wiiTuro i r- WiiAInMI CtoMp with IsMf gi* TMurttr, peak- T «My Friday! warmer Friday ' ' jff il !■ f-iirA', 1 - iJL A \ouma ombj ml m. ; 7 i w MM Fi B« DEM S stmts mow LOCM. WMMEIfi Tatel W IUM AafcM •! GMf km CltbM. TMby—New fftern Nnviti* Hvl|i DWYBJft OMANIXBD TO <£♦ VIEY BEST RESULTS !*•►*•**-’• • Meetings es urtMi organisations bald O' * Ska CRambor as Com stores prepared th# way for tka ul»tom|M work of l tto dftv* for the Now Bora ft# Ito f tkis 0 Tko Mn Marta at M o'clock art eas ting** tkroackoat tko day. Every boas# ovst? kaalaan ißw aad eatobliohmsat wltf ka vmi ted, la tko plan of tko op**’ t wtdtaaa. Tkoro la no qaestion as tko ar > t#at,' diatwaalag aood of Now Bora. It la a kaaaaa dfljr tkat Goldsboro wilt not skirt, aad tko loadora of tkla drloo for |MB> la caak atoaoy tklak tkat tkoto will ka ao difficulty la ralalac tko aaaaaat dart at tko oao day as tko drloo. tko city kaahoea dloidod into it ao potato district* took district havtag a tooai of workors to coaoaaa it thorongh ly. Exclusive of tkoso It toaaa tkoro la a apodal toaaa faraod to taka oars of plpcos not Wttkla tko regular dts toicts aad Ip da apootal work of aay aataro. Tko following Is a Hat of aaaoot of tkooo agpoctod to take part la tko drloo today, Bloat of wkoai attoadod tko moot tnff loot algkt at tko Chambor of Com airaa Natkaa O'Rerry, W. D. Croock, J. 8. Warwick, J. D. Gullotto, ft. ft. Warroa, Joke Skrago, Ooorgo 8. Dowoy, Ckarloi Thompson ft M. Load, ft ft EaUlor, ft. M. Hampkroy. Claado Grantham. Othtkt* Cobb, W. ft Strood, ft ft ttooopo, foal Bordon, D. H Dtaoa. Geo C. Karaogay. C. ft. Miller, Freeton Tko arts. A. A| Joaoph, Frailer Williams. K. C. Brown, tko Kadi*. A. ft. Fro*mao, John ft. Hawley. L. ft Pearson. F. 0. Smith, Lionel Wail, W. 0. Boiler. 000 ft Friasra*. A. T. Griffis, Mania Thomp son, W. ft Bawliagi, Kanaoa Bordon, T. J. Casey. <5. ft Wllkiaa, A. ft. Edgar toa, 0. C. Hampkroy, Miss Grace War* wlok. Noil Joseph, Boy 0? Bponeo, CUado Grantham. Wray Salt. Thom*. O’Borry, ft ft Graham, Joseph ftffowttol. ft ft Edwards, Bdgar ft. Bain, Clrtkorao ftoyall, C. F. Btroaaldor, ft. F. Lao, Claado Martin, ft. A Pfko Loots Bam molf Jr., J. M- ftdgsrtoa. John ftdwardc. SHUNOIS OF ttSIS TEMPLE MEET TUT ■ * 7 - 0 CaD Hu Bern Imtund to th* Caroliwßa to Attend—Many Candidates 'jC*aalmillra^* An event of rsal iaUrost and Im v portaass to the Bhrlnors of tko Catp linos will taka pines in Charlotte to day, where the annual . eoromonlal of the Opalo Templt will ho held. Several hundred candidates are to kora their foot oa the desert send* is Vi the MltlaUen, aad lllnstrloas Poten tata Charles V. York, of Ralotgh, has iaoaod a call ta all Sbriaoraw of the Carolina* to bo oa hood and Join the festivities of tho day. This eoromonlal will probably ho tho largest hold la Charlotte for yooro, and oa tack will ho well worth the while of all Shriaora to attend. All rosaarittoos worn appointed some time ago, plans thoroughly developed and everything gotten In readiness for the occasion. Oasis temple new numbers around *.OOO members Followihg is the prog ram for today. ftaaiaaae mooting, at Masonic tem plh, SsM p. m. Dance at chamber of commerce I p. m. Danes, Red Fet club • p. m. 0 treat carnival! benefit Orthopedic hospital. Casts is, conducted by Indies of the Eastern Star. Friday’s program It as follow*: Registration as the candidates fourth suae. I u II o'clock. •and concert -Front of courthouse, * 30 a. m. % Oasis patrol drill—Front of court house/ 10:30 a. m. Basinss* meeting - Election of effl sera only—Masonic temple, 11 am Lnnjk—Chamber As commerce, It to t p. m. Parade —Bind, petrol, candidates and neblss, 8:30 p m. Ladles' reception at Queens college, • p. m. to d p. m. Automobiles presid ed at Masonic tempi#. Torch light parade—Officials and’ noble*. 