Konklave Is To Get ofnder Way Early Tonight [WEATHER W» ft w«n»r fa Ik* **rth m Mltea ttoatl* northern .M h this t#t» Minus it n. LOCAL KLAN LEADERS EXPECTING A LARGE CROWD OF KNIGHTS 0 jPsrade \Vfl) Start Somewhere and End Some where- Ceremony Will Probably Be P at Gr*nth*in’g\J*ot ■ mu' to— * ' So far mo it can be ascertained the members of the Ku Kiux Klah in this section of the State are gathering here today. Jt i« understood that the local Klan has made ar rangements for the entertainment oftlie visiting Klansmen. * A Klan ceremony, or initiation will be staged sometime during the day or night on Grantham’s lot near the fpir grounds and will no doubt be witnefesed by many people who are very curious about what sort of ceremony the Klan comb through. • ’ v A parade will start somewhere and end somewhere, but the mystery of where and where to remains to be seen. Very likely Center Street will see the white hooded knights parade and of course that means everybody in town will aae it. Goldsboro, from all reports, is ail agog over the com ing of the Klansmen, and about all the conversation one hears relates to the coming of the mystery men. Its practically a settled fact if it isn’t raining too hard, that Goldsboro will see a long line of white hooded men go silently, or otherwise, down the principal streets of the ~ tX c.iy„ It is generally understood that knights of the e wlflte robe were arriving yesterday afternoon and last night. * A. great number are expected to com« into town this morn ing and by noon the city will be the host of an exceedingly large number of the now famous Ku Klux Klan. ■ar ,rnn, ■ iVi t l y ■■■ ■I' :: ■ 1 : j.-■ = RALEIGH. Jus* nummary ot agrtcultUraf'Rbrfc In North Caro v lias, sbowlhf MMH* reasons why-thin Btst* has advanced In vatu* of her agricultural products, and showing a record of tboa* to whqpi this pbuac at th# auto's activity has been en trusted. I* th* wsy in which Director B. W. Kilgore character!*** the Eighth Annual Report of the Exten sion Service of th* State College und Detriment of Agriculture. The report has Just been received from the prtgter and la now being distributed. It contains a total of Si! pages, la Illustrated with varinua half tone* Illustrating different phas es of extension.wort. containing sum- Marie* of ihsultp secured by the var tou« extension workers of the college nod department Conttnulng. Mr. Kilgore said: -Or ganised agricultural work la carried an In-17 countries where white farm agents aro nt work, in 63 counties where organised work with women and girts la being conducted, and In l# count lei whore negro local agents » are employed. In addition to these the extension service alto reaches the remaining counties of the state by ape rial work done In these counties by the specialists who have headqtiar fern at the College and the Depart ment. - -jg lMg some kind of agricultural |w„rk was conduct ad In every county Wat thp state. Some of these demonstra tion* warn with ovary county of the Mate. Some of these demonstrations ware with crops and aolls. aome of them allowed the proper us* of ferti liser. and llame. rod {dher. had to da with M.ldleg a woc.s !-*» t nti -ama ol th# moet Important were demons! ratlgoa In boll weevil «on- proper taadU>K WM. and ‘ the co-operative marketing of these U famished *n Interesting pheee of pension work lent r«r. The **- tsJßment Ot cream route* to nwwnerlM and the brtnglne In of ■nr* Mired cattle alao termed an ln r° A* nbase of extension work JrwT* »row In a Os certified potato* Western North rerolton J*r Eastern North Carolina was n SSmairatioo which give* thV future Os cour*. tge entered Urge If Into l **e life !