"* r ■ r *[» ■ I \ .-■ - ‘ : «*jnu arfe sumß m ' ■■ " ■ *?• BeforeJNigkt Battle X. ' \ „ ■/- *:■,... i Government May Seize / \ Veneh At WtU At Liquor In New Tort lit . -{' ~.r n l-*r- ntm »■» -jt »»>■» ■• . . —— fc— •iM that tha. pgwapte yraetlee o*u*d Mia Mil Mtn 4»*ill(tl slaked hesrevwy that aa offlcigl Mala glwlM gsisttaf jMifct Mm toter- MHT TOM. Jooa tV-Tfcraa mot* torteg* Mmm tha "Cw*a# of tha PMMk Mkar MM tka “Olympic" ot tka ■ t jr with I hair ra lor uadar govern in tha thirteenth uat Iha Ualtod rßM^UKlar,.n-1 at M««n t ’** at hapt In port over thairogkedaigr "*h *■• i . ... » «-• MmtMlWi oi liar* hara aaM in<«, iygt <*f ** **** *w mr wll vßm 4mm- U jfc • gmmpiin OhpMilmi Him Wk# TSSra. fees M» Okbli Ik. Oaan I* , f - 'J ' Tha beard of director* as tka Cham har ar ri.mil-rr win have aa thter ■Mat at I o'clock this afterem* A. * rriacla a( Okarlaataa. I ft who iniutr Mw 9 kT t °* Ul * ** ta ‘** l * atotad that If » aaa fat the progM* eooperatkm of tha UnrilUan ha will operate tka an-WWW- Ia tha mattar ta aw effort ta fat tka fUM ta oo*Mjja*jrMta« gaygsaattS nsrs 3nr® SKKIHBK nniihm ll'l,,' GOlfiSßQßuwtfl MNEIHIB HCF TlalMrt — to -M ten aa awtamaMH mo Tbo loir mmi»W • Mm A*m In opmi*4 “ Ojln CkM* BMplUl TOKIO. Jana n. fby tbo Ao*o - Krona.) —Mtaa Jane A4um§; MKM Chteoco oorlal worker. *u of *rtM aa la a beepUal ban titer tar a tumor la UN hnaat Burgoowd S&^itmSssS ■' ’gs^rsTi- sdfa SS^??ga A i Y w ira* UP, BOYS! ?'i*W TOEK. Ipm 17,-lfy the flpgotealsd Frans.)—Mias OarsM laa Parra*. mmrg^stoqmr. * a- « -• a ___ «r.m » a- . * ttiitK oy Jaatka Ttearnay of th. supragW [OMfll Mkjr, Tka degree was irhatad aa tha racoauuaatetioo or •to fffaraa who conduct*! tha Aiiurfag UtM Farrar waa ptrmltt fd to raauaaa har mstoaa name and waa gtvan tha prtvtlag* to mar nr v&TZ: raa directed to pay f tka peat* as tha Mai. Him FIiVS mcky hurts v: wni I f ' ' * 1 ‘ '! t at. nSTTI Dm [i||thM Will Mil FMI M EUNNINGBOU M HB DBCLAREB , p* . s f^^*iX ? inhSSr MMMaMM akMMi laa Os aaarwMf. k> camelwtftac a aama* wharkhf ha traoad tka hMtarjr of daaetaf la tA attf. 4*7*4 It* evil Malt* and okar afUrtaUoa aad partlealrly coadnai aad Mw Jaa* Oarmaa. which Faa ctraa Ik Mw Oa aparaUra Warahoaaa miar alaht Bf - har* haaa aakad I* pot tha aoft •fWtof oa tka Jaaa Olnaa*. o«i --altera aad Waaaharm of tha clab have aaM tkay war* afraid I*4 sta* a*ca*d head artdanco aad aaiw kaaraay which would hrta« tka Oanaaa lata at^tkatr*owa ftVh oaly two laalaaoaa of what kaa oooia to M I rat haad from membara of yoar owa orgahlaatloa. Woman water tka laloaaa* of Ik par, boys wader tka lafoeaea of Ufaar aad hdttlaa dropped to tha hall roam floor. Any laaUtattoa which ha* draahaa ****** doaa apt teaarr* tka rwpMt as thinking man ami tka automate that Maatoni ollaa'a ha Mat flr* haa rtami. to tt» hljkate pick la tka Jan* Oarmaa. J -HtfnhpuoTt& Mak any that thay mhtok happan an tka aMaUaa*. Tha aAkitflae adorn bacon a* as tka atkar m*gd. .Mwu tha eaiwaaa la tbara will ha tha vnltoraa. Tan wan t tool pahttc done* alwaya nitrate* tka baaar atamaaf* Why did you har* to Mnpirna* aad marshal tha affair? If yon Mfaguanl tha daneaa, how many law aiaddars did you turn orar to tjh* polio*? Why was H aacas aary to aaaouaoa marshal aad chap bs kapt at a minimum. Any Inatl totlaa which a aad* to