1— ■ ■ ' I ■!■ ■■ jh. —;.***’ *** | WWW,**-. WMI » • United States Smashes British Government Seals, And Siezes Liquor On Two Giant liners mm YORK, Jans H
*• Wirtil.li ijßtar rt tta Britta wr»* ■tallinl dr aSgfctfriL Tta sated > tetaf vu urtM jMtaHMil ttMT*aad*tta B*rog3hria's°mnUmTu «mt team la tate Vlrte trohaury ite prohibition sftctata tara ut tteta tartar to caatraaW all tar U «aar brousht lain lairtw waters aart rates mart ttair Kirtaw aa- Muiiaiii ttat It wart a# ta tta ofßetate la Maw Tart to carry thU lata efset < Tta aaly late rad loss laaacrt Ik Washingtontartar It was a«artad ware lataarta rtta Uabtea ratta r tkaa ta mtUgat* tta rinding force ot Ita aaaiaoallaa program. Assistant Bsc rsUry teoraa prdsred Dr. A K taraau*. tadtta taaUh tetosr of Naw • York, ta rsvobi a permit tta trass-, ary board ta tart glvsa tta tarsa-i •arts to rotate all talar It carried j parlart totta tatjary aa "Ote art pro-1 Vrttela. ter sar ferttete aaart a .hip rtMM tara tat teMtartrttJMtartaa I tta tertMiMHwMa i|Bf W-| lift It with a data from • hold. aart , H was lasrtsrt art tracks taaart far as Carpransst waroriMiss , Oaly a saw rtaaart Otaoa tart taaa| taken art, however. %taa tta rostoval was.stopped upon telephonic lastruc-l ttaas tram Dr. Bpragwt. Customs aart prafcibtttaa aat bar til**, up la in*., air aver tta IrtMte tara la stoat*.| said they ware writing" Doc"-r, Sprague's arrival before they rttrt anything also. HE WYO»K. June It-lßy tta Aa- 1 •aertslad Prsaa.l—4Jncl* Baa. after starting to saiga Jahaaie Ball's liquor on tta Baltic tertay. halted, scratch-', art his heart, aart later manisd hi* ' rate on tta shlpte lockers ftkeked,' with Ikjuor uartar British government seal, latsartart hr Me « tta home-j, ward trip. I, Sorrayor Whittle, of tta csotasaa sanrtoe. annogpote a small part of, tta liquor might ta returned If Dr. ftprago dec Mart It was ageded for inert leal supplies. It was said that, sptstird te tta saalrt Hquor aa tta taraogaria woatd ta mart r'soaa.” There was aa tertlaalloa of as Istea-j. I tou to salao tta vassals tta mss Ives, although such settert has bees declar ed authorised sorter the Volstead Act. , ikwai said latST ttat tta author!- . tier tart delayed te watt “thremgh courtesy" tor Dr. A A Bpragn*. "10-, cal heart of tta Upltert States mbiic Health rtervtert, wta hart lasuad a, permit for tta ratertttoa te boos* , liquor for motlteal supplies When ta failed to SPpeer tta raidsrs re- , turned their work. i, Expiates ItfDp I x t'olloctor Kiting • sally ovalaiamti >tta mix-up by saytrtg tta aaitarq ot the Baltic's liquor had oo*u t**upv- , •rarity halted hgoaeao It was dtoeov avert that Dr. B. K. Bpragao. loenli 1 chmf of tta ttettert BUteo Health Barvtos. hart apt oartlhart tta sipouat Ivfypx mediotesi oae. i aaart. „ . prtgM ita Banish tegte srrth tawiriil Sri* further mystery gt llitea. /hs PWMp BUtaf. satlactor of IW \ coming out te s conference with tao ship ofrtalhls at tta customs house, deolarsrt with tta atetar* la (ull progress, that tta statute tta Baltic kart not bees dartaltely set tied aart probably waolrt aa* be un «■ ■ __ ; Baaaa as Dint Ltear N*W YORK. Jana lA-lßy tta Aa snetatert Press)—Americas cwteasa pathorttlea t tar gad by Bataatery of u.. . Muieury halloa’s tetete order wtth tta seisur* of liquor brought ta by forelgo Steantehlpe uarter guvers mont seal lor thter return trips, hart ttair task greatly aagmeated today wtao tta Prenah User Faria steamed tote guarantiee, with alteote enough liquor in tar hold to «oat tar. Preparing to site up tea North ■tear te tela tea Kite* Itears Bal ts aart pertagaria. tta Cipute as- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ! 1 . ' —. -r ■ - - -- ■ n ' <*- ._ _ WOMEN ORGANIZE FOR INTENHVfI WORK IN COMING MEMORIAL DRIVE ’ TV for tta tawte te taaaa canvas whteb will atari Wertaaartay MMhtef far funds us arsat tta memarial eom munlty building Mn. John Bpicsr la 1 tea hand of tta oogaataottea aart It will ta remomtarort that she hsMsd the same group Is tta’last iSteßSlpa. Oa Monday sight tta Vomes who havs boss asked to aorvo te Ita work will ta gtvea s tMpar at wklok tiam Ut lalta pleas aart last ructions will ta given thepi Tkp sapper will he taM te tea Wsteha’s Club sap a a umber as speakers kav* beqa asked to address tbs asoembly. Captate Nathan O B#r ry. Dr. Saaa Wall gM wta win attend tea sapper aart wta will take part la tta eampagte are as follows: . , Meertames Pam Scott. Bert .Orifrta. J. A. Stararrt. C. B. Norris, g. f. *ri •lor. Ulllan Wooten. W. H..O*Bf *. S. OB Robinson. J. W. WaA' Jaa Uayle. O. A. Ttaraton. J. D. Lang ston. (' M. Rlaajk, Graves Rmßkr.W. V's »■* !■ W f 1"'1» "Wl BAPTIST MEET AT MOREHEAt) CITY ' MOREHKAD CITY, lane M —Tta 'stage la aU set lor tta rtpoatag of tta I 1 Baptist BeaaMa AaoeanWy la the au ditorium oi teg >mrt Baptist Csnrrth ;of tela city Buartay atecalag at 11 I o’ete*. wtaa Dr. W. A MhPteteite |'at UreenviU*. H. a preacher as aa iSftTOjaj'iga I'SfOrt a.B. Y. B. 0. rtamaaatipll^m] Alt the othar meetlage win be held •la the auditorium as tta Atlaatlc He k tai tha headquarters as tta Assam- Ms. Dr. McOlothln wilt preach tears Saaday sight Ha wUI address the Assembly each eveolag rtarteg tta weak oa tta geaeral theme. “The ghdral theme. “The growth as falti 'te Jeens.” For maay pars Dr. Me- Otothlln was a v professor la the taut hem RapUrt Then lories I ftemi aary at UwUrilla, Ky. For tta test saw years ta has boss the pioajrtoht of Furman University as Greenville. ' A C„ and has already put tta iasti tutloa oa tta map. Dr. McOlothlln Is j not only a profound seboir. hut ta la >. ‘a popular piriform orator of first ‘teak. ; 1 Among tta ottar nouble features i' of the Assembly will be Dr. B. W t ' Spillman, president of tta Bnpttat |' Mate Coavontioa. wta will preside ' at tta laKlal raaeUags Biartay. DaMy ta will give a course la Buartay ■' School Pedagogy, In which ta Is a! ' recognised authority throughout this i' country Dr. Q. C. Davie of Altaoterlo.] Fll greatly interoot tta Assembly guests this year with hla studies Ini' the Acts of tta Aperitae. * 1 Dr. Zeno Wail, of Ooldsborb, Dr. • Charles 1. Graves, of Raleigh. Dr. L. ' E. M Freeman, of Raleigh, aart Har -1 old