WEATHER mrnm ..Oil mmi ■■■!»■ ■>■■ » ■ ■ ■ in'— ■■l ——WW—■ ■ n ■ ■■ ■ _■ ■■—. ad-- ■- .■ - men tw«i m i'iber an DISAPPEAR? Will Os L. D. Gulley is Filed • v , .'AU3H IS MAIN PROSECUTING WITNESS AGAINST REV. I.R. STROUD OF DUPLIN ~ _______ — ’# Father Paces Street in Dismay; Was Last Seen By Brother; Search Made of All Public Places and Towns Notified ¥ Matilda Kennedy, chief prosecuting witness against Rev. I.R. Stroud, disappeared yesterday, creating a sensation in court circles. Search of the rotels failed to reveal her whereabouts gt a late hour last night, and police, in the hope of cutting off every avenue of escape, have wired ail import . tant railroad centers in this vicinity Her father, deeply concerned over her disappearance, paced*4he streets last night, almost distracted. *** Stroud is charged with prostitution, the State alleging that he and Miss Kennedv were registered at hotel herjj several months ago for immoral purposes. 81m was In Ooldsbor with her fa tter and brother yc.tcrd.y mornln* about nlna o'clock when court was convened and Judge Horton was »et tin( tte docket She waa seaa on tha atraat by ter brother about nlno .•'dock In tte morn Ins It Is that the will be triad this moraine despite the dlaagßsmpaee of tte girl. The pioee culolf or tte case have declared that - they era, willing for U to be tried despite tte absence of tbeir chief wit ness, Tte girl tea. (estiSd in two trials against Stroud. Tte first re ntfitted' In hia. xgavictlou la county court and th| otter In * mistrial la Superior court. . mafiM mmi beits STITE. TDI TO EIGHT Disparate So vent It Inning Rally Fills to Win for the y s Engineers * _ RALEIOH. May ttl.—A deeperala seventh Inning rally fell two runs abort Os tying the score and Btato Collage want down In defeat by tba score of 10 to fi before the University of NuNrtb Carolina here thla after- Tte ecoro: Carolina. 10 runs, IS bfta. 4 errors: North Carolina State) tl runs. 11 hits, 4 error*. Batteries: Bryson and MoMrrU; Deal and John ston. CONDITION CLAUDE KIM 15 SERIOUS Funner Minority leader Spent “A Very Bad Morning.** Bays Daughter WILSON. May I* -(By the Asso ciated Preen) —While some Improve ment waa noted tonight the condition of Claude KltchenT former minority l«ad«r. waa still vary serious and bis physicians do not feel very much en couraged over bla chance of recovery, according to Mrs. tew la Sutter, tba Congressman's daughter. Mra. Sutter said Mr Kitchen bad a "vary bad morning.' nut showed signs of Improvement during the af ternoon and ffN same better during the evening. He has been a patient at a local hospital for deveral weeks with stomach trouble Mr. Kitchen ted appa really shown . iruch Improvement until a few day* alhn when hta condition became se rious Mrs. Kltctea. u son and daugh ter. are kt bla bedside. JBBOHE ARP lOVKU TO BPRAK AT CASF.T’R CHAPEL U>* W*“*" t. J. Jerome, county superintendent of public Instruction, and A E. How ('ell. county superintendent of public welafre. will apeak at Casey s Chap el Wednesday night at T o'clock 81ms this school Is Interested In consolidation. Mr. Jerome's, remarks will he along this line, while Mr. How , ell will give his Illustrated lecture on welfaro work in Wayne vouaty. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS MX PAGES REV IR STROUQ IS ID BE TRIED TWIT Court Clears Raich of Linor and larceny Cases; Jury Not Agreed on Vinson MORTON TELLS THEM TO Qt OUT TRY ROME MORE The Jury trying Ed Vinson. Wayne comity farmer, ok n charge of mak ing whiskey were dismissed-Uts last night to meet aftlan In Superior Court today. Just as court was adjourning they came In but Judge Horton sent them back.i "Jury.” he said to them, "you haven't been out long enough to try this case. Go out and try It over.” The Dewey Smith murder trial waa set for Thursday and tha case against Rev. I. K. Stroud, of Duplin, for to day when Judge Horton convened Superior court yesterday.