am e * L, . ¥ *• • * W —+■ , r : : f ♦ .-v. ■j-: a*. : r WEATHER UtmnHf Pair Friday and Baturdeyi 1 q Utfßo Variable Wind* { Mi ! 1 «• • . - * 1 < r ■ ■ ■t« ■ - ■ 1 ■- - 1 ♦ mill TWO i ATM UK V M. 7 / ***■" '«■ 1 - FIVE HUNDRED KLANSMEN PARADE THROUGH 1«lH m' m I »► m m —#- m m m m oo g 01 3Q. Seventy-Six Neophites Are Taken Into The Order —" ===== ========== -;a -.1. ,1 ** . * '" %l ' ** *' . ">f , a.«£'*'l I S*. 3 , cnuniuiim TUBE CULLED ON FOR« * tpymm few Kj NoSj R#e trader* ~Thlnk for the Now Build jjlOf To Be Erected QUARTERS GREATLY NEEDED BY GOLDSBORO *•; v • * It In well la ll(# that w# forget ■ grrgl may thing*. mOUk aud wlk (art tiu«">. bat there -hnnid Mter ctmr a tim«- In the IK# of nay American man or noatna ahr a the valorous trrti per formed hr Ik# be" who took up arms la the l uJt.rU Males la de fense «f hi# Pear. of Ih# H orl.r skua Id he forgotten. Thai Ihyv war be u» misun derstanding la Ih# mind* of an> •a# about lh# purpose for which this bulldiun la lo h# erected, l#l It he clearly understood that Ih# prime pnrpoo# for which this budding la lo h« creeled la a monument lo oar hoy* oho #a listed la Ih# left- aar. and la to Ini a Memorial to Ih# »#rrl##s which Iher rendered lh#lr eouu * trjr. 0 , The above paragraph* were writ ten Into the letter recently eeul out by Captain Nathan O’Rerry 19 the old subscriber* tor he new Memorial Community Building to h# erected bare aaaa. They embody the tea U-j mint aid feeling that the entire conitnuulty feel* rgardlna the proper j form of meftoriul thnt should b#| erected to the men who (ought and died la the neecnt world conflict. Active atapa are being taken (or the erection of the memorial. The canimlttee plan# to have the cam* • paign (or fnada to end Wednesday Junp 17, and then a canvass will b# take for subduriber*. Captain O Ber ry'a letterla given lu full below. TO TH ICBUBBCRIBHKS l* THE MEMORIAL BUILDING FUND: About (our yeara ago a campaign was put on In tbta county to wain# two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars to purchase a lot and erect a building In memory nut wilfr to the hoys who made th# supreme sacri fice In France, but to all of our boys In \Vgyne county who enlisted under the Colors. Most all Os us thought that this would boa fitting tribute to our bnroea. * • The campaign was launched and an effort made to get subscribed this amount of money, but the rfiort# 01 (Inn cumpulgu only yielded about one hundred and Ittteen thousand dollars In money and pledges, this amount being totally Inadequate to pay fur the lot and erect the building for which plane and specifications hud hfea prepared and accepted A great financial depression Imme diately followed this rfiort on our part to rnlse thin money', and lh# matter hua remained In abeyance from that day until this. At the time thin campaign, was launched a board of trustee* were elected by the subscriber* to this fond and tbl* board of trustee* be- Itevlug that the time wotlld come when title uulldlna could be eroded, went ahead amt purchased the beau tiful lot directly in front us the court houro square, the purebaao price of this Ipl benlg twenty four thousand dollars, and of this sum eighteen thousand dollars have been paid, leaving a balunre due, on this lot. principal and Interest of about eight thousand dollars. This eight thou sand dollars have been paid by a