Community Building Urged By Colonel Hutchinson WEATHER I (Ml IkmMkkturn Wf4»n*t}i I ftwifcr pertlj dandy. rOLIUK TW4»r-*4 MI»KM « FOREIGN CAPTIVES ARE RELEASH) BY THE CHINESE RUSMII KKIMBB HE WED n ,pRUm GUEST J rth CeroMna’* Greatnet* Ih , 1 Eulogised By The Famous m, Fighter FAYS TRIBUTE TO THE THIRTIETH DIVISION / By EMMA R. KI*W ABDH 0> „ Ad enthusiastic Goldsboro audience kud the privilege oX hearing a echo tarty wgJHafornuW English army of flmr talk on paat-war problem*. and •bop* particularly the relation of America ami the British Bpiplre. ■when LI. Colonel Graham, Set on Hut chlaon of London, spoke last ntshtlat »:W o'clock at the CoUifiy court house: **• I J w «f ll,n »on c«nm lo Goldsboro al the Invitation of Major w u £2 of tbls clty whomT. mlu.ld ■oapht beside In France During his ■Uy hero he Is the guest of Major and * r *’ p,<rc « their home on North ■womb afreet. He was prevailed up «• ay the civic organ I rat lona of the city to deliver a public addrosa. The distinguished visitor.came to America with a delegation of 111 Brit l*h business and profession men who fiat In convention with Americans lust week In Atlantic City for the nur (faggot promoting friendly relations between the t’nltrd Htatesand the. “mht isr country’ From Utautfc City the delegation went to Washing foil wherethey were , -’Ccd by "icaMeut Harding. Ne* n *•»»..? of .American business mci oftt m<rt •% a nlmtUt joWetos In Am**& x ‘-*‘ H *oi. Hutchinson rhntan' Ills ap from this inotiiwm L* fire* Vi tv*! the courtroom ‘fit ' ty English. ». ,< * , l- w iplc*- krhthlo show Mi 11 <•*11 n 'e ■* he •Ac" though hb wss ngreehly nonchalant during hi* short Informnl talk which brought many' n laugh nud much spontaneous applause. * ° • A feature of the gathering was the eatry of the American Legfon. Wayne Foot, the hoy* clad «lri khaki and marching by twoe to the seats re served for them. Following came also the girl scouts In uniform; the boy scoots being absent at camp, did not appear. ° The speaker was Introduced by Her Peter Mclntyre who remarked j that last night's occasion was remi niscent of war days, when men from other countries came to talk with us Her. Mclntyre referred to Col. Hutch inson as a Scotchman by birth, a sol dier by training, sod u friend to America through contact with'After kaa soldiers In Frame Col. Hutchinson told of hid' .unlive In coming to America, his friendship •llh Major Peirce; Mid the routing Os some niovHi-llrtlon notions ho hiul, entertained regarding' Westerner*, southerneia and other nutlve Ameri cans. Hla subject "Pont War Prob lems'' be approached by saying mod ostly that he wss bis own post-war problem, not knowing what to do af ter tbs signing' of the armistice, since be bed been fittod from early manhood for the fighting profession Col. Hutchinson la now engirkeri In the advertising business. Touching upon the eonlhtl relation ship of the British end American troops In France, he snld'?ty¥ the Brst Impression of the Tar lleela of s®th Division wan that they were thd Isrgest men Itt the tightest trous ers and the smallest hnta that Europo had ever seen. On further acquatn , tunc* , however, tha), Improsshra was somewhat modified and 'tfiFs Ain»»**~ cans were