1 '.mrnm M m m n m !■■■■■» • ■ WEATHER IhMly atowA* M rale. Has . All u 4 inUMi InAti. T«LUME TW#| MI'YBER 7*. ”*! ■ ' • == AFTER BANDITS WITH MACHINE GUNS 'MmKaKjn room™ * MU FORTRESS Tfcwto Brigadaa and Two Scout Planes Go to Secure tKr Holeape of Ajnoricana OUSIS IS BBLIBVED * TO BE APPROACHING \ ; PMHlfti, May H- XmMm hm aad rifle* tewlgkt art- itl*aplli( to lee a* Ike nlnw ul 14 (ur* lo an laeioAtac elk Aarrlrun koto ky Cklaean kwkh to Ik* kills aketp I.toekeag. Fee Ikm weeks rrawA* es »to ' etaj agfaltater* kitr lab*red to vafb to free Ike raptlm>* wko were takes toe Ike Hkaataag-Pektog wymi, May k Haw Ike mmb> talar palk* tkal tor Aays have keea iltoff witk raaears carry tog ter ms bark aid tortk bet area tke tor* Irma and Ike aegodatar* kelew are kelef pel to elker a sea. (ton. Tslea ('kaagayu, Military ruTenter es Mkaataag, la kavlag kls way aaA tkree krlptoi •( kls (rasps witk auveklae fees ud twe aeeedtoa alrptoees kave plaeaed late tke kills le “Alg tke keaAMa eet* Alreoiy Ike seMlers kave kaA twe kraskes witk Ike eatlaws witk totalities ee ketk slAes. (lee. Tlsea kaa tkrewa kls tree pa to 1 wlAe rlrele akeit tke kasAlt kustogea aaA la fraAaally tlaktoelaß kls siraafto kelA, rettisß tke eatlaws csMiiaatoaUeas aaA keptoff flsal ly te iaetoto tka put tkat la keM- Isr tka 14 teralfaers. Far aWw tke eleaAs Ik Ike Moeatkto pvtaeas a rrials Is fce- Ua«ei to ke appreaeklag aaA Ike •atleva ere ratA la ke eager te s.Make tones bat tkay leer tke pre- Mlaee ed Paktog. Tkp captives are rrperteA te ke Reeecpßr k» pssA keaUfc earept tke IlHtoa atterwey 0. B. Maasu. wke It sattertag frees aa IsJarrA leg. ri<; i.imßt deal .at eihston * KINSTON. May 25 Joepb T. Deal, wko represented Norfolk In Congress and formely had blp lumbar manufaeturtot Interests here, today ststed tkat ke bad not reached u de cision as te resuming milling opera tions to or naar Kinston Mr Deal and associates are trying to dispose of 6.000.004) or 1,000.000 feet of tim ber In tka oountry south of here If necessary to move this, he will ar range for having the timber cut an I converted Into lumber at local mills. He would prefer ts sell thy holdings. It Is ballevad The Deal mill, which employed hundreds of laborers In normal times, was dtamanteled sever al yaara ago because of labor short age and other adverse conditions r *- - ■ - IKD MBX TO MEET KINSTON, May 26 -Local Red Men will poin In .a demonstration ut New Bern the night of May 30. Karuke tribe 26 In tbta city la expected to tend a large delegation to the Low er Neuee city Tribes at Goldsboro and other points will ulao be reprc- 1 . seated A Urge number of candl-1 will be Initialed by Chatawkoj tribe at New Bern These paleface i1 were rounded up In a membership contest between two divisions of the tribe A parade in costume an I stunts In tbs downtown section will be staged tor the edification of the public. #; m in' ■■■ 1 Kington Negro Exodug Unabated I KINSTON. May 26 -Lit erary hun dreds of negro laborers tfpve forsaken local Industries for employment In the North and the exodus has not abated, according to authorities here Tke latter are unable to estlmute the ■umber Os migrating colored workers. Kinston Is not the only town that has sugared. Numerous other places to the section have famished their guotas to the steal plants und other jduatrle* of Pbnaay lvntila. New Jer sey and New York \ t The movement has handicapped some local Industries Manufactur* era and others tell of the loss of trusted employes, forsaking I. wages for remuneration emplopp(H here cannot afford to match. MKRYICEN AT BAFTIHT ( Hlßftt "galling Under False Colors" will be the subject of the pastor. Rev Zeno Wall, as the Flrat Baptist chuycb. at the raonptog hour, and "Betraying the Loyd" At the evening services Ch.ittUqne tickets for sale at rbam b*r of' C* aimeres. Goldsboro National THE GOLDSBORO NEWS .::1: : t * - —.. . ■■ —*.