E. Ingraham. Naahvlll*. Tean.. ' will also conduct rtepartentms of va< riooa church aettritle*. Mrs. Lydia 'Yates Milliard.hftsn Elms sigh Fara bow aart Mrs. Mfefnie MlddleVon An-.] rtaTsou will also bar* charge of 4*-| part menu l' Tta Assembly will meet each morning at To'cloch ter worship At nine o’clock tta clou work will be gin. followed by conferences on fa t'rioua lines of church work and a highly Inspirations) address coming at 11.41. J Rev F. A. Bower, of Morgarioa. ' WtH direct tta marie, arranging tel i*Maay special music feasts Mra. Wal ter H Gilmore of Baaforrt will pro 'aide at tta piano The week wl|l he tall of wholesome nrreaCon. In fer ns lion and I aspiration. Tta proa pacta are very fright at this time for a record-breaking ■ aUenrtpnoe Per ks pa oa program has evdr surpassed th|p on* fa the seven years of the Asoembly. Hr. Middleton, the execu tive secretary, and tta losal authori ties bare have spared go ne*n» h ihaklna this a really worthwhile meet in* Them will he no charges For admission this year far say of tta features EverVbndr may come with eat mousy srx» w|ttasil erice Tta hn- I'tala have glvpe soectal rates. Tta | regular summer rate* to tb* sea share erfll obuln for thin meet In* A s j'teamuenrt or more r»aet* ate e»nec*ed 1 to visit tta Ay-by-the-eea during tta Aanemhly • t’wrt-r a iL l«w In Belgium all medic te#* teAstternal eu mu«t ta jiC-’J- te oHnttaal fa state veiiow bnrnnt capte. hear la reltef H. Tuttle, E T. Brows. W. W. Mis ted, K. W Vtek. W. D. Creech. Clave Derr. G W Broaka. T. H. Nirwiaj. A. W. Faulkner. Leslie Yelvertoa. W. H. Bmltk. A. 9. Hawaii. Baht. Me teas. , WlUlam H. Smite. H H. Graham. Pan I Humphrey. ZH. Brtpurtea. Chau. Oratapsr. Puu\ Yelvartoa. T. H. Helmet. c. L Mrosulrtur. N. 1. Edwards. J. Bptoar Holmes, Paul Barrtea. Rate. PwweU. John Oullstt, Adolph OutlMgur, W. F. Nuler. Pate Brtmuaaoa. W. B. Kmart. B. O. HI ana. Uoanl WML Than. O’Berry. Hurray Borrtea, Hugh . Humphrey. Oaks Holmss. Bat fxaaaa. B. A. Mmhteu. Cartrie Brtpurua. R O. Thompaaa; M taste Rachel Barrtea. Mary R. Mar rta. MaTY Hoars Alton. Margn ret Kornagay. Hagdetaas Hamamll. LU sto Brooks. Blhatate lUteuaali, Al* HUI Batay. Btaaaha Parrott, Battle Griswold. Beaton Bordoa. Carrto Dor rtty. Poaalapu Cteyton, Clyde Sattar daM. Mary Mlehani. Haute Duway. ss: Furrior. Pearl Craadh. Lau rinds Hooks, Botin MkManta. and Oertrude Well. * toteiS .. BASEBALL RBBULTB * 1 rineinunfl L 1 Bouton ». I*«r To* A Chtaavu A H Luata A hroqhly. IwriMtoßelpW M. L« Tort 4. Bouton A ; RUM lUgtvatod A . J BahOv M. uSta BteA lM " ITblXiZti'L. YIBOJRU litet A Bosky Maori L üBWWIdI 1A WBaaa A rdmtafl a rtetotel A Darkam A Batateh A HlgfcPolri ”w to. too A Baavdb A Hwwilm L % f •mi Mrmii Astavilla, Jua* A-.i. A (torn, sdmiatolratar as tta estate of Hrm. 1 Ulltaa Btoftu, has 1 tears 1 sett tars 1 for if MM ilimager agataal tta Bbrikava Railway ompany as tta re sult df tta klllUg of Mra. Btorra 1 wtaa tea UtamHli la wfctad she 'wag rid tag with tar buebaad waa 'struck by a passenger train ri a crossing near Btotoevllie aa Jaaißry 'A tedt f BM MILL C'APTIIUUI * s « WABHINGTON. June 11.