BHRflte. flß* flfl KP Jfl fIF teflfl 888 BP bmp> teßk. mbp ’ fljflfli ■■* Amm ebb flMiflßM. mm taßta bhb *-w -vA teMw '"VV VsV & -W 'a Ht ■ w BHi ■ ■ Ms ■ IHB'#B ■ ■ ■ t| M m. th jf:jUs£ik* *mj* '■M J s£j>zr<‘ %& "/>a , # ESI ’ ' * «mMi«m« iwn im T 7 v Florida i_whippirig Boss Found iVairy Airmen Lose Lives In National Balloon /race - , .. ,f» - TTf ■ •■-?. /*.- - ■ti-f ■ ■«■->■■■- - —«— ■. . . i i r « - wallvr Higgenbotham Convicted Os Second Degree Murder In A SemHonal Thirteen-Pay Trial nfiIOftUPBTEBM „KWr > TAMMT WAS NOTH PAMOTI AN WkW OPT- wjw iw Wk|t*r 1ll|WlHlH» «u Utr lo ur f«U4 g«Ut)r ot nonUr at Mar ita Tatort or ftartb Dokata In IM MOSS «OCTM If a Jury hai*. Tto Oorttiat aacrtaa of Untata r«W*- tfca Jary wM out m taw >ad twenty mlaula* Tto fonaar utartol vhlp*ta< boat «|i tail! or 'ftavta* oaaata tta jtalk of Tatart «a tta r«Mlt of a taattac ■<* tad tta Nortt DaMtU fta a«pvtac a tom ta tta f*MMw laaMr • oanaaar miw Tta laatfc of ta ta M tataattcattoa of tta artata eoarMt kta«| lyotam ata Ha atoi liftai bjr tta PlorMa Ustalatura. That to4r aMo prohlbltta eorporal panMtaaat. Baforo tta FlorMa l«>- lalatMa ooßvaata tta Saaata of North Dokato taopita a aanoran -4m aaktag tta Florida lav. mdtart to lavwttaata .tha doath of Tatart Thera waa ao daaaoaotrattaa In the uatatrooni vtaa tha vordlct waa rapoftat. Attamara for tta defend antSMtaadtatatT naiad for n now trial. Tta fardlat oarrtoa a jalataanm ft twvtar-two yaara aad a maximum cnmum nif tmho golf Maldt Aftmnfod For Tk«nMy ' Aflwooon at GaUokoro Tha~tauntry club of Ooldahoro haa arraafta a match with tta Tartar# Country Club tor Thuraday afternoon. The aaadeb wyt aUrt promptly at two octal and will eoalinue tb rout bout tbcl&fmoon. Tta !»>■ era la batter shape than they too hm* tafore since tta or csolsatton of the club aad thd laylaa ott at #M aonraa. Tta harp onoaod tta *raa# to sprlap up ‘ and thl Unka are rapidly tacomlnc an goat ia any la tha stats Thd ofOcleU of tta club are wry snxlona that all mamtara tagta to take up tha apod aa It la talnc • ajoyad now by all those who are playtML-lMiruetioM la tho art an Vina %an truest by tha profoa- U A/Nawnham. Tboaa artablnc to play la tta tonr- Maaatl! with Tarboro an ropuMtod to fpr in lloa (or play at the aarllaat poMlhto moment 1, Zm Vy ? Pin Big Lectures At Chapel Hill { ||| CHAIPL HILU July T— Flta Im • portant lodluraa wan an tta Cnl vanity aumiu* r school s program for tha ctatong waak Tho Prat of than la by Trot. Charloa H. Hao»i of-tta North CknHna Mato rtollapa on Moo ds* aigolng Prof. Hock will toe tun on adept* ta tho high aotaol On jtopdny and flntnrday Dr. BdHh Swift will deliver tour lectutos lor "iTTf T~l‘r «• "Social Hygiene - Dr. swift m pm tan under tta auaptoag s2tftr.«im3o lecture will '<** + *"• ™T "tl day sftonoon and Mo m*a* m * siKsHSi ' - r ■* .... _ • >,vi \F^*. *' r* J' '* d *l* jjl NwdgMflm I _ T ■! 1 TT* B r ■ ■tonal ■ m ■fl ■ • V* 1 ■ 1% 1 fl_m m■! B ' B ■ ■ w B mm ■ ■ B B> B B B 9 my B Fmw ™ ■:* m ■ ur Mfl Bm m M | me ■ j IVIU a ■ mm udMB ■ MgF JBuaiJkmr Iw#JUp Jm mb Jfc m JBmmu* M w w Iwi^c ■ * —~ - * *'. • _• - r Memorial Slowly Mountins To The Highest Figures As Subscriptions Still Come Iu UtMl W*U toy* tho CUmpplm Will Gp Forwari U«tN sUjm jp bite 8* Ite tW Mg no tho Lot CM Bo PtU i" Full f y a i The Movtorftol ('ommuatty Sgllilop tmmpgp !