' > i V* lyjPl M NnJN 1 X ■ «p » <'*■■■■'■■ ■ ■Hill I 4 tbc*®"™ MBBKIt M g='*S -'■''< ■ >■ 22“ ;•«»'•.- ■■,. .in y w=a= President Harding At FtjjlfltKti * Ckv Gets His Face Well Sunburned T I fM y+ • J . —■■■ i" ■ •mm i ■■»■■■■ m KANSAS err? Uo June S 3 -(Bj PnujMD-' Pres idea *• lk« United States veteran* Hw sftal M a result of i wnrt com •# suabarn contracted to a fifteen* «(>• ride about. Kansas City in or rlfnlefirly la the day ' Th» PtatMagi physician explain ,flW «*»■*! % sMghl swalUng {fp{\\** r * lm *‘* “»**»* •<•«*«« >bal «f AlUwttw of his a" itfMM here tonight. * ~ . TAf President hod made the rtd| t» ; a broiling aua. .Mrs HkJlng protected by a large bat suffered no Injury ~ KANSAS CITY. Ma. June J2.~ I'oneolldatloo of the railrands of the ONUrtry Into a small number of sys fotna la a raUonal. justiciable step, the transportation problenn, 'SPnut dont Harding declared here teniHß In * full of promise towards solutidT of the second prepared addrono of' bis western trip. .<•• “If the system consolidations win not afford the seltftloe.- ho said, “then our failure will enforce o coot tier experiment nod the one great commitment which 1 hope the United State* will forever escape." The ExeenUVe expressed the ho lier that this on* great commitment government operation—would be "a coltoesal blunder, which would de attvy iattUUve. laflßW u with pollil cal corruption, craata regional jsal oostag and Impose Incalculable coat on the public treasury." DUcueatog relations between the carriers and tkeij employes as a vital factor la the trnnfitfMtatten situation, the Presldeot announced that he fa vored continuance ot the Railroad Laffor Board under such modifies - “on* *• seem most likely to make the plan successful" He said he was not convinced thgt the test of this plan had been "a complete and entirely fair one." but added that there Is OUl* to hope (or until all concerned an ready , tp, comply promptly wjtfe'lha'bqardY Aedsttns ’' "I am friak to say." kg nontlaaad the part of employes ao*lomg*M de » clalona are Ignored by the managers The sort of cppaolidatlon of the carriers which Mr. Herding advocat ed contemplates a constitution of the larger systems so that the weaker and unprofitable Itne* would be ..able to lean upon the Unsocial strength of the dtroagor end profitable ones until the growth of the country makes thorn all earn a fust return upon the capital greeted The whole would be under "rigorous government su pers talon." * Such a cogaolidgUon. the President asserted, would Effect a diniunltion In rates without making n net return Impossible" and at the same time would "make sound dnance possible for etpanaioo." “There now appears to be no dif ficulty about say oonstltuttonal In hibition to the voluntary con«olida tlon as authorlxed by Xongreav." the ■iUecutlyg continued, "but the prob lem of reconciling the intrusts «*f the hundreds of different ownership* and managements of lines to be merged Into ay statue has proven a task for which no solution has been found. “It la. tbetafope, beim seriously proposed that the next step be to fur ther amplify the provisions for con solidation so as to stimulate the con summation It Vmy exNK-UUor that legislation to this end will be brought before Congress at the session. "There are some roads —many of the smeller ones in fact-—who*- run flatted operation la absolutely vital to many thousands of people, to con siderable towns, to large areas of •country, whoa# revenues simply can not provide daanclal faclMtie* through earning, goading a consid erable growth la community popu- Hnilou. say nothing of earning any re turn whatever on capital Invested No legerdemain of opart processes, receivers' or fl nan rial ■ Juggling, can save them. They must get more revenue or stronger sup port or quit operating until 4b* coun try Is more largely developed. "The railway* havg become pub* (Continued oa.fage Three) * ' nmJ^ffwniiß • - at Home 'you Help Ypuraelf And Your Neithbor When you atop to edaotdor Juat what trading el home rdnllv i.i*ao« to 'Ntfonmll. you will find It raor* JL-4>ura*lf, on Will nad that H more pays to spend your money in t»rfsboro la preference to going • elsuwbere for thoee things which you want. ' 1 Taka for taataaee you wanted a iw * a lor from the fsetory-tb* flret in lory con ore i ion whereby you could iroatlaped on rage Three) 9 . . « » , j jp^**j | Hi)fMsi»«*||««ff<-«-i.