I WEATHER I kil and colder Sanday, Monday fair I shifting wi-adi north aad wevt. VOLUME ONE; NUMBER HE. Baptists and Methodists Responsible In Nor. Car. For Faith of Prisoners BAPTIST CONVENTION WILL CONSIDER IKE UNJNGEUST CMTMiiM CMimiai Tiiriiy la WtaatM-SakM Will Talk Maay laportaai Mat ten MEREDITH COLLEGE REMOVAL AN 188UE RALEIGH, Dot Recomraendattea which ••aid taut* a doc Idod change ia rim polity and program of roaalry •khrdhes aad another to pat a priaoa evangelist la tha Aold to terete all kin Ijme to work aa«| prtaoaoro aad mww la Wlisten-Belem. it vaa anal Eaptiot itato coaooatioa, which Wfiyitiai la Wlnntan-Bulem, It *ai lodraod from eknrek oriciala horo to- MOM> . • idk hnomjnseit piffaon -worker "Mb id raejptly tkat tko majority of man aad woman la prlooa aad oa chain ganje la North Carolina waatod the Matko diat aad Eaptlat braada of religion." Dt Chariot E. Maddry, corroaponding aocrotary of tbo convention itatod. Thia It not atrango whoa tho fact it kaptra that 4B pore oat of all tho church members la tho itato art of tho Bap tiot doaomiaation. The Method lit romp Mo>t with U porront It caa ho toon at once that thoto tto groat denomination! are more rot poatiblo for tho proachiag of tho got pp| to tho folk la prlooa than all As other charofc pooplo pat togotbor. ilmwioi of Caaatry Chare boa “Adpthor big problem coming before i tho (oearoaftioa for attontloa it thy 1 •ppatry ckarch tHaatita confrooting ■o IjjfyriiM Thoro are MB Boptiit chaohot ia North Carolina and at Ito it l|M of thoto art opt in tho couatry. Mot loot than IBM have preaching oaly caco aadb month, while thorn matt ho IMI'N ltdO that hare proachiag only TiTtiinyi SSst ■ IvJWfH 0 '" • train » tho UgdlUoitpl, pallcy Mtd program U tho trtrpgo couatry Baptist church Mo< alpao.tho Baptist bpt if my other dpqomiq«ti»n iJO foclgg tkp tamo acpte lffablta. lt is more ecutt with the Bap- Ift than aay other doaomiaation be ctato wa kart to many more churchot apd members hart," k« taid. A. C. Hamby, taporlnUndoni as the rfßhtnr church department .•ith tit i ce-warksrt, hat computed definite Mast denped to rtlUet this iltuation. It wat ttatod and will tubmit them to tha canrtation. Schoolt Needa Ministers “The itato minion board hit act at its policy a good church house and a Itroag Baptiit preacher at ever title lditltution of likmlng,** tald l»g. Mad ify * , Tkt beard ‘lt titltting In the haildlag as keptet of wonklp at Chppal ■lll dad Bulled Memorial, near itato collage, Raleigh At Coon at ppgiibU •aril •ill ho begun oa tht enlargement of ffroeit Avenue, Greensboro, to take taro of 111 Baptlat giflt In, tha Bt*t« College for Womea. “la tbo o|g lift* colleges there .It p total as UM Baptist tludtnu, A ru comaiendttion trill "bo made to the cop rtatlea far tha employment of an all tllea Moratory of ttudant activities. ‘Thoro ore HI mlttloaoriet oa tht hoard thit ytor, aorving Mi churchot end oat stations. Tha report will thow 0 total as HM charckat la North Care log. IM.OOO mtmhtra, and SIM,OOO giv aa to title mittlent. Thtro It a •mall debt oa itete minion work Bernooel of Merodeth College '‘Tbo qgesUon of remotol of Mero dlih railage wljj come up for Until Mi ll •P»en l at ihlt convention. It It not be - MdTfd thoro will ho »try much mMl meat for tho removal of the college thgnpw tilt Miected by tha board as trnateee, near Method The matter Wl|l caaM up Wedoeaday morning. “Another new and intrreetiag matter remlag before the convent ion la the daal preparation for the opening as