1 ■ WEATHER OsnenaMy Mr Wiliwfci aad TMr*. Genii* *M< ■i ■ ■!■ ■ ■ ■ M ¥ ALIK 8 TW« I HI’UK If MS. * 'PS' ■■■■■■ ' " ■—H-l- silently And With Determination Work Goes Forward For Memorial Building * Will Be No Speechless Shaft Or f.*j? V ' ' ' $ Voiceless Figure But A Temple > To Courage And ..High Daring wui (to rolling of dnima and the lull! or bugles Ooldet>or<> men mi rabid away In (be apiing and turn. Mr of 181? lo do batik for America American ideal* WMb alia Mb and determination tin laadlM man and wotnaa or Goldsboro I (to oammgr or IMS are planing ad woritlg lo jinlld a. mamorlal that flt tmglr coWanaorataa the died* of Tbua the aptrlt of tba Memorial aavantaan aadelghteea. siMSto ap. The materiatl awhal ..KM building campaign about to atari la auturned up. That malarial aide of tto propoaltlon. however vaatly Important It ■■¥ seem, la auhmarged in an out tort o aantlment that pay* tribute to tba memory of the dead men and aaya poattlvely that the community mem orial mu at to built. Ttoro Is no questtoning the deter mlMtlon of tfaoee who make aucb a at ataman t To attend a meeting of the axacntlve committee and hear pro ceedings la proo poaltlv that thr ■building will be built. There la no jueationing the deter mination of those who make such a the executive committee and hear the proondinga la proof positive that the building will ha biult. Tim «na shlrit that caused the man of Ooldaboro to do their part la the amaahtag of the Hindenbarg r -Usd. the name spirit that swept the first Anljf of the United Slate* agatost tto pride of the Merman Prim stab aard. that same spirit u being the minds and heart* of weak that the drive for thaf Xmas rial will not. cannot tall Tto oyMtument Which ft planned Will m (M appellee* abaft or mice last 4(IN In bronze or marble. It 1* to be a temple wherein cou rage and dead of high daring *lll be commem orated It ta to be a shrine for sor rowing Mnarfa. A balm of healing. “This memorial will be watered with tba teara of mothers, who. as the days go by will find a mid pride In that their sons died for a rlght rotts reuse " The above sentences are extracts from an addreea by Josephus Daniels when the last campaign was on for the memorial building. Mr. Daniels has completely and fittingly told whet the memorial will lie. The following letter was mailed last night by the general chairman of the committee. Captain Nathan O'- Jerry. ' * June IS, IMS, To the Subscribers to the Memorial community Building:-. About four years aro a campalsn was started to raise ■ fund for the purchase of a lot and erection of a community building as a fitting trib ute lo the Wayne County boys who served In the World War. Owing to the financial depression that followed our llrat efforts, only a part of the amount pledged was collected A board of trustees was elected by the subscribe re and Instructed by them to apply this amount tIIHiOTHM to the purchase of the later lot. at the corner of Walnut and William Streets. In the belief that the time would come when the project o erect ■ Inga Memorial Building might to realized /«> At a recent meeting the trustees de • elded that the time was at hand for the completion of the plan, and at a subsequent meeting'of the subscrlb-- era. well attended, this decision watf enthusiastically and unanimously rat ified It waa voted to proceed »t once to complete the fund finish payment on the lot. and erect a building to he used as a gymnasium, auditorium rest room, and as headquarters for /he American Red Cross the Charity *Organlsetk>n Society Community Ser vice. Boys’ Work roup, anti the Amer ican lotion, •* present billeted In what la known as the old Edge rt on Stables. The planof building tenta tively approved while not so exten h or eipennlvs as the one propos ed four yearn ego. will ge adequate for our purposes and a fit memorial to our heroic soldier* Every one who mode a pledge in tb«* Memorial Community