PAGE SIX sffiMuctnw now mm » Stow • Circuktkw ; weekly, 104, aomi weekly, St; thnec-a w#«k, I; monthly St, acmi-monthly, 6; 1 quarterly, IS, Annual. 1 "The combines circulation as all K ascertained by I and found to from pnbliaherej umber to 1,4*0,- percent. dilation of the paat decade Is •2 percent; I-weekly Ift per cant; quarterly 1 actual route r period In the monthly, eemi-j monthly, and annual publication*, due to th* toward emaelidatiar. | The morning, afternoon, semi-weekly, thrtee-p-week and quarterliae hare iaeteamd both Ik anmber and circula tion- R number of wooklicc hare d* roloped Into eoml-wochUoa. "Report* from publication* operat Inf thftir own plant* show the mine as thgoo If ho M,414,440. the employment of 1,7 M poroom and annual pey roll and period i«#U are printed by t*Ut “The highest ora rage daily n*i of actiro aetabltahments reporting ftk,**; loomot > »c rage 12 Ift The average mmr of honre const itoiln d»y'« woek wo* placed at • *-4- HtectrlMty. gm ant gnooliae predominate a* mo- i . ■ I tire power, hat tho uao of amaiime at ongtnoa. only an roqMp. •*4 th* igpiipft a amber of ktNo- H*« U Ifiwilii 4» comyaratlrady naan—wr.” Ho. Ciroulaftiftft. Morning dally 10 ISSJOt Afternoon 39 lOl.lfto Woohly 104 , eft’s si Sami-weakly 20 00,344 Thrto*m>wcek 2 3,000 Monthly a* S 2ft ,070 Semi-monthly 0 • is.ioo Annual F 2 100,000 Quarterly 13 3M« Total* 23* 1,420,002 IIMLESQUE OF HE 1 BOOK. THIS FHEQHHT r 223Ev- t . Clover Woatsa Lsi|ka At All tkf "8lUy” Characters In I Hutchins’ Novel (From New York Earning Foot) 1 “With a great cum (|2) obtained 1 ‘This Freedom.'" . Rosalie * first impression was that her father owned the world. Extraordinary father) Wonderful father] Wonderful, wonderful father! ( There be la bound | ing across a Said in front of a bull! Wonderful bull! There is fa/her! Thera i* the bull! Two there*, one after the other. The bull there after father there! Woaderfol thereat Entrancing there*! | Did her mother *eer bound before a bellt Never! Bor father woo the only, bounder In the family— except her twoj brother*. All moo wore bounders. Wen derfnl, mysterious, entrancing men! Wonderful, wonderful men! II She'* gone to *cb#*l> Ska's in school! She'a Mill la ackoolt She's I*ft sahoot: > M*‘* looking for a Job I She'* got a Job! A#* litllljot tMJMfT Sfta han't loat It >#*' Wf, met o mail Sbo'a 1 klaeod ft* man! ShoW'Mnrriedl She j has one child! She kne two children! ! She baa tbrao children I She doesn’t have nay more children I She loss* one —Jail. She loaea two more—dead! What Jumps! What laapat What hound*l Bho’a busted right through th* hook. On# trio* to stop hor. On* can't. It’a no aa*. She's a doing*. She’s n mael strom. She'* an earthquake. She’s an arnlnaeh*. Ska'* accural other things, ladodtag a bolling not WhyT On* 9"* dings . ' » SlftWterly JMM«M<|WPr7b.4i. Why? ■or life, thou—her stag* Sh* gets th# job. Ad* AI Mahogany! Ink-well! Penholders! report Typawrftpr! Sets aorot Waste basket! > Chair! Other thing*! f J, Simcox diaa. Simcws ia burled. AIMS oaonos Sturgis., A bigger Jubl j Biaaa partitiana) Mac and bigger doaks Hi lpj«l | i B fla [7 1 Eh. 1 w-v- |b caaSd I I IV f 1 BP—MiyTfcr I —fc 11^ ,6 : ' ' f' ~-. • 1 Something for Nothing —; EXTRA TROUSERS FREE ° ' / l ' ' * . '* Order any suit in our English American line and we will Tailor to Order an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS from the same material ' ■ ABSOLUTELY FREE Sale Starts Today H. Weil & Bros. 0 1 ■ % ~ /Aj . « " . •” *** ■ -*•••«--■ v.. % ■ -■* ■ _ .. . ... —-tablet! Lombard Street! Trafalgar | ■vassal fhU Mall! n*og|Uyl Mead BtraMl Rsgvnt Streotl ,pbd. mis' Kona Ing ton Card mu and points west nod j northl Ths war cornea. It goes on. It atop* Skt did not start ft. Nor stop it. Re markable Wumanl Brilliant woman I Very much remarkable and brilliant. And yet . , . one must tell it all over In detail. Una must write one's book in on*’* own way la spile as one's habit of praaatorcly spilling tbs be* aa. IV Keggo, than. Mis* lCeggs. her old teacher, mysterioasly, unaccountably called Keggo Mysteriously, unaccoant- 1 ably uatlldQih, mo—until Rosalia met ber near the marble arch/' Keggo smiled Axcdly. Had evidently been smiling for Some time. What was It? They went to Keggoe'a rooms In a drab street, a sad drab, Forlorn drab drabs, Ilk* sad drab ghost*, drably Rlcb , ered la and out—ltinerant drabs In drab , cerement*. All drab, oxcapt Reggo, who was brilliantly lu up, though Rosalie perceived If not. i v | Harry Octlevr, now. Sh* knew him : aiigbtly, bad met him once or twice. She , ' despised him. Tam* eat! She haler' him. Beast! This man of all man *r obnoxious to her. Hut h* smelt nice | of peot and perfumed soap and tobnee and whiskey and tweed— always o tweed, even when in evening droae. Odd Ska was in her uncle's home. H cam* Into th* room—poor ralft Ho | ah* hated him—tame call flow she de spited him—eick fool! "Dinner i served," the party went down stairs. Sh* had'to pass him. Hateful! 8h« I trembled. Her knees shook. She hate him a*l Then—that small! Peat, sear , tobacco, whiskey, and-Iweed. He I 1 evening dress. Odd bow persistent th small of tweed! VI Bb# loved him eo! Perfect he wav Simply perfect. In ovary way. All th> virtue*. No fault—except that perils' ' ant tweedy smell. Bha loved him so! He never swore. Hanging a pictu he oaught hia thumb n Ac per crock that I* W sny, ho hit itJ ‘ Mir« ar Mumps* cried Horry. 8A loved hi Ob, rare saying! It epitomised Harr to bar. It was hia only sw*ar word, 8 perfect he was. "Mice and mump*’ Never anything stronger. Never *R*’ and rickets,” never "Snakes and scarlr fever." No. Only "Mice and mumps.' She loved him sol V VII There were the children. Huggo. Dodr BenJll. Huggo first. Harry brooded He spoke. “Did sou ever notice any thing ijigl a*MM Huggo r - Ha! p'bat gowr Set* tic wladfc that quitter? Her defence* brlsti .“ 1 J ,l ' » "H»v* y*g ever noticed that he's cross'* eyed?" Oh, this was dangerous! Where wou! this lead? Oh, dangerous! "Ah, let that go. I have a reply t that." "What reply ?" "I am a waman." —■- 1 ' —— —. ■ ■ ~ - - !