found to JLae*s thfsblggeat hearts of any mefc the KngUni hud ever met. They chummed together, exchanging beer, cigarettes. and chewing gum. the latter habit having m mttPduced by the Americana. Hi English regiment of which rot. gjHLmgMi was in command wa* ds tactofto instruct the men of the goth Division In various -»ru*y tactics. These early British soldiers were gen tlemen born, and bred, nnd had not uSmri their mathOds of wartuie In <>t hard knocks. h.n<-e the *3C». *«* At the English could leach them. Yores they fpught aide hy *M«\ u*t*- sro3n« them the Hlndenhur. lima, friend, fighting two ndle* anart and never learning of the oth .JT whereabout- until compared fMo l,ur Th,a " * the ertajs and the end came speedily, though many fighters were leß on tbs tCpgttuod uu fagt T*»u) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BU PAGES « Late Wire Flashes BABE GETS I.TTH HOMER NEW YORK; Jmn~4*—Babe Ruth hit his thirteenth home-run of the season today in the Jurat inning of the game between Cleveland and New the Yankee Stadium. * WET LEADERS WIN VICTORY SPRINGFIELD, His., June 12. (By the Associated , - Press.)—Wet forces in the Illinois Legislature today sue-- ceeded in gotting the O’Connor-O’Grady repeal off the speak er's table in the House and place on second reading. The vote, wag 78 to 70. * - The bill repeals all state prohibition acts, subject to a popular referendum. Dry forces discounted the wet victory, declaring that the bill will die on second reading. > INDICT COTTON COMPRESS MAN MACON, June 12.—Walter A. Harris, leading counsel for Richard F. Willingham, indicted yesterday by the Bibb ‘ county grand jury on a charge of in which it is jAllcifcd that he forged warehouse cotton receipts for 219,. bales of cotton, stated today that Willingham "had been noitied of the indictment by wire and would arrive in Ma con tomorrow from Winston-Salem, whert he now ig in business. * Upon arrival, he is expected to arrange bond for the new indictment containing five counts."" The value of the 219 bales of cotton is estimated at $43,000. The receipts were drawn ugainst the shippers cym - pressg company, and it is charged dated more than six months prior to the time of the discovery of discrepancies, in tjie accounts of Willingham, and were used hy him in ob taining funds from local and Atlanta banks. The funds, ac cording to claims of officers of the company, were used by Willingham for his personal use. v ~ _ • * HARDING MAY SEEK CHANGE IN DRY LAW WASHINGTON. June 12.—There were increasing in dications in high official circles here today that President Harding knight ask Congress, when it n-gaaembles next fab to modify thu prohibition law as it affects the carrying gLlilWP* foreign-.vowels m American waters. RAISED MONEY ORDER. IS CHARGE CHARLOTTE. June 12.—Sanford E. Griggs, local au “ tomoblle salesman, was bound over to Octolier term of fed eral court, after a hearing today before U. S. Commissioner J. W. Cobb, on a charge of forging money orders. It was charged that Ke raised a small order to SIOO. He gave bbnd of SSOO. Briggs is a native of Anson county. * V., , -| -n- o'. IOWA TO AID N. Y. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE » .1188 MOINES, la.. June 12.