- 1 - 1. . WEATHER I ***** «’*—+> Mi Mari*/, I f* ™M«» ifcwrw fa MilhMut | ■ m-m ,m mmm m , mun mi iimsk ml IV II "**' ss= m' ’ - J 1 a- —— l ■■ "•' ■ - ——* - ( President Harding Urges The l Adoption Os World Court In $ His First Speech At St. Louis w • , ' J • - « *-■ - fc ■ • _ . ST. LOUIS, Mo.. June 21—(By the Associated Press.)— Consisting the tost leg of his transcontinental Hrip here late today President Harding entered upon a round of activities that Ittad the eight hour visit allotted to St. Louis. The Chief Ex * mthrs addressed the annual convention of the laternational laid the corner stone of s new city club building and de first prepared address of his trip with the world subject. The presidential party left the train & Fftrest Park and Mr. and A t , Harding were placed at the head of an automobile took them on a seven mile route to downtown St. The pevements from the park were lined three or four deep and bands stationed at mile intervals hailed the president’s arrival in advance of the proses alon. At the coliseum where the President made hi|,first speech to the Rotarigns the door were ctesed to aU tha members of the private party except Mr. Harding and his secretary. Police denied entrance to all alike. Speaking to the Rotarians the President declared that if ht could found a Notary in every community throughout the world he would po so and then guarantee trartquility and a for ward for tha universe. « His prepared speech,-in part, is as follows: ■ fIT. LOUIS. June President Bnrdlnc placed before foe country to sight n renewed pipe tor American -fm r to foe Permanent Court of International Juetlce "aa the one and only existing agency of peace to which we can lately aubecribe with out violating the bggic principles of s» our national betof"~" Making foe first prepared address Os bis Western trip, the President said font to bring about the ewKne desired be "would gladljf* wipe out fractional difference * And proposed a reconstruction of the machinery of foe International tribunal "to dispose conclusively of alt other cited Appre hensions of danger from foe exercise of any influence wpataovere. either eson or tartivo. by foe Longue of Ha ttons or by any other organiaUon. 'This could be done In one of two nmtusn," be asserted. “Htte, by erapow ertog foe court itself to fill any va enacy arising from foe Aonfo of a member or retlremont for whatever cause, without taUrpOoHion for any ufoer body; or. aecof*, by continuing foe existing authority of the Pers ? neat Court Os Arbitration to nominate and by tranaferiag the power to elect from the council sad assembly of the League to foe remaining members of sos court of Justice " . Then anticipating "foe voice of the doubter.” who might Innuire whetb nr foe to nations now rap resected on i foe court would conaeat to these J {changes la tho structure of th etrt buaal. Mr. Harding answered that "to • 1 submit terms which we consider ea ' sent la I to the pmjervatton'\>f our na tionality Is not aa act of discourtesy; i It Is foe only fair, square and honor able thing a great, self-respecting na tion can do." The crux of the condition* suggest - ed the President described as "tbs making of the world court precisely wh«t IU name Implies." -Caa It be possible that despite their protestatleaa to the contrary, this la not what some of oar sister states at heart 4aobol" he asked. - "Moat there by S test of sincerity abroad aa wall m at home! Then fog> more quickly It can be made tbe.htk Ur. the betur lo» them and the.MCU for us There In nothing to hs aeggto pllahqd in ambiguity. We want to ban s. And the only way to rind ont la 4o Inquire." The President devoted virtually’ all v of hla address to the Woyld Court L eue. hot he also reviewed briefly what haa been done by hla admlnia tration to get the country "beck on jfoe right track" In Ho domestic stairs (Si althoah declaring he did sot rbnie to make a “partisan report." he said be took pride In pointing out the banishment of unemployment, finan cial stability restored, taxes