot:- linn cf° ite kind over.'arid in America, Toil->y nrttl mark (he eloa* »f th* 1 ean paign pn-oeodinu the flvi, Federal . , r. B Djf•* H 11* b<> Ut i4* *n i;:ip Acln Mott* da - . id v< h Jj tli. M.iu Ktnir iiov* Wzll ni4tM i 4« fff#t OfH t »| j pitHhe rif.uiie *! -,inc«* into IN r)Jfc?,UAV H st)\s * '' *l' ,' I ■l.. • ii,. |.|,.a*r.| his in that hue. "dol. •lie- ’ poet” BppnrcnUy i ,*n the tmil 1 • 1 • ■ .11 1. . 1 , nr. i*. Mr. Kipling'* literaiy < .-n,, r •*. hi v ~v, • Cl 1 , 1 r tin ",■ i.p V,,,, ' 1 1 > Iri ~ v , J \ j travel in chin*. Japan. A merles nnd Aii’raia, iin, • inhodvd tha hahlu und ni'.romi of the', -euritri* . n. hi. Writ ini and gavi to Uie si, rid n Wealth. vx# * ■ ; ■ • 11* 0..." 1 api.iirx Cnuragi uu*. "•'boliln re Three." nnd i.tht-r WeJMupiun w tl. Though Ik- nos wi,Kj ut luflciiunv' inurvalg, tiia .le* are »md to lie ten! tin.*, a* I*l*4l a* they wen* n few years apo. In 1020. for In.tnuci,, Iw,, mHI n e.-Fip* of hi wor-.i wci,. *oiu thr I’heot th* world, ‘u nglpg to rh> iiu:'' r an inenme of half a million do]-f Mr. K.,iltnp :i» -quned jjth: t th* tr-iif.i of h, uiU.t *«ik, "A 11 try us the frith' t.norda,'' will in given to ibarity. O" ■ the t■« f, t nil !;.■ I 1.,, in,. A TUUVV# ANNIVLUH,VRIES tiOii- John I!r,‘vktijjlodifi, funi-.tie'Ketl- 1 j 1 u« *-» burn in county, 1 4. |iM(J at laitigti-n, hv • U.t ember H. ihod i #*ti llr lull announced the till., | eiu»ry of th* M»emh i„ turn. " •“*''* Au >r lit -. in which • in I ; iii 01- ~ 1 N 1 !• (".-ited thr* ( Uin*;3ri» Austria? jr.tli r iha Km- , l-cf ,* Alexander arid ki incih. Ini.' I ongr**., nt hwivadi.r detidvd | upon th* annexation i,f *otu try to I j tho. l ulled State* to escape annexation ! I tw Mexi*«. 1 ! liUß—Erattu* sUi%JbuUt in St 1 I Lout* the flrrl, rffriitgeift-Tina Writ .# ' ike Mi*aii«*ipiit, horn nt Snekilt’e Itnr ; her, N, Y. Wed In St. I.ouia, Octoher , 2. lew. Ipbl Strict liuhtiug in I’uria follnw -led the action of Loql* N’a|lolcoS in ahollahinr the' comtltutlon of thr French Republic. 1887 -The mother of Preaidrnt Ms- Krnley wa» atrickcn with paraluit at Canton. Ifilk rreuident Wilton announc'd •> (> «* hi* " intention t<a> attend the Feme C«mf,«ri me. HAU* VEVK AGO TOIIAY Two killed in nttempt !u free Sinn I i 4* 1 o ,■ l, rr,. Allied Iteparnliofl Commlaaiun warned ; Germany to pay war durs'ta All.tot, - TODAY’S 11111 l HUMS Rot. Dr. Ahxnndcr Mann, »(, liultn. •who h»* Hem plertel Epi»enpal bit hup 1 Pit -ho ; ,’•>« at (. rn va, V„ no I I zf* v n *•'»*• Tht n» nth ua ir»rh-n '-i‘f f - V- 1 Jr \ J|l # >r{) if, ts . I in Diitr.iiie U I f, bi . *. ti ( ,u:,n.., Ju . .8 yr 4t 5? .. i*nul A;m a <1 .:.i|ou »H 4 I n I «r * M iit I ‘ ■ ll! • *—■’ * .*. I >” lU, V I ‘ - 4 • .- - ~ -Jw**,'- * .A amo'tu. r work* lif Jv.pnu In, *»( 1 f u rNrldnm feetTiigli, which it only 1* feet i*>* than (he fafmu* An.u-oui.i •I '. I *W ' <j) ■' I ' rims mr oar ; TO AFFIRM OR DENY » Editor of Judged Home Paper Couldn't Find Him and Make* Home Remarks Anywly Ulr Sampson Democrat, published In » Judge Grady'* home town o( Clinton, r has a front daal to My about the state • mont that Mr. Grady la hand of the. • Ku Klux in tht» Siat*. Tho following • pt?Wpr<ipH* are taken from The Demo i ' i r:M of this week. r Rev. Otcar McywcoJ, of Mount Gil > cad, this Hate, and »uppc*«dty iffHctal- I ,iy connected a* a lecturer with Calvary Baptist chuti’b, New ;t, i* • on |i n*j f r the ta*. o- i l.» the •< Sow York Tin.i . Wat Judge Henry V Grady i j-ranci uituk.*if.iUek, or what- j j I -'Vir the titlo lit, of th,/ KuKlux Klin! it North Garnltna The editor if’thc ) l ■ •■ •• • ■ return*d fi «m a i N-Hiqjk for Mr. tiriidy in order to. In ti in «- htin ..iin-.irf matter, hut didn’t dud him. It x to |*i* hoped -that the rat h i.