h*-. • + ' . * ■ -• * , m * Bgp v da -11, a a v Ja*\ La'a,* - f j 1 , ! ...i. ~ , 1 ' ■ | - ..i. . .jss... -.■ ur. ■■ : ,ut—■ • _■■ -■» r T .. r~ 'rw J | • : " J ■•■>•* jPg \ - - ■■ ■ ■ x-. 1 * *7t T * oKinJT^ Jr ** * **“ mm.mm.mrn The Memorial Drive To Gkt Under Way tomorrow Mens Supper Tonight To Hear Dr. Wilcox Former Pastor Here •m*. a- *** V ' * Tto mau piMM for Uk Memott*i * totaalotif at supper te ■lime tt# iead ke Ul'tengLTto MM popular / ttzvjt&'xvz bate muM of nr tin* d*v* u »f w* (MU' m— *sm* tho whr Ami the lmin» of mi; nr mmrnm that wm pm «w,ii qofiv bgM- P* >■ U »lMtf»M ifMtor w 4 win it nitre 4.*-' ssjrVE j; ■Taufc tto pTOftOos At Um Me ■toftol NM M 4 to being raised tt to tko tofi of ttoOe ta tthrffe of tto Mt4f of tt* tatoo tint th# money Cor tto MMli wIM he jMbncrUted ‘ V ; - t - ••■ -w '+**-■ • Ooor fifty tMM of MOO and worn sTjrj»srajj:E <ir »«f oronr ronoo wtft ho doa * ohooto to r«* a Mot lo tto build ttf WTIST SECSWE ISSEUtT BEGINS ; , *4—— ■ * i test UM attSaUacatoW* Mm m ikt Pntraa tar V, J-. aMNMtotet&fltoomhtt ooboMod rassi •btt'HttijuV raTw I. Os Itermaa MB vanity us cor many peon % jtopbor of tto totality of tto feopitot Hbotolool toatlatit. 4W apeak at tto laltlol oorrloo i tto ttrot Baptist Apret Botany rnktotagaad .too i D tto aasetehty liilttt *M«M or- , H**** otbor- fgontors and iaotroo-l, Wo >OO tor tto tononttfy an, lir. V i. >W. Spilmaa, praoidsot of tto Bop. ttot Biota Coaroßttta. Dr. «£l)avta.Y A *t ‘i Dr. Itof wall, ooids-1 Wo. Dr. L. 8. |i Frpotnao. Dr. V CWa L. Oroavoo. JUlstgh; Dr. Htyht t C Moan aad Mr. Enfold lacrobam of !i NttbrUto. TOaaL ||« Mlaalo Middle- , ttf ißtorooa. MUo Bn Farm bow tt» Mm. Lfdto Million Ralsigb fba oatlrm AUogtl* Hotal boo boon rooonrmd tor tt* Aieembly with prevt v fNa tor etoaooo to 001 l to for plot the entire Afloat* Hotel baa been ißporeod tor the aoetanbly with provt a r« rcUooeo OS well M for plat | fbe pro*ram Os ta*b dhT Will brglo ♦ftt oa early doted# asl boor eka - ffnrui* by Dr. )|lgbt C. Moor • In the fpT'lrx Simultaneous rlonba will W betd. foltonred b/ -ta hMplrattoe .1 ad itoee. Woroblp to ooag will be dlioet •*• b Dr. Be»»r elfb Mr. 't'iHrr Oil more at Uw |l>|tp - i'otttereoee oa H t 9. yi. EtomeO UfT roads y Bobtol. aad v. M U park, *a<aiteo Mlblo f'twl an.' Ki.rb Es • a|Hrr wlllbe r< II Anal Ivyctlre exblbp ♦4l be an iltoptsy flan a nod rrer tloo are pfs .wd for llty a**enu.wl.. ' Automobile pertM from eeoay off *M towns la lutom North >re expected Ja rleHore for tto eadrm week g«H TA* BINBTON Jpao M Peer of a* la mini tax iflP'aa O' roe nit of reral perti ta Leootr QOuaty woe , 8 la httrtfl ewarterm today , t«ttg:' arer real eetola la tti| eppety durteg tte .<D sib belloeoa to bare aldtthUe fevtoiag dewp iwrildß'hofore tte ceeamto wQl coot poUarT^Of • "ixarzrj zz, tot tte ttpe. Klaoioa roaldeoto pay betwoOp ttree oif leer per la Uxee u a faaptf of tte ran tt WOO mU fa per. Inreetmeat of | dormbto Idle moaoy la tax-ex* eat pc oociirtttoo woo reporfod el tto 1 *«- -« ta • j, l * • ■-« counnmiM. #• ■ f • fa oldoa Homo OOtora eotore were tooet*!dortobto ta ■too oad MM*>gw to.mil tto aerie, of L ■ ®SSMdL*. “ i L i .j: T: Wf ■* • W i I tt H - •’* tt(TJ|.