C'jmZT I potty dotty uTiSorhO «upr | mran «r«. xpmbm us l m» i, . . MEMORIAL FUND REACHES $31,100; $3,900 MORE WAN® Senator Simmons Believes Ship Liquor QueHfan Can Be Satisfactorily Settled By Cortvness .JBTi I -' ' ' ■■ -- ■ ■- -- I - A . * •A fc? -V * * Senator Stops HereTDn To Raleigh And Tilks On Hardings Tour He Owl Believe Prudent Is Making Much Ittpresiion on the Country By NOT GOING TO POUTICAL REASONS Senator F. M. Simmons. in ha in torrtow ; here Inat night stated'(tm: 1 think Us administration and t£b treasury officials art exactly right in strictly enforcing the decision o( the supreme court with reference to the aMpltouor question. lW( in n certain comity that mum waist, however, between the na ... than a t Ue world and when congress meals we abaU make an effort to Mt the. matter on an international •Min.'* Senator Simmons added. The senior member of the upper house from North Carolina was look ing healthy and stated that he had been doing nothing /eating since returning from Washington He was On his way to Raleigh from New Bora, making the trip through the country. _ „ 'When rfWt ts aay tariff "lefttls Ron Wha coming up at the noat congress he laughed. think ip, hot theDemocraUCpaHy tts com ing Into power in IRS and then we wiH go into iNJnrlff situation and fix It so It Will iqir to all man king.'' Speaking at the President a trip to the cosag. la wan .of t|>e opinion that Ue spgaghee. Ue -type of a peaches the President was making would have but Itttle effect on the * country. “The President has a remarkable Tobacco market HERE IN READINESS IQ STMT BUSINESS Muaifri if (ke Auction Mar ket Bayj» T)*r Expect Great eat OfM Market of Year CROP CONDITIONS ■ i THE VERY BEST L..1 Early pt ibU year a nuiubtr of'buptAe** men u( the city got together and deckled they | would hare an open auction market In Goldahoro aa well aa the co operatives. The result of that Is that the two warehouses they started will be read/ for use when the tobacco mar ket opens up here August 21. There » open market folks to fight the co ape relives. neither la there a light so far as the co-ops «r« concerned Doth feel thgtMhers is room here fur both, according to an official con nected with Um Open market The *Tgt—■ of the local /are houses. both • eo-op*retire and open espbct the greatest season for sev eral years. The crop prospects at the preeeffg thne are better than they have bean lor years sad tobacco men an enthuaiastlc ovyf ska pfMpect Os ms bumper crop A tobacco uisivetat .d last night that the .crop wna at the very Ictet *« y per oent betur this year than It wna last. All grndee of tobacco are Included In estlmaU W The local warehouses, of which D. Currfh and Loe Alphla ure man agers. wllj open up for business on August >1 They are employed as tee n force of auctioneers as caa - he secured, and (hey have employed the host sore buyers obtainable Both the managers atprsss them sal vs aa bulag very t bashful to OoMsboro business inter** for the thug have reoslvsd, frpui them. Mr. mm aaea o#dsbore Who u much THE GOLDSBORO NEWS •1 way of sxpresalng thing. be speaks :! wall and wrltas well, but I .question ►x whether tha type of speech he I* now i making will Influence the country to t any extant.” if “The President ta an opportunist. He lahes no position on anyUlng. 1 Take for Instance his speech on the - labor situation ta this country. Why. i be merely talked about the two ex > treanes. said be was In sympathy I with both labor and capital. i when we- want trying to legislate for r labor his admlttlatration did nothing - to assist and I think it was a very 1 n very last rebuke be received from t dir. Uompers. Mr (lumpers saw i through the whole thiug. The sen - a tor said. h, ‘it was Ue wyqp with the faiW)pr. He is th be a gymu friaad ■ of the farmer. He wasn’t much tit I a friend when we were trying to gat .