I fcTfcM iwipirtnv { i ~ r: ? ft »^■ l ■ ■' ■■■»* ‘ • ■ * . - 4 ~ Stockholders To Make Sweeping Investigation ■ \ ■ ■ 4 ' ". . . ■ > T\' ! > I ft • Mmnyjs Revival Is Petalaed for Sunday’* ■miAVT BIYIfU* loVyonr t*«k the children to aHrMIZ lUtet of tte nUsiou. rowSWeThlin ■"» to pray for him JHyr& are .being conducted to bail*** Is bin. Bethany baa ■■» :Tt CmmL Wgnteuae by Dr *>« *»cb a family. Jeeue Went aa far jaiS s a srsr £ , lawMiM puyiSTlium tba coo- * Dd because be lovad Item because RIIM ik» ti ffgfT w*. 1,, Urny aaw tba bl« Ufa. tba t State otenraputalion will atejb. •*•"» upon hiwftSteVfett tan pow ÜBtf (ufel R| a naaNac tab Georgetown. Oaa day UwC w broad-wia twmay. aar dlad and tb»a a Oaap abadow PNSf'flMt «« «W» ftnrtlprly tM thrown aeroaa tba homo: *• W£ll a teaderful ponoo la his hreed-wtuner had gape and tba on. mmm apt am ho a great addi- who la tba protaator of tba haoM Dr Wan Mid. bad baaa called swap. It Is a sad «OfCpr Mt^aHM^la^batba portactor of tETbome la called 12 ahaptgge gfJtea aad as tba proa- »«r*y There era. la tbta praaanoa to deteMappgpaa attained from this re- night, woman who baow how to «ym- MRHfe flf'flpnle. pathlao with MOry aad Martha ha* m l opaak MalpM t want yon to {***■• **• l “* - * *** household bad fear of tbej ’■ '* mS't -Tjra uVteaU fttr tte future la dark and die pratefe ftp wmm, and if you pray ‘ouragiog. Than one day, a light SI m ftS* ohroad the won! h#Mna.kl bag# I. -newer to I«ASm Ood. I am son. bollewlo* prayer from some naoa- n..pmp«« *•« mmmSmmmH the thtae that 1 w * r * to Ood. Whan tba shadow 3 ItMMltetel that we aball *•»> aeroaa tbia bom. they seat far wa shall be J * M> * vlMk *»" delayed two days In ' bia coming and than be come* and •la tba “Be- *bey said: “Jeaua. It la too lute now; 'teg '(ESSf MuTafter you have Losarua la dead, baa been dead four retilhl MMM hOPMe soea your day* already.'’ and Jeana asked uth Jlvt wr> *t jryrfc > {| telpmotew* I bow* any hesitated *"ai*d SSSteSEord and Mtb va»a- hoar tba atpo* la taken away, and *. ar*ss srwr&rs hM vSce ’’iii.ru. thanks Qod for tka hour and thank* aSTk, m.t « u d ._p Ood that ha baa always beard him hlaiaad foot wito * Bd “**raa tke Patter that he will * iravadtetea- c.„» tear him at this boor, aad then be 1 -X. T iV. " aaya. - "l-aaarua. aomo forth" aad be tethtek”LasoeMmatelct him so"' tbat *** dead came funb and lived was a llttlM town fifteen * nil walked and worked. Then you jl. we bar they made a feast and woald Or pham two mllea it *•> Jw ** was there and 'bare was great a town -•- Marv and Martheand r «Jo*<'*»* Thua in bflr.’ I have tolj LnanrM mad their home waa •• fownd la tba mb aad J i!iE 12th Chapters of John, la order that a*, ak. ckrlatlan **■ "hit gat a picture of what Is * * d tIM du meant by a revival, aad wa hare the hooH Picture Lasarua lived aad than be a rtmOauimut U .1-' dlad and than be lived e»|* The MtMMMN (mi a place where Wt#r * l MUll>l ®* »ba word revival" Aad-. as A. daaae a— in. la “to live again,'* U> “ra-Uve," and ure Is that of a dead man 'fought to life and walking ting an dltvlng again Retheren. that w. might ~v-■wstac ■wstac r uouaual about tbat rovlval any. ona.OT|Tlli> treateat Yw r^ierMr.oi'JK ng unique about this revival there waa no large congrugu ncy Goes Oregon's Pioneer Days W/ ** " |4' *1 p An Uaaaeal Day Spent By Chief Executive and ... the Firit Lady of she Lead f unu mm O*UEACHAM SCENE or REPRODUCTION ■ »»'■ twnwbaaa <>• ** July 2 IBy tkf i UM ftto> < »fried In Hard*!