: —j ——•— ''£T? —' • —‘ : £ Pou O. K. $ Sanitary Conditions In Prison Camps . **TT—"■ ■ I-—. I—■ I ..... il i : : . '. w* ’ V '•* y*"’ " ■■ l - ■ • WEATHER I Partly einif with local thaader 1 ' showers Taesday aad Wedaeeday Ttl/DMX TWO. 1118888 M. Brtrrifitiiii-?■ ' ...... ■ MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN PATCH-UP THEIR DIFFERiNOii t Klu Klux Konklave Will Be Held On Grantham*s Lai FIGHT OVER FINANCE COMMITTEE ENDS IN SUDDEN COMPfoMISE l ' , * r % - . ' * /' Mayor Agrees To Creation of a “Budget” Com mittee And Alderman Humphrey Is jj» Chosen Chairman * * The city aldermen found Mayor Edgar 11. Bain in a ▼ary concilatory mood at their regular meeting last night, . . and while the Mayor did proteat the enactment of Alderman Crow’s motion to create an "executive committee,” which he tanned another name for the much discusaed “finanre dom mittee,” he let them hav e their way to the extent qj per± mitting the creation of a committee to assist City Manager Grantham in the preparation of th e budget. H. M. ray, chairman, Sam Bridges, M. E. Robinson. A. H. Howell, John Raper compose the •'budget committee.” lAJdtnaaa Grow s motion tor the •Motion of aa "executive" committee. *•#’ set o« the only oratorical dls- Visr iurlaa tli# a Vanina. caased Mayer Beta ftaag Me etty Hmrter ee the Mtr4 With the declaration that if tklrh wt** going to be a finance com mhtea. or an “axactire" commute# tfcVdorlgtaal finance committee nam . erf m him woald aUnd When Mr. Bain assured the board mOmbera y»at he desired peace and afiklty to t£e extent of permitting tho aldermen tp run affairs aa they saw 0t If tbey t wgald drop the old finance oonßmltt*e‘flf|kt, Alderman Crow's mo ttem was withdrawn, and the motion tor the creation of a committee to se stet CRy Manaser Grantham In the preparation at lha budget was Intro duced and passed. The aldermen nam ed the personnel of the committee. Bale fer Street Tar Election ' Besllnt the creation 6t the budget Committee, little business of Impor tance waa transacted by the aldcr- The street car eleettpn. however. Was set fox July 9th: and opponents of tho movement to have the city take ever the franchise of the car Hoe will hare aa oMtUeKr to display their Strength a*' Pr. C. F. Qfronkni/Ur, president of the chamber of cpmmerre. appenrnd tn behalf police protection for the city. r , , , Alleging that the stxe of the police force hers today Is practically (he same Ss It Waa tan yeara ago when Goldsboro's population waa half the presect nmbor. Dr. Btron*nlrfer said: “We ars confident that you realise that Goldsboro's police protection la not In keeping with our population, and. while we have no criticism to offer with reference to our present poUce force, wo cannot believe that limited aa Iheae men are. they can . properly paOol our city. eUlirr ffhy r 3 or night, and for this reason we are ' tion. that we have secured from sev suMmltttnf. here attached. Informs oral Eastern North Carolina ell lea the adme else, apt! smaller, than Gnlda Questions Accuracy Os Census Figures, Denmark • Considering A Recount , rtrvlr aaattared tkat Hold*. \_Jo6riga a larger gogalallwa tkaa V*|t« ky the federal rea»a» al IMS, W, l’. Deaawrh, *eeretary •I Ike ( kaaifcrr al ( ntatad yealrrdaj tkal a rrraeot •| tke InkeklUnt* wan oar al Ike ■agy waurn glaaaed kj hi* argaaiaattag. alter tkr rln*e al the lineal year, a«» "earing aa rai -1 kellete Wa Idaho r« kaa a gag ilaflTi al be I wee a ISand ■MCAW"* •*» •*.* 4 JRirn rrf»«»«a»» a- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS boro with reference to their notice protection. “We know that our dtisens. na a a« a whole. sad Shat few Crimea take piece la our gates 1 that are not detected lmmetEMW*? toy the present force. However, for pro tection and more assurance of pro tection, we believe that wo should have additional patrotouen We are ad vlsed mat—we-haJTB practically thr same prolaction today that we bail ten yeara ago when our population and our property valuation were lean than, half the amount that they are to-/, day. “We hope that you will give serious consideration to the übove and that a sufficient police