■ ootmlien ® (Continued oa f*** “ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS . MIX PAttRS msisnumEii Mr MUM Plnatg Forced To Cloac. Home* Crocked ud Cltv Sceg Wont Flood TULSA, Ok I*.. J une 13 —Flood wa ters of the Arkansas River fastened their bold on Tulsa and vicinity early today aften a race of death and de struction through southern Kansas. With the stream sfill coming up. the moat disastrous flood effects In the history of th* city has been wit ■eased. . ” , '•... The city water works pluot was forced to cloee down at 1:30 o'clock; this morning, leaving Tulfla virtually, unprotected from lire. Desperate efforts are being made l to keep tab plant of the Oklahoma Power Company from being flooded. Tbia plant fumleheH electric power for the city and aurrouadlng towna. A big crew worked through th* night throwing up a protecting levee. ..Water covers most of pest Tulsa, where some of the biggest oil re flaetiee In the country are located. With the waters creplng up to the boilers, the Texas Company's refln ery/iwaa shut down at midnight and 1 work stopped at the other planta. Between 3.000 and 4.000 person*' have been rendered homeless, most or them suburban dwellers between here and Sand Springs. It Is esti mated that 1.000 persons have been driven out of West Tulsa. Two ybung Chinese women are tak ing a course in practical hanking and finance at the University of Cal ifornia with the Intention of return ing to rblna su<) endeavoring to re form the .antiquated lianknig system of that country. £__i BASK BALI. RESULTS llaarllle Iff. Wlnsfoa 4. High Petal %. Raleigh ». ... , Durham f. t.reeasbere 1. MAI.LT I.caulk Aagwste «. Ureeavllle 1. Maces 11-*, Hpsrtaakarg ML Colombia «. ChaHolle 6. AMERICAN Hew Yeah i. Ms. lath f. Philadelphia 6. Detroit t Hoslea IP. Chicago L NATIONAL nttsbarg 4, Philadelphia *. laclnnall 4. New ferl >. Ml. Lewie A Rentes 1 MOITBCRN Memphis 4. Allaata 0. Nashville f. Mobile t. Utile Rock L Birmingham R, lew Mmm H Chtetaa..g. M TH6INIA rillffMl ... MAV4IB RAIN HUNDRED I KLIZAHRTH (ITT, done IV Edward A. Emery, of Hpray, was eluded Greed Hnchcm *f the North taroltea t.rasd fouaril es the lammed Order of Red Mca and Malian was chwsca ter the 1 ■■■pal miilhlg at the two •**- slens *1 thp order held here to day. Other oHirers elected larlede layer Rate at Oohtobero. - - . THE*ir ire OR MM Nartli ('aroUna iVlivers Search iRK Ad/rta* B*(pe Na- * ttonal Aaaacialton RAI.EIGH. Juba 13— " Where are w# and pbers are t ia going*" de ufhnded Dr. C. Bash* McNair? In hfc presidential address before the an nngl meet tag of the American Asoo r Ist lon ter the Study of the Forbid Minded opening today In Detroit. In pointing out the loMtlmabl* im portance of immediate general atten tion to this tremendous problem of meats) defectiveness which. If allow ed to continue unchecked, he said, represents the gravest menace to this civilisation. Hr McNalry. superintendent of the Caswell Training School. Is the first Southern man ever to be elected President of this association which draws Its members from alt parts of tbc United States. “Mental deficiency In some degree In responsible for all maladjustments continues. “Proper recognition and bundling of tb* mental defective In Ibe various phase of social adjuat is of all social and economic tmtter menl constitutes the rbek bottom t«ir meat. The uselessness of beginning any eoostructtf# or reformatory work without taking the tame Into account la beyond debate. . “We can never change tb# mental capacity Os the detective delinquent Wr the moron, nor can We raise tH*ff moral conception to our social Ideas. He meet make an environment. If It can be found, that will enable them (Continued on Pag* Two) Atkinson Memorial To Be Subscribed In Tbe Schools Os Hie County ' * w ’ Prizes and a