Konklave Will Be Held June 14, States Klan Official WEATHER fair art *lMtfj inter kirlili)i I Nawtar lalri ailwtlr waM*. 1 - 1 1 T*U«K TW«I smu as. HYLAN OFFERS AID IN ENFORCING THE FEDERAL DRY LAWS Conference Os State Governors Postponed \ M cost o. s: WOULD BE *»*: Ai \ If Vs W V ■II■ ■ ■ I m mil I 11111 i IF i ' : .;ft ; TT7TT*" Ti : i|* • That 1% Says Direct** . Canfield In Letter To New York Mayor, 9 ' Without Co-operation of State Officials : • —* '■' 1— 1 ■ IN NATION WOULD || BE A BILLION HfnV TORI. Jump fi. Nlurre ■rat of prvhlbltln* in Kew Yark ’ itlte ks Moral officer* non Id roW IIIRIIMN aaaaall). Pro. Ute Mina Director Canfield. dt 4aM IWir la a letter t« Major Mylaa, tteaakiac |Ua> for W* piaha of from lo cal yMee r 'There are 2*.000 peace official* in New York state." Ale. Canfield a rete. “t£ duplicate title ’force would cum (he government (100,000,000. (f title wet* dooe ta every State It would coat A 11,000.000.000 annually •I accept your aaeurancr of ev ery possible co-operation The fail ure of the police officers of New York to actively enforce the federal prohibition act would gtlmulate and promote other erimes such as as sault. disorderly conduct, public In toxication end eiipller crimes which have materially decreased since pro hibition. "It is not only a manner at help ing the povernment. but of helping youreclf Law defiance la highly con tagious end the weakening Os law enforcement at one point weakens the entire structure. •'Governor Smith has already is sued a warning In which lie suid that repeal of the atate law did not In the slightest degree legaen the re st eponalhlllty of peace officials to en force the Volstead Act I thank you for your promise to enforce tills taw In the same degree as other 1 laws.” « GARDEN CLUB , IS ORGANIZED Rjß|P’ t» With Twenty-81* Charter Mem • beix. Club Makes Enthu ftUudic Start * The Garden Club, a part of the civic department of itie Womans Club, was organised yesterday morn ing at the bomu of Mrs. A. Oettlngei. on Park Avenue. VWHh a moitibernlitp of twenty-six f the, uioet prominent women la ' Goldsboro, the club mude an entliu algstlc start towarda piomqUng in- F' forest tn fldwor culture turd the treuo- Ufying of tho’Tlty, and by the next meeting, to fie held wttbiu e week or ■two at the borne of Mrs. Ed Uorden. the membership la expected to he considerably Increased At this meet tng the officers of tb eclub will be elected Following the organisation. Mrs Oetltnger served refreshing Ice Lev •rages- The rlurtcr nieuiber*. present at the ntfsfiPig. were: Mr*: Jnhn Spicer. Mrs. E Wil kins. Mrs. W E. Stroud. Mrs. F K Borden. Mrsi H. F Lee. Mrs Thomas Norwood. Mrs. Kohert Row fit. Mrs Q. A. Norwood Mrs A. Oettlnger. Mrs. Jd E Rotmlsop. Mrs Lionel, WellJglrs E. I) Uorden. Jr. Mrs Yl R. Mason Mrs. William Spicer, •'rr J. I. Jerome. Mrs. R. A Creech. Mrs. James Kyle. Mrs E. E Hustler. Miss Gertrude Well. Mies Sarah Borden Mrs. Thomas o*Ber<-y. Mrs B G Thompson. Mrs A. A. Joseph, Miss Rachel Borden. Mrs H M. Humph gey and Mrs Paul, Borden. * _ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS —„■ i =s==sg:====d=p | Ready for Flight Across the Pole ,> ||W iSI! Ihkl^wj! 1 0 t'apt Knold Amiundw-ti (rigid) lias left Nome. Alaska, by dog team f,«jk Waiiiwright ». jar***' -i • -Wsaesmmii ■ mmii | ■ .■— s ■— ■ French Have Flatly Rejected The Latest German Proposals ■' —■ —■»»!■■■ mi m i ■ . , PARIS, June B.—Premier Poincare absolutely rejected the ( German reparations proposals tonight in his first official expres- I sion since the receipt of the note frp.nr Berlin when he appeared before the Senate commission on foreign affairs and finance to answer a long questionnaire on the operkijtffls in the Rhur. The Premier said the French and Belgium governments ( should agree not to consider any. proposal from Chancellor Cuno unless it was preceded by complete and final cessation of the Ger man passive resistance campaign. He assured the Senators that; the government's relation with the Belgiumg were entirely sat-j isfactory and that everything was going well in the Ruhr. ‘ -..