force will be au thorized that will not only give assur ance of protectleo to our residential property, but will relieve groups of merchants In our city from the ex pense of employing a, night watchman, due to the fact that they are sat la fled that the resent force of police men cannot protect out city from fire, -crime and other damages to proper ty." Hta proposal uaa to Ihr' budget committee. V l Other Buxines* * v Rev Peter Mclntyre the hoard to defer action on the propoaued j exemption qf the churches of Golds | boro from afreet paving assessment* I | until the ministerial union had the i opportunity to present more data, snd bts request was readily granted. L. A Raney, chairman of tbo coun ty board of commissioners, requested , the appointment of a committee to confer with hla board relative to the , the selection of u health offtcer. and i U. M. Gllllkln. A T. Griffin and J M, Edgar ton were appointed for the pur , pose The proposed fight on the ordinance t requiring all food tn grocery stores i to be screened did not -materialize when City Manager Oranlham asked i (or a ruling, as the question wss re ferred back to him and the health of . fleer. A number of groccrymen It was » understood, had prepare*} lo fUht * n • unfavorable ruling •v I a era Ike Ikaaiher the Holary and hinaal* / a kirk ! nan hate nndrr rodtdrt- rradon, I keliete tkl* eallmate ran ke refilled al little etgranr i at ellfcer I lane or aMiaej* Ir, heaaiark wa« aal grrpar. rd la gite aal detail* at Ike pro gourd remaat al tkl* thae, kal he *aid that II mold be take*. la a few day* wltkaal little dlCirnl- If. The work, he wmW ke 4mm by folaateer*. . k * » Mn -. :. .O. £> . , FHUKSIU COMPlflim This la tike Belief Now Gener ally Expressed In Official Circles -f UdtojDIOTJIN. June 4-Although so farVsrltboat ofSelal copies of llto new ship liquor regulations Issued by the treasury n»o«t of the embas sies and legations in Washington whose merchant vessels would be af fected, have cabled their home gov ernments brief synopsis of the order. The fu|J test will be forwarded In due course also T?ut the time Inter vening before the regulation* take affect Sunday is ao short that It Is believed the foreign legislations will decide upon a course of action ut least for the present on the basis of the cabled summaries. In diplomatic quarters tho opin ion la expressed that the Initiative la a decision aa to policy will be taken by the managers of the great steamship companies although TTTa ezpectud they will advise with the officials of their own governments before doing ao. The Jmpresrkbi Is gaining ground here that for tbe most part foreign steamship companies will wage an i earnest effort lo comply with the American law. They are expected to ot least give H « fair trial simM if It works too great a hardship on tbo roiopfcnlcH It ts considered likely they will look to their own govern ments to Institute formal negotiation* with Washington In the hope that umendlatmy legislation will be en acted by the American congress. ‘‘Whipping Boss” Seeks Sixty-Day Continuance LAKE CITV. Ma . June 4 —A mo tion for continuance of the trial or Walter tflggintKMham. convict whip ping from sixty to niuety days was made for counsel for defense befqre Judge ■ McMullen here lute today. Coyrt waa recessed until tomorrow morning to allow the defense to draw up IU motion in proper form Hig ginbotham charged with first degree murder growing out of the death of Martin Tabert. North Dakota. Tab ert died .While scrvln a sentence In ' a country log camp, at which Higgin botham Waa employed aa the "whip ping boas." Miff GOUJSBMO PEOPLE LEIVE fOB BIG SHE MEET V *v* t Solid Train I o*d of Bhrincr* From,> fflthor Sect on* Leave« Here SOME MAKING TRU’ - THROI’GHXOI NTRY A number of Goldsboro Rhr3n,er*. Including. Vanre Well and Hdhvdl filevena. left last night for Wiishihg' , ion, the rciir-gurd of the host* <>r Nobles (torn thlt section who aro (raveling thn desert In quest of the I Oasis of (thrinedoui. the Capital City.! ir.iln-load of Klulnera, In- 1 eluding five cars fnvu New Bern ami j two (rone MflmlOgioq, left.here over the Atlantic Coast tine Hunday night. Two qars were later picked up at Wllnon. where the special struck lha double trank line. Others made' the trip through the | country. H 8 Richardson, an elae-i trlclaa with hte jHirtch Elsdrlc «'om -1 pany. piloting one car on the hack of { which fa* a sign reading: “Golds | boro to Washington." Thousand* of North Carolina Bhvln era witT be tn Washington this wx-ki >for thf national nsrtTlhsrs will t»e more tbopssnds from every, curlier of the nation who will re-j reive a message frpm North Caro lina. carried to Miem from the mem bers nf Hudan and her parent tern-* pw Gaels ■ **.