EWT*. * Jj, ll 1 J' 11 — 1 WEATHER ►HI? nhd ,^7%'-.Mir entire duration of . tbe ntecuT?. . The outline of tbe campaign a* briefly outlined by Sir. Weil la given below: - *< •' > Our good friend Captain Nathan O'Berry In one of my unguarded mo menta ordered me to look after thoj rulalng of funds for the county Mem j orial Buldlng. While It U not as eajiy (blng to refuse tbe Captain*! cuaiMiunds, the compelling reason fori toy acceptance of this task was my , desire to finish tbe work begun near-! ly four years ago. Tbe present undertaking before u* will take the co-operative efforts ofj not only tbe forty-five who have *o| kindly agreed to serve on tbe axecnj tlvc committee but a considerable number of workers btsldcs In selecting this Committee it bar. been my endeavor to secure thosel who will not only represent our city > but who are In thorough accord with and who will pioix-rly apenxor this' movement. In order to matters and properly work out alt i details may I suggest that I tic Ju-j tliorlsed to apimtnt sub-couuniUec of? Uvu to seveu members V* you, a/e doubtless nwarc etgb-| teen thodsand dollars he* Ik . n |«tld , on the/Memborlal Building lot uni In order to ftnltill Ihw-v nayiwciit 0< eight thousand dolors Mill p*i,r aud cre< l s\iilodc »t building;*rv|hg otir pr« s< nt ai n cost slxu.u t.i • seventeen thousand If will he nsc. essury (or the cniglual subscribert to contribute their proper proitortiuu oi tbelr original subscription and 1 , would suggest that -authority be glv* eu litis sub-coniniltte" to determine this proportion. 1 wish to submit tbe lollowing us a plan of campaign The business I and industrial sections of tbe city should be covered by twenty-five to thirty teams composed ol at leust two workers to tbe team. This will require a iiilulmuui of sixty men. W e ( would welcome the co-operation of i tbe American Legion In this work Tbe residential auctions qf the city t should be thoroughly canvasaaed by 1 at leflt forty to fifty women or twen- 1 ty to twenty-five teams. Special f teams for special prospects sbo,uld j also be formed I l ards of all lujng subscriber# «n*l 1 ffkw prospects «e bulng prepared jAm■%. Laura Btdt.gr has been uppotnt f * rlislnnan of the woman'* division X * Spicers ability Beads no cucont um» at my bund* but her conduct of tbe former campaign Is sufficient ■.e vidence tbat we are very fortunate haring her undertake ibe present work. - t f tt’c ahould set the dale for out campaign at the earliest date pns slble. 1 would suggest June 21 as tbe starting date which Is lie fore the Fourth of July when so many Os our people leave town Be sides a campaign or this nature must be abort and decisive to sustain tbit proper Interest of /bother workers and sulwcrlbera.,, , \ jl AraUßji* 4 on ywsc tjt r- ;• » * ... - - - - - - . Jr** I’fc vS JB MX fAGfH I *——* r—s I ST—« * rn. i.man iowpvsv rgHOiSB ituiiiir.it s*t.ooo pit itm.i, MKW lOltk, Jane l|r-t cash ier of the Pallmau t'ompaay and bis bodyguard were robbed of a **Vm pay toil by six armed men/ Inday, a* they were entering Ibc .HnanysMe Work* al l.»ag Man.l tlly. - U -- ■ ■ 1 » ■■■■ " —suit ' fiunim BUSSES U m Fltl EVEITT Goldtiboro Likely To Join With Five Other Towns in Circuit WILL BE CALLED . y SHORT SHIP CIRCUIT 1 TJ»e executive committee of c the Wayne county Fair Association met, yesterday aftt unon In th offices of the