1"'% » 1 !■ ■ ■ WEATHER fdl wnr ha * *—■ »w ■ t »4Lnrt two. nwim *. ' i iL. ■ ' • i( riMM' mfftoteAJhu^|^AdMy|* aM ! u ■ inii lllll~| - “JOY RIDE” STARTS' EARLY TOMORROW BOSTON, June ll.—Th* refiondl »Wrt liatr UvUUu lay it- HKboi off tto Flm'i Mg* In %iln tpwei UrWr la imllhh to i|{|’ aniutro* ,ijwr afiMtorp waters on bar trial (rip * Em detaehmapt of puqst* a*n Wgro to tto Lariat baa twlibl oi ■ ateamor TV **•« »« ** | oA#y t* board tb* ship tomorrow. '.''SfSßSi s marl Tad th* mTLZh MU*# u># raamouin lE«a tto dry lock a • palsied and rafura- ML ,• i . f ' SR. Mart , iuaa 11. Tha Lo th* world’a largest Naar. ra I nafuraiabed 4 • mt of t* If frith ateam up » bar trial trip ta Cuba to Ftt lai* flying and wbla t«g tba groat ahlp will ataam Vara tto harbor with V guaata ot tba United Etataa Shipping Board, on OM ft t%a ■oat luxurious tripa arar l Oa bar rotura she will go into tba Malar trana-Atlantic trade. ntart ini July 4 from Naw York to Cher bourg and Southampton. Bli days wIU ba taban tor a croaalng. and a rooad trip will ba mada ***ry three waaka. Accommodation* tor tba 1,400 ppsaeager* will coat frtfia 46.000 for tha aa-caUad royal aulla down to IB or |1 M far tba thirdFl rat rtpaa will to from $274 dp aad second from sl4# up _ ; Tba Itaar, wblhc lay rotting away tor two rears attar Ita aarrica IrHißrt, whsfl ft carried 200,000 doughboys urn* tha Attaallc. la bow t«f**ffffli lb B.ftJLl* surpassing that of tba moat aumptuoua total. Da ■lgtora. latartor deoorator*. archi ve and actlgta toya *4#e tbalr ut Mat tg rngke tha termor VatariaU BO toltghcttl tent pasaaogara wttl •WfR «r dr give tha feet that she cßtotm bp tor. Ttora to a wtola aartoa of aultaa which aurpaaa tha '-atagla "royal fihartmeata" of other large liner*, lack oaa waa feslgned aad decorated separately Tbofe to no uniformity Color* are dlgnJßed and restful. a -'change from Um whit* and gold at tha old typo of Rate cabin. WiUlt arc toft gray gad tan*, pomegranate and beige, i'kfppt* bare been woven |g exact imitattoa ot aaclent oriental deeigaa. aad tto walla are bung wltb feproductloba of old mwtarptoeea. Indeed of tto rough bunk*, cramp od aide* together, which served the doughboy a on tbalr Way ta France, arc largo bedroeate furnlabed la bar. ■oaloua enter combination, wltb twla bade. WtadbW curtain*, tapeatry covered furniture and thick carpet* Tberv to aoihlpg left to bring bark to memory tbq day* whan the ahlp, looking atrandf finder Ita camouflage, aped atMlthlly out ot tto harbor, lying low HI the water With her weight of bateau frtogbL J A Rltf-Carltoa reatauranf toll aerve tboae who Bfoffc not *U water the common dining atloeg, iphiek Hwelf to tar beyobd that bf <»e orblbary ahlp la epleudtr. Aleo. cablaa ran ba obtained wUb private breakfast ■ ts. ' , Tit , roam* A tea room furotabe din Queen Ann* with old English color print* by Norland and other*, will *erva a* b retreat during the hot part of the late afternoon wbea tbo gueata have tome up from the tiled awlmminr tool An a reheat fa will rurntob mu. gtc lor tboae who wont to dance, prhlle other* rsa go to th* oak pan plied »looking room, large and cool. With comfortable armchair* and Iced drink*; lemonade and aoda. Here \oorda and making up a pool oo the /day’e run will occupy the time until dinner, ‘" / Tboae who go to the Rltx-Carlton will And a rgetourant furnlabed In the style of the Empire. All the