•»* ' I OtAcial* Hudan temple have been i-praparlnf. ’hoi for weeks but for i months for thsl grant event ami many will he ifie sftu N s of North t arottna which will l>e unfolded by the Hudan fax waarera. Thevp are vsrtous sod sundry mbemo* that been devla , a, (OosUmued m I*affa Twb| GOI.RdBOBO, I. TlHffDa MORffINU, J(R|: I* IMS ff . '■ tf'M ' '-ewrenwx: I.OWEHH HTATK Plfß IX HR AOB pi. Ul IMN. At'GLHTA. Atalna, lune «. Oirternni lUuh r ln a f rmal state ment unlay In roplf4< x to rrtb » js|n of bta action ta having tk« tale bones dag loweded lo half must after the ilcath'of his fa vorite dog. "Erin." list IKrMuly. said he yielded to* no ftoc hi* rtfv . • reace ta Um- «*d i “It may/Ae. "he said, "ibnt tbe lommcat made upon! hit action may arouse our people to a now realization to their dgty To dumb anlmula. If this be ad. one of nt> purpooas wIM be uorsunplished " Ho expressed the belief that hla act strenghfened the significance or the dag "as aa emblem of hu man achievement that has been Nnade possible only through (he faithful service of dumb animals. "It la my prayer," Ihe Governor added, "that I always may be as unselfish and faithful to my mas ter as 'Erin' waa to die." I— < 1 SUPERINTENDENT OF PRISON ORES CRIMPS il WM MINS I’redid a PrrrentMtre f*r Clean- Hneiw Will Equnl> Tkat of State’* Hotel* HAS RETURNED FROM AN INSPECTION TOUR RtI.EIGH, Jam* 4*-The dew prison system under which hrt whip and Ihr dark cell were han l«knl a* form* ol prison disci pline Is working splendidly, Gen. K. I'ou, superintendent of the North Carolina Male Prisoa, de. - clnrvd today followalg hi* return from an lanpertlon trip covering (be prison romp* which are a pari of the *tafe system. The physical condition* of these ramp* Hr. Pot slated, I* “wp to their usual high standard,”.., and while the report ol sanitary Inspection and ruling by Ihe slat- board of health Is not yet navallnble, Hr. l*ot today assert ed, his belief that Ihe average score of the ramps under hi* control will be higher Ihun Ihe nveruge score of hotel* and cafe* in the Male. HENLEY IS IIFIH THURSBRY CLOSING BuHinewH Man Write* Endorse ■*nt of Movement To Mia* Dorrity e, PJnrprlsed. he soys. is op *v»rmatiim regarding Lkt early elos rloniag T A. Hen- Wg P r merchant, jes terday w-mtf an eflU/.isoraftot of the TOfrvomiMvt. nphlaMpd by ihe Business add ProfeuMniui! Allp'gji a> club, to Miss rorwto* Ik,rrtjy„ thh pvu-hismA of i '**■ dub, ..> •v- 'yS\^k^7 Ills leiter rrodf "With nCartmaSj m*iur ve real lon regarding Ihe tlos- Ing hours of the storv* and busEnr** pluees In this elly, 1 g little bit surprised la know tho I « any, objection lo this move. "I feel sure every person Mrtenasted In this move will be sdrely rHapp. pointed if they do not get this little ' holiday. - “Wera I opposed to closing I would not say a word, but close, knowing that about 110 nr 15 per rent of our fierchanfs, will close nnd In n few eek* this town will look so iptoch like Hnnday on Thursday afti we just as Well shut up "And what of It anyhow" Are we living and going to llv«efnr the dollar that alone? Or‘do we want Jo help those who are maklng‘ r 6ur llv -11 for ua. ‘This Is getllrtg lb be a universal r ( move Raleigh started < losing xotne of i AddlUotMl stgmers lo the petition f rt i her Mona ahmdt the middle of May •i taactP4)gv.