*# aaw WSasvßZ' travelled the aht OnflM «M» the road which J «* Maacha* i « tit ley es the T »lu* Jlountuln. ■ {rare re-aoacted tor the chief awa ited aad hie wife the atlrrin* create i «f the early deyi of the laet cea ( lOT* — event* which himuM about the I flip* 1 — of the Oregon country Into l*l wee an unuanel tor Mr. Hut Mrs Hardin*. They hem bed i*' ■ -• |ei'* ; if, ? t 'itr * ■ • anai ■ " r - 1 ■■ ■ ■ : ~ ■ —■ - ■ --- •*■ ■P"*— r end will here no pihor der I the tt I hand When they wared a partlna taro s noil fro* t||e train late in |ho day 1 *5? *"***' nndt down an a arena I which im rhapa aerar will bo rc-pro- I dueod for th# daya of pioneer* and l of the covered wayona aro over aod thooo who retired their old I tree to i day yoon will »ud from the tv,i.ptre” • they. founded. V , ’ Qooouao of the unuaual day da . ooted to eoMraUon of the ieau trail i of the plonoora over the old Oregon I Trail the Pres Meat aad Mra. Hard in* enjoyed to the declaring . It to ha one nf the great daya off ■ ' 1 * *y*m**mmm*mm**-^ •_ i v..-- - - ■ ■. .~'~i^.m m * 'flu jTIKm < lain.. II I H IJ dot ' • * I dfl t&fr itbfff J| HL | | ■ ■ ■ lajlt’ l - v A V w ’■- <■ U 11 p Iff I I Thin Is tbs Praaca-American monument dedicated bV Amhaaaador fcarrl.-p at Chanmoat. Haute-Mame, franca, recaatly. Tba laacHntlim aa Utwbaab, tramilßtad. Id: “To Americas Friendship and Help. Grateful Prteca. ** n •* *h» Dapnrtmant a t Hauta-Uanu aad tba Town as ctemaoat.** ■- t ’ -r-w ■; ■ ■ --b OFFICEIBFI ■2^3. * H««vihr Charred Instrument of Death Suppowd To Have Baaa PkaUd By Klaxera s GREEKS RECIPIENTS THBBATENING LETTERS FRCDUUCKBBURO. Vs. July I - OfScars today found an unecploded bomb planted at tba aide of a local hotel owned by a Oraak who with otter foratgn residents recently re ceived a series of threatening tet tnra signed **K. K. K." The bomb waa heavily charged with nitre-glycerin. The fuse was partly burned. Examination of the bomb disclosed it oontainad enough explosive to wrote gn ordinary build- i l»g- The bomb waa tasted to ascer tain Its power. < A special grand. Jury met here yes terday to Investigate the letters but I explained to the Judge no evMepce IBIMII • con CLUB TO ii STHITEWIW • t» ° f <> ...... ■ ■ l Players of (Iw Chib Have Been < • Drawn and Placed in * FBrht ! The annual Fourth of Julr tourna-1 1 ment of the Ool' '’. r?T‘ Ts d' 1 '•> **”'* Riffh Standard of Ethics la Bteiatom World tbo Koy ' late of CoavMtioa - MR. ROBERT§ON GIVES • DATA ON WTfLDrNG " v ' "A high standard of ethics In the buslaeaa world" waa the keynote of the prominent speakers at the Jane International Rotary Convention held In Bt. tenia, according to Leslie Well, delegate from the Ooldaharo Rotary Club. Mr. Well waa on last night's pro gram or the chib and In ah Interest ing way be told of tba social and en tertainment features of the conven tion. He quoted landing Meaa from prominent speakers Including Praa dent Warren 0. Harding. Mr Robertson, of New York City, present In Goldsboro supervising the work on tba oew Wayne building, gave various Items relative to the