. . • Large Crowds Greet Harding In Delaware *~" ■ . " ' ■*- "• 11 ■ 1 * T f " » • '--■ ' V » WEATHER VMr Hn4tr, lu4ai rWaS? aaS K MHMi prikaM; >li«rn la iat+Hwr •v ■'l -X-' ♦ , c ♦".** ' * "T" ■ ■ ' .fii.. i . -■ - 1 1 - ■ mi ll m«i iinm »i. COL. HVTCHiaSOa, WHO STOPPED GERMANS AT TPRES, HIRE Stroud's Sentence Reduced To 4 Months BAPTIST MINISTER TO PAY THE GIRL IN THE CASE FIVE THOUSAND He Alio Is Required To Pay A $l5O Fine And The Court Costs; Judge Hortop Praised By Local Attorneys 0 • » • A plea for merry yesterday won Rev. I. R. Stroud, Duplin „ j county Baptist minister, convicted of prostitution, a reduc tion in his sentence of 19 months on the roads, to three months on the road, one month in jail and a iiqe of $l5O and the court coats. Not, however, until his attorneys had shown Judge J. Lloyd Horton, who was presiding, that a settlement of $6,000 had been made to the girl in the case, "Mathilda Kennedy, and the submission of a statement from Dr. W. H. Cobb, of this city, declaring that in his opinion a long road sentence would seriously endanger the health of the Baptist minister. •tags* Harts*, *i» fwittrlD. ths *•*- 'fleetsrad hr was prompted to do to Sr three ctrcumnUneee, the dapendoncy of a wife and four chil dren upon the defendant, the condi tion of tIM defendant* health, and the fact that Stroud was convicted under a statute hut lately enacted. This statute forbid* the false regis tration at hotel* aa mao and wife for immoral purpose*. U * Yesterday'* proceeding* also net tled forever und unoit the $20.00*1 damage suit Instituted In Dupllu county by Brantley Kennedy, father of the girl. A petition urging a reduced pen county bar association, wa* read, flsl cttlsens of Duplin county, w read la support of the plea. Before the adjournment of court, yesterday, a high testimonial of Judge Horton's fitness and Judicial, temperament, passed by the Wayne county bar ussoclartlon. was read Signed by a committee composed of D. H. Bland. W. A. Dees. John D.l Langston and Judge W. 8. O'B Hob lason. the resolution was, as fol lows: “At a meeting of the Bar Associa tion of Wayne County on the Htb day of une. IAS. It was suggested that this waa the last term of court that' tha Hon. J. Lloyd Horton. Judge, will hold In this county during his pres ent riding of the 4th Judicial Dis trict; sod at the unanimous request of the entire bar of Wayne county,l the (oHottlng resolutions were adopt-' ed and ordered filed with the clerk of court, with dequeat that they be spread upon the minutes; ‘’First: Be It resolved that the un failing courtesy and splendid judi cial temheranbrat and ability of Hon J. Lloyd Horton, Judge, hi* aptness and accuracy In the dispatch of the court's business and his line sense of Justice, tempered with the quality of merry, he publicly recognised “flecoad Be It further resolved that the thanks of the bar of Wayne rounty be expressed to Judge liorion for the excellent service rendered by Liquor Now Outlawed On Both Land And Sea w 4MHIKIITO*. Jane It. (Hr IW AimHiM Ftwi.) -Brirrap linear that toaad aboard torflfi MerohaataM-a la Aawri / raa water* after M had krfi barr ed ft** Aaarlraa ««H hj the talataad AH aaw U oftirlallt drive* Hi I*l* % ape* Ml. Attar IW it rake *f aridalght aader re*a tot lean drafted A) IW TrMHir ItepartMeal I* Hake *f> Irrlive Ihr aMadatr ml (hr Ha prana ceart, there la h aabatae -o*l legal feat held tor alroholle drthks vrttMa the artodletlna ml • e*tl*eatol failed Wain a»h#rr ar attaal. i A wtodir at