■ M | | , TWKI.VE PAGER NOW Hits MEAL ON ' HIS TOE AND MILK ON HIS OVERALLS Paulk Didn’t itolicv. It Wh*h Told That He Had a Fortune and Didn’t Knew It BUT HAH PROVED THAT TOM BROOM WAB RIGHT (By M. I. BEAMI.EY) MONROE. May 33— Mr H F. Faulk owns a farm of nta.>t>-three sores In Goose Creek township One spring duy three or four yean ego, Tom Broom, farm demonstrator. slq#*<l down hta Ford where Mr. Faulk Sra* stuudlug by the road fussing and (fuming be cause It rained so much he coulu not plow his bottom lands for corn liciorw I bat day he bud never done much icji grow rottou and corn. "I si* you have a fortune here end don l know It," s*hl Mr. Broom. Mr. Faulk was not feeling any too good He bad worked hard nil bis life, even then, tied aa ha waa to cotton, be was troubled about what he waa to do when the fearful boll weevil that be had been hearing about should come to his fields. He had no cows and tew hoga. So bla nose turned up Just a little In sarcasm whan ha looked up at Browm and said: "I have been working bad all my Ufa and have not seen any fortune yet. and If you are smart enough to tell me where 1 cun dud cue. go ahead.’* I’.room raw that It waa up to him ai.«i ha lagan explaining what be meant. He saw a (arm of fine rolling clay mixed with gravel, wltb many bottoms, often too wet to plow but 1 all the lima capable of growing a lot of grass He saw thorn bills crying for legumes and shots stable manure, end none b«fek given thaw Bo be began to talk “Wire up tbeee bottoms." be setd. "get jfou some cows, milk them, buy -« , W|toator. s'wd sell mpngaam. let tke bottoms go to pasture; put the manure on tke bills, make more corn Gere then you 116 w make on the bot toms. and make a bale of cotton to every acre, ran pour farm wltb cream money, and have pour cotton as a proltt at the end of the year." Mi. Faulk waa wot wholly convert ed 10 toe new Idea hut ha said bn , would "think about It "Don’t forget." sold Broom, aa a parting shot, “that : the man who haa cotton seed meal ! on the toe of hit shoes and a little 1 milk spilled on his overalls, has the best credit ut the bank of any kind of fartuer." That sounded strange to Mr. Faulk and be asked bow that warn. •’Because," said Broom, "the banker knows that that kind of farmer haa two pay days every month while the I cotton farmer has only one a year." Uls Best Bit es Farming ’ hal waa one of the best bits of fanning- the farm demonstrator ever, did lot he planted the seed that haa ' 1 arown Just the kind of crop be pre | dieted. On Wednesday the writer j visited Mr. Faulk’s farm and found that everything predicted had come true He is milking fifteen cows, sends hla milk to Charlotte day and gets hack a check twice a month for eighty dollars each and some cents. Just at this time He has five small ! pastuies wlrad up. and hla bills pro duse a bale of cotton to each acre He haa money in the bank and In his overalls, and Is looking forward to the tima when be will have exchanged his prenent grade cows for thorough bred*. uni! bis good wife, smiting, cheerful and happy, says Abe losing j lo < bange her present large (lumber of chickSna for one pure bred variety. Just as soon a* she decides which she likes the best And their boys, i *’ ‘ uM nnd eyed, ride their mules to tor Held a* happily a* others who ! know No better start out for a Joy 1 ride ‘ I And tost I* traveling some for s I who started life on rented l-hd with the head of the household Plowi .g an «,* B(l , Mr Fau , k f tilting that honor cornea to