* . •/. - -i, * ' « > m WSATfDHR f CMr Vflanriir wri Thursday, | pcwhnU/ rale* la aMI portteay. I tw»i ximbm m. May Refuse Klansmen Use Os Fair Grounds 1 ■ ; • FOUR JAILED AFTER JiIGHT SESSION COURT CHARGED CONTEMPT jUtefMl AMuclom of MatlkU Kenned) “Feeg Ur” and Are Locked Up Court Adjourn* it Om O'clock Thin Morning Stroud Not Tried V •-V . , ,1, I, ■ ■■«■■ i ■ ■** y. Kiftrkr ronrt la »*»»{ea aattl t»'(M this BMralae RIM Jim RM Tka»|HM**« *-abe Hillth aad Pea Messrj at ordrrs aI Jedfa % Ltejd Bert** aa eharpM al ftoptempl, grew lag eat al Ike dtnHwaiw l«wb) at Matilda Kennedy, wfte wan Irted ' yesterday la tha day seeolee at Atari. The Jadg* deterred panning • naaleaec aatll the Jar> aa the eaaa efalest hlraod who In he* la« tried with MoUtad keaaed) aa a Hat charge at amtltetton, ban arrived at a verdict. The Jar) had aat flinrt a verdict at I Vcleck thin aiaralag. Stroud la charged la the affidavit With contempt ot coart. but be wn« Bat tried laat night. Kin cane In to m in of SPEEDERS IN COURT Mayor Data (iivm 10 of Them $lO Wgd CaPt— (Jocaina - Unit for NonOMlme 0 y- Tea speeders went under the guu te police men Udh weak and more fad fair to do no noou. Laat week j Mbtorerdfi Mgaad Offteer Inylor ran | hi* machine so tnnoti that be had to have it taken t ogaleigb lor repairs The county motorcycle odlcyr declar ed that a man panned him with a Cp- OllUc on 'he Kinston road thy other da>- going at laaat 75 miles per bout. Ue got oa hla motorcycle, he auld, aud, held It at 40 except on the bands but timer got lb eight of the man. Ho .eacbed I aQ range and anotricer toix Mm that tha machine which panned moat be Jest going out of the limits. I an ha decided to give up the chase, be lieving that it the car kept suing, at the dtp be laat saw hi mbe would nc»- < However, officers arc determined or batch It hafora It croeead thl Una. o ihat they Will breuk up speedlcg it they have to chaae all the apeedera out o( the conaty. Caere la court for this week follow: t : Jeasto Barrett, white. drunk* and dU orderly. fld.O® and coat: W. H Bryaat. colored, violating Sunday law. 510.00 aad coat; O. L Newbern. while, speed ing nulo. tldtK) and coat; Leroy Ham ilton. colored, epocdlng and coat; Gabs Bonry. white, speeding anto. 910.00 and ooat : J. K. Richmond, j white, apeedlag auto. s|o.mi and coni; Dixie Wilson, white, speeding auto, . SIO.OO aad coal; 8 H. Inter, white.l speeding auto. $lO 00 and coat; Me* Lawn Contracting Co. car. speeding.! S!ILUO and cost; Clay born Koyell.j wbWo. speed Int auto. ItoW and cont; Mitchell Heedeu. white, eltecdhig auto. | SIO.OO and coat;. B L. Tarltvn. drunk.' ,S6.M uud cost; .\|ary Carroll, colored, • having oncalu for nail; Viola Bn*e . .a . * ' AAJ „ .„ - . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS heard after the Jury baa sett tod the other charge agalust him. In her story the *lrl allegee that Jim Byrd came turner and told )pr aha had best loave town and not face court again, that ifae *** car ried to the home of Benny Hussey Monday morning. stayed there until S o’clock, and then wan carried to the homo of yjbhn Thom peon, where she spent the bight. Bbo further slgtdd that while there Stroud enme to visit bar la her room. That too te n'leged In the Indict ment. Thompson admitted oti the witness stand that Strond came to