«..»i.,i > . I MMV VMflpHtf '«4'JpPIA' Jll'yv 'iPNfcii I W III V w'lp iMi * J ▼ j *I W* "m" m™ rir l ■V m m. 19 #*' Tk Mil .mm #1 ■ V*V ■ m ■ ■■ m rn'Vmi tmißßißi Si, ifflfl Vi mm J■m ■ m o Vh • w ‘II’ Vi b■■ Mm v I mm vnw # ,l * i, l w w a m * T 'ri-v.» .. 1 . - • • «■ *; lylr* l "•»"• » K4IKLUXKLAN TO DEFY MAYOR ‘ NEW YORK CITY »- * NRW YORK, June ».-The Ku • Klux Klan will parade In New f- York in complete regall* la de fiance of Mayor Myian’a threat to i* break up any each demonstration g with police. King Kleaglc Antler it son. of New York Stele, announced »- today. I- "W. have complied with the provlatou* of the membership cor # poration law jiaU other laws and >• /have a right there," he aaafrted. t ; LIOUDRSONTHE • BRITISH SHIPS T| ; BE SEIZED TODAY ..w/m .. ;> : Two Glaat Ueen Ua in New Yorit Harbor With Gaad Supply Abaard -t , CHAMPAIGNE GIVEN » TO “DAVY JONES” . NEW YORK. June 81— (By the Ae - sedated Press.)—The ocean liners t (lying the Union Jack steamed into the New York harbor today with ex it (client stocks of liquor for the trip i home despite (fie tact that United i. States had said they the . three mile limit bone dry. AH day I long m.e water front waited for the - federal agents to gpuace upon the b liquor breaking the British govern i ment seals with which the liquor | was sealed and carry &e liquor j late today the IlqCtor was t untouched. I If this la done and tonight there y VM. jrvtjry Indication that it would * be. It wm satd that Secretary Mgl u I—> Wha awtauilgAlad. * team of bto order* being carried eat . before be satis for Europe » on the Mates tec Me la expected from P Washington' early tomorrow. On* of . Ih* British vessels who defied the 8 American dry edict and forced a r test case waa the Cunard Berengarla i The (act that she Intended to carry ( liquor aeraas the three mite limit I had beaa well heralded and federal i agents in New York bad been rte i lugod with orders on Just how to act. I The other vessel was the Baltic . She shocked the Waterloo! with, sur prise. t Both the Berengarla and Baltic x were allowed to pas* through qual i online unmolested and proceeded to 8 Iheir dock* It was said that noth v could be done until the captain j with their manifest* hud applied with . permits to retain enough liquor lor . medlclhal purpose*. After this It . w«* any surplu* would be seised. 8 Davy Jones slowed away many . quart* in hi* tocher as a result of I the Federal ruling. This waa done , (Continued on Page Two) ; SMILING WBMU" ■ SEVERELY GRILLED -BY CHICieO POLICE r - Man Who Isn’t AU Man But > Who Isn’t Woman Being ; , “Thira Degreed” * IS STILE WEARING CLOTHES OF WOMAN CHICAGO. June SL-Pollc* await the moment when Fred G. Thbmi«aoh. alias Mrs. Fraaoea Carriok. will j "break" under their (easel*** exam I t nation Tor solution or the mystery . surrounding the shooting to daath a . .lortaight ago of Richard Ik - Tasmer. wealthy msmaaoe man. > <TUey are m Him in iheir itqltef that -Tbgpipaon. who. makquwraffhig as a wotada. hn* been “married" for'ieversl yegr* Jo Frank T Carrrick. nff gutetrtebil* me dian*. White as the~*hm# title legal ly erad to MdrCr Koaakowaka. alias ffiarfn Clark, was the temMtng girl*' i who allot Tasmer la (be prmeacc of bis wife after robbery which netted l 1 teas than «9S t v Thompson has malnialued ever s since he was arrested that he knew r nothing