-» ■.. n- I : > -■ a *|| J- , If I . .taeprarama. . . THE GOLDMBKE) MEWS —-- L ■ UMIM DUKES? HOUSES WbiM of Urottie Ktop PfauMg From Sweeping Bbek . . j Bit toeahlag out about tI:M Bun doy nlgpt completely deetroyel oao bouioe end dona god oaettor on tbe Bln etroet eatoofloni the bouer* were nttouptod by —Ttpf poaple. The flea wgo breaking through tto ■toe# of tyn bouoe ttot woo destroy ed wbea tto flnpnon arrtred nap bod It’ net boon tor tto prompt work of th* deport neat tt would bare swept o whgto blott One bouoe woo owaed by tte coter t i'od occupaato oad tte otter woe own >od by Mrs OUee Hlneon CtHDHM NORTH SITS DUE) < r r PronUft et Graonoharo Ml. r t«td Says North Carolina , LMtlg Rforted kALllfiii. June U, —Dr. Jrinee D. ' Dudley, rresident of the Agricultural < •oad Technical Oollog* for Hexraee at 1 Oreenaboro. declared la it eUteoetott »® The deoartolod Frees that North Carollaa to togot ejected by the m|- ynttou of negrooe aortb of nay oth. employed was to write to poetore of negro churches Without except km. each owe replied that Me eongroxe tloa had not only act fallen off. hut that tt had actually Increased. During the commencement season I ■oat speaker* ell over the ptatr ho remind negroes that there place is hero at horn had warning them 1 against migration north. All of ua on- < counter difficulties, do matter where !we arh located, aad tt to always bettor I to fans problem* at bom* among i friend* then la strange lands among atrangt r*. E~Tbe race prejudice of tbe MXnb to far more deadly than nay which ex- Into la tte Booth, aad la North C*ro- ! line our negroes notonly enjoy good schools hut are afforded justice In f the courts These two thlnga alone I should discourage migration ( rr!!! leffeDealt Ruyd * now Is thel? 1 DM PRODLEM |! BEFORE COMMITTEE Chamber of Cwurci M«rt« With U. M. GiOlltcn To Fartkor Phuia The committee appointed by the ‘ chagttor of commerce to assist la the 1 bringing of the J O. 0. A. If met yes terday morning la the chamber of commerce office with U. M Ollltken. .10 outline plena for (he campaign that 1 will be aoceeeery lo land the Instltu- . i ttaa. The orphanage la gueatlon to a ISM.- m instltuttoa that will be located —me Where la tte tUlt, A number of ’ etttoe. among thorn Durham end Ral eigh ore also after tte borne an’ there to eouatderable rivalry be tween tte towns trying to encore tt. Secretary Denmark stated yester day bfleraooa that the committee •oob no deflalte'lkctlou other than hotline the plana that will be followed out lu tbe effort to ge be Inallutioa • A fOIIBCTIOI lu lost Tuesday’s News It wee slat ed ttot Miles * Harris end Charlie •Bhfo were la county court Um mere t before on a charge of violating ftohtag law. This was a mistake Charlie Epps was the one who wee I* being triad and Miles Harris woe the officer who smde Um arrest The Senior Phltotbea Claes of tbe tint Sept tot church will hold lu regular monthly business meeting at tth church tonight et I o'clock wiflk Mra. J. H Deacon an bootees. All |flh tograhore of tte elgee ara urged to be to tote— me jnpiWAl* . i*»* & Uisnev ac T ■ • * SmSS TO CITY PIVEMERT llsttts Gasrd Rgil tfto Cshbb ; MAYOR M4YB , c t jj » SWITCH TAMPERED N*» TOME. June H IBy the f>" ■oclotod Press i—SOwed persons wore killed and toon ttaa M In lured this t afternoon when n two car train plunged fram the Broaklys-Moojhot fton Transit Klees tod structure 'of fifth and Klntbush gvenues la Brook lyn and wore smashed to matchwodd. 