—The resources, money, time and personnel of the lowa Anti-Saloon League have been placed at the disposal of Superintendent Anderson, of the New York League, to "help enforce the constitution of the United States in New York.” SIOO,OOO Fire In Kinston; Loss Is Partly Covered .. ~, #•« hIAHTOY, . Jane IS. _ Fire which started appumitly In the roar of the brick hulldlug occu pied bj DawMin ami l o. lair to day romplrlel) destroyed Ibe con teals of Ihe eallre Malilfau, JJvc fire appeared *• daagrruus us Mills Kite hi n Rejects Offer Os Father’s Seat „ * '* , 4 , yI . * v }* : i jkl M'» , t 1 ' 1 1 t i. 4 n H H t p K n * 9 5 L* « The second district otngrcs* slwiial committer, wectlii* In H«ck; Nun lit last night, offered tin* lOukri-M*>lt>iiml sest <•( t'laudc Kltrkin In hi- son. Mill. Kilchin, lull tin* offer na* declined, i While Ha slate.unit could ••<* MTiiml lant idabt, it am snJd thnt lulldk Kilchin In declining the honor, appreciated the lart that the action on the |Nirt of the'cotamittcc one oac nl eourtr») to the lamll* of the Inlc minor. It; lender. Thr offer, of coarse, nan far the late I encressnitiit’* unexpfreN lerin. willing «f the com hi 11 tee' In srhi-dulcd Inn weeks hewer, at nhleb all artlir and p run peril «e eaudldate* far Ike , ni>mf list lon wilt be a iked to at lead, it this meeting it in ex pected that aprecnieal* govern l»6 Ufa tufffavt far 'mUl Ufa . 4 * ... UOLPMIokp, I. C* if i:i»> F.xl* IV HOK|(]MV 'a. ’ ** lo raasr aaloaiolilles from aecr by garages la be removed, and drew large crowds to the scree. The fire v»a» discovered ul a few infinites of 7 o'clock. Damage abnaf 9HMMMW. M I s iwflmeled. Im-hrunic enters fifty |o r rent us Ibe lots. o 9 * f '-'-W- 1 "• and fang term, will lie reached, Hn fgr, the only avowed can didate l« Judge Kerr. i»f tTH or NR JINNKTr' June .tinned of Grantham town ship. died here Saturday at the Gnlilaboro hoaltal In kla slth ysnr He was a brother of Mrs. c Hperarad. Mrs. William I'earson. and Mrs. Willard Ntevens. and Messrs. | Kxru W Jlnneit, and iMvld H. Jin | nett. He Is also sural veil fa s heart - broken wife and mother and Ibo fol lowlna children: William. Richard Olivo, ffarah. and Isaliella Jlnwett. He wa» a da voted mtmbcrtif Iteth ; *• ny Krinnd Church. at *h|ck Ids fun eral was conducted by He*. 1 l. Jones. Goldsboro, and Kev. Urtusu# of Rosewood The funeral wa* held at t.'JO p m. and the Interment waa made In t'fae family plot Ip Ufa earns •erf *t btUteuf Bulgarian Army Is Preparing to Punish Usurpers PAKIB, June It,- till Ibv Amo rl«tv«l Pro**.) —A Bultdplau %olun-| iror urmy. now uumherlnK 1N.04p.j Men. and naadlly lueruuMn* in «Im. J I* prvp«rlQg to :>ani«t> «i tmurper*. M>* « Mt*l»ment (tvvnlout bytlbo' Bulgarian legion livr* L-I.ij uuni marlatng A aperial Ul*i>,\lli Irotu l)i« Bulgarian rjilnlatt, at iKtttv The. ftUilvnH'iit add* that ihcgt troop* atk. guatdnlg the frontlea and lubuMat oC Sofia V r,r rrr, Rain Blasts Hope Os Klan For Big Attendance <r 1 " - Knim vs the |ta*l Jan duj» j k«»e blaatcd the hapro n( local Klan>-mt n of au altvudauhe here al their fconhlatr touMil of tin- IhuDKand robed. hWik'i. i. It wa« gn-dleled l.i-l nlari how r*rr, that Ike attoalliiee wMI am re Ihnn enual Ikal of an; oilier kina «alkrriitf; rw held ik Ikh »erllo«. a ==========4=-=-- MA YOR BAIN IS SPEAKER ~X HIGH POINT BAPTIST MKEI j HIGH ■dMM.VT. JuaMki —ißy tha Aaaoclatad Praaa.)