—Prohibition oßleura oaptured and destroyed s one hundred paltoa copper moeashtelng liquor dtotllltag plant near Batts 1 frill reads Wednesday afternoon In 'rtioatteßs wore that tta plate hart base la otatattoa a tow boon bettors M waa nrtrtart. tfalve taartrort pal KWh of bate *ad poured oat No ar-' ruriu war* autos PATRTOWY TBJtT BKETIKG Bov. A A Cruhtpier. pastor of tta Oleadoa Circuit, takxpectod to roach Patstow* Monday tfternooo. Jtae »tb. Hg la to bo the preacher Wri* on ereottoa of tta teat wUI bu»ln Monday afternoon at four or rtv# o'clock, sad will he Intetart by Tues day aftonwaa. Tbs teat will ta lighted by the splendid Dales Light Tb. manager ri Goldsboro will put h light Piste te tta teat. Bo there will be- good iiiamihritai. The tint gospel service will ho held Tuesday sight. T:M o’clock. Boris far Me heart red people are to be provided. Mr OoorgS B. Herring, of isußpoa. win (apply tee lumber uuceauqgy tor tta seats sad piriform Tta people of Goldsboro srs ax paette to ritsurt ths services, us the algbta will be moonlit rights sort H Is not quits seven miles to Patetowh. Tbg toll*wlag Is s partial list of tta sommlttoes: v Ob music sad song: Mra Mra. W. D. Moors, cart Mis* Margaret rtasser. Oa eateriateatoat of ministers < bar Ita MsCaudlssa Joe Laacastor. sad imp I■ sues OB .Irassportstlou. Bob -Lggcggtor, P. D HOwell. Albert Gaidtar. Oa Inanoe; Charlie Lan sqplur. Borg* hnesur. Jo* LShcnster. nod Lab Bagger..,,' . A cordial tevltotioo to ariaadud ta Item —Alta I* Ita Ate Rbm4 gaarx . . - - - —, -* —■ - -■ ■ ■■ - - " a i' MI.MmL A Ce BI'BRAY HBAIIBH, JOIK M, MB '"» *"•' ■ 1 "Ui. 'Br ~ rr; 1 :,, : This Russian Dancer Ha* Some Hair ■ Bh I 1 . bah aDict, aaAYrixatoCMakw tar task like a Bate malA » '■ 1 ". J ■"i '“ A *">■ SHE ffOSESB WHISKEY ANto THREW IT IN THE WELL Goldsboro Ipoßco lost night rmktad tha ho«te of Waltgy ' Jon «* on Slocuatb atifit and aatead thraa gottona of whtotor. whdn tha poNet knocked at tha frost door, Mrs. Jrogfa ffto mt out the hock door and with hor want tho 2jTws« M . onsa *'‘ T*"* th *"'* ld *•" LM ** bm ’ v “ mlt ITBEI'i u'.”""i*i**il"-rT- TgASiiz-amKZE wuill III Beat Oot By Rgeon Baciag AMMMioM Os « 1 That efiy ML MO YE Os BNOWJIU ; UYEHTOCK CXIMFaNY U IN CHAKGE OF BUUW • As tta dock'struck ft*, this morn ing a flack of hqaatlful pigeon* we* •turned loose by Mr P. M Hoys of tta Baow Hill Ifve Btortk lompany They nuke red twelve, had It was 1 bsnutf iful sight to sos them Marine above tta bullrttege of tta etty. ’, Up}’ up! up! they wear In ■ circle ■ found the business sectioa at the ’tta cHy. Then turning their bauds to ita northward, b* pigeons hid goat* by* to the city In which ttay tad ro ■lyrinod only s dsy. showing no signs ’of tsar aa to ttair great underiak lag. They have a long tiresome Jom ney to make of roam lour hunt led miles to Glrurduvlllu, Puauuylvuata. ’ Tta plgsoas drum sate to Vi ifir* from tta OlrartlsvlU* dgeor. Racing ‘Auooolsttoa. Ho was Ipatructs-t in free them from tta seeled cage ri I o’clock this marring Which was MR tonbrokea until that hoar. 0 ‘ k \ j. Mr. May* says tta plpioßa era