I ISSrmu **'"■ ■' '> "tew- > ■■ . —• ■II iPMii a I m ~ « -1 ■ gi.Ji ,mmmm.n ■■■»-■ GOLDSBORO MAY SOON UY attKER-SIOfIE OF MEMORIAL UDEKf WISHES to Qunm nmncp luiMMItR Dnlubt OmSOMER-PROOUCER Mr vJill recommend 4 . TO CONGRESS KjDAHO FALLS. Idaho. Jom M A. »■—died Praa*.)—Declar ing l|ti "the ***d of tIM irtNft la to fftortqn tin bridge M*t> produeer M 00— nif PrshMaot lUrdlag to « *m mfgr mow** p its* of rn ummi Ik# c#n* —Ml* lISIfMI to fo* at tadrt- a aaiwiiiii/ *“rr • iM act— of tb* principals of tbg Mitu book or tin building tod loan P ■ ■ ro *. Tb* oraatdaat further sold that VHP tb* result of studies and lives tigaitoa ha hngarl to bo able “to roe- Congress gsaasgras which aboil rap ronoot a Affinals g alone tbta lino.’* ■ Mm of the ssgroestnx prob looa* of oar thno* ooofroatlog all —at rise aad all oootottoo la the sx horhltaat coat of Itvtng." the Prasi "l believe the sugJbsUoo hi worthy of careful axaaalnaUoo and coosklar kttea." tb* Prootdeot assarted "I am roavtassd that Us dtecoeeloa will be fevufCful of food results and a remind Or to rear# who are disposed to take UUtoMQUabla toll* from bath the c©»- mmft'+mi tb* public thia public he fos/right, tb* power, aad the al'ltty. to protect Itself." , s 9irAubow tb* real producer tai our *laboroto and coetly system of dtatributlaa la pot permitted a fair Sfotav of hta product tor b|* own uae SMI IMP*—i■< Wo Muotdln* math- rr producer and mosumer; to sire Ibo y *b***fwivp •MVtvT ~*z U J|SrSa«jdMer >#Kmhta MOTHERKILIiD ” by mmi CMOLIIU «*■ , ‘ _ eMM—n Users Gsss Is Dwtk Roll erst* Is Bis I—ronrt sad - Wsftsf Ed Dill, n*grp, coavicted la Beau tort county of gS attack upon a white wooaaa. was elect faceted tbla morn ing at . the State Prison Dill waa alngtog aa be entered the death cham ber and cant Iso id to stag while bo kroe (trapped Into the electric chair. "Folk*, ther'rw going to electrocute an Innocent man tbta morning.'* be told after ho tabbed hi* aoag. "Lord, help me; Lord MVO me." he added. "Lord eare me,"- DUI was saying sewr aad ©ter who* «bo current was I that through hie. -body. Whoa the electricity struck the negro, a groan leaped front kb month. Dr. Norman, prtaoa physician, exported thus tbta c unusual eound woo caused bp air In tblf negro** lungs. Two shots, of short duration, worn all that were accessary to produce Dill's death. When Dill waa led ont of bb coll b» shouted ‘‘good-h)re" to hie neigh bors In death 'row. “Good-bye." be told them, "I am going to yonder to die." Ho gate hi* spiritual advisor b small Tsdtamopt and asked that It given to the prisoner occopylng on adjoining coll. The execution woe witnessed by about Afty or silty peraeu aad many wore visibly a Parted by The negro's dederatloa that "they're' going to electrocute aa iaaoeeaf ban tbb morning * Dill steadfastly dented that he at tached the women from the time be —0 arrested On tb* charge until be JTs seat to hta denlb thb morning. 4 Dill was the sixty-eighth man to die In the electric choir riITBBMVt nil AT TAMP l BIAM- ■* dfpAYETTtVIIXB. urn tt - Mu denu from the University of Tenues gee University of Alnhama and the Alabama Potytechhtr Institute who hows voluataorod tar six week* of in tensive training of the 'Untied Mate* War Department at Pen Bragg, tbta weak have heap put through active Hold war. The ppung men have been divided late twp group# and during the part }yro weeks have been given gpoctel i reining U*. accustom them to «rmy IMS. With snJeoMful asm plot 100 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS Cj. of Washington •WALKS away ] WITH BOAT RACE I POUOHKBBPBIB. N. Y . Juno >ttb-The University of Waeblag- I .ton crow in a grant three mile content with the shells of five oth . er colleges won the varsity race on the Hudson today Oofeattng the champion Navy Jty a length Co lumbia was third. Syracuse fourth. Corartl fifth and Psaagyl- vasts a dtauat sixth. WW KIDS TO OEQK DOUTE t CRD PUUXUtlfiin Rftlrifk . laatorT flaw art»» Want R. WWIa CferialU IWKKI rrCMRii Ilk ArfAineniH DICUMON TO BE MADE TODAY RALEIOR June H.—WHb two fab-I Hoax fighting tor recognition, the State Highway Commission tomorrow Is scheduled to decide oa the route to bo followed by the Capital to Capital highway through North enroll no. Plans to bring, lha national blghws) from Rlebmond to olumbta. through Oxford. Durham aad dividing tt that* with one road going through Chapel Hill, PttUboro aad Sanford, aad the other tallowing tSe central highway westward to Greensboro aad Char lotte have bona Is the process of for mation for the past several months. The Raielgb-Seaford route has sup porters who claim the highway enne •bdtfld remain as R has been for many years. Although the two propon ed routes are the same length. Rat sigh-Sanford supporters contend their rates Imfurther advanced la owurtrns ttea wSMr. » J • Brtweeu Banfoid nus foe Ttlffom line, over the present route, apprort matrty fortj jMie* the dtatanee I* either paved or under contract The other proposed route has about thir ty miles of paying. It te stated. The highway eommiealoa will de ride which of the two routes will fig ure la the Immediate lotting of con tracts both factloae are avneeted te ho present at the meeting Friday. OTHERS BtfiOING ' - TUIMIIICE Winston and ChnrWite Enter I Lists For Grant Junior Rmm The liveliest sort of contest I* In prospect for the orphanage which the Jr. O. U. A. M.. la planning to build In North Carolina. It has boon staled that very lalge odors have been made by Hickory and Lexing ton and that Raleigh was preparing lo put la aa offer for the Institution Hickory bee offered 200 ncres of lend, nnd Lexington has offered J&O acres «| end 160,000. In Ooldsboro a committee bn* been ' appointed by the Chamber of Com merce te assist U. M. OtlHkln. a loader of the Junior Order In hie efforts to have the orphanage located here. It Is expected that the civic clubs of Ooldsboro will unite In the effort to land the prise. charlotte, too. Is getting busy. At a meeting of Dilwortb council Ho. IS. r.. O. V. A. M. of Hut city. Monday night, a resolution waa ua anlmoualy adopted lo place the ad vantages of Charlotte nnd vicinity before the- state and national boards of the Junior Order and urge tb* placing of tho branch orphanage of tbo Ballons! that city. Bimt ' lar action. It Is afoected, will bo I taken by other Junior Order Councils of Charlotte. Thus Ave clubs already nr* lined up la lb* contest lo get lb* Junior Orphanage, and It la predlctad (bat ; other* will Join In the race Inter. Baseball results XATMMAL LEAttl’R • L Chteegw fc Philadelphia % Brooklyn 2. AMKBUIAX i Philadelphia t How York!, tt. Louis IMrwR C. Boston A, Wnahtegion L II MMTHP.BR 1 1 Memphis A, Phalloneoga *. ,j HanhvMe I, Little Berk |. , * BALLY Anffuate A/'Colnmhla I. Bpartaahurg I, foMvllte t. ? Moron 1-4, Charlotte AA-k^—■ YBUIMIA u , 'tertelk A Pnlerahuro / mKr ' V ci.aen W #• *«*P«»* rourt of the United Htales, srnrtud Ur the Ameti ** •wtoff Orov# cemetery, Ctmlnnalt, gad (%Urt Juatlm TMt Aodteatery