J " 11 1— ■ ■■■ - |tm —r ——n ~w — --- - - --■ -- _ 1f ij j Short Ship Racing Circuit Is Organized Here ’ . > - . \ l ,I, ''" J " '■'™ l 11 1 * " *- •■» U -W "... • y T ' * „ % WEATHER flhange la iMpmlari miU TWOi M MBKR W. WAYNE COUNTY CONVICT CAMPS ARE PRAISED BY SOUCm Many Shriners Are Prostrated From Heat PENAL CONDITIONS IN W’NE, SAYS WILLIAMS, BEST IN HIS DISTRICT But One Flogging, He Learns, Has Been Admin tered in This County in Months, and That , Consisted of Only Five Lashes ■BMWf-- r * O . ,> r f Following an inspection tour yesterday, Clawson L. Wii liama. solicitor of this district, declared the Wavne County eonvict camps are the most sanitary and the best eqiup p«4 that he has ever seen. Hia praise extended still further. **! do not expect a single county in my judicial district," he said, ‘‘when I say, too, that the prisoners, according to their own accounts, arc the best treated of any county that has come under my ob- • serration." •eticltor William* Is thoroughly no*fin cad that humane treatment I* accorded to Wayne county convicts. "The hgvartabie responee from the #|fMNN* I questioned a* to their tteatmeni " he declared. “was that they had no complaint. that their •afraebda Vgfv Jhet and liusmao "The food If uauaually good for | ooavicte, and the aaalury condition* ft* eicelleat. ,1 fu* no room for improvement „ The *m made on the request of Oovgj-nor Morrison, who la mating an inquiry of priaou coo* dltiona In the through the *o lidtora Without giving the overseer* notice of hla Impending visit. Solici tor Williams, daring a lull In court proceedings- visited three of the.four camps In the county, the central camp, the camp on the KaMgh roa-1. had the csmp on the Fremont road. “After inspecting the sanitary condi tions of the camp, the steeping and 4ftlns qurters. 1 left the overseers," Jie Mid. "aid esamlned privately from night to ten men at each camp. They had no complaints to offer. All aeemed satisfied with their treat ment." Mr Williams declared that there vaa no complaint ft bnitaUly by any of those quasi lulled. "Ho far as 1 could ascertain,'' he continued, "butl aae man has hkqjj whipped in re cen tmonths He Was a negro con vlct who. fccordlHf )p his own state ment. was given' I»ut five lashee back la December for fighting The laaheat were administered (n the presence of a physician, I was Informed, ug the law requires,- -“i esamlned this convict person ally. hut If the whipping adinlnb,- tered to hint was of a brutal nature, he bad no complaint to offer In feat, he M|d he considered thi^ ship ping a mild one. and smilingly de clared that be 'reckoned he deserved It.' " The fourth camp will be Inspected by the Solicitor at his earliest con venience. and be finds It to be up (jo the standard of the other three. 4ir will forward a report of bln in vestigations to the Governor, which be said would reflect in glowing terms the escollent care given Its ooavlcts by the county of Wayne. NOlT«|g*. Atlanta 1, HirmieglMm *. leh fie 1, Memphis 4. Mew Orleaes 1, l.ltMc Hock 0. I kattaeoega «, Mashvllle I*. i 1 TIBOiMIA F Vbmeath i, l>ter»b*nr - 1 \j feast I, Rnrfhtl 2, WIT 14, Blchmond 7. HOITH ATLAMTH Angwsta hi, facen 1-2. ’ f.reeavllle IH-Itt, Hpsrtsnlutrs li i. Offfriwtto 10-14. t olambiu 1-i. PIEDMONT Owe w« he re t, Kalrlgh 2. Danville 4, High Point Iff. Darke at 4, Wlastea Ha lent B. IATIOMAI, * makers 4, Hreokhn 2. \ naclaalll 7. Roslea 1. , t kleaffe *, M. T. H. V AMRMI4AM L Beaten If, (etevUnd f. fblUAelghU I* Ht. tool* If. ■Bte THE GOLDSBORO NEWS DEWEY SMITH IS GIVEN HUftHFEKE (onaatibHioncrH. However. Ait Allowed Privilege of Hir ing Him Out • Dewey Hmitb. 