tha aara haw I, liViSl 1 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS him to the lawyjhi and people of this county while riding tigs JtMlclal District. "Third; Be It further resolved that a copy of tbeae resolutions lie fur nished to the pres sfur publication.” HERRICK DOW STMTS "BRUCH OF PROMISE " Allege* Hig Secretary Who He la Suing for $50,000 Prom laetlTo Marry Hint Washington. June » (By the Associated Press.) — Manuel Herrick, former Representative from Oklaho ma, who some months ago aired on the floor of the House some of his experiences In counship, added an other chapter to the story today by filing a breach of promise suit aguinnt his former Secretary. Mlm Kthelyn Tharan. He saka 150,000 /autage*. It was N on a complalntAtut he had annoyed Mis* ( baran on Ihe street that Herrick recently paid .a pollpe j court fine of $6. Aa on thatoccaslon he appeared today aa his own counsel and told the court that Miss f'hrane had promlaed to marry him "In the "presence o fcompetent witnesses ’’ I'. H. HUM SHIPS FROM SWEDE* ‘ BTOt'KHOLM. June ft- (Ily Ihe As-| soclsted Press.! —An order for two passenger molorshlps for Pacific t'oasl Service has been placed with n Gothenburg shipyard by an Anier-j can compuny. The, vessel* will been-j tlrely furnished and completed In Sweden. They will be of 3.00 ' tons J each und tllll have a speedof IK knots j un hour. „ Tbit la the first order e\er placed! In SwedOn by American firms for large sblpe. fired la (he retrataliont wat H»ea bp Treat nr) odlrlal. lodat t r*f»rrea»al." It aa« poiated eat. "to att rearer*. a Ilk prahlbilloa . (*a* Ikal tkr rrjralallne. In Ihr ■Hmf nf |hr BUirlllHr paarr« us Ihr world are t* hr applied a* a lllrral readier «| tlie- blrhe.l rMrt'a aplatoa will warraal. The **>r aairllerallag pruvl *k»a# are .Irletl) of ** raw-men* O and leaperarr rhararler. In • itmla* te»«»el- at i--j. wk«*» Ike etteHlf-JhNir arrive*. Mat fcrita " thethree *tih- lIMil Hn Ike la<t ilia, hat it ai-«; re. ■a!* aadrr *e*l aalll the hoatf »W hto »tailed. _ | TWELVE PAGES What Water and Flames Did to I ark. *“ I f" .uNHianlC Phutogrnpb shows the comer where a disastrous tire br.du- out and mjdcu to the heavy to|j of damage whan Hot Bprtnga, Ark., was swept by «.whl due to a cloudburst. Notu the wreckage >4 aulantobßts wiuch were le.rue sioag Ilk* boats on the crest of the food as It swept through the (triuclpal husioess streets Late Wire* Flashes GENERAL WOOD HITS ANOTHER TYPHOON MANILA, June 9—(By the Associated Press.k—.Gov ernor General I/Ponarti Wood today had hig second experience • a typhoon victim when his yacht was caught in Manila harbor by the storm and thrown high on a submerged breakwater. In May 1922, while Ixmrd the same vessel, he wwa driven to seek safety from a typhoon in one of the un-„ frequented island harbors. At that time fears were felt fur his safty. No damage wag done today. THREE MORE ROWAN BANKS CLOSE SALISBURY, June 9.—Three banks in Rowan county cloned their doors yesterday afternoon and today following the closing yesterday of the Peoples National llunl: of Sal isbury, The three bank* are the First National- Bank of Spencer, the Merchants and Farmers Bank of Granite "Quarry and the Bank of Rockwell. The Spencer institution will be able to pav ita obliga tion* in full, it wa* said today by W. G. Folger, National Bank examiner, but no statements as to the situation of the other hree could lie obained in authoritative quarter* here today, nor would banN of cent generally discuss the closing for the present. The Peoples National Bank,, it was announced by ita officers yesterday was closed because of withdrawal of de posit* following throwing of the Mecklenburg mill* into re* ceivership, as it,was explained that the bank had been in tered in financing the mills. The Peoples National Bank was capitalized at $100,900, the Spencer bank at $25,000, the Rockwell Institution at $7,000 and the Granite Quarry Bank at $5,000. HOGS CHEAPEST IN EIGHT YEARS , EAST ST. LOUIS, 111., June 9.