* Stroud Is charged with prostitution: Smith with klllnlg hia father. He and' Solicitor Clawson Williams lost no time In get ting toother on the docket. Cases tried were*inoetly whiskey and lar ceny. One forgery case, that agftfnat Harrison Allen, was tried. He was found guilty and lined 1150. David Lee waa found guilty of as saulting h!| wife, of shooting Louis Lewis, and of larceny of a horse. In the two latter cases be was given 12 months for each, olfease. while in tha assault case Judgment was suspended. Malcolm and Herbert Singleton | each were found guilty of making whiskey. Malcolm was sentenced to! six months on the road and Herbert ; to pay Malcolm's wife *l6 per month' during all of the time her husband, serves. Mac McClain was found guilty of larceny and given twelve months* Tom Bradbury was found guilty of, making whiskey on two count* but Judgment has not yet by®t» phased ms ini OUT! HUMS George Rons Delivers Principal Addrea* at Seventh An nual Convention AT IA VTA. May 21—A policy of bringing about closer relationship be tween the farmers and city folk and obtaining a "souare deal for the un der-privileged child, a future eltlaea," - have teen carried out during the past year. George H. Rosa, of Torooto. j Canada, told'tha Klwanl* club Inter national bars tonight. The declara tion waa made In his annual address following welcoming rerrmonies In of Oeorgia. and -Mayor 81ms of Atlanta w hich Clifford Walker, Governor-elect turned ovor the city to the visitor*. The response on tehalf of the orga nlvxatton we* made by Harry E. Carr, Immediate past president of the Bal timore club. It was estimated tonight that more than 4.WX* delegates and visitor* from the four corners of the Klwanl* world 1 of the United State* and Canada, Migrations of Fish to Be Traced r f " " iilll % I fi *,..qh J Hjtef IIM * * 4 . ■*&*.*’. ■ ' g >- L y ' • ■F ,1, l .wdn "J& Uncle Sam has derided te trace the migration of Ash, eepscletly codfish, pollack and haddock. Thla will be dooe by tagging the fish. Every fisherman catching a tagged flab will te given 36 cents for the tag with tte informa tion as to where tte fish was caught. The picture shows (1. C. teach, chief pt fish culture, and llenry O'Malley, commissioner of fisheries, tagging tte Brat fish under tha new plan. * 1 Late Wire Flashes J * • I * POWELL RETURNS TO BANDIT CAMP TKtrocJiwanjr, May 29,—(8y Associated Draw.)—J. B. Powell, American newspaper publisher of Shanghai. one of the prisoner* hety, by bandits who waa to paroled to cob- 1 duct aoßOligtions with Consular authorities here for the release of foarteen captives, said taday that the conference* wgre proceeding satisfactorily.. Powell, keeping hie parok to the bandit chief, returned to the after tlHr confer ence, . HOSTILITIES CEASE IN IRELAND Dublin (By Associated Press). —Captured documents made public today by the Free State government that Hamon De Valera, and his chief of staff, Frank Aitken, that “the Republic will not longer be defended successfully by your arms.** "'g The statement eaumating from De Valera come* as a quick change of attiuae on the port of Republican leaders and is regarded in Free State quarters as proving the effec tiveness of the government’s rajmpnign. Scare!) more than a waek ago in a communication sent to the Associated JPress, he declared that “the one Hi&ed t tnith” could not continue In definitely. but this brought noTesponsq from flip government and the document now made public shows that h« has brought the fighting to a definite end. JOSEPH FOLK DEAD Waahngton, Mav 28.—Joseph W. Folk, former Governor of Missouri, and once a leading figure ia Democratic party polities, died today in New York. FINE PROMOTOR OF INDECENT SHOW New York.