2S-year-old slayer of his father, found sillily Sunday of maabYAttghU r by ii Jury Ut Wayne county cour|. /was yesterday st-n --tonced tb three year* on the chain gang, with privilege of being hired out by the county commissioners. by- Judge J. Ix»yd Hortun. With hla case out of the way, the court quickly dispatched two other capital rases, that of Fred Lindsay, colored, charged With, the alaylng of Mill) ♦Moore near Revcn Springs, and Tom Daniels, also colored, charged with the killing of Ld Cox. near Barnes Chapel. Doth sere found guilty. IJnaay was given an Inde terminate amt cnee of from I .’to 2(1 ycraa. but Judge Horton ha* not yet passed sentence no Daniels. The only other case of any signi ficance was that of William Halley, rhnrged with higauiy. .Sonic time alter marrrying MJs* Carrie Price, of the community. Bailey went to Virginia, where he took unto himself unother wire. He das a child by both wives. Hla sentence was from fi to 8 years In the penitentiary. 111 UHIH 111 AIM MB 101. l tUL MOW IH'LY One ol Leading lta*iMex» l»flegc» in the Bontb Opened Term Yesterday i The attention of the young ini-n and uom ac credited 1-y the National A. aoii.tlon !o; A?*r“dlted f'omiaercJa. Kchonl* ! and wlii.-h '< us a matter i f* < t:.' ol the best business rolleg * In I south Merchants Assn. Endorse ( Thurs. Afternoon Closing *3 Thr Tkurxla) altrrnoon rl«»- Ink dariiii thr Mnalk* of Jnnr. Jnlj, anil \ami»l, a mo*ra»*nl <(Kin><>r«H) k) Ihr Ra«lar«« anil 1 l*rwlr*ii|«iaal HuMra'i link, i»- railrd tkr aaaalaioa« rlldor»r aaral of Ibr Ikikltlwr* HrrrhanN 4«>m-lalloo ala aitllaa of the air mhr r* «' jetlrrdu) aftrraoon. •ad 11 aaa ap|M-ar« Ikal thirr will hr a itrmral nhM>r«aarr of Ikr half-hoUda*. ,4 ronunitfrr Irka tkr ltn«iar*» and I r»fr»»loaal Mnaara** ('lnlt, na|»nrd of I arrlr Ituf rtt«r;t tkr prr-Mral, and Rlanchr Parrott, ptaaaalad (hr awirairal to Ik* jprnlMMU? Jlk l» rkxrjr, i zz sriraa '4t r ——; . y ■ " ; f ~ OOLIttIMIRO. V. C, W Lit XL.HD 11 *OIXIXII, JIM .8, im S tin pink n NT IS IH OF Anißr JUNffIESS j Pinion of hinny City l»rob- F** State*. I* *7 Jn* Hty Hanning v ! MAfeY-HEAR TALK OF BALTIMORE ENGINEER “A Nhlkn of auajr rxkllag arwkbnH i» to b* found In HI, planning," J. (•. Grlnnnlds r ||y pin lining engineer of Hultiun.ro laid the Kotnrlnn* Inst night In a tnik »a -I Ity l'lanaiu K and aaiag.*’ "Undeveloped »e«Dou» of growing cltita." he stated. "will he free from the evils of deud end street* and con gested autoufohllc truffle If a definite design be fdhnulatcd as I*. qsi.uiy dona tty a 'commission appoint*.": to Ito resign the mistakes made to** ' early history of towns." Mr. (Irfans!da attributed to tones I much alrlc benefit. “This simpiy means the protactian of residential' sections against IhMbc roarli men t of business places or Industrlul plants. I A great clamor lor zoning ordinace* | bus recently bean raiaedln Halil gore I and Othaf largo cl tie* Your own state i legislature has authorised lncorpm-.il- I ed towns to provide zoning eoiuinl s loner* and city plannlna boards." To hear the discussion, the Hotgr lans had Invited a number of special guests Those present were:. K. M. I .and. Archie Dees. F. lv Borden. Sr . H. B. Parker G. Hoyall N. O'Berry, | U. M. Humphrey, O. K Freeman. K. : H. Hall, j H Hawley W. p_ ( reecb. ▲ T. Arttrin T H. Norwood. Bum I J It ls|M V Funeral of Wm. Norrisi To Be Held This A. M Funeral services over the remains' of William C"rtl* Norris well-known und highly f'.s'iued citlzci .v !.h occurred hero yesterday morning :t the homo of I .