Chamber of Commerce and diucu*r>*i a number of .features of 'th- coming fair, particularly. th matter of races. • The Fair will probably become a member of tbe Caioliaa Short Ship Circuit, organised recently by u num ber o( fair secretaries muting in Goldsboro. Th cities composing this circiut are Jtocky Mount. Haiaigh, Fayettartlle. Goldsboro and Clinton It will b« observed that It will to u 'six week circuit and with proper prlx ea offered can e made iatrexting to many horse fanciers who have hereto ?or gon only into tb grand circuits. Those attending tbemeeting yester day ‘ware: George 8. Dewey. Horuce King. K. C. Koyoll. II A. f’lkr. aud George 8. Beciou. MERCHANTS WILL HOLD IMPORTANT - MEETING MONDAY I-ocnl Bodv Will Elect Officers and Talk of the Coming State iVlectini; SECRETARY URGES LARGE ATTENDANCE f ,;l a »—»n»e I. ■■«■«■■■■»»■ < The Merchants Association wilt 'hold a very important mauling In the Chamber of Commerce rooms on Mon day afternoon nt 3>:£d ouhxk al which Utile officers tor the coming 'year will he elected Tbe secretary of th organization. Miss Grace Warwick urges all the members to he present st the'meutlng 'ln ord r that the report of tbe nomi nating committee by given reardful confederation by a large number id 'the merchants of the rlty. ' Next week Miss Warwick and Mr ,A. A. Joseph will go to Statesville to attend the annual convention of tuc North Carolina Merchant s Associa tion of which the local organixatloa Is a member. A cumber of other mer chants are expected to attend the con v niton Statesville is the home otTif of the Merchant!-' Associations ol the , but thU year Is the first year In which the con-.cntlon has met there, owclng ] the f .et that hcretolorv Ftati - vlllv i has had Wo adequate hotel faculties to flaae cate of a large convention A j new hotel has made It possible for 'the associations to meet for the flrj/ I time in the cradle of the organization TWO WOMRN CLAIM TO BE MOTHER OF THE SAME BAHY BOY , ‘O, ■ CHICAGO. June MV Judge Joseph David in municipal court -here today Ulecidod one of the strangest cases In tba annuls of IHlnois courts when lx awarded to Mrs Julia Waxny i’hyby |skl custodyof fi year Old I sons Coll ets Waxny and pronounced her real 'Aiuthet of the child Mrs. Nlcbolss la-mrj’ wrtm had glalatetl to hav cltorrr the HUIe gtrk collapsed sotdiing when ti*.- U«klsiou l • inf rmi - r - T ~' _ '' " “wf FLIGHT FROM SOFt I Dcatii of Ends; a i - Remarkable Career in Bul- Kariit’n History HE WAS OF LOW PEASANT ORIGIN i I I.ONIKJN, Jtjjio lu.—-(By the Asso ciated rress t The Ohlgarkan aemi-| oflklal agency Imre this afternoon; announced the death of et-Frcml«r Stambhuiisky*. unit,ndubt of-hla. popularity with tbe all-potent pea*-, ant party <■ Os the humblest iH-arsaut orlglu, he rose to the power of a dictator.' solidifying under his leadership the widespread opposition .to tbe war politico* of former King Ferdinand, who threw the fortunes of bis coon-.: rfy Into til escale on the side of the cntral Powers ffa tbe World W'gr. LESLIE WEIL OFF > FOR ROTARY MEET Mr. Weil. Accompanied Hy His Left Ninht for SL Loui* \ • , nt the Goldsboro Itotary Club at the mooting »nd will then take a short trip through tha. middle west. .