CI • C J —ln' ■Br-’ — , ; ..... —— Shrtners Serenade Former Pres. Woodrow Wilson — ; 0$ * > - ;* - V ? , WEATHER W«l Tlin4i; i*4 I mail wfcwtt MMll«Mt vtlsfi* l ■-V*. 1 ~ , ir - t . y . _ . [ - . ~--- YOIIME TWO. SIM BEK ME KLAN OFFERS $l5O REWARD TO FINDER OF “NEWS LEAK” Hull Sees Rebuke To G. O. P. In lowa Election UFFICE OF GOLDSBORO ta IS WATCHED AT NIGHT BYJ4NSKEN Informant of Klan Doings* ffowjfyer, Was Fore warned and Did Mot A|ip<'ar Witll the Story of Tuesday Nigth Plans for Konklave 0f ~ A reward of $l5O has twen offered by the Goldsboro Klan for the identity of the Klansman who hag been, re vealing secrets order to !£he Goldsboro News, it was learned last night. “ Following a spirited mooting held somewhere in the vicinity of the citv Tuesday night, at which the publicity given relative to the Konklave slated to be held here June 14 wag discussed, and the offer of the reward, several Klana jnen, it was learned further, kept an all night vigil around The Goldsboro News building in the hope of trapping the member who has been keeping the public posted about Klan activities. The N*w»' informant, being pres est Kt tbe meeting Tuesday night. ( was forewarned of the trap, and the expected story of last minute prepe- 1 ration* Tor tbe btg konklave did not msterlgltse. It "rui not until ye*- 1 terMy that The News learned the cause of -JU Informants delinquency relative to Tusaday night's happen ing* Tli# »sh city official. 0 member of the Klan. figured prom , Ihently in the dlacuMlon of the “news lwfk." but be was lully ex onerated of as> connect ton whatever by a xfhlte robed figure, who dr-t dared before the assemblage that he sod aevgrgt other brother-member*, alter a thorough examination of the official, wera convinced that he win not the one gltrlog out the Informa tion that was su#fo*cd to be u pro found secret v* It was naturally assumed, in view of the authentic statement* of Kluu activities given to Tbe New* In the past few week*, that the guilty member would glee out au account of the Tuesday night meeting This accounted' (or the guard thrown urouud The News building, and al though they failed to catch the of fender. • they did successfully seert the publication of the night's pro ceedings In the paper of Ibe next morning; and have. Apparently, clos ed all new* avenue*, since tbe In formant of The New* declared yes terday. la explaining tbe reason (or hi* non-appearance Tuesday night, that he “guessed he'd have to quit giving any more news.’' The Klan*man hu» been sn In npcent party, not fully realising that all ntovemel* of the Klan are re quired to be kept a profound se cret. “I didn't know I w«» violating a rule of the order,” he told the reporter yesterday. ”or l would have never toltt- you anything. The holding of the Konklave here. I thought. WUH big neWi—news* to he proud of. ufid I thought I wa* doing the Klan a service In giving it to the piq>ltc through 'The Goldsboro News.” This wns the altitude of the pub lishers of The New*. While tbl* pa per has cWuHshrtlly opposed the Klan In Its editorial columns, II has tried equally* cou*l*tently to keep Its news column* free of hla*. and like the Klansuiau. considered the news relative to lb« Konklave to be held here as not unfavorable, but complimentary to the local Kl«|. '* - > _ | hTKIKK NONFAKTMIPANT HAM A KIOItT MIR ACTION ulAkll’lA. W’n»b‘. June r. When . a miu pertnliuint w damaged tn un Industrial controversy by « walkout. 