4lM«)l n|, lesst (In war* bx e Tho two !3kr train wall filled with *a early sfurnoou crowd of men and children end g few iron jumped tho ratio ripped through rotten guard be.thM tottered m tte edge of tte structure white hundreds of paoror bye mood epeU hound to terror and buttled to the pavement mold £ fleam* aad craejHing"wtroe. White hundreds of employees with fifty wreckage rare removed the wreck which wen- stretched for It sousra yards on the pavement. Mayor Hying, district attorney Dodd and the of Um boerd of director* o tte Srooklyn-Maahattaa transit rou, pony which operated the#train, ind the police startsd sajulrtks lato Um canoe of the accident "I am convinced." said the- mayor "That tte accident was canoed by r detective truck leaving tte tracks aad pud crashing through a ratten guaro mu which If good should lavs prr vsated tto fall to the povetiM. The present guard mile an thirty yeert old. The oars are from M to M your old." ' Although tte motormsn asserted hr had teen tto switch tanted green gtv lag him right of way the switch war tamed to rad after the accident Thr 4 bad b*BB #Uh after the crash PlfM SPEiS FHOMOUTIM ' CUD IT CHEIERf Talk* m Um Nattom’n C«U Bup Sly MNI Predicts a Now Undnrntanding DEALS WITH ALL PHASES OP QUESTION > CHITIMNA June S».-Ia a discus •too hora today of the nation’s coal problem la which be mentioned the industry tte oooaumlag public and 1 the government s Interest la all phss esof coal Operations president Herd 1 lag recorded himself ss bejng oppos ed to ea-Mtlocalising th«rmines and declared that tbe U. 8 coal comrato etow would bring the country “A abw qnderetandlbs of the nrohlem god ooiM out a selstloa |a behalf of a vlr tel public late rest - ' "•“ The chief executive spoke from the ' observeHoo end of the car he came to Wyoming In. DBNVKB. June IS. President Harding served notice In on gddrees hero today that the federal govern ment wee determined to enforce the prohlbltioA low even should that bur den of enforcement continue to be ln rreaelngfy thrown upon It by the etotee. Moreover, tte esecotlve voiced the conviction not only that the probib! lion amendment will not be repealed, but that whateer Changes may be made la the Volstead Act "will rep resent tlto stare re purpose of t/m ctlve enforoetooht. rather than moderation of the genera! policy.'* i Striking straight out of those who vfvoUie the low, the President said the Issue to fast coming to be recog nised not no one between the "wets” aad “drye.” hut ns one of whether the lowa of “ttlg country can be and will he enforced " "Bo for ns the federal government to concerned." he said "and I n Misery ■are also, no ter as eoocerae tbe very great majority of the .state govern ments end the local gAveramenU. It wilt bo enforced A gratifying. Indeed 4 mpy bo folrly said, so emetine prog rose has been made In tbe last few poors toward better enforce - Wbllo Hr.. Harding made no direct reference to tte sßoetlon In New Tnrk state, be did say that "(he spec ials I o take aver an Important pert of lie powers to He added that "When Um Implications of this string# proposal are fully understood .i? .W 11- °«my, * J % V ■ | , AW.lm' < . x ■ ~i i-Mii .. .mfc...TJH 11 ■■■ J i - Ol '"■■■" ■4 | oroes—' 0 IIH I - II j ] imm ■- ' - m I 'bgAHV | I ■ - A Lggg M mm I |RVI fasra-.g'.'r.