Hulldln* Fund four years ago will be asked during the neit two weeks to pay as much thereof as may be necessary to carry out this newer project It Is well hC life that we forget a greet many things, sorrows and mis fortune*. hut there should never (CahUUgedrto too two) ty »' ■'% *■ ■ * m\ ■ to _ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS EIGHT I'AGKH A letter Written In 1919 Which Holds True, in \ 92 3 Oct. 18th, l»l» Hon. It. K. Allen, Chairman Memorial Community Hallding My dear Judge Allen i I have welched with keen In terest Ike muvemenl Id erect n Memorial Building In Wayne County In memery of ker soldier* *ho served, end those who made Ihe sespreme secriice I* the greet W*rld War. A* mother of n son whose llle was laid on the altnr es World l.ltortj, let me say that ne gift* shell es seeriMee would hr worthy es the men lo wbaWlP will be erected. Their spirit I* shewn In In I heir quotation from a letter from my son. " "Soon, I feel, we are going Into she line and what that holds for me tied alone knew*, end I'm gu lag In wltk a singing heart and n light heart. I'm nol worrying for I'm nol making the saerigco H‘« the dear mothers like yon, the wives, the tobies, who are making the sarrfftre. We are gtogted a blessed privilegr of giv ing oar Him Hi Nttle ell, and cheer, felly we are giving It. • • • The old Crusaders fought that they might 811 the Holy Mepnlcher from the laddel. We ight that we may make Hl« earth tri e from weUe -aad like them we carry the cross, rot oa par shield*. tot are vee INI our hearts, lie Ji>n "o»yDW that we go forth with a song had a smile I 110 you won der that we win?" ' l eaving all they held most dear, our toy* went forth lo protect ns aad the rhllitnllon of our fathers. Shall we withhold aay honor wc eaa bestow oa them I Compared lo their supreme sacrifice, onv gift that 1 could make Is as aolk lag. Ifni, wilk my limited meaas, I want lo knve a part In Ibis splendid memorial for my toy and aad those who served with kirn. A MOTH KM. FERTILIZER RATE • CASE IS COMPLETED Railroads Have an Array of Talent Present To Present Case The hearing of the • fertilizer rate rase before examiner Butler of the 1 Interstate Commerce Commiaslop! came to a conclusion Monday night; and the member* of the commls*loii here and, the lawyers for the rail road and others Interested In the case left yesterday morning. The caKw has excited a gr<£l deal of Interest throughout the Stale and’ throughout Himth Carolina. Virginia) and Georgia BRtc railroad* Involved, the Seaboard, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Norfolk Southern, and the Southern all had their attorney* present and the fyrtillxer companies of the four states Involved had rep resentatives present. The roae sot the fertilizer people was presented, by the Goldsboro Chamber of Com merce through Its truffle depart-, ntent, *lt will very likely be several months before a final decision I* made In the matter as Mr. Butler has to make his brief to the commission as a whole and the entire commis sion bus to pass on the matter. It the case I* won by the fertilizer ship per* It will mean great sating as Well a* a rebate from the railroad* of a con*lileruble turn of money. HtRIIK, Ml Hit (VII l( I ID. Hi n Friday night. 22nd. at Huletown. the Laymen's Federation will have a uni que service. The piece da resistance will be barbecued pig, religious ser vices. will to a feature, and Prof Hurst’s noted orhestra will regule the assembled guests. A musical num ber will to a violin sob) by Uotdtoro’ii eight-year-old "left banded ilddler.” A great crowd la expected. : " OUU»MM>M>, V. C, WRUNKNIIAt MUHRUhU, JI’IB *, IMS mi wen TO MMX LIST BITES FOR CIPT GIDOEIIS American Legion ami But ter v “A" To Participate in Series ' WILL TAKE PLACE 8 THIS AFTERNOON The funeral of Captain L. D. Gid d*n«. who died -in an Atlanta hospi tal will he held from Bt. Haul’s Meth odist church at si* o’clock