ip | Y ' ry>PPY DAY is not just an ordinary day! It is a day of sorrow for'many— and yet it is a day in which to rejoice that you have been spared from grim death m> I 1 that you may let those brave, good and true warriors sleep amid the poppy fields of “■3j r ‘T •' . ' . . 77 ■■ , " . •* ., v . /’*• I “ They have died so that we might live, others are suffering untold tortures and hardships resultant of the war. It is for the purpose of remembering those who died & and those who still suffer that you should buy a Poppy and wear it on your coat today. ■ Ijfi * i Mr «• a — ■ - ~ - s : *-• . WEATfIBK I An!; ThanUay, j •**“ jwliU) rale* la wml portluß*. V i . ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■■*■■■♦ TM>m TWOi NIUBER 81. j •. i in : June 14thIs Date For Klan Konklave Here BANDITS SLAY 88 CHINESI CEREMONIES WILL BE HELD AT LOCAL FAIR GROUNDS, IT IS SAID Official of the Organization, Said to Be From At lantay, wuo suddenly disappeared i'u«»ila* afi ''noon. fr,''cd tu show up when court was convened hero Ibis nom i g. Despite ber disappearance, the case against Stroud »»» ordered for trial by Judgeiilfo/ton. who la presiding, and a number of wltnesaes, chief of them being U. Holland, proprietor of the Holland Hotel, where Slroud and Mina Kennedy are alleged to hava registered as man and wife, were heard. » ■ " Efforts to locale Miss Kennedy con- 1 ttnue, and laet night the police r.ent teiegrana giving ber description to authorities In every town and city where the young woman Is known to have retellves. Altorneys for Ihe prosecution, bow-j ever, still maintain ber testimony is not essential lo secure a conviction, and they seem lo be mystified over her disappearance Her father, deeply con cerned. waa said to be "almost craiy" j by one of the defense attorneys. Except for the Introduction of a few character witnesses, chief of whom Late Wire Flashet. COTTON CLOSE New York. Mav 129. (By the Associated Presn.) —Cotton futures closed steady. July 27.26; October 24.68; December ' I 24.20; January 22.96; March 22.92; Spot cotton, ieat ,la (am dra la taka charge al tba relief Mel tbeir death la thU ire, attead 4ha Had I rani regional raalereanv la .speaking as hi* nark la CaaUaa, «aMi . “Although liotb dtaailara war# ra aulta of It re 4&e rattal work of tba bed. (.'rotui at Hamden. 8. C„ will ha vanity dtfferaat from Ibe retail work 1 at N«w Bara Al New Barn only one life waa lial. Tba relief work there couslkted a I mint entirely Os bat pine tba thouaaad faintllaa barn «d out of boNie to get back to nor mal living condtttbm : At t'amdan there was practlgally no property lons Sevan!y-sevan Uvea wara lost Forty children wyre orpbsnad and a few w orpin ware widowed. Tba re liaf Job at Catuden will consist al inuHl entirely of making provision* for tbe pernianenl welfare aud edu cation of orphaned children, and providing for the permfrilcul support of widows. Thin work at randan will be done by making careful tank for each per non. aud than he It lag up a trust fund, under Rad 'Teas aup ervtilon. to Insure Ibe plana being carried out. Ilia relief roinmltteg at < Mimlen has resolved lo give each orphaned child an education at loaal as good at It would have reeatved If the tragedy had nul occurred. Rad cross trained Workers kill • co-oper ala with the local Camden Relief ' conitulltee by helplug lo work out the l SHANGHAI, Mag 29. (By tha Aiaoriatnd Praaa) Short agH of food in the bandit's stronghold lit Pbdttufciltatf ’ before the kidnapping of a number of foreigner* jfmk'ni / Shanghai-Pekin express May 6, cauaad tha brigand* tm tim* * eighty Chinese prisoners to their daath from one dfHMIw • mountain diffs, according to inforoutUoa recaigad tor* tap day from Father William -Lensers, German prleet, «| matin several trips to the outlaw haadquartaMib-' •#•■■y * \ I The information from Father Lstifars. which eaaaa tar a letter declared that the priaoners feat wara bound ami gfetaF * was labeled with hi* 'name and identification befor* hZ* f hurled to death. One of the priaonera, a woman, fhm Umm over with her child in her arma. ,v » * Later the bandita notified the famlllea of tha captives, and relative* were permitted to remove thi identification being facilitated by tho tags . Father Lenfera denies that troopa wort in hum dg the outlaws lie declared that the addira have honii?r~d ing the bandits for months resulting In an Ulitt kaMk ' water and food. The rai