| by legislation to rellave the farmer. I When he saw the last election he >j saw the revolt of the farmer, and II now be la trying to placate, \ • "ho. I don't think the president's speeches will make's very profound i 1 impression. ” he asserted. 1 1 Jdr. Simmons left New Bern early f' yeaterday afternoon and ia on his [ way to Raleigh to attend to some i private business. He declaimed any political reasons for visiting the cap i ltal city. -♦ 38(0 IMMIGRANTS ; ADMITTED TO US IN THREE DAYS Nine Thousand Ofhcru SUII Be ing Held in New York Harbor {MANY WILL HAVE TO RETURN NEW YORK. July I—The number or Immlgsants who have been exatn , laed and allowed to enUr the United Slates since tne new alien quota opened Sunday passed the thaec thou sand mark R today. Tbeaa people, many of whom travelled aa much as fire thousand miles and spent the en tire trip worrying about wbsthery they woold arrive In time to enter the coontry horded off the sntaji ferry which runs between Kills Island and Manhattan dividing Ihelr attention between the friends who rushed to meet them and the towering buildings of lower Broadway. Rome nine thousand others still are being held at the immigration station or are welling aboard ablp for their examinations Thousands will he sent back over the long ocean reaches without ever setting feet on the continent- Unera continued jlo arrive today and were held In the bay while passengers leaned over the roll trying to gel a glimpse of the promised, land Tha quotas for Aasia and Africa already have been Ailed and many more will be baiisted when lha ships now In port have been examined Among these will be Greek. CROPS IN THE OLD NOTH STATE CLEAN RALEIGH. N C.. July S. Crops to North Carolina are remerhnbly clean.” aa a result of as us sale ■ drought and frequent culUvattah. ac cording to the semi monthly crop ra i port tt Frank Parker, agriflhltwrsl statistician of tH* Depanmdhf «f agriculture The dry conditions are showing waust effect along the north gVß-ißhikr. Iks hhpmrt tetee. ■* • . ■■■*■■ ■ ' . 1 ~ khlukelt i™ II SPITE or Brain (Dr. Wall Ploanuu Big Crwwg * Willi An JCxcuHgat Sermon on First Night SONG LEADER VERY PUEABING “WORKING BY WEEPING" The revival services at the Currln Warehouse last night were largely attended as they ware on Suuday night when the meeting opened. Dr Aeno Wall, who is doing the preach ing. was pleasing and delivered n strong sermon The singlag with i wttr Woif slaggl In charge is on-.of the fear lures of the meeting He L tusking himself popular with the crowd and Is galling aoiue line singing out of them. Practically every chair In the huge tabernacle was taken on the first night. Dr. Wall expressed . himself as being very much pleated with attendance. Sunday's sermon is lull la given below: , Teat: Psalm I 3«. Mb worse: "He that and waepeth. bear ing precious sand, shall doubtless cotpe again with rejoicing, bringing his toeavas with him ‘ ' ■>, l want apeak tonight upon the »tfhj«ct of vetoing ks weeping. There are three rather strange by which God's people have been effec tive iu the past, for'working effsc tivaly in the past, and these three Way* age first by waiting, second la Weakness, and (bird by weeping. That's a strange way to do things Work first of all by watting, ami we -hwvj the promise that they t’ial wait upon the 1-ord shall renew their strength, shall mount up as on the winge of the eagle, shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint and then again la rnturning and rest shall you be saved;*ln quietness and confi dence shall be your strength: God aaytug to us that be who wails pa tiently ia able to work effectively My Brother. if tbere shall be pa tient, united, earnest, continuous ex pectant waiting upon God here God will open the windows