3 p m. Mart from Masonic Umpls. * *s j A prise ml |73 Will be glean far the, best dressed Shrine < lab in line and |AO prise [for largest representation In tko line. Oriental ball. and potentates reesp- 1 •lon at aadltsrium (fsrmai) • p. m. Dana# around fl'.QOv. In l*kf; hr a)e, at the l tnd of thjr vs.., the records as tbs post office will show that there has £ocn about fb!,0O0 worth of business transacted through tbs building. There has boon an addition to tho slat of tbo building but it Is still inadequate to rare for the necessities of tbo basMioss. Thor# la aa urgent immediate need, •ays |ke post master, for fwo clerks sad two carriers: ths buildkff Is toe email to permit the proper attention to the multitudinous details, but a bill ka* al ready boon Introduced providing for the enlargement of tbo Pom Office structure In the pear I*o4 the baainess was ap proslmstely 113,000 an since that time It baa mere than trebled. To lake care of this additional work tkoro has bora the addition of only on# dork. Whan asked for reasons for tkis coa dltlon as affairs Mr. Blmkins said tkat tbs post office department has apparent ly dsns Its best for Goldsboro In the post and will continue to do all It ran. They have been haadiraped by a lack «f money, he It advised. A poet office in spector will be sent to Goldsboro to in vestigate the situation and maht recoin mendstions to ths department. When that ie dene the citisens of Goldsboro may look for some imprvemenl On- ths other band tkis newest investigation may go tho way of all the rest and end In rhronic procrastination. DR B W KILGORE SPEAKS HERE TODAY PtmUml of the Cotton Co-op eratora Will Tell Member* of New Development* a— I. Dr. B W. Kilgore, president of the Cotton Growers Co-porative Association will speak at Ike court house today at 13|30 o’clock. All the re-operators of 1 the adjoining rountios have been Invited to hoar the ass who as a tetcher in Mate College hat made a life study of farm production and marketing, and wkt I It declared by those who know to kc acquainted with the Co-operative pre position from the ground up. If there are aay new developments among ths re-ape raters he will know about It. It Is understood that be ta here partly to oee the BOW 11,000 bale rottoa storage house new nearing completion and te confer 'with Themes H Howard, bead ml ih# warskoatiag company. ‘I GOi.Dauono, nobti rMtoimft. tmursdav morning dec j. im ,■■■■ • r-raf iijeAa •*» (ISLAND BECOMES DOMINION OF BBITIBH EMPIRE •Dohtla. Doc- A—doaagnratipn as •k* IHoftJTfWo State aa oaf of tko ffitpMome of the British Haapirw took place today. The re re many woo ' •ffiari* and aamarrad by hostile de m—rt rat tons from Ike RopabHcaa I art rarity. The rath was administered t* 11 Timothy Mosley aq gwvensoc general ky the lard Chief Juatic*. at Nopleys residence throe miles wert of PohMu. oad afterward tko new ffweeraov general administered the , orth to Professor Michael Hays*, a* speaker qf the Dial. Therq were ra crowds outside tho Farilaasemt Moose whoa tho Dial ■sot teoight. The aalalrtora aad otk era connected with the government made their way to the Parliament chamber by a private entrance tram tho #dJoining gevornmert adless, and ns victors wore admitted. WILSON MINOILERT IS Ml FIRIS EMITS SITS MdEMEIICEIU Tl»ffir of Fr»m» ami Wat Time Clril Ovtr (Hd-Timgg At VenmiUeN BELIEVES WILBON LITTLE STOUTER / . -- WASHINGTON Doc •.-Americana war time president and Franc’s war lime premier wet here late today for tko •rat time since the signing of the treaty of Versailles thro* years ago. The meeting waa *t the 8. Street home of Mr. Wilsoa. and lasted Just a little more than a quarter of an hour. M. Clemenceau described it as ons of ths ntmost cordliality and agection be tw old friends, addisg tkat be and tbo iormcr presient bad talked a little about old times in Parts, and also abent The and present." • M. fc-son made ao referents to tko purpose of the visit of tho former pro nsier of France to America r the sub jeet matter of hi* addresses In this country M. Clsmencoau smiled sn deem ed pleased when told that .station of Ml» name aad of tho fourteen prints bad el (sited mow applause from the ao dfonces than say other ora thing. Describing Mr. Wilson as somewhat stauter