■ ■ MU W I I I Uaaaswernftl*. He put hi* arms o errsar' “ ■ nrii "I don't boltevo tho whai* swallowed '• Jonah.” Huggo speaking. Sh* sat up-! right. Sh* stand. She called out dread- 1 Sully, “Huggo!" • “Wail, mothor, you naVar taught me 1 to belie*# it.” Sh* drew bar band to Sho 1 wo* deathly alek. It was very rrobar-, 1 naakag. Her Huggo! Th* whale! Jonah I , Bhr gave up her job Spent all th*, lime with her children. Read them “The Fa rent*' Aaaiatant." Mother Coo*#, the f Rollo books. ' Dull," they cried, “dead- 1 1 ly doll." 8h« gave It up. went back to ber job. After all,'she was a woman. vin Harry came id. Hi* face iron-hard, bhe said; "Oi, what i* tf’" “If* Huggo. “Huggo?" , "Huggo!" - I “Hug-go ?" "Huggo! I" “Not Huggo?" “Yea, Huggo." ‘ Well, whotr ' "In Jail for highway robbery.'* She wont to the bell. “Will you have vour tea now ?" "Teal Why- don't you teach that boy hat the whale swallowed Jonah?" Hi*; •oice liltc axes thudding. “That * tho -auae of this! How could he know that ilghway robbery was wrong. If he didn’t t now that tho whole swallowed Jonah? Vh> didn't you Ueeh^him?" “1 am a woman.” ' Bull's-eye| Th# ! wrfeet answer! He put his arm around her. Tome, lef's Jforgvt It." She saw Huggo In prison. "Why did' ou do it, Huggo?” “My name’s Mugti. Everybody at home ailed m# that awful name. I'd rnthei So in Jail." Strike one? IX 1 l Dods now. Her turn. The less said 1 he better. But one must say some- * king. Dane**. Untidiness. Powder on er nos*. Mo Jonah in her head. Look, there she is! Hha's fourteen. 1 ook, there she Is! She's sixteen. Look, * her# shjft >»! She's eighteen. Look, Here she Is, She's deed. The laaa said, he better. Strike two! -yt I And BenJi. Look, there he ia! So ' olet and gentle. Her wee, spectacled He'* at school. He'* at ,'iia 1 ook*. Ft* gets prises. Look, there goes j j ' lenji. Not much to look at, but h* * eta prises Harry idolises bun, weeps ver him. Rosalie, too, thougis4 woman. • Little Hrnjl collides with hktrain! 1 Ha d never taught him ahSni Vonafe 1 md not to collide with trahi*. * How 1 oAld he ka«W? S« Senji K 1 K|ylke three! Strike outL * 1 That * alj there is. There Isn't any , 1 'ore. Supply of children exhausted. Yeti' Here was to have bean more—much 1 ore qgd. worse —Hprry dynamiting the 'bert Memorial aka protest against atrimuny—Rosaiiy-iwhat? Who ran j vy? Wut ons cannot any moee go on. ears run down ono'a nos* sad dilute one'* ink. One’* heart—look forward lie at hen*, every day. alwayx, teaches Hos go* daughter about Jonah. So she's all right new. Harry aaya ‘ Mice and mump*’*' ever and ever again alt day long. So he'a all right now. Doda and Bcnji still dead. So they’re all right now. I HRIBTOPHEB U WAHU. . r , ITI T . < f quecwTuu^anyah <3 3 - dfcfft V-Os ■Pllt | h Iv i • j Jf r mV TJ t m * \ jjm W Her majeaty, Queen Hamanyah ruler by right of wit and award eye ■ large terrftery In the vicinity e Sierra Leone, Africa. Her warrien hava conquered many a neighberin) Seattle tote and her; wit la (NMfft te have gained her a la»gdler4tni threu 0 h trading urhNhhe white Rues! a Coming Back? The old-time »renr>a at America! railway Juudloos when the brakarow came through the train shouting “Blaiikvllle. 2U minutes stop for suj l>er.” are being duplicated in Huahi as the normal conrtltloua of travel ar being restored and railway atatlon rat lauranta, foodleea and chord for sou jenre. are i>|M»niog again. Faanenger during the had nothing t eel oil kmg ageeph what thai brought with thorn i>u| n ! Georgia Tech. 14; Auburn, 4 d Pittsburg. 14; Penn Slate. 0 1 West Virginia* Hi W noting too and Jefferson, 0 | Hewanee, 4; VandetbiU, 24 4 < Randolph Uaeen. IS;" Eton, 0 - N. C. Stole Freshmen. 