■ t% *• pmatad until •ta to ntoad. scaordtnc to tha auto meat if tta chairman. Uaaei Wadi Mr. Wall (gpl* that than an a awn tar g pgooto who ban ant had a chaodP totogdortta to tho talMtog who wth wgh to do w and haa wrtt too hto workers to so alter tha rest of thd mooaaf tomorrow. Thera haa taaa approximately (St ood rawed and Mr. Wall feels MAW caa be ahtektog Ha MM W* ± wfll take that amok to aroot tta buHdlnt now ptaanod nod pay at the hidahdodnass an tin tot Bf UKDI eMHUEfi OMICHNM Death POLICE ALSO HOLDING NEGRO * . ■ - * a OCAIUNULE. N. Y.. July 7 —Sua pteioa today fastened Upon a ragged pennileee tramp and a aagro with h bloody pans aa aatbmrkln scoured tta oounlrytoda for tta apordarer of Dorothy Gausman. girl governess Iu West Over, Maryland, who waa hack ed to death la the Canaadale home of MeOrodor Qralgbead last Tuapday. Tho tramp riding n boa between White Ptaias and Dobba Parry boast ed to tta driver that ho waa a “slasher" and meetly had cut up a state trooper In a knife kittle The driver told tho police about It and te thorn tta vaytemr told that ta was homeless and out of work. Led to the little room where tta gonraon was slate tha tramp coolly surveyed tha place handled by the blood stained butcher knife sad stoutly denied all knowledge of tta crime. Later ta brake down aad wept hat did not reveal anything. Detectives ware not -ntl-tflal wltb tta tramp’s story. Ho was taken to jail tor further laveeUgattoa wmi ' MS FINE DECORD P®Hter CoAowo of Virgfoia Hu Mate Ptu RoeoH in Matk •M Coßgpislo Ordto One of the Soothe tending educa tional Institutions la Randolph iisi-tra College, located at Ashland. Virginia, past alitaea miles from Richmond Rich In historic ■aßaenlattiw It la stiUa Into tta hearts and Minds of Hi itudfinti tkM dpdff b#covviß oltisena of rani worth.' Th« anrrku lam of tha laatMattoa la ot .a high order. Tho faculty la composed of aeon of exceptional training, la ev ery way. Randolph-Maooa haa fust claims to tta leadership along tta Mtefh gtgMMB'HMMMM’'. 181 (MB W BMHI -bib t *;J S, y . JuLa v- , m. mrnmmm ■taw if darlgyg tta. past two or throe days hut oadh day there to a eutaertpOon from oat of town that drills In add teg te the total. Recently p sub scription of MM and a promtae of Ushbsr “ * rSwiii"! »..e—»»» .ku ui< of the caWpaipn ted tta fact* that R wpuld fOMS teW Within a short time said that it w* one of tta flneat things Ooldahoro had star done. He •poke MUly al Mr. ,wwi and tta am at tee taad of'the campaign •M would,, bp tat,, a start mm ni PI7MENT 00 COTTON Oter $2,000,000 Gnu T# tho Ftmen of the State From Raleigh Of^ee 18 THE FOURTH - DISTRIBUTION MADE J emmmms-mnhsm RALEIGH. N. C.. July 7.-ChoeM| aggregating more tbaa 12.000,000 want pm to more than thirty old thtesaad of tha North Carolina Cot- UW Co-operative Orowers Aeaocla uan from tafcdduartera today. It waa aaaoohced by tta geaaral manager. These checks ta declared repre sent tha fourth distribution bringing tha total advances to 22 orate a pouad heals middling and making a grand total of 116.000.000 paid oa 12X/XW balsa of cotton- received by tta la stMgllM Another advance will prab itbly ha made to members before the •ant settlement for tta 1*22 crop-ta V-. 1 - r ~ 1 V frincess maud to wed }. ’ tel *1 MbbSv MBPB'l|fiflMi ftdfls #1 mtai - Rwpf fIUMML Ottb . 7V‘:isSitf:s:r~.:: pj'atepas:::". ====r==r=r--.-rte BNMR i’i Mlbxt BHRIRfI, jnv tv pm, I Work. Great H tvoo l ; Mount Etna is tatfig g Sartor of violent eruptloiie tltul suterpt \ fl<;i .r-I jhnaw bOOlj todmyld, sKweend* at Sicilians have lutn rt-tuictcd hi.iitt l. *- .iy j tta ImmatMtetou .ag^te : tonHtod te tta velraou. Dr, Interrupted Often fc Applause At - Bix Crowd Gleets Baptist Pastor Bach Nigiit UV*. Sinier Arrivaa Today To Take Cnarge of Choir • Subject: “t krtsfs (empautoa tor Me Iky." Text: Lake 19th Chapter, diet'aad dtnd verses. “Aad when ta was come near he beheld the City and wept over U. saying: If tbou hadat known, even tbotL at least In this thy day. the things which belong unto thy peace: but now they are hid from thin* eyas.” We will sever unde ret and Hie world la which we live until wo net Christ's viewpoint of R. We will nev er get to tta heart' of tta mystery of the universe until we gal to tbe place where we look at it through tta ayes of the IWCd Jesus Christ' gad IDs vision, gat his View-pM*: gat His compassion; gat Hla concep tion of man; get Hla conception iff the Fattar; get Hie program ter Kingdom