-t 100. Wk <«• ' 1 f'i ve of the propti< - I -..f a Judy* lie jj lorifini. ev<n in n p i parity, t ; t 1 '"’"V • ,t,i »ls . ■ I»m jMjiv v£ TvtfjpiittiiiK ** fwridin* i ' inf to low,' otdir, w raU. If it ii i *' ••• * n v.. - ii,i uMi t ( '1 i• » 1,11 mil .. !■. -. ' r , Id’ .r, -fid to do »o piotnplly. Who, in the i ovdti .-.* v,*i .Cj i„. wdii/n: to t, trod by.-» julg* ' Klo.i'k'ifU: Ida oryaditalioit *u.-h * - * K ' i oil, iioiybe, KuKlux,’ wline***a testifying and KuKlux law- 1 '■■■!■ plcsiftns nfrnln-t you? We'd wuirnr that there |a many n * whi;** l(u<red feMlw. | trading 'n the Ka - jogulia who wouldn't* have,. •In iyei; to t,ji.e open -top* t„ ou-t n , blind tine on h»* own hlint. or ti> ill t I toAi a hlorknder who hud it Up u 1 atiil id the jiui.i* of the nightgu wm r ! ’nm \\ tuv ■ noi'ii , jiUie vi m , i ’ fur tho man who i■ i. to do under I i iv'in v. luil l.« <!a- not do in ili npi n. A rnul Atanrirfifl i- /toiihr * row• : ' erd nor n mak. 'I he Kukluv talk ahmit “fulMledgt d j * 1 ktatriamlia," us fttU-fledfid Amer-j lean biidt, the only an which flic* l.j . niuht. > lhe owl, which luta evolved J i Ufjt, ey*> that he might xe„ to prey 1 ( upqa chliken* oh the or defen*- | lei < bunmea whj n nikhlinir tludr inid night meals, The raxli', the omhlem of , Americanism, prey* by day and take* hi* -eftance* at But wo for- ( ' Jfet, thru* la the whippouzwill, wlioor try ia heconiintf tha •loann of thr e j wkite-flydpi-d tilaht raidara. 1 I . , Me hud wuieaa n ievrral#t)itd»nf para- I (trapha about KuKlyxiam before the public arinoupriwnewt <wae tpada in the I Greenaborn liiini that .fudfte flrady it j I head of the K!»n in this state. We j ' hiive aot. in. view of the fact that we j ' [ have net atrn Mr. Grady, accepted the 1 j atut«ment ut fuc* value. However, >f it ia true, we have nothin* to with ■t*aw. An upright citizenship with the cihiraac of their conviction* can make thi» country or any other a aafe and decent place to live without recourse ' to nnrht shirt parnde*. The editor of ' ih<* iH murrui knowa thr ritiat-na of, • ur.i’son c«un<y who hRV» hud »uftl ‘ : of' tonvUt.on to t»kt» ( pt tivi- i fuj* !a* and c*rd**r, and , \we arc* iviaft<t.'iit Unt' them' men will »h ! furr .Ji {hx hu’k of lh# ir:»t»*ri»t ( 1 I (vr ;t :<* n t »>n es the kitnJ) rf'the KuKlu\ in th»* fiHjniy* arul ihe * I'K'l ve* S||t! th- moral < i as ♦ lit* •4b» *» do not u «t*tf th* m aafe werpt _ * .11 1 ■ : i ,i > I •• • • r - f . t - * • ««*•» f , - i- J- t-.,tor .C B. ,ff. Hatnetii v< ui.t v. l.i.■ ',;iiy product. •I - < 'b . -oaring u . , , t ’ . - ' , . ■ i: »l I • * ■ -1 . : A - ti lei-eited , o ‘HUr *• . tivi', . 'of I I . i i*. i • K)«x in air , i.nrpr o nf t- 1 i.»e. .n il hope* t.. J nee sum* I h*ng olfecUVC pll*a till l,< g . ' ' ' 1 U ’- ' . 9 l ' i . * «< t”i. i * 1 * th.- i*« , .11i* arrulingi'd | for kilUnff u man thu- itiuipm’d. M*k 1 uigf the tv .itjrtfr, e.f fCuKtiiT nin«*k ¥ ji ftflon v vi > |{«| In* t«» |u«tify BHy - | hrvtfhk' «t*»WH i)fl v * of th** htjiuvn* | I d> • , CONFIDENCE MAIN THING CARVING BOp Indicntion of I’rowetM With Knife Die! reelh Guest*, Tfcen Ysa Can Use Your Hands * , 1 Th# Wat way to carv* a roaat chicken thare ia company at dinner ia toi take it the back yard and put your foot on it and uae'u cold cbiael. But, Inaamuch aa tbia mchod is consider- j ed rather hltarre, Ut ua consider the next moat popular method i». earning with a knife In the dining room. In full view of the audience) and for mulate two or three rule* of conduct. Rule 1 When everybody ia. seated