-yMrti.Ma w-a- j.’ ■ ■ CHEAT BBTHjPT TO CIIITEDtoTED STUB ID® '•fy \ ) Brilteh Os (kin In DueMrc Um Ar- Übh as A—o>< ai» Pwrt AbUmnwlbi PRIME MINHrRIt l BALDWIN SPEAKS LONDON, Jnno M. - (By the AeeO doled Press )- Stanly Dsldnln the Prime minister, styled to the Hones as f’ommoos today that ku> won no »tfMfcfah cue ro gutee territorial water* .by ofto dais of tto United States customs servtee. His sUtement was In sOswer to o question whether Greet Britain rer ogalsed America's right to break the eeeto on Ityuora aboard ships. Mr. Poldwlo sstd it woa the prac tice for the British customs sutlsori ttes lo fit Ihetr seals es a m IV »> rs routin* on ('uttohle ship atoms taken tram England in bond to proven i con sumption of the florae in tenitrvddj water*, the eeeto must not be broken - In British territorial waters, other- I wise they are la no way Inviolable Foreign customs seels, be added, were 1 habitual ly broken when necessity arose, la British territorial water. mmmmmrnmmm Ame rice a AttHade ‘ WASHINGTON, June H—Tbe . statement by Premier Baldwin lo tte British House of ('emmoos, that the breaking of British t'uatouu seals on British liners arriving nt York with stores of liquor specially sealed afforded no ground for pro- 1 teat to the-UPlted government 1 conform* to taken by Amec- 1 lean officials from the outset. It has 1 been emphasised in Washlaktoa. that 1 the eeeto bed no valde so fnr as American territorial waters were 1 concerned end that their breaking by : customs officers would not result In < any International Incident In whatever steps tbe British ov- 1 eminent might see fit to take with 1 respect to the action of th Ne wYork customs officials. It haa been pointed * out here that the question Involved ( would be the oeliUre of the liquor and there has been no indtentten of 1 nay Intention o the part of British or as yat on the part of any other power to protest against th eaels uses. Ho far os Greet Britain la concern ed. there Is no doubt that American officials f*el (hat the precedent es tablished by the lord rbelf Justice of England this , month In penalising the Oerman steamer -j'leopsl re lor bringing spirits Intof New Caatte. eg route to Antwerp from Etalgpd would be iltfflcuU to get around should ths Foreign office desire lo take up tbe question of the New York selfuroe. In Ikat case the lord rbelf Justlc held that It was ImmsUrtel wher at be seised spirits were Inlead ad to be landed; that they bed been Imported into British jurisdiction and In away contrary to British law when the ship entered British terri torial waters, regardless of wbetbr It wo- the purpose of the ship master to tend the spirits In Eugjend or al Antwerp > In view of ell the cirrumetamoea It to evident that official* In Washing ton expect the New York eetouraa, so tor s* British ships ate concerned, to i go to-court decision In ■ routine way I and- without participation by tte Bril, i M offA.Httafff ''MRlipteffMff - m - rm c ’ * I *nP' , ’ *’ » A. A jA. -Jfe— "* a&Sr - - TtT ,1 - OVER M MEMBERS OF THE CO-OP FILE 'SjJIT PITT COUNTY Tobacco (VOporatimg Am*. ia« T* Have CMtmeta Invalidated FIRST CONC ERTED “** ACTION m m KIND RAIJBIQH. Jum If.—ftotr Ml •n member* of tb* North Carotin* Co-Operalhr* Tohaceo Oiw»ri A**octstton la MU County day# fiM suit to luh tbetr contra*!