the house. Judge Horton. It wan declared, jailed the four men on their own statements None of this evidence came up on the trial of Strbud tn court yester day. r e punch io emui ML CMMPIUGN Former (ioldeboro Newspaper man to Heck ('ommbmtoner pf Labor aad Frtattaff Much Interest ha* bveu u yaUd, in the report from Wllinffilroh to lhe effect that it. K. former (Joldn boro newspupennsa. will boa cnadl* date against M. L. Shipman for the post of elate comiulgjiloiiei of tuber and printing. The announcement, carried by the Wlluiiuglon l»l*patch, reads: - "AlUtopgh no official announcement has yet been made. The Dispatch la able to announce today ou reliable * Information that R. G. Powell, of Whltevllle. former Washington corre rpondeut ot the Raleigh News aud Ob server. Is contemplating pulling him self In the 1924 race for Ibe ofTlee of of labor aud Print ing. "During the past few weaks Mr. Powell bus told many of bln friends that he would like very much to have the place. The position la held by M. !,. Shipman, who Is now directing all his rnerffles to solving Jbe problem which liaa arisen fmui the migration of negroes from tha South. "Mr. Powell Is now engaged lu spe cial newspaper work " HERE GAME PKOTEtTIOSf WASHINGTON. May UO lUy the A., soda led Press.l—Homing clubs. I game protective associations and other j I nature lovers.’ alarmed by the rapid disappearance of feathered game In ; America, ore conducting unagitatlon I to limit the use of the automatic shot gun. If not to agolleh Its usveiiOrely. I Hporteinell who already have auto matic i hot gun. are Ixlng higed io j in range the inaaulnc* of their wca | pirns »o as lo limit their uxeto two shells. Ihe fart that »n. uiiluuiollr coutatiM flu. shells which can be fired with great rapidity, they say I* re sulting In count less crippled birds uii recovered by the buutera. Farmers Claim Paid $20,000 For Fertilizers Never Had Prefcrrwd t red Horn of Concern Now In Rrttivcrx' Hands To lluvr HcarinK Before Horton; File Papers Show ing Linbiliticn and Atfaelu U latru|»rj u( Ihr Vblikli 1 rhimphalr I um|im) whlrb rrrral* Ijr wrnl Into |br hand* *1 (hr fr rrltrra a- Ihr lilw-l bit-lar-n i/ iillirr that rtrr h«|»|»r».d l» raaat), illrd with IH" vkrfc • raoit latr luda) »ha*rd •hr liahilHlr* of (hr ('oatpaa) la ha M&7.U7 aad thr tart, la hr *l*». fapltalliatlaa aan lljfttuiutl. Thr latralurj rarer* 4 ljp«wrll- Ira |NU|ro. I.UMIIIIr* arr firlltlit ¥t dark Pohta al thr rumpmm/ * run* la Has* Ira* to *p la , rsr' !f » ,1 , ■ - , u. • J* • j. /jl-m , >■ hi>, ai“4 ' * • a 1 a - J -a. ~ P RUilfT PAG EH MEEIHK DICTORS OF FUR Hi MIT RESCIIOOH Odd Official Saw Th Ha BiUerly Opposed to Project and Will UnboMom Himself MAYOR BAIN PROTESTS SERMON BY DR. REED I art peeled upawkitien ajwwwtf »*a* of We official* el the Bayne mm id) fair askwrigtioa le (be tom uflhe fair groead* h) the ha hlui\ KAw far fbelr cvregioaial to * staged kerr June I ilk, resulted In Keannih Bojnt, the president, cslllpg g.meeting es Ike director, far ||| eVWk I hla morning fdr the purpwge of gliiag them an oppur lunlty to oxpre*H their optnfan »u Vleigg far first place in Ku Kfux Klan dtvwtoinneuu of the week with directors was the visit or Mayor Bain ami E'hee. Crow, a promlueut tuaur sore man, to llev C. L Hoed, imator of Bt. Paul's Methodist rhuirh. to