■I 1 . 1 I WEATHER *+ *mm »—>» —— , WlMbk YfIUTHR **«( IF USER AA. Largest Class In History Os The Goldsboro High SchoM Graduate With Many Honor * Flwtr-Tkiw Bft mi ih« Btas* pai Oft TMr {HiirmUm Miry tnvfmrd ad Charlai Narwad WWi Wdl Bchoiar phlpß; Adrl- Mdatyra Royal Baa^y •. 4dat iiijrht closed the graduation exercises at the Goktaboro ,jotgfc School. Tha hifh.flchool auditorium waa filled to capacity . and U» balcony overflowed with parenta, relatives, and friends a t tie frauatea, eager to see the young boya and (irle who Jftfatted the stage, receive their hard-worked-for diplomas.. v The claaa of 18 das the largest ciase in yeara. in fact the largest graduating class that haa ever sat upon the stage of tha liffh school auditorium. There were forty-six seniors, but eat of such ap overwhelming number only three studenta failed to gngluate. Os the forty-three graduates, seventeen were boys (flu twdhty-Ave were girts. st t a m. last sight th* ~fwrty-thr*e.' wM th* applaue# of all dto aieaau an* risttors pronent. filed gaaa" tha at asm TIMI MltVli UM tl’ tprotlss by Dr. (wo Wall. the walt kaowfl pastor of the Pint Baptist church at Uls city. * * A faatur* of tha program waa tba dwraa. camponnd of bleb achool girl* from various clssaas. who snag “Oama Ta Seirlaa." ThU choirs* waa trained by Mlse EUnSr Edassdaon. tb« nualc of tba blab school . Probably tba moat aajaysbla number ae tba proeram Was tbs aSWraas by tba waU-kaews Mr.' Edgar Broadhurst, . wbo la kaeww by mast of tba Golds boro citUsns Mr. Braadbarst la now a liigsrinast lawyer la Greensboro, bat Ms iftnw was of mttcb significance to tba psopla of Ooldabora and tba trades tin olsss because ba waa at see Uau a studaet of QWditofo blab ■Cbeaf sad la a graduate of the acbool. AMboesb Mr. O. A. Hamilton. superia tiadaft of tba OgMsboro schools In traduced tba spedker of tba occasion, ao Introduction was aaassasry, ss Mr. Rroadbnret says. > apaaktr mko no body knows la not caUtlpt to as In troduction and tba speaker jgJtMr?Tv*ry body knows doesn't need an Tiltroduc tioe. .» Mg. Broad burst cdhflerod mainly on tba ygluc of tba student's going to col legs' HdkJSM that every boy or gin Wbo docs wot bare to help eappasf oaMsgn free If they barb to work tbadr way tbrouah. aed It they do werit tbadr way through they will maka bettor mag sad women. Ha also smpbialfod Met ovary member of tba claaa abould la oataa way furfhor edu cattoa. If aet IWMesßmg. be spy* that thay should eeM OR (be school board or boon! of aldeneon. But if (bay do not jte say of thtejb things may should SMEMe aw .r T As Mr. Broadburst closed bis sd dreaa the claaa sang their farewell eoeg, written by Mias Era Mae Old dans, a mam bar of the senior class. " Tba mast important moment on Ike program for tba piglore was the pres entation of tba diplomas, which ware delivered by Mr. Gao. a Koraegay. the chaligma of tba Board of Trustees. . . JgJjM \ - Mr. R. T. Emery was st his usual lab la dallvartgg tha prises. Mr. Emory Is tbe principal of tha high school sod baa delivered tba prises for tbe last three yea™ A new prise wab offerer this year by tba Woman’s Club through Mrs. Hbnry Wall. This prise, was for tba senior girl wbO mods tba best graduating dress Miss Elizabeth Parker won tbe first prim. Misses Elisabeth Rosenthal and Ruth Mal paaa iron the second prims. Tbe first prise was ftva dollars and the two sac ond prises were two dollars and fifty cents seek Tha asst was tba presentation of tba GMdsn’t scholarship cup, which Is glean each month ta tba class having tba highest scholarship average, and at the end of the f|nr I* glv«» to.the section Which receives it tbo moot times during the year. Last night IA received the cup for bevlog the high est scholarship average during the yehr. Jtext comes tbe Roy all Essay Prim Which Is givan ta tha senior whs writes the hast aaaay during (be school under the school supervision Tbe sub jects of tha essays are selected by tbe students themselves, and are a pert of tba English regalUmeaU. Mlsa An drian Mclntyre won the prise of twenty dollars In gold. l Grave BnM By Flwwgrn of World and BwiAlded * By Other Noted Btaleumen ' SCOTLAND NECK, June 1. —( wtel amtenrt lb* funeral service*, teak R.