woodwork to of carved mahogany, the ornament* of cut metal In a dull-old gold. flwl»b. tto chair covering* of glum color aad old gold Under all tbla magnificence, thla quiet luxury. *r« the great tbrbine*. all humor* of dd.HO normal bora# power aad an emergency horsepower «f to.OOg. Thor# am four abaft*, wj 'jm at 24> pound* preaaure from pr A Mors. 124 ventilating *yatem». ail motors, a plant to run IS.Ocn electric lamp* and two emergency hgbttag ayatnma. „ la the galleya, there are aeven. ato Pie moet hind* of aVlJmeat. The linen, the china, tto gbmnwnra and cooblng utensil* are counted by the thousand* and »ena of thousand* To take care of the baking for the IJHto panaengar* crew there are fOßi* complete bakertoo. WHb all Ikeao Idaurle* and all this service tto lucky two hundred will anil for Cato tomorrow aur rounded by • toward* aad mechani cal do vice* wllob dill eatract Irom Ufa every wood tor ’fifffirt. . j THE GOLDSBORO TOWS * MX PAGES • ' PMTI ABSUT TU kKIUTIIK Launched “Vaterland." Hamburg, . IM4 . Troopship U. 8. N.. i 1»1A x & ' Carried 2M.IMM); on* trip 13.0 M Rebuilt. Newport New*. V* . I9U IWBgth *4O foot; beam 100; draft 4b | JMspiacemeut U.OOO ton*, groaa Os Beer*, crow 1.116; passengers >.**. " I' Dock* 12; Hteboat capacity 4JM ( rude-01l burner; eu.otm b. p. turbines. 4d boiler*; 4-acrew; speed 2* knot*. • •* i Fuel capacity 0.444 tons; pumps r l * l Telephone* 400; electric lamp*. IbAto- Wlrfag 10b. mile*; tubing (0 ■Baa. Cqat 16.000.00 d; renewal M -200.000. owned, run by M. 8. Shlpplu* Hnchert Hartley. Com- FM siniis' ' MEETMG HERE FM DISCUSSION WIU Take Up Mat ter of Carolina Short Rac ial Circuit ALSO TO TALK about Publicity The fair aecreUros of Fasten North Carolina will meet tbla morn 4 Ing at 11 o'clock In the Chart be r of Commerce of gee to take up tto mat ter of completing arrangements for the Carolina Short 8bl» circuit. ' The secretaries have an «ntll%A new racing event policy to settle aad will very likely work all nteralng to complete the organisation of tbe new circuit. Tbe matter of arrang ing entry cards aud th* method* of adrertteiag, both Abe races and toe to# r as a tenter,that CIIAIkUI. * This to th* second meeting of Its .klitl recently, tbe first being several Weeks ago when the fair men out lined tentatively tbe new short six week circuit that Is to be decided on thin morning. s MISS PRINCE HORT MICH la in Rcafliute for the Trip Th Southern Waters Un docking Finiahed Miss Julia . Prince, daughter of D. M. Prince. <2ll east Pine Btryet, waa severely but not dangerously Injured yeatarday afternoon when she waa -caught between two cars Center Street:'' ° ' )tiaa Prince waa standing oo tbe raanlng board of hir cor when R. G. Little qf Jbbnstoa County out from tbe curb. Mis* Proice Wua caught totweeß tto back of Mr. Little'* car aid tbe aids of her own Mr. Little stated that be looked both ways lo see If aoyone waa coming, but failed to see tbe cR Mias Prince was stand ing on because It was Immediately 1 behind him. Mt*a Prince waa carried Into « nearby atore and later taken home. Her Injurlef- were chiefly around tba Antes und below her knee* and con sisted of buriaea and abrasions I .ate last night she waa reported as rest ing well. NATIONAL .. j Beaten t, Pittsburg H. PMUdelyhta «, Chicago t. Brooklyn t, t’l*clanattl 1 Nt. Low I* i. New York 4. ANKRIi'tN Detroit 11, New Yerk A > Hi. loot* 