tho |U0,040 Boptlat koipltal too near lag completion In Wlnatoa Halem Rev. U Lamhinl iptator of the First Boptlat church, or Suffolk, kaa bean aloctod tuperiatendent. Tha plana call for tho opoolog Febursry I, “The heard of adurotian will report tklra ore about sixteen Baptlat achoela •ad eolUgoa In tha atata aad they are Oil crowded. Thera baa bean • good deal of dlocaaoloa la tho mMtinge of the diatrirt oaaocUtioßi daring the year and doubt leas thia matter will' come ap for tetentioa “AllleJHrilh thla will bo tho quoatla of Greek letter fraternities at Wake Faraat coliogo. It la not believed how ever, that anything very rodiral will be propoMd. hat that the sober, ron aervotlve elefienl la tho convention will proraU. "Dr. W. A Ayaro, of Ural Baptlat, cktaroh, Now Bom, will pranrh tho in troduotory aormoa Tnoada/ night, Jho Make ferert dlacdaotpn pM* cone# ap iCamMsapd an Page BUI THE GOLDSBORO NEWS Ik ,y< M E* LIONEI. WEIL la charge as roliof work boro for Now Bern fire sufferers iml icKiif SOU TO TIE NMYOfI is airs ram Without AM of GoMoboro Took Would Havg Ex wM Now Horn’* Ability—Clark 15.500 WAS PINAL AID COLLECTION Now Bora'a gratltada for the roaponnk elicited from tha eltlaeaa of Go Ida horo for tho relief driro, wee ospronond yesterday ia a Uttar from Moyer Clark of tha atrlkua city to Llonol Well ohalmoa of tho cilitoae commlttae of this pity, vhooe tlreUee work In or* gaatentlon aod mop* gem on t at tho drive mod# the aplondld aknwing .poa alhle. - * * the result of tke one day's canroaa J*ff!*l ‘ k « a Wlk- IfWjHl cf/'idlV.* U>it> ctauti Goldsboro, N C. V > f t My door Ml WtU;-r . On hapoU of tgyaalf and alj the pm- IpU of tglf cymmuoity l drat re to tin' eeroly thank you foe *t>e . rdady r*« ■ poaae and generous aid you have giv en us in tha relief work now being earned on to relievo the fire suffer ore In tha racant fire dteaeter %rs, which U admitted to bt the graaUet conflagration in the history of the atate. Without your aid the taek would have exceeded our ability ta meet the work confronting us in alleviating the I suffering in -our mid-.t. Your generous! contribution and the magnanimous) apirit which you have shown incurred a debt of «ratituligo‘. , Later Telegram , New Bern. N. C., Doe. •. Lioaol Weil, Chairman, Goldeboro, N. C, Your letter containing check for thirty five hundred dollars to ho ua ed in our roliof work and contributed by your splendid and gtnaroua people received. Pleaae accept our apprecia tion and everlaating gratitude. EDWARD CLARK. Mayor couhy porno ’ SHOWERS MEET |Th~ Not Present 'to So« mm Got This We*k—House Doesn't Hold 15.000 Bushels Porty give swdel potato growers of Waya# county mot In tha chamber of commsrst yesterday with -Warohouao •tanagor C. W WhooUaa to chock over all of thahaalnoa afor the year and anti la up tha mattar of tho distribution . ot er *»» Mr WhqpUas it asking that all members as the operative or others who have boon dvlWsrvd eratos 1 and who word not present at tho moot- j lag yesterday call on him thia weak to they may Had jaat hew they aland on the number of eratoa charged to theta. At preeent there are 11,MM baahala of awoot potatoes in tho warohouM computed a few weeks age. The houee was built for a I&.iXX) bushel house, hut da- an JThomaa H Norwood do not hqliova that tho houfa will hold I UdM buahele ualpaa they pro stacks J la the lap. f OOLMBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. BUNDAY MORNING. DEC Id, Idtt FEDERAL AGENT KILLED IN LIQUOR RAID IN KENTUCKY I , . -J—; Poms To Sobi* of Battle—C sc r*t»ry of War Rsf imps To Bond Troops Yet STILL THOUGHT TO BE IN A CAVE MT STERLING. Dec. Robert E Duff, Podvral Prohibition Agent, was •hot from amhuak in a battls with al leged moonahinsrs in the hills of Man aifeo county. Prohibition agsnta from varloua aec tlona of the atate wore being aasambl ed here tonight to join a potao which was being formed to go to tho scene of tho battle. A telegram was Mat by United Stat es C ommissioner C. H. Wood to tho Mcrotary of War, asking that tho com manding oAcor of Port Thomas he in structed ta hold the troops la readiness ta ewtrala for tha acoaa. Details of the battle brough out horo ' by Duff’s companion! wore to tha ef fect that tha agent was Uading a group 1 of caldera la an advaara on a rave where indications pointed to tho oxlat enc.t as a still whan a volly of shots wort Bred aad Duffy fell. Nu Troops Yst WASHINGTON. Dee Uao as fed era! tloops in aaaiating Prohibition en forcement officers in Kentucky In ac cordance with the policy of the War department, in Sill such cbmc ran not he expected until all other agencies of state aad Fodaral authorities had failed to restore order, and tha gov ernor of Kentucky had so certified in a formal roqtioat to tho Secretary of War for •aaistaneo, oMeiola said today la commenting upon a report tkat Com missioner Wood had mad* lack a re quest. No me a tag a from tka Cotnmlt aionar had boon received tonight at tha department, hoar war,. NO ONE GOES HUNGRY IN FIRE SWEPT CITY WrW OwHty Wfftfart Officer, jiyi JUUcf In N«* Burn In WW OrfnnixM and Efficient tl * ‘ A 1 W\J iT Additional details of tha fallef work carried on at New Ben bane book aeht to th* Na#t by A. K. Howell Waph* Cohaty waiters oncer, who has Wi« rvlsaasd from aervire hare -t» 1 »p*ud is * short while in the atvlekea town Mr. Howell’a latest Utter follows: Taatative rohabitulation plana in volved fifty white families and 600 no gro families who Will need complete furnishings for two rooms at minimum. Bafoye they can be restored to their pra-fftv status. Urge expenditures of funds will beneeessary. Mr. Tarlor la T working out a pirn for this pi,use at j, ■ lfc» program. In • onpvrn'lng with tha | local citiaena committees. Miss Katherine Meyers, atate super -1 viaur us nursing lor the Red I'roev in I North Carolina, and Miss Lucia Proa- * drwvan VrfHf dopartnaaaV ta I kbTfflffg U# ahtlihsllbU di.coM t and , hiiite|dtaj> among tha npgro ( •ad whlta families In coagaatad arena , of the town. Two county npraea have ) tesn pladvd dfi’dhr Mlaa MtysVs daring | Tbo aihakffamey for vlaillng ‘work. Miaa , Mayors ta twvg reports all rsiai ta tha | health offirer at the rloM of the days { • ark. Major Erwin, of Port Bragg, In rkarga •f sanitation and health matters, ia I uay Moing that dangerous situations In tha burned area and among nsgroot who haw crowdod together with friands and relatives art corrected. “Rationing has boon falling off ing tho past few days,” said Mr. Taylor , “Probably bvcaffae %hy qrfugnoa affa sating with friends ahd neighbors In all disasters thrs has been ths sipcr- Uacs. Mora poraons begin coming for rstlona next week end a ration linq of about IfMM Is astlmatcd for the jowa ’ for an rxtandtd period. “With volunteers from tho townsped pit who have dent hpUndid service thus |«r cooperating with the trained pdr- 1 loans 11 of Red Cross, the sitqMOtf J will toon bo pW rfi on tha basis of* 1 a 1 permanent‘program One thing It ■ lain, no on# ia doing without