***** J ""—"Mm im**mm | *■—*»■'" fwff ItlllK 111 ■■ —.— . ~ ?■ !»» fr* **f*r»m. An« fP#twfWlw~ ■>% I ■ ..... B “ agratM*3.s Ully )|MitW|wr last night «t M»j>„wpyw». »lftg*.wbo trum ft nuU store agar *U mkm» Kttt tow im aa Mb ynj toB wtoa Ml aipow kata to* file amoey. The TheffrajHiki lha MM aad keftfh* «*»3 fifftheAferdfit running ‘•The Hiton* WftwaOaft a net ~ to to sfiffl* eaptftre tiro, but at the prefthM. UaM ttifa Is aa ladles- Ufthf aa Us wwk way the aegraae HalMlttUi roparfthatoac was a toB ftsstoand the Bihar r waa a UtUe ’r&i rid mnawho\as muLrt wJra TjLTnli y jJTiiStSSff having Mm* there far rears aad whs *»<>«" (QrsctlcaHy ererroae ia lj nelgto iHtoad. He was especldlly Htitol flu ths children who sailed f tola! ituta V mitail iil htoh oeer tto srsrr effort ts beU| wafts -to triftfNr 1 hie ftiHenn. L M Ll pii 1 mtwnur *jy Hj wPs(lfTFflltOi •Mr. W«Bi ini B* Piatoh •f vhlSi ilr MmHU If r v Uftftel Well. Chairman at the BMcaUVf Oapsatttee Memorial Cam- BSBltr HMtw has aeat oat the (M- Hnrla* ftkice to ill those workers who pirjelpHst so eptoadldly la the Memorial faming inr'p aawea of « hoa» 'are ftlrea below -*i ate toofttou oa soolac yaw at tIBO Moettol- Even thouah your nuivose ffty ho laoomptoto. With a malted, gad determined effort wo Caa 1 rcachoa* coal of ftlfi.otft* • Napes Ot workers rcsueqtod to " Team I— Cape rttshufth Use. It K. - Hp ♦;*, ■'., „• - •» . itftm rferCaftt- -to. •E. Borden. O. C. Kpniaaaj, 0. A. Hamlltoa. * “i >' Tenna 4—Capt. W. L. Rawlings. 000. t O...AeyaU,' Karray Sordea. . Triufi ft—Capt. C. ft. Miller. It. H I lild wards, U A. Raney. . Team g—Capt H. Ift'. Tuttle. Louis ; Hw|ML (T3L Ctoneat. tfßft TriHH W. A. Lees, C. fc. b. Ch*» Team Ch-Capt- c. K. StrasaMer. { ‘ W. R. Alton. W. H. Health, Trank »Jtonm H—Capt T. M. Norwood. T Ito’Fiomaea, J. M. Umt.i 'Tanas U—Capt K. C. Roynll, Jerry T> smM-U. A Mho. Jao. D. Oul *■ Dewey. Oeo. ft. T. Hi li lib. Thos B _ T. Fouler. flab lolph itoUtuger. tbs. OBerry. A osnthal. Juu L THE GOLM&ORO NEWS wm m is TWUMIIIT TlwbHT VICTIM OP FOUL M ■wsns* «iu4. Trb. at ACChCBI EITHER MURDERED OR HIT BY TRAIN (BpeetoKto The Newer Ulo tfmto cod tumad near to a fmH nMM lab lift parlor to ho psopoml tor hartal. - Ftohto 4tod of a crushed ahull hut Ofttotoft iHam.aa to he waa mgtA sty too train or waa too rlc- Oiß of ical play. Ea<!a*er Satth of Aw lalii train to mid to haps de etomd that ho oheorVed what prprod to' he too body « Fields oa tie rfcht haad affte pt the track with bis head between two amoo Uee sad at am thoachi to, wae a iarpe piece of pa* por( Fields was dressed la Uftht trousers sad ware a wbfts shlrt.l Tht aftfttad the emergen zjns z i-r.’s yaffil by. Oa the left aIA of the heed, to a capiac Thera are dPeare coo taptofts on the left shoulder tod loft torestw. WhSi the train srrhred at .Klaatoa aa eumlnatleo was made of Ms Pet and Hidw of the' aactaa hat nh Mead oouid ha tonad. 1 7. t Js ' toft m hw^sAp||^^ ’oaTtoTaSift ft nUaefti ’"Uur the train stopped and admitted acquaint earn with the dead man sad declared "» had beoa drun ball day *. Fields was placed oa the train nad lived until after the traia had. pass* ed La Grasps- He is a rnarrted maa aad a brpthsr of the Norfolk- Southern station scent at Boot Sts snf LOOK LISTEN : 00 Kn 1 ISKNSTinii All VftMeton llwt Cm To Foil 9Up ftt AR Gc«io LAW TO BE STRICTLY ENFORCED KALRK2H. S'. C.. July I—Lador too tanas of a law which becomes effective thraaghput North Corollas today, automobiles wUI be reoulerd « to oeiM to a full atop before erase- J lap rail read tracks, electric mllrasd 1 tracks la eltlcs. towns and rmnftos 1 being eseepted. as Well as cross tag* Where there are cates or watcbaien 1 The law, which was passed at the l lltl terjn of the geaeral assembly I provides that the railroads ahsll 1 mark all crossings by sloes blaring 1 tfta lettering “N. C. Law, Stop!" The distance at which aatomoMliats are raottired to stop la eet at aot more than fin y fast from tho -rails. 