-- . - . - f JOHN ARMSTRONG GETS A DIVORCE John I’. Armstrong. of N#w Burn. liu been granted un absolute divorce from Mr*. I*9flth ls-» in Ami*trong, of Goldsboro. by Judge Horton, accord - In* to the New Iltrnlup. of New D«rn. which awy* Armstrong hud not niuhe the fllvftrce public tiutll today oft the request of Judge Horton. la hi* complaiut Armstrong n!- U-Kwl that he wiu Intoxicated at the time, and waa not aware of the mar* j rlage ceremony until he regained hi* ■ sobriety. The action was not con tested * 21 -Year Old Brother. Wilmington Niewn|>aperniiiir* Sees Sinter For Kirhj Time WILMINOTON. June #. —A 11-year old brother and a six year old sinter who had never met were united to night when Miss Mildred Moore Ol nay City. .Mich..' arrived and joined her brother. At. V Moore proof reader on a local newspaper Vounx Moore left h,nm« Iteiote the birth lo hi* sister and had never returned It wa* not until after his military service following UiC'-war that he learned of 111* slater's birth and he established communication with her. NEW YOKE ATTORNEY GENERAL TO INVESTIGATE HKOKEI|AGE HOIKES ’ JIEW 10RK.. June K- Ntate tt . lorne) l.rneral Kkrrmnn luila) aanwnnee that hr and Mte depu ties bad kegan n sweeping lu lesligatioa Inin the affair* of wirnl slock brokerage k the mrk market, * u - V BUC PAGE'S * V ** U. S. Inlermediitry. Roy wAndertton. I.cuvrs For Final llandit Parley TBAOCHWANG. June X (By lb.- Associated l’re»* I— Roy Anderson. American intermediary, and the Cbl nesc government envoy* are leaving toe probable that even ! further participation would be granted by the committee at its meeting itot par co-mddent with the national election. The decision wifli respect to woman w« t said by Chairman Adfiqe. ■ # GOLD HIM) RO, N. CW HIT! ÜBAV tfOltMMi. 41 |», > . - * .... CONFAB IS ‘UP IN AIR’ ITISSAIDi L;,... -fc-'.i . Meeting of Many State) *LegiHluturen la Re ported To Be Grounds For Postponement MAY NOT BE HELD i UNTIL THE FALL H AMIINI.TOk Jate. fi.-The cua/errtMw us vlate gviemor " hlch Ihr "rrxideal luleiul* to call far a dltrwikw «f prwhlfil thin enforremeat aim be p*o»t. P««rd aalfl next fall. I At ,lke D fill# Haw»e lw4aj- || «»« -aid I that Ike eoNfereficr xi> "M.atc wteal up In tln< air" sad tfial fi dtfiuile anaoiiaeraieul would l»e lortbn.mlag next week. Although I‘resident IMxUag.teuU hoped to have the Governor* meet here before be leave* r error* against him. Most or the error* were on hard chance*. Summary: 3 l.ave hit: Keel; 2 ba.jc j lilt* Noblln. Afiani*; strike outs: | Noblin. 7, Rainwater. 13. walked b> Rain water, 3; Noblln none Umpire. Baird. No Indication of Baldness Here | I I W JEv ¥■ f : •JrMi W ]B H I I £'TISi w H alfr '•* T hgA ll Misses Marge Sultl\*a, Marie Klein and Minnie < Strom, employed. In $ • parking plant In (Tib'Ngn. wl»fi to tale Iwmeultli those who **»c.liHhliiendn&tMßbin a -Inm time The jrc**e« of all tlmi I'.UIIg Indies 111 Hie yloilegmidM l eitcli Ji|dow tllttlr kfitSTk. - I President Harding To Make a “Speechless” Trip to Dela. Cities * I WASHINGTON, June S. -t’regitlvnt Hardin# will make a ! ‘‘upeechktfir” trip to l>eluwttre tomorrow stopping At Dover. MH-I ford.‘and Lewia. With Mr«. Harding he will be the guest of Sen ator and Mrs. Ball. At Milford the Chief Kxecutive will lie initi-, a ted into the talf cedarg of !>ebanon, a brunch of Mg»umrv. Thirl>re»ident% party will include StereUry and Mr*. Chris-j tian. Braigadier General SaVyer, Secretary of the Interior and 1 Mrs. Works, and Secretary Wallace. o' v ___ *'* * « I Fire Destroy* Hrundstand i Os HJchniond Bull (tub. j Hut Without Fatalitie* RICHMOND. June S Che dn*trny- : •si III" grandstand uiul otli«r build-! lug* at M*yo Island Pnrk here thin 1 jtfteraotir during the baseball ,-tanie' between Richmond mid -Partaototltlij of the Virginia league Spec ta tori* ut tin K-iine left the pork Innately ttuii no ruaiMniea were reported •• TOIIU t 0 sIKI AMM !