I, N£WS OF THE CITY \ •ms&r : W* *trt to thank our d#sr friends • K. „ for their many stprossiens of sympathy s i t aad thangMlMlboea daHag the illness t •nd death #f unr leved MM, u 4 alke t BhF «k« kMHiilil |inl> *f a ai iC | » 1. THORTON, aad family ) (OTTO* GINNING SHORT . *• ** Ok. 9. MeCtornuy. rattan atokUOcisn I Ik* roe Sty reports skat IMM Wk> of ( rattan war* ginned in ffijnu up ta a November 14. Up U the tarn* data • la*t war tka ameaat «a» 27JM4, which | ijf sails a shortage l "■ 11 __ » ißtraoi wnca wy y i St. lta|dMi»a* ebarek, Rev. W 0. I <'s«a, raatar. kat. Raadag ka Adveai, t flaky Rackarist 7rto aad It a*ataafc. i At (be 1:14 oaeuids tka aat as Ik* i partak will maka their eerperwtr ram- i mnakaa. Baraiaa at Mkaarflla 4 p. m. Tka ana aat partak watting «UI 1 kr . kald past WadaeeAny evening at • a’ rlaak far tka dtoeilao as a watry and tkn adapt ton as tka perish badgrt m. Mapkaa-i Cfcarrh ‘ I A- Ataphna'o rkarch. Hat. Wm o. t •tod. Rtrtar. terrlces today: men's t t'erperete Oaaianaatan. %tll a. m.. aa«- • add rslehrntito, II a at Aervl#* at ... I WALLACE REID I I BE BE DANIELS I ■ AND OTHER NOTABLE STARS IN I I “Nice People” I | p Acme Hkeatre I I MONDAY AND TUESDAY I I A Good Two Rest Comedy I :i,' J ]jr r V-T-Mi w "T!***?*"**??. g■* j . DR. MAUDE E. WEIDMAN Chiropractor |. I t Complete X-Ray Laboratory I Palmer School Graduate I L ?Wth Floor Grant Bldg. Phone 479-483 ! T. H. STANTON Hardware Sale* ) IS IN FULL BLAST. ) m . * By / Stock is moving fast. Do you need )( n anything in Hardware? Here is the (( 1 place. Now is the time. Buy your needs ji ttf | they last at prices far below normal \\ T. H. STANTON | I E. L. EDMUNDSON, Agent | \ I North (rokisbero, N. C. I jfc Pikwill* Mission. dp. at. ,T'karck ; ackoal at 14 a. M. Neit Wemeeday I area lag at 4 o'clock. tka aaaadl maatlag at tka Rartak will ka held, At this time tka Vestry dill ka elected, ssd tka budget adapt*4 far IH3. NAVY RRCECITINO OmCRR Chart*# W. Kelly, a navel recruiting aMatr, will ka la Geldsberc tkii week. (Sailatm*at la tk* L’. B. Nary aw aatkariaad pf young meg brt«r*n tka aga as It aad 44 who are pkytlrally, awraiyl aad otkarwiaa qaalided, far ported, as fa«r yaaro. M*n oaliotlng. ta tkl* otata are »rat ta tk« Natal traiaiagr .lotion, Hampton Raadg, Va„ far aa tight waaki* •'oarto as training. Updß tka roMpletion as ttilo aonraa of training man are avavilabla far aithrr •aa dnty ar, tran.fcr ta name trade arkeol If tkay aw found gaalitad for M(rMir. artt lAi. kOTICR u • Effartiw with firat ear from Oalda hero aad Onaraakaro ra* parti**ly, kua day night, Baaomboy Ird, prraaNt Qaida bera-Aaitobary .looping rar. bpadtad katwraa Uat dak ora aad Groan tram* 111 aad Ilf. will ka akartoaad ta karama tka Geidakaro OwraakaW alaapiac car. J. a BLOODWORTB, DPA. ... ■ -w—g . ff. ..J. . muTil « g..**..**.***********..**! I THE TIME T 9 DANCE •y «. WMMWft RMa************ a *«*M*(*f a on (ka man tka was lad—aad aha teak asm# Other. Attar all. marriage la rnurli tha aatoa -full as flghu aflir thr •m yatr ." Ugry VUdPU had kaan all aat. It waa nothin# ta ka ashamed of. aka •matally agreed, ie lava John gmltb Rat to marry aorta one olaa jart to ho Mm. or far tba sale pleeaare of ahow *M ska world tka' abo bad rttotarad a hudkand—ugh 1 Aad Mary W|aoa bad iff about making preparations ta **mp aloaa at tka spat where abo sad Jahk Smith bad aayiy < oakad AM war •a open Ira aad aatou tfe*m <|M< kly whtla they warn hat from the pan •alag