4-t, Hestea *-«. • Clevelaad «, Wnaklngtea 4. t'klcage t, Pkllodrlpkla 44. MOITBKRN 1 Rlrmlogkam H-d, Nmkville 2-H. Atlanta 4, I tolteuoega 2. * Mobile 8, MompWa 4. i RALLY Greenville i, Celambto I. Hearts a barg % Mace* I. Charlotte Id. AB«w*ta *• VIRGINIA NeHolk «. Ricbmoad «. Rocky Manat H, Pari*me*lk 11. ~ Petersburg 8, Hltoon S. PIEDMONT High Petal «. Durham «. < Kelelgh A Danville 4. Winston A Greensbere 4. VILLA WINS * NEW YORK. June II Paaeo Villa of tbe Phtlltptne* knocked oat Jimmy Wilde of KUglund In tbe seventh round of a fifteeeo round mutch tonight wUb * rt(bt to tto Ja*> 1 « I ——l 1 * Leviathan, Agam in Service, and Her Officer* I 4T 9|H|Hpßptp I. _ _ m 4" * 1 . !Tf*T I r , '' fi % EXIBBMNWffiK •! FfflM IMIVERSITY . FOIIfaCIMIS I UrgMi Sinjfle Project of Itaj Kind ip United Stateg To Start This Sumner CLASSES TO BE HELD OVER STATE CHAPEL HILL, June 17.- What la termod aa the largest single exfen-f ■lon teaching project In tbe United States fl* to be lujuirbed by the F;r tetukyn division of the Univeratty of! North t'drollaa, when during tbe week beginning Jue II over 350 phy-! slctoas wttl begin a twelve weeks' postgraduate course to be given- In elgkteen cl tie* dtotrlbuled through out North Cnmttna. It was annoanced tootoM by C. D. Snell. Director of the University Extension Division. * ‘‘Wbll* nearly all stale universities now have extension division*. - ' Mr. Snell stated, -‘this la tbe, first at tempt by any university to. bold ex tension claeasos ou such a latte scale In every section of a Slat*. The *ucn wended Its | way lo the state capital grounds. J where brief exertisrs also wery con ducted at the monument of teiavra! olin J Gotdou. one of the noted lead er* of. the Confederacy, slier which the party proceeded to Stone Moaß tsin. . j. GULIiHHORO, I, c* mniitY MOBMING. Jl NK It, IMS RDTIHWMSIHg President ObreKon 8»y» He Wiß Throw Open Rpyal I’abrt-K ( oTlubmen ST. LOUIS. June IS.-Weifare work nl behalf of crippled dkildren and whether district clubs shall became administrative Instead of advisory, ns bow consumed, were disrunaed nt a meeting of the committee On the pro posed legislation of Rotary Interna tional hi*re today. Tto mooting wag 1 preliminary to the formal opening tonight of the con , vent ion of tbe orgnaltafmn i Suggestions have been made that Rotary International assume tb- wel fare work being conducted among crippled children by tbe Interna tional Society for crippled ebluirdn. Tbe Society la campoaad mostly‘of Rntarian*. President Obregon. of Mexico, ha* Issued an Invitation by latter to the convention to meal In Mexico City In 11)24. ' "We grill .lot need governmental recognition If we get friendly recog nition," declared Manuel Palavlcinal, president of tbe Mexican delegation of sixty, who will present the Inv!- tatlon. ■ • s. t> To further these objects tto fdl towlng committee toe* bees formed; WIU the duties of asase t ommtt leo on Plant and Send Exchange. Committee on Program who plana tor I act liras and talks and aaalgna topic* for dtaeussloo at meetloga. etc. Com mittee oo Flow Show arranges fro eghiklt* at outside show* and co operation wltb other dubs. I'ommll tee oo Public Activities a a Memorial Avshu*. Unkm station. Herman Pnrb, Street Parking*, etc. Committee oa eourt hou* aground*- The qualifications for membership nl tbe garden club shall he an In terest In gardening, possess la of