—With a top price of $6.75 the 100 pounds today, lings were selling at tho na tional stock yard* knee cheaper than at any time in the lasi eight years, Heavy'receipts were ascribed -a* the cause. Approximately 2,186,000 head having been received k<» far this year as compared wit)) 1,629,000 for the concsjiouding (teriod last year. This time u year ago hogs were selling at an average > of $10.70 the 100 pounds. BIG REWARD FOR “DAINTY” BANDIT CHICAGD, June 9.—Reward totalling 15.1MM1, offered by two Chicago Masonic lodge*, spurred the authorities to day in their search for the girl bandit slayer of Richard C. Termer, prominent Chicago insurance'man. The two bulges met und appointed representative* to co-operate with the |>olice, announcing at the same time they plan to enlist the aid of associate organization through out the nation in the search. Two of the women suspect* in the police search for the woman bandit were eliminated today. One woman und two men remained in custody. V JAPS RE-ENFORCE PATROL •> a. . V r , u , <> TOKIO, June 9.—f(By the Associated. Press.)—Japun’s reply to China’s note of yesterday demanding un apology for of Chinese rioters l>y Japanese marines a 1 < hangali, province of Hunan, June J, ami Uic withdrawal of Japaquee gunboats from Changsha, waa the dispatch today of four destroyer* from the Saaebobs* to re-inforre the J* panose Patrol on the Yangtie river and the official state-. “ißpent that Japan was determined to defend the Jives and property of her nationals in China. o .... - <i • - n . o , x UOLIMRORO, MliltMM;, J| \i; uk duos ebi PRFIEOT HOIK MKEK-ffllM “ ip, »- Tn Member* «r Hi*' flirty It Seemed Thai Ntate Hofi d»v Wa* Declared IN SPITE OF PROMISE, "-- HE MAKES SPEECHES VII FOKIf, It.-lrt. Jim,! a ; ( jjy <h- tssiti Ju(<h) t’rcuH.) The heart of liclonarr nan opm | w . '**•> President uud hr*. llurd ««d an iilmo>t eeutinuue* mutton w»«« given fh»m h- Dirt I niters l M the slatr from Hllmiugfa to •he norlli lo south, n Mas u icreal du) for Delaware. . To member- of f|i«> President's I»nH.i ll seemed as tbonglr n -late j holldnj hull hr. a • dwlnrcd, and Hie enftrr- population of the cam j uionneallh hut ifnilnl |« the ; eltiel he ton ns, mid village*. *•'"1 elntiir the tojtdslde to war*' H greeting to the. t hies FxeriUlvc and the first ladycjf Hie land a* they |,n«‘<*d hjr mid vMte.l saute of the IIHIe fonn« which never , before In Ihrlr loa* history Und enlerlained a ('resident. \ ll wan a dnjr also for the rirsidcnf He reached Wilmington by in>ln from \Vn*htog|on~nhortly »firr n.ion reiterplrd the <lo< lunation nrute in cnlljfm •yesterday, that ho posit Ive ' ty would moke no ixldresife* during . the trip An hjv.if* oiler he tin t reach ed Wilmington. ni«ve«l by the reesp- Hon tendered him at h Innrheon rlv ••it hint tiy Hie Young M. n » Rennldl cin etui, be was masc lug a'KPeeeh ix )>l ilnlnr. ihit no inuii could .remain ■ liiinti In the flic- of m il n J»‘lemn» Other U'ihlib. followed before hi hoarded the l*roakkn»l»l