awr to tka mar# »he> bog a a to aat It ap ta gat auppar. Kb# heard ■ oar aa tba road aad wondorui Idly wlm rapid ha stopping She » cetlun mar- ( hot wee very guirt again today. Tb« re •ppcorod to be •" liltW *authrni colllitg •nd tome further liquideiioiio which 1 accounted for on' opening decllno el I to II point, but tk* market wo* fotr ly Heady around Xl cents for’ January j during the eofly trodiug oa cover ins for over the week-end. There wa* n good deal of bnlllok romment en the lacrosked export movement, but il ooamed to bring la no oggresalvo cup- . port ond the market to narrow thu It re*pondod to eomparolively niu-.1l or s der* either woy. Rr-port* from the j otton good* morfe.U Indiratod • quir erode with mills geeerolly holding for | fall prices, bal with second hand of forlaugto clothe slightly easier. After oelling up ta t&.ll for Jonuury on covering, the market weakened Inter In Ike morning on rumor* of benrish ginning figum. Januarw aold off to M.M ond eloaed at It tw with ,it.c rrn •rol market elmilng kteody un changed do nine paint* lower • The rotlon market rleaed *lcady. High f..w Clnie. Oece.nber ..,,. 24.1M1 24 DM i January *4.11 fit* *Uru -loeed at • net lose of 3-4 to 1-4 rrnts. ROGER MOORE CAIX4 * CIIILD'H CONFERENCE | Continued frmo page I ler that the situation may be brought • everyone's attention with n plea for •gtonsion of child welfare activltlas. A recent eonferrnre of Rotarlans was held in Raleigh and at this time pis. is ,'or the meeting Tuesday wrre discuss- ( td. Mr. Moore Is said to have received j tssuronrVs from the Ctvitan, Lion, Mar ••die, Knights of l*ythias, woman's ] tlub* and other organisations through put the state jo send repreorntntiv.-• |e Ilf Joint conference. 1 PHONE 838 When your car beffins to “Act Up” and we will be on the job at once with the men and i tools to bring: time. s' Our charges **re very reaaonable. HARRIS GARAGE East Mulberry St Goldsboro, N. C. • ■ ' ' ■—— ■■■ * mmrwvmmm - - Our Stores Are The Place to Get CHRISTMAS GIFTS ) of the useful variety. Our stocks in the various lines / 1 1 . «. ] i we carry are now complete. We specialize on (i V SHOENHUTS TOYS AND DOLUS | u * H. Weil & Bros. jj ** •.. • \v% v o j® * * . ’♦ • • f I | SPECIAL NOTICES | ■jsm r T»m> >w mti ft >mnm tot M word* tt Uh Fot mm ike W nilt iptet •> tTH Alf >t •«• !»•*»• •4 la tkt aoluma («> to mat# f loth. Itck iMOVtioa ' . VkM fly* •( Mt« HMtCVIIt* IH«I [ Mona in Mn 4 i 41»—■« «d M ft mat la alUwod I OMT—('(MHO MOOCH ABOUT . Kuiithrrn depot or Hyndlvf Furnitsr* Co. Ili-turti to C. E. Younger, Sol* out," N ('., and rrrtlvo ruwatd. * • W4MHIKT<» KENT OK BUY KKC ood hand Uaby Carriage. Good cop dillttn. Coll Tyl.phone n exhibit them to the undvretgned on or before the Ural day of December, 1523,1 or thi.notice will be pleaded in bar. of recovery. All peraona indebud to eahl relate will plea.e make linniedlct. payment. Till# the lat .luy of December, 1822. 11. H, LIHIERTON, AilminUtrutor. W ;"" 2 FOR SALE—DESIRABLE RUtt-INNI. idle, (>7x812, jaat asat of Barman Park, flawer, water, gae and light*. At raaaonabla "'price. Term* If de .aired. For particular# t«a J. A-Jokn aon, ’phone 475-W. M-Stp STOVE FOR BALE—SELF FEEDER, in gaad condition, fIS. Phono HI V. , * 2*-stp FOR BALE—FORD ROADSTER NO. t condition. New tirea, aelf auurter and ehock abaor\wr». l.aara Furni ture atore. ”7 2 4t 0 WANTED FOUR GOOD BOYS o TO CARRY COLDGORRO NEWS RGUTRft Ml AT HAVE WHEEL. APPLY AT ONCE. CITY OR, MGR. NEWS OF* FICE FOR RENT—ONB. FIGHT ROOM bona# near corner Jamaa and Vine atieet. Then, W. L. Peacock, M7-J. SECURE ROOM AND BOARD AT 40t 8. John- St. Reaaoneble rate#, 3-4tp WANTED a" UAPARLP one who wi I *t .y on the lot App'v 127 8. John atreet. 