PAGE TWO I"" ' "" ||| NEWS OF 77* CITY * !! Bra. «. B. Kl-moau, of KinatotiTl mother of Mr. R L Hill, of thia aity. 4M at her Home ia on yet-, Ur4>> She »•* flxty-thro* *i age and although .ha had barn in poor health for aeoeral maoth*. bar death vrae aaddeti. da# to heart failure. Myn. Mill lair jmatorday .ftamaen to attend the fasaral, which will ha held from, the home on Cat wall .treat thia after aaaa. <• ■ -Jr'! ] local worn tier nlwuc* promptly ... // Mr. Fhoavas OTtorry and Mra. Wuil fat oa-tha jah tameidataly yaaUrday after they found oat about all of the MOMVaaa of the Phillip* family being ia the bad arith uaoamoain and got aur.oa far thaa, County SuperinWadcnt of Walfhra A. E. aaid last night They called bin. the dr. tbigg yester day morning. Mr. Hawaii aays that ha still ha. anathcr family ia need vs a nurse. *— l ■ '—V . TAW BUT FAST DOG AM# CATCH FOX •oh Hank., tlttr J. A. I-anraUer, and Chief K. J. Tew went fas huatiag yesterday aad caught one gray fox after a little oaar two hour, chase. Two of the peak as ‘dogs who had been leading the way aa fast they had been ia tha habit as laatng the dags arwre taken out tis tha palp yesterday and this i. the re a tan aaaigned by ORcer Laneaatcr fur tha yuleh catch. M \ ■VMM WOMAN , . MOVING WAFFLE UOH • TksilMbn and Frofaatlaaal Women dab tiMay wilt" aeree waffles la tha piece faraasrly occupied by Buddy- McLean hat shop. Until 2 o'clock how- S, they will he In their aid home want farced to dose at 9 p. m ah Ait at their new beam they will sem ferny 9 ant II » o'clock. t iph. ... NRW ritn FARM BURSAL CUMUOO. Hi . Dec. 14 —Oaanr Brad fate, ad Benia, AAk». today was alert ed, pro.ideal as tha American Farm « Bureau Ftodration J. Hj Howard, the retiring candidate, condemned politic, ia tha acgantaaUoti L — — " « ( A SPLENDID OPPORTirNITY TO PURCHASE VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AND t BUSINBBB PROPERTY . I The Dividend Paying Coaspany , __ I The Western issues up to date contracts posse.g I - adaptability to the changing need* of the Insured and 8 beneficiary. This enables it at all times to meet the ■ circumstance* of its owners. I E. R. MICHAIJX, Agent 1.-R . head will fit the giant; Surt-Pit C«p on diKplay in our copner window. N. A. Edwards, comer Ontfcr and Mulberry treets, GoldulHirit, N. C. 15 Otc WANTED- A GOOD RENTER WHO . can furnish supplies for a two or ihrre J horse crop on stiff clay land In high state of cultivation. A live room house One tobacco barn. Located nine tnlli-a east us Goldsboro, near Central high- I wey. Apply in person Jenni * Ugsvll Goldsboro, Route 2. ‘ 15-2tp. 1 FRKf.ll BtLHAVEN OYSTKRS EVERV day at W. L. Summerlin. Grocery store phone 25 and i!4. a ]4-2t< PLENTY - OF SHELBY GILT EDGE butter Fre.h and «weet at W. L. Sum merlins Grocery store, phone 25 and 1 J - IS tic Describe Killing of Herring Miners MARION, 111., Dec. It. The marrh of I Several hundred men, driving before Ahem throagh the streets of Herring »i* blood stfinod prisoners, and the finding of two bodies, was described to the jujry by several witnesses at thh trial nt the five men held In con nection with the riot, of ia.l Jun. ' Six of the bodies Wefr bound together I with a single' rope, according to the testimony of J. Mai shall Lent*, a real ’' estate bruhfr A tense audirnVe pack < ed the somber courtroom throughout the session of court. \ THE BERT REFERENCE "And when I opened the door,” smd the banker, “there He was un the floor on all four., one baby on hta hack yel!