—Sentenced to pay a fine of 1200 for produc ing “God of Vengeance,” a morality play, which a Jury de cided was indecent and immoral. Harry Wlenberger, an nounced today that he intended to carry the case to a higher court, asserting that he was acting o prevent the banishaMnt j of “aerious plavs” from Broadway. I ■* •** ■ . . .. MIIK IN THE CWMIOi I HIT “Go Over” With I-or a I People Who Go Out 400 Strung; Children To Have Morning Herbert,- Margery Jane Taie, ami the other muatrlaa* and lecturer* proved la*t night to (lie Oolddior* iu*4)eßce to b» the top liner* they were heralded to be. AH of them "went over" and received itppUim# ut Interval* which proved the good faith of the audience, far more than doe* the nppleuee that al ways cornea at the end of a perfomj *ne# when the audience fulfill* tta obligation. Altout 400 people were on bupd to hear and *ee. The little children will have their Chautauqua at nine o'clock. In the afternoon the lecture will he at 2:50 o'clock, at' 2:10 wllf be the concert. Oif rour*e one of the prin cipal feature* of the program Wed nesday will he the lecture hy Dr. Krank Dlxoti on "(hit of Our Natlon aJlam I nfo Internationalism." Ka mlllarlt) with the nitme of Dixon and the memory that Tboma* H. Dixon waa himself a North rarolln \• » . lan asaure* the Intereat of the peo- I pie of OoMahnro when Ittxan ap- \iOLD4UOBO, M. CW TLKSUAY MOBBING. MAX SB, ISM. v . SMSIIDWMS 1 ON ITS BUDGET PUNS Will Go Over Them with County Commissioner.* First Mon- in June Ttye three member* of the school | board and County Superintendent J.l T. Jerome worked from 12 p. m un til A on preliminary estimate* for the ! school budget for Ibe coming year. They went over practically every thing In detail and will ket together with th ecounty rommlaatoner* at' i the regular meeting of the comnjl*- 1 »loner* June 4. The member* of the hour ft who met with the superlnled ent were Allle II Kdgrrton. of Golds lutro, J. A. Beat, of Krcmeut, and J. K. Kelly, of Ml. Olive. Kll lMi III:t«INH KII'OICIMi ( OKPI I NOlir KDITATIOX I.AW / WARSAW. May 21— (By iRe Asao cla ted Pr«*».) The flr»t atep* to wstd* (he Iniroducilon of compulsory ( mention In Poland. ax provided hy the comdituOon, ban been made hy lha Mlubi.y of education, which announr r* that, beginning next fall, ell chil dren hdm in Poland who have reach HANITON 1». WILMA IN MAT Min M»M t'MHUBKHR Hampton D Wlllliw, tha (in lal philosopher of Duplin cou . ty, would neither deny or afflna tha report that he would oppoee t'harlea L* Abernathy, the pres* •til lacjunheat. (or loggreee to the neat Democratic primary, when sceu here yeeterdey. 1 The primary la too loot oM.* Mr* William* aatd. smiting slgnl tlcaatl). "to talk about running for Congress. A lot caa happeo between bow and the primary.** Mr. Williams was a cadldala la the free-for-all light last year, and though not aa aggressive contestant by any means, he poll ed a flattering vote. This despite the unique political situation la his part of the district. Urn. The Duplin attorney la appear ing in the fttroud case, which la slated to begin this moralbA RUCK RESIGNS NS HEAD OF A MO E: POST OFFERED DR. BROOKS I'rtaidfßl Since lilt, Ha Ask* Transfer to Deu of' Engineering HlB SEVEN YEARS HAVE BEEN TURBULENT ONES , RAI.KM4M. May fltr--|k T. Al ien, new director of teacher train- Me t ermer Hantaan Ihh niwgtimim stated, trill saooeed Dr. LC. Breaks a* Heperiatendeal ol l*lL lie lantrurtida la the eteat that IK. Break* Is elected by tha Iran lee* es (he Berth ( arallaa Mata College as sacressor to Mr* W. (! Mldeirk, whose reslgaattoa was accepted today. Memhers el tke hoard al Iras* tees, l<.i;.telaa I heir teeetlag te day, when the aaam al Mr. Breaks was bruagkt be lore tkra, war* posltlte ia I heir dec la re lien* that Mr. Brook* tumid be elected. Mr. Break* ko« letlmaled that he will accept (hr leader. , RAI.KIGH. May