add rami at th* twvelllag -rou^inlga. M«n’a Team f Team 1. Ctpt. Fitihugh-JL**, R. E.fßt«vang |7OO T—n 2. Capt W. E. Borden, G. *O. Hariiilton |hi,i Team 3. Cept. W. E. Stroud, H. M. Humphrey, A; H. •••<•*'* * Teem 4. Capt. W. L. Rawlings. Geo. C. Royall, Muiray Burden , •*, «*«,,. ~»v.,, k ..,, 88) Team 6. Capt. C. B. Miller, R. H. Edwards, L. A. Raney S3OO Team 6. Capt. H. W. Tattle, Louis Hummell, X) A. Clement .i .. $l3O Tepm 7. Capt. W. A. Dees, C. E. Wilkins, Zeno HoDovdl s7«r, Team 3. Capt. A. A. Joseph, Chat. Thompson, Jog Parker S37Q Teadk 2. Capt A. R. Freeman, Neil Joseph, CMlMnce Crone ?. $1036 Team 10. Capt. D. C. Humphrey, Dr. House, Jim* R. Crawford • .$ 80 Team 11. Capt. Paul Borden, Z. T. Brown. /. H. Hfcwley $l9B Team 12. Capt, Jno. D. Lnngeton, C. N. (irsntham, C. Teem IS. Capt. C F. Stroenider, W. R. Allen, W. H. Smith Frank Taylor -., ...J,.. $122 tWm 14. Cap*. T. H. Norwood, lieo. N # Longest • .m,i.>• • fs|s Team U Chpt K. C. toyall, Jerry T. Jerome ........ S«I4 I Team 16. H. A. Pike, Jno. D. Gullett $676 Team 17. Capt. Geo. 8. Dewey, Geo. D. Daniels, F. If. J Robinson • S6BB Team 18. Capt. A. T. Griffin, Thoa. O’Berry, Edgar Sain SSOO Team 19. Capt. E. E. Eutaler, Claiborne Royall $875 Team 80. Capt. W. D. Creech, H. L. Graham $316 Team 21. Capt. Adolph Oettinger, J. Team 22. Capt. Nathan O’Berry, A. H. Edgerton Joe Koa enthal, Jno. Borden .•••»..«• slsjßßß Wtffnen Team $3986 Women Club SIOO Business and Professional Women Club SIOO Girl Scouts * $ 1° n —mroey* ; t s29,ito DAYS OF STATE BANK FAILURES OVER SAYS PELL •. • 1 latMtlUliMi, Made After two National Bank Failure* r ./'■ : . A SEVERAL SMALL BANKS DRAGGED UNDER RALKIOII. June If (By the As sociated Piei »-'*The condition of slate banka In North Carolina la mu< h better than usual.’* tbe gi»i d Banking Department announced tori iy tiAtowlnr a survey < .inducted af‘. »i tba failure faf two unltonal hut.Mn,: Intiltu lor.s. “ - National (tank, at 'tflmtagior nn t tba People's National Rank, at Halis huty. both of wblrh are not, under tha jurisdiction of tba Mists banking De part ment,’ aald Judge Osorge r. Pall of tba corporation commlaaton. ‘wa yidt a survey of tha atata hanklna ftald and dacldad that after tba fall* lira of aaroral amall banka, whose waaknaaa la attributable In these na tional tranks and to the shortcomings of tba old nanklng laws, tba days of atata bank failures will be overr" Tiia^Stats Ranking Depirtnu-n: la one of tba branches of the Coraon.- tlon Commission and Judge I*< II la most directly Interested In Ibe super- 1 vision of tbs work Tbs Commercial National Rank was i closed by the comptroller several months ago. Thomas K. <'noptr was bead of the Institution and W. R Cooper, lieutenant governor o' North Carolina, a stockholder J. ft Nr-- wrod. cvhelrman of the sip a deiuo cr-itic ais'Utlve committee, wm ha d of tbr sPpolssoltsNsnlPftf Ibelroro >f ’he ltoplr'a S'M'oul U-cA when ft also was close j recently the fadsral beoklns typnrtmsnt Numerous etvll suits have been fil ed sgaltl Tkimnr K aopr~ in too section sill A* (alinse nn 1 tbs M bl of krtgMl pyno l ..r ** »•'■*** ■ •- ■ ■ —* "■ —I. its Ami MOKHIXti, Jl NK IS, ISM . -Up k- a t • .