« Mr Well * ex|M>ct* tb return to Goldsboro and make uls report to 1 the Goldrltoro Club sometime before 1 July. HEALTH WORK IN ' COUNTY FOR MAY, Re|brl Shown Thirty More, Cuites of >frn*lr* During the Month Th# report of the health depart-' turnt of Goldsboro utvd Wayne county for the month of May curtains wins 1 very Interesting taels among them the fact that thorn weir -Tl* cases ofj measles quarantined during the) month, and a total of to cu«s» of con tagious diseases reported to and| tuken earn Oi by Hie dppurtmeut The re|«ott In full Is given below: 3# c.isna of measles quarantined.. 5 rases whooping cough quaran . lined , IJ cutes chicken (six quarantined , Total—4o cases of contagious dis eases quit r» mined. , vauntiMatpiinq Iw small pox '’* i 1 vaccination for • hooping cough i 14 case* venereal disease retained 1 , > «B it ' ■ „ "' V v : _ ■ i ■■■■ GUI I'xHOBO, B, Vn AATI MUBXfNt., il'BK If IBBfl 'HSSWHI nEM MBS JUSm |j.:' . : -N-m-s. ( ommiMxioner of Fublic Wei fare Speaks About {'riaoa in vent iirnt ions > WRIGHYdVILUS 81-JAFH. June 16. —“Every pa idle inallttittim beionga to the people— wh«thar It be a prison, a chain gang, a county home, or whatsoever -oad offi<-i4* have no i right to take tbe attitude (fiat tb« public which aupporteMhesc Instltu i tlon* Is not privileged to kaow what is being don* in them and how the money tbut tb* peopla contribute la iming spent,’' Mr* Kata Barr John n. Comuiisslwx r of Public Welfare. ' tad" Ihe North Carol luu Htute Fedcta tlnn of Buslnera uhd Ptofessloual Women's Clubs, in suasion here, Vl Its laoetiug this nmining. "Oil lilt* otuet bkad,'' tbe t'otumls aionar (iMrtlmmd. ' th# individual citi zen It shlfunr hla rentmtulbilliy when ho atanda aside and afiyt thu' these Institution* are no ocftcern of bla. Ju ovary county lu North Our ollnn where there baa been a sub st aut la ted unfavorable repbrt subtoß ted on county tnaiimtlmN' such a* the Jgll. 'chain gsttf and chuoty home, this report la a direct reflec tion on ths put rtbtlgm and Chrts tiuidfy of ttu citizen* of that county.i For these Ibstitutlon* will be mide humane and progrerllye to tbe e\a« t extent that public opinion demand* “At the instigation of Oovetncr Morrison the Prison Board has ln auguruied adma notable prison ra forty* in this state, tnit these'reform* arc only part of it system (bat should eventually tm worked out Tba State Hoard of-CUarllle# and-publia rate expects to eontlnmt Its MtMy of the penal aysthm of Nlinh Oarollnn In order to make suett trecowimtenda tlon* a* may be necessary (o the General .Assembly An exits mun with special training has been em ployed to assist the board this sum mer In tWs work. Hu board (a de , fermbunl tu actmPL. lUkUaflflwilludooal ' responsibility In this regard, and It ‘ look* to (he progressive nod humane women of the State for Intelligent and Unprejudiced support In carry ing ont Ita-dutlas. Mrs. Johnson prefaced her address to the Business end ProfeH«ton«l Women by duclurlng that although, North. Carolinians - liave the rlghl to be. proud of th* psogro** of their State ip many direction*. It will be deplorable if through too «reat boaktfulncss they pet Into lb« atti tude of not being willing to face nfin pa Inhibit 1 truth,'“ l “It gets u* nm here to cover up by platitudes and oratorical phrkses social score* wblcb by evasion will only farter to break out later with IjterenMd violence.'" she said "It, there were uo unfortunate conditions | in North Carolina, there would be little use for tbe Board of