—Firteen hundrad delegates from all iiart* of North Carolina are ei|>actod to u|ten<f the annual Bap|l*t Young Peoples iinlori convention, anirh will meet here Ihursday night, Juiw |9, end continue through Tburaday night. Tbl» convention. It h, dmlnrtjd. hi tnor* largely attended tlmn any olliet maatlng of Balplsta In fbl* elate and among tboen who ara to be preeenl will h* many of the moat active work er* In the denomination Elaborate preparation* have bean made in High Point to taka rare us the visitor* *od they.will be enter tained generously -One or the feature* of the social program will be an ex cursion to' TbauinavtHw to give ahe hundreds of young people an oppor tunity to see the Thomas*ille lia|if:*t orphanage. The excursion will be ten dered by the Young People of the tHjr Member* of the prog rain commit-, lec said the program ibl* year I* the strongest of off of the previous 13 j presented at conventions. Dr John Je ter. s>t Wilmington. 'he convention nermon “on Tuesday uilk 1 . June 1». Df. J M."Kaatar. of hlch nrond. la alao on, the program for an address - v Following I* the complete pro .grutu: I Tuesday evening. President. Gary < Pridgen presiding. g Couvcufkin singing. Ilorncc B Kuson. leaddr 8.-Around the Attar F P Ijion. Durham w B:2* ■ "We’rti Glad to »< « ' 0,1 Fred H. Tate. High P"*" 1 ' g.}s "We're Glad to l'*e Herd. Walter B- "Gllnioro. Harford, g. 40—I'nrollment of delegates g 4r»--Violin duet. Miss Katherine Gibb*. Mars I DU. Mlsa lUtli Howl. Asheville - Wednesday morning. Mr.» • > loirkay presiding. 9 3d - Singing. Mr Faveom primid leg it * 10- Around flic All*,. 'Us* A'.l.. f'hltly. Murfrc«»iKftl» leader One Thing I Do.' J. H lUM-kery, Durham - 10:10“ K|>ecl*l music. Ondiat.ugc gug rut 10:15—"Kcho,* from Currituck to t.'heroke*" HAgai II Bain, (kvldglvom VIRGINIA DEFEA TS CAROLINA FOR FIRST TIME IN THREE Years l|Um faU*lr JMf IJ. The | t.alvrnvlty of TlfaMi Iffafaphi d her* Ihfa alterwoew hr tb fail j i Tm sHTr? «*'•»?». M. Datalof, who la In direct much with the Varnar, Bulga run Black dak Port- urged thd i Purls legation not I oaxocnt* order* reoelvad froui !bo 111, 4al ymwrnnmnt. ' which H eatabllahad only at sup ported hy a handful of aWaiitiirara, According lo the ll re population rafuaas lo recovalcsTVtyrtlHk* <*j4ha nevt>- ltmoaliito. and* Bblta la l*i>dh*il froui tlyn rant of the catintry H «l „ ——_‘*ikdL ■ —- Plan* far Ibe day were said la larMd a hario euiv, foliaw lag obkh lhe Elaasmea, garbed la Ike regulig Os like nrdar, would parade Ike principal af Goldsharc; TkK he held on ' Granfhkfifbi ■ t«d|| ad )«« eal la Ihe fgHi'ljrivhudW '^ ■ _ -j'gmk jf , r»:SW- -t'WTewttfTW *hi««ng. *> 1 fo;6s—More echoes 11:11—The Aaaoriaikmul a Y. I* If., opea fprum. * ? j Medltalion. Dr J. 8. Harda way. " edneaduy nrtwrnoim. C Warren presiding 3:3o—Convention singing. Mr. Em»- ow leader 2: fO—Around the allar. Joe Haai mlok. Korea! City. 3:50-Mlacellsneou* biiHlne**. ’{ 3:00—“A Bummona for Junior and I Intermediate lender*," Klma 1.. Kara how. 3:30—"Behold ibe Master Paaaetb 1 by." Alvin Moore. Biftvard. 