yg't-'hl. May (lo'illn . .it * n pn ;<• 1) BASEBALL RESULTS ,IH I |,.l tasss I . ol‘ A, I t.enrgia Tech I. lIHKWI IHehnion.l IW. NrlxiWiilh 11, Norfolk £, W4»«on 3 (DManinfP-l. Peler-burg 11, Itoefc? Mould IL SMITH (TFAKTH’i SpHiiiinhnrc 7-4, Uffidl jS»7. I olnnil.ln 1-1. I.rveiitllle Jp-U. M.irou 1. I'harlot to 7, ff ,v WM rilllMKT II IwlM-liilea IN Raleigh 13. t,rera»l*or* ll'.b Point Ml, | hunt Hie I. hiirliiiw 11. iMI If it \N " ;.j. ,| New Tori 3, t lei elaN.I It. I'hllodclphla «. IMroll S. Aitkin ii, l hie ago t, iholiiu 3, W ashlnirl-in I. Ht. Louis o, ( ii)elhnatr I? t hiladelphiu J. » ITlMinrg tt, New Vork A. I ntw nit.iin Birmingham 1. Whirl* 11, Kgshvllte L ( halUum'g.t H. Men Orleans 1 Memphis t (t ailed la 7th oa arm mil of rulaj, j Mobile t, I,lt tie Hack Jk TWI.I.VE PAGSM I BILLET MATES DURING WAR, BRITISH HERO IS GUEST MAJOR PIERCE i ' • i Adjutant General Van Mett* and Col. Mannings and Other* Here Today to Welcome l)i*tingui*hed Guest One oh he cut#Uiinli up horoea of th* World War. Lt,- . ( nioin I Graham Scion Hutchinaoß, who stopped the German advaitre at the Belgium forrteajt. who la a x-gmlldpte for momber of I’arlicmantwith every prospect of being elect cd, will be the (Nstjnguihhed gueat of Goldsboro today and Monday. At riving on an early afternoon train, (’id. Hutchinaoo will I** the guest of Major W. W. Pierce, commanding ofll ct r of the 115th Machine Gun Batallion, who waa billeted with him in France, and who with h|a troops received his preliminary training under Col. Hutchinson. Former war nun rides and admlr- Hiv. Uni J. Van Matte, Adjutant Uen «ra) of thr North Carolina stem »di»n: Uutdea dmllb and <’nl l.um ti.. 11 Mum.ing * 111 llkawl*# li-‘ ihe *a«'st* of Mujor Pl*rcp. amt trill make the auty of f’ol. Itatchtaaon unjoyailjH with rhetr rrmtnlfroa#* of ihe around Ypraa. - ’ Although Major Mere* did not loarn until yeatarday afternoon of the exert Out* ®f the arrival of Col KuLrbininn Irt Uoldsboio, an alubo rate proa ram is twins arranged la honor of bln visit, including an old- Ualiiwned luutvra North (’aroliux hartiecue liy tba local po*U of the American legion ‘ ('of. liutthlnron la In Aniarlca rep* reaouling the lanuton Kx* osciß iii ~ SAVED FROM m MB me JERSEY; Cat Halim and Java Combine To, De Violence To Baptist nrtd KlanHnuin »• WAS SAVED BY TIMELY * POUC EINTERVENTION t a. • f : K>:vv YORK. June 9—Tha Rev. O*. ear HaytrnOd, »bo came from (ha South its an prxapfser lor the Kti Klui Klaii. wan anved from certain Injury uud poaalhle death laat night by three I'crtb Amltoy idotcenien, no enriling to a atory appaurlng In the \e* \m t; Tril.inic The trio, a aaij-' scant, a pntrolmun and u khakl-clad mototry. le pttlrolman. blocked ,n narrow paaimfeu in Uie Junior (fliill Hull at.lVrth Amboy, N. J, and held I mob of 500 In lii rtaled aoti-Klan rioter* at bay with night atlcka and on** revolver. Mr. Hay woo'd, thus protected, nmde a haaty exit from’ the ball and dluippcured Into thej ■lurkness. The Klan ineetMig at which, ha wag to be tbe chief apeaker waa ul allilimed. . I The I‘nrth Amtioy meeting wag an-' nountNl on Sunday from the "pulpit j of u ehttfch at Mount Pleaganl. N. j J.. by a h.Mided Klanamau who tn-1 [ vlted nil thoga present to attend; what be aald would be "a very lni-j pot tovit meeting ” ... The Junior ‘f lub hull |g at 15S' rtn.it i» Hi res. t, I*erth Amboy, at lb«J iniers.cllon of Smith Slid* Hobart' atrerlg. dhiHh street 1* ige toWu'aj ; principal thorough far*. The Imtldlng *ls of brick, two