► nrlco .Mrs (lilcs HI «• son will be conducted this morning St ld:3rt oclctk from RtyMary's f'aib ot'o #e ;reh. ln*sTr»nt e.ti t>e by,i.; • #ble al hla ei'e I.• Wilbw I>ald re:..t ttry. Deceased was 71 years old und is | survived by one duughter. Mrs. Her bert Wlgga of Ibis county, one broth er, Mr. J T. Norris of tills city, und three ulaitrs, Mrs Florn Orton, anil Mrs l-’rancl* Horn of thl* city, find Mrs. 8. K Kline, so Ban Francisco. till of whom were with him In his lifMt Illness. Mrs. Kline having journeyed all the way from California to minis ter to him. at the Home of thetr nelce. Mrs. Hinson, by whom he was tender ly cared for as her own „ I'KOIH < • NAIIRT WILL OPKX Oh WLI»LHI»YYS BeglanlPK Wednesday. produce market will operate /VTbm !» to tl P m. as wall as on Saturdays. Miss Janie Roberts home demonstration agent announced yesterday This ad ditional Service, she said. »«» for the convenience of patrons who desire absolutely fresh country produce . Ik<- <•( aa riidonrairat *a« pat to a rota. k*i far aa Hlm t.rarr Harrlrk, Ikr »rrnrtan of tkr airrrhaala* aak«»rlall«n roil Id rfrlrrinlar. lint oar atari* of aa« roaar«|ararr ka« rrfa«rd to «iaii Ikr prtllion for tkr rloalnai and. «br ha«frord *" to raplala )r»t*rd»), It aa< ant I ohrin lh|>art aunt M»rr. Hr. K. t ohrn, tkr prrprtrtnr, had »|>{>oa* rd nkat hr rwaaldrrvd aa aa* nalbortard aaa of hi* aamr la roaarrtloa aUk Ibr rioting, »hr *ald. and bi« r*rr»t lattar la Iha paprm aaa iaipirrd hj IMa. Tkr lawahitaa aha anrad aarr rkMU I* Rita nldr M kHHI ; la “* 4- BEVERTSWITHS4IH sinus IS CMI FOR ■ EHSTEWI FI RICES I• . ‘ Now Able To Offer Vetks of Raring. Ofßriab Wi» At tract Big MorMcmen P. M. JACKSON WAS CHOSEN PRESIDENT The t'arnllna short ship racing ! circuit, composed of the Rocky Mount, Ruleiab. Kinston, Goldsboro, Fayetteville, and possibly the Dunn, New Hern, and Smlthfleld fairs, waa organized here yesterday at a meets Ing of eastern Carolina fair assoc I a Don nccretarlen with the following ]Pf fleers: It. M. Jackson. Fayetteville, pres Ident; W, C. Denmark, DoUDlx.ro, vice-president; T. B. Smith, Clinton, see rotary; and W T. Kl«er, Kinston; Norman Y, Chambliss. Rocky Mount; T. B. Smith, Clinton; R M. Whig re fi,’ Raleigh, und 3ft. C. Denmark (lolds lioro, directors. T 4« rtfonlg commit tee is composed of T- B. Smith. Clin ton; Frq»» Harper. Kinston; slid W. C. ItenntaFk. Goldsboro; while R .V Jackson, and T. B. gniltli ware ap- IMdntcd to draw up a set of by-lawa. enable to stand the pace of the grand circuit, to which a number of fair association* in this section have Joined, Wia secretaries -of the fair represented here yesterday determ ined to organize a circuit of their own, and It was derided that each fair should not offer less than eight races with 100 stakes each. The en trance fee was set at In per cent with no Ucductluu to money winner*. Since there Is no conflict In the dates of the fairs of the towns and cities represented in the circuit The officials feel that by offering from eight to ten weeks of continuous rac ing that they wllj atlruct many hit horsemen to ,lhe circuit. lIIT< 11l LL COLLEGE J i* o.m; o» (lkAgi.if tltractlng Attention of Yoang Indic ia Ail I