of the Tearner killing Ife a still wears the feminine haMtlaieni* I In which he was dressed when detec i Uvea took him from the flat, where hr lived with Carrick end the Clark girl The police do not credit a ♦•route «> - sioa" muttered by Cnrriek last 4 In he named Thompson u« the C'OBUaued on Page Two) I gl* PA M* ■■ ia ..r-ii —d!yiffii ■■ sgpuppiur in jt- I ~wi ■ I I I Hjfip ■%£-' ■> B Mg Hrg aV Mgk jytyyggMg . J JItIMWL W -1 I \ SKIN TH AT .SPEAKS ITSELF —— ‘ —L .lX- -1— —: .1 ium.ii. ii i • - - —— l I Inesn I e— - eve V 'W— Erost In New Mexico Oh For Some On Center Street, Goldsboro, N. C. —1 • i CHICAGO. June Jl—Three sleteaj experienced uneeasonabte cojd yes terday. while the rest ot the Ufiltad State* sweltered Some relief Is la sight for many sections, hut in oth-i era there will be no break In ttte> beat wave, forecaster* says. Score* of death* and numerous prostrations bnw been caused by the hot weather. High lemperafure rec ords were made in many elite*, j N | The most'notable contrast was fur nished by Ne# Mexico, where a se ver* frost made It necessary to break Ice In watering trough* In some sec tions so livestock could drink; the mercury dropped to 28 degrees above xero on the Arixona desert. Cltlsens of Superior. Wisconsin, hurriedly dragged ou4 winter clothing when the temperature there dcseended to forty. Generally cooler weather was! experienced In North ~-Dak ot a. In the eastern states more than forty-three death* were recorded Factories and school* generally were closed because of the Intense heat. Baltimore and Washington saw the hottest weather In the histories of the two elite*, when the mercury 'TVtiMPtt-- Vor, wan M and much suffering was caus ed In the Queensjmro section, when the wnlir tyipply felted because of alleffMl IMegsl ns at garden spray*. BASEBALL RESULTS * _ _ •' mthimai, Ulnrinanll % Ktttsliurg K .Aew York V. Besldtt ft. Chicane I, fit. I.«ul* S. Chicago L At. Leal* 1 ANKRICABf Xew Y»rl I. Heston I. Hasbiagtoa % I’klledrlphte 9. GreenvlHc I. Aaron ». I Angnsta A t ptwmhla I. Aufpsta A (olemhla t. I harlortc A hpurtanlmrg 7. * MHTRKRH Atlanta A Nashville 3. Mobile A l ittle Heck 7. Illrmlnnham I, 1 hgltanooga A Yew Orieae* A Memphis I. ■* VIKGIYIA Aorfolh A Hoe by Meant A Mtehmond A Hllsea It. . | Pelershnrg 8. Pertsmoath A PIEDMONT Raleigh A Barham I. H Insten.Nnlem A High I'elnt A Greensboro 7-A Danville 18.1. ' ■■■; v ■ ■ ■ t gg=; p<; v'* ■ i / ’A »" - . I ?| 1 !.?[, , /f ■b'jgi.'i. • r V - J ~K • e±f it “b “ . f" , "*""fi i • »*» <t i iL >~i » - i I - I i ‘ii it i num *** ** t/ l"\ j\** „ n -*>-•- - —a a < licet Cl * # ? • FLOOR PLAN OF THE NRW BUIUMIK2 j ==sss=a3arar, ',;"t g,iar.'—a '' 'TjßtpiiMFßJUJßai.^ffapa GBLDHBORO, V. Cy HATt KDhl nOHM\G, JI AK *A IW3 ■■ y— . , —v-. - -— —■' i Four died and twent# 4 were over-1 cmne In Chicago,, bringing the total) fault tie* for the week jto twenty on*. The maximum pe rut u res' i waa »1 Ohio reported- five more j 1 death* and temperature! of 04 to Iff degree*, At Kremoul. Ohio, the beat ' Grend Itupld*. dhth. nepnrtefl N de* j greea. Raadlnga in laftfcna varM from M«to 118. Mlnonapoltv wlthi three prostratjona. and it. Peal h»d { tentperaiures of M de trees . v / The heat wap said ihR to have been excessive In thfc Southland and fitriti era welcomed It becauae of retarded rfopa due to the late spring and suasmer. ■ ' L' (temparatlvely cool Weather was genarni over the Pact fly coast. EVERY EFFOBIiU ■ nVIMMffIHE Chamhwr of (mw merer Ap points Com mil ter Tn Aa nint in Mntler WILL BE A LARGE - INSTITUTION • Every effort possible wilt be made lo tend for Goldsboro the new ItM, (>0« orphanage to be lAiUt In North Carolina by the J. O. U. A. M. ’ Yesterday morning at the mketnlg of the board of dlrectprs of the Cham ber of Commerce the secretary was Instructed to name a committee to work with U. M GUUkln, a netiphal officer of the orgnnlaelion. who