stoiles high and! j rciM'bed by a stairway of av^ragi width, whieh leads lo a narrow pna j •*»*» In wlilah not morn than Ihrae men might walk uhiegst. , Crowding The meeting waa timed to! lieglh at eight o'etek. At that hour there waa Inside tha • hull a group of .bout 100 Kfanaman and Mr Haywood, fhitahle ware 500 J iiTigry. moat of them young, who d|- tided I heme I veil Into two groups, one of which devoted Ityflf Jo dt*- I tU’tslon of the Ku Klux Klan’s alleg »d auli-Cn(holi« actlvltlea, and the icon tinned on pagv I) MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS n , elmnge HI Uie convention SAi A»* ; ho 4 Hit| Ailwriiainu » eWorld, slated for «n iIK Mpt''tt* Atlantic City. N. l ike a romance reaita Ibis soldier i*f tba Tblrty-teraa yea«( <ST W m educated at Bred (laid I ’«()••», Jt r ' Ii u A. Wool* i nterwd'tßs army In ISM. tarring In EjSijL. Huduic and India; algo colonial Offlce In Rhodatiii tral ATrlca (luring th* |hßw' be served with an Infant In Kranee from CVtobtes‘Pf»lj| j3* June. 1919. during .t|*‘ HK’ >curs or Which ha ooMhandttf a ba»- Ullon He received the l> B. O. tad followed by eta/'tSl )Sik Ueaeral Borvtca Medal mm* Modal. Croix da Ooerra. mi Mir l.cglou of Honor, iietng nmr Rg|g montioned In dlsputrliaa. .hm| MM» «iminted As at mn.er of IM|| |« ryll and Hutherland Hl4Bfenk r "lon«l Hutchinson »ag a pteagog ag the Machine (inn Corpa, anl -SUL • buted greatly to l|a rueeba uteal ggf ' tactical Improvement.' After the war, political aapipMlg ! activities ensued la Brotlandc "Ko It ' v : chiiimiun of the Old Aaeorlotlon. amt waa a mK«| Hie executive conncil of the WBESEt' federation of ex-aervtcg men'a , (lailona. and bag alwayn ttfltldl) devoted himuolf to the causa iW tM cx-aervtog man. Amongat otitwr puiT lie services he waa eeaeclally em plnyed under the foreign ofSce aa secretary and aide-de-camp to tba 0 lirlllah ('onin'ilaaioner In Uppar 81- leala; and later yrent en a special mission lo the Ueaoa conference In 1921 Lt-Cot. Hutchinson entered commerce and enrly In IHW organlx ed and built up hie own business, later amnlagntlng with a well-known old established business of which be la now tee city dlrwctor. He is n practical huaineaa Mac. engaged | B devising and In the cdhdnct of'tell ing schemes for Britteb manntertur- ' cd an Idea at home abroad. That he la a Fellow of the Royal Heographleal Hoc let y. and gJno of the Royal i olmtlal Institute, ti an Ihdl isilon of the Colooal'c apeclal Inter eau. He haa traveled extensively la Hoi many, rrnacc. and Poland. In tha covt und Australia and Africa, of which countxhw he has an iatlmnta knowledge. Ilngulatlc. economic, and Mltlcal As honorary treasurer of the Federation das koto I tee de lAl lluacc Franc else at Royaume I'ni. he com#* in contect with the French al liea i>| Ureal Britain and America, s. He . ha* publlnbcd two biatcrlcnl worha. served aa a special corres pondent, and U a regular newspaper 1 correspondent. . For many years he has taken n keen Interest In social reform, and especially clubs for working bags la i/Htdon, with whose activities he has I been closely -associated, being g dis trict com mine loner ror the "Boy Scouts' Amoclelton. o|, llutrhlnson married la ItM, r Mrs Hutchinson, th* only daughter of Mr. r. H Durham, at Harrow Weald, served during the war la the Uuiih Middlesex Royal Red Crwee De tachment aa a nurse treat 1911 to I9I« eighteen months of which she T “* “• •'"“ M riucK nnt ccm

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