art* of ftorfli Carolina Mitchell f'ollcge. located ut Staten vllle,' N". was founded In 1856 by the ("oncord Presbytery us an Insti tute for the higher learning of young women It Is In a healthful and beau tiful locution In the heart of wbpt the people of Blutesvllle refer to ns "the best town In North Carolina," Mitchell College, which Is under the supervision of Mr. F W. Hollings worth president s» recently organiz ed to conform to the beat type of the model n Junior colhice and now otters two yearsof standard nerreditud college work courses lending to gar ra laureate degree* also selective courses. 7 “ „ It has an excellent department m music and gives certificate course* til home economics and secretarial wmk President Hollingsworth will be glad to furnish any yh.inß lady Inter ested with full details aaout the ol lege. ' - out I.ooo,OOO'fjotiiids a week, il wan stal' d today. N'o mills havo ceaßed operationa for more thuu a week at a time and the urtailment Is so evenly distributed nif.ng t 98 active mills j in the county that ID* effort is slight upon lira; employment situation.. RUSSI A’S REPLY TO LORI) CURZON MOSCOW. June s.—(By he Associated Pres*.)—Rus sia’* reply to Lord Cut/on’* latent memorandum on Anglo- Russiun nlations was forwarded to London todav and will probably Is- delivered by Leon Krassin Tliureday. The docu ment, is of considerable ‘length and is understood to l>e a ttot unoualified .i. ... a > th Lntisii demanfitt, ttunigh it ia generally eoncilatory. ) & The Crava, a noted that Curgon in - playing the policy pf New York' in minimising Uie importance of Ruaetan trade to England. “If Europe eeonndcftHv h gratlually becoming a province of America, then whe." he usks, “should not English people, Uttie by little, became the mouthpiece of the American paa ptefc . : - - - 1. *■ 1 i.,.. fi. MEMBER QF ASSOCIATED PRESS W HOK PUB IMWBFMF Hffl smiMt' cninf | I.KUVBW ** *^aj^ h IHHIRIITOI, J«M A - rrsltoat Narilas kef a ftteoto seat part In tto festlrlilM IMl* fwrtj-alslh aaaMal fgunlhlg the tart*at,. Arable, Xekb gto Mj»tl. Mhrta*. FaraJr "1 tsratj liwiffpv •Inn JrlDprsfl aa iMwm t-raalM* at thr trgt teaatff m >•1 nlalahr*« 'slin'"!,jhgto Isaito*. rraMtlasJ^Lr^UK^ mir «..!•*• s white salt. eefftoßL fra, hui t.«tM>ral - kl* rank «a 6toatnffjS^|H| Amir*. Doth the Rxacuttve and gisjllff |||R enit-red , fully Into Uto a|j|H ll> cocraslor; uppUntlMlg th» ••'s and nnillng aiHUsaowStlA untir* of *om* of tha 4rkik •ml ih« clowns era) of th. he out of danger tonight ” TBIMITY ( OI.LLGK W . 5 PRRFAMU TO IUYR Offen Higher (worses oI Btoottaa to Kladeal* lp Wall laswi ' The name of TrtaHy CoUego at l (tor ham la too well known to rwatoto ml North Carolina newspaper# to psu Jt amts any Introduction. It ip ruttcitol to oall attention to the (bet that TrW *tY l ollnt" furnlahwa seven grwupa of studies (ending to bachelor of arte to tree, they are general buainoto M m Inlet rat lon. religious training. —gf neerlng. pre medical, leeching pOfl P re-legal. A" experienced hlgow t mined fncutty la In > hargeof IgilMßs Don there. The college la highly tndnwgj and offers education at a minim was goat- Many of th students are paying thetr way. elf her In whole nr ta fa** fffc tffelr own efforts. Mr. R. L Flowers, aeciadgw tb Ihb corporation, will be glad In haw* adfe one Interested In TUnOF t "ollege take this matter bp srtto blot by mail or t*le| k iiqg iHWT tq gRf fitrnixh thorn with Oil gNOttaHMl 4^ nuc* mi mam