of Heaven and pour ua out blessings; God will make bare his mighty arm and bla alreugth shall be seen and felt, and bis pow er and glory shall be manifest In our midst. t Tbs other strange wffy by which people have worked and accomplish ed things have been In weakness Paul shouted out "Wbmi I*Am Weak Then I am am strong" aud be tails ua how God has choaen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise aud the weak things of the world to confound the mtgbty and powerful ones that no flesh should glory other than In the power of God He tells us that when we are weak them we are strong If In the beginning of this Evan glllatlc t'ampalgn each and all shall | feel bis weakness and fee I her wenk to the holy spirit as shall insure our having that-divine power \ that -the' The# he tells ua again that w-j work by weeping "He that goetb forth and weepeth shall accomplish things ’ - Now there are In the text which I have juet quoted four pictures that I would have you to look at for juet a moment The first picture ia that Os God a child going forth to his Held of labor The second picture Is that of Usd s child out yonder on bta field of labor weeping and sewing pre cious eeer The third and perhapa the most Inspiring of all ia that of God being over his faithful child out yonder at his task sad assuring blut of auccsta The forth Us that of God's child having finished his task after gleaning shaves from the world and going back home rejoicing bringing hie sheaves along with him Let's look first of ail at God's child as be goes forth and hearing the scripture as they eay "He that goetb forth;” and what le the pic-lure that comes to oof mlndT It ia that of a plainly dressed man wjlh a bas i ket of grain upon bln arm. with ' frank nans on his tors with tank m hie etpp- with purity of purpose- go - tag forth w km fluid of labor think - lag a«t about bow much bn can pat I, niff of but bum'much he r mm alee to the wprli iu Ms dby sad ia bis generation thinking not atiout ■■l f. .A, i■ • ii -p. i Continued on Page five I i GOI.DIRORO. V.’*, TIKHHAY WORMING, JflJf I, IM3 ■ V'VW" " a,.... ' . ■,= W«»T POINT HONOR MAN , ~~ 1 1 1 »M -a * m Ikl Ej^Bt &»■ - Mi; ■ v f* h: J ’k* * JRNfI ■j M I&* , Jrf l 1 Pl*" IE v P • 1 jj|p yl Krnni-ls It. Jnhme us. Tncniun. “ Wash., who |s tlte luiA>r Stnto of the i lica gre.ti.H»»»g X^lte-I Htstee Military itcndemy at Wen* . Point. N. If. - '-■a. . i FIVE BANDITS , BQLDLY HOLD-UP RAILWAY OFFICE 81 UMIIB. July 3 -Pive armed 1 end masked men held up the of- Bee of the Called Railways Com pany here late today and escaped , I with yid.iMHl dollars About' s ] dozen employees were In the office \ at the time and two employees j fired at the bandits as they escaped In nu automobile One ! of the employees said be believed he hit on bandtl us he saw h#m j fall Into the tonneau of the auto- i mobile The office Is Iu the cen tral part of the city. ‘ . j KiIHEN I'M Elk RUDD HAOi'h HAIAtIOH. July I —Secretary as j Htatc W M Everett has grastod par- j mission to the Dnlbwrg l-indea (h»m pnuy of Davidson to issue I|3*.WW preferred stock The total stock Is sue of the •unmpany Is Hup.ww. I in New York the dally allowance of water per bend la nearly two hun dred gallons. In Uiudon It Is hut r...« ~ u .h7cms 'l forty RRHOtM l«nu 1 Only A Small Branch j Os Krupp Works Seized. By French In The Rhur i • ** ' —— Seizure* Made Under De Goutt’* Order Giving ' Right* To Private Property as Reparation || i • t THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT ; roundhouse taken ; |-* . s L ■ ~ —■ w ‘ DUUEBBKI.DOItK, July .3-ißy the} 1 Associated Urns* » The first sels irss| r under General Dedioutt s degree glv * lag the occupailoii forces power toi, l take over private property for reps- [ arsttoti iw-'Poeea were uouoonccd to- j J day Three plant* were taken nverj e by the French the first being n,' > brsncii of the Krupp Locomotive * W’ork ai rlegerotb a little station. 