<«i fkakM and | m fhfi ***> NATIONAL CAPITOL i OASIS FOOSHRUVERS •4r4—#• Pennsylvania Menu#, a Onnfu aion of Color And Not# 1 aa Nohloa Arrive , wa*sh (notc^T W T H' ‘ Ilonal 'Capital Wrhino<tod:»g uajl, for bfc noble* of m\*nc crowds already on hnud for (he an nual convention of the Imperial conn ell whirl) will In-Ktn formally tomor row ware anniented by new arriv als, norib, cast, uud west, and Can ada and as far away places aa HiwaJ nad I’amuim All day ft ml far In the night IVnnsylvnla Avenue wna a con fusion of noise and color an each arriving delegation marched to Im perial headquarters behind their bands. The duy'a arrival Included the au tomobile earn van from California , There were some five hundred cars 111 line 101 l Ho re rem.ilpei! Igfti « few I of those that started from iheV.oiden ! Oat* a month sg« ModWrf «Jfcu<t bad halted many of tb* Oejafhal atraters but ag they came east (be ("allfor nbina wire joined by nobles from many points In the middle. »fd|J. Miss Crisp Resigns As School Supervisor At a meeting of Ihe Board of Ed ucation of Wayne lounly yesterday the resignation of Miss Lillian Crisp ss supervisor of schools was tend ered and reluctantly accepted. ' The following resolution wee offer ed by Mr. J. K. Kelly, Mcoaded by Mr. J. A. Heat and utianlnwHialy adopted: • WHKHKAU. Tin* Counly Hoard rtf Education hua\hcfore It tbe resigna tion of Miss Lillian Crisp, tha very efficient and Industrious supervisor of schools of Wayne county, to be come effective Jtily 1, M 23, end "WHKKFAB. since Miss Crisp has decided lo enter u different Held ol life, and thus Itrivlug us no other al ternative thun lo reluctantly acquirer* therein, but at the same time we most heartily wish for hkr the fullest measure or happiness that a woman of her sterling qualities merits and deserves. • THI.HLKOHK. he It Ilesolved: “Klrst. That the services of 111188 Lillian ( risp In the educational work of our county has been of auch high order of faithfulness and efficiency as to merit not only our approval and commendation but also that of Ihe Htate Department of Kducaion. where she Is Recognized and appreciated as one nf the best county school super visors In North Carolina " ( No successor has yet been chosen I as supervisor for neti year About | ten delegations from various schools In tbe rminty appeared before ihe hoard In the Interest of the|r schools. , S|h*clhl taa petitions were received .from Caaey Chapel. Manly and Cor bitt 1111 l districts The board fin , lulled the county sfhool budget which will be presented to (he county com missioners (or adoption next Man day. BOLL WEEVIL HASN'T FRIGHTENED THE It C. COTTON FARMER AWAY 'I - •■'O.s, t! '■ ■■ ■—■ Govern ndHt&gJtoport Indlrpird A Tuv.Pvr ('«■( Increase i ♦n Acreage CHOI* CONDITfqN (H 77 PER CENT NORMAf. ' • . O ~*.: KALKinM. N. C. June ihe AsaOeialcd Press ) Tbe two per cent Increase In the rollon anreage of 1 North Carolina Is "good evidence (hat advent of (be Itoll weevil has no*, frightened tljL roitun grower sway In this state? according to a state ment Issued tonight by W. H Rhodes. 1 of North «'aridlnu and I’nlied Hlstes department of AxrtruHlire. "The condition of the crop Is '77 I per ceni of s normal at presenT as [ j shown hy the Milton report released .by the Coiled HUI*» Department of ' | AgirfcuUure June 1/ reads the an {••■•* enient. "This forecast* a yield 1 la tkb stale of 2JI pounds of Hut (Continued on Pago Two) LOCAL KLAN LEADERS BELIEVE THEY HU AVERT FAIR Mil “While Wo Think Action Was a ROtM*. W# Don't Believe in Retaliation” Klucker Leader _— • Finding that Center Street would not bt iargn ■■■‘■gfc for the * ImiiaM rids «f Klan* men expected hart for tho M* jit konklnvc on June 14 o go through their driihi ritwla it whatever they mnv be termed, the local klan hag WMB' the un* of Grantham’s lot. near the. fair ground* tStl d* occasion. 