this af ternoon. The funeral will be a mili tary oae with the American 1-cgloni end Buttery "A" participating Tto| services will be conducted by Hev. C, I* Read and Hev. '/.nan Well, chaplain of the American legion Post. The honorary pall bearara will to 1 A. H. Edgerton. H. U Parker. Mur ry Bardt-n. Eugene lllnes. Charles B. Milter, T. R. Robinson. James E. Robinson. George C. Kornegay, John L Borden, C. J. Orlawald. C. E.'Wflh ina. W. g. Leroy. Gaston Dwli. and Or Eealey, . * The totlve pall bearers will be Cap tain Glddeii’a companions in arqia during the late World War of which the deceased was a victim. They will be Colonel John l.angwton. Col onel George Freeman, Captain Zeno Hollowed, Lieutenant l-ewls Hum med. Jr., Major Edwin Mlchaux, Clhr onfce Crone, post commander of the American Legion. Dr. C. F. Stroatil de r and Robert Saseer. Two aquada from ,tto battery and the American legion In a I tody will act aa (be guard of honor and mili tary ceremony will mark the laat rltea OTer the body. „ Those here attending the funeral from e distance' are Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of Live Oak. Florida. Mra. Hopktns I* a slater in law of the deceased. Filfl SECRETARIES DECIDE ON NEW mmoGßii CircMit Will Cantata Six Pairs and For Six Wacku EIGHT RACES DECIDED UPON• ; | The secretaries of different fairs In Eastern North Carolina met In the Chamber of Commerce offices yesterday morning and definitely adopted a racing policy for the fairs ‘ during the coining fall, i The Carolinu short ship circuit be comes a certainty now since ad the fairs represented voted to adopt the 1 circuit, and Rocky Mount which was not present, wired Ita acceptance , The uew circuit will have afght race* extending aver four day* and will hav* a purse of (too Thin menus that the fair this year will have tba aamc class of race* It’ had laat fad when R was a part of the grand circuit. Thoae entering the rlrrujt were I Fayetteville. Clinton, Raleigh. Kin ston. Goldsboro, and Rocky Mount. All theae places with the exception es Rocky Mount had their rrpresen-- lalive* at the meeting yesterday morning. K.MI'I.OYRUT MKI ORB KALEIH. June W.- Positions for 671 men end M 3 women were obtain ed by the North Carolinu branch of the 17. 8. Department of totor Em ployment Bureau during the week ending June 1A according lo a report made public today. During the same period IM persona regtoietwd with ■the burse a potato in various cities and 837 eatered request* or aid. Ctor • lotto wtth 211 anas aad IS women 1 puloeed to position led the state while wtlmhiitaw earns second with 183 want to extcmUihls opportunity next year not only to mors girla In Goldsboro but to the girls who live hi tbz country near u*. to* a f great community center such as we have heard la proposed we to I lave (hat we cau make the Girl Scouts a rtal Influence for good, end We hope that you will consider u* when you are thinking ol this Memorial .. 4. I i > Building. Signed: Sarah Falkewer Helen Dortch Mary Anna Howard Eleanor Korwegsy Margaret Koraegay Alice Grace Slaughter BwslJi' Barham Alice Muagrave Margaret Port eh t Margaret Morris * Florence Johtjson Kllxetotb Dewey c Virginia Ipoch i Margaret Lynch Hetty Honey Eleanor Pierce t’lsudla Irwin Margaret Glddens Cora Fuller Collier Carrie Moore Nash to rah Nall Yolvertpn Marlon Techs r l.yaeh Qltab^Ntai Mary^ra^ajtortov TERMTOm IROIMD EmmKum | ’ BT DM CURRENTS Mlffhty Mountain l« BeichinK Drat ruction Over Vaat Arm TOWNS CLOSE BY ARE BEING CLEARED j CATANIA. Italy, June I#,—|By tto seoriated Press.)-Tto greet lave current from Mount Etas bearing in Us flow grant maaaea ol earth and planes la advancing rapidly and baa . *1 ready rearvhed the bouadeof . I.lnguagloasa Gtaen rielda. orange groves, end vineyards have been j shallowed up sod for miles around the atmosphere la suffocating with volcanic smdke. Several smaller houaea In Ungiutgloeae hev* bean I shaken dwon by the frequent shock* Vend the amlUng Rule town, though! saved, I* In direct line with the lava •>nd is doubtless doomed to distrac tion. „ , » ' q,: ; f ' The molten stream la travelling about forty yards an hour. The leva tod Is eigtit r und red yards wide » >d nearly thirty feet d• • I <-nalle.