than at 4 the time of hia -visit to Francs, M. Clemaneeau said ho ap pkarad at mentally alert as ivfr, aad that thtrs was ao noticeable difference in his erics. Also He declared, that tho former president showed'a great clearness of view, and preAoioa of thought. Tho former ohlof evocuthd received hit dittingalsh«l visitor in his library.' Mr* Wlson was with them hut retired imnu-dstiily so that the two might ’># Olunc Mr VV tisuM leicaint d •< iud ti.ru unt ll* visit. * lie mitilst*r said. e Accompainisd only by Col. Stephen I Bonsai, M. Clomoncenu, arrived at tho I Wilson residence soon after nightfall. He was applauded by • small crowd that had gathered and was greeted by John Randolph Bolling secretory to M(. Wilson. Childs Speaks Again At Laussane—For Freedom of Black Sea -j' LAUSANNE. Sw User land. Dec A trong American plea for the freedom of the straights with the right of war- 1 abipa to pass to aad from the Black Boa, wgt the outstanding . features of the Near East conference today which received from tho intendrt sqtontr no tion* a definite project fur ther control of ths waterway. Richard Washburn t'lWld. tho Rnter iean ambassador adopted the ’brood standpoint, that lbs very interest lb* countries bordering on the Black Res mad# it imperative to hoop the straights open. The United States In common with every eummerctof na tion wished access to r.very\f roe body of water in the world, and America would not be satisfied if hsr ships of sir could not pursue their peaceful errands whedrver American citisens •ad merchant craft were accorded that privilege. • FIRE ON 'll-.!ol Silll|l»oll» 1> «•> llir Brst td *,*. ak sPii urgrd lou. umijio | lion of tup rood .n :b- voun* o »Lili shaulu get 'lfidct *-# «ud tu | rsliv* tho unemployment. I Mr. Page than spoke and pledged his efforts toward that end li» raid ths state had three hundred thousand dot ’ Ears of tho county’s money which wsuld bo returned to tko county eventually Tho state, ho raid ,w.as so ling bonds, and had no immediate use far thhr earn as money. Bhoald Us money bo rvtsrucd to tbo county, Mr. Psga suggested H might bo tamed ovar to tbo Highway 'ommissi n, and used to complete ths two rounty projects in which case work could bo started at once. The highway commission, Mr. Page stated, was preparing So seek *13.000,000 at tho noit session mt the legislature lor rood work. If tkla plan succeeds, Mr. Pago declared, (Vs 33.000.000 as the coun ty’s money wolud to returned by the state when the road fund Wqs apportion ad. A. R. Turnbull, president of tko Row lend Lumber romto*y.'a** < >a | ' < ‘'rt thro • teUgr\m that /when the insarnnre ad Jnaders rbatylrG-d their work ra tbs Roper Mill hie company would purchase that plant sad begin reconstruction at once Thi* would materially rid the un employment. f SIID TO BE RUMIHG SHU HI OUTHOUSE Os fir era Taking No Chance* With Bov Wit new. Again*! r. G. and L. G. Warrick C. G and ft G. Warwick, brothers, of Grantham township, have been arrested an a charge of making whiskey In their smokehouse, and a bearing before the mari*trate Is slated for II o’clock today when ths Btslo’s principal witness, » colored lad IS yssrs old will testify. What this colored isd will toll nobody teem* to knew. It has been raid that reprreentntlveS of the defendante hat* gone te the Jail and ashed him not to turn state evidence. Attempts were mode to get bond for 1 lh*. colored ad last night, but Judge J. > H Hooks of tho juvenile court and th# . , officers were afraid that If the lad waa , turned out he would disappear and that , all their carefully planned evidence would be ruined, •• they took a* rhaneee on their main witness being 1 spirited away, despite tho plea of Major W. W. Peirce, sttornsy for th* lad. I ■ ( i—i ■ i ■ z KLA.N.S‘K3 ALL Lh AT MOUNTT OLIVE (Rraciri to ska Nows. I MOUNT UUVF„ Doc. 3,-gu Efts Ktan Mtivilisa reached the stage off-open domonsl ration |a tkhs Oily tonight, wktn a fall Muss parade was told In the mala street. ’ Rhortly after dark tto Has form ed. Absat 