pro-, lost against hi* position on such sc owl era. was expressed In hla aermon Sunday In w hich he declared secret. organlattone of that calibre were a 1 mousse to the notion. Mayor liu'iu. It Is uudvrstvod, told Rev Mr Reed that while he was uot tuokuig a defense ot the Klan. or his attitude towards tho order, be did re* g'4 Mtodtia hfm taktag u position that wak merinlu tn do biai faoalcfaabtc fa hie sermon Iter. Ur. Reed stated that It was reported that the Mayors of several towns In this scrthin wire numbers ot jun-b uu organUatlou. iVhtle Mr. IDfaull has nothing to nay for public at ion at this time relative to iris call for a muetiug of the dicey- I Ogmu Ml saw «Wfa nawngfatluu Tn'ftrtoH action on the report ad lender ot thej fair gfouada to Kian ofMctals to use uuttag the conveutlon of tho Klane myn, predicted to number around i 6.004). ft Whs said that he was person ally opposed to the use of the grounds for a purpose. W Denmurk. secretary or the chamber ot comuieroe. aud secretary ■ of tha fair aaaociaUou. was the official. who gave the Klan ogk'tal perndsston to use the grounds on Juue ltth. Al though Mr. Denmark was not ques tioned leal night. It w oe gathersd that bo tendered the use of the grounds on reguoet of the Klansmen purely u» a matter of-routine business without] any thought oT nifeosllton on the pert of hie directors, in fact. In his inter view with The News Tuesday he re murked Incidentally that It was the policy of the Chamber of Commerce lo ' teourage conventions, end that be was unlit k local negroes in making nuangemeta (or a big lodge coventlou that would draw hundreds and hun dreds of members of their race to Coldpboro some time lu the near fu ture. Ur Denmark was unable to Wull ilir iMune or tbeulleged Klan bfkciai who made rhe request for the usi of IU fair grounds "f was mighty busy worn lie came In," be sbiteU Tu/»Uay. "i.nd after asklug him a few qgestjjm*. which were answered n the day of kobklaxe." "but ucltou the fair directors will take on the matter cannot be accurate ly torn listed at this time, but It was atroiigly Intimated yesterday tbs! at Itaal one di.eclor would oppose ex it ud fag Ibe pm- of Ibe grounds tn the Kl..u, uiiT (hat be was prepurlug to aisle hi* opposition iu a most oiuphkt w manner. Hrailaolr i* Ihr I barlmiua Im prrl aad tarwardlai I •mpuu). Ihi'j h»ld a atari km« «m lha far lUrf plaut hrrr fur Thr ' ItlHlrt U la hr Mild al aacllaa. Torn# lortii* at Utr uaaala us lUn | fcuutnolr company arr either mort «a* aaa*- iiava will h&aa e'»««rfa« hatora lad** {lHortaa Wa4%.ntor a« I:* «*ohtoh. > 'jj V GUI BHRORB. «. Ik tilt RMItAT I U ily IWtl - ■■ ■ - < V?— PROBE HUEJEITKS imiiamo Michigan Woaum js Await Iny Trail far the Pataoning of Her FoatanSun IJkNBINU. Mkh.. M&) .10 "bike Mrs. Km mu Koppie IWuwuUlng trial Ml re lu coaaeciion «Mil the death by poisonlßg of tint It-geui old foster son. Harry, police arwdeeklug to learn the cause of ut ieagl Mine deatlis lu her household within a decoile Ho far. the folfaWlM deaths have town revealed as hevtag occurred In Mra. Kopple'a ImmeAitr family or hi hei Lome; 7 A i olWater. Htgle .Kboul boy ba** ing at the Kel'pl*- home. .dru. KoppHTX nine tin) old hsby. Kow. Peerl Kleu. her oetta*^ A little boy unamed. a(so being board'd. - - -. A child of Tia*lggstc Hedrick s." I Mrs. Koppie to sab I fa have acted as housekeeper at th« ko4c of Otto Hed rick In Dcekervtllej • Three cliUilren by hak ffrsi husband. ,Newtou lllgglne. whom she said she lived lu Hi I-out*. Michigan , • Mrs. Koppie hu* udeylUed the deaths of the first four, but iMlalvd all knowl- I .