* Jffi3. t. MA*Y DANIELS HA SON, Editor I M*—^W—»*—■»»«'i '**■<— * m ■ wsoos ■■ ■ n ' HP 1,1 "■» 1 » ■ ' ■ ftf THR nOAMU HOVN OP V • V ' tin KMfeT ' ... -r-i— --% Pitre t BANUN Luke l:|fc' c ’Ha* day W th* heart of the mother Yh» ««Ni which til* wise men spat* At thty nobly vtrftd with rick other • t*:® ,l, «* ’• «4f' ‘ B« sitting* that thooo scholarly magi Should knot I in the straw of tbo sto.l, Ptm-totming the Rob* In the Woog< v Ho Saviour and 'lord of a* ■IK Mow reverent, too. were tbo ■■ Who worshipped the Babe aa Ho lay, wIB prats* far Tbo Mottod Redeemer Ant ’fhe breaking of Israel"* day! Intptvßtt in Maty tbo message At given by Simeon tritti «bo pmiooo of Anno Bon tttflflfcN fulfilled In bar oyot. JT And all Pot tlon tbo spleoder Os tbo gloriono Bothlobom itor, Whom brightness thoo'd touch ttcrv notion L And Metier all ddrfcnsss afar Hdt glowed then tbo bo art of Bit " Wot bet Only you who horizons con surmise, Ton nbo bno« driamid of tbolr fuium And’ prdyrd that tbolr tnayn might bo Cod great that the bop** that art biddee Drag 'l«#n in took mother heart May roaolt In Joyont fruition, U Hrbd that trill blessing import* f!od gyont that the bobra round tbn .A NllrlnSt wlm Map fWIoW the path that Mo trod. UhtoMohlngly giving tbo : r servtr* Ai dltj n* oobltm* Ood. f tlonol And lira. John t>. Langston #*»• a dinner party loot night nt their home on P»rk Annan. Lovely *napdraron« formed tbo center place on fhv dining room tshic and a_ flit courao menu waa servvrd at fnyDed were: Messrs B. 7. JT Minton. Prank Taylor and Willom Alan. Mr. John L. Hathroek. Principal of tbo fioldahufo Public School In Mtl, and 'Mre. Hafbeoek. tpant the Thanks, giving holiday * bore with Mr*. John Hawley. They loft yesterday after no-m for thole homo in Clinton. ' 0.0 lottMdtlwr Mooting of Ik A. R. flb daughters of tbo Amorieao Boro, blbi mot With the kstist, Mrs. Thom* *nt MeGoo. yooUrday afternoon. The Otthttoo moo o moot enjoyable one and a splendid program woo oorriod out. Mrt. Prank Bay spoko iateresilrrlv or Codrar WrahlngtraV Boyhood." Ml.* Mory Aaugbter told tho "Story of tbt TJotitle Heart." tho modol of heaoe of M(r Revolution. sad Wist Mildred tdmmdton -'rood from "Yellowed LAdVra." *IP origin#! ssaauorrtpt of tbo graAdfhflUr of Patrick Henry. TSe bchine., sescion was eery Inter, ootlnt a ltd tbo fotlWfag olßcort wore for the ensuing year* Mrt. Hrqre. Keren t; Mrs Chari#* -S" rs, " ,h ;, tcrrwrpondln* seerotary! Ml w. H Cobb, rorordfnK secretary; W. Prank treasurer. Mrs. T. A. WcnltV- lUffslar: Mrs. flattie rrtser, rhiptfp; W! Lila B. Winkleman, chair man of research committee Assisted by Mix Edmund son, the hottest served refreshment*. eensisC ~3E£lf t rif¥ (?“••*“ “ d TBose nhefewl war*; Me«kme. W. H Cobb. Na'Hfbn OTMtrry. T. A. Hanley. Ray. Ml.seMildred Edmunds Jfe ilfcahteT-. m Uo h ‘ Raleloh Weddlao ME. Pit shark Ue returned from MataWb veahorday aftemeoa after being eno of the usher* |a the Bolly-Alston WSddng Which took place at eleven o'clock yesterday morning in tho First PmlHerfan church In that city, i-pr * ■ 000 Woodrdw tFall Uaioß Nteoty -**• " " Master Woodrow WaM. sm of Dr. . and Mr. E«no Wall, and patieat In n F local sanitmridhi. bod a nice da* vr«- terday, In fact, tho best one ho hot had since morning from a Baltimoro hospital sdtno thn« ago. 1 wo' a Pkilatboa Baoaosr Tho Senior PM lathes CTaa. of Bt. Paul Ckuktb’bll kold tisetr annual Chrisimoo hajoor in the rooms over tho fiitdeNa lewlory Store »a Dybcpher Tth. open lag nt iQp A fuaift eon .Ist lag .