- ■ag "giddap. Daddy,’ and the two of them giving chase Ij. the other kid The;- w*ro making so muck racket, that with their shouting and laughing and • eir banging around the furaiture that lb*.' didn't hear mj, and so I quickly steppgd back across the threshold and. 1 rang the hell.'* *'W'e||, then did he?--- -»■ - - "Yes hit wife came in from the kltch- I en. and she had kira up in a minute, all I tju.shed. his tie awry, his hair tousled, ™ ®*d. still clinging to him when he tmswtred the doorbell” ‘I know, but did you 7 “j "Why rertaiply. Ha offered me refer- i cat* and 1 carefully looked them up • Hu. th best reference that * h#m« that much isn't geiag to lose It. A man whoae babies love him that much Isn’t going to see them suf. fir, I told you I never took a chance on a realty loan, and I meant It. I wasn't taking a chance. He could have j had double the amount ” , Just a chance conversation, faithfully \ .taswrded. ’ The banker mentioned Is: kmwn "tg hi- a.soostes a* tight fisted ( 8» Is e success b*c«use he knows hu- j ' man nature. He is "human'' because [ tie constantly uses hi* head. . V> TH GOLDSBORO NWF» t— j ’B”.' *L ■ . to wanted, folk good rdyh . TO CARRY golimboro ° " NRWK ROUTER HURT HAVE WHEEL. APPI V AT ON**, CITY LIE, MGR. NEWS OF- j FICR, •/ ' I WANTED—TO BUY AT ONCE TWO six or -eight feet show Write P. O. Box ISO, Goldsboro. . 1.1-1 wk^ WANTED TO BUY UUIIJHNG LOT or house aad lot in good neighbor hood. Can make . uhstanliul payment Wrtta "House and lot." rare Golds boro News, i It-St. p. ■ . i nJs.— 11—. X - A JIOOO beautiful r * 1 < - 'll u ~ r .1 j , I, . trunks, cases and hand bags In the city. ' Goldsboro Mporting l.yod. Store Next tu W'uulworlh a U and 10c t'torn " V ■ * ■ S if -» “ ■ ■ - DUSIKSS NS PISSED BIS SMI State Secretwry Talkn Straißht Facta to lakhl .Merchants— "Oppoßition Admits Wrong ■ The 4<<-|aration ol J. Paul Leon ard. stale aecretary of the Merch ants Assc* iation that tlv n the upward trvn«Y and the statement of J. W. Hanley, preside 111 of the local association that h r expected to «or in t.ulds boro In It years a city of JLSatt people over the features of the banquet given by the association to the state secretary at the hen n/n hale last night, j Mr. Leonard (poke straight from the i shoulder throughout: He deflated , point blank that the congressman and senator* at Washington who were al ways making attacks on retail dealers of the country were ignorant of the facts ana a meaacr to the country. n lie went on to show that there *er, more retail dealers than there were farmers, i a»d producer's, and that thia was nrc I ess ary under modem eople in town's; ‘ For," mud Mr. Leon ard, "We know when we improved the conditions of our town and our commu nity we are improving our own condi lions and business.*’ He advised merchants to ;«Jvertm- in local papers that would compare with the oilier slate papers and so that Choir i customs < uuld read their Own advertis ing instead of the advertising of mer chants in other cities and going there to trade in many eases. UO-OI’S PREPARING FOR HOLIDAY CLOSING KINSTON, hrr, I, — Cooperative to harm association' offirialy are prcpai Ing lor tlie holiday closing in this part i"I th,- eastern ’belt. W alehouses are i expected tu close Friday unuj after i Christmas Iteeent receipts have heen comparatively heavy, according to as | svciation employes. "Orderly mat Wet has been the rule with the ro I operating groweis. Waruhousimen e>. d'eet receipt* lo be hs t! The man who help* bit unfat , ten her dress gives her undo alien . j lion. Attention ladies is *hown f when they are brought to the fountain \ of Vinson's Drug Store. i an a woman's vole