was partly responsible for the bringing of ibe ln«titutlon to this stale. ' ■ Raleigh. Durham, and other town* ere exerting every possible effort’to get the orphanage located there and! the local efforts will have competi tion. *! • Mr. GUUkln staled that It wo* po*- 1 slbk- for the city to land the Instl-. •mtlon and that everyone Interested: j In the development o( the rlty should : co-operate with the committee and assist In svery possible way In *•- curing sites and raising fund* to carry on the work of getting llje. orphanage. FIGHT EXPECTED FtKIWS SEW , IN SECOND DISTRICT Thr*. Mon in 0m FM4 I smi IWibiUty of • VWtk < tuning In < 2 WILL PROBABLY I . VOTE NOVEMBER § KINHTQN- June St.-TIM Mite of ■ the Pecond District Democratic Rim i utlva Committee In ordering d pri mary on October 6 Iwwunsee « pop* fight for Ike seat of the late Cjaude Kltchln In the Home of Reproroo tatlve*. The propqeat to beta the primary In July Is understood! horn to have been thwarted by Walter 0. I .aßogue. Unolr committeemen, at the committee’ll aaaatdtt at Rocky Mount Wednaadgy afternoon. La* Rnqua had the a upper) of other n»nm* hera of the committee * 1 The regular election customs I will govern -the primary. In. the one of the candidate tods wot secure , a majority a run-off primary will be held two week* later. Cnndldnlee I trill he required to Me eMtte with the chairman of the committee not later than August I. They* wIR be . aaeeaeed *APkP each for eauensea and aucb other auma aa may M npuoe aary. It It, believed that (purest will he touched only the. one lime. URoque Inals ted upon jaMtitoae men) of the primery date to RtlO* the people of the district to be dome acquainted with the chndldeiea. Thera are three men In the Held new. Tltf' local committeemen declared Rich ard Allabrook. of KdaecoeMw, waa. known to only a email Dumber of people in this end of the dtafrtet. N Juntas Rum. of Kinston, might - not he well-known In eoma other localities In the rambling territory of the Hecond.. Despite the fact that be had held court here, l.*Roque ven tured the opinion that not more than Jen per cent of (he tower district voters knew 4 Judge John Kerf, of Warren ton. An October primary will give the aspirants more than throe , months in which to wage an Repeat ed spectacular campaign and but tonhole the public; then w|it the I heat man win In the elect leg which the committee propose* that (tower ’ i( onllimed on Bag* Two) BUB EMINS' FIRST VISIT TO ' « STITECIPIM RffWgh Time* Haa Aa tiHof cut inn Story aafaMMi Wayne Sheriff ATOP FERRIS WHEEL WITHOUT RREAKFAfft The follow Inn story appeared In ihe Raleigh Time* yeeieeday. whteb tells of the Brat trip of Rob At wards, formnr sheriff of We*«e County. to Kalolgb. snd to the Plata Fair:. ■i ml '■ A* ■Sa k former .Sheriff Rob Kdwarda of I tfayne, who left hi* bank Thursday, ■uiereuon, went home, sowed two scree of pees bis own estimate- and got so hot that be came to fTalelgb Friday to cool off, waa talltag the story of Ills Brat visit to the Plate Capital. „ *T The taummachian contest was purely Informal. Hob was Mr# With I t 01. John Lahgaton aad Kd Imnd. The huaianss. If business ft were, hud been attended In and Im> wee Ittlklng to pass the time while wait- Ins for a train t It the (Rate Fair and the Brat ferrt* wheel ever advertised sobers W iyne County farmer boys J see the posters, that Bob came to see. By working—hd says of Patur da) afternoon* and fiionnllgbt nights, AfUbhln* stumps clearing new (round * ou Two, . ■■• si, . , UX PA UAH 'll |MM I. -- - ) Ml-- - - - _-■ -s Uin , Memorial Executive CommitteeHoldaAn V The executive roo.niittae MTLthq Memorial Buildlgg fund drive met last night In the Chamber of Com mense rooms with practically Us* entire membership of the committee hiPMlii * 1 -I'iw " Captain Nathan O'Berry opened if a meeting by aeylnw Twenty or thirty yean agw it waa