lighten ed, and great economise effected lit government. Washington's Farewell Address was taken by tbs Chief executive si bis point of departure when be turn ed to foreign relations tohortcsn ad heetoa to the oourt, be skid, squared tilth the principles enunciated'» by W rfcjpgton. who recognised the value of V'irnatlonal arbitration •It Is with that high >lrposc In mind that I advocate psHMpstion b; tbs United States la the *Pehn*•••«* Court of International Jdstlto".con tinued Mr. Pert kg. ’"Two Con Hod* ns.iv W considered IhdespenslUfo - -jpni that the tribunal he to con etltuted as to appear and to be. In . 1 lhasrj and practise, la form and In ante lance, beyond th# shadow of doubt, a world court and not a league court. ' "Second, that the United Stales! shall occupy a plane of perfect equal ity with every other power." Rtaboratinc upon hla prounnra toent that Urn court must,.not be n to indicate Its desire to Join tha lea tongue court, the Xx*euUs»fc earnrm# ng **' t * L, ‘ l.j, . i * lev i'l THE GOLDSBORO NEWS " 'w--' 1 •■■■ I'M' 'J' l ■ -1-r 1 • — ' ,J. . . - .1,,, __ •that the country had aa opportunity gue in IMO and It "moat emphati cally refused and "It would refuse again, no tons decisively today." "There has been no change of con dition." be added with respect to the league issue, "It Is the same league Not a line In the rejected cnveaaut haa been a Herd, not a phraa modified not a word omitted or added. Article X. allll stands as tbs heart of the compact. Article XI. and all other ed by the American people remain un- , •tiputattoos objected to and condemn touched, In full force In theory, bow war. circumspectly they are befog Ig nored In practice. ‘ "In tho face as the overwhelming verdict of I»*S. therefore, the Issue of Ihe league of Nations Is as dead as •hIWW. It la not the part pf wisdom and common sense to let it rest in the deep prove to which it haa been con signed. and turn our thoughts to ‘living thingsr lit. Harding said he recognised of good In the league or ganisation. however, and repeated his declaration of 1920 that he helped 'to "take sad coming all foal Is good and excise all that to bad” from the league sad the Hague Tribunal. The abstract principal of a world court found Ito genesis In The Hague 'Tribunal." be continued, "the con -1 crate application of that principle has been made by the league. Sound theo ry and admirable practive Hdve been Joined successfully. The court Itself 'la not only firmly established but has 'clearly demonstrated Ito utility and efficiency. "It la n true Judicial tribunal. Its icomposition to of the highest order. None better, noon freer, from selfish partisan, national or radical preju dices Jr Influences could be obtain ed- That, to tha beat of my informa tion and belief, to a fact universally admitted, and acclaimed. I care not whence foe court came. I Insist -only that IU Integrity. Its Independence. Its complete and continuing freedom toe safeguarded sbeolufoly. "The sols question to whether the requlrsmeats. which I have enumerat ed as essential to qdbrrenco by the JMltfo'States cad be met. My answer jilt hat Where there to n unanimous piling way can always be found I ski lot‘wedded Irrevocably to say particular method I would not as sume for s moment that the readjust - menu of the existing arrangements yhifh appears to my mind as feasible 'to the best, much tees the only one; Bat such as It Is. 1 submit it. without excess of detail, as a basis for con- I side ration discussion, and Judgment." The President then presented bis proposal for a self-perpetuating coprt slid added "Tlja'flslog of compenaatton of the Judges, the supervision of expendi tures, the apportionment of contribu tions. etc., could also be transferred from the league to either the court of arbhration or n commission designat ed by the-member nations Thus. In cidentally. wouMJh averted the ad mitted unfairness of the present sys tem. vblch Imposes a tax upon mem bars of^ the league who are not sub scribers to the court "The exclullve privilege now held by ,t»»f league to aeeh advisory legs; guidance from the court might nt!h er be abolished, or. more wisely per haps, be extended to any member nr group of member nations. Thus all would be served alike, subject as now to determination by the court Itoet of the kind of questions upon which It would render Judgments. "The disparity In voting as between l a unit nation and aa aggregated err j/ro. which now maintains In the as-1 sembly of the league, to which many oljtct, because of npprel.