architectural profession. Ho Uhln gibe bank hut « time ago. were silent as to re ports tbat a club In the Virginia league was In financial atrgtts agd might be willing to torn Its players over to this city to urnlsh'flto ll2g| season. The Kinston organisation tea hewn kept Intact since the dishaad ins of the semi-pro league. The reports reaching barn indicate that tba clnb which may b« willing to surrender Me league rtghle. aad also Its debts, to tba Klnefo* Club la une of the Virginia members of the league. The extent of Ita obligations Is unknown here. Tbe Klnnton club, according to lo cal enthusiasts, will try to squawee Into the Virginia teague next Mason (Continued on Page Three) ■ "ii NO NEWS TOMORROW The Onldahoro New*- drder to allow Ita force to observe a holiday <» the Fbwnh of Jaly la not publishing a pap*r tomorrow W "^ v M M \ '"I ,1 t j LUfeney In R««t To Know More Ab?y What Happened To Co’s FuMtk If OWN SHUTS UP I TO OBSERVE 4TH ,1 au uwm, wamim •» 1 Store*, the*bapks. llm Ooideboro I i| The atom* decided o MaMe ■Am fourth at t nMH mMu !| JuZZiZTtZ I hMMOff. m* Tke Nesra trt*« iST fta 4k jjs ral L wHI take fim, | tp«. a*d anrnemoe otter things IN WWPPIN9 BBSS tdiii tdv nnuTiun THIAL Ini rIbHTINb t HHt . |„ iMig fc COURT ATrBNpARIi .• fipnif|2*W vAIMW U* ■•* ike trial of w! AW*- botham former roevlet whipping Ml •■4 a tight wna narrowly averted Staton Alomar J. ft. Kelley ln eonaed by a remark ft L ft Wade, eklef council tor the defense who aft leged the elate waa oil conducting ike «aae ."fairly aad aqua rely" made for Mr. Wade with OaU doubled up but other attorney's aad deputy lift tertared. A law mtatiiaa later he* tillttea were again renewed aad offer* agate bloehed i-baaeea of any flytea ■ah landtag oa Ita Inteaded mark. Order waa maortoti* and Judge Me Mullen ordered the trial to proceed. The Jury waa net a wtteeaa to the ocean,, haring been ordered by the court to retire at the request of Mr, Wede In order that a point a&,law bo argued. , Higgeubotham who Is. charged with murder of Martin Tahort of North Da kilo o reseated sworn tentlmonr today declaring be was perfbnulag his duty to atlftrt Tabert The defease. 97 df a total of U charac ter wltaeeaee all ball from Clay, tbe defindaat'i home county. They testft flod Hlggeabetham waa of good khar aotor... County offtcials, n fbrasar mayor of Omen One Spring*. Jhe w»UMy sent, nod farpmf. mold up the tentliytng men. -- Th* detonne It Wan aanotftjed^ character appear here tomorrow. It was while one of tho cbaredtp r wltaaaees waa snuto itaad that tho claah between the attorueyn occurred. * \s w EMPLOYMENT IN STATE 18 GOOD RAUNOM. July I—The report of tho emptoymeat terries bureau of the department of laftnr and printing autde public bom tonight abewa a total of IM poraooi worn placed la )poalttoaa dating tho week ending 'June M. Os these *7 were women. The total muiotraflone with tbe be rasa during the week were 74t and rt«Mla tor help 719. ~ follow lag am tbe snmmarlee of Ike repart: Ma> female Total Rogletratleua .... Ml fit 74S Request* for kelp Mt lit Tit Referred . ...... 991 111 «»» Placed 411 17 Ml nifN Shilled M Unahllled 1.C.... M 4 Clerical aad Prutnaalpusl ........ 19 Dommtlc 71 laduitrlal ............... ~..1,... 7 Total »99 kORTHtI KMTIR9 10 Aft I, _ . MfftftftUftl yJpU^ftfM UJff- i ■* ;. r.