1 / Thia wan the eta lament given Ut last nigh* by tkg king of loyal Kluckers, a citfocn susWted of blMUlfyMKw title of Grand Kloagkt. or Grand Dragon. Or aMM&BiffW’ equally a H high, In the order. \ —« £ v Although he said feellag was run ning "high" among some membra of Urn Klaa over the refusal of th# lair assoctaliou directors to peiwaU the use of the fair ground* by the order this local King Klesglt. or (Ifead Dragon, took advantage of ihe secret interview given The News last night to request the tfubltoetton ot naeur aneea that be and other leader* of ihe Ooldslmro Klaa were doing their best to avert a boycott of tbe fair. Preseal Pair Action ••The directors of the fair associa tion.” be said, "made a mistake, but whan the Klaa. or any ether onter l am connected with stoops to a boy cott. (ben ) am through with it Other Klunsmen, however, take a dlf | ferent attitude. One of the biggest business men In Goldsboro told me to . day that he never again Intendad to ’ put In root Instda Ote fair ground ea ,j closure. Ha feels that the Klaa ts Just as much entitled ]o the use of |i th* fair grounds aa any other order.** The King Kleagle concluded with the assertion that he believed the dl i rectors of thn fair association would : not have refused to grant that re-1 i quest of the order had . they realized j r Its strength. "There la more fair j I stock held by niemhera of the Klaa I than *wks represented at the dlrec i tors' meeting." ha grided, i Mlse el Crowd la DeoM From other sources, It was learned 1 . I I DR. WALL TO HOLD ! REVIVAL MEETING I A revival meeting, to be conducted ' by Dr Zr-no Wall, parlor of tbe ( First Baptist cChurch. will begin In . I'urrln's re house July lat and - continue tor about three weeks. An excellent singer, Joe fanznnart. of If O' • * ■ j Mississippi, has been secured for tbs meeting by Dr. W all. and the music I * j will-be of Ihe features of ihe rp vivil. 1 ■ extends a cordial Invlta f tlon to all Christian people to attend and aid him In conducting a success ful meeting. I - ■'!. r - ,^ Lr . * ■ , URGES CLEMENCY FQ& YOUNG DEWEY SMIJW H»r prtttinn* nnrlag J. Hiirtw In la I • tidbit tbr .ratrarr nt- IH>ary Hmllb. tt-)r«hc«M, Ind gflltj ' *f maa.laaicbtrr, *rr» baiag dr riilalr4 birr yrdrrtfa). That wrrr Mag «lga*4, It «a» dale* I hj Irirarf* of t»aa« Saritb. bftrr bring oat atari} M>ira traa bnar., the lary rrtara.4 IU ♦trtlrl n| maa»laagbt«r a baa I 11 I nHark SaaJaj, Tbr itwtdina, “Wk tbr boaitrMr naaHld rfartaa a prrlorf al Iran .It ap la* ’ »aaitj," *a« al ra*r»* nanarrM t, ia ffc* araallnu fit. fail#* lag tk« nton H Km M »«"■'. . k ■ , » , ii p ■ MEMBER OT ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 ; % • mm nvß<*m •ha< the lOnn In |f*MM «a#M^ the utmonl to aiokß iltmmanrt «f the the KonKlnve >1 bout ib* weather. 4 nan «|ZCT]E « pretty day." kg • 111 pmbabl) be five . Knights here, but If tt*l tfIHK weather, the number •Vsbly reduced. KlnaUM. flfc* gH> Warsaw. Wilson and edeeml mm towns and cities In OMn.ateflflr'Me say what tb* numerical '■tMnfttapMßl Mg post* like Greenfeobb. CRnifStln and Rnlelgb will bn. • . , gs • We ere reelly h* a JMeattp. fal knowing how many Kleneepen •in i reelly coming, we an ta 4aabt a*,t* bow many pi«s to 4n#a for IR» J|fcr beetle, or what beueln* ertwngeOupta. If any will be ■eoeeenry." expect any of tge*leeal Ist 100 to leave the cKy eb tbe tea el tbe Konklave. but they <H# My.got many colored perao«B ttaf MBM# them of tbeir latentleh of "I*** tbe benefit of tbe pubUc*HJ|l eytoo^ ! other reoe will be ittklSXtavXl or diilnUrafUd ipotMAVV mmm 1 Buck Swamp Fflks C Give Convict# DAnitfjf i Ctttaeaa of Ituofe Swamp gave *g community dinner wfw» i convicts who, to uae tge wor4d r ' ‘ft l The News* Informant. "tedlßQ JM i sweated In constructlaa the UaflCr f that tbe happy and atave HfradiU ones of this section may piee" ti ’ safety and com fort. 1 The dinner, replete to the lwt |P tail, consisting of cbtcfcea, #MRCr)r ham and tbe like, wan therniig>f| enjoyed by the coovtate. na4 RMg have requested J. O. Htxten. gtetf capable overseer, t# expreM t%M#' I deep gratitude tor tbe ||M thoughtfulnea of tbaee gtV rens who made tbta kuuglUni tenet possible I 'nllft, Ja4gr Nadaa mmmml • I bat ha naaltf pm. ft* .ratrarr Tarda? awratfj |) tkia Hair, It aaa mM, Q|i agft .Uto, rtoMi, wS| »J grwaatfd ta htaa ' ' Wkllr aathlag a«Cla( wag dtt **■ **», it wat grairaitj njL •d that tbr aaailaaghtat wg£* ' «a» ia tbr aalara al g edijafc. aitoav aa fbria «m i xtrif fig|' lag at Ktaipalhy far ltd t«M a JKrrraabla gg|aag I Jfcw2 (trial* aad .prrtaMrMMHfS baaar. Hailt b mat rhagMT gH|i 1 lint tyn*

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