CU»rttle» ( and Public Wglfare The board's re sponsibility* I* to brill gbad social i-ondKlon* tfi tight and then handle’ them as effectlvefy as (msslble The (conttnuad on pac« 3* ■ > Ing (he flood of several day* ago The resident* along tjx 1 river »t i KinlUi Center Good (of (he third time in two weeks, lost night wueti the i xtTenpi flooded tbe low Uutd. Motor and Inicrruhau traffic In the vicinity of Pittsburgh Is blocked 41 tYihitnbtm, near Pittsburg, the rnln *»* reported hi four inches ; day and all smuil wiijputcs to CJmm-o, kec county are out of their banks The Neosho River at Mrt’um is re ported rising wnd him king traffic be i tween Pittsburgh and Parsons, j Tb* Neosho at Ms waa reported In h# the high eel la nMuiw. veer*, *g. l r nUN, June l»~iHv the Aseo , 'luted Pretw ) A verdict. In favor , "f Mr*. ihllu Cruller was round by , :ht Jury In the content over the will of tlu> Iniv lUchnrtl i'roker tbit after* ' neon. " »> I When the crowded rourtriom re nlixed ihut Mr* 'fakir bed van on every count. Ihe Ihrogn biihu Into i iv* me odour cheering and bund-dup id"ff The fiourt tried vnlnly for a mngWeroble time tn restore alienee M'Ueu quiet liasrliy out**, Dlitof Jus tice Uslnncy sahl'hr Murk’ regretted the demonstgatloa," ' .1 The illegal l»u that' Iluiu broker aa* alrudily the wife of Ulry f\ Ma ronr at the time of her tnafrlaae la Mr Craker-wa* declared by th« Jury to l*e unsubstantiated „ The Jury also. fooud Mr*. ('inker , not *uUly of Influencing h*r bus band ugslnst hi* chlldran. t, BOLL WEEWLSIBE | RECEIVED MRU i SECT* OF Slffi Department at Agriculture Gets , Sam* W the Many Counting COWPBA POD WEEVIL* * ARE NOT DANGEROUS RALKIVm. June H> I4vr boU wqa. »ll* have been rerelvnd by franklin Sherman, chief .of the j division of entomology ror (be Stole College and Department of Agrk«ltur*. from , ' cou title* nx far west and noth In the State a* t'leveland; Mecklenburg, (‘abarrua, I,ee, Itornalt lamrir. and lieuufurl. U hu announced tonight | No weevil* have been sent In from i count I* snonh of three but specimen* j "huuld *oon arrive. It waa Mateo . "A number nt evtwpe* pod weevil* *un young cotton are causing much concern among farmer* whom sus pect Ibis weevil or being the cht t.,:i poet," Jlr. Sherman slated. "Mow ! ever, the cotton boll weevil should "‘•on be npiiearlng In all part* of Ibe cotton growing area aud with Jt* *p 1 {msarnec will come the old qua*- 1 lions: What shall I dor Shall I , poisonr 'What method of poison shell I u»e und when*'. - Tbe general problem'of boll wee* 'll control Is irlvprfkln extension dr" cular lil The dust poison method 1 Is fully described In eglenelon dr- 1 vular IS? just Issued to North Caro -1 Has farmers llolh of these circu lars may be had from local County agents or by writing to the editor, Kntendon Service. Raleigh." i .Mr Sherman said he be Haves the dust poison method- Is rhe host for actual use In killing the wenvlfc "Wf considered the dust poison H'oi)t|no*d from Pug# (Joel , mr'bod a* the 'standard and only ' polenning method which we are Jus* tided In advising yet for our farm ers to depend upon and Its llmlta* Don* aud difficultles are plainly dls- I cussed lu the circular," he continued fThls is In Hue with resolutione of Houthnrn Agricultural Wdrkere .at Memphis In February, unit with news Items ol United States lbrpsrtment of Agriculture In March* lu