3:2s—Conferences; rbllera B Y. P U*. Junior and Intm madlote*. 4:40 Medltatldn. Dr. J 8. Harda way. ' Wednesday evening. J. t). Perry, proaldlng. 1 s i* *:Wk -Convention singing. Mr. Kas oni leuder IF.ll—Around the altkr. Mia* Utu Mae Cblnnls. Phoanlc * g:JS "» hina'* Call" R*v D W. Herring. Chengchow. Chip*. j s:ss—"The old Rugged Crow." Mrt. | (billion Braui. Kalfotig, China i 9:00 — M Our World Op|M»rtu«lUaa," | Dr J >P Keatar. Richmond. Va *• i Thursday mornta*. t S 30— "Be 84111 and Know." o | o:4s—Hannon. Dr Charles U < (lroave*. Rntelgh t ,5 •>: 30—ConventIon singing. Mr kdM- j om leuder * i 9:40 -Around Ihf Allar. Paul Caa«k- | 111. North Wllkahoro 9 60 "Putting Variety Into Ihe Bi ble Drill. Mias Kill* Wllheraon. Mar* , 1111 l - Hio6 —''Every Member A D-." Mia* Maina Volger. Wlnalon Balcm , 10:25- "Points for Emphasis." Par-, ( ly Morgan. Raleigh. 11:00. MUSIC. , *« II;05- "The Best 'None Ton timid," ttev. J 8. h’arnrnr. Raleigh 11:36 Our Recorder, *’• IJ :50 "ChrtAllan tHtlenshlp,' Jndg* W. A Iwvln. Oxford. Thursday afV»moon. Mrs Jo# w, ( Veatay. presiding 2:30 Convention rlnirlng. Mr. Kf*- otu leuder. 2:10 Around thw A)1»r. -Miss Rer nlc« lf*ry. tTxford v l 2*,6o—Conlsrences: Benlors. »un ri on Ilnur,l on Cirrte Tree I ■ ■■ *i» - ' ;;***. (I neurr. Mrnrr b) VlrtU|«i 4 rttm** H klt«, 1 rrrvr. r ß mlliui a HIM, mMK 1 MN. MB'rtr* ***. ■•Ha* *4 IVrt.i. J ir. T »m «>4 . , A * SIX PAiUIS FOOD, CLOTHING AND BATHS AWAIT LAST# 27 TRAIN PRISONS! * Ly . • • 1 Special Train, SUndinf on the Tbcip to After tHa '"'XT TSACHWANQ. Jufo 12—(By thg ~ K, ‘ fht »>e««bbf m«n, f<»«r yJ AAnt aJ>S»S> "‘I tManty.«ev»H fortlgn ptiuoagra eMfkuM# te Chmeau Lgruiits from the Sliatighki fSiiifl iSgi aS Suchuw M*y d, arrived «t the Tuntr-Hging Mim nZ ' Trachwgng this afternoon. They arc,- down the mountsinfide from thdr mkm in the temple of the clouda on PosUuku mouißkihs iT(B> uTich on donkeys and some walking with gn escort of gsi|Hjl, At the mine compcHiiNi they saw the last ot ißifranjiH honte and were joyfully greeted by relatives sarf fUfaftt who )iad gut he red to welcome them. Bkth*. clothlwfMi food were ewuiting them uud on s railroad aiding stoofl spcctbl truin ready to take them to Tsachwaag. 14 Is vs period that all itt the at- I(mliman said to klii Ytrsm MK yrlty of the sight will proceed to %k. sohjwt. wga fcoSUT 3T Shanghai. Th# etoalua Kcfßo of tb# elx and •] half wtdti of the imgottaUonK for Mm prlaoaera‘ tsleaae W*e- »Uged with all Mi« t hineae lor* of form alfty Thr tinge waa ih# of Tilltbu. 16 mrte* from Taehwang uatl twn mile* daws the utounuinakl# far frofi lb* Km pi* In tb# clouds. In the center of group of bandit c b tafia a* and ofßetal* stood Oaf Mm il 11 a .mm a » - - t' —_ m . * ' ICIfW 11, AlMrivMt *9QI »Wl4lMlp W*il wCSttiry of the^mßliw***#iV lh« Pekin (uirnmni Armed with a oamaataatoaar aa par .aonal repneiteniatte* of powerful military leader* n|''China,. uau m •*•*">* authority.fa**) Ta*o to put up lb* aunmate* deanaadad bp the brigand*. Xnder.up opened tba Baal **aaloß. v ***»•••■ band Up an ib baring aura thaa on* thousand delayed amt rob bad lb* shnugbal Peklag Kapraa* oa Uie Tlenatain• I'llkoa Railroad aoar duijioa .art) »uud*y