-dgs of any child of Traugrtte Hed -1 rick. No cbIM died gt the Hedrirk home while sbg wee the re. she said I yesterday, ' 1 . !»o Njsteg), H4w> Ifajx That there was any mystery tn con nection with these itegihs. Mm Kep pie vigorously Hbc answers I Ibe officers' qnery to wlty the Cold water school boy Agg burled a tew hours n/ler hii ties fa that! ■lipbti ria . Aged the gfiNtre death undl i“w e hod to bucr tk* tfaild at once." | Two of her throe ofajdreu by Hig gins, she said lu an MffTirvlew yeefar-, day. died at birth, tonfrlet (ever took} the third e bhy. three'years ego. she police wHrs woritfag today Rhe Is sold to have told Ufahi.lhat Higgins left, Iter, liter was grugted p divorce dud married utatn. Maa AKo Held 1 " (fa Jim Hhaenon. a beard dr ut the Koppie home her*. Mrs. Koppie Is heto in coffnoctoon with the daoth of her : foster oltin. Mhe repented tn her In terview yesterday that Shannon gave : rhe hoy "wbitg powders to settle hie stnmagh'' when the child became 111., "| wanted to get a dor-tor, but Jim t Hbannon said to give him some more powders." she nutd "I didn't give U to the hoy. Jim Shannon did. ’ Mrs. koppie did not hesitate to ad mit. vyfa't* questioned, that alts for merly used e bubk-forming drag "I used to tuke a drug." she told tin Interviewer. In the pri score of the officers. "A doctor started giving It foetus for pains and I kept uatng 111 for years. But I haven t used -any | drug for two years. You won't Dhd nay ou me. I have no craving for U. I Just, quit It." V. * Jm . -* GEBhANk I*l. A.kH MKGI I. AM MlimM. I U HOt TH AJtEHIt A ! : - «a» HAMOLkG. May Iliy the Aserr I elated frees.l - Regular shipping e*r* vice between (lenuifuy and the wes tern coasts ot ' Centrel and Houth America la provided for In uu agree- Vmcot ronelndcd by all the German ] IlDvto IntereaG-d in the traffic. If In pluuiietl lo huvc*> uu* ship g ten dgj i')'-*w ot Bremea. Bdtt and Antarrtl to western ikmln Pi Sou lb AnierhA Every six weak* out ship l» to the glraiahl ot Magrllau (owestern Houth America j bgrbora b> w.iy of (be satoe mtenne dlate atups in Kuro|>« 4ii addition to Mils schedule. It Is In "■oiled to scud oaf ship through the I’unuiua Canal every month to I’arlfic l poru of Central America, I*DAUCiHERTY’M POLITICAL ADVISOR IK A SUtIDK VVAHIILVriTUN. May Jesec IV I .Smith, well known lu t tie- Inner cir cle of official "ashlsgtun as Ui treated lieutenant and political »d --• i»«r of Attorney General Daugherty, shot aud killed himself In the hotel uparfaisnt occupied by him and the attorney general for tin pant two , years, The dead man. left behind no word, hat friend* exprmead the Ire ,! lief that it was worry over 111 health .i which laad him to eu.d hla life il ■ WiUMj-N "At H , , 1... * i l,i - even mg RspreusMatii«. I'fnude Kltcb ' ae'a been wee etroayar end hr seem I IfagatM Wtoasa fee Is e petfasi ll* l* ■ -Nti fa a veer wigsk msi —adia u m-j i is very HI, ft rnffafagd. fa fa' aacon- FnEKRREIHI.HI 1 HRS. EULOGIZES REDD OMBRES Spealtf of Them aa “His Former