-Sailer. Robert C. Josey. Jr.. James U Shield*. Jr . R. A. Down, c H. Bag iflted, L. SL JUtehhi, (Heart Bmlth, and UDLIHBORO. I. Oe SATI BBAf NOBXlftli. JI'JIR *, IM William Uvarion. Waiftingtoe. D C. will be tbe active palftearera. The Baptist la (laar lb* town. In It ate bodies of Mr. Kltch- In’a father, who also tme* represent ed this district In congress. and other nvembers of lhs| Kltchln fam ily. W. W Kltrhiit, 4 brother who haa served In congress And la • fohn •r governor of NDrilr; Carolina, has been In failing health lor some time Woodrow WHsoft Wire* St'OrutNp - NEt'K.l June I.—" A llow me to exproaa mylheartfelt sym pathy to you In the Iroa of your dis tinguished husband." (former Presi dent Wilson today talkgraphed Mrs. Claude Kltchln. widow- of the former minority leader t>f the house of rep resentatives. who tiled yesterday. “I hope that your recoiled lon of Ih* valuable services be rendered th* country will prove a partial solace to you." Although Mr. Wlla(>; Jan 23C4; March 21M; spot* quiet; middling 27 56. MANE BALL MENTCI.TN •• i • . AMERICAN New T*rh I. He*tee 6 Wnshlaoten Adit Pbllndelphte 7-1 (Mroge 6. Nt. I.*«l» H. IMreit A. Ilevelamt 1. NATIONAL Iteafon >, Hro*h|yn fl. t'inclanali 5. Chicago fl. Phlldelpbla N New l»ei «. PIEDMONT Hlaktea-Naleai M| Dnrham l-l Raleigh if-ii High I’wlnl H-7. Grrenabero 6. Danville 7. VIRGINIA N*f-felk>. Klcbmead A. P*rt«moalh fl, Reeky Meant A, Petersburg 1% Wllaea A. RALLY Charlotte fl, Mpariaabarg fl. Celambla fl, Marea fl. e*\ Greensville 7, AagaMa fl, REMY UUMCH PLUS FIR COMIiMTY SLOG Meeting Again at Chamber Fol lowing Thursday Night n Meet; Launch Fla mi citizen* of the rlty again held a meeting In the chamber of commerce' yesterday afternoon for Ibe purpose us beginning tbelr program tor a community building to occupy the lot opposite the court house which haa been throe-fourths peld for for »ueh a purpose. Th* meeting Thuro fffka maatONt “yanteafl^ 1 Captives Be free TIENTSIN, June l.~tßy th* An soc(kit'd Press V All tbe foreign cap -11 van. how hold by tha Buohaw train bahdtlA la their.Phetiuhu ktrogghold WIN BA rs lee amt in a (aw ae rordlng lo Majar Robert A. AHea, United Btalee Army Modicai Corps. wbo arrivpd hero last panlrd by W Smith, ah Kqgllahiuan, twit men having been released by .the outlaw* Wednesday. Major Alien was greeted by hlk wife end Mr*. Rolpnd W. Ptngsr. Tb# latter’* husband. Major Plnger. still la held. Mrs Ingag appealed greatly distressed at tb* probable fata of her Bualiitnd. but Major, Allen reaanurnd her with the statement that all tie captives Mmp would be out Mew Goad, PaHh Tbe Cbinea# official* negotiating with Ibe l.endlt* demanded that the ■outlaws show tbelr good faith by ro leeslug two foreign prisoners. Major Allen said The bandits demurred si Aral, declared the major, but fl nally announced: “ "All right, we will rolanne two gray heads,” Mr. Bmiih, Ml* bhgltah tourist, who Is around the alxty-pur mack, waa jubilant. Ua said ba was Mger, to resume bis.lour of tba Kgr East, but added that "In tbe latare 111 fight ahx as bandit centers " Ttf* Khgllslimaa brought down • tmekstful of souvenirs from tba ban dit camp. Major Allan also brought an old sword with a curious scab bord He said he traded 1 Int of cigars for It. NAaed Nt ral nHeU The of Hmlth. H waa said, war* amazed that aa fraM a man could withstand the terrible forced marches which tba bandjte at ■rat Inflicted. * Mr. Smith a*td bla] only complaint waa rlWMaaa “Bui w* did not show the white feather." said ha. "It bob bean ant extraordinary enperteaee. jhfHllng' and even romantic, but 1 wouldn 1 go through It anala fur n million dollars.” • ... - ’ _ , c 1 f Wr-O:'. 