# 'VThlek.n sdlsd. eo#oe. ole. will bo sor*. ed. Alee nil kinds of fancy work ar ticles suitable for Christmas protonic will bo dn dbrjlliT (0 0 0 4. Carottno ps»rt> Leasing M»dak 1 * < sroline Wddbot- tbnt are leaving io ■tdi liter edMi'lWy tke'miMrt t »i MO. M< In It .iU. n lime., huh .i it IjM" ntd lA* I IgJ I di«ol<4. -m, ' • ■ M»v'*» |*hj|*n “I •' ”*|l fhtsrl* ‘s • tilL t lift Hw ‘ . i± . iktfhlff tai -li t e o e lenrely Visitor ** lo honor 1 of her sister, Mrt. E. M. Mv-SteoßUry us Sperualntfff, b. C., Mis /..iwA'-jt.' a . - if' t ■ ■! ■ 1 ■ I —— ■ ■ 1 ' «l I. C. Vanstorjr woe at bpthe to one hundred of her fklrnds and thair irui sls fiuiii 'fppr to five yesterday pf ,t. moon in tMs salon of the Ecnnoa. [Tho hoe teed" eras' a|eUted, by Meedomes •W, f o*l- Boklnagn. W. H Smith, 'Oraafc* Smith. Faison Tkampeoß. C. M. r Black, Paul Admuadeon, Janpe* Harris 'land Mies Clara Spicer Tbs floral dec. 1 oration* worn beautiful and during tbo ioftornoon lonely yifrrsgmenti were • I served | » ‘ • • • Mr. and Mrs. tembnt Move to lucky Mount . v Mrs. J. K. Lambert left pesttrdap. af ’ * teen 000 for Rotky Mount and will he followed shortly by Mr. tambert. Thene charm'ing people are mbvm? tn rhat dty to make their home end they will leave a targe void in the eocta) and life of Goldsboro, i 4 '* • Poll Aeroont of t , ParberAoatea Wedding On the morning of November thir* j.tlctb, the Nows carried o brief Sketch ,' of tho marriage of Mias E*a Ceatoa to Mr. Le Ro> parker, which was teioau- Ised in ftmltkSoitt the night beforo. , It has copied below a tall naaeaat of , thy beautiful ceremony taken from ike Smith Ac id Herald; i "The home was Ustefplly decorated with long loaf pin# and white chry santhemum*. and waa a beautiful ast trip for the simple but impressive core , many Only a four friends and reI*- 1 *- j fives of tbo contracting parties were present. ’. "Promptly at tka appointed hoar j Miss Irene Myatt took bgy place at the plana »a plsg. tfte accompanlent a* j Mrs. J. Walter Costas, of South Bos | ton. Va., slater of the bride charmingly sang "1 Love You Truly" and "At t , Dawning." Miss Myatt was becomingly k j gowned In Alice Blue satin with sot sage of Premier roeoe, and Mre. Centos ■ , wore brown ragton ertpe and eorrjad .jyfllow chrysentkomumi. As the teat , note of thr nng died eeruj imd the BrlAal t>our.>.