-= DR. FREEMAN AT SEASIDE ASSEMBLY gpttks of Cry Irit Ntod hi tka CouMry ChardM «f the Nation CITY. June IR-’Theg Investment of bis life In a: country pastorale, under the call pf Ood, fur nlshes aa abundant opportunities for service city pastorate” de clared Dr. L. K. M. Freemen, Ral eigh. In an addPeea before the Bap tist Seaside Asautbly bis morning Os tbe twenty-three thousand country Bapltnt churches In the Mouth, twenty thousand of them have preaching only once a month Bpeclal prepara tion along agricultural lines as well os along .theological lines on Ihe part of the country preacher was advised. The tide of Interest and cnthulsstn' at tbe Assembly continues to rise It is the consensus of opinion of all who have attended that tbe program l and aplrll of tbs Assembly baa been of «n unosus I y blah order The At lantic hotel. In which tha assembly' Is meeting, has given superb service It la well adapted to meetings of thla charaoter. floating. fishing, bathing. In addition to Ihe delightful breeses and wholesales menu, make this a most attractive place Christian fellowship has beer, a distinct feature of this weeks' prog ram. 'While Ihe lecluMsh and sermons i have been of a' serious and highly Inspirational ordr. there . have been lighter festyee Miss Farrabow has 'edited dally "The Assembly Mucker,” 1 which was superceded hv Ihe "The Clam (’batter.” furnishing much! uiuuasmeot to the Interested readers. A feature of Friday’s program wlllj l»e a number of stunts, songs and oth er amusing features under the dlrec-' * lon of Dr let McH Whits. Kinston. At night Dr. Mplrfran will give bis famous lecture pd “An Evening vtlth t'ncle Remus." A group of negroes will sing n number of their spirituals. Rev. ohn Arch Uc.Mllllan. Wake 1 tbe early Wnrtpg boar. Or. Rea* Welt oeaetofled tbe day atfft aantber g I ■Hi J . « Mb i - -** "• w - 4i killed here this afternodfl when a car driven by hta staler. Myrtle U»l». crashed Into n poet Th# Sirl wee trying to avoid a crank with a boy on a bkycta 'and struck the poet, shattering the windshield a piece of which cut the boy'# throat They were the children of rHafito t*Wb>. a well bhown Pitt county farmer: PDLICT OF W SEIZURE GOES TU PfIUfETI OFFICIS Tr—iry Department Reveeled Tor Find Time Its Pra, ceedure t DEPENDS NOW ON SHIPPING LINES WASHINGTON, Jan* ft.- Treasury ofAcigls revealed today for (he A rat Um* that lb# propmeta to seif* ||- quor carrying |ln*Yt In Amertasa waters had reached the singe where new regulation to carry such n policy Into affect bad been drafted In ten tative form aad were la the hand* of' th* prohibit lon ofAcers. . Whether the ruling la to racolve Anal approval and be put Into elocu tion depends on tbo foreign shipping lines themselves. Acting secretary Gilbert said today that he hoped such a copras would he unnecessary but it Os* reiterated at the treasury that a continuance of tb* present disre gard of tb« prohibition on Importa tion would be dealt with la as Vlg prloita a manner sa develapmsnU warranted. > f Mfc Gilbert's xteteßMMM» *v*Mter- . atepd lo hnv* fogo guida aflgr ha had heard that sevaraV or ft* foralgA shipping companies War* ready (a abandon their proggpm of Bringing to this aid of th* Atlaptic under naAt a sufficient slock of bhr liquor lo supply passengers oa return voyigfc He bed said previously that this gov ernment could not continue to what was regarded a steady effort of the foreign shipping com pen tea to break down th* law. LEE COUITY TO" |j CEEEHUTE COIL i Fims H SECEION i - - ✓ "IndualriaJ Ifoy” To Hav« Mkßy Notabhu Ppgffgnt Tto Talk Ovffr Sit oat ion •» ©MINERAL DEPOSITS ARE VERY GRBAf , ———— i HANFORD. Juno 17.