eongueet: seeing Joaus to everything that. In the langagge •>) the Scripture. “Christ may have tint pre-eminence"; the pre-eaniaeat place la oar ltvea, individually; the pre eminent place in our tames. In our erbools. In oer business, and In the world, and It’S/your lot and mine, your Joyous task dad mine, to sq* that la all things Christ may have tta pre-emtneace Tonight I want to apeak about Christ’s conception aad compassion of aad for hla owa city. You re call how oa oae oceaals they stop ped yonder at a little town and he sent the disciples on their way wr ing Go to tta town over agatns: you will And g colt fled, whureon man never sat: loose hint and hrlsg him to me. and If tta owner safes why you are doing {Rls say “The Master hath nee dor him.*' And they went and found tj»e colt and its mu h er Just aa ta had told them, and a* they began to unloose him tbe owner same out and said “Why are you dodag Ihtsr aad they said “The Mas (Sr hath need of him" and that seem ed to he sufßcieat .niformaUon; It sslleSed him aod ftieyMead these nut male away, aad sous garments were layed upon one aod the Christ Is astride aod riding etowly, patiently (and modestly Inin 'jerausalem A large number of poor people werr seen following fa the way. jerkin,, branches from the treee which the other fellow owned.-throwing them in front of the Mneder. eprgedipt their gemmate In the wny and ntailt img out their hosanna a. You re member bow oA« of tta Pharisee* |mi ta* Ws MV k. tm*. •rrlptm ikat’b. ,nft ,v«r IhS efty and Mid “If thou hiwtst kitoed even thou. n| leant In (hla day, than iMngs which dtelom; agio tl» hut now they arc Uj«t Irtim thin J er—:’ and thus wojhav* the gtoyyl of tta Cbrinfs mt rartn- info the ilty*j of Jerusalem, ftis jfaHotial city. F.uteg) on l l»rl*l I would Itaj^ter".'tlrsl. |x>itil pm] to you the dor-iwtio rld<* mmlest.lj j meekly, quluily. phosCehLatliiiUly ititul tta city of ier>im>tom.' \tn»o' Is MR one who stand< yon-hr tad hfOcu over the rily-' A..soft pi ufi nn-j heard pf Dim# for a p*d««flrjad, rrosi, a cft prater teop. Uj ha |tonut»*k ,# tta event of thl hill and looking dbfchi tete f\ netohimrlng cite tern***' over it. Rwt» waa that orf** ”! wn» none oibte UUn. thw /omy-laulted fna Mraelsh, thk eUnolntcd an other ihuu the M<,» of Ood who bn a exlutmi from all t< r, ally, for “|o tbe beginning ban .hi Word, aud tlm. Word w«a -with <7Jra and th«- WOid mas God Ttm adM waa iu th« heglnntng with Cp./ things were mud-i i»y him; thn and th<- i m '.Mta truth and (he life", the ruble. Hu- nufltor of ihe founder of the dimmer'of otiy seutc. hope of our i<-r :• r--< builder of Henvru, u^d •its yonder"le«l».ht at right hand ever llvitu dLraeaum |. 1.1- Stilus till )on end look Iu- h ' j •le.vr who had i rier from the yonder to his l-'ut''i-'BpraMtaltawpgl own time awl w-.>B f.. Qlolhes, Log, Leather Cdats Os Airmen fittm ii# V ;•' ■ T7 J Evidences Os .] In LaktKe indication* J\>ini To Heroic Stru«gn^g%S¥ _i: I Giants Roth and i«tuftl Before ? KVSKKT OF balloon RIPPWJ FKOMfI BAG ——• July f.—All BuP' Mi'tjl. t. J. ftitUi nnd tea «M«* J Bill- T R. Mu|l. plum: of the'miaa-; >’ « »e»y talthoa. A-teW which left ' "»«*«tebito Jute m teljp nu tlunMl elimination mynteet WaMt Ito-J I ft* waa abutoloued hr to uuifaht Tnc entw ljte | tey-jr j kitten by terrHlr wtnde 1 trlciil' Sturm Rolf surf' \iuD ‘ ffyugih I ilnetieratofy tt> shift Umdf Imlhtet Ml- I i ts* above Ihft ante. Somehow It Jhh i ha*tat wag rlppod from the buffoted t-hng RihNite wtin fom-d add *a-' tefHkktatwy the craw of the winntry The (hat utrinag hud I ,U ■ JySto tastetajiiitel fMRMBRR OF { ASSOCIATED PfcfcßS f , I'HflOß H four 4 i l*H- al l*i rrOQIi Hor^B u\ «ngitl n a. i | zit srsj* ■ V ft ''i nll , «?sy UHiv'iln ht iti« |fi IH.JI HI- »t|* bfogfl !•» tt* ** KmttJtl • ".(i n iuii.nKiM ■ t*<« :r, thUmV hi min ...i i.*k* 4§[ ■•- »«•« ii'iioun iw«, 1 ' r TH - i -ytfl Over jfl Mjm