large number of the subscribers to this fund, bat there Is now »o money left In the Ireasary to complete lb# payment# due on tbl* lot As the mutter stand* today uuleea ■ some Immediate action Is tskan to pav the balance due on this lot. the till# to this 10. will revert to thorn* sub#< rlbers who have mini# pert or whole payments or their pledge#, and the purposes for which Ihl* lot ba* bc«tn purchased will be thrawted. At a meeting of th* beard of trustee* receutlv held It was decided Ip ippgp pp papeul Ui.liie subscrib er, of Itts food, aadaeh that they # mTt* that Hjgyi ba IMM la mat for Um pu. chased At a subsequent meet lag of the| THE GOLDSBORO NEWS —. -■■— . - - * -- -■ .. - . • *- v * __ Efforts Being Made To Secure A New State Institution For Wayne - * . ‘.tv* /• I -I.,'''' >- ' Movemenu are on foot to bring 10 Goldsboro th* new Lantern Uaro llna training school authorised by the i , *** le«l»latur*. At tbr same time Wtl *on county is making an effort to lake the school there. I At the lost general assembly a sum of »50|Mo was appropriated to be u#-. ed to erecting and starting an Baet 'ero t arollna Training School to bu ‘located Homewhere In K,.«,;ern Curo line. Up to the preset tliup no step*,) ' have been taken to try to secure the ■school In Wayne fount ybtft a com mittee la to he appointed by the oottn •ty board of buptlc welfare to go into' i* the matter aud try to senure land '‘which can c offered to the stale to be ' need for rata purpose. At present the only school In ttgp , state la at foncord and is one of the paying Idetltutlona of Hurt city and •they ace very proud of the school A 'number of counties have built cot tages there for the proper bousing of boys sent from those counties but at the present flute It !a almost Itu!•<»*-, slbk for an Edetarn Jttvcnllo court to gat a bey placed thereon account tis .-j 1 ■ ; ' | ■ »-■■■» ■.■wiy.s.sw W »«.»".m|.ss* ■■ a. 1 11 -w ...i—gw I—l - 1 ,■* '■■■■■■■ k W ' qiyiwW Alderman Humphries In C if rn#»- Statement Attacks The 0 P % . . City Financial System o - Mr, Hugh Humphries, member of tly» board of aldermen yesterday as. 1 ternoou liuiucd an Important ntute-' mont regarding tl»« present Indebted-' ness of Goldsboro und compare* l( wltb the Indebtedness of Greensboro. Mr, Humphries' statement is straight and to the point und scores the pres ent tax rate and Indebtedness of Goldsboro bra i lly The statement ft* f given below: "is ' 1 “ThaiOoldsboru public the prrMrot time Is ns follows, gross debt. 1 t1.fU4.500. !*»* credit for street as sessments $233,015 and sinking fundi 1171.0113 which makes a total debt' of f1~.32D.780. The 1922 assessment valuation is! approximately tIe.COO.uOO Therefore! It can he seen that the net debt Is; 7.2X04 per cen( of the assessed valu-i utlon of the entire city. Now the city of Greensboro ha:>! an assessed value of f78.00f1.000 und' a net -debt of $2,800,000. If can bc| seen therefore that the art debt Is 3 und one half percent of the aft sessed value This ,t|tsee and. one half percent Include* the recent one 1 million dollars bond Issue for street Improvements. •• in assessing Die propcrl) owners: for street Improvements Oieepsboro pays for rurhlnys. extra grading-ud street Intersections about percent of the'to tal posts. The ' abutting property owners pay übout seventy-live per cent. Tlfc City of Goldshuro In