Suitable Monument To Form Trib ute To Beloved Educator By Children : in the Schools ; * ' U I '' "■ I'urxuant to tho call. there *a« a meeting hold at Rosewood 'High School on the evening of hte eighth Instance. . for the purpose of estab lishing a memorial ¥n memory of tho lato E. T. Atkinson. After the body was addressed by Mr. tleo. O. Kornegny and Bupt. J. T.nrome. oth er* gave expression of high regard and wliem for Bupt. .p. T. Atkin - aon when the following resolutions were presented and adopted by the meeting: We, tho undersigned committee, feeling that some tangible, outward special manifestation of appreciation of the faithful services rendered the county by the late E. T. Atkinson durnlg the three decades In which he so fsltbfully discharged the duties of county superintendents of schools, should l>e made and realising that the work done by him was nothing less than the foundation upon which the present superior educational structure now atanda with a future bright with promise of ateadlly In creasing oarellanre sad the ' very highest standards of Intellectual so cial. moral and religious unbuilding of tho entire county, repeectfully sub mit the - following resolution: Hla life work, not only In tho ed ucational Held, but In every cause which was for the advancement and promotio|i of hte progress of man kind, and ths uplifting of the moral and Intellectual well-being of bla fal low man. Is an open book, known and read of all wbo are the least fa*- mlliar with the phst thirty years of service, which he lovingly five to the cause nearest his heart. The magnificent school buildings, which dos the county, stand as n last ing monument to his mesa ary, atilt It is but proper that hero should be other memorials In evidence of his native county's appreciation besides these and those tadslibly enshrined !h the h*Mt% of all who know of the I grant Vdrtl ha accomplished—al GOI.P-mORO, N. (!, THUK.HDtV MORNING, JI Mt: 14,iM SIX PAHRS fIIOH Vffß CSMt RUMRTHjGin^ VICTIM Os I HOI | » ' C. N. McMilkm KiHetTßy D.vng- Mit* Kxphmion. Though! T l To BM PrwaMMitated I ' HKNDERSONVILIjH. June 13—C. N. McMillan, part owner and fore man of the construction company working the state highway on the Haywood rood agvoa miles from her* was hilled bp an explankm of dyna mite at noon today. * On account at reeling against him csuved by his having klftod n negro several weeks ago It to feougkt that be may not have been killed by ac cident. The authorities ar* Inveatl atlag but so far have been unable to verify the theory that h* was tho victim of a plot. MUMf TO KID URB lIifSTHE Meyers es Gsalgaia Appointed Secretary of Civic Organiza i I ton Bv T. L. Kllpnlrick. Diet. Governor CHARU)TTE. June IS.- Emmett H. Bellamy, of Wilmington, boa boon tendered th* plane at Governor of the Uono International of North Car olina by T. t- Kilpatrick, (district Governor of tke organization In tbla State. Charles My yarn at Gastonia has been appointed by Governor Kil patrick as secretary at tke organisa tion In title State. Mr. Kilpatrick, will apeak next Thursday before tb* Mona of New Jersey and on June 2t In bts capacity of delegate from North Carolina be will address the National coaveatioa to be held In Atlantic City. ■P.RK’M ANOTHER ONE . William Aster grandson of (be Isle William Aster wae award ed an latralorutory degree of divorce from Mrs. Hei.n Bqulrres Drayton at a secret trial on June 1. It waa disclosed today.' though handicapped as he was by not a abalthy vigorous constitution -In order that the children of the future generations may also appreci ate the life work of one of the coun ty's most useful cllltens sad great est benefactor to education, who gave his Very life for the love of the children of