'Penalty tor violation of the law Is Head at tan dollars fine or ton days Imprisonment or both In the disers- Uoa of the court, j Aft analysis of th sect by Assis tant Attorney Qeneral Nash la as follows: “Every, person operating s motor vehicle upon a public road shall, be- 1 fore crossing the railroad track at grads, rtop his vehicle at s distance not ebeeeothg fifty feet from the nearest rail. This Is aot rsftulred when tho srosslag Is boas at which thars Is a ftftte or wstchoma. aad the law doss aot apply to aa sleet rid railway track la a city, town or vll laga. Tbs failure to stop, howsv-r, Shall pet ho per se roatrtbutorp Uog- IlftesM la aa act km agalaat the rail road. hat It shall be aa artdential fast to N considered with ether facts la determining whether toe plaiatHt Waa gulky of contributory segU *Tha railroads are' required to plash g sign hoard hot leas thaa ten fegt (ram the grauad on the right ■Mi of tho reed, aad one hundred test from the efeealaft. The sign board to to h« aot tone thaa Sprig Inches by fltt "/Inches Oa tots-toga heard to to he printed with rad Jit ters. 'North Caroline Stop Low.' (Cowttooed •• rig* Three) ) / ’I !! ' Mi’ j / ' v • i» y ; * yfsl «J «.’• ;<€ 'H'. %L ji L » ; MOge XjML. j | M R fife ||Lj|Lil I •"»» " 1 ■ ■•'■•'»" "«,. - .... " r 1 .1,1 .~; ■ ... - ■»■■ ... t..-.. ■ -. '■ MBS HMEILT HEE.FM BISS M JULY FOURTEEN " v;.; I.'*.-' -■- j * '" # WIM Give Bags rial At tan t ion to Subjftct of State Fair and • >,. County. s* IS ON TOUR OF eastern Carolina; Maps are betag token to have Mrs. G. W Vanderbullt. president of the North Caroling fttato aFIr Associa tion. apeak* bare on Saturday.'July H ‘ ' ■* Mrs. VuadcrbulU will nymmi In sev eral cities of the eastern of tho sUto In late rest of tbe fair dur ing (he next few week* and It to espedied that bar date for Goldsboro will be July 14. MM T IMS '-FM CEP m s _ . gg. Captain Laalilty Saya Battery in Good Shape (or Annual ♦. Knlraiiunent 1 . >•- _ Itottary “A“ UniLd fttste* Coast Artlller). tbe locs I comi»un>- of troops, leave this morning for Camp Bragg for their annual encampment Hlxlf men are going wltb tbe.com pony whtcb lest as on tbe ll:U'trstn this morales Battery “A" wlll.ra msin |u camp for a perlo dot arisen day* during which time tbye will go -through totonslve training In tbe fun ftaamntsU ot coast defense and open •ad ftwaeb warfare Captain Nraeet lambley and tbs other tbe company stated lari aight that alltohn men are in good aaadltion aad that thetr equlp moati Is In good ehsp efov ton ea tratameni For the iftM several the idea have same IftWOftph thftlr uuntouVlfnH and -Wnftf' hpgßl -kil eapertaexs iu ft>e 'tanltorkrul field guna — .»...: L m f WU*W<H. M. €, M IRAK apRKIXL, JiT.f I. IftCL* Skeleton Os New Wayne National Bank Building Now Stands Complete Iron. Workers Finish Their Job Weeks AhMd of Ready for Masons NOT A SINGLE MAN HURT ON STRUCTURE M> K. H. Hrkra* “Itopcudabls for two genvrattoni ‘ bs* been the Megan of the Wayae Ns tlonsl Bank It will be hot a short ttoie bftforr It can change to depet), (table for three generation* and from the etxc aed perinaneece of the filuld lag they are now erecting tbe groem tlons ran lie added on and on until,' well, .until the rtexi nartAqttohe. For days and days tbe folks go ing up and down Walnut Street have been craning their necks skyward and watching tbe brcatbinking antic* of the men wb» have been erectlnit the aleel pert o( l he