SI -State College trustees, la a full meeting at the col lege Monday morning, agreed to a re quest from President Wallace Carl Hlddick for transfer of duty from the presidency to dean of the enlarged school of esgtoeerlng and lurnad to State Superintendent of Puhllf la st ruction. Dr. BC. Brooks, if l ** the offer of presidency at an Increased salary plus a home at'the college. Action on the request of Dr. Bid dlck. which baa been held In ebeynaoe pending the recommendation of a spe cialist that the college admlnialmtkM be reorganised, was unanimous. as waa the action allowing Dr. Riddick a salary of M-MO a year. While no formal action waa taken Monday on the selection of a successor to President lilddlck. It waa definite ly staled that the trustees, prior to the Monday meeting, had offere4 the I - preaUjetnScJo[»r. Brooks. That Dr. Arooks will acceept. when formal na tion Is taken, seemed to he the geaer ii Impression among members of the i board. I allege Mead Blare Itld. For seven turbulent years, follow ing the resignation of Dr. D. H HUI ss president. Dr. Riddlrk has served I «» president of the college, helag pro moted after a bard fight, from the »Ice-presidency He has been connect ed with the college since IMS when he came here to fill the chair of en gineering and mathematics. Off and on. with practically aval? ! meeting of the trustees, there has grown up a new report that Dr. Bid -1 dick was shout to resign Infrequent ly 111 health has been assigned by those "resigning" him ee the cause for his frequently announced decision lo qdlt Rut not no Ai recent ga the session of the 1921 General Assembly, there was a report that the eaitr« stu dent body, with few crept lon*, had petitioned lieutenant Governor Mai Gardner to accept the presidency, but j this report, potent la Its Inception dwindled awey lo nothing and Dr. Rid dick purtiuedthe even tenor of hla way Fight In Raw Hoard For awhile, everything appeared U he going smoothly Then the leglela lure Incraased the else of the board o board of truajtees from aiisteag to ala ■ty nsemgi re. apportioning them b] l jOotmmied on F*g* BIX PAGES .... ■■ - W .* ' GIVES WIFE A CHILDS PART OF ESTATE AH 2 Os SONS $lO Etifc Other Children AB Get One Seventh; HAMbm Gulley Made Administrator! Estate Wetth. Two Hundred Thousand Deters 4MMHN The* will of tha lata Louta Dallas Gulley, of Goldsboro, which waa admitted to probate yesterday in Superior court her* and which namag Edwin K. Guilty executor, gives hie wife gnd six of hia chiidran each ope seventh of hie estate. The chi|ir«n receivnff the seventh are Edwin K. Gulley, Harry Gulley, Sudie Gulley Piatt, Rm mett L. Gulley, and Katherino Gulky lalar. • All of thaim and hia wife, Ida Kerr Gulley re- 1 ceive one-seventh without con dition. To hig two gotta, L. D. Gulley, Jr., and Jamas K. Gulley! he wills $lO each. “I make no further provision for the said gone,” asserts the wiU, “tsHsuw of tkeiP attitude toward me.” It Is Mtimxted by attornsys coe nwujl wuh tte admtalotrstkm p tte i SOIOSBORO HOST TO ncmssms Carter Taylor. Noted Relief Man. Is la Charge of East Carolina Ckmferanco Goldsboro will te host today to forty or fifty Bod t'roon workers from EMtefin North CaroltM at a ons-dsy regional roofsrsnc«. Morning sod of tsrteon huitnass ssssloos will te hold nt tte Proshytsrtoo church aaaox on north Jsrnss Btroot. At 1I:M tte vto ttlag dslsgotoo will te guests of tte loonl Rod Crook chapter at a luaeteoa„ la tte Woman's Club oa wool Cotter Htrsst Tte confsroaoe starts promptly kt •:BP this morning. A variety of onb joctk for dtocuksloo bavo boon ioclofi wd oa tte program and additional top ic* will te invited during tte day at a round table caeftronoo. All bOOtSOOO mooting* will bo opoo to tte ponornl public; H to hoped that tte ettioen* of GoMoboro will atteod liberally, for the peace-time