« from Lohengrin sound ' drawing-room toyothor and took thair placet before the improvised . altar Rev. W. O. Cone, rfetor of SL Stephen's Eplecol church. Gild*boro, poster of the bride, perforated the beautiful cosv p many. Tho bridot waa unusually ab stractive Ip wedding costume' of | midnight blue bro'dcloth with enuirrvl | triptminga and acroseoriea to match. | ller cartage boguet Was Farina violet* ' and Frontier rotes. "At soon as (he vow* wore spoken, i tko young couple received eongrpto j lotions of those present. At this tip>* . | a moat delectable buffet supper con ’ sitting of sandwiches and hot tea, angel food cake and crystpitted fruit and | mints Has served. The young ladlejc serving sscra Misses Edna Cootfa, sis , tot of tho bride. A*nk Hooka and Boa* ~ Grantham. . | “Mr. apd Mrs. Parker th«n left in tboig ear for a short trip after which | they will bo at homo in Mount OMve . 1 , ' Mrt- Perker is noito on aUrocttve young woman. She bo* held a steno graphic position in Mount Olive for pom* time until a few doya tgo whoa she earn* home for bar wedding. She 1 hoe • belt of friend* and whets best wishes gp with her a* she mokes ker 1 permanent borne in Mount Olive. "The bridffroem Is n young men of sterling worth. Be holds n responsi ' ble position with the Enterprise-Mbite ’ Title Lumber Cm, et Mount Olive. "The young couple wen the recipients of n jfhmber es useful and bountiful f | gifts. . '‘Those ptnio-nt at the w«ddiag from I eut-of-uwn were: Mias Rloncb Bie<- i Mite Boteio cuyto*. Jlr. Urndo. Rmith. [ Mr. ami Mrs. W. H Manly. Mrs. F. ' E. Hrheselkort, Mr*. Graham Heml. Mr. D. M,. prinoe end daughter, Miss Julio PrtneW, of Goldsboro; Mr. nod Mra. Jack Barfield, Mr. and Mr*. B. &. Blase 11 and MjOe Manna Boichoi of Mount OHeo; K*e. and Mra, A- T. Lo*sites and [ ChUdreo. of Bonaon; Mr*. Mortka Las 1 sitet, of Four Oaks; Mias Boaaie Coates 1 of Gieonshore; Ms. Ifeaneth Coates of 1 Chopoi mill tad Mis. J. Walter Ceatoa, ‘ as South Boston. Virginia," • • • Cirta (lob ActlvitWo On Friday aigkt of tho past week the Community House at the Borden cot | ton mills was opened for a small group of girl* between the ages of fourteen and tighterea. who are organising a 'dub under the leadership of Mi«t Kslbrinv Park end Mis* Mary Hardy The c|eb was prlgiaally. planned te he • kiWgf arts and otafte class but the mopnfen wore eery eager to be raeip I firv ifflrln and it was decided to onron- I fit them immrdlalely. At tjis ft •*t I r», vi ng the girio mb te the ggv lnliu • hgnekerchiefe to much in vogue now. t They seWed and song and talked on , til the fir* In tbo grate almoot died ..out. • Cvuimknity service le Immense!;- In (erested in this girls club end F«rka esprets te enUtl the talent* el . varioes pe--pl* here eou and wll hrfp In mohlug the,, meeting* pent • .Uhl., pod loaeiaatior Mb<s Jamivan ■ 1.».* iltiii, Mis rl»s o «,-ok>ag le-’ni, » at the * nest tehettnp a* fiPppoe . f > * 'tel tht 4 .? v-nt, M.*» £;,;ii»*hVs ( <* ofiritd to ; fitp *» "i iAto« Girt is bom * ftOfip 11 of Girl Seoul*, fami'iarly known os the "Mtel* scoots" 10-eonse ♦h y tee henrir' tell, hove had tow Wry I. good meetings recently. They ( nr« L itudyiag bold lut thru i'leAdalteut “ * ■ *'**■ • \ . ** djLi-AtoS. -is.', - If&iaL' 'Mb.. ► - -■ j - ■ r l''»' .. ' . ' ' » ' - '- ' Mb ASK ITS FIRST—WE lIAVE IT Palace Drug Store Phono No. 8 !' . Goldsboro, N. C. w.: 10-Minute Delivery Service * '■ : ’ 1 ■ SI ' •• • • ee e . e e e e e e e e e o e'.