jhjfĝfxg wra» *»* »*»*■« * Fulton County Superior Court Takes Charge Os Knights Ku Klux Klan jHyfegifcaaw rastsrtussit* 10 H wmtmt* *»• -h******" f *Mti »M» «tt< hfci «Hini it Om JMk ft > AwmhL ImUb m/SMim I tto luav T mmSb ter tte *p • Stll IZTLT- . mTisumGiHi Omni that to aud fcn' 1f ms tfcvMfk 'W****?' MI 222UC M rt to*, ft y, .to «- mJSni mkMtoilllton toy tte wdpr «l tto («irL tM Into to a rapsit watw «H Mtototoi Ito • puMtt— tor •'toMtolvat'toprtlMr with car. ■m U SIM TOOir to GLASS DAT IKSHCIBEB TODAY; ADDMBS TONIGHT Forty-thru# studwata will ha gradu ated from tto* Ouldaboro High School today • It to oatoaMarod on* of tho ltorsM claaaaa of |*ara. It (a much ItMar tkato tku claoa of last yaar. BORarttotandoat A.’ 0. Hamilton rr paytad. It would hart hcoa much larghr hut for tha fact that thru# of ttoa ptuduut* wara htofortnnat* snowgh to fall oa tharl work at ha last mo mitot This morn Irk at 11 o'clock will ha tha olasa day exercises while tonight the graduates will ha addressed hy Or. Satoo Wflll. will get their aheap sktaa. sad «o out la the world, for tto leant atod to do " The program atod names of the graduates follows: Ena dialing Rgarriees S:M P M WHERE li DATE’ torooeeslocal >...* School Invocation /.»....... Dr. Zeno Wall Chorus "('erne Ye Kalitas” Iddraoa Mr. Edgar Broadhurat (Introduced b> Mr. Hamilton) Farewell Song risks Present at 100 of Diplomas Mr. Ouo. C. Kornegay Presentation of prises . Mr. S. Emory Recessional —“God of Our Fattoera" Class Class Motto "Love. Labor and Laugh” rises Colors: .'... Oreen and White mama Flower White Rose rr Oftocers Praatdeut Chanda Barrlllt Yke-president ........ Henry Blaeell Sec Stria ry Charles Norwood Treasurer Shockley Gardner Class Rett tth.ee. DeHhl old ttnccllft. Charles Btowey ttnrtoom. Bmry Bitt.ll ttaipk WOMO Bpaaolto. ttbockley De Ms Oordttar. McKinley Ginn. Hen juriu natotolfg Orady. Thoms. Nor- TO,. Edwin Charlton Ipock. Charles Stephana Norwood, James Bryant (Cototltouad so Fags Thrte) ’ I * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS IU HttU PCS RESOLIITI TO RUSE FUNDS FOR I COMUUITY MDSE Doktttotltos of CKhtem DtocUo II I«Tt«o for Adk»; i‘Wft SufUFt Anew WILL ML MBMO&IAL TO TH£ AMERICAN SOLDIER A reedutkm that* a entepalgu too launched tor funds to flaiob tha pay aaotota oo ttoa lot In front of tha court house which to to W tha sight of a coaamualty building, aad for fultda for the greet 100 of a torsi dans build ing to which a gymnasium will ha a part nr aaay ha addda later wga uu antmousty passed toy a moating of cttlaaaa of OoMaboro in tha halls of tha chamber of commerce last night Lktaal Wall. Captain O'Barry, aad others prom toad not only to pay their original Meeaaments hut morn If necessary to put the project across sad give the people of Goldsboro, the American Legion, the Red Croes. tha Charily OrguatttajUou. aad the Com munity Center a home Indeed It to the parpoee of the U or Sto men and woman present at loot night's meet ing to canvass the city for funds, aad than to erect such a building as their fund# will permit, though they want something adequate to take care of the situation. The gymna sium to considered as a pert of it and will either be built with the building or added later. It will eon atltute a moderate site auditorium which will be available aid which hoe been much needed in the peat The lot 00 which tie building to to he erected will he deeded to the httird of truatees ahd held tm_WM Vwa’teTk* to peUfoT ttgtrteea thousand dtoHara already have boon paid on the lot. and the