accord* ance with Hboae pronouncement* oth er poisoning method*. Im lulling the adaptntlofi of the Kloridu Method, are being levied and studied In this and other stales. t, "The vtnefltlon of when to begin dusting I* so Ulx« lisped In our clrru iiir ps to allow latitude »f ludgment according Uyahiindmice of » irly wee vils. bul cautions against tt wbere nS#ilu' the i lory returned a vardtot ihh> momAh ‘if guilty on throe,count* awl hot Mill »fy on the last two Pierce's can use 11 gave notice of appeal gad hU total] bond waa fixed at listen. ,» lien as Defease Attorney* or the Sdtohaa attempt- 1 ad to have the charges dtsaifyißed i who the case was called for trial, •pleading Jhat Pierce was r>enta|fv |n capncltated al tbe time Irregularttlea • In the bank occurred, and that on (hie plea It would be liapoeslhle for the Stale to show a "rrlmlnnt Intenl ", Judge Band refused to grant the re quest Particular Infereet has been njenl- I (estad la th* trial or the fermar bgoh • rushler on account of hia rotatlonahlp lo John Spruat Hill, muiii-mißlonatr. preaideni of the bank and dlalrtct; highway cohimisalouar. ktr. Hitt ap- ( (.eared to tbe role of nroseeuilag wit* 1 nea* anu «aa regardavl iw the „tar w “w« I» Uto tfhO. t* detaadnaii n* cording to testimony offered at thg 'Hal. Is s double-rtrsl' cousin of !t»re*kl*ht of the bank Throughout the trial the defense con ffried it*’ efforts to showing a |*«k ' ‘•f crliniii.il intent, and no atfempts nt brooking down the evidence presentd bjr the state. Tha> effort wan continued ilirmigbout the argument* proven* • i ,f < ' l **ferx. The Stnte on the aril* >r l « »d appealed for the U.fsedanr. conviction on th ground that he aw bessled the money deliberately mot »t«b an Intention lo defraud the bank and Its customers Ifeicfopeff it Msmlfea Ssw The Charge, age.*., ‘ *N»ed mere than 12 month* ana At h * **”*<> r, n~n m „ * “ cashier of ibe bank, and waa 1 'atm# popular In local flnaactal. (£-' fentbl, religious and aoclnl circle* He ww especially_ popular with thTcnwl tomera of the hank. Mr Hill mm «ry lima attention, a. the evklilol £* m t* **•** "““'"I testified to. thMi »* « me tipi, had complete and IniHiiait confidence fe tbe ablMty and bonaety «f the caahler »«»Mely ! a „ Npeculated In Ntach. .STst" ***• "* wldence went. Pierce alerted speculating | B Mr , M k‘ he did uot know of the cashier's specot, tion! uoill the Irregularities •< the hart were dlat ivered. PAGE OLiTman' METHtffiLA PLEASE I-ON DON. June 11.— Tile latest mi. tram for International oM age hmi «ra Is a Hungarian woman by the »«we or A8 , 0 ., tt Uppa , wbo J I* authentleated at ISt years. *he D reported to be In excellent health •tod vefy active.*-* In answer lo Inquiries as to her health, Antonia says she wore glaaees until sps was .it. but sines tben she ha* been able to see clearly with out artificial aid. Hhe bus a been a widow for fifty year*, and earns a living by giving medical advice Ih Ik r community. £y _ AJ EASE BALL ItKHULTH .VtTIOML 1.k4111k I blcugu ", Hrouklja I, I iaclaaall I, hew Verb I. N. I.ouls i. llosloH g. rillybarir*Philadelphia, rain. tiKiM M iUm r. I’blladclphla Develand «. New lert in. *l. Imni* •> bulM n Detroit t. n Ma-blngtoa N, I kl.