nraklng street Improvements pay for estru gmdlng. street in terser. Hone anil llfty per rent of the pavements There fore It can he aeen that the prop erty owners pays about twenty-live per cent and tire cjty seventy-five per cent of Hm total cuibr. . In Greensboro no exemption are matte cliurrjhrs or othei- .property bidders. Tbn towns around Golds boro paid from thirty to thirty-litre per cent of the total costs of slroet building and the'-property owners have puld sigty-flvs to seventy per cent. If Goldsboro Is to continue He pros rut biiauxlsl policy of rnsking public Improvements we boys about rapebed rted will add g still larger burden] J 0 the ready o> frlowded to* psy-| \ , . * * 4, I the Inatumtoo twiMff at us» that th> school Ural m|B ftemfed aad I that it would beejSKttsfieif scoff 1 somewhere In the eastern section or the Mtate dad that h saw 00 ruson why rfßtidgvovvogstthsll the oth« other t Goldsboro or Wapne county could not 'get the Institution. Goeruor Morvtwm will appoint u ' board of truatses aa soon *a It |a dc ' ctded lo build the school and where It is to K built. Until than R Is the plvi I the department bore »n nke - * live n.y isj *r to secure ni G‘\!.be In training school ruu wild Intend of gHig them prefer trefhtftg ’ ers. with no prospects of the line 1 paying operating expenses for a num -1 her of' year*. ‘T do believe that some dlepdhi tlon should be made of the present system -of street railways and In view of the fact that the city Is Ihe largest stock holder that should lie easily taken care of. The racks on tli cpaved streets should remain as they ire and the debts of the com pany paid which will perhaps not escced the salvaging value of other tracks plus the insurance money oh the cur Imrn which was recently burned Should the city take this action they would bn In complete control or the car line corporation' und later when the town grows and' It is uppurvut (lint the business would be such us to pay operating expense* the people could determine the mut ter with no more expense than at th present time. , j “Another lUiug 1 would like to say Is this. The mutter, so exempting tki churche* und-other insUulktnv from tux imying te to «iy mind a vety silly thing. You might as well ex empt the Odd Fellows' Orphanage, the hospital, und arty other organisa tion engaged In s«cb work. In lh«i surrounding cities and In cHtea l|k«- Ituleigh end Greensboro there Is wt emptlon allowed churches und lu this case there should he none It is a violation of one. of the first articles of democracy, namely, that the church and state should lemalu almoini< l> separated, and when the sute atartsj donating money In rorm of taxes.) they erg not seiwmted.' [** v \ ~ y.>- * j MU* MKN MMOIN* KMZABKTH rnv. June 11.- The twcntyflftb annual seaslou of the grand council of North Carolina Im proved onlwr of, lied Men ad the An nual meeting of the degree of Poco buntas came to close here today with the Installation of the officers elected yesirday and th filling of'uppolutlvc ufbccrs by the newly elected heads ' ' Grady of New JJern was rhosgii great keeper of. the record r In ihe wcjpnn'n order today. ■* §KN4|IRK MAN MAM tit; - .ftirtirr Denmark nf the Chamber ( PtXmprtu rev has i.