remainder to ahont s7.k»«. Including late rant. Sanaa of thoae who spoke out straight from the shoulder last night tor the campaign were. Lionel Well. Mr. end Mrs. Tom O'Berry. Mr. nod Mrs* Ed Lknd, Captain O'Berry. A. K. Howell. Miss Mary Hardy. Mtos Kath erine Park. Miss Gertrude Well. Her man Weil, W, F. Taylor, aad others. Hoy others were there who listened and voted for the piano whea the time for action came. Mrs. Lionel Well presided at thq meeting. GRIND JURY HEPRAT PRHSES IRE M'S WMI COURT Pinttto Prison Camps in Good Condition And That Jail Prisoners Wall-Fed FAVORS ARRANGEMENTS SEPARATING PRISONERS •• ——— The grotod jury report congratu lates tbs judge on the way ha han dles bis court and flpds that Jht prison camps aad jails are In good order. It recommends more shelves for the register of deeds, a aafa for the clerk of courts, add -suggest ar rangements be made 00 that diseased prisoners may be kept separate th tha jail. The grad jury found that all l prisoners uere being well fed and well cared for,' topo tin tied on Page Fire) BASEBALL REBTULTB High Petttf 4 Wins tea ttetom to. High Paint to, Wlastea ha tom t .... Barham % Raleigh to. Baa rllle 4 Greeashero fc Virginia ■> X erf elk t, Rirhmeed 4. Portsmouth I, Rooky Moo el to. IMsaditorf to, Wilson 4. Heath Allaatio t olambla «, to area H. GreearNlo 4, jagasta L I harlotte to, Npofteaharg t Probably Heady Hotardayi ms decal* seaitoeast and saalb winds. Aamricoa Dot roil I, HL Louis H. I'klrage 4. Flevelaad 4 Now Verb % Beaten L National. ('laHaaati t, I'Meuge t Philadelphia 4 Now York 4. Beaten to, Ireahlya 4 . ML Laato 4, Ptttetoarg L f kattaauega to, NoafevUlo to. NykrilielNapre took I, 4 po» 1 . ijptl to, Memphis B. ; :> v MahUe 4 ttinaiagksm & ftttrttrfantoi 4 little Hook 4 ■ -ttirmFZ " FUISSO, HRECUUS NINMOUSLY REFUSE KUtt BStff 6MRRDS Act Innidlilfiy into Writ* L»t tcr in Kn KH» Khui Tdl Imm Tkem Um , MB fßtii so KLUCKERB WILL KLUCK ANYWAY THEY DECLARE Directors of th« Wtoyrta coun ty ftoir astoocitotlon ah a call meeting here yoaterday refused the use of the fair grounds hy the Klonkltove'of the Kang of Eastern North Carolina which is to taka place here June 14. Tho momhara were to give their public deroonatratioiu in the grounds. It is declared how ever that kansmen will go ahead with their plana and have the meeting/here despite the action of the directors. Action of the directors came promptly, uaaaimoasly. and without toebete. and they addressed a letter to the Ku yClun 'Klan itnuoonclng their decision This letter was bead ed M- R lx>ften who nppered before the eaecuttve committee of the fair aaaoelatton the toy before as the at- the klan in behalf of se curing the fair grounds. Directors ware of «h« opinion that the klan using the fair ground* would do more harm than li would do good, and they were out of sympathy with the asaembiaigapf H»® Klonklav* here, it had been reported that a number of negroes were leaving the city aa a result of the proposed easembling of Klockara. however, have intimated that It doea not make any difference to thorn whether they have the fair grounds or not since they merely wanted It so they could demonstrate pVoparly to the public. They expect to pull tholr parade la single ale of more than a mile just the same so aa to lot Ooldaboro get an Idea of what a hooded Ku Kluk looks like, whether the organisation goea Into the hands of receivers at Atlanta or hack la tkf hands of Kmparor 81m mona a«d tmperte Wfsard Evan. In I other WOrdk* ”fVe Kluckera will Mack lor ah toMT' CHIIDREU