* JSS3SJ* ,nus —v ***** m< mmmu wm e*rr- M WU *°» <tf illiic* Iha unoruiloa contridfb' war* upheld by tb* supreme coo* b*r# last year over twenty 'it#' ■ulU have b**Q filed in tb* Web* * County court again*! grower* wbo ' buv* not lived up to their coHtrMf but tb* slaty min mMnb*rn H. tb* aaeoclaUbo filing salt In MM t« tb* f|r*t concerted action or tb* . j part of tb* members t« have tbalr ’ i contract* Invalidated. - ‘ ‘ ' * * ' ■ #■ » t - •...*■ ’ » i 1 • i ■* „ *>i: 1 MtSONS nSTAU - :i KW OFf ICIISi .1 '• •- ■ V- • Two LNra Moot Tofothor Mi With Ceremony Ploco Notr Os teem in Plneoo Tb* Masonic lodge* of tb* alt* Mi ' laat nlgbt and jointly Insulted to* offlest* for tb* coining -rear. A Mff* qvntber of, tb* Maaon* of tbn if were present and wit noun* tb* *d|a> . monle* » I, ~ Officer* In*tailed In tb* OoMebOTO , lodge war*: K. E Taylor. WorabipSß , Mailer, W R. Raßoy, H*n|or Wardbn. 4. 0. Afeupiat*. Junior Wardao. C. X. Hood. Tr*ad&r*r, J & F Hlcba. tee- . retary. Tb* Finance > vnmmltte* oboMtn and IngUlled la: Jaa. Kyi*, fi,', M. Huqipbrey. and Kirby Hapt. Tte . Orphan Hocnee Committee In: 1. m.t Oodwin. K. M Davis, and J. 0. Adama The officer* ''Of- the Wayno Lodge are: Dr. V. 8. Wbelpbley. Worship*! Meater, laaac Cohn, Senior Warded, Dewey Hunt. Junior Wardon. M. It Epstein. Trea*ur*r. N. D. Ooatnoy. Secretary. & yj i BAHKBAU. RESULTS , SATIQJUL finclnoall A (Ties** A Philadelphia M. lew Terb It 1 Philadelphia lb. Saw Verb IL Ho*low V Ibwoblyn 4. INUabwrg A HI. l.osls L ARBIU’AM I dlra*w t BetlwM 1. Hi. Look ». Cleveland 4. Philadelphia I WaablogtoO A Saw foab 14. leetoi A HAI4.T Charlotte 11, live*a .Ills 1A ' Awgweto 4. Vneoa A Colombia bpartaaberg. rain. HOI THERM Sewipbl* if Other* rain. TIMJISIA , Wll**n A Serf elk A I »rt*neiib $, Rlebnmnd IA Pete redo ng) A Soeby Ron at A l rismoiT Win*lon H*l*ni t. Barbs* A Car Plunges Off Ap4 Near Town Injur& Woman And LjtdnQal A Mg QMMtync ant. tta frOpatty et A. 9. Mote aad driven by Nteoh Folk. Book, pitched off tth rood near i|m Country Club . Monday aftornpeg. 'breaking 'ke arm of rntterius Bel beg end badly tacerattyg the leg *f ikggftOlgi of Mr, end wee irav-T tag «• Soto.; ruts made by those who 9AA Bath the Mite girl epd l|ra. Bel-1 lack worn l-.niried to tity.'BNwMta hooptt-l Tho *r~rgfTgl MffhwHtaA Hr. Mays pant hto dgr to PtDgfti eem Saturday afla fatal to lift tt* bfMfc# llcMMBd It li fetllCßd ttot Pollock drove tte a«r sAurdey eight until toylg Sunday atoratag ul • •ele drafflg les ra rata^^^s •«» wr m m rt** mm he/ »rwr total won tegorted drtaktag Tha Mt- Ite girl, who* ptekod gp off tte eta# of .tto rand with n larokeh ona. woo heard to state that "tl (hey . hadn't * r * J> - Wrlil UMII tAIIVII ’ nn iM iMi ewtas-w tw* AU UNDER THE GOVERNMENT SEAL 1‘ jMffff tOBK. JUne'ffß ~(p y the ** [ onoteUl Prao*.) r ff>n oAto -jre|" teotadto- «Moh hod ffndjtad aeodta* wepk-end wltk Itynor traaoportod ton et tbe tkroe mile like ta dodnnoo of tte Treasury's dyy rating. Ho tat («k|f Orrtrolk 'wore (Bo • Anchor DM Ttooaate end tte Freaok Hat tuffroa. Tho Tnoeonla, arriving from Oten ■®w. brought a relatively agnail atora? ■ovea dosen bottles of Paoteh waa tte largaet Individual lt«n litaHlta. t*4l** <* fStortod drlta* made op Um rrat of tt# cache bearing