b< bought 7 Sup | post) that good cook tail* you her friend U'l Inherit* is running for an i uffu,. and you .jjlon'l want to he run , i *ln.s for a cook. A clear COnscienci r and a good took m The Repuhlir. op - poilo Acme Theatre. You feel soft breath on your iheek the rentlo touch of his hand aceking ’ your lips Then the denting say* "Shall the filling he tilvyr 7" For really ten ; tier thing* try the meats at Serve Us Market, Photi,. Pis. Ii the luiilu did *hai -effe> fell , *ki l" the Irolli offieiula —Mi. public -i wouiil haug on rope instead of on r j straps To never gel hung up on the , road, travel in a Jew*ft fiom Spenec ! Motor Co, * When the wash woman lakes youij Vlothes home, you don’t know what ,she ...doe* with them. She may b* so rareful of them that she will even keep ome of them next to her. To t have clothes washed and not worn. I , send them to Wayne Litundry and Dry - i Cleaner. •> t Continued Wednesday I r~ 1 GIVE 2,991 JORH ” *, '*'• T<- ‘ * v ' RALEIGH. Dee. Hr-A tidal of 2341 p«r»oa In tha Carolina* wa't placed in connection with position* by th* State aad United States depA-tment of labor ’'during the month of Novtmber, accord ing to the report issued today by M. 1,. Shipman commissioner of labor and printing. wß‘ The report follow*; "Asheville: .killed it; unskilled 854. ‘l*rical and profaaaional 21; domestic I Wj ioduatrtal 6: total, 447. “Charlotte; skilled 127; unskilled 429; clerical and professional 39; domestic 19) industrial 0,; total iMMM|sf[ ■qmwa.., ■■■ ■■ n aara*■; m 1 irihl * • YOUR CHRISTM AS GIFT PROBLEM J v SOLVED 1 i I « A (live magazines. They are a constant reminder once a month for twelve months. We supply any magazine or l»per published anywhere. (Jur “SERVICE” cannot lie equaled anywhere. The only real suhtieFiption agency % in these parts. A beautiful 192 d Calender free. Originators olb the wortl “SERVICE.” The Browder News Service I *'\\e cover Goldsboro like the Dew.” vAII over town.” * 86'J-W—l’ikoncs Exclusive agents for: Raleigh Evening Times—Hearst Sunday American, The New 1923 Turner’s Almanac now on ssle. ♦ Our Mr. Hrotvder can he found at the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Store—l.ll S. Center SI. ’ « Ellis Department Store n v \ % " A Just received large sliijmient Men’s and •» Boy’s Clothing, Ladies’ Coat Suits and • i* il Long Coats. Beautiful models, latest styles. vSee them. - j & „ • , ’ ' 4 O . *» p % Ellis Department Store . '■* ; I1 ' M i • | » «» N ’ /- Christmas Ice Cream Santa Claus and Turkey Moulds! i . 4 Distinct Novelties. Order early I through your dealer. Ice Cream finishes off the Christmas din“ ner. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PUDDING .. Something )*ruil Cake, with a delicious Rum flavor • , | HINES « Ice Cream Hines Ice Cream Company HARVEY C. HINES. Pr«t. KINSTON. N. C. ■■■ —— am*. u | n b j FRIDAY MOENINft. DEC 14. >W9 ■ - i ■ ■i.|i mmm *X2 •»: indutural 2; tatal, I to. ' -K»l*igh; »(iUqd 49; unDyillad 199; l clerical aad prafaaaiatial 9to tataaltic n 41. mduitrial 0; total 272. , «• "W ilmington: skilled 71; unikfltad 4*6 r clerical and prolA*»iooAl 29 3 doaaaalie 21; induatrial 11. total 4*5. 'AWia*lon RaUm: (killed SI; unaklHad •I n;r.; rUfieal aad prvfcaaiuital 999 doat ' , -tie 48; industrial 6; total 399. '•Total* male* 1883, female* 389. Grand total*. 28*t.'" V ... •' ' M tt "|iain» : . t? f j > . _ WAKE FOREST, Doe. |9.— TKd *tu . j re i, of Wake Kurort college gav, a c, practieal deuiyastratiba of tie Good —tha Sunday »chodl taxon i; for yerterday—when they their It entire Sunday ichool collection tor the