71 taut the rtglrt of uetion ugainst ’LL union, the Male Supremq Court decided yeetCniay. remamllng the case of the ' Typesetting font puny, of Malelii. against the Typographical, tjlou, Ita offle'iw and It- executive gHat. I’llo Howard, for #•*,«** darm l/m aa a result of the printers'* •trike for a X hour week In I**l. Employers of ihe typesetting e*t.ib evglk'ed out'lu *ympath> with the printer*, with the result that the concent could not perform Its cob tracts with printing yatubtUihniciiU to tiffiUl WxUl amk i ’yv, .. ’ ’ * THE TjOLDSBORO NEWS — —: : i L : . . • ■ ' Askea’s “Cannon Ball” Makes Its First Trip Aakca'a “Cannon Hall,” fi»*t glow ers’ freight, moved Tuesday ns silied tiled, for the first time In alx„ycura. loosing WiimyigUm ut 7 •..'to o'clock. 1 tbe 11 jut pit bad wt> apsirixtnititety fifteen ref locklm of perWhnlde* be tween the seaport and (loldahoro, and though forty minutes - late -when It left the yarda heir, was-egpet ted tu reach lllchmuitd at It o’clock tonight, on achtsluie time. 1 The rreUirntlon of the train, sought for »lx yea vs liy growers between her»> and Wttminyton. wa* made poe •title lurgely through .the rlfort* of Xlr. Askru. traffic malinger of the chamber of commeree, after *|. ending out four montly* on the project, an';ic i oßipliahment the growers were unable to . attain tn stx.yeure. •N a turn I lx. tbe i haiiifiei of commerce sis-ls highly eluted over Ihe services of Mr. Askca In thui matter. ■ * (•fIVKKNOK TRINKIJC. AMI MR. NEW- ON ntOORA.M WKtIT JIAIiKN, I.VfC June * - Harry S. N.w , iHMtnwntr*. g.-nerat, and (leo la-i Trinkie. of Virginia. It ’ waa announced today, wdll Is- tlie chief speakers at a banquet at the tlurly-eixth grund diopter of fbgniu Chi Fraternity The gaUtcrmg will tie Is.Ui lieiV June Jii ;*. cithers m hedul eit to apeak are I tooth Tarklngton. (Jcoige Ade, and John T tbmbhftetd. Ala>ut 1 non deb-gates fiom tip I'tillr.J Elufeu and Canada uie I Xpe.-tt ! 1,, attend. Fire In J. H. Pate & Co. - . w _' v Store A. M. j •» > At üboul 1:15 o’clock this morning fir* wag diwcov „ rred in the buck end of the second story of the build ing occupied by J. H. I’ate ft Company, .wholtHale gro cery dealers, on Mulberry street. The fire department re sponded and as the Nftys Koes to presg the firemen are playing streams of wa* on the blase from both the front and rear of the build ing. It appears that the building and stock will he kmt. er nearly so. Origin of the fire eould U«H tn. - Inauguration of Governor Towner of Porto Rico ■ I / 1 ■ Wi HO l* J| r wssm t -«*« I j Mx / I -y, W r tm£ aii- m 'i'llln llHislration shows tint Immcn** throng that ir«h*l llpnicv Jl. ToWfu-y In Mau Juan on tkg «vc*. •ton «f hi* Ir.uugurfition ss governor of I’orto Rlcu. and. wmtW’tl. Ctoveraor Too nr r ck%»ertng his address. 