a man not irom where h „ u bu| /f0(B mnn..er In which he arrfied, Is not ashnnird to tell you that he began by ploa lug so o*. Mr ..lid Mr* Faulk have been educating their ten chil dren ue they came along, and sending ! mine of them to school on ibe school j ,rUfk - ’b«y feel that they are a use Iful and happy part of the great world ttjMtolkeei And they begin to be a »caal world by being an 1 of tbelr community, for nMr. F*awlk -gnd hie neighbors who are f also doing a* he la. have a milk as- M»rf.ti|oa with one of tbelr number as ! their agent contracting for their put la bylk and fixing a neighbor hood price and'sendlng It off by truck to matket every day. Mr. Faalk Tell* Akoat It. “Where's your pa**' the writer ask 'd one of the Faulk kids wltb his hat luR cf eggs, aa he stopped his Ford 1 iU|§U#¥*.'d off ffai* h JUDGE HORTON TO CONVENE SUPERIOR COURT TOMORROW National Capital Getting Ready for Shriners ti BP® - Bjaia J If- • • '4TBT tiWN Jr ' I »» JtJ View of I‘euitsylvniUs avenue, Washington, slmwtng decwcatluna and ata convantloo of to* Uhrtners In the first week of June. Gulf To Canada Flight * , —,»■ MOUNT CLEMONS, Mich., May 27. (By the Aasocigted Presa.) —Lt. Harrison G. Parker landed at Selfridge Field , here at 6:15 o'clock, eastern time, tonight, completing a non stop flight from Gulf to Canada. Lt. Parker left Houston. Tex as it 5:21 central time this morning. The flight of 1400 miles was made in 11 hours and 24 minutea. The actual gulf to Cana da flight waa made in U hours an 429 minutes, the rest of the time being consumed in reaching the landing field. ■ ■ -- - ■’ - —— —7T — _ cp orrd Women Try To Beat Up Two OfficerN Chief Tew and Grover Lansruton Pull a (’ocaine Pair And Have a Knock Down and Drag Out Fijfht Over Bottle of Cocaine T#o negreascH. doj»e<l uu to a thousand, in a scramble over a corain bottle in Little Washington last night undertook to beat up Chief Ed J. Tew and Patrolman Grovet Langston. Around and around the scrap went with the bottle sometimes in one of the colored woman's hands and sometimes in the others. The officers hatl nearly undressed them in their search for the bot tle. The women had stooil ’meekly enough until the bottle fell out of the dress of mte of them, and then the mail scramble began, sometimes in a corner and sometimes all over the floor. Chief Tew has a scar on the side of hia neck bat he flenieg that he got it in the fight. Grover Langston’s looks as if it might have been bloody but he denies that he was hurt in the fight. On* #f U»e funny phases of It was Hint Chief Tew mail* on* of thorn nit down In the rornor and he guard ed h*r whll* laiiigatbn tried liln t*e»t to tako the bottle awny fro»w*lhe othar woman Th*y knocked a b*l ■toad and a rocking chair Into part* Down on th* fliKir they went Ilk* two ton* of brick Tit* chief then took a hand. Ho din the woman he had been anardlna In the corner. She made a pan*, and Ihe other wo man made a pan* wllb the result that th* women the chief had l»een guard ing In the corner now had the bottle. Then, the chief Mapped the other woman down I nn corner amt* he a»n<f' droved both went down after the coealll bottle Outatde there waa a hlg nolae and the officers thought (be men who ran when they entered were Iturk to help the woman out. an they decided In make abort work of •their affair by real knock-out meth ods, but about Ibis time the roealn bod la became uncorked aud . die white contents were spilled all oven Langston w blue uniform • J The Iwo colored* women were Vio la Hneed und Vlary Carroll. Mary, gave bond for lino last night, but Vlo la la alltt In all JACK DEMPSEY HAS A VERY BUSY DAY ■ (’.HEAT FAI.MI. Mont. May 36—To mt.riow promises to