«-ns> ins •• Ulrh I do no* share, would. ■stole' pto iw 'Utetomht* Horn itlc, »Hj, ' ] ■ -vi-tCo>tMMd p/ftty f*roj * • b«s ■- I list a*. lettoftofoW > r- fin PAGKS =========== 801.1. WKEYIL LABORATORY to w: opkxbp is k. e. , WASHINGTON. June 21 Open- Idi of a cotton boll weevil lab oratory and Said mat lon at Flor anoa. 8. C., for the atwdy of the weevil'# biology and behavior of locil ilan I finance In connection with the control Os the past waa announced May. K « Addltioaul tnvaatleatlon will be pursued at rianaMe oltege. ■MENUKSSES n c mm II IT Blowing Rock Pilled Will Pab liehers As Prees Aaao i> HURLEY 18 THE * YEAR'S ORATOR l* - . . I. 111 SI ..... BLOWING ROCK. N. C.. June “North Carolina needs a very posi tive expression of good citizenship." declared J. K. Hurley, of tho Balls bury Even tag Poet, speaking here to night as the orator of the North Car oMna Press Association convention "Conditions in county, state and! nation would be beter If we bad • • Slversal expression of good citlaen-! ip rtom all men classed aa good citizens - ’ to . , "We have too much passive, too lit tle poaitlv ecltiseasbip. Too aauy of our cltlaena are on vacation. Wn are, not living tbs citizenship we protons We gra too busy to bother with the ffntles of clMnrahhtp; the details do not Interest us. we are busy with other matters, to us more important We trust the other fellow to meet the demands of good clliseashlp." Bpeaking of the reeolutlon adopted laat year by association pledging It self to an earnest effort to combat In every possible way the era Pf law lessness then . believed to be preva lent. the speaker declared foat be believed the newspaper men of foe state bad lived up to tbelr promise and urged the publishers to a still! "higher and better display of clttoen sblp." > .1 "Drifting to so easy, akd respon sibility foxes one for more than some desire." continued .Mr. Hurley, "flood citizenship sometimes costs; we arg' not always ready to pay the price, tbougb we are always ready for the reward. Tbs newspapers must bring men more sad non to where thby will ••• themselves Toe civic dalles end accept unto themselves full re sponsibility. America to calling tor the man who knows what to do. how to do H, and to willing tq do It. "Ws art looking for citizens who are Info rested In more,.than personal liberty/ we jjre looking tor men wko will tie tbelr personal iqgrty up with personal sacrifices' We are In need of a citizenship that and sacrifice, not Juat one that wHI pas sively reoelve the bleeslnns a -rich land bestowg.” t» The speaker discussed the various way* In which the every day man neglect* his citlsenshlp and cited ex amples of such neglect as harmful to coiumupitles and to states as well as tho nation at large. He warned of the danger of a, carelessness In attending to the dutlee of citlsenshlp and called the editors lo ever be alert and toad the w»y In tbelr com munities In the insitUlng of a sense of duty toward community and state ‘This wonderfully beautiful state was not given us to exploit or neg (('ontlnued on Page Two) =========^==-—==~- 3f - ! r=rr-Tr-T=nr= == HIiNJ.II * WILL THIH BE (.OI.DSHOKO'S PRIDE? * • i . V* , - * ** .1 •V • i Thin in the propound community memorial that will lx- rtubacritted tor Tuesday and hulh at onCo. It eoatalna ample a|foc« for the pfeaent.city activities and ip ho nrranired that any addi tions ngtmaaary can bo made. No atom is being loft unturnod to bring lim people of Goldsboro fact lo face with the fact that phg is now dishonoring bar dead and refusing bar children { rights to a city hoM« where they caa he taught civ4c righteouanaaa and knre for country. , ttOLIHBOBO. I. C« FRIDAY BORSISU, J|KR ISM —*—■— - 1 ■ * GOLDSBORO'S SHAME ■mm,*!