Afaertcana"; Ptoinrairv Bow* Head , NOT A GRAVE IK LEFT UNCOVERED BY FLOWERH I'.UtIH May fii The emblem* of Trance aud Amrrtea wore ontwliied today ns throughout the naifaus honmgo , paid .to aoliiiore from overseas to "these sin. 110 lo the soil |u the land lu nfavk tjf*y fall during (b« greal wur. who are alctp ing, their laal aleea ia the imn..i gru»ne Superior court rueterduy with lb« [ Hi rouil caw. TUr Jury look I tic mum j .I.’ oui nlckUsli ■*r ichsh tried ware. Witltaw "jin Hupeia.i court acre yevterday cat) J ■eatepowl by Jude 1 Union to Mot * foot lo seven yean la tbc pealtea * «*w will Hdod. *u found 1 guilty of car break log and A. C frit* sh— *10 MMMUI W *• V ■ I ASSOCIATED PSUR j ms bijs by tred.UntMabarg. Meet' ji>ntb. ft>o.efibU. M.0I0; niMfc. mo§, «L% '•"»* »/*•« # subtly .eorW.tNi jtf ••(HI h4o iNInU given AiUMBi • Melt rdrfult. of pru*» from am«—gbSr jail Kbifi—— ! «r»« total epprlaii—frlS—l. - '** Two aerto— «vdfaMU IfWni eM i rauUtug In a ntiMkM lm» wpf|p Miry, a taler** HAtt, Vl—b dgU crashed Into a ft*pe—ftlfi—llt— -M»I •*»iHMom fill Mil I i<”i uir) -- —lr-Irjifnifflt«l injuria ftti'j a IMi i niieup, U yearn b|jkd§jpH—• < apc.trioi* Injured i inet urc ai (lie b—o «f tbUMHIfK b> driving it ■' MUtfMrjftf ' f'OMir-r lit lilt) time Tbll^«MM|Fjtt. . ..< mat atartuHn ms iMmm Maid and—jor-Eb In lhr me* at t IK. i ullua, Joe —far. K.-atii wi re uiuoeg tfw *—Sf%Sbdl - »iui !>• P»i— --« ■* run Hndn drUgbt— .lllmna. aim a frtondtr 4wTimaS r*»w by a e-Una b—-jji tb-ah down t— tour—, race, grabbed llm U—i in i two and a bait Mil In UftK .•it utarage of Ki lt aA— ’ »«»».*«*•> villtouu, another K ImV "i Hca. raftnrrd the lead la —* AflA^ 1 lap v brUt la u i..uiMlutfN|——,v»W? Merman mil), ana UM ofty drtro—pl * . flod gar feroed oat 1 tbe bed Co eared Ur u i DeY*'——SfaM—3B * kin te tbe pit » -7? “ > w bile a—adlng nearly IM MUaejui boor lit car drt.ii by Ut&tfMUUPv., tar. tbe (Term* a r—dr. .l—Ng KTr concrete retainer wall .a inlta whea UeaccWeit occurred -• \» v< ... ... mi."... Jacob Krdmui. —i only badly sbnbe* Us. IdQwwM I——• od to a boapltal praa—awA—» In* front Internal * , Tba aeaond Argentine driver ton—l 1 out of tba mod who R«oyl HJ—bjAii , who ult Altar covering IT nlMtUlMr . cause of a brefcn t— Uhl. WflU alhnlnatod tba t«m —alb ljugaW|n j «nti lea. both of wbogl Ware djrta—f r , I■ "■ licit car* ' 1 « r »‘ 6* “dlgp jprard oofbfpdjM ; ll (VMO. a* average of. W.|t h-*| 1 mi Mur. with Muritby Modlhp.. jMfr ton area aecoud abC foWard vtrfl—«g i j mini r#— • , 4-« nrn capture* Um nyf*#* ' S2ST- VS^S^tBSX driver, aecoud madiiarry ttarU, ISM The lime was l;Jf:##:ld. W—» a«.r !*5.«3 miles an hour UMtby «bO forced to atop to aba Onuadbh* oo oil and tpiaoline and waa ai* t—* behind u l tbt» dial seed. Howard W lice a winner of tbe U»b race, waa forced to J*M becat—rof-ar Urobeu clutch after N bad M Up ,1 held ai 1M ml lea W Two Os bee. In|«red , * • I wg other metis tors fn— I gt— !«Uc Charles Ullott a«d Sort SbM# 'I a Ivo were among tba— 1 «MhS * /.i.eya car ran o# tN Mb—. Mmls 1 ww tbe only o— ani—uS tappML * 't waa reported.' *> Utlton retained the Me*jnl M#«Sbg with Harftaeoond. ami W—*, a O—• • ...» inn y third. The th— in It— i i»:i«2, yui average «f *l Up—. * a rt.loh Do Palnut MU ——Mb——S»>. »' %,*.! dropped oat )d< SfMfrjAflb#. - f iC’ -amor <.