1 MORE STORES SIGN THURSDAY CLOSING -I -- y- w .Tj Several more storm including laaaa'a hav> bean- added to the psw posed cloalna aareewant by which' store* ary to give employee* a hhff holiday each Thursday, M waa de clared yesterday by repretefllflltMS of the Businas* and Profaaaloiial Women wbo backed by tbe Mer chants Association are fostering the movement. The plan wga In apar* - lion lust refer sad It Is expoelad to go In op*ration again this fat al one o'clock Thursday. 1 States which have signed gra eg follows: * : Albritton A Cox. H. H Jenkins. i Penders. A. A P. Store*. K. M Davit. W. R. Thompson. Mrs. C. Margotea, Tbe Mutual Hlorea, Inc., N. A. Ed wards. L. K. Pearson. R. A. Creech. Goldsboro Booh Store, Publlr Mar ket. J. O. Derr A Bros., Ho>a|l A Borden. Kflrd'a Department Store, H. Well A Bros. Smith Hardware Co , | My Haberdashery. Wyne Shoe Store. ' Howard's, Pearl Creech, R. I. Old den's. Dixie Bicycle Shop. Carter Electric Ca, G. E. Cogdell. Yalverion Hardware t'O. Barnes-Harrall-Rawl [ Ing* Co, Park* Grocery Co. (provid ed oTher retail grocer* cloaal. Par roll A Crech, Nell Joseph, 8, Kan nan. Singer Sawing Machine office. Smith A Pelt. Woolwortb. t oken. Epstein. * The qflnvaa* will ronllnu* till com pleted. CHAPEL HILL TAI.KB OF SHORT WAY TO RALEIGH CHAPEL If ILL. June l. - Among the citizens of Chapel there u. going on ronalderghl* talk of tk* po»*lblllty of a direct read from bar* to Raleigh, rutting off to mites from tbe present TU-mlla trip byway of Durham. Part of tbe bard-aurfac* 1 Central Highway the Mtr*|ab ke i tween , Raleigh and Morrtevttl# . would be part of Ibe propoaed abort ' route, the plan being to put In ahapa Ibe “old Raleigh road" between bar# | and Morrlsvllle- In other, words, lo 1 substitute one side of a triangle for I the two sides that now have to he traveled. Whether anyhllng will come of the j talk 1a of couraa not known. Thai Morrterillc-t impel 1111 l slretrh paaeeal through four counties Grange. Du rham. Chatham, and Wake-and It U' doubtful If the counties ran raise: ih* money. Thera remains the chance (hat the Stale Hlghvfhy Commission will de cide to take the route Into the Rial* j system Mayor Roberson has already asked the commission to make n aur i v*y 'of It. and tbe request I* under consbterotlon Os course making a I *urvfte®>** not commit the commla \ slon to taking the road orov*-It la merely to gel Information. MOVIE PRICER DEFLATE ( KINSTON. May 31.- Deflation brought joy lo hundreds of youngsters 1 here today Movie admission prices I dropped. Taw eawta to IBs fee local lie fill Mm team wAM-pay te th* f«-1 tar* HflpaAaAaw Mm prte* was 20 roMR. AAwHa wIU pay M easts In th* ran pager FINISH EVIDENCE K sen mat nut Bye-WitiMM To Slaying of Father By Son Don found* Court Room By Saying Ho Nom 1 v Stopped Work or Repeated Staff Both the State and the de feoae rested their case yester day In the Smith murder trial, the state early in the day aad the defense juat before court was adjourned. Three phyal ciane. as experts, the defend ant, the defendant’s wife, and one eye-wttneaa, L. J. Deans, Johnson county lumberman, who claimed he was in thirty Knds of the scene and aaw way Smith slay his father. Charles E. Smith, with an axe on April Ift, all testified. yes terday. Dean* Wet foul'd on the streets Thursday night at eleven o’clock, and when put on the stand yesterday he dum founded the courtroom, packed with men, women, and even children, by_ declaring that though so near the place where he aaw young Smith atrihe dowfc hia father he did not even ceaae his work of loading logs on a car, but want right ahead and late that evening went on home without telling whet he had saen to a llvintr soul. This morning arguments will be sts Is (he esae and perhaps wilt he concluded Is tfte morning Tlre-or sis speeches wil he meae aad then the nsee ms* git to the Jury hr the middle of the sflemooe Teatlfyii.g Is hie oers behalf Dewey Smith, charted wtt* (he murder A hie rther Jobs I, Smith, wealthy Wayne ceontj farmer, yesterday de clared lh«t hu father hod attached JM*», «i «mr oceeatajsa. The Inst e> A" ' i mi .I■*>«*litSCS I Governor Smith SigniTja Kill Killing the Gage Prohibition ‘ISSB! ft&gil Says Yield. No Man Leva far CawetSwtiSL^^VHi -M , .1 , ,C? * —n hi ■ in i AI/lIANY. N Y./June 1.