moratng. Mny d Tha outlaw* Brad through lb* window* of nil into u, intimidate Ifc* poaaengara. and oa* Bum. Joseph ■raSr" FEU Ml Jiff Former Soldier To A* Trt.a For Use For Hlayii« Hl* i' Coiin^i JMI.KIOH. June II -Tb# grand )ory la IT„.Ud Bum, dl.irlct court ralumdd aa lodlctmanl for marker rriSf • gradual. of ir r!? M,r - f rbte "#» “•*“ * '®r «for •obiter. »bo la charged with ofcoktac to death Aageffo Kaaarle. * private soldier on tb* Kuri Bragg r*»- # rial ion near KapetlavllU In Auguat. inti. Hurt, who la now at tba artuy Pool aarvlng a four year neataacc tor i!»ydlo# will be taken Into niaiody by |f» ft Marshall Hard and the trial wIM be held tn fteptember la Kayatta- Illl* under a tat iik which pro > idea murdr tnaea ahall betrled lh rouatles where the offn* la commuted. According to tba Informality avail able here today. Hurt, who .iltbough h departer. w»» baaglag about Port Bragg. golag uot to (be camp at albl. Kollo*in a big crap amaon pay day la which liana ris waa a lara winner. It laallaged that Hurt chdked Kkba” la tn daatb with bia beN la order to inlUm the wtnulga. The body wa* bidden n*ar a ntudluin where It wua dlecnveml a weak lalur. nCHBBUT Itaaillle «. Italrlak 4. High l«lnt I. Hln.fon Malrta K ■ Uurhaai-I.reeaeborn, rala. HOI*! ATI.4XTIC Aagpofa It lireeavllle *. Colombia M. t hailolte 4* Hama-Sparta abort, wet gronad*. rwQim t, Peterwbarg *. Other iumm, rala. tMKKH'AK Washington I, M. I.aal> B. , Philadelphia UrtraM X Xew Turk 4. rieielaada. Nmdaa W. i'hfrow* 4. | lATIIIIUI. i r* 4. Xew ferfc *. • t fcleag.. It, Baataa 11. Clartnaatl-Philadelphia. rala. , *4. 4, MEMBER O# 8 . ASSOCIATED PMBE .- i ’ * O' 7 ' ‘-'T' fW 'XLT‘ ,T * nucs FfTft qM|' iliii foreign i aignt^Vtjf»^;- *t from their bertlkf i burden were >, n..d thrir wa, h I rail, a* baetlhey -||ti , | VI In nit dtt» »i!. br«. uommi kEmZMSKw reI lined to aciiipt fnHN&tfTaV "'t*'-' • uitNl on ivtaniuing wB l .r. band Hr* Vgre* dW tallow In* i4|>itv*e I*gWdw2| freedom ui w.rkm* ISbS - . Berube, dbenghnl; \fo^a/ Allen. If .‘-r *on» of Major. Allen from the i*i»rl tbe hgndMt'tf laa 'elk or a ranaotn In m^apltß^l' « njiiue* That laud many K (but Ibe train holdup *«* i.ihk were the jeoulb'lß■ felled plot tnlttgatgd' ar‘.wOb xor'h I'hiM. poltncaJ t begging aa 4atdrmM«Ml mag mlyelun bai booa laMgiyjS^ “» well *<• Other phapM After week* of brigand* *ent out cdrtatn at .CjS* oner* with ’'terms.” j^E< : »t (be remaining capMfiyfft Mafly wa* agreed betweeg (he 4MN|IS and the ootUwe that KfUffb were to he aarolled Iff UU CWBpM army and given alx mm** »Ndt pay which they cUiafod Lwga.da* them w hen that waa jffji tie Jtf law* etatad. they the prbmaey*. ,■ « . „ 1} i atloaa. the outlaw* fmUd,f|j» th* China** troop* jghfiwT fop* tbe Vlclahy of th* fdHtfmllmd, guartara. tb real* stag pa«mMP'WAhl 'if Ibe If , wadpt foreign captive* w«ir% .aafKagET tb« brigand* burled k L-JUMMy 181 < hlne.e prlaonere avar. ihg/fpie The train boldap aid tiiif'dpi uiotieed almost a* Ibroughout the world M M.itT ■ BMMeafod . 3t\ eneTrbemmaf corps at Peklag eervad agA(ge -ar eaptlvas muat aot *• tumwedj^d bad beea rclraaaJ^^^^S^H^ ima.ilt* r wop pa ( H , . loata of I** d*loa^^||^^^L

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