^j PERSONAL/ ‘ , **e4,**eeeeeoee».eeea T - \ Mra. Fttsbogh Loc hna returned from * Winston Bafom whore she has he*a on . an extended vteit to bar eioter, Mrs. • Kabort Usova. » Mr. W. B. Stroud, who spent tho Thanksgiving holidays with hi* parents In Florence. B C, returned yeterdsy aftetnohn. * Mr*, shin Kichardson and son, of Dover. WeVe visitors yesterday. f * Mina Kmsua Howard, who ho* boc-n I vloiiing htr hrolhor. Mr Bva Howard . a d Mrs. itow.;d. returned to bei hu-u.e i» Wilson yoeterdpy. , £ .' . Mr»* Charles Wnherington. trawling representative of tbo American Tbboc co company, U at homo over week-end. Mio* Carrie lslcr, who has been vie t iting la fUneton, 1* at bom* again. , Tko following Uackars have jvUrn *4 after attending the sembly la Raleigh: Mre. Mary Morris,! Mrt. H. E. Fennell, and Mieaea Lisxie [ nrd EEdna Brook* Mr* Mary Morris, Mrs. H. E. Fennell. 1 and Mlseot Litsi* tnd Edna Brooks. , Mr. Notknn Edward* of High Point, ' I* tho guest of Mr. and Mr*. Elijah Edwards At Genua. Mr. and Mra. John B. Dawson, of Kinatoo, who (bars boon visiting la , SuTolk. arrived in Goldsboro yester day afternoon and will be the guests . «f Mr. and Mr*. John Slaughter until •hi* afternoon. They are enroot* hom*. | , Among tho visitor* from Woodland | roster dbg TV* Misses Francis Moor*. , Sarah Cunningham sad Joslo Plland. Mias Ann TaatiUo. of Baltisaoro, is ; | ! A bnsioeet visitor in the ally and is j ] registered at tho Kennoo. Mr E. M. Gorham, of Moon., I was ker* an s tsoeinesa trip yesterday. Misa Mory Jackson and Mrs. E. A. J/.ekton. of Mount Olive, are tka gns-.'-te , es Mr*. George Boon. Mias Julia Lanntaa. of Woka Forest, [ , srrleed yesterday afternoon to winter hffre with her niche. Mr*. George I , Norwood on John Street ' Miss Susie Fulgum. of tho State De-1 pert meat of Education, la at her heat* I here fer the week end. w Misses Helen U*y, of Worcester, Mas*, and Mis* Elizabeth Bowles of Statesville are the house guvsts of ' Mra C E. Wilkin*. Prof. M. B. Andrews, of Fayetteville, motored from Raleigh, where he has i been attending the Teacher's assembly. 1 to Goldsboro Inst night te join his family. I— ■ 1 5 Test" and are also learning how to conduct n buoines* meeting In true form, ‘ffoma of tbo mysteries of "Mad am Chairman" knot already boon mas 1 trred. A wet. wet hik* woo weotkorod by the Girl Scouts Troop 1 and some of • tbs Bov Scouts. The rain fell tn tor , Mntef utU svon tbo Caatp Tiro began to get d>sh*acten*d- and w< at eat A r fin* shelter waa built of pine bough* but just as tbo fialskiag touches were 1 being added. It f*B down In a meat unscoatly manner on top of nil the f»od. Th# hiking party took refuge in the rabia of sen# colored people and : by a hospitable fir*, the girl dried I thoir rkethe* while waiting for autos ' to go to tb«ir rescue. •'.