program of tte Americas Red Croas to oof a# folly understood oe It should te. Moo and women who are Interested In Rod ( roes matters may also atteod tba Inocbeaa coaler cnee; tjefceta must be eecurad before tea o'clock from some member of the local Red Croea chapter or from tkp Woman's Club cafeteria. Among the maoy subjects for dto r use lon will be included the no-ordlna llon of Rad Croaa work with local and county agendas, such oa the health and welfare departments, or charity associations Plans for tte IktS-M 801 l Call will te arranged. Tte 801 l roll to now a notional Institution and to tte only period daring tte year when the Red Croas eolldta fund* for the carrying no of tte work during limes or peace, which camlets mainly of caring for si-eervloe men and their families, the filing of claims fo£ hospital treatment or com penes lion, nrd relief work during disasters 111 rbsrge of the conference here today will he Carter Taylor, field rrpr*s»ntatlv# of Ike Moulhrra Dlrl ■i«o Mr. Taylor has had noma na> uaaal sspsrlaaoaa la Min past fa# months sml ha will undoubtedly bring ■oma first-hand Information shoot tJK# work In whlrh ha baa tman artlvsly rnusand-at New Bara and Handall la thin Mata and at ('amdaa la ftoath » aroltns Tha remarks hi* work of tbd Rad Cross In faadtM and rehabilitat ing orar a thousand familiar follow ing tha Naw Mam Mrs hr too wait known to naad rrpltltlon Orgaataa »>on baa haaa tha serrst of every sqo ceanfol raliaf campaign, add Mr. Tar ! lor aa director of ftald operations hat 1 »n»r.e an enviable reputation tor Mb -1 naif The public la cnrdtally tar!tad to artvad ail aasalpns pf ihe conference. mrmwrr ny ASSOCIATED PRBBS-. ■ ■ ■ * »■■«>* rmm mi dfc i rV 4 1'« ' aetata that tte rngfio W4l BBBRMkt to approxlmalely WG.M Whop *oM Private oottmawa la aq|M MMA the amount as high a mllltpn daSro Tte will covers off d( Up MMOJ property end spedficajly RMgt| IkPA his Adnlaliirtlor property Into money a>.e£» M iKk slble and make ImmOdUfe dtatrfcb tioa The win prevtqpe Ukt.llffwH penes for this tfoqpaatiaq MW paid out of lhe property. All** * In total the will dMB bill one t ypvw rlt ten page. H ihie* main t'eraa The for tbi- i«row-ut o( aM k»- .he third tojte Prevftqi i*o li f» »W» r1 v © f 10MHI' €pr|9| fourth .111. .11 Ills --I rii^lfllllil *rty to hu Wife tad - kd#J^jV^.^. 11 nor for ih« wnalW Do. .* ’ t 9VI Nil HU Tum ‘ I lip n I Mrs Hoooio Aft« FiriH lata Harry i pS KAI.KIOH, IPW.-Hfeflh*- iNMIA Grey, widow. oISpMHNa* hOf llla 6) ...llowdO* Mir Wldk b< M (lit urn) i of rnoroam |Rfh4|MHMMtM * .u* MIMHMN wVatMßir !iy wounded Barnyß f Mole,' oa'gtek liter, to wHMto M 4b&Mk jhUM|^Me ' U» Bga gbephii; Mkia jSBS rear at tte Mm of Dt R SgC Sl Smtß, hl " ***F"*& te«h tedoatl# erected Sfi Pg Sph non of the homo. The tMpr-VIP ■aid. built the house Jgtetty la eteW Os ttetr future Tte |f|h|l of a slater of Mato In tte dtp* how ever. complicated tte pinaget tte see pie and it u said, eamod Pe.tedpß lag of Ilea Mra Grey aod Mole jtten found trouble la s I)kklp| ttetr Mbte rial affairs sad began goartutlng. } rtatoM Mill Msltona * ► rtlf-dafoaaa, Mrs drey atotod MtoMp# bs'ora tolas to tha Mipial OMltot threatened to taka two (mM Into) har and follow to *a»to Ml B a hare aha waat lo am IMJpr toto£ *"«■•» dtn* io the potto* Mto nffi him not to aotar tbb rttoot 'dMf m ad at him with his oW% ptatoClMMl aha found on a tab)# to to ntoMk throe an tha dooa. # 'I ha polite bar a litfto Ml agtlea la Ufort* to ittoMkr shoot tat tortmr MtoM«* danoa other ibaa tSM MMP dl' Mrs Urey to officer* who *#a ato monad to tie pUcs Main baa 'totto so stnf«fi.i»ni lo tba pottdo '• ■* « i' Mrs. Gray, who has two cMtotdd. toM* ' ilia. Vs . sad had beoalMnl at M# town April first MataitoaSlflfc ilhMn soft laot bsptsaahartwiob bt* * if* imla Mai*, ohfstoa# t daajtof to, (Continued to H fa Mf)< »*.