British Governmeot seels The Bnffroh wok More beevrty laden She brought from Hfvra. Ip addllteo to g aatoll add takrfced "toodtetaal atoattoi. Mil bottles of Wine, Hi battles of cham pagne. M bottles of gin, II bottles e? rum. end nine bottle# of whiskey The stock xfjte under Preach «**> ornment NEW YORK, Juke ts —Pour trann- Atlantic liners, which docked yaeter dny. were awnttlng nt ttetr piers to day for tt* hgfft sot too oa tto pari ttte govsrameat gnttorttiop toward teiaure of the supplies above tto oftouol to ho allotted ttaa for Modi ctaol um fn tapir outward voyage They were: Tto While Star lteer Cedric; tto Canard liner Caroato; tho Itolteo liner Coute V*rdi, making tor metdon trip to tto United fftaten. end the Frenek liner Provtdonoo. * No attempt wee made by nottort- Uta yesterday to aetae the Ugaoe stores end with tto except 100 of as- Bntag eeele oa tt dochera no too poo tton wm mode. Vo Knowledge of Low WASHINGTON. June N. Public Health Service otactals. In making out permits for tte tpteatteu by for eign skips of "medteahP' > tad avow rations of It*nor eopplah moot bo gliirtßli Et m* teg Ihftrgeoo Oeuerpl While, by evert statements by tt# Innate re of tto roe eels setting forth ttetr nudeteuad , lag of the torelga lows under which I they ere operating * The service. Dr. White explained, has bon unable to obtain eopteo as the foreign taws dealing with It*one supplies on skips, end Mo euty to eourse. under (he Treasury Depart ment instructions to comply with these requirements. Is to reply os the masters' Interpretation Tto loch of spool he lofornuttoa os Ito foreign regulations wad eWfpto stood In n tetsphorfs doavorbofteu yes terday between Dr. White Dr: E. I B. Bpregus. tto PobltC Health Per vice ofeer ot New York, with raf erenca to the that Dr. ffpragne bed signed permits allow lag tho tor rags rin to retain nil liquor aboard. Dr ffpragho denied this. Informing Df. whtto that th« permit be had given tte Borengnria allowed reten tion of only four gallons of Ityoor for seek Iff passengers. qßhepgb tto •hip’s mopter tod claimed Pro gal lope sos tecta tto tar ttaf totadhttar Urn ne the rsquioowdits , * T * * «t. HR*iT T f o t •• - - v<Tri.»m« ■■■' n*JLj odL. - ■*—■» «-iha. ' w 1.. mm imtm Ml I MELLON ON M 1 ‘. wA TT SMMii o*pHP terte* wbo cailod attteSST ca.e M an I|E|S\ml J tile captain wbo.be Molß, > fend at Cilia foreigners nod •trip for egaUn.tlOM MteteH^P. bad been told by IBa Mtlbtl W. *ul there would b* Ob Nteailty Miurr * beary K •waea Jean teipad Ms Uk Mg AbgeU nrp* glnpt.lMTM WiHlard boa * appclbf te||Mtels[ bk Mmm) IVSOPMh' 1 of tba Booth >n>.d*jfTl§SgjS, i ay id bp- |A» MPNite-. mlealod ‘aibjected tb* lit ■p. hlbwl** mAmm lAm* nre «ioat*a anor |MM a brief lUiiont dn^MN^ffMO* **M* fbfMl MMtepltfNteSlA* V. VESOSUI * , 't"h On* of tb* Hat I>jgp|\te jStepA •**r glreo In glee* last *i*b* W# MMlN|flß|Mb •re In lb* HwnyA all I tat en ad ~ v ri ilSinWlNr Nathan • > Hteßf VflA. OSA wpNO. •w’NNNBNB Nitv HMS* wf• appAatad wttb lb* HrtM telanßlßb tloa to do tbalr MneM iB NarabZl » *4 this fond. ,„ , t #7, * 1 < H A deljgbtfal dlnnar gag ****** Wbtah was *ajoyed bp *» tbgbp. kb •. atlenOaoco. . , j, |p v • f ,Jv.. t Final arrangaaaonte ÜBilte arid to gta# geMMwUp. 4 *l f 1 t NFflhl) VNTN* iMM'

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