3»; Oak Bulge, Oj Loualnnna State, 24; TnUar. 14 / I 1 Presbyterian (ol lege, kg; Hew berry, 9 > ’ Wilmington Light lafaalry, 7; Wake Fereat second. 4 Asheville High. 4; Bingham, 4 t North Carolina. 14} Virginia, 1 ! t hattanooga. 11; Ogietherp. ff ' Loyola. 14; Marina. 4 Alabama. It; Mississippi Aggies, 0 Maryland. T; hi. C. Stole. « Rochester! IS; Herbert, lit 1 Franklin gad Marshal, 4; Gettysburg. 3 I St. Johns, 14; Penn McCall. 4 k , Btiskneil. It; Oieklaspn. 7 I! Detroit'm*. 14,*-V*Hna*l, 10 * ' Nebraska. 14; Notto Dame, 4 Missouri, t; Kansas, 7 Furman, 11; Davidson, 10 Ciadell, 20,; Erakin, 0 I | CHRISTMAS BAZAAR DEC. OTE I Quite Ike bet* shopping opportunity I j of the season will be offered the Goida- II boro public next Friday at the Christ- V 1 mas Basaar to be held by the Woman's ■. Club in their halt on West Center 11 street. The besanr will represent the M I combined efforts of over seventy-ft*e I women who hav e been busy for some ” time prepnring for thin event. » Fancy work articles of all klnda, things for children, household novel ties and homemade cakes, pica, candy b, and chicken salad will he offered for IP sale at reasonable prices. Orders will if also be token et the basaar lot deliv m ■ ■ HI ■ I I mm 111 I—a— — msasa—ssw* V Bai*fi& jßrotiiers, having bought out the 10 1 store formerly operated by Barnes Gro ™ I eery Company, will be open for business ►I tomorrow, Saturday and will appreciate " I any business given us. ■dll i. . rail J (leanlines*, Qmdlty and Service \ Barnes Bretbers "I mm* ■ i BATLEDAV MOCMNO. PLC. 2, liU the L Chgigtmq* suceesp. the ehadraea of these circles are; Meadames W. D. Cobb. Sol Isaacs. Celia Moarc. and W. 8 O B Hebinsou - ■-a; ■ NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR- ' BANT OF ATTACHMENT R W. Powell and James Powell,trpdiag *• R W, FeWqU E Bra. » w ,k 1 Peerless Cbeuucal Com pen y The Peerless Chemicel GwUfqpd- W*to , take notice that aa adlion hqa , I*, commenced in the Supnsior Cg»ri jrf- d Wayne Couaty, North Carina, uglUM* a* above, for the recovery of tWJE 1 duo the said plasatiffs above nutat'd be the said defendant, being she .-balance ■- - , due for commission* nnd brokerage on account of the *dW of u large SMulUv of fertiliser meterisl* sold by tMejaald- •, tiffs as brokers for tKe Said Jqiefidnn:; , - said defendant will furßtar that summon* in said urtlgu returnable on the 4tb diy ofpNßvnteter 1922. which time, however, has is by operation of law, extended tßir 2nd day of January, lfE; said defend ant will further take notice that a war rant of attachment in said cause was also iaaued by the Superior Court of Wayne County, North Carolina. oaf She lltb day of November, 19*2. property of said defendant or indented- ; neea due by raaidento of the County of Wayne, State of North Carolina, which attachment is returnable on the 4th day of December. 19*2. and which time ia also estended by operation of tow to January 2. 1923, when uad>h|nf Peertess Cbcmcial Company it raWtnqd te appear and answer iur 4 ’ coropiaiat or tha rellaf dainn*^ l1 * said complaint will bo graligra. Thia the Ist day of Daccmhmr. HffH- J » HOOKS. 4 Clerk Supeflor eenrt. j • • ■ . ' r»st taw