«t the, uye nf hie wgjf r* tor W Unit A had Ml Isynl lUtfpftjM* his eye esartary hi. [fired to have a bandage iMrerW wIMMnI ilaix. n a ' T -v ■ &i 1 a’ki. OOI.IMBOUB, I. U, tItIUAV MOIt.VIKk, Kilt M, MO - c e m TIMKHU BE ClilTE FI 816 SIIIIE OFFICE FRIENDS REFER TO « HIM AS DIRT FARMER RALtGUiH. June I ».-;T.»h ,Parker, 'for A number of. cdrib.llwfl with Q»e State D&nrhneftt nf 4pr|- cufturs. tonight ninoiidoed hi* cap dhtocy for t tenon la* Inner of Agrfcul ture, •’Any person peeking *n office like that of Uonuulselnner of Ag relit It urs," Mr. Parker atated In hi* announce inant* ''fhouid have # definite purppee »H flew other than simply to run b»f ollke. l-'or that reason I unnouoa* my ‘plstform’: Better farming roWbodi, hrV*‘ r f urw houirs and hattgr ujdrkctuu fat lll tlea. "Better fuimlpg fUct,hod* fdt the purpose of k#*pln4 ( TarihtMi opera tlohi uj>-to-dut#. the-coal ot pKgluctton and aiming to the profit*;. Better hop)** equKmatfffgi* Uw aMH fort and cortvuhlenesu and Umpire them to higher Ideate slid usphrationa Up on these depend lb* , future prosper-, lt> olb our countrfc -It will be. my Bistre to brl«* tin Uinta Departmmt Os Agricultard mi., closest co-operiißoa with every agag state und fed*sal. thkt h*A for Us purpose# th* bottertnant of rural conditions and u more poraporous aud, purer ssful agtleauor*. To tbta stut t promise n*y Effort* •The year* us service I had if conducting famiern rutd women'* In stltut** gave m# the opportunity of going Into ever# ciamty to the litule and secure first band Information direct from tho farmsre ccucernlur. agricultural condltlone In their .lo calities." “But no espertences I huVe hud" Mr. Parker continued, "will stay with mu longer than those obtained at oar Farm Women'* Institutes. It was at th^ m* was chelioian |rh#n Igrldslttal expsaaa* werw approvod- by cwngreav 1 for tbv prppsr conditioning of the ship, m r "Forget for the mohwnr it* teaip letlon to misrepresent for . political purpoaq " was the tmuaMge Uhalna»|i, *•**’-. uttv« eomnMUss . Ray • ''•* »;• v^- 1 ’ * #h>>— j*\ I day*. t , e,-f -.■ - 1 1 oifEmuii mipes for mysethM OF RUM OUESTIi UIPLOIfIATB STILL , ?w wm™« ;i r.ttt-factor) net I letuwnt of tbe troublexome q next loti Involved." Senator Overman of North Carolina, Democrat member of Ik* jidVfiwy committee ilestered repaid- Ink, , tk« qimsilon n( liquor about ■ foreign «li(ps |h Unofhpii nj>rt». "That of count moan* 4 aatlle mopt that doe* not Interfere wlth.jhe canrtiti.tton jU i*«l ,1* ik)l rqgtmry to the Eighteenth Amendment 1 fur-■ tber hope that the Urlh«h House of I Common* will niH iiaaa the bill aim- Ml to compel A mar loan ahteOfOVlar il« fhcpprwwnd Bt ffhltArJ*,, carry, liquor. t 'for HMlfir art not tu be • New Woßfttrr of SkU%_t* lW IW a* Hornbfa» Hone * Han (Irent Caducity WILL IJWAHK ANY r’" SHIP NOW IN USE DAYTON. Juno 14 TU# largayt airplane the world ha* known, with n wing ejlread 4 * , ■ HO THIRDS EQi THE LOCAL KUM The Kleaate* and Oth*r| Bat After meny I* Finished an Urantham’* M »' Near the IWDtouadsßrT mSPUMK GREIT CUM it moot Hh. MMdbtoß VlmUb m GN»>< I i MtyftKHKAD tITYJtm M. MB*.! L'Ury K L. Middleton, of Raleigh. who *y**y«. **»***< $ rs: r . ei.’bly which. Ig to jxttyrqM- Imre ! 