n flower garden, active pereeoi super vision therein, the standing of OS amateur and willingness to abniw In the' work of tbe club. Tto club hopes to abreast of tb* gar dening knowledge ato a| H* meet ings will dlwrum caltund problem* aad horticultural subjects. Cack | member will have an opportunity to describe her triumphs and faHuraa at lit*** meeting* and mho tbalr flowers for rompfirlaoa to become fa miliar wltb tbalr different points, th* flames of varltlea and tto beat meth od* of display all tabdlag to eieh* future flower shows a pleasure. Meeting* are tb* breet bof life to a garden club, so realising tbla tto Ooldsboro Garden Club *f tbe Wom an's Club will bold two meottßga monthly ato la ordfir tb make those Ik forum I and absolutely dsmoaraile, they will be held nt tto dlferent hbmes of 1U members. MEMBER 0# f; I ASSOCIATED PRESS MUCH TALK OF rnKOTOL TO ALLL citizens Tto atrqjei. «r eleptloa i* coming la tor dtscpsakm time* dgya. ato la fbe naar future B to skpected,ttot It coat* la lor vUwßltlwi IPIP *oran, am tto latter part of the week Bg JfUl be tolled qf those who favor the progeelflon and tboae who oppoae It. Tto Ghamtor of Com mere* to apdraertag (to Aieettng aad M to apaß te aay one In tto city tto toofit If avorraßoMfV atteßto * k|j. niMbllMto outoeoboon . Li — ewte 'lHppllm§ t'Affi trUPwl Mite flf ffi* - aicamt w/vte'xr o om ... , ..A, »* , nkw * e ito‘3Jih*i* was korl to at (to ffßffktv tooolUf tof t|to tomtotefM gJf tha Bhol* of tto Roof* pf iattteate. wfctrfe IfrYMrUblf |g for omalic dtoUlta Hm Official. Today's irifil||f j|l|iriftflif nark Other 11mrg, fi ifir xyso rl I f HLH 27. A rna wdifgl MwpjMMH NKW YORK. country ot tbe Fveneb Rite ahMMMtfiS' Ifflm n#ifiih4toiG |Rh* .half a litr# of wipe a top after tlm tic* to this egect from bto dor. Under tbe new srrAfSfiaMßt sailors wpuld receive Uto Wlpfi pp. cording to the Kreoeb ifiw.H Tb* wloe supply kffl to HMjHr ufidffr ffffii) ns uitdlcul pfilf rnsentatlves of Italian pM YtoMll lines which also are require4tofiC " llonsl laws to provide wine *hift.fff|ikt they bad yet been Informed# 1 Uto barrier being lifted —— iHnffll Goldsboro business interest* grp becoming aroused over tto metier of securing several of th* eottbo mill* that are moving or art planning te movt South. Tb* ('barnber of < ommerc* to now preparing dote oa lb* sbltabilMy of Ooldsboro for more cotton mills and In tb* near future Secretary Den mark will go North so represent these facta to a number of mill owner* who are roatemplattag changing their locations. k James A. Omar, of the American Colton and Moot Reporter waa ta the fit yyesterday and bad, several roo ts rencea with SecrAtary Denmark amt other leadldg ell Issue, ffp slates that within ten years there will oat to a spindle moving la the Naw Kapland Stele*. North Carolina towns have tto flrst opportunity to land lb* miUa. Fully •iaty-eU anil two-tblrda per soul ot manufactured gooia to coppumod In th* North. Tto mills wtoh te rote* South aad tto? ‘wish to locate as naar tto Nbrth as they can tod still (Continued op Bap* Thrte) ■ KVORIAL KMTtttN Tomorrow tworlag* paper wtU be * Memorial Building * postal Tb* entire outline and plan of tto eommltise which baa tto build- Itag m charge will be given ato a number of OotdaborWs landing fifteen* will Slate their views an the buitdlug of a boateMal mmn orialior wke 'west *o mucr nn (Mm *m -q te* 1