Inuldliig \’nw| tbe men of tbr low u who have notti ing more to do than watch tbe steel Structure urrul/at*. will be opt of s! Jri. f#r Ihr Rtrcl r ofk bus bt<n com* j pluled .j J. IN Markham of (»reenat«om. ibe maa wt»o did the steel work on lh« ; niugulficeot National Theatre of Greensboro and numerous oilier btiildlaas. has been in charge of tbe steel work on Ibe new bank building He bss completed the Job weak* ahead of tbs schedule tilde and the building Is now icady (or tbe con crete doors and tfie brick The remarkable record ha* been tad •lories of iltwH structure In twentv three working day* of right hours each A record that to hard to beat. Mr Uarkbau stated ygalerday tbst be bad the best lorca of workmen be knew anywhere it to eeldom that a building the alze and beigbtb of the : Uayne National 1* built without kgv-, lug someone take a bender loto lhc great opep spare* aad wind up on the concrete below .Mr. Markham stated that be hasn't even had a /pan r — l »lkia •< gelling bis flngei sc rate bod. There are vary tom build rMfflwarrj; *> . ' 1 ■» 1 JKJ'V 1 - „ w • mtraeulou* «w built, mnpltto by lb* tfeWay Kouudr) »f Coldakero. U 4 Mr. Mark hum My* tb«t It rank** hi* .•ciulpnieiit tor aueb aiWk abaolulely complete • . , Tbr burglaft *o<t hind* who tuatat •bat banka oar them a living bad tfcott iry to taka It, told* aa wall • back lb* Wayne National oH thalr ll«U. The vaulta ar# b«IU eighteen Incbe* thick with al*at, concrwt* ami to top it all of thrV hpva hundred* of electrical wire* rmbaddttP'la the any ooa of wblcb f disturb ed lit tb* alicblaai **la of f burglar “la ini on tb* at reel that would wake ’ up a (lead man It ha hadn’t bean dead too long Tbr door la built of. 1 eltwl. ia round, and 4* protected by i ib«, aame ayatarn tbr_jy.il* bra - il the aantlaman wlablag to brngk ; tba vaulta of tb* hunk trie* to dle : connect - tb* wih-» id tbr alarm. the bell of tba alarm ret a «Ul wrbugkl up about It and. rtoga, In lh« pollca. In caae be did cal tba wife before tbr Nil aa* aware of 1C he could noi If be wanted to. the mechanical working* of ltd inaid* would eat It lo ringing anyway. TbU a|krui boll la ouitr tbr moat eapreaalft young bell In (b« country. ‘ , , „ , T|ie eatlrd alarm *y«tcoi la being Inal ailed, by tba Uunkar’y ,Ki«itrl« Protective AxMoclatlou.aUd W. H. HuT; lay ot Bouton la In tbr city now do ing part or tb* InatalUiUin work The top and bottom of the vault la fro lacted In tba ram* *u) tba aldoe The ft rat floor. tba bahotaent and tba meielnene floor* wf* tb be oeck plod by tb* bank. At |k« float Ot th» building- there la a brantlful dOo< which taarka tba anl/hdef Into •k« b»»*r or ik* MWLJMX* dabby wMcdt >«wdg , be, tka dpgai floor* A fttehi of aMg|w fWat «wLd#« - ' 77,;* ... ' , —-r—... if H i 'm W f , Many Who Gaze Wm Wistful Eyes At S^M Will Never I:. ! h ... £ 4*tflb I NESn TOfcK. June 'M. ♦ Eleven , thousand from forty-two cuuatrtoa tb-' | night Impattoafl) uwalted oa twenty four liar A la Grashson tor toe tar*4 lato quarantine nad sdmtftaacu into United Staten. " * ] •core* of aliens who leaned over the ships ratio goring wistfully at ijthr shores of America are doumsd to fdtoapoointpMUt as nsysral quotog will ha flbed by noon tomorrow A scri-o or otora llasra ares rsciaft aerfaea the Atlaatw uGth other 1 thirtiesnse of hopeful Immigrant* who must re turn to thTltokr Aagt aid Aria of-' ter * pending the aavtags" es a life time oh the Avn thousand aftie Ulp. Each of the twa ship* that arrlriid today from ftratm bad more than enough passenger* to fill Hm qiets from that eoutrtry j the’ Rmumeriton of other ship* At fMMP Iff*'feßl B «. i |i • -CfiriptMp '{Rmßb - -■! i A l»rg* qad appreetottva audtopso waa prhtoit at