-—(By tbe Aaooclated Press, i Governor Hmltk thin evening signed tbe rimiuk leg islative Mil wiping tbe Mullln-Qag* •fat* prohibition enforcement net off ih* statute book*. v ' And ba went further.. According to tbe urging of bla friends that ba atrffca a note for a campaign far tha raturn of llgbt atlaaa and baar ba denounced tka % M l par per rani of alcobol was written byj lb* fanatical drye In defiance of tba general sipeflence of maakiad aad of actual fact. It seams to ma that common-sense barked up by good medical opinion can And temperate deinitioßa of wbat ronatltatee aa In toxicating beverage. "Such a definition should ba adopt ml by Congress as a reasonable amendment to the Volstead act and a minimum alcoholic coolant should be .prescribed by Congress which would limit all etalee to Ibe tralAc whhln meaning of Sbd Klghteeath Amendment. Hubject to tbat limits j lion each Htata should thereafter be left free to determine Itself .whatj conelbnies aa Intoxicating beverage. States then which wish to limit la loalruts to beverpgea' containing not loan than Vk of 1 per cent could do eo.” The Governor emphasised however tbat the mere repeal of the Mullen Gaga Act accomplished by bla signs lure did not alter tbe effectiveness of tbe VMstead Act In Ma present l form aa long aa It stands uamodl- Aed aad aevarl notice on all police of Seers of tbe State tbat they would I be expected to enforce the Volstead , Act "In tta strictest latter.“ "The Governor's action on the Uul Uas-Gage repeal aaepanre ‘ wMtfc ' a > MEMBER Or ASSOCIATED PRRCS • e f. I X.-‘W ■PPW- WIW* ' 1 ' " . . - , t occurred on the day es *e tree* alaytng es hie father with ae ade'ea April it. and the ethef Mm-ftmh before the ktlUsc ftke dsfaedeht jK rd. Mia wife who alee titMftedrJf rnttorated all her M*em»edla, «- »or CPU IBt Mis HO gftk )>athing ibee oe the «MlS«2h.|ae day he eaa billed (dat tgUS raped him The eMerfHd&gnm ui M ,ui leaeety >.ui of i^MW taring trasiianr puZdtft,«(St to do eirtiMu" he u IMHI at the parallel from the* Mtlap aft a Mima . dene «ai deecrthed ibaaeQM gjdfc under siren eendttfsaa. 'SHh iratimony wse eerraheflMdft itw * ftA BedHbe'couid find jhSh wwlty. Dr Albert jrluF ••eh. and Dr. Undell. df ike ftOftna. teetldeft. » V- , ...'7',; Mm —‘~i~rllnai) frideape e«er beerd here In e aterdsr Mil wan that of a lumberawd M| Mml county who I oil Bed tint ha MtH lug log h on a -TtfrjlPgW, yards of the m-ees -At M not even atop hia iraHL io « «out He wap a Mhbl|A, tlgla a Wvw had been gg %» portaot measure u farting -3 mm since the snaring sl. ail art was paaaed # ... In llsair. Humtuoaeg U lift fTol Mg *3 % lure and aald: Soya f«|M| Cd the Muilen*>Ofgt 44f1t0 tflMMi -li'.it* : To gnMa Um SM jtMnMim the governor had M I HlHs M Heal friends. bnaed an MSlMSugTpf bla winning tha DaMlgMMdgMtß*- lion for PruatdaM tfßmJMi ndndgmv Os four ad half hours Wwß&m' * and agalaat signing, several hna&M*> of briefs presented to M» aUßkhetT lag aad aeveral hampers full as Iluhri and telegrams which heCa Man mm «P for a month. ; Hpectatrra at tho UH»lfcHi In tba repealers adalMl'|rMhnMt ff throughout tonal Os he unbent a few tlsne* to IggHyMb »' the crowd, bla mirth nnn #rMotf the argument with Wllllgili AarghidL I’nitde Wales Attornaf a* tfced£2£ era district of Nov yurt. |)MT« city), and w. B. wteglnf, gpngrml counsel for tha ABU-flQigfih4