-- The I<m moi< ty chamber of commerce I* planning to celebrate an “Induat rlu» pAjr" ta connection with tha tvcent report of tha United Mate* Qeologlaa. *nrvey ralatlnit to tha Deep River coa, rA r.lotl. In North Carolina, altuale.. In porta of la«, Chatham and Moor# counting, M. R It* urn aecretary, an* nouaced tonight. Tha Invllatlona and plan* for tha “have no connection what* »o«*irAith any atock promotion propoptflon." aald Mr Beentun "In dual rial day” la being planned, ha continued, for tha purpoae of enab i line North Camllnlana to become fa miliar with aome of the reeourrea of tha atata. partleularly In tha aerilor | aarroundlag Hanford. fhvttatkmr are being attended thr governor, Hehtanaht governor. the council of atata, the apeaker of the houaa, laadara In the general leaem l»ly. the North a roll rfa rongrenalnaa^ ' delegation, repreaantallea of the prer and two hundred and fifty leading bualneaa men of the elate. A deftnate date for the eelehrgtlnr | haa not yet been fltad. hut It probably will he held the weak following July i 4. according to Mr Daemon. MONEY BACK IF FIGHT DOES NOT TAKE PLACE 4TH HF.I.FNA, June H.—"lf the July 1 Fourth fight at Bhelhy doen nor tan-i . terllaiae every dollar which la paid for tlcheta mual he refunded Mr, Kerna and Mra. Dempeey cannot net ' ! Idlv by knowln gaa they hvve that 1 | itiknu have hoen «»|.i wmiout ran* " ' * a. V•> iA nr _ , - -- * ;■ • —y ft Memorial Campaign Is Over Lionel Weil Will Go Back In Business f FUND kKACHES SUM OF $29400 ‘ Additional Mv* HimdroTlMuß Pr«mli«|) By (Ifo Coofofo. H Difvrvnt Thom. At Lo^tmoo Wort Mode vJI - J ' The Community Memorial Com-, pnlgn fund weal to m.ooe yesterday afternoon with the other Av# hundred IprrotUnlly assured. Now Lteael Well can go itack into buaioaaa. Yesterday at noon the woekera who bad been tnuvnaotar tor Ik* pant two days met at lunch and made their ra pma. The thermometer was raised to immediately fuMowlag an th* captain* of th* d 10*real leoma elated they thought the addltnul Av* hundred could be raiaod with Boveral teams weal to Mount olive yesterday afternoua aad ra«ailld a number of subscription* um m* amount was not mad* public With Afteesn or twenty days of careful preparation A thing of tho pant the men aad women who warn actively Interested In th* Memorial went lute the active work of the cam ynlgn Wednesday morning with a* FIXING DATE FOB OPENING OF THE TOBACCO MARKET "•tSLarvrx™ ttofttatoton- lot AMHWUAJt. Jus. n.. KUtag Um q| DMIM sale. tar totawo ta th« producing HUGH. Os tha Mouth •MM tog n«wm4-br Mm staudtog mmMUm at um TMmm Ahnlhlm of III* t'nltad Htetes. tkto afternoon «t four o'clock and will be reported , to the mala convention of that body for action tomorrow rooralng wboo It MU tor Ita twenty-third annual sssiioo. ’ " ■ r V' r A U Carrington. of Daavlll*. Vo., •od a oumbor of detogniee to Ibo con vention, ranched lb* city tbla morn- Ins and otbora will arrive tbta of-, to moon and tonight Mr. tarring ton la cbalrntnn of Ibn atonding ran mltlae and anya I hart designation of tba time to bagln tobacco anion will probably b# Iba moat Important boat n«M of public intaroat coming bofora Iba convention Tba tobnano aUtoa of tba South are divided for tbla pur poaa Into various aobos, la which t|m lima of salsa la usually dyad In ac cordance with tbs ripening. of tbs crop In tbs various souse. | It waa atotsd further by Mr. Car rlagtoa that Osorgla bus ranusstod that Ho salsa bo started about July 17; South t arultua about August I; ratatsrn North Carolina about Rep ent I, and tbs old bolt territory aroubd Wlnstou-Sslsm, N. C. and noßvllls. Vs., want to start abotu Oc tober 