and the entire confpany ha* turned toward you to watch you make a (bnl of your ■etf, riat suddenly fr*m your • hair saitr sharpening steel in pr# hand tad your carving kHif*~~4n (Ha other und com-! liKHrc to strike violently agalgat each other as if you were fighting a duel* with yourm-lf. Keep carrying on IH*e this for about ftV« .minutes, or until you cut your thumb off, or yur wife faints with fear.. Then atop and do whatever *eema right to do next. Acquiring Confidence The reason for this la psychological. . I. is a tnctic informing of the company I u.a; "they run have fon/dc-nce in yea, I ihr.t you know u thing «c two about ] laeving, that they need pot fear you wiil do somcthliif* to «ho«< the chklscn j. uff the platte? into one of their laps I f .• (ho uviM. i* over. If you can ,/» . .uv . u.iifci . into this frume of i,und, you Will,,find that something of* » —T, •• ' ? t 1 Si ' I ■}.<■ r.•• tier iruiiK nicdi cliie. ligt dou.tii * • 'iv.' Oi.i' thit.g • 4 .. riain, iw pc.upii< will not tie per petually huil-Aoaed by the irrespon alhle hunches of masked mi n. IllflCh INtM'KTKY OVKK KTATK I.H NOW BtMIMING (Front Tie Statesville h'entlnel) There I* u trenu-ndou* dehmnd ut the , percent tune for building briek Ihmuyiout the I’iedtsoAt section anil hoc le-in during all nf thU year and • -*j.,-* icili y tbi-s, full.’’ Stated Mr. li. O. Steele, ottice maluager of the J. C. Steele .1 Sons, when interviewed hy a Sen t.t-.-l • ! Kite • I . tin prill-ml coniieg year. *. '1! !• rii ■ matkit h i iu. ii uiisuuliy •live all over North t'nrolinit. hut particularly, in the regnm nf the I’jed mont boll." rontinunl Mr. Steele. “We have been selling large number* nf l.nek making ntacliinCry and it has been necessary for u» to add « num ber of new men to our Working force and to add considerable new machinery. The price of brick has been high and will continue so until coal can be ob tained‘St a lower figure than fo* wlixi it can now be purchased. We arc yn joyipg a more pdasperous period now than at any time during the late wsr or before the war. The demand for brick machines at the present time ia especially active from the whole United .States, but more so from the middle west than any other portion of the Country at present.” FARMING IS All. RIGHT WHEN IT IS RICHT (From The Hickory Record).- •You iii town,” said Walter Hawn, at he propped his feet in front of a gaad fire at hia home six miles suuth of Hickory Saturday night "no doubt have more money lhab we fell os * in iho .eiiuntry, but I doubt if you get more* pleasure out of life.” Mr. Hawn has some large hogs fat tening. a stable full of cows, n grnn arv filled jsuh corn, two automobiles, a good form uud a happy home. He tx-) peels to be coming to Hickory and joshing bis friend* for many, many year*, and uys he does not Intend to iu h Ids life *way. That’* what w* | tifti pi t per philosophy. SMOKED OUT THE VERDICT 'ii -w—— , ' ii. A Male Member* us Jury Forced the tone Woman to Agree. N. rri<-i, I'a. I 11 When one v ' .u.n held oat •» favor of a boy who sue.l a motorist for damage* the ‘ll m, n -in the jury reverted to imnke. ties’!lt>• the sign In the jury room t , tb< etotri • A- a r cult the woman eus u.k'si J out,' i to speak, und ugrenf on a v»iUivi in favor of the de fendant. j lit <a e ’v*y in whi h Harry Lo, Whof, of Hynioath ti.wn-hlp, who dunned lit-.i ci dauiagik from J. Howard , Moore, of LaUsdale, (of being .knocked I down as.he was walking along the Ger tnanti'W-n pike m.pc ITymoutb Meeting Movie Citntcruird the young man juav|MnJ if u moving trvdley ur in front of his j automobile. I the same confidence will tpaak IM« II your