lie clorih# sserciaaa ar the Daily Vgoatlon ftfbto ftrimof Friday hjght at the First Chriri|aa Church. t Tr-^v While tito childrea ftad atodo Vary HUla preparation sxoept pa they had atadled, yet th* audience enjoyed Ipartkatarl) the d rasas Used stories at. Quoea ttother. the Tea Vlrgtas. Rath, add Naomi and »torto* ot a Runaway Slava. Ottomans fhd Jaooh'a Ladder' 'Which writ;ftarito,latpritoslv hy an fgeto oa the latltier «ad around tha [ •••xffftffv;. Another teat are which thawed the effective -work la the Bible waa Urn. I reciting to away choice Prism* aftd other scripture* hy the ehUdeea. J ‘The usual services at Fleet Qhrto- 1 Gan church today, dunday school 1 (9:46 a. iu..Preaching at 11 a. 4ft. 'aad. ■ft p. m, by L. M Omar, too pastor. The Lards ftupper )!:4«. ChrtoUaa ’ Endeavor meeting ftt Ml ft a>., All are cordially lav Hod to thane aer* . vices. , . ,i , -j KrhftVfktftri tl BRARUMB J F«R TMK BIG REVIVAL I am pleased to announce that*tha! warehouse oa North William ffirato ' known as t'urrln’e New Warahonae has just been coutplotod. tha ptot ? form will he ready bp toalght. .the chairs have just bees reeclved, IHa pis bo fit being ptsced. ths sans books distributed, the lights I total tod. too , choir organised sad everything bring , done to enable tbe revival to opda N time, ns aaaounoed. Wa shgft. there ; tore, the lord willing, apaa tha . mewttna toalght. July Ist at sight o'clock, and wc extend a card la) In vitation to all • hr tattoos to meet aad !| worship, and work wltk us. 1 ' \ Mtaoerely, KBNO WALL • > VICE PRESIDENT !; SOUTH AMERICAN | COUNTRY KILLED < ARAS. V eari son la. Jugg>M. | IBy the Aoeectotdd Press | -Geu- I srsl Juan f Oomel first find rice J presideoi of Venelxnalc and gov ernor ot ike federal district wk* seeawlneted In lied lest night says sn official bulletin Issued todfip. Prior to tbe lamia nos of the bul- I |cttn. t report was current that J ' tlomei bad dM suddenly this morning r ~ Eight days official mourning baa t been declared General Ooqtox wan J ’popular sad bis death has give* [ rise to evtdaaccs of sired erarp -I 'where. Me was ths brother of _ the president of Ibe republic end I was storied to ufflee la Jane. ivjlX J 1 r —mu iif MKMBBS tftfl.i ASSOCIATED ##».s *— rnc* nfiifn w * -V <*ntf *l% «twgrtafi » Turk*). Aiorta, M«a». Mi IDwB Will I* UIImI MM ftt'laU mm ml fMf» wb»fcift twifr •im Ati um i *--f- W rrijr - (Hvtaiit tiowittM- Will fcaM ttfi' »Hbout Uuvlnjf hot taoPCljgtTgß' i»« im nj« Mitt lift* m*i*l qinki morn)*" 1 m| * •b« time l hay «*•» tbkir cowtry* « imm* um i«r *,,,£» Jmjs Ml •ill*A* » rl" thf As t fgtif tltMxitMA - f,M ** ***» .“ i ffsi »Ue *>«*»**» wkUk'-^NJ MIMW 1 ‘ *■:*' * **■ L#Ast rhttmiiy » «* u jo?L»**LJ& TS? try 1* om a A a a.A | aa i iki *Mtt —«»- ins£m&r b<NU* ttf Ike V^rJniMl •••tty buiMto«. w u23STS* spsMwSKml m 4M«( ftf ,Ny ? n#i t ir «B Mm Wrt t*« jMHir kgM £ iM'ta* "**, (•. N«k T*fk «hM# »b* wilt *tu»4 Ik* ykgfif IM roi BMUin ..m .mi rm««M bar m&JmmvwmWr i A la. - b ***Bi. VBQ pHBBIHip A. jjß 11 I* if . Il its W • ; n nnim ] {_|i||||JH i iinni* us it^ L IDnV iit nißu Hmv< Allaaiu Ml|4t im' CtbiwbtSwir.B mn !Wf® _ TKBTIMONY WUIV& Tin unw>»iinir , -433f77 * I.AKK I TV. J«M J» a!AttaM. M iti* character ot tb* MM kMMMpi I») nu.rr than a jajf -imiihii ytt re. in nl| lb. rtefeUM CMnM% 2 cm lie ....100 |*Mf I^WriniJ « Hiuittboßa4 kiftlT +mjLm '*>»« char |*4 wMk. vi.nin T.l>*rt m-jlgHb ■|>|BkkfcrWpi. The ImiMaaitWMi #WWn|p •: « Im e«l on John W. JhMML <4 .on liittham U ar«. a«4 Vi^lM, Hi*U » » UOraaM .Twi||li>3Bpr '« havin,* Itratumtl l«i y mb- Imrtal after he HicatniM.ihuiij nit if ;*■»- -Mb *3fcyjiiMll 1 4 ——-a. MttkHr^U

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