*.’ -\, .g .\ \ -w ' TaMRI Bli . SAY THEY WILL PROSECUTE * IF SEARCH PROVES ANMMtt A sweeping !>{ Mlteda used by otlelnig iMite|| te«/ailnre of tke flaminnMfl iiHflhl Odßfay«iy is promiaad hr Ite-n3te-r kdhtefb of tte jafanat jjterTM W,IT ftitofiiynHlti ImT of the rßfitfm yqo- Tte atoahholdatg «f the hanteopt JMfffrn art mad. They an happing l Iteibg n matter as fast, aad aeosrd h*» lb Mr. Andrew a. flmr an going to pte |to jjaE Aa Jttdpa D. M. Btote % Vteltet as lUtolgh. W. H flower, of ltonr Onfca, It K. Fields. Ptkevtile. H. U R. I«g£SSA2'K ktelhdlptegl affllAkiyan JaA Had n La! I. A J-HVTSm 11 " inio IBP •lliurt IB lltMl iftd rtyiorc reogtver. E. f. c Meta es CbarUeton. m at ft OJ | ten ft f ninth vKh thfl I I** 'I altetkKmUAnu _ » atenflm .I* sos the failure of company i flrat, •r°l* 00 **wh kh " t a*ooMlder ad far too high. Woeond: Payment es dividends, white amounted w over lIM.IM Third, bad aocounta. Fourth, overhead expenaes. Flffli, purchase of Urn Florida Soft Amd fhaaphati miaea. Sixth, tremendous anal as the plants. They were MU when material was at Its highest Seventh, depreciation during the flaaaeiei sHribp Eighth, mistakes and error* sod it* Aw... >w » ted effIAASM 111 JINIBroRDK OI OrOCffTßa The Invaatlffatton .white promftiia Cow Town Os She] Agog With Excitement Over Big Tide Bout ' -. ■ Dempsey Says He Will Do His Best To fhai . Gibbons in tbe First Round of At Boat TT. t ■ ■ 'Wi GIBBONS SAY HE IB IN FINE CONDITION FOR THE ' _ ___ » A ' _ j ’ ills in iMMIBwUiMn mi II An SllfiLßY. Mont.. July l-“»y tBo Associated Proas.—A«Sf with excKe- Moot' and packed with surging crowds of fight fans Sbslby tonight mi anxiously awaiting tho grant pugilistic svont wMoh tomorrow will focus Urn opt of tho ontiro sport would on this llttio Montana “sow town.*’ Assured of tho title boot between Champion Derapacy and Tommy olb boas after one of the moot beetle old dieparing financial butt Me seer waged by coram unity-proud cttloene In the history of pugilism tho tool* dents of thin crowded dtp of »hacks end concessions stands, right officials sod trainers wort drawing to n done tho elaborate preparation wkMh had boon proceeding busily,, for tho poet throe weeks. Only a few details re main to bo completed tonight Apparently the lend! disturbed of any men In Shelby. Toil Qihbooe, the •t Fsul contender r ran pod with He three children In hie little eoUage. went for • short walk over the eeer by bills dying the alto moon and sew “ vote cast It was decided on Thureday the ißlfllp ance with the plan MM do-fK rlded upon by the OisAllk qftflH the agaoolatloh. - ft .•-•■■!».W.W > hs»e been worktng thrtrftMMftfth > ’p^tLVTJSLST done no omre to hrM mmm ***•• finer point nhrolnnlM** ‘ ’ li 4MUT VkUM, MMM* J#jjlife by tbu • AeseetatOd PtMg Dempsey rolled Into bgf M ~ i log camp mriy tantgM MrAfc-V ‘ sleep before be crnwM Igfi ■m u> defend bte eortfn knock out the BL PwbT said he wee ready for the -I am not one Who fmMl Wj gnrd every ehaUehgwr gb w£U£’ They are all dnngoroue onlll Eftmihl on the Boor lam not «MbM M%§b any chance, with Otbbegfc I iftl mebe every effort to bent Mm JBIJEi first round if pouomn JmiHIH t§ 11 All!# to b#pptp to (k to ivMsji ft porijirU## tfefct gr#ftilr MmSmm #,-■’“%¥ s T * if ¥ ■ t