1 .. - * * SHRINERS ELEVATE DYKiEMAN t "“—-w V Former Deputy Ise Ad vanced to Impoml Potentate By Fellow- Nobles, Who Seleft Kansas City for Their 1921 Meeting WASHINGTON A Rft)T OF COLOR R AHHI.HiTOk. Jinn- g. _ Mkrint-r* In M-s-dun here today 'i h clcd h;ni'.ic ( ll> a* Ibclr HWI con*cn!lnn city and clcrlcd ConriMi V. Hykcman. ui Brook lyn, f« the |Mnj *ni Imprrlitl l*«. trntatc. Ksrrccdlag Jamr* *. Me- CaudlcK*, of Jt|ym*lala. Br. Ilykcmau advanced irmn Ihe ofliiy of Imperiul Ifrpuly I’o h-nlntr In acceptance wllh Ihe Imperial' ( ousetr* cii*|um and all other member* of Ike Impe rial itiian weal up oae step A nearer Ibe lop. 111 fiord Irvluml of I'eora. 111., a lormrr member of Ihe Hoiiat- of Kepreveafallies, wa* elecb-fl lo till ihe vgenacy (hits created (nr Imperial (Infer l.uard. I number of temple bands se. rennded President Harding, sbo I* a* Shriller during Ihe day. and prewealrd a number vs gifts, fir». Banting entertained thirty wiir« of vl«illn>- Shrlners at luncheon mid Taler received a huudrid INiuad selection of l uliforntu irnlls and doners from Islam Temple, of San Eraaetsen. c The uniform t«*lb» of the Shrine, minbrrltig tmire than thirty llmmi salid, belli second parade to night. marching on Ptnujlvul* Avenue to Washington circle nearly two,mile*, under a brilliant canopy of yellow, ted and green light* President and Mrs. Harding re view ml the parade A shower in the ulternpon had served to cool the air a little and the marcher* ID their multi-nolored costume* were grate fill lor tin relief offer another sul try day crowded with various ur tlvltte*. MEMOIUAI. EAElif l»E» AT HOSKWIHIII M IliHd. MenKuiaf <*crtie*e in hohm of K T Atkitwon, lor many yenrw super illti-li<reot of the Wayjn- uiillib si load*, will la- hr Id of tike I Ui-iwo.Hi >, hoot Kri.toy evening ut * •• <’ IKoroggay. »it.l piv-rl>iniluo will biUMtAIIOHO, g. C, THI KSOAV MriMMKI., J|'AK T, HUM Late Wire Flashes BTATE SHIP LINK DI8CTB8KI) WASHINGTON. N. <\. June 6.—With a the . rpecial ctmimittre appointed liv Governor MorTjwon to jit/es tigate the. feasibility and poimibiiitv of a State owned jshjp line in attendaiicc. h public hearing wu* held here tonight at which the vi«iw* of citizenn in IhU fiootlon were laid Uetyrt the committee. Tofiay the uicmberg of the oobinritte# wfe driven about the outiving country, apd later cruised (down ■ the I'amlico River. ... ii .mmmimm >’ 3 BIG- ARMY DIRIGIBLE DESTROYEI) DAYTON, Ohto, June 6.—The United Staten army ser vice dirigible TCI wan destroyed by fir* shortly after It moored at Wilbur Wright Field nt 6,0. m. tonight. The ahip, the largent of its kind in thin country, was destroyed during a severe electrical storm. It came from Scott’s Field, 111., on a teat fight. . SIX PERSONS KILLED LONDON. June 6.-—Six persona were killed and 28 wounded at Leipseig this afternoon when a crowd of So cialists and trade unionists holding a demonstration against the high cost of living clashed with the police,, says a aik-» ' patch to The Times from Berlin. HARRY DIAMOND GETS DEATH SENTENCH VALPARAISO. I»d„ June 6.—Harry Diamond tonight was found guilty of the msrder of his wife and sentenced to death. The jury returned its verdict after deliberating. al*>ut four hour*. Judge Hanoi bald l/tring immediately passed sentence. * ‘ ,J - __ f SEEKS TO BRING POWERS TO TABLE LON DON, June 6. (By the Asiwtoiateo Press.)