100 members of tto Elan dressed. la their flowing ghostly j robes, formed tho parade. The line j was headed by fear Klssuers on horses, with tto Usd m*| (fffigriag a brilliant scarlet roke At tto head of tko procesties Was tko flroy ' craos, tho symbol of tto Klaa. Tho damearttotioa was peaceable •ad ordarly, there bring on effort j to do anything more than carry oa tto parade. Tto Ktannors marched ap one street aad down oa the athor •Id* aftor whisk tko Klan dispon ed and tho omonatratioa was ever. There was so yoported mooting' fri lowing the march. All day there had has* reports an | tto • tract tto} tbo Elan would stag* • demonstration torn tonight, hut i not much crodoaoo was put in tho talk. Ths knowledge of tko parade •semsd to to rather widely broad carted, however, os several towns nearby called la oa th* telephone tq te* If aaytkiag cams ml tto de monstration. 11 WISE HEW fiEiiriw c. 0. 8. WoHMMi Bays ProbigM Th.ra Mffiffit Intgrwgliftg—2(l PMgfe In Qffiff Hffitwe Miss Mary Hardy, seers tan as tto Charity Orgonisstioa Society.l return •d lost algkt from Now Born, whore •he was called to flow tto situation in her official rapacity. Mira Hardy, interviewed by a Nowa repress.tollve. gave art tto following statement relative t# conditions in tto flral stricken sity. Tk* statement lo aorttM*. mad# on /tto ground, and cojics from nntbority wfclrh la aton- antbontir As tnsb it U as vi tal lath root to every ritiisn as Golds “ Now Born new oeeuptos a promt.- oat pin** la th# mtadn of moat Nprtk Carolinians. Tk* psraa is giving H mart space, a nd from nil porta of tto state offers of assistance are being made. # “To a social worker Nbw Bara’s preh l«m is moot late roe ting and t *varyras W M ran should go and lath aver tto • itgatian and toe haw It la bring handled. ’’Mr. Carter Taylor, dirpetor as Red Cress activities at Camp Bragg, has sbarge of Offain. Assisting him are Mi»s M yrrt of the State depkytmrnt | a state as war. incraatad tha virulaaay as tha garm ctating influent* ... Than bat hum ia -•-»--mil iaftu •“* •'■" I Hi, M ya Dr Eittggtwh tha igat law weak* theat kaa pneumenia having raagtmd ig a 'gnntbeo •fight. '' | fpnrifiivi TTfriflffcMMf Ml INMMmMMIE IfcWEi -rTg.rrgg the i ot/iu at all übmm» ngd while the per* should U kept within ana aoiat #1 the* way frag aejpp- ETAOIN M M MUNN ■id chilling are vgnntiy dagger ana Roeg* tha cluing rang at an afßnMa tingefa tura, and tha bad rag gilt as fraah atr. ta nl>gg,|ta B^gwt inta tha body, but it /dare than likaly t* Irrltat* tha tgrfww as the tkraut and non*l passage* *nd rnnh* thaM, impor tnnt part* as tha bady mare anaily at* lacked. ,‘ j v .;' | *W* Dr. Eilingtdp repented kia ataUagnl praMnt caadltien*. ctmiMniuiiF * KMI ITEt HUH. Few ( agga Will (Wit u# Bs* far* Hie KecwrWer Mgaday Hr* kaa There la * •1* Tb* docket far tbe romlnh tcael m as Bvcordara coart Nun day ia Mt OB pavtad to b* a* heavy ac the uaual docket following two week* as Snpariar court, without a aeacigp of RaagMara court Mott of tb* ***** thot have tamo up tn I'ulk-* court hava baa* of a miner naiun and settled by Mayer Bota with n tb or lit! An* The principal caa* la that sgaiatt Lain* Prlaa. Ootarad. warn an, charged with diipeaflng cacain. She wat mat up thla week from polta# court. Tha ether cate will be that | against C. 0. and L. O Warwick cbntg ed with blockading, provided tha au«it-- trata today And* caMetaat eritmea againt them ta hind th«m _•*•*. Ordinarily aftar a two weak* saagaw of Hu parlor court there are caeca crT making, selling, tcanaparting and having i whiskey, and there are case* that ravar "bout all Ih* crime* for which tb* pong* r tie* rang* up ta a yaar rani i»iw>n . Thi* ti ae though, etcopt far tha Agf| rase* meal toned, Racurdag Court gill make a water haul ualaaa there are a great deal mar* cnaea mmiag ap from • I‘oitcc court Monday Thia ic gam* argument with whiah th* aptimlat *ag * art slowly but • wiftip, rather Ofidt* > crave that tha vaaM ta (rowing bo Nag, batay anyway, -Am ■•*• idkwr piich #iv a cum.