fuod and ( .belter unfeas of their own accord 1 Clothing hap been dltanbated generally to families who lost their belongings la tha Arc and tents with rots have been j mad# available for aloeping quartern, lln addition to the west and school whore tho negroes are fed and quartar- I ad at prcaant. “Outside people have made a gratify ing rsaponM to appvala. .. ’V lo o o o oo a a a a a | • BOMB FEATURE* LEFT OVER • j S s| • A rash as ropy at midnight * i * wads it awroaaary ta Uaw eat • ’ • seal at Nso Haaday foot area oa- • j • nanced ySaturday- TWy will, bww- • > * ***r W puMtahod vtlhla Mm • • wpai. •) r !i NEAR EAST RaiEE OFFERS GOLDSBORO! j lastopporlty ('matpaign in City I totwa TtMay. But Cowlry Effort. WiH Bd Continiwtl, Hnyn Official. THE NEED WAS NEVER MORE UftGBNT THAN NOW *' ■'* Thv Follow Up week for East Relief ia Goldahoro ends today bat the county campaign will ooatinac until tho work is completed to tko satisfac tion of tbo rommitteaa. Thia morning all organised Sunday School clssssi In thia city will consider tho matter of tha adoption of on# or more orphaned childrqn in tho Near East. Thpse cl sates wha failed to take thia slap aotao lima ago, aad who can not now do so arc urged to tska a special eolUcUoa this morning far tka benefit of Near East Relief. Workers la Goldahoro will make their report ta the Chairman of tbo Noar East Relief Fuad. Rev. Thomas E. Beaman, 40d Grant building tomor row. Tha caatlaaaneo of tho county cam paign calls for a number of meetings in tha tmmadiate vicinity of Goldahoro Among these mooting. (vNU ho one Monday nf ter noon at l;30 o'clock at tho opora house In Fremont and oao Monday night at 7;SO o'clock at tha city haM\ at Mount Olive gand Rev. Daily at Framoat. S. Baddour, of Goldahoro, appointed by tha State Director to carry on tka campaign among the Greek and Syrian population of this city, has reported to tha chairman tho collection of |IU locally, besides $l6O tent direct ta tka New York ogee as tka Relief Fuad. Tha response as thiM people, think tho oAciaia In charge a s tho drive shows a apirit wall wartk attention as tha county at largai Money contdibutiona may ho Mat ta A- M. Howell, at tha Farmers Beak and Trust Company «v. ttmet. tw tl*. chair man. Kav Thoms. C* ffU4ih HI 404 Grant building. ! ■ASSI^BWSfIS of tha tpffariar tßiPaiasda thwlNssr ■•at. Tha st trips as tha viaeiMltudai mad bower* aft tbe sipsebssw as tbase poaptp have boon toM ImiadMHild timaa, Tbaro is no daub ting tha aPihaßX Deity at tha ropwrta. The Mad ia ilrgspi oa it has beast far mouths, and bow ia tho lima ta aaatriduto. Tbo aum at IM will save the Ufa as a,, «*> lld far one year) $6 tar ant eveatb J and 11 cants fat one day. . Ta Amensa t sasnsbera as the Christ- i Ua Faith tha opportunity presents ua-, usually urgent aspects Far a thousand yars Armenia kaa offered a bulwark for Christianity against tka spread at Ma hammedanism thsoughout tka asrtk. In the last ten years the population of Ar- | meaia, this important aid in world Chriatlanlaation, has bean ■ decreased from 7.000,000 to 1,116,000, by the mn>dcrs of tV Tti»k and war*. Amrrfcn h-,n been yervrotl. at" nlv h'l* •> ir. no lire In top. T- mid Is atilt I'Teal. CLEMENCEAU GIVES i LEUTUME PMCX EEUH TO AM. riELD SERVICE WAHHLNGTOM. Dag. ft.