own mnd. Rule g. Got off a lake. Got all say kind of a joke. Even a pun. Tos, ten ! a conundrum. Or. bettor than nothiat. a charade. m Why? Psychology again. Ton aoajt it sometiem* potible to got a 00? Os guests in such a fronxy of confidaaco it your ability to rarve a chlrtkn without hitting thorn with it that they will ac tually start up a conversation aWPtf ; themseiveq unity turn away from yon, and leave you in attack hen 41 by ynumolf. And then what? Why, then, when yon are pretty turn they nre not looking yop | ran lay down your knife and fork and use your bare hands. Anybody that • on't carve a chicken with hln bare hands has no right in a dining room. I’Ut'cg Licking Not Good Farm Rule S. After tho chickno in carved, deal it out in such a manner that tborv will be something left over for tho l kitty, so that you ran ask a gaegt to I have a second helping without having ; to give him the platter to lick. Os all :he rules, this on* is the moot iapon ‘ tar f! For Biere ia nothing that will more surely destroy th edolieate aplomb of a serial situation than to giro a guest the plattsr to lick, if you do not i believe this, try it and aw, GUILFORD'S NEXT rEJW PROM M Throw Goldsboro Boys Figure In Quaker College Sport This Year and Next GIHLFtW Dec. 1.-—(By the • Asso ciated Press) —Trinity, Wake Forest, Lynchburg, Lenoir, lfaverford ,Elon and Wofford will bo on Guilford Col lege’s football schedule next roar, ac cording to an announcement today by Coach R. 8. Doak. The Quakers will face their opponenta -wtttl twelve mom Iters of the 1022 squad and a number of new men ready to take up the light. With the close of the foot hail a*a um Thanksgiving, Coach Doak turned hfx attention to the basket ball qnintat which ia expected to mak« a strong showing this winted*wlth throe letter men— J. W, Frasior, Liberty N. C., J. G. Frasier, captain, and Tkad Mackle, both of Guilford, returning. In tj;* new material! from which the varsity will be selected are W. C. Connor, Rich Square, Q. Payne, Win aton-Salem! Henry Toe, Goldsboro, all ranked aa stars of the game. The schedule include* game* with the following inatitutioni to bo played here: Lenoir, pwirth Carolina /State. Wake Forrat, Dividson .t'niversUy of 9outb Carolina, Lynchburg. University of Richmond, Randolph Ma con, Tacola, Hampden Sldnty nod Farmville Athletic Club. Gamsi sway from the home court will bo playvd with Elon, Wit* Forest, North Caro lina State, Lenoir, Legion at Statesville and Davidson. The games scheduled for the football season will take Guilford to Durham to meet Trinity, Wnke Forest at Wak* Forest. Hoverford at Havorford, Pa, Klon at Greensboro, Wofford, undecid ed. Thr Lynchburg and Lenoir games will be played boro. Alt North Carolina material mad* j up the football squad this year.”* Tho twelve latter men arc A. Pringle, Quil* ford; C. D. Smith, Greensboro; N. R. Nicholson, Saxaphaw;o H. 0 B. Shore, hut Bead; i. Harrell. Goldsboro; T. .E. Mcßane, Saxaphaw; Elton Warrick, Goldoboro; K. G. Lanster J*'a riser; 4. W. Fratler, Liberty; F. Thomas, Rail ford; R. C. Purvis, High Falla; P. Knight. Storkdale. Among the new men who will bo out for the squad next fall are J. Ragsdale, Madison; Neeav, Swepsonvillc; G. I Shore, Petersburg, Va„ L. Richardses, Henaja, F. Casey, Goldsboro; T. Eag lish. Trinity; F. Lain. Ht. Verson Springs; A. Cox, Ashboro, and Crisp, > Falkland. I ... I A repeater watch has been completed by a Swiss firm, theplatinum rla* of I which measures only half an Inch |h diameter. It it claimed to be th* omall i eat watch in the world that strikes th# hnur*. .

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