# o B. and P. Club to Sore* Hupper In sympotby with the New Bern fire, , »offerer* the Busin*** and Profetioaol Women’s Club trill serve a benefit sup- P«r. consisting es snlpd. crackers ond 1 hot tea ot their club rooms upstair* 1 over the Goldsboro Book Store Toea -1 day. Dee. t, from • to •p. <o. Tickets v »t fifty caotf rack will be »*old on the , 1 streets Monday and Tuesday. ! CAROLINA CLUBDOM: STATE FEDERATION NOTES MR*. C. ». NOBLE. # State Pros* Chairman r Club women es North Carolina and ' *n nil the Soatheastem Bt*r» will find I > 'he program and social affair* plannc^ , for the Southeastern Council Meeting , *«d th* North Carolina Council Meet-) ( ing at Pinehurat, Doecmber thv 3, 6 •ad T, full of interest sad pleasure. , Iff*. Sydney P. Cooper, state feitra , non president, urge* that Norik Cara , 'inn club wunu u attend in large nuns-. '•era, both fur tbe benefit that they , m«y derive individually and fbr Ike in-- Inlereel sad enthusiasm that they may arouse, after attendance open tbl*' meeting, in th* work of the general I federation and th* state sere ration among thric own clubs. Fevnry club arumdn In the State Is invited to al k t lend this meeting and te assist Mrs. - I r ooper in wtiroming and entertaining | ike- visiting club women from the Jtate* i-f Alabama, bsulli t arslina.) „ Urorgis, ftond*. Keatucky antj Teaa „ »■ - L f Tbe th.lt i.,uf the third COM-. I'Miys | i|y eu'l,. i •„ • >n,..| ■' [ l.j.i ' - l.e « . ( ,»• - •* iitAvti Ik s.s*mg of w*l»aot* fttm Kink y Corollas aud Formal opening of the e CeuneiL Pfostdiag Mrs. J. L lltyes,, y j«»*ide*i off th* ffontheaatern Connoil. r *ud Mr*. Sydney P. Ceeprr, president t wf th* Nvtib CoroUno Fvd«Fntiuo. . - ‘ ' ■ J. . h.itk ■'/’ ■ f | » » ’ ip wmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmr 1 nc-ii-ciinaa ... The Carolina Orchestra I evocation Anwdco tbo Beautiful. ........ j Assembly singing Address: "Th* club work of th- i ural woman and bow she may nf-J filiate with tho Stole Federation." Mrs. Jane F. , MeKimmon. State Home Dam-; oastrotioo Agent. * A tdreaa: "Tho woman's commission of of the Binghead National Highway." Mrs. Alt--Ft E. Thornton. viee-pro*ldont' 1 the l ; nit, d t.00.l Rood* Association It.l president of the Woman's Com irtlssi n of the Baaktu-ud National; Highaay" 'Add'oss: "t*. pi si oi ire program of. S 4tlh Carolina Women." Mr* Palmer Jcrdo*. president of th* Council of North Carolina, and chair man eommltt# on legislation, North CoroUno Federation Di*cu**i*a; “Legislation in the Bouthenotern- '•totes," represents IF** es th* Southeaster* States 4:00 o'clock: . Conference on district president*. North Federation. Mrs. John L Gilm %fr proaidaat. [ . «s ' r1 ■ 6:00 o'clock tea. Ot clab bouse—Pine liarst (Courtesy Club women sf the fifth district, Mr*. W. P. Horton ,pr*a* idem.) | Wednesday Evening •:M •'•took, Ik* Corolloo Mm. t. B. Hayes, president. Selections .. The Carolina Orchestra Music Assembly singing Motion picture* Address: “Th* Public'* Rcsponsi biUty" Rev. Chester Marshall Music: Violin- * Old Refrain ....... Art. by Breialer Meditation (from Thai*) . Massenet tddresaes of Welcome:— Mrs. Sydney P. Cooper, president of 1 the North Carolina Federation. M to Margaret Lovoll Gibran, direct or of tho Grnoral Federation. Mrs. W. P. Horton, president of th« fifth district. Roapoirae to addreseos of welcome: — o Mr*. J. E. Hay**, president of th* Southeastern