* I (HIIKI. TO W AIM Tobacco grower* will lie interested In knowing that II \ VlcOe*. »; Oxford, who 1* roe nee lest with I lie Motfli CaroHlm Agricultural K*t«i. elon Service. :me compiled with ua received ami trip* made to a* many auction* of Ua> nu County aa po#«lti|i, while Mr. 1 McGee I* h«P* t.H AI.N t HOl’* HIM. HK SH AM. WASHINGTON. June * - The prin cipal grain cropa of the country will l»« smaller I Ills year than Inal with the exception of out* mid barley, ’ Iwitli of which have foeu pUuicd on larger acreage* than a, year ago. ac cord Dig to the department jif agricul ture's monthly report laamsl today' jfKX re|sirt» have b<-*, where we will tiutf i through- a detention |M>rtod of two week*. ibe children are eta mined from bend lo foot, going In Ibe how (dial every day nr two, where they u.e vacillated ngaiiiat the swveral • (.n.Higlo* diet.* Every one tell* U* that tin* I* the haideat purl of our stay' here The children are kept awdy from Ibe rdher children until detention la liver. All of t|le other children are ut echool no*. Ip fact, they go till ol the your around eg-* ccpt about two week* Ip summer IKniou and Hilly are In another • oitagc where there are nothing but boys, atm.it t)vj< block* away. They separate the girl* from the Imya lui-i .'mediately upon arrival Moth Itpve J . (Cou'lH'ied on lilts*l 'T ,« in '» MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS ... ■•mk nuc« riYk ccma NO DOUBT KONEAVE fljjlai *» (jjjyJjflMjjigJSiK, JL. ■ Mb V| f !^Mll|WWi|' Jf ; WMMnIWrBPw TOp/{ ■ m\ Ru TU 4|ig W * * v ►'l • • men Will Para«« Here Thuredny ‘jjjp,;', RECORD, IN A WAY, J_ APPROVES KLAH All doubt of Ibe Ku tyhit Mlpß kluve Mo* b*W b*rv - TOMjH& j»b«‘ u. »ar n-nifinrti iwhurtorß Hu* pub I trillion in the Uolfc^gftW •Uh hi- ofllrer iif it* if*. prevaiil K. ike KU*» Os n.mHi i nroHon will t *rado tfßß lK.ro on Thtirwdey, J«i*. Jgl®. - A |KN»ll>|r nopcon of tlßm MHlntloo b> thr Klnn u« It* rt-rimal to avruilt the OH MHO (till ground* by the nCfOfftA&fl hIiUIi wmk Inllmated bo KliiOMmun In an lot review •N«"» Imi week, wm a lap Mr Randolph In .1 Record - Klnli»o»rti of Kaatem Nio-ltMlHb ' I. Hi." be won noote.l a* uytalrSk; •on> 1 hat till* fair a»»K « Ilane. Uw-uhhbng Ht Itepa of Itamene In the 4bMr MM*. dog* not , (loop to boyentt or re tallntioa an *u Mnewed by» fecal p«- prr. inn on the contrary, bodtg «M>* poMbi nf puhlioepirtied. IngW «Md- > Miu.. MlevtagthM tb* toir 1m Wipe Uriel to the MOBimuatty. vIHsMk l*ort M with ail ibofr utreagth.'' Approval of the Ktaa. with adapt rower vat toe*. wan ctvea by .Tie Iwpt nrd la Hn etorp of the affpraaebiapt Koablavc S W*' *• ** M Wr dentre to ear that we are per minded In betigoe." The Record. de -Ilu re*, “(bat -'there are auuty atop ■aid nod ihme. |a tbe none of, t£» Kian. that they am la W* daJr rw ■iMNMlhle for Itor.iaeUaeft, tbe et*d tap oat of Much head lettem liar wm* am la 00 way -roaneotod with the order, hot under Ibt* gable. Apr the purpoee of reread# Os nther *iM. •We hare la adad a egpe wbare * man aet «apportion hU family r« velvet) » threatening letter pttrMfct* (PH to INHIW front the offtelai Khw. nnd eicaed *» *ncb. The latter bad the deelred effect, but the iftaa bad no knowledge of tbe letter being •eM out and bad autbblg at ail M do with It. "W# nr* not (apHUer enough with the object* uiyl puryUaem of tie pk d«r lo eay (Aadtlvely and dekpitoly jum whal It doe* ntaad f* hat If we are reliably Informed, tble or gunlKHtloa ha* Jtwt * mnab right |» exhd *» ha* (he dee one. Jailor*. Odd Fellow*, or any other order. , But this thing w« do ban*, that mmuc of our heat and mnet laknno tUl cltlsen* are nnonhor* ar tbe or der. and If tor no other renaan lhi* would cauae tw tn helldve that fffr prlnclplaa and object* were all right If they were not mae of the mm (hut we believe to he iweipber* wpull not renMln la the order and wnpid nop for a moment lie a parO to. nr wen rountMiiahce aay wrong dtfffhg Os nefartou* practice that wffabl ta»- er their moral aUndaade. or cad*l them to biueh with abeam. Were tbotr uct loa* mad# public. "be wo have betorv eUUa4 there mu* many thing* altr|b«|ad 10 ttb Ku Klnt Klan wMeb (W, |p , ' i us Pt** Tbrk4- U