1. Tbsos. however, are' Just propossla for those territories ' Tbs committee on graduate duos of, Ibe association will also asset tbla afternoon with W. T. Clark, of Wil son. C„ chairman This commlf-i tee baa to do bltb questions of Balug duaa for new mwmbera and making rs-arranaenisnt of tb epreaent acbsd uls If found aaesoaary. Tbs aseocla tloo la composed of tobacco raanufac turers, dealer* and ware bouse men principally In tba Htatsa of Kaa-( lucky. Virginia, Tennoaaae. North, and South Carolina, and Osorgla, at i bough Individuals and Arms wllbln lbee# rliisalltoallon* anywhere In lbs Called Stales are eligible lo member-1 * b, P \ 0 The cnovsnilofl will bold session*, tomorrow and Snlurdny The prln clpal address on tomorrow morbtag's asseion la that of Frank Talbott, of Danville, Vs. Besides this. Friday mornings session will bo Uhsn up' with the report of lbs aseretary-trens ttrer. ami various commit tee* ' . TOWH Mi'll.DH ROAM < ROCKY MOD NT, June tt The ac ttou of tha Roanoke. Va., chamber or commerce In voting to rales Moo.(too to eupplemeat 176.000 available from the state highway commission to hiuld a twenty ipile rand ncroaa the Blue Bldgs to Rocky Mount baa met with 'the approval of a large number of 'buelake* and professional men hers. If tbs road la constructed tt will open ■up the Katlonal Highway from Fean- , 1 splvaota Into North Carolina through Wloston-tatom nnd Rooky Moudt add' 1 oftar atam to Mwdb j F-- J MEMBER OF | ASSOCIATED PRESS * —ewewm4 mat and tonid ty* maUer as prUtog subscripttopfa stay. A large MmSk baa already paid in lb* total amouni subscribed. - At the luncheon naigrjgV Tftof noan a rising vote of fealta and ep p rectal lon was glveato USo*i VA Mr. Weil baa during So paat two waeka ant Wbvb an the drive He has walked etaund tllhtoa Memorial and carrying g wurvfEd inub The worried le<*laa taw A- P%ta with a broad grta tint to «L aeatlally a port of Mr. Wall when ha faala pleased. In a -nHmsgff yab ! lerday afternoon Mr. Wist Said (tat be wished to thank ail Ita ~«ltm who bad ka ably hilgitWta 1 |Ww moat as tba cywM lor, Ita wttai of tbs drive to Ita take I tad tata* lag am." be sold Kstdwan tawtotata ooavsrsattona. j SEUis W.rrwn. secretoryof'tbs^fjb •I registration* HOMtf tbs bureau during Ita pat M prsctbwlly vryi not oMaiimd'aposMlw. torttafyLrto Invited to tm. Um eerviumTJTtfi place men I bureao." ssW At Rangn jTbln nsrwtos Is rends rod teed, jpMJ be hgfffrd J| positions. X?* "About tbs onto dm d - - la whisk there to sa sponrebt gar. Plus to. the high school i tffftaHi b* this eicses will be -llmlaatod i,ru7 nslly during tbs neat few Week* w school boards and —rnftlrto maS to salect their an tar tab swta | year." ’ VACATION BI«U SCHOOL CLoRnQ Tonight r fUwrt CtaMMtot «R* Tha Dally VacaUw Bible which has bean In bramoaa at tta First ( hrlstlaa church fortta pS four wsabs clones ibis tiara Ini Tfr night at sight s'clock a program M parents and Inlsrsstod friends will hg glvaa by tbs children. A ataipto drn» matlaallon of tta story gs ftiM' Msibsr sad tta Ton virgßM w& be Included wbUe same gs tta taM work done by tta cklMran wllFta on eablbltton. , Thursday morning Mr. tagato look a group picture of tta sataoi i Mach latsreat has bsw sbsya btf the Children In Btbts i.tao. flta ksta An otrerlaT wuT tUTtXm. «to defray Ita espsoas at tft MbiWb RXITMWI DUI Mpi wet*, lilted "and ihrw* toUiff ißMtal Si jtataMr. worikjentf gs t atotasß J. D. Bridges sen milt ' 1

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