— The - underlying principle of the new German note on repai'atiun*. is to h-fijnr the powers to the conference table, says a dis patch to The Times from Berlin. The note does twit touch the question of passive resistance or evacuation of the Rhuh. The dispatch adds that the note has been Telegraph ed to the German amba-sitdor in Washington and will be handed to the various governments at two o'cldt|( Thurs day afternoon. POLICE PROMISE CO-OPERATION NEW YORK. June 6.—Police of Sew York City as well as district attorneys have promised their full co-operation in aiding the Federal authorities to enforce the Volstead law it was announced today after a conference called to dis , cuss methods of enforcement’as a result of the repeal of the State / Mullen-Gage Law. Harmony Restored In Bandit Camp, Reports The American Minister . o Washington, Jim* « The atoi*| [ <lt |iartiu<-nl tale liMlav Mnnunotrt II hail raeaiVMl a mblvgraai from Jacob HberniHii. American XltnJ*t»r at Crklß. which aabl ihsra “Was no ib-r.aUo Inrllcatlrji” ol* hnw long It would he before the American* Mill; held hy ihe rhlpc •< bamllt* could tin rcleaseil. Minister Hhsrtuan rsporMet lliat ’ieutouiv. w Uj.-ki fe jJ; a |v-. ! stored tn Ihe iMndlt camp unfi the captive* are not mifTi-tlu* 111 health though they arc S'-Ulns *pfO#wh»t low In Spirits Me also ssbl the In lei national cominlsslon headed l»y Hr igiidler la-m-ul Connor left Pekin -for Mnchcttg U*( Friday, accotnpa nlcd by Keprosentsltve Wulnwrlgbt of We York former usslstaot *ec- >a r . who had arrived In j . J ‘ kui Up- :lv pjwMotl- ! Elt<HT rAI.KS BIG CUT IN USUAL REPUBLICAN VOTf IN EIGHT IOWA Nil FißureH, \ctordiiiß jlo Comfl Show I nmi<ttybleTßiifclkw*Bßr "tkJ d WASHINGTON, June B.—Chairman Hull of ‘'ratic Notional Committee declared tonight ill M IM i"' i»n 11 that "the rookbiddtd Republican Eighth Diatrict k I hi a special election Monday replied fd the Rcpubli(2 <•< President Harding’s rapidly growing popu lartt J UVst and the wonderful beneflt of the she farmers bv living the Republican i'sndl4«Bf: S’wf gu-ss a bare one thousand majority in a diatttyl Republican bv between eight and nine thomiUjii "After two years of Harding’s high tariff M praiH>% the statement added, "these Hgurea reveal the revolt among the indignant and ruined of lowa but in the Great West. Thia great lfi»llii.T'. | i; mg to a Democratic vktorv fimeeds a R«Pvl»Oc|mMmK> tion in 1924. "It also proves the Ddmbcrata are afcrt, eager for the frav. * The election referred to by Mr. HuH rrjj .Tn 1111 South Carolinians Sing jp Front War President JnH <j :'».r M mid raw tlllswa waa sanuuM , al hi* Mrrrl hwaic h> Shria* ’ palrul „ Irupi (.rrcutills, ft. K,' which *aag "IMxle" aader ids wladww sag Ihca al bis rsaaasl fnll»Wcd || wHh the ' Mil Spaa gird llanacr," CLARA PHILLIPS NOW BAN QUENTIN SAN FHANCiarXI, Juns • Ths tMck slum- wqll* of Sail WUI-IUIII prlaua. likhfod mu*t serve "from yniA* to Me“- loiiay failed 1 tu *htil out th,< *|>«»t It*lu "j.( puldiiity 1 ami the iidtairation of men for pretty (Jan I'hllllps. “titter m- 1 man. and luiuinu r muidi-ti*w. . 