Council, greetings. Mr*. W. S. Jennings, first vira-pru*- ident of the Gineril Fedemtiun. Vncsl *#lectior:- Mrs. Tboams Mostin. Wtost»a-Bal*m. Address: Woman's New Responsibility, lira. R. N Pn»». Mialc: Instrumental: —- Mra. Com Cm Lucas. South Caro-' lia*. v Reception: j Given by Mrs. Sydney F. Cooper.' president of the North CoroUno Federation to Mrs. J. E. Hay**, pro*- 1 ident of th* Boethvra Council and delegate* and visiting rlub woman. Wednaadny mnrntng, Dec. •. t:M •'clock, the Carolina Mr*. J. E. Hayes, presiding - Huai ness Session. Wednesday afternoon > o’clock the Co radian Mr*. J. E. H«y*s, proalding. Most* Amiably singing Obertasa Wteniawaki Helen Whitaher, State aobool fur tbe Blind. Raleigh. 1 Address: "A Feredattoa of Opportune j tie* .... Mr. Turnor Jono* PnbllO relnUooo representative Southern coterprises. Music vocal: — In the Wood of J-'invnas, H. T. Bor koiffk. Tomorrow. Harold Vincent Milllgon Spring Song of tho Robin Woman. Charles Wskcffeld Cadmoo (from •'.Shorn wis"). Alice Mi-acrMf Accompanist ... Bb* Kyle loutkwlrk ; Bt. Mary's School. Raleigh. The North Carolina Council Meeting will follow the meeting of thy South , an Thursday morning, Deeemlwr 7, nt 1 » o'clock when the Etocntlee B«ard goes In session. At 1# o'eJook, there will h* no important budiness session, with Mrs. Sydney P. cooper presiding In addition to th* speakers included ike follow wig program there will prob tbly be povertl men and wom<n of 'national reputation present tu address, be convention on varioos interesting spd timely topics; bot the name* of these speakers cannot bo definitely voneuacaff till' the lAt moment before ‘.be mooting. , Thursday afternoon, tbe Carolina 2.0 U o'clock- Mi*. Sydney F. Cooper and Mra. Thomas L, Gwyn, presiding Munir Assembly singing KepMls: Department of ct*i«*, Mr*. M. M. Marks. New Bern Department of literature: Mrs. 8. K. tesvitt, Chapel Hill. Itopartnient of arts, Mrs. Marshall Williams, Fatson. Depot>nrCiil e| bcsllb M. f hails ; k Put. t Itfilll Hi t '»e, » floor Ga*ll*lli | li»•. Dr. I r. :!.Lfi f. kLiUI sjfsr. r * ' %u l\f ' I till f'4 i*4 A t*r .:<* .'Ust ’ osMakrta* odd AJtt H sLiit Utat to the Women of North Dr. Dell* Dixon forroll. Drive to ap'sriand (Dourtesy of ■ * Imp b<N»r4 «if dirrrluf* jAfl Ptt|>wFinli »«]• (CvttUttUAvl DO Faipu I'iW) I *> . .. : «• . . *> u f * ..... " ci, '■ .T-r-—-p' ■ " ■ ■ ■ ■«■■■■»■ * _ n .- * • _ _ _ ♦ Mt ' MM VV Vk V ti J «" >&- ■ Jr I JL ■ isl X / ;A m? | f %V -1 m ' M* 1 V 4, ■ \\ / X * " m*'+.'*& w \\ ft T? B I JEWELRY—TREASURED GIFTS THAT LAST! v f 1 111 B « 111^ 41 . 1 J * w ?!f y - * nd * Christmas gift of it U sure to win bar I #) Mon fU *” m lration. Particularly if It ■ chom-ti from our exqufoittly deiifMd atlec- j j| naUyitmi ** compkMe for Chriaurfas giving—from inexpenaiva novelties to 1 ff K. A. CREECH I } -....«. Jeweler < I 'g - « « ■ *■* ■ —-■■ s-g. T--- '.ji^a SLEEPY TIME FOR) THE UTTLE POLKS r- i-i— --I- • L BlU.irs PISH STORY I (Iritiw cm) ‘Yen wo»'l belie** me, Black!*, an 4 l I don't blame you. for U dot* sound unreasonable.” »»id Btl'i* Possum, tor j night when Kt ram* #**r to kin • | ; llltir kowdyd* with Blaekie. 