tie lb* busiest day Jack Dempsey has had alhce op ening his training camp here In pre paiatlon for hla world championship rl.'ht with Tommy Gibbons next July 4 Mi will ImiX IU rounds Sunday with hla aparrlng partners. Dempsey will us! Monday and go Trout fishing nti V'tosday. The entire wo*;, will be a lay p*t lor the *'h p pic. t : nil diet will ' i no vyorao'i* un*!l June 4 ('OTTO* mi KEJ4 STEAD! NEW YORK. May 36 Colton fit lutes closed aleady. July 37,13; Octo ber • 4,66; - Deietubei 34 33; January UH; March 33 62 ) t-pllug spots qulel middling Zk.bk. M / «» ' t !H)ls4ttOKO, H. HORHIffU, M(V 47, I MX. NEW BERN GOLFERS TO MEET LOCAL ARTISTS Tournament To He Slutted At (Country Club Here Tues day Afternoon **" . •[!!* ■«■*. ,i Represenlallves from the New Bern country dub will participate in a tournament here Friday with mem ber* of the Goldsboro country club This la the Aral meet of the Eastern Carolina Golf Association, composed of GokE.boro. New Bern. Klueton. Greenville, Wilton. Rocky . Mount and Tar boro, to Im< atugerl locally, and much Interest ta being manifested among members of the local count ry club Tuesday'* contest will be an tit-. ~t»ole affair. A barbecue-luncheon te being ar rungixl for the visitors and they will he shown many oilier courtesies Members of the Grrfdnboro team. It waa said yesterday, would be seli| l j id from among the following players ; ' I done I Well. Sterling Wooten. Kedeun ItordAi. 11. I Sbrago. I, K Solomon, I K. II lose. Charles Thomiiaoii. Herman Well, Jo* A Parker, lion Humphrey ; John Shine, Dr E. K Warren, Tom Nutwood, J N laingesl, Ralph Irwin Dr T U Henderson. J C. Vanatpry. 1 Edwin Irwin. George Heyward, Itoyal H Sp«*nc#, R E. Stevens. 7. T Brown, | Murray Borden. E. M. Irwin. Hugh j Dortch. John Norwood, J N Smith, uud John II Hooka. If til.MB tDS ECONOMIC IKOHI.EM (II 1C AGO. May 26—Railroad valua don o an economic problem of tunda, 1 mental Importance to every Interests o' America, speakers today told tfm roNfi lenee on ratliuad valuation coin- ■ poeeti of members ml "pngnmtvr blof" t« Cowgrees Monday at t;3t la your last rlwar* to bti) n | wdg that ar« being put up tortSe H| HYLAN DENIES ANY PRESIDENTIAL PLANS Declares Meeting With Senate laiFollette Is Protest Against 1. C. C. Road Fixing NEW YORK. May 28-Mayor Hylo issued u statement today d«nytas tS£ hb. recent conference tu denator latl-'olletc and other llbern| leaders liad anytlilni to with t|»« t|7 p residential race, aa had )>ean rapor ®d by “uarlain newspapers and tIM Mall Street Interest'" Keporta Mr bean published here that the meetly waa In the Interest or aAlblrd party t be headed by \\ Jt M.frat TbeM«< or a atatament waa that, ha had bat* Invited to a conference by hePtolleti'| In piotest against the fixing R W Interstate Commerce (ommlagton < •U« rouutry'a rnllroada. V | HEW CLARKSON SUCCEEDS WALKEI 1 Goes |o the Supreme Court A_ An Awtociate Just ice—Won't R Sit At Thin Term CIIARI.OTTK May It —Herb* Clarkson. prominent Charlotte altog ncy. waa advlaed today by (iovern£i Cnnicron Mon Ison of hla uppolntmet as an associate Justice oP the Nort I l urollnu Hup rente court to auecet r Tlie late Justice Platt D. VYslker. w Wilmington. who died Saturday. M Mr t'larkson aisled this afternno that be would he sworn In aa an At 'iK-lutf Justice next Friday. blit <tf uot expect to alt on the court lb reaalon, as the court he ouderntoo* wan preparlna to adjourn. MtiKK TKIHUTKH TO PLATT WALK Si KINSTON, May ». Uveal veteran* a the bar Malay paid tribute to Juatlc Matt It Walker of the Supreme courfT who died at Hatelgh Tuesday. Man Klnatoii lawyers referred to bint aa omatatidliiK flaure among the i»t£t who have het on the of the bit