1 near Eaeen. , - Four new locomotives were seised -1 at these works which now are or * copied with the assslaMSN ot low-, - motives iaetewd of Mg gone Re-, ' poeU from RsrUn a|«te that the swpl i anans rzzia this selsurs of n oomparnllvely VtnslJ I branch. ' i. • MEMOKIAL ‘‘KlN'ts; THING” SAYS SEN. ' * SIMMONS OF N. C.* "It is « Hue 'firing you are do ing here in (iotdsbwro when you . build a .living huetuorlal to the. I boys who died, said Senator tMtn toons I sat night “I kqftw of no ojlmr place no>- 1 «sr : . I memorial II chows tire>du reels [ lion of n great pepoje for U|c Bhole . Us boys tlprltag. the' was HiiC and I want to say that Goldsboro sad Wayne Founly are to be. cop 4ratul.tv»d tl bn, rglse the alllnuH ttf RKIM Vlth- t out trouble, sad I think you wiU. MEMORIAL CAMPAIGN PROGRESSING WITH ONLY S3IQQ TO RAISE Mr. Weil EktenAu Another Call For the People, of Goifeboro To Pooh th« Indicator T# the i . Top and Make the: Hlkutc $35,000 i AMOUNT SHOULD BE RAISED BOON The Memorial i outtnunKy OiNMing Fund continues tog row. wnk IWrOrvn] yesterday nftetnon*. Qn|y 13.h0c now needed to push the tittle Rng to highest mark. fro.Ma, on the Indicator. there are still some generous spirits In Goldeboro who have not alregdy contributed to this memorial tor our boys wbn I risked their all that c liberty should! 11>« vouchsafed to us An analysts of] the contributions reveals the fact that [they have been given by over eight I hundred people which together with ' former subscriptions In ail proba | blllt) will reach twelve hundred sub i scribera. a popular subscrtbtlon In deed from a grateful people ‘ Yesterday s canvass are Incomplete j i only about on ehalf men’s team re , port and women fund report deferred uutll later In the w eek. I will l»e glvqn an opportunity to con-' 1 tribute until the goal of 136.000 Is | reached UONKL Will, — —y-H- I | iUI M RI KIKKR rU'I.HT \ ;’t NEAR I.OK AhtiEI.KN j LOB ANOBUCU. Cntlf.. July *-A , , rum runner carrying 10« esses «l , liquor was captured neqr here yegtnr-: , j day after tt bad opened In »» • , , pursuing coastguard cottar. The put- < ter returned the Arc and the runt , crew surrendered. No one trna In- i \ jurod The Federal <»ffleers began ] a search at l-ong Reach for several ~ women said to be Implicated In as j,| rum running plot The of fleers be lieve the rum runner eame from ai. Mexican port sad was attempting to ’ land when slnhted j The other plants aelaed were the, i 1 tiudahnas. NaMtkiiltir, «!•>•! works »Hbjhrsiiehe* throughout llir Ruhr employing one hundred thousand trnm 1 with tiu Hrnuaa i steel factory., t part of the great Phoenix work* nur Dortmund In addition so taking ! j over these three private plants In Ih* Ruhr the French sailed the Oar* , man government repair ahnpe and roundhouse near Mad the larged* re pair abope In Germany '*{* Iwomotltai ware found ui DM taaMtaior Four coal mines kctM kind kga» taken over In the i < TSSE4I r w.H. tba kII O, I OafMUt m Dtial.il ! X fn, .tlarejO.nl < -wcWwe order H I. now alLlad TI I tie was atHM g Franck patrol and not. ! i bj> tba Belgian 1 ! - . v.** ..aJMB - x - - V -- - t I .. . - „ ,j* General Development Os Nation’s Advocated By HafsM§ Chief Kxecutive U* Domain As “iWasary Haws* —rH ■ ■ HAKIHNti R|'NB TRAINS DOWN MQUN«|fIE •POKANB. Wank.. July I -GrnSnaF t development of the nattoa s natnrsl j resources mtber then preservation o< 4 them in their original state wan nd | mwaled by President Harding bare I (might as the oaiy conservation pot- 4 My Amertna dare commit Itself to. ' The president speaking on “Devel.i I upment Meclwoimstion and Water 3 Utilisation declared against looking | op the public domain "An a trunaury |« house of