—fn memary of ||l. studrat days be thbpUnß.d KUtes Georges (Itmenreau will glva tho proewds of his Uctnro tour ta the I American Field berries fund feMow. ahipa ia French aad AamrlMn an I vac aitloa. Tka Ttgar today au advised to- j preaoalativs A Plait. Aasdrew of Maas* | srhucsstU, who organised and direct* ed ,tbe American field Service, the agency through which hundreds as | young American gava aid to Franca before the U. 8. entered the war. MORE RYE GROWING | IN WAYNE THAN EVER > Harking 1# Vtrire of TktMig Who Would Brat BoU Wervil lift f*r« llw’. Started (iood More rye haa hewn planlad la I Wayne yu«aty aad la aov graving that avjwp hdarc at this aepaow a\ the PPM/ error ding to Sheriff W. D. Grant who baa rwvered tho resa le from owe end ta the w*>cr la the peat few weeks la hie ‘searching far tka Greenfield, various black adera. aad others. Home wheat has been planted, bat It daw mat compare with the rye. Ia tha rot tea patches and lbs earn fields the stalks have been knocked down aad ploughed In. Tke land haa been harrowed smooth the rya planted, and II la ap now decorating the wide fields with a rich green. fa other years farmers la Wayne have fad stork ia maay raeea an wrefers grain, hat they have hark ed la the voice as those pleading with them In plant caver crops and heat >ha bptl weevil befarv ever lb# , little pari pat Startedi an dm tbe Brat frails of their week la fcsram- I Jag evident In Haps who Irarai •vnr Way as cnualy day by Us. sever e Oeaes • ELECT MINISTER • , PRESIDENT POLAND • [* t , WARSAW. Dot * n RitMul N. A-WBplwHLf. * ,'r t* Mt i.ied , tyt lor dull 41- , * fairs, wag circled protti- * i * <**nt of P«|knd ky Ike Nb- * (• iloriril AMwmkly (o4«y. *•••-••♦• a as TKOUeHT SUMS' iniK fours REIiTWE IS COOK - r* Another lorrettponriaiirg Wed- ! din* Gone Wrong—l2o,ooo Por KIIHng Htuband _____________ WAS TO MAKE HER RICH; GAVE HER 95 DETROIT, Doc. • - Charges that ska had hop« tricked (into fmsrriaga by vltleas of groat wealth aad gMarMtiiy and that ska had heap “driven so aaarly frsntlc." by tha actiaaa as bag husband that at timas she sufforsd ions of memory, sad raspoaaihility, will ha iho defense of Mra. May Bello Ford when she goat an trinl hare charged with plotting tha death of bar husband May J Ford, of Dearborn. Mrs. Ford held In jail hire bsrtuse shs cannot procure «U,OOO ball Is chargd with offering ta htra a local detective to poae as a gunman fur I*o,ooo to kill kcr husband aad barn tha body. Ths woman told ntwspapar man to day that sha Intended ta tail the jury 'everything about my unhappy mar rlad Ufa, and Ist that story be my de fense " Mrs. Ford who says sha was a far mer Toledo dab woman, declared tha first met Ford gkss she wag employed no a Mstaause in a Toledo baauty parlor. “Mr. Ford first wrote ta tMa manager as tha place Mkd ha waa s Mar rotative as Hsaa-y Ford, that ha Imd groat wealth, was gaasrats gaff deslimd g •If#," the wesaga aatd. 't%* Ipttar waa toraad aver ta am and I gp—aul It. lasmodlately I received a apply la which the matter as riahaa aad raialismahlp to Hak|y Ward waa aglargM gpCti Mn ctis* 1 Ao aag 1 apt aah me Waca mdr mi latl a>f <>•“ h‘ barn ta Hr*- I fodbd a haute that had teen bachelors quarters |qr nearly ac- I *•* V WffWlF to h»r ! dl,h, t W.VM glvqa flyy dgllafs I pr. I tbe house, vsrniahyd the fiaois. 