** *4 f,' 1 V» >'. *«» W' • j hI . • j H■ ‘ , 4 Jj.ij# * • ,» This is the memorial that now stands in front of ths court house paying the tribute of s great city and county to men who fought and died that that city and that county might live in freedom and love. When a hard wind blows its face goes over in the mud. The rains beat against the names of tfri dead. JMMDEf : ▼M/llffl Tfl HTT TlniNb ID GET Every KfTorl Will B» Made Te Obtain for Gofdsbaro'the at J lirppMH^|w _ ; *. . RAIIEIGH ALSO MUCH INTERESTED The Junior Order Unltod Mechanics ha* authorized an tor North Carolina, and It If hitoed that It may bo brought to Ootdhefro Rai da ht Is also after the oi^bfoage. I The Goldsboro Council &.|U. If. A ; M. headed by National Councilor If. VI Gilllkln. has been trying tor soma lime lo bring the orphanage to North Carolina. The Idea! Chamber of Commerce And fbe civic Srganlsu tlons are Interaated It getting the ta i stitutlon bore. The tallowing article ifolch was clippod from the Raleigh Times, shows that Rajetgh to also *;y anx ious tor the eephsnooei * -MU**- Members of the Junior Outer In this section of North t&roltna. join ing hands With the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. Wednesday launched a. fight to obtain the fUo.fdo li ranch orghanaae of the order which waa authorised fpr North Carolina In the National Council meeting at Burling ton. Vermont. Tuesday. Selection of the site. It to believed, will, be left to the National round! representatives and to the North Car* , ollna Council, which la scheduled to meet In annual convention at DuP ham In August. W. A Cooper, of Raleigh, who waa elected chaplain of the National Council, to one of the , National representatives. W. L. Ootooon. Elisabeth City, at torney. made the speech to Burling ton that won thg branch orphanage for Norik Carolina, according to (Continued on Page Two) w-f > • j—f.iiwiins, - I BASEBALL RESULTS national Heston 1. I’ittkbnr-r 2. < hlcago I* HI. i.enf* fl. No other gam e* played. AMP. RICAN Chicago «, Philadelphia 1. I levelaad 4, Na»hla«t«u X Others ant scheduled. HOTTHRRN Allan In M, IhnttaSooga M. Nlrmlngkam C Nashvßle i New Orleans Memphis 4-4. Nwblle*l.Htle Rock. rain. VIRGINIA Prlt-rahnrg H, Portemwalh i. Norfolk N, Rocky Moaat L Richmond g, Wilson I, miiMONT Iforhnm, «, Raleigh I. High Point I, llaavllle Greenvilfo I Wln«ton-Hnlem I, KALI,J Greenville H. Maroa ft. | , Columbia ft, laguota 4. Npartaabnrg If, Charlotte ft. iPLIWM . euriwtrn r»iTr msm 3EIZEB FNTffl!! UICM POPS Trsanury Depart meat Heads Dawn Policy That to S> To Be Pursued •• BRITISH SHIP . WILL LOSE BOOZE WASHINGTON, June 21 Beverage Uqvwr brought Ipso American terri torial waters under foreign govern* ment seal *lll be seised This policy was announced lafo to day at the ttoasury add whan tha liner Borengurfo docks at New York tomorrow customs agents will break the British custom seela font guard her beverage liquor atorm and take cßhrgr of (hem Any other attempts to bring beverages Inin foe throe mile limit will he dealt with it the same fashion it was aa bounced. Announcement of the tr*nsury*s de termination to stand put on Ito policy to gawp am the-law was made alter a day's confereace of Secretary Mat lou with hlg advisors the proeeedure 1a to be followed , In the case of the Bereagaria and It la assumed lu resfibet to other sUpg making like efforte to retain bev* eruge lllquora prevJdoe for aplxure of bonded 1 labors end tranator to warehouses and given. Nn trouble to eiipdried from th* pro* oeedure. Assistant collector Btuert of the port of New York conferred with lines agents today end advised aa platent secretory Mora* by telephone that each shipping representative will file a formal protest against the American government's action as soon as K to taken. Huob a protest will he fortyarded