- r reals of I ,vs diverted I *t.** tbq main riresm 'tirituna t»> ultor amellr> villages. Tto work o( r'eariNu U> threaten ed town Is '♦'a* • arttvdjiji with the greatest energy and the RntoLorganl astlon Discipline Is necesenry to jtet th* native* to abandon their hotemT Irplanea are being used for th* first time to watch tto prog rasa of thf «r* I MJltUuut 'i wzl iawwal fltaik)Mß blto I erected. A new at ream of lava on tto Waa* ['tern aldt of Bias menace* tto fftarfc yunctlon on th* b’tae railway. Ac cording to dispatches six new erstera have opened only two however of th* 'first importance From theae can 'clearly be seen the lava is frightful turmoil being ejected amid vast clouds of smokesnd sahfa forming two stream* of liquid death on* of which la tollink down on aa. COOPER GIVEN PROMOTION BY THE PRESIDENT WASH INTON, Juni 18. An nouncement made today et tba White House that on July 13 Prowl dent Harding would designate Robert Cooper, former Oevemor tenth C|uv ollnn, ns coannlneloner end executive officer of the hoard aueapedtng Charles & |.obbell resigned. Mr. 'Cooper la e Democrat. Hl* post after July 3 na vie* commis sioner will to ftUed by Umar 8. laadls. a Republican member of tto , hoard- , • • • it , Bertha Eutsler , Bobble MusKrave , Kathryn Miller t Sarah Derr v I Iwiulee Wrlldemsn Margaret tlowsrd 14 < Wilma Spence It ulb Wdilcman Iwah llellls Mary tongslon 1 l.ydla Jny Brooks Dorris May Jones « j Margaret Moye Mary Kllsstotb Spence Olive H|ienre Mildred Henderson Then Donaldson 1 Ida Margolwa Mary Emma Derr • File lie ii I nil ‘ i .... / ■itodtttownm aai .01 fAifljii , „ Riwrr pag km Dr. Wall In Ringing StatementPleadsThat I . City Honor Her Dead -Th» scenes awl Baying of tbeoarlv daya of llm war am aa fresh oa my • mind-today aa they wdr* during tka •prlag of HIT, I shall aamr forget tba day whan resident Prortoe of • Mlaslssftipl foliage loM lb* boya of •hi* school about tba call that would I «o«" w»ma lo Amarlea for help. a»d 1 bow wban It cama ha waatad each | man to do hi* doty; how wltblo two ' day a a hole battery of flee college *m«" had ip tba oOlora, anil • art aaktag that thay ba rvoogalaad ‘and moblMaad; bow a committee from .'•bat battary cama to my atudy with •a request from tba man of tba bat •tary that 1 go along with tbam. thay ,'aaytag. 'lt «a can go and fight aum ,'ly yo« can go fcloog with ua. paator. 'and pray for ua. bnd obaar ua up.' And j>who. pmy„ tall ma could any no? I ' want and did my part aa boat I could White away In camp oa thin aide tba npaakara who cama to ua aald “Oo on boy*, and whip tba Hun. and what ever you want wa will try to gat It tor you.' Wh want. Wa did our pgr. aa boat wa oould. Wa hapt faith Rut friend*. did yon koap your promise Who among Jkii’Will ever forgal the wroda warn paaaad dowa tba llaa/to tba' m*a yoadar at Chala-m tblerry whan dafaat aaamad I navi- IFIRIH LISTET HI YOU WILL BE IHHESTEO New HUte Id* G«* Into Bl feet July Pint Kequlriaff Cuw To Mop RAILROADS ARB PLACING SIGNS ' RA TOH. June 10.—" Stop! Look! Uata 'aa appllad to autootobltee ha oom< a law lo North Carolina on July first, according to tba tarma of a law paaaad by tba ls f t gaaaral aa •ambly which baoomaa effective oo that data. ' Aa latsrprotatioo,4f tba »aw law *•*>»*« t«»ny by tbeattor dhr gaaaral'* offtee aaya that avary Tarawa oparatlag a motor vehicle no a public road shall ba raqatrad. "to •top bla vrhioJe at g dfctsare not ty. coadlng lift fact from tha oaamat rail" of all tralstraeha at croaalag eicapl where such croaalag la oaa wham "thara la a gat# or watchmen." Nafth •ar doaa tha law apply to "aa alee tHc