1 duriag tha sqMpn.’l.shp tqn.tlpged, j » —; X '• SHERIFF GRANTS RAIDERS DRBTEOV THREE BTILLS ’ AND IAM GALLONS BEER Sheriff W. D. Great raptured three I distillorier In Nso Hup* township near White ll.ill. end dc»t-ovr(( 1/4 ink . Ithudus ahd Gvurgt Mbilaly »i, th* raid. • c Mir GIVE UUMDfff COURSE IT 9IIC s\ Th 1 7 .. i , v. , j ••"•W ,A Proponed Course for CurrtcuiWM; Opgraliou tIIOyAOQ Plhnt ■ Rhcobsb ,f . | THAFEL HILL, Dec. Lanadrymen all over yis reuatry ar* looking wilk tka proposed g|sn of G. H Paulsen, superintendent at tka Laundry Department at tke University of North Caroline, for tha Installation of a regular commercial aad pwwnr laundry ronrM Into the University curricula for th* belfefit of these stu dents who deslrn to become laundry owners or operators. ' y Speaking us his plan of training thoM students whs wish to become laundry m*a. operators, and owners, Mr Paul sen says that “In thy laundry igdpg try, ns well as ia all olhsrs, Whakl# track, Secretary W. C. Danmark of tka Ckambar of Cam I w# r«*. »lr*d tka Coagroaamaa tkrt mock Intaraat had baan evinced and rdviaad kim to hav* a aiavoatlgmtor <*f Ito Intaratata ( ommarca ('ommiaalun cama to Wayna County and kold moot "‘g* l® d»t tko plana of actio* Itnad Us. Mr. Abernathy rapliad with tka fol lowing tologram: Waahin«ton, D. C. II M Dacamkar ttfc, Hit OaMtktra < fc amber of • giro to* important a plat* in-Un tbiaga wa ar* moot familiar witk. Eg a lawyar ia thorn not a teadoacy *o g* part to oearempkaiaa U* eaiao of |a W and rotatet.an on hamaa oq»4o«tJ Aa a kiatarina am J not to* mot* boaad by precedent I A* e theologian am I not ton mack iaoliaod to dogma T T* th*, ahomlit. do** not kamaa Ilf* moolv* aroaad cbomleal ckyagoaf And aa to tko kiotegiot, to thorn aat a hagai of ooarompkeiaiag Ik* aludiaa ia that daa pari meat of thoagktf. avid! “Dr. Potoat taviUa attention ta As fact that the human rao* kaa made a* pragma* aiac* AHatotl*. He miglik really kaoe gone back to Adgaa aaA coated* rod tko ***** of the fail Urn tg pragma*. Cod'* word defiant it ee ate Can w* improve *a tkia daflnitteat Chriat gave th* world a mmody hat thn world mfooted Chrtat aad ran! ytagld ■ aood not be exported a util that daft who* tko world accept* Chriat- Hang uU. What it It really that toite-’f | "I hfno aaaa God'* ympar •• fftaM domoaterated aoddoaly ia the ttnas si tko ipytroNh worth*tea* typo* that X am iatliaed t* tka vtaw that ttet mas that i* ia tko flaoh l* on iiHlnitotemgr < - iipamd to th» ut»a Untt •» iq apirily ih.ll are pay lu* much attention to akw ne»k. *r* nip inbvh'loit'foVned’djl'tj* * ih« roll* of tkottngfir te dtiJ yet U-ing.ruoely -lute to that cllro who changed tko Iratk W dod late me lio and anraliiygsd pp-oarnad tka ■*#•*• !* " k # t ‘ *di * ,p *»d I ‘SfT remadr. .ugaglel? ftete^ bia aoa with Godly iaflaoßOo*. tkat extent “hlood will teH.** g. -* *4 Dr. Potoat'* the ary nay ana ansi ftl tk* woakneaa of a|| Iki* thing thwt in called H a*w tkonght,” madontbah mil ao foortk.'* BISHOP WITEFHUSe' DIES OF UHRIES Ponwgr l*PfiißWl’ df Kaaory Henry OhOhM DddMf b1 Kmd * V IHg—Bftt»tk By Car f KNOXVILLE. Dd*. •.-»."0. Water* koaaa, retired from tk* If.'B. ckarck. South, died bom today from tajurteg Os Tharaday who* ko wa ky mm automobll* Tk* BlahoyTa uktall waa fra*- > turod. and ot* of lia atm* broken lA iwo placet PrOm tko tliH* as tk* aert doat th* Btaohp never regained con* ackoutnoaa. Biakop Waterkoaa* waa kora ia Kk«n maalu, Toaa, Do*. M, IBM waa Or daiaad ia th* Molkodlrt mlalatry in IMO, waa ordained aa paator ia Haon vi lio. Tenner >i**| pm aiding aider *f tk* Badford. V irgiai* dlviaioa. and koA aervod at>miid*al of Emory and Inly college! froar iMB to ttit H* ia aatuivod ky ki* wife and tkctß child rva. Puaaml arrange aMata am ladoftatln akalttag adrtoou Worn fko heard g| Bi*h*p* of htt'thmak haw M aoootea ht M. Orloooa, bShU f»lptWW> that Iggiiri Iwin b« te MnaßW Vk^hn PBtcß pits cmrm.