to Washington tot possible action Neither Mr Mellon nor Mr. Moran would dlscuaa possible action on the protest. The former explaining that the course wee the natural one tor the shipping agents. NEW POWDER 18 IS DISCOVERED w \KHINOToy June 21. Suoreag* ful development of a powder tor use In small arms and srilltory wbMR uoesmuM s all thl driving powor of Ufo kind now used and which to smoke less, Itushleas nod Imperious to wa< lor was announced today by the war depart meat. "The new powder may he exposed to any atmoaphere saturated la wa ter without effect on Ms properties," the war department's statement fold In lls power la drive bullets or projectiles the new explosive la un derstood to be the equal of powder now In use. It was developed toe use In the 77 MM guns 'of tha field artillery but to now being applied eleo for heavy artillery. BIX rAUBfi “j ■ " . , ,'■ T,j ii , Kiwanis Club Offers Its Entire Membeirshilp For Memorial Dmt f T" 1 He Bit For $lO Robe Judge Collins Admits GBBKNSBORO. June It Ou | Judge. David H ( ollinn, of th. Qreenaboro Court, haa admitted he waa one of U»* ••original aortare | concerned Recently Judge (olllaa ' | haa barn arcuaad of Mag a nan J > iwr of tha Ku Klut Klao. and ho ' lj promptly mad* dantal. Today lb* ' , ekara* waa rapMtad (hat ha had Jolaad and ha admit (ad it "Yaa, I waa a sucker-1 llataaad . ♦ to tha organla«r. thought thara waa uothiag wrou* with the or- ' der and gave him my *lO. Eight- ' thara U whar* my .oauactloa with ' the Klan raaeed The mag told ' | am to go M a local mere hast aod order my robe, bet I never went • I beve never*had oowfaStfaa i . with Urn order mince I paid Ufa *IS • fa*, but Uka most men. bafad to « [ admit my auakeraglp." in I’ ‘ PEASANT COokfi - i HIS DINNER ON j i ETNA’S LAVA FUOW I GATANIA. Italy. June tl.-MBy foe Associated Press ) Although foe eruption of Mount Staff ka IM all hearts with tetror there haaiTbeen . a few rare except toss. Wandering , step* fields prhere lava bad eoolfo ; the correspondent as the Ifoßslil Press observed a man In pkforaaqas I mrillan coeiumn cronehtng after an i •*“*-"«" rt* ••- 1 ;gr;ri , assrJt| . Ungluagloesa font >t. RpMlo ais re ; SKSSutv? dlo has gover deserted tboai or tbelr Tnwa Hay Re Moved , CATANIA. June tl.-tßy the Aa . socle ted Press.)-Unless then to a new and strong emission of l*«g freai , Mount King, fog town es Ltsgna , gloss* which has bean th resigned lor , fog l«s( three days, to almsmt fort ate Ip safe from daa trust tea. say afftcial , reports from Urn donated region The huge stream of Invgt which had been advanofog steadily toward , the town has deviated late a aide road end l- flowing with ooatesrated vgloetty ln» the aelgbhorfog valley, ! which to g lually becoming g veri table lake of fire.' The tew iakaMtssts reanofolag la Ltegwagloose ascribe the dlverafoa of tile lave to tK Jatra's patron salat, fft. Rgidio. to whom prayed and Cts were frequently offered (Rrough t tin recent days of terror. The atmosphere tor miles around the volcano to still dense wHb foe ashes hurled skyward from tho cra ter, which Is completely hldlon by a dense poll of smoke and Madera. Thunderous sxplosions continue, and I from all quarters an heard tertrsss (Onatinned on Pape Stg) - HEM 10SS OF LIFE I CUM * * Natives of Uagaagtssss Say Bt. EfMlo Saved TMr Ttom HAS DONE SOT FOR YEARS BACK ' Fire ia a Ts went Pire-Trap Break* Forth and Caassp tons of Ten Llvee CUK'Ano. June It -1%. persona, ■las of lhum negroe* ami DM ea unidentified white nan were burned to tMp H|hlgg. (lovernor MorHaaS ly declined to laterfera with the eef teace of the court yt|| Mitt • ion of the Lae to this «%"«!• Ooveruor said la I'tortoSltoMtoNM riving hta reason, for dNtofigf-*: tlttos tor fpilatlag «t tdatopae to life Imprisonment, *ms tobMto oner’s friends sod keeper* 'iu hSI advise Mm to SNPniV judgment of ton wife** Rada ( noeaol sttL Declination *f the sfS|J to rise of the awMt -tiHt ifatliJn made In behalf es a cohdoOMtof V«t»- oner Raleigh ministers gs pel. In the fees es ths am|,:f