the county and the pro motion of their educational Interests that they might more succeafully wnl out In life's great battle. In appreciation of the great good he accomplished and the abiding love for him; which ever lived In the hearts of teachers, pupHa, and praents throughout the length and breadth of hla work, if is Wotblng less than a duty that th eentlre county should memorialize hla life work aa a lasting evidence of Its estimate of hla service, and to remind the child ren of future generation* of the great work of their most loyal,* devoted friend. Therefore, resolved. In view of the above facta, that we recommend that each school lake step* to secure sub •crlptloiix for the purpose of erect ing a suitable monument to hla mem ory: the monument given some prom inent location: sad also to eslahllsh In each school an Atkinson Mem-' orial Prize, to b eprovlded fir either by each school, or one or more of Ihe friends of the deceased, who wish to perpetuate his memory sod al the sume time atlmulule tbs pupils along a higher plane of excellence and suc cessful. achievement. Aspect fully submitted, C. E. Cbsr. I. Crawlord & P. Meadeahall. The whole acmety le to he organ! * ed oo the second Saturday of July 14UI at l:tS * m. to the court boose. Representatives from alt schools of j the county are earnestly urged to present at that Ui*lJ|-vomits. mJT ir:y ■ . ■ .- •». Ik- THKk t.RKM TALL | kAMtviu Tram, J.ae IS. . , Tk* almaaf prrteeflj term rlPi Ofaa Indtaa seven U*4 AW an# awearlked hree by V*. M. B. Rnnn, : JTuastarc; ■ property seven milpa team Ike - rttte,' KRerts will ke made te knve fhr Mmlfksontoa laalHat* ” make n mare romptet* laves* tlgnften ellk Ike view as »ak siaariallag Mrs. Hus.V belief that I here ary a scare or more #f tke Indian* hurled there. JOSEPH TO UTERI IffmS' MEETING 4. A. Joseph and Mtan Grace Whr wlelfc secretary of the Merchants as soclation will lanve next wwak M> at temd th# convention lif tbe Merchant , associations of the state which wll ha bald In the home town of tb* as sociation. Statesville. The convent lor •totso are June IP 19 M. A number o' other merchants will possibly attnpt tho asaoclatlon convention from Goldsboro ' , A number of highly InterooHni *l»cakcr* are on the program of th* convention Some are so follows: Ernest c. Hastings. New Yorh managing editor of the Dry Obodi Economist and oneof tbe natloo'a hart known writer* and apaakara on store problems and dr ygooda merebaodto Inga; Bertram Relaltx, editor Tb# American Cloak, and Roll Review, U known to tbe mercantile world u at authority In tbe garmeat trad*, gad hto utterances on mercantile prwk lema In general, particularly the na oeaally for organised effort hi Mm in tereaU of merebants am widely gnot ad; Chaa. F. Neebtt. of Waahiggtnn D. O, insurance counsellor of Utkin al reputation and widely known as a epeakeron business subjects; W. N Everett of Raleigh. North Carolina's new secretary of state, successful merchant and farmer, and on# as th' state's most popular sons: W. E. Har rison. Rockingham, state senator and prominent merchant ;,Wa. Pertotetn Raleigh, successful merchant and popular speaker: J. F. O'Crowley of Asheville, expert In store advertising and display*. ’ Th* group meetings lo be held tb* first evening of tbe convention prom ise* to be on* of Ihd big feature*. Tbe following article by Elmer N OetUnger of Wilson, a former presi dent of the association appeared la , tbe Greensboro News recently and will he of Internet to th* merchants | of Goldsboro: „ c Nearly 2.M0 years ago there was enunciated tb* truth that "As a man ihtnketh *0 to be" Through all th* • age sthe taw of mental domination < baa forced men to give action to their thoughts ( Therefore, aa article on th* North , Carolina merchant* asaoclatlon should probagly flret of “all endeavor to show what war* the thought* of this association What Idee* dominat ed its formation and have b##d per petuated by tb* men who have Its welter# nt heart? 