2f-j«y* r vx^NKSrMlSiiß'i^Pt 'IOC highly Planned with teenl ewMB-l . lieu* IV AMte-teteH «M,IM tMUidqusrTrVdTthe aM&jR ,'ha* recently undergone eateoaive ee- I n idled witji new (Jhlpioeat threiidjl-: .n,l ITte ’nito lor ihp, decailop Thf 1 he ll J rot the wertf m per 0u». dlp.llar rate* wilt ot.tdln at Bttttr ts-s caf«hotel*. * ** *'* v ‘»* -» P . Krom many *«ctlona of lh# *oUe r M*, { Middleton ty getting euquirea about j thi. meet In* and Iheofif look now lor) n large attendnnee la good. This will 1. . ‘be eighth annual Mssfon of the I HaptU Heaalde Aaaembly. hut, the first time It h*e n*< le Moipbewd . t lty. for a number of years It pigd f »t Wrightavllte Bench. The Dapflat f i. Huts t onvention of North Oaroline | 'and of other steles la com nil tied to ;< I g policy of holding *ummer anneal r bile*. The object of thee# gatherings! In t a provide wholesome recronih« lag i< in , congenial ulmoaphoi a. eombliMd | ' with liaellectual tonic and spiritual , I uplltt. ! Ibe approach log assembly bere, U , I* • nought, wt|l provide all of tlmna i . h» a great wey A glance at the pro-) |! w ** ,d proglgm will antlafy one oil I Aaaembly Bundny tuoraloc-11 oVlndf lli«A» 34. With a senHM, WIN ageak i eveatng an the general topic. •Tha Orowth of Faith In Jeans] ■f'hriat.” Dr Kmd A. Agar. New Yorg f’My. secretary of xtewardahlp nnd ef ficiency In the Northern BhpUv' coo vrniion will apeak each day ht mm on "I'Ordabip ami KfflclenCy." except jibe find Sunday night, when he will deliver bl* notable address on “The HlKt> C oat el Loving " Dr Agar lea man of nnllon-wldn'fnni es a speaker, author, end efficiency twit la church affairs. 1 Other dally featurw* w*|M beu study ( lu .IJtu Acta ot (h* Apootles by l>r.'(| : C Dal*, of Albemarle, who Is rscaff- f nl*ed n* being one of the must pro-' found and yet illuminating bthief teachembt thin part of the country, i Dr, Ik W tipliiniae. prwahleat of the Baptist tttste f onvewtioe sad a pio neer. In Huaday School rfflcleady In ,'tba smith will give a coarse In relt | alou* pedagogy. Harold B. Ingraham j i Naabvllle. Tenn.. a llve-wirw In ffoa- \ I day School administration, will con- j 'dud dally claanea In "HulUNag as rttundnrd HttnOcy Mcbool ' l>r. L K j M. Freeman. Raleigh, lot teeny ymfhi; teaehkr o IMMo In Moeditb follegn and aotur of country •linrchee. will gle a coarse on “The oyalry 'Church ” Dr •‘bartae U Ot*9xr*. Ike brilliant new pastor of the Bnytlxt Tapernncle. Raleigh, will give g icourae on "Training In L'huscb Mowt bersblp'' - •outhem Baptist* and f* vutlß'ird 98 I'agn Ko«rj A dte .* I *... MEMBE»oT~~j ASBOCtAIBB-MMBh | ' n I UorJmMHB * Eb 1 >l ■ n r | fit mr A MiwHwiil fWrfii kUk J •O ««* MNI < (M g|i ciMrt In (lißf vver kmH MAtarf ' " "9m**** uilfM ti.HK N-f#ir« Ini* *“ «»-« "*•*> (he rg ojlM .< utooiohile imtiu gave t. J J pul street corm»A'i|* i‘rp-iiiliift « u rc -urriM.nded 'grown up* who " 11sfg< iteteßHf ' . •bet It w*. fiAhhotg. #h^fetell^C ' -I'tctioo USQ A«Ui V Ml) der ib* pubUeJkane rniill uj»teTlhiWi n* bumt’ out. Agn ttmy llAtSduK ft "tL paroig ’"am lot neffg'thno4ir tmtrt ntmf fmhi W«)»y' »•» •dW hgtiMtei .ahA.|gedh>>4 s^A •hu b seventy alt md# hM-etA^SST I BMW— - There eg the tattle klna-ta* ef«)tf '* ¥ cd * bog* crone Ml WHg 'tel mid further barb «u tteiflM2 '■ of the emATIBfiSK flaming crone. nttelhL Ate mad hack end rnsih- na3h An lot hn '"-r esasndrwUW to dAt hN fully fifteen or twenty thoggdMf hen the Initiation A klensmoa eutddliai »<• werg prpoeat.tojHp %nggtejS,. wveyty-ei* heoghltd* ptMMm m» lh. myrnlh. of the arygnthflteh. Ml fall* two third, of hSmT«2 (mm OkHd.bor.. Ho hinted nljg ~ •* - T7V y OL4J .Sjl- V