RUSH THE PRESIDEUT MD WIFE WTH FLOWER VOLLEY Thouaandri in Ball Park ter Mu sic Week Turn It Into Wild Beqtiet Throwing MR. AND MRS. HARDING ALMOST SUCCUMB TO IT WARHINOTON. May SI-(By the Associated Press.) Eight thousand school children gathered In the American league park today to aern ad# President and Mrs. Herding. As tlte feature of Washington's musl< week, they broke awey from their teachers before the program was con cluded: aad rushing good-naturedly but wildly acroae the a«ld, laid down a barrage of flowers on tba Presi dential party that bad started aa a quiet aeruade but was turned into a wild rush of eager children when anxious to present to elthtr Presi des or Mrs. HardfUji a boquet, took the abort oourae of burling the floe •n dI thorn \ The President and his wife with stood the barrage briefly at first but soon tha boquets began coming so fast aad thick they were compelled lo ward off the rain of blossoms. The childrsa had been marched fbr the as made to he right center «f) " " ' • 1 ' . —"■'■■■ ."I I— 1' si ■■ IS I II! CLAUD KIItHIN DIES ... ...‘-.-TV l T'-‘ ! 1 i .1 t T | I i Heenad DMrirf l>iMrrc*v»an iffiHlunaieli Kaawn as “The Geallsatan frwm Scctlaad JW<- Rhe Bled Yesterday. Ha Onward Wilson *>n Ike Her Bat Got Mare Yales la Hi* Blatrkt Than tbe I'resMeat. lie Was par et the Beat la form (ody of the former Democratic leader touched the city limits, church bells tolled and the throngs bared their heads as it passed o» its way to the Kitchin home. Schools and business houses were closed for the aftprnoou out of respect to their famous citizen. 'A continuous stream of friends visited the Kitchin home during the late afternoon and night. Messages of condolence were recieved by the family from all jrarts of th§ world. WILSON, May ■■ <• ••• • , » The new Cannon Ball Perishable Prelate train that will pass through this city from Wilmington after Juno 4. will make deliveries >4 hours ear lier on the Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington markets. Traffic Man ager Ankea said last sight he had been Informed by M A Slocfcerd. gen eral superintendent of the A. C? L That train wUI leave at IS:M p.m MRMRKB QJ> ” ASSOCIATED RRttS •» TV l rmm «rrt MW The only tteaa that ftrvnd took* down on trial at all wro VhgO the judge naked him while he was lito tes Hied fgv onpfpiat TMf, did not any yesterday tha is AM gjpt visit Matilda TTglftr ffMfcf •ho-*** that if ho waa 9jSf, that he d|d spl rattan aprons tefeuffg #jh and A inroad whit*? *OA 'MtolP- I-ate la the rntumm 'SIMT jjh 'fte glvlog an appeal *>** Jl Mpf ,t sot king had ever . j'srr.iaE slder him one of thg iflUlpiM**. (bey ever etamluoi llhilftWh *“S lr £ i SE tempt Charge. This ghpfMjMNML es the temporary dteapprofilll” \uillds Kennedy last jloapgf- l|HttL ■ that Biro ki 'vmiJhl leaving fWnr OtOtOw' 'J ft u Mte «4nd Just! * (bu Moroini cam. fii oil oruitH .tame of Claude KWto tbe Scotland Nevfc Rte ffg.ttto' lUMiropolltmo prtM liMb4 lIR E|w > ed with Mr Wllaee A •lory la Washington soon tflMkp gte fered Me flret sinks of faMtafls. MM of bla dramatic defy of top (MaMteg when too tetter warateMte JkM ffft Ittoa on edmlaUlratteO would bp ahor of the tetthMft* te agree to Ibe Mil yoe wn«Mke |ogf That poruenter piece «f ftfldfk did act peas Easily In Me {eadertelp «f j|ft D*to oc retie party |g|> without hla party. tetphlT mt ceeded to gotUug hla dnM it «te Democratte plaUpnp op MR roeßloa on which brought pgltett lld I tM.btaaa. adopted g. too 'onvintlon Marty kedor* thro tel ft . *<* >u their Mte'hi Tst