24-tfc FOR RENT—TWO LARGE ROOMS, aultabla for light hoaaekeeping. Near aution. ’Phone 748 W. 28-tfc FOR RENT TO COUPLE WITHOUT children, 2 nicely furnithed room. with connecting bath for light haute hooping, located on E. Walnut etrert. 3 ts *■■■ ' ■ ' '■» ■' TYPEWRITERS—AI4L MARKS CLEAN rd. repaired .ed dj.'.lec Agency f. the Underwood r he m.-rbine you w eventually »•«>'’■ ' hapmana Typ w-1-rr Nit on I Sink B lildf’.g WANTED -ONE HOY SIXTEEN YEAR old fur mettenger cervice Good p.y Opportunity to advance Mutt hre hi eye t Applv Vv.tr l Telegraph. Ktf 1— FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR 4 room apartment; 2 bedroom., di-ni'g ro-m p-d k 'ch-n- a’eo B by C»“- 'v'age All In good condlt'on. '"OS No ’Villi-m Str ot. Ju SUITABLE, BEBVICKABLE CHRIST mat protent would bo an Oriental rug. I handle the dependab'e authen tic kind Thaw ruga while carving you free Increaae in vmlae. ’ Would ojtlatt any mea't life and then remain with bit off.print tatting memory demand, letting pfetant Buy the genuine. Handtome enes from |35.b0 and up Alex. S. Yeager. Wilmington, tho only North Carolinian in the bnti net* in the eUte. t& t'Jic -T>' —’ —— ai ii , W ANTED TO KENT—3 UNFURNISHED room, for light houaekeepipg. R«f. crence furaiehed. P. O. Box 81. Phone 67. ' 29-lwp W'ANTED EXPERIENCED BTENO grapber and bookkeeper. Addreee. Attention, W. C. D. P. 0. Box 646. City. 19-ts FEATHER BEADS WANTED—WANT ed to buy Feather Beda. Addre*t, J. W. Catpery cars New*. l.ptp. ' • r “ A * ,t ' oo beautiful lH inch' gv nu > r.» k cowill.lV IUK f»i -WVVHB BA.IVO. The largest line w a r°d r o h e trunk#, auit ratet and hand bags in the city. --trad.boro Sporting Goode Store N >H n w oa>4worth * 6 am! 10c Btor# 0 Any oiw who will dip litis Advertise mint and present it may have his Battery, “nnv make,” recharged for 11.00. P. J. I*OI.. LOCK At tfueen Motor Stand sr%T>*T waomc. wsc. i, tm Mansoor’s Remodeling Sale K n '* jj o i Not just, one or two specials cheaper but everything i n this ) store. ftp ee pages 5 and 7. . *« - I Yard wide all-wool Serre, all colors, $1.50 values— -sfe I t Yard wide Silk Messiline rimi ‘ Taffetas, all coktrs, $2.00 • values— « , $1.39 c> Ladies’ Cotton iffixed Hose, JOc vaiuea— 10c N : Lorge nickel alarm clockii, $1.50 values— 98c r .j- « r . - . ... Ladies’ Short Black Plush i ('oats, $15.00 valaes— s9.7s *>•, *7 . I \ Mavis Talcum Powders, 25c , 'alues— 19cf j'‘ , * ■ 1 Ponds Vanish inn Cream— U ■ 29c ' Ii Pcpaodent Tooth Paste*— ! 39^ » Ladies’ 15c Hose 1 8c Curtain Marqusett white , | cream Ecru I . 12'4c 20c Long Cloth, yard wide 121/* i • 10c Tropical Palm Skin Hid . complexion soap. 4c I I I j 32 inch Devonshire cloth, 85c values 25c BLANKETS I .urge heavy double blankets SB.OO values $1.98 , Large double bed blankets, part wool, $5.50 values * : ! 13.75 ! i f # r 1 All wool blankets, heavy | double, $12.50 values ) $8.95 FREE I I During this sale we are giv | ing away a large genuine Akin linum Turkey Roaster to apene | who trades as much ks SIIO.OO with un during this sale. Ev- Rryi purchase counts.' You flon’t I have to spend the whole $60.00 at one time. IH ■ + :j Mansour’s j J Where Price* Are i Lawer and Value* Better v l - * • i