courts. Mtf N James Ifouxn. who knew Mr Wal ker well, ksld the latter on one ooga ► lon told him that when hearing a case he endeavored to''eliminate tha Identities o( tha litigants from hla own mind an much as possible He waa without prejudice He waa fxeentlalty honest and Impartial Ha was u fine Ch rial lan character lie wits a in an of unusual educational altaliiuienta, Mr House said He waa a judge of turn pcrinent I regarded hltn as an honor IO the lie Hell f—t • , MIMtTOH Ktnt.ll II I. KINSTON. Mgy 2ft. If Kinston manages in gel alpfrth In tfce Vlr* glnla league, an the local baseball "magnates" are hoping, tbe 4mm of Uie Kaatern landing Mint-prof se xton.il league will t>e Hounded. It Wgp predicted here today Tint latter ag isted three xeaxonx The league waa a loxliig propoaltlon In a financial way Klnxion wax the onlv town ‘ ready to talk buxlneax (hla spring Ibwl ttijoril club never'made any money In **own. tyot with a« aver age atieodanee (bit would have dime credit Ml • lowa Ilf 28,0(10 or 3ft.«>o ******* TWELVE PAULS FOUR CAPITAL CASES ON CRIMINAL DOCKET FOR THIS TERM COURT Stroud Case Uv Again, While Dewey Mkfi He Tried On Charge of Murdering FiSart JutdM DanielH to Succeed Horton g.TV? f;» % Ju<lg« J. Uttvd Hurt** winds up his tern! of court belt this week fur VMn to com* except for a possible exchtag*. uiid Will be .SIK ,ceded by Frank A. Daniels, of tbvTriu! who Will convene tbe nut regular term of Wayne oMUtfv court. More than 60 caaag including three uurdar cgatoL utt u I lx* on the docket Monday when Judge Horton gMt ML Am bench Among them ,n tfc, I. * fSZXJm, Duplin county preacher, chgisad with pr out Rut km. tk« : CMS -* of Dewey Smith charged irtjfc uakbriai his father; MU Linty, colored, charged with Moore: aud Ml Daniels, colored, charged with mumkr aa a result rOf -dw yi Heath ..f Fibre r Cox. also colored. Edgar H this MM mini TO Mil/! SEASIDE ISW (■ojduboro MlnUter w* irnun With Num^ r of I'rominenl DiwiM I l»r. /.«*no Wall. pan***' 'hf ►'DM Haptlat rbureb. In im M I < ' nrß an addreaa during tb' '*# ' ' **•* •' bly. to be belli al J *•*■' >** "* , June 24 lo July I • ««»*> * # leading tiupllala <l4 OH'; ( **• I learned ya»terday.H«i^l o Mtr J- I Ulltoi. on the ptM* r “ m ,or **»• • ,¥-nl . baraided ta “A i'lroiner School by , IV •#«. IVMfiIV loUowtnr y Dr J W AlWibUlln. Ornnnvllln , « r..; I»r pNrfem*.-* f«»r. No* I York tttjK **»- » ((■ •*• Alber , marie: «ev £. A ►****. kfersaaton; >1 K Ing4*lfi»ab Jn.-VaoafUla. FU.; r* Mr* Y Hilliard. Mru • J. T Aaderaon. IVhlng cblNi>. Or. I* (KM Freeman. Halelgb: J la Bail* 1 ) < oliiuihla H C . and Mlaa HlMl F* | aba*. *1 # * *‘ ' i " t < «mwfi ea m m MKMBBB OP , I ASSOCIATED PRESS ♦ r ■ ■ 1 w■ * whuoa urge—§ j put aoCHMOT .mJm IIMMp» . i r uraday. The M&m HP "The lTtrotire^VjMMMmHktf.Mr. l«h another MdS tftdfe Wt Wften iLTJSTm Jc witness** tar ’f|# liMm> >d It la clulanad Tiu liw 1 ‘’eT^mßs^ ■ rm. pgnirt . Sung Jury MOMMA 6 rttff miil Hi ■ft-nnn •* ’Hj? l r* ' i f -dKHpBi 1> »rr r .ei#a<U ads ibtm «Mfp#3> •• . I |.«t <;£ -f» * V , -xu g Li h RTfll ,pm SAMUR" i NOW AGAINST 1 ,w> **"*'*9* May m-9 "Tfc tKT SfcTC;- KSL .IttfcUbMS * i given idmMuSa imviae - ► Sn i&t* >ard be aeldk WfMli Me* M laUn/ “•3wr«v jdfr. “T'oilngtirt,. t* rt;)t 1 H f Ytemi jure if, ripremi rgert Jixion ill d)it>tftnp"||UMr ue Midp ' ihnrtw Ibk Una Ini wJS% j* befog* niiuihHiiii lanji ► tor tbalr nwnild—Mlp if »•«■*•» *V Kuli.iton* to #<>*<>• i-one by IV lw aiUnda rerable dUUoiM>k H Hnair ' »'€*#. I (OI.OKKD MINIMUM : n^BUU: * Weekly puMlabed V* lbat a lyocbloc . JU«4neaday a* raportM t»iMMHM* <.'<*• weekly The imNMI M ' the *» •*llnbar? itwfbat "SS %> .-vt-m

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