1 “I don't know what it i« that you j don't • Xpert me to belie**," taid Mod- j i kit. but l m» yon art a boat rl*bt. t fat wkaa**ar I ban boUtotd yon 1 j bat* almost always (at into trouble J Hut what ia this thing that you don't a Xpert m* to believer* - ' | -Well," tnid Hi Hl* a Ssh story, and you know mnrkd*. fywf •ah attyris* am trua; but tide it a | | a real tree-true story." I "Ail right." said Bleckle, '*if it I* j trua, no abond and tall it, *ad I will J Idy mgkty bard td baHaea it." So Bill ia bonsai "Tbit morning when j , l waa coming to* as Jocko Monkey's I house, where I spent the nlybt, I fiaard sa awful noise out in Uta creek,'sad whan I looked I saw fuel* Joe aat ' 1 there ia a boat, and be waa jaat pulling . up tba biggest Ask 1 tear saw. o' “The Ash Jumped ap oat of the water, and koaeetly, Blaekie, ka waa at loon I as yon. Uncle Joe kept pulling and j pulling, bat be maldn’t get the tab j any closer to the boat. <0 "Mr. Pish h«pt jumping out of the ! water like ka jaat wanted to let Uncle | Joe In tea bow big h# waa, aad than ha would fall bark into the creek.* • "After a while L'aclc Joe gut lire I and thought hr would rest a while, sad so be tied kts line to tba seat and rat down. 'Then Mr. Kish swam up towards the boat till the line was right Jooet, mrl than he fought It in bis luoutb and 1 bit it in two. Then h* swam up elate to |k* boat pnd Jumped up and knocked ■ Uncle Jpe's hat off In tke creak. And I tall you that flak was as lan* at you. H lack to Bear." "Wall. Weil.' sold Blaekie Bear, "that { ■ certainly I* some Itsh story, but I don't] bdlVtgr It. Out I will tell you what I , I will do I hare a big Ajh liar that I*, node of wire, and Mr. F'l'sh isn’t bile rni hmk it; *«. jn«t fuhi»fnn. if urn t* ill gsi Jwetw Monks}, snd th t ...n |in #» »l'k M* I will p« Aehino With I I I II |• t) lid «i *l| • I it V , f . <Jk d* * a t'.tf tfo.n *Ytt little lumni w «« err U'klltf abeu*. * i iiillia till ii" ill r.|>.‘, i* wield hats all the other* at the rrerk at sunrtao next morning, and to he Inf: I I ll'sekt* aad want by t». tail Ur. f a n -! l>. meet them at Jorku Munk-y's houto i tk« nail luordfhg. • A .. V7siY*. I m L- m Department Store | I and see the Tieautiful kj (T line of Coats' artd Coat w % Suita just 150 COATS of tile Very^m^at 150 Coat Said # Beautifully Designed / i . SEE THEM Ellis’ Departatit Slort North Centre Street.E. Coldnboro. N. —w—ass—wssawm——WbWndMßMw } , SCOTT, CHARNLEY & COMPANY , Ortiftrd Public Arrmratants 23 Trout HuiMinif •* W II.MINOTON, N. C. Charlotte. N C. Creonsbwca, V. C. Wilmington, N. C. rs t alambia, S. C. t Washington, t>. f. Rnltifk, N. C. » * , > " v r ■ " ' ..Inw^di A* " w -. 4- <M • Christmas Suggestion No. 14 i a PAJAMAS ' J Jht v ntake u nuit»l*tff. likablr piff—tin* oiw* w* rtp | tt.m •ii ivitif lut i In i‘H HiAW far .JMIItVDWi ini) war'bT, •¥* JM i .17 l. '.ifi mil tin" titiion art* tvttiMtiinltkt. t‘J- 10 $& M E ll*.- * '.'ini .11 a. In ylta-.v ItiU. jt OllLTiyflfJf 11 A. A. My Outfitter H H«(H PAGE THREE

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