ha chaparoaad ought ate to uniat. Amoflg thoaa who attaadod aad partitepaiad ta tha affair srara man aad waawa as tha church. aaM as wham hold offlclal position la tka ekarwk. km te than art at Ik* haad ff tha orsaaisaUoa. aad tel participate la a swaltartng midnight parndk .tfkUa a multitude oa tka out- Hte aapad te tka apaataela. Thoaa oa tha *a«aid* wowdlat throw tha oteteda to catch tfl. grary that Stepped from tha roast thclai rsvtownd that mldtgbt parade, too. aad aa Ha looflad aa I woaddr iMakk* •» matty ttaad tea.ked i ' "Thai Mato waa aaathar praaaa dtoa which thd haaate laboring bum. rafraahsd by a nights slosp. saw to bd wtat ta tea work sarly Satur day morula*. Jute a llula aftar hraak Os day. A praaaaatoa as boys aad girls with tkter cloths* haaa tag abate UtomWwhatbrohas^aa^thte^ahoutsd the ‘SaaT r Utah yaa amMd hara •• sV uoowtteit rtd» «** * ' ■i - , gs « n ■ » f t , Thirty thaaaaad before nightfall ta tka hattla ary *f thfla who an tetarmlnad to aaa that tka city is adaquaUly provided with a nlamortal gad at tlte apaw ttaaa a aommuntty cantor. Tha Mg tkafmemtear wWh tin ootety mile flag daaad eftto staap last night wall aadtofM with Ma.wakcary add tefe»..Sg* "» “!■— ■■. -Mrte— y '■»' UP" ■ ——sew— f' 'JrMWrTV w RlfOlf Ml fM KAV ******* f • ThA “ OMlritotlon Town No. * Name Flrnt Dav Team 1. Cipt. Fitihugh Lee, R. E. Steven* .;t |4IS Team R Capt W. E. Borden, JG. C. Kornegay, 0. A. Hamilton v..... Team A Capt. W. E. Stroud, H. M. Humphrey, A. H. Matey ~..,. pftl Team 4. Capt. W. L. Rawlinga, Gao. C. Royall. Murray Borden fttl K3f C ,:V M KM A 0 ; f« "* Cwmentfl •*« ? II Team 7. Capt. W. A. Deea, C. E. WiUdna, Zeno HoUowoll 1286 Tam 8. Capt. A. A. Joseph, Chaa. Totnpaon, Jog Parker $266 Tkatn 9. (Ms. A. R Frewnan, Noil Joseph, Clarence Cron* $728 Taam 10. (It. D. C. Humphrey, Jno. R. Ctflwford ••••••• $ 60 Taam U. Qua. Paul Borden, Z. T. Brown, J. H. Hawley $146 Team 12. Capt. Jmv D. Langston, C. N. Grantham, C. Edge rt o*i ». *** •, $974 Team IS. Cakt. Q. F. Strosnider, W .R. Allan, W. H. fljputh, Taylor , i «•••...•,« $162 Taam |4. T. H. Norwood, Goo. Freeman. J. N>-. •.fT- Longoot .........<....,.,. Team If. nipt K. C. Royall, Jerry T. Jerome 1......... $264 TfMMtilti H. A. Pike, Jao. D. Gullette . . .... lsoft TWWIf .&w ,P«- * »«w. D - D “' i ‘ l *- p * m Team I*. Capt. A. T. GrtfAn, Thoa. O-Beny, Bain $214 Tham Iff Capt.l. E. Eutaler, Claiborne Royaß W* Team to. Capt. W. D. Crwch. H. L ClrahrtT!; 1J76 Taam 91. Capt, Adolph Oettinger, J. A. Sherrard 1180 Team 22. Capt. Nathan O’Berry, A. H. Edgerton, Joe Rosenthal, Jno. Borden ........1 $13.W)0 ... ■ >, t ■ i" 'I • 'V,‘ • * - $19,068 Women Team ••••*«-• a n|f6j * • • ' r . . • t r .<. , ViLP s2l >,.L *■' . _ WOMEN'S emus' j ,-ffutitna ■ OF TEIKRCHWIS Ktoraa WIN OUa Half HaMay Eftry JViraiay Uatll .TMiwr la Owr WILL VS OF GREAT BENEFIT » The bialnee# and profe*al»eal wo mea'a alubs of Um city through Ihoir offtceca ban gone an record aa ha lam vary mark la sympathy with the actio* Os tba merchant* of the city 'and aopaelslly the Merchant'a Asso ' rtattoa. la -the matter of Tbarsday ’closing. - 1 T*a Merchant* Association mot arrargl day* ago aad after consider lag tha matter of *rbaireday rlodlag • IsnMiß if 1 ‘ * '“*• ,4« " M x *■ ■" 1 r:::: i. Os vwWtf aa. wm ——. ,i< ~ ~ —i ———w— tloa of tbs association there will be for who petti not oboenrw the half holiday. Thla mean* that the stores of the city wIU clone at 1 o'clock eaab Tbaraday. The actloa la Ukya prin cipally la order to allow the eleibe aad aaleofolka to enjoy aa eflernooa each weak off darldg the summer f Snow~~Hffl Man ft< Charred With 1 Slaying Brother .4 » |* ft i T »P 7 j J" KfNltpN. June XI Joha We Ila fttoed a Jury at ffaow Hill today oa the charge of alaytag hla brother-Ki- Uw. William Kraaler. The men an aat«d la a gua dual In which Kraaler waa fatally wounded, dying la Par rott Memorial Hoe pH ul here, aad Walla waa aerarely wounded. Wing cocidaed to g Wllaoo. hospital .for tome wakes The men are wall kaowa. Klaaton counsel hsa been retained to assist 1a the prdhecwtloa Mad blood bid HhW WwjwUh 4lfc * WM * ' ■ >* • r ” "'**■ ** : * I . a- '* • ■ nty Thousand Raised; Noise Os Jubulation Heard Giant Thermometer On The Squffr* yUI T H^rar Hl ooavkt whipping boas charged with tonntor of Martia Tobart of North Da- Tfca duresse alleged that fuadl east .%• bora from North Dahota war* botac geaerghdly distributed gpeng phamptote as to hia fladlaga aa toe r*aU at aa isveatigatloa ho nuthr la tho ease. ' Loaathr ar«u manta by tho defawae to hart cartato teetiamay atritoea from recent brought aboat tha eharg aa of aehoal tor tho atatoa wttnagpaa I No aotMp -was talma by Hatful iris km mm Pastor Makes ftolttt v ffHftfiffriiiliii aa Baaaiih Assembly morrhCad cm. Jana (root climax oaa ran ah ad toddy to *0 Baptist Sawable Aaoomhly. which baa boon la aaaataa In too audttdrtaa Os tho Mlaatte hotel of thta eMy atoeO Sunday. “Behold a Now Barth’’ who tho thoao of a maatorly addrooO do ll ra rad by Or. Bono Wall, of QoMa to»ro. at the cloao of tho morniag fee •lon Tho addiwoa waa baaod ah ho Scriptural statement of John la too book of loyototloa. which aayti, w f i aaw a aow haatoa and a bow oatth.?’ • “There art thraa claaaoa of pdSpto M tho world." aald Dr Wall, 'nltoao Who ha at atofon hut lack 6thrtty. thooo who have aatlvlty but wha took rtolda: aad thooo who haao vlglon and dot laity, which moaaa a mat #to stoaary." Tha apoakor polatod pal flaw essential tblnga. oil coming from a boro that muat operate’ In mahiaa the aow asaven aad the mw aarth RsvatalMa or tha Bible. Vernation hr dhrtat. Organisation of the cbulch. millaatton or tbo aplrlt. toapfratlon atatoa. tha address lifted tha aa die nee to a groat height of laeplra Hon V, . Another grant feature of Mer'i prpnram waa tbo addrooa of fir. W J. McOtothlla. who coutlauad bio eta y th wfiO a pooches by Mr. mM, tjir. ■ high o/der ftonStt it 4 ** * ' ing it $? *NNt, wwi n„i U Z, the .treei and .lag Wbg' 00 From Ham aad BsfOfl Ntcllt I# lap ........ ue., ?55..- • U .. ’BHrir 1 Parmlauktß tlMniMW.' ' ■■ mw* i rawu a |yMi» a aat MK- a ” ■ Me, i * ,7 kW t w* f TftoymtTiyt'!■- ny )' 'oral raaarra baard Into today gagataU tha appiiratiso al UalUlil Sim :nnrga«j2S. tba tMt tiV dflU pstoUgba a ■to taka aatttjFP(«l4»M4|W' J, ' V tba act** by tba' iMtoaa bdato -, A T l . 8. A *~ Jfcv * both ffnjpwm jr iiit VA ■ *^7^* (JREENVILUC. UJ& |to -U+t a Adams, caatos. Ok.. ■ stadoa. to ihe t hick Mprtof* ommmtm mm t loa*l school, died to Mtatss Vataroas boafUM topp.,. tj*fc today oI stab wouada. JurkiMK) I i >l h|ia