ax-, pectod to sever tta roqtered rttatsan la too or twelve hours after being set 'froa. Evidently the pigeons war* aoat hero hs a gambling proposition. as Ho arts which pigeon returns bo**#' first. Much Ia Is reel waa in Ita uaamml event sad teveral people were up st tta early hour or tb* de parture to Wttneea lh* bom* ward rligkt of Uw beautiful birds. ATTKHTIOR. BAHOTh n A Joist lusUllstkxi of newly elect ed of deers of Goldsboro and WayU* lodges will ha hold Mooday evening. Jane tlth. All Master Masons ta vited. 4 |§i . - " '?.■ : mi i 11 I*l All MAM I NKD IK '•MLOir PWUTT • I »,» ?? •' # #f mr WAIHINOTOM, N. r_ Jun. 21 - Farmor* near Swum boro arc ualng tba doad bh mtuli waab •d uabore aioog tba Atlanih (’out In Oualow nouaty for for I tlllilng purpoaaa; arrofdla« h> ri>- porta reaching k hoots per hour Ortkars sod MM* shsord y«rs aa totoppycor . *ha rasa Ms rt tha tost that toe? stprssssd Utils nt» haw ansa Maw Yorti It reached. It to as- Ptotad that tha gloat Maar will «■* **4*9- • postsrdsp hp the sohsg at *+}pam zzxrsxrjzvs:: ran la ths ssssad fa aa anwh a aas rMoa, sad • hit a P. H. A tied R . up to th# fourth whoa Ptoop dsnhlrt ami doored on a bit hp WiaßsM sad a »ac rides fly hp Nohtia Caswatl, asarod la tho flfth while 0. P, M. Ju went into ths lead Ip ted seventh.' snip ts he tied ap apart rt tho sl|l|L T|s winning ran gams la the tort St tha ninth, when Joahrts got da bp| hpOtosT »rd The fttohrtp rt te«w*g shave par. OrtMp pats ap eight hits! sad stmok oat arte ama. sad llaash ard pass ap rts Uto aad struck sal sight man. Nartdss pltohiag a seed geese Plssshapf drove la tire of hie team raaa. psttrtp thrsa hits eat rt tour to ths ptols. The flaldtap' at, Dlsoa was ipsatsrslar ascepUap his ton shaassa atoealp. Sparrow' tod Ms toots la hMfrtk. psatrtf two ' hits tram lehr times at hat TWO KM 4PB PBhM Iff 4TK PKIHB Ralolgh. lans 1J - Kverstt Msrtaa aad Paul VasUl. two white prtooa- 1 era. reesatly sees pad tress s|rte prto oa ramps, according to saaepdeamsat hp tieorgs Raos Pee, Hupsrttosadapt rt Um Utote Prtooa. i krtarstt Marios, rttorltlsd to Bra rp couatf if atrtrtirtßf Itolliura a dwelling, saeahsd tram the prtaeo camp at Medat Mol Ip aa Jaaa 4. A toward at |W to oflorad tar Ms ar rgac •• . • Paul Vsatal. convtoted rt Porefth srjunnm S «h life .M. A reward rt mto eßto- — «-.■ ■' MEMBER OP . I ASSOCIATED FftßM J ■ s ■rtdif ;W >«» £"f *?.»». .1«“ M *!itfViS«J ?’Zf2l'?ir W^> mpl v ' . Harding aad their party artflephaHh t RMrtMrtAHMtfbh. (btu Bw. WamA rt the MOtfwa^^Bs 'lmprsvetoaad mmU ha at thsaprt satin ml rtNeirthSTSß ntoTttTto^PMflwSS 1 **iw h*e *hsp wen rt Mi. MB ;»« mim* it ***!** *» O; u ttostlst^ SOL* aad whM amm saAdsato hams •the tillfl. fa fl»md>'lrt< fljtoto T|> 'nflpjrt rtartrtßf. Be rtHnw^artflani ' seam tags wnrtfl he ha ana* . rtto it to as twih tovtoas tojtojjhto m -Ml iTless prnlplini peMep Jh wp#» the srtMto. wrtrtrtlrt|l enßjMto aan rt healrtg wB heotos pstotortpf 1 ortotto dtopseartf SJeTta Sr bars hesa to!t?hp < SyVilfißC thraetoartha rt M rt the rtPtohrt tort mat * hem* marhet agato^U^^m jujf. b;i „ t-& PBMI 9IVK M ■ . •/ * TJ