1* Ibis sssoclstton working under th# golden rule or the ' rule of gold’ Ar* It* objects to pro mote or lo tear down th* confidence 1 which every merchant should hev# In his competitor, and wbl(b. he mart seek from his patrons? Th*** o**- ttons are beet answered by art»«»* two of the by-laws of rsrolina mercbsnte aasoclatlon aa adopted at the tint* pf *•» organisa tion In IM3- 4 Continued on Pag* Two) Ye Lovers Os Puppies Be At Wayne County’s , Dog Show Next Fall Go Idaho ro In to be lot In on ■ doc .how tot tbo Wojrn# County Pair bast toll. Not all. but a nurabor of Oolda ►><>rn dog ontbualaata mol ye.t.rday afternoon In tbo Cbantber of Torn- MM to oaUIM a IM' lor tin* forth tenet a g caalao eahdhit It la plnaaad to kaaa • abaa wbteh Will cover all Um Major brood*. I» , tora, pointer*. tap dog*. Sf'tfinaid*. , ahepbcrd*. and -oh volt, all btnda of 0. appointed by Soc b go tutu tha mat * : t _ 1 Three Young Thieves Art Caught Near Hem ] After A Wild Chase ' Fteir young bojrs. Austin OarrtoM Randy Jones Lawrence Shiver, am Albert Rhandlln. all of Wllmlngtoi were apprehended yesterday mnrtOai by Chief of Pol tee Bird of ifcmwi Qliv*. with a atolan car and hundred* of dollar* worth at stolen gonde Th# hoye warn kept In Jell tor several baura and fatly refused |c talk. Sheriff Grant made every of ten lo got their story from Oram hut all four, non* of thorn over sig toen. merely stared at him with a cold *y* and kept a closed month. •Aertff Jackaoa of Hanover county 4Mlly arrived on tke seen* with two rrthroneutailvea of tho RUantfc Tta haoco ( ompaay. of Wilmington, end th* boys confessed They had gone late the stare yge terday afternoon and hgMghf n pack at cigarettes and tank a general lay out of tbs store with their *y* |j,,t night they reurned and tank a door completely off R* Mages end appro printed about three hundred dollar* worth at cigarettes, cigars, and otbe, manufagtu red tobacco. After getting away with that place as high class workmanship hay proceeded to lay rough bonds aa another man's cor sad shook tho dual of Wilmington off their feet. At Wallace they tether ran out ot gna or th# ear wasn’t able to bted op under th* apoody trip, so they transferred their goods to another. Roy A. Page's Rtndobohor. and made at with a. They earns to Duplin County to write soother chapter la tho unusual story. Just outside of Warsaw hoy discovered a ole* cont ort able lltU* store gym Dnvto sod without so much os say ing “Howdy to Mr Davie, they eg- fIHI rnyyin VAAilftil niif nHfilHfl 11 KH 1 }fly l|| II 11 ■ fwlnfl! "f W|r *_ (tovommont hi TronUg wi" PWv. •wvoiu against tho now Bulgarian ***• throughout tho «M*yr. dir patches from ioflg say. to too neighborhood of Plevna, the “M»*M serious proppr Uowa.lt to said to have beeh sur rounded. Fresh troops have been dis patched to this locality. The dlppotehoa way that tho sew wvoromw ha. orderod the mohlllxa to* reserve officers sod of vvy Volunteer, ore ••lug arpMd. The die patches confirm that former Rtemgooltaky to not under erreet. hut odd. that there to ao sow. of his whoreohonta. Moosgge. to nowspopon bote ady too Mail ravolt has been .fried by Ale seed* r Boteff. termor prate deal at the Sohraoja and Nedotta At anaof. termer Mfntoter of Commwnl cans. who hove fled from the capital aad raised a tore* of 7,P00 niwli te (ho neighborhood of Radomir. wl|or* fighting boo takes place egOJnet the government troops a ris ing'among the Inhabitants of vlllogoe eaot of th* capital has heap organis ed by Deputy