-ag» MI.I.V"LK4MK l Uffusfe «*7, Npartanburg I*l. bacon P. iolumhla g,. t hurlolle *. Greenville n, w Hlti.lMt I.KAGt K • lllchmond «, Prterbury g. . Wilson N. H«cky Maent U. *. Norfolk «, l ari mawtb « (|g totaff*. , i darker**). MMMIONT LKAfiCC . I Raleigh f-|i, Greensboro 4*l L 1 Mtffb *'«lsl *. iHtrshm *. i wuMhi n -vajem i, Das nils a, 3 < jtfiHlr'r’iMul 1, \ < »/... - ■** ** J ABBOCIATED TBEBS - - FuciriYß am j 3-nTror-'" r 1 . ■■ mmmmrnmmm Girl Llvtfi Ne«r flalMm AM H«r Ufa m 4 Ntvtr 6«aa 1 Sclmml ’ if* (AN decipheTT f;i. JPUNNY PAHBRB Amana Oto more totoroaUab thing. recently dleedverpd by the, OlMii , i went of Public Weffere wna s Iftffen j yknr eld girl who 1 had aafnr bean to school awt who » progoat of early la Hfa hy hog Mlwp. I The girt, apon ifeyMMP* Wikdllk 'ffilk#t (Millill has sells h •W'lMl wMKto^ 1 MHMNM* Hi kMff EiH««lDiot)if*r' I stanitM with hs»r grondnsoXto lad hag, nover spent a duy IP echaal to .tier, life ffhc ha* hena tauht hat jbllmw hul can tmrely mpkn Mkfto. •out end can hardly writ* thc|» to nil. ! "5 £.* how nfea llhed th. iddn. of hatoM itfcn given away by her fatocr nflp ' • s«id that She thought tt vrtp oil rtapU , aud that she gueeeed she «t. j reived * lot more with hoi tnift" mother than she would to 'roctovK,' '\r Most 11 round out that the gM, •‘Vo* 1 1 tinny paper so be look bar MON *■ aml w Ichcd '•• * fob jaewgaalmt «■ uairuxlnes He stated, that «ba M had no Idea there wad. uptoltog cB in Ihe solid other t|«a| DM f»to» flfif was living oil. ;If NEGRO PRBAdfßd.< •s' ■ t castor-*ll» to mpWWmm 9 ■ JWhm \ negro • busy toe iretoEjM " preachlHg to r*oMf fItPSM. Thp ua|Rl - was crippled, sod teed te waif on Sp N .Yesterday moretoff a JfeK •VMAjm hc'weeu His nil I road treefes OA*»lWfc.M-: rilreet si the corner gs hind which whs tbe crippled pre.! He h.,d m* Bible open o* lari es ■ box -tod «u* preactoag «« afe Iff “twee Tbe sup was htollitf Hwe |MI him. bh« mil lie kept on unto iJBH Yesterday arieronos, h. yas .jS seen prvjciung to cptvty egge- WM IJvcry now end then saniaaav »A|H pass by aad drop in » coin (mi jUM preacher k«pt right oe. see*. whether *a}-onc was listaxUps orHttß ik says nta home hi uffl) ten JEfi 1 ‘U.al several year* ago ;,inuira i .!■ ed him up by teiU*| Vim mm KOM Xberlff was after hi»». f” look to ibe woods and ran Imd£3l swamp He mired „7h* «M .Kl «ud remalmd toerv. ,or cUh to. the eighth day he atopKrn w«i,k hlnikeU out. aud was - .aialyad .condition. that he w alk on hfe kaao* MFISIjS hi Bmnsi cyp' W HFSINE A. a. Hotter* Winn TttW Witt Mie — » AJbto ®ctr» m if# AMERICAN'S SCORE AGGREGATEQ. |f« TROON. ~ u n* l|.~By t,| Atatofiat* . ' I'rce- > A. 11, Millers, j , •*, * l,i I'iau, won the llrßikh Men „*!• < humptoosblp. ooiupdKtoa. '--whto’i wa» concluded hero today wtth wa if- ** «regat. adore of m. Gellery es IRgga ‘ Walter Hagen felled ladaff to M» attempt to win the British ease gals title for the second tlsne. Hsgao made the fourth round la 7S. giving him a UH.I of M. one more then A O Mae. era. BritUh, who lain title nftoraaoa »a* leading In (he field; Hagen's failure lo wfe W ggq • ciurn of the championship trophy to. Brtu.h hands after two -years to America eg (ba other toaadfeg American rmnumu "ves. Joe Kirkwood add * MeDwhT Hmlch finished 3»g .m) gag, rZv "vely while Johnny Fhfroll " •• Xi'rcgate of Jog t,nl tjero* AalbaZ we. i.r to the ranr wMk ' j* A gallery of nearly iffdM genmhs " Haeesed llagan a flalgh. Oa|»*C. Ok. - " tm.-mni..- iiritivh now tots * 4Mtodb ! •» Ids'* U vvr.. ' ■ viS-' mHS