railway track In a dly, lowa or rtilago.'' Th« railroads am required to place a sign board net laaa than tea foot 'from tba ground on tha right alda of tha road nod ona hundred faat from tha croaalag under tha terwia of tha law. Theae slgna will boar tba letter ing "N. C. law. Mop.” • Violation of the law. aceerdtag to the attorney general's Interpretation, will baa mtodamaanor. punishable by a flna of not morn than tan Spy a lm ; prlaonmrnt or lie M or both. In the: 'discration of tba court. Huch eoaoa! will coma under tha lurladfcHloa of tba superior court and not that of )ua (leas, of tba poors. T iVKRII I* LE*Hlf Itotmlt it New ferk d. Nt. Laals It, Boston 1 • 1 blraga lit. Pblladrlpbia >. Washington 7, lie* ala ad i iimm Pblladrlpbia 4, ('Mourn X Brooklyn e, I lari n nail I I. Row l ark 4, M. I.ual* I. Rosies, Pit f« gent, rain. I «■ NOITRKRK . j Atlanta 11. ( battaaaago 4. Nsblla t. Vrmpbla X Birmingham lh Baltllk 14. Rnwg Orlooas It, I.HMr Mark g. TIMIfWM kwrfwlk i, Richmond 4. rtrrabarg 7.1*. Wilson A-11. darky Venal 4 .Partamootb 11. HOPTR ATLANTIC l hpartaaborg, t, Varan t. Greenville l-18, Cwlamkla H-l. I 1 Charlotte B. luges I a 7. i rimpirr ' Itorham A, Mich Mat 11. Wtoataa M. tiraanabora It > ■ Raleigh tt, Dahl tile A i - 0 i <»■ - y MEMBER OP , ASSOCIATED PRESS ' i.m V ’ . tnWa to tha alUaa: ‘Man. do your beat, i’aod tha coaatry la pour* when you | got book hornet* Aad oaly tbeqiede*- ,'ty of thooa Martas* praraato w knowing tha fi|U Mary. Rut you kaew , tt. They. Mapped Into tha branch, aad . ! atobrttorh and fought aad pUed up Os rasas* |) hasps like log. w«k •thytr ma china goo*, and that dtp a tart ad Mm back toward %riia, utd ba never Mopped until tba sraMMfc* was atgaad. Our Man did (halt port la a wonderful manaar. WV haven t, I kaew, doaa oar part by thorn •They have no pines lb a«r ell a ha which lo meal. They are. lo OUT IN THK COLD Surely db| M pic Ot this City and county wit Wdk 4 simple fiama atructorc foir ißfii now and ray Boys, gn there MRSJIP (an do batter Hy and by Wo MflvJß Meet u building which ..ill gJppßf.; '•"gly "tpraa* tba high which yea. and tboaa who reMtfHRK mothi r car'll, nrc I. * .. t ' *T# gUpi* them. fp piivHHßk j four duty and do It now." "Ood of our fa«bar.! knoyrn of MRU*' liOfd iifour far-flung battle l»al f Beneath whom awful band Dominion over palm and pine: 1 ' 14.nl ftod of boat*, ba with da Jhfc - 'oat wa forgat. toat Wd forgat^.^ n_ jiatf-l * ' M ■ [mil nn iiri v * iSEwI Mltero ProM AN Onr JH| MRB. VANDMtmi/r 1 WILL HK THBRB BLOWING J.OOO ft. Jgti. pr«|Miruiioaa have boon mode hafiK ’ for the in eat lag of tba North CalKj lloa Praaa Aasoclatlon wblob hbra tomorrow night gad win adfiUw tinrough lS(|prday. Maay pnrtani matter* ara rr had wind foK’, oorwldarallon by tba editor* aad pVIHi llebar* aad apgatHaa wUI be madp. « oa *ub)*cU of onusoal tatorbef. I Th* convantion will ho calldd order tomorrow sight by Praaldawtbr d J B She rill, of Cooaorß. ami' toaH opening aaimlon will ba lahan fP welcoming apaackas gad raapaaaa« *":**• ky ktow K. nr Ooad , Eyarjr phaaa of aaw*gwpsr woafc *UI ka dtocuaaaad duriog Urn aeto. ventlon II la stated aad. editor* **kd . publlabara will raJato (hair Maws aa prohlama which far* aawapapera to day. Among those who will spook. In addition to tho newapapor editors and publisher*, am My*. Edith Vs* derbilt, praaldaat of tha Vtata ‘ PWlr Aasoclatlon. M. L. Shipman. **nmmtn •lonar of tha Department of Labor and Prlatlag aad- also hlgloriaa of the Press Association, aad Dr Haary louM Smith of Washington add lm University. Dr. Sidlih will address the association on the Lot Memorial School of Journalism which it la pap posed |o establish, with th* aid of doutbera publish era. at tba Ualrar slty as a memorial to Gaaaral Rohan k lm , > ~ u ' *~ T *- • I -- 1 " PNtllH tTION HARRCT OPtJI PUR TRAM Tha Proddee Market la tha Ay Hag- ' ion Hotel Hulldtag will ba opa« to ■ r price rrr* cun*