fmpoa*tbhr.Mkr any movement of this IM t« erlgMuMaf MRhout one faction ashing “Who in behind thin thing - or the other fee- M l she among thone present bom The young men of ttk Alt art men of vleton. and with von behttM wtr movement we eaooe* fait,” Mr Q Bwr. rygWM. .. Jfe »*« WW on Lionel WqN who w |yrv^iiwkj, *ro»• , Aro wrW vBI *iRB» <*> the men ptodant who would bes Np t# be Imre and lake part Ml th« to stand qp and only it, ss xart \.ix sr= or the other of thff dam, Mr. Wall stated altar the ms|itgg that in hhh never aeon swell rogpenai Men from why body of /than ami pM^%!h Hta aa'. they won aid wtth the «ap eral ■ interest that Md bean aroused -jL. ii». lll iiiiiii'.roiM-s*wilAn^AlMli bib am WILL IIULU UUHIiIHI , -. vJ-|a* irriwiiiiifi mjmm 11 HrM -# w wUIWIWmP « -t * Formnr AUonwy Oenenl Mm* ts M Huinir in mm Ii« i icreating Frnffcnm VABBBR WILL BE 'j I*RKBI4)iNG OFFICER » " • qMmnMnMMp. • , f , .-m III.DU INO ■ ROCK tone M Plans are belts mads bora tor the Wh annual meeting of the North Oaw» line Mar AseoctaUoo, July I, «. amt T aad which prom face to bo » eon vent lon of more fha* uaueuai In terest in North < «rollns The apeakerq on the program tap the oooveniton ahd the nithlenta.l which they will dlaoqae promise to anaura aa lapsapsllng three days for ihoaoSrho IttaM tha .eeslaoa For mer United Stales- Attorney gaapral A. Mitchell Palmer wIU be among i those to add rate Urn Tar Hast lakryeiwj on a subject to ho aaooonced latar.J The eeqveatieo will ogOO Thureday July I. whqn Frank A Utney of Watauga (’aunty will dtllver tha ad-‘ dream of welcome; which will bo! responded to by John 0 DawaoO of I lovton L. R Vartor. I.umbertorn wl«j then deliver the annual, sddraoa eggs the preaidant, which of Be# ho now] holds. Mr. Varner has announced as) b|a subject. The North aroltaa Ju dicial System.** Other speakers on the three daps’ program are Walter Herb. Jr„ Charlotte, on “North Carolina la llto World War,” K R. Denny. Oreeaa boro, on "North Carolina Law yam la the World War.’’ aa4 Judge W. P. Harding. Charlotte, on ’’PesathtHly of Ahollbatmg the Rotation System of Superior Court Judgea.” W N EVERETT TO • BE WPTEB HEBE FORJN ADDRESS ( hfunher of C'omnrorre To Holi >«g«ibcrnhip Meeting fa| Near fMira WKRD OF DIECTOHS ' IN REGULAR BBHBJON The annual membership meet lag of the. Chamber of Ccfcmerce will lake piece at an early date At a meet ing of the board of dlrooters yester day morning tbs matter of calttwo tor a membership eaeettog woo turn ed ever to the Preeldeat and SetTe tary who wIU maka arrangement* to call th meeting la the agar future. (ConMouvd oa P»»e Thiet) • ) d I . mjFMgiyi^ 1 be row oe rohroh ffhp-OM-qMpairo. shoulda t go peer .pith «m*.m IMfeß wHfc md mi •eat away in the war u« nil tlMlrMiilß. l A| atonal tieorge Mlffpe* * *Nff *** I * Mpiißßi * Nfei ,j 4Kn^Nmmk« I A n 0 in, ■ «ft? jaw ) JTZ I *l*^w«\l)| n#i|.llY ( j.. E#'' rcur, k, a Mtofe**S' T-n rfjprtiwthf PlekiM. • , ■> jk | « r m 1 aSyi f if B ipi ’ liwf fi f Sflflff f fli! mil IJH i j litato Not 1» FImA-.B TKI KGKAM -1 OOLIBT fpippffi of eusbeuleasapt at pqgqrtor ;igrQ Is ranee ■ ■ewae t ihT nT.t ward Toting *#if. who iro, *rt . nig to a tologrom.. roooBBFBFh ,J B^F ceags fettowag ard. after IhTiSLlhifll uht niliMaMig Pro ikm • Jr Mrrli iSmRMK miss the eaeea waa solicitor - -T -a?!? any further WIR the The sudden recently aaaewnced^ttijQHCgSt George Roes gp these Wltnssee* *«V fUtob £ 'lark -yt tape Her . (RiAiFMf. but were Immedbitgix Tifinl lowing-the eaaewacsAMtwnHr tho Mmcvior. QueraTO waa chaagpd. been arretted et hto aued la RtraeoqAo Ceqpty. maro ao ’ tlena wore dlamU»«d fhlfhMph fghpOQ • r, *»ro» procewdlag*. be I tfry JkOM*. eri hy a formal t Indtctaaeat was live thoweaad dettar - > ruses rOMKIaeU «*o ~*"~ ifaghr* jhrotgjt N series of iioUiaa|Mpi||^^ It ou*lgqed 111 r,p tK n a .i imv 1

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