1 Knwdiuinl In hi*r itumiw i*lt with 1 a x «ml liful ah I Immwlmi ua a tell mule. ' lirr only v|stu ftoui a lone i lush waiertowrr {rum which ■ red niui lilii* ami* ke< visit ov r r her J.rawl ullu Mi* I’blllipe t.whiyv in leu* llwu «•; lusiin fiam the time *lm* •lartial Sol expiate hei erlmk, ha* won I self IWo new Mil Utl**p«l Old Mthfi- < i|U*la. Ktret of all «bi- U Sail •{ui.iitln’a j nsw “quM-n"-« monart h In name j only, however, without acepter orj power or luiilee iiywitilliis." Neverths J lew, she le “Vfueen." She,, Ja San 1 ijueniln'* mmlinit priiamer, and with. I UUI eolli llutloii Mini puk hi Itude v I lie I Al he i prlMincfh, men nmt woman alike, hove iliiUmil her null > liatne lo Ihf (iwe ■f <» ’ e Tlie Alltel- appc-lalton, “(lie aaniy alia, i oqp-n from u svi* of oAvftre and 41 new - |Ni|*eilin-o who at vapMuif lime, tuive Collie in' tunluilt with her since she »«* uppi eheltdod In Team l aol|*i. Ilondmaa. uiul tu-oushl lauk t.iKHi miles to pay tlie iNualty fix -slaytns Allwrta Mcodowa Tliioiishout . II uH she I to* smlleil. iii* exultantly hoi false bravado, bat ha* lust smiled. To 'imae the offii are who oconipaii le«l her. ’Vhe never wlilmiM-red nor, talk'd). She waa just 'Xante.’" Ttaluy rente tld* aupreme tent Tie eatu|»e of Mr«, I’lillllpe from Ihe Uel Auseh* Jail In* never lawn explained 1 mittefui lortl). True ehe lm* told that * jesae 111I 11 cell. Hokllt-r of fill time, naWed Hie hsro of her cell fuan the outaole ! and Jilted her to tlie- naif of tlie full | i oixhl feel below Hat the odk%rs .(Coa'UUkd PB W«et Iwtt) "■ "" ■■ 'V ■ <■■ m»■ » ■ ; MEMBER OV i ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 ■■ ■ ■ Ls 4 ruci qn| ... - ■■ ■■ ■"“ v Thr. Ihr .lagfa* WjHK l‘rr»Mt«l MW'tf'i »«•«! hi. sHhu»l»««9HEii ,iii t , uii-Hilti-r ../ >L m ’• T ••• ** ' * » *» • I■“ pv WH -*< ■I »• .. r. h*, hlMlNlKl for >mh In JUattl t'afaMW'' W» lh. m |, d hi* brother HMHi ll Ihrrr rbeem Ifi Wlfni4.f* MOUNT OLIVE AGAIN BEMlimO BERRY CENTER «Wy HOMKH Mount Utlea, June t j Ungalt lljlft #in< h i>m« «u. thr tai'ghjt ilhinlnY _ !«*»«' f«r rftawtwrrta* Mw«w *’«. ~ intiiliUin nmt <W»ni. MR *Mrh fl<; <> It itltiMWl . nllp iy qnit ft*nhe uit. trMuin piotli .* pedate hrrwiogi In .nuln MwinKln« Inch to lx-nr M *■<» Hlull nmy. In unollMli- 1 year, pr I*9. jte ( iM/rfiuiin# ami .luuiuuc |m|u «* isuhr d* rrnr. w I Manta** for thf Mat four , ’*% v *X ,f * r " “ nd ** 'tarry vuiiinhlna polnl, uJinuat I* the h*4M pnHK.rtU.ii hua lout I bualnr** .vUTtrod: a» tu. wtlmi money trap ■— ■** *|aMf Juki at that , particular <t#H» -mt the W t<* (tthr lh* i>iaoa>af lhn barr* i'«h /t•• . * • • Anti no rmirr tlatn own hua loud lniatn«M> man. uad l a rater* '’an whU.' 'U"t UrtHill* eye* toward Ift* harry Hf~h pot* its Mvtlon* I* thn aouth of it* who dpt not f<.>Ui.hl> quit Ui« of thU popular wad quite often p.ofttub** fruit; a i**J In r<»»uuu—< to i hi# Ittnalnn for u natnay trap aUM* utrltnr than potaUma, el*., our furtn **»• are utpdu turnina to berry urttppn thia >*»i > pi.idu.Uya uuadrupHau that of hint >• u. Klnuiv* Kalita red /row. lh* mJlrted ■latortla on tierrlnu and other ve#w ■able trope mortal la <|nU. are *r* hHMhI Klmwberriaa. tH.731 ciwVua Ud« *w "•u. an rum»i rad with JLIII unite butt year: garden ffm dtaHU 7.MC, ua root pored with .ppiMlMnltlf MM hurt )*»>. * ..d Htuina aie null movtair Id. «*r lead lota i hi* ImHkji Uta 'blv eng ah'* Car liana*, for whirh lh* pete* up to Tuenda. ae*iun*d u|i*taid* of ft J| ncr buMhet. • ' «*’, ■ J 't'hr tucnl potato martlet openad * Monday. .«ml while the hum mag Ilia * "t nth t* *' little i matari r 11 QillUlUMt Oft -

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