Tomainoff. *lt to rumored thaf th* B«Urf%u minister at Pragua, M. Maahalaff, lo preparing to return te Bulgaria to help the Agrarian party against tho pew government; aloe that formoF Prime Minister Htamboultoky to oa paring te march on th* capital at the head of 20.000 peasant* 1- ■ "■ _ p I tar of getting a Judge, arranging for auttable location at tbo fair round., and aottin the limit aa to what kind and brood of dog will be acaeptebl* so«, tbo .bow. Tbio commute* will alio take up tbe matter, of prlao* for tbo olnoora. Tbo committee u compoood o( tbo following wbo aro all dog fancier.: A. O. Herron. Matt Moot*, and Curtla Moor*. Tbe following moo were pr**ent-wt : yesterday'. meeting: Curtin Moore, , Matt Moor*. Dr Will Bploor. Dr . ptek 1 Bpteor, Mr. Mcfflteaay. A 0 Herron • | Sam Moor*, and *> N. Halo*. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ** 0 , , toted' the iim aod took • number I of Mika of ctefhee, a alee .apply of i ehlrto and other Itsoo satiaMa for 1 kO'i oaor. Tkojr ckund clothe*, l MBW tbemaelvea to HoS» Davlea i like pent*, entered again iiio the cor nad sailed merrtty afoot CMof BIN of Mooot OMve, a*n*d of their approach by Wilmington ae iborltlaa. tba tnlbow of tba gaiae lo« oar la (hat fair city by the ana kaviai become greatly perturbed zsxrjsr&sx: look ibo four eaifeadlagly young . MiUraa alio ouatody aod breuapL. I halo to OoMabOro. Tho boya became very mm* wot- ", rted over tba pro*pad of petal book l ojall la Wthniogtoa oak MUMy en»* fanned ’ Tba abort# of Hoaevef loeded tba wbOla caa« la his ear »ad the bays worn book froia whence they marked that be tboa|ht kd|B¥ needed tbal -on of traialbfl. ' Ureat remarked In ura that fIK really needed waa 'a J habitat oa the wail with tk ’ •I need tbaa every bour” tßstef In from, or at taaat tie aborfl word, to that eflOot. ■■■»■-■■* PffSEW? + Informal Negw4iatta*a iSUr Way Hotwoon (!niuß fttaST mrnd Other florti Wfw mmw vinir w«m M SHIP CREWS REFUSING to come to ahruie; WASHINGTON. June l3~lafa|Mß negotiation, contemplate a mMKa on a reciprocal baaia of tba aM§' W tuor coatrovaray and pf tba > LtbN 7n"lS.r!ty; -""frill,n?i? aitla HmttT dk^tejpH* la* of rum ITS* Amartcaa ooaat aaay bo bnbflk op tbrooflh egtoaetoa bp treaty a«rea mant of tba rt«bt of aeareh far tkla apaoifle perpoaa ap to t* twetve mlla limit WABHINOTON. Jena 11. - No* Doe.tbllltlaa appeared to bate beta lajactod lata the ablp Ikmer .Ha. “on today la rtmrof tba nadatttabd *■ flJSli. tba admtatotratbfa to die podflato aaak aome await of per mitting foreign veaaola to brtac B qoer aeppllaa Into tmdrtta nporta provided aa International agteoaaaaf ta reached to eatamd tba March aad ■ataura limit to twelve mitea. At tba name time tk aevramaat baa given further evidence of tte fit rattan ta adhere atrtetlp to tba fleprema Court'i renalraiitea of tba enforce ment law. aa now written tarblddfag be two Os "medicinal liquor aboard foreign ahtpa 1a American porta tor dietary purpoee. by *btpa‘ crown." A aotutteo of ibo entire problem concerning Joretgn -hippleg bp tba Hupreme t hfit'a bon oa ablp Itqear wttbln Amartcaa territorial watara. combined with the »dvtangee which watrtd be mcured ta I bio flaiainmiit ta combatting ram ranaora and* op agree meat permitting esteem wttb ln the twehra mile gone, iTwbr etoad to bo nought by tba itrottak. How ter Uw Washington gweorw moot ka. gone la approoaht** tbo popera on eucb d proposal boa gal boo* dtacloood. Secretary Hbgbo* to ri ted Avbnaandor Juaornnd. eg Kranee. I* tbo State Departmabt yes terday for a lengthy confer*no*, and •bile thorn wan a* atateaaont from either aa to what had baa* dteona eed. the wmoaiaalte* waa a*M to bar* dealt with tbe ahlp Hauer ett ualtoa enclaatoety * * 'rrxnr* ' ,i-r