potential wealtly”- ua the 1 grounds that such action would pro- 1 vent 11 being ready far non , urban I aunded He made It plain that be t stood for gradual development jtneb I ns ibe use of water for bath irrtgs- 1 •ton and power and tor o policy of I reforestation that prouervon the on- t •tonal Interest while permitting use | n( the timber as seeded, | Mr. Hardings address delivered in 1 the -wsruorys hovo -wm (tor AM* bon 14 pmde on to e Factor die pc since he 1 *•*»«■• PtogMbbr M» Uk pressed tbe 1 EPI • RECOnOMM mini TNM EVER BEFORE All Recants H mania* In Nuttbnr , of Acre* Nnw Bing lltll* iwd In “South'll Hint” BREAKS PREVIOUS NUMBERS BY MILLIONS WASHINGTON. July 1.~ Mora oH tuA »M in cultivation on June li In tba United itofa linn ever before Ig tba history of the coup try Tba government a «rat official an nouncement of Uy|a year# acreage (Ueeloacd tint tiara warn SS.UtTJtb n*iae ot cotton growing Hi tie balds of tba notion belt Tile acreage I. one elgbtb or four million aaora tbnn wna being cultivated on sane 21. Inst ynar and almost one mllUa. two ban drnd nujre tbnn wna bar veal ad In tba taravloua record acreage ynar of Itll, COLORKD PEOPLE STAGING FARMERS HOLIDAY, JULY 7 Number of Speeches Te He Made Under leadership of Demonstration Agent Tba colored people of Ibe count y are having a farmer a holiday July 7 at which time a number of apeaber* will m) Ureas them Tba lueellSg Is uuder the ausploea of tba local color ed farm damonatratlon agent wbo la iloiag very fine work fa building up a better farming aptrft and the color ed people of tba county. Tb« aieeilng will taka place at Id o'clock' and will last until 2 octook during which ilota such subjects as "The Home lleaullful" and “The Far mers Mistake" will ha dlacuaaad The program la aa follows: . 1. Tba Home Beautiful, Mias Ly lord iLI 2. Preparation orTarta Products for market. \|f>. J. l>. Wray. 3 Tba Partner's Mistake. Mr L. Y. , Hall. . / 4 4. A (tarden Twelve Months In tba Year, Mr. C R. Hudson. Master of < 'ereeionled. Rev Me Tray. ITTKbTMIb, MAHOibt A special communication Os Golds boro Lodge. No IM toulgbt • o clock for worJt Is Urn Third. De gree. Grand Loeturer Kdmnabg nil. b# present and give tie Inntwn. Ail Master Mamma MNilaftp MRUMd I ft wUdflfiHhft;- ♦ "* * 1 ' I >twl. fill »! MEMBER OF ; , ABBOeUTE& mWP ■ ■ -■.■.. ■■ ■ m 1 -■ 1 * • '• T i i„ PBICB (STB <mi »»l'l >0 .. |I«MI >"">»». ■*»«• vi*tm»«a «>' »*»*■ Meat will |.«||.uli.lii.il the nilrr mmlm i*«t* today.' i i 3SEM«yf»Bt VI»I> (IKNKHAIi IfKVBi. v/«fl •»N HOARD ' .N-; s hckci ai. TuXtH JuM /-;• .11l -he faaMK nBKJ»" It». .. a . l |a stljjQgßga^fej&i9ET?i!_ ■** I'lf’lll ifrf riHIV Mr 4 ' <-W |»<» r«*Haatiaiili|VC^. i:J* MMvSttijl .** >i,».e (Mil an Ma It.. • i11.;,*.. MilwankM -lv'v ruiiwn) u'lmih tk« * «*>. i..»mw.i e«rt»~tMbifr ® ’ .".v;. I‘Uli.. When Mr to the head „( 111. tr*l*Ti :ffJO '•N.W ..( the en(tea. VMM t 4W' \j *« aw * * * * “ mmm * W.- FA U 4. lb. d. ennpd weight (ikhi I.*tsre^EHv:.v,v ..nil Tommy illbigJHlpjEHT^ «•«*•* •"•«« •« 'ja.« 'rf tjMMHMdi ' (he art i ever. IndhalYou idflJhfcJli'Y com (dele .ollai.se of miffiSm. ' rH.b brabl^^^HUpani a hell Mayor Job a tb. |.i omofers a.lmntudlßWhlyil due Dempsey - purat had not lo»tt ra, "tQMHi** *r proa peels of MSHp XSOKuI '"nidi* of money. ,M|b3HE7Rnsi 'he sky Jn|W I.KJtLIE Lanin Wall nsi. Jingpdß f»* turned rcalei.lgg M#MK fm|pg latula where lief aMSMB tig Mi* nual InterualMpl «JMDBIW*4K *Wf Rotary Intenieiimni . T BfmNdeit> 4NDb aa a delegate (ffm diMbfign IfUff. Mr. Wall aialAd «*• MM-tbit i* bad aa anJoynMe trip, b«v}Mg ftiw inrsnd. by tie «») of Cilngsa. Xgiaw do. Datraft. and Cleveland fie amgf vention. be Dated. *n R» baa a IMfE. aa be bwe sewn ta hie Mn. and bast he sud Mrs ’tell had » ulinSj HI. I <o*i>

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