> ■ ■ 1, X »iai. ■ I ■ WEATHER I tt**i with mUnH thfeder I T«t*tUt Mi WtoMeetej W m^T^ m y m W mi m> ■ ,■ ■■■■«■ , » », , i■i * r VOLmt TMfrItMUR til i ——. ,— ) ' urnmmm -. wtfipiiceit ■ TO® HIM ttedal, Bervict Union of Mel ho 4io( Church B*>h Invnoion Would Be Calamity • HIGH IN ITS PRAISE \ OF INSTITUTE WKti JI7NALUBKA. July 9.—815-j top Jibm Cannon. Jr.T of Virginia! toitajr 4-vfte public a rwxoiuttoir adopt ' to ito is I - service union «r tju- gduth In. annual aoa gr\ tofo endorsing the inatlfute at “to tolarlai an Invasion Os its rights and any interference with'to lawful labors would bt a fcoiaalty to the innOUitlon pad a 1 UlaMce to Southern cltlaoaahip. < “iFtnmuch an there* has came to 1 use." the resolution said, '’through reliable new spa Aw reports end prtv- I .ale sources of undoubted reliability. 1 that tbe lute reals or that great In- I stltution for our colored people at < Tusk egee Al*.. ar# aerloualy men ' aced-by Ibfeqjs of organised Inter- 1 , msmis GMTIFIEB OVER , FRENCH MTIFICITIM Another Trooty Growing Oat of Aram Conference Goen By Clumber I, WASHINGTON. fftfcf.J- Action of/ f the french Chamber of Deputies in ’ aetlog ratiOcaUon today of the rnbH 1 power pacUßc treaty coupled with 1 favorable, vote on the navy (tact laat * week caused great gratification In of he la I circles here today although 1 some regret Is in evidence at the forecast that tbe three other Wash- 1 logtou treaties would not be put 1 through at ones. Tbe live l/eaTfas ne- 1 gods led at the arms conference are defendant documents but to a certain 1 dagree they are designed to suppll- 1 •ahni each otbar and to extend tbe 1 eflect!veuess of tbe general plan con*. 1 tetfipiated by tbe conference to re- 1 move posatbly cause sos war AM at v though there will be no barrier to 1 putting Into effect the naval treaty * sod pacific pact, the result of that * delpy may be o develop a peculiar 1 situation. * 1 HIGGINBOTHAM I 1 GETS A TWENTY YEAR SENTENCE 1 * 'f * •) i.AKK t ITY. .Fla.. Jul/ » -Sel ling a precedent In Florida by im poatng a sentence 00 Sunday Jinlay ■ M A. McMullen yesterday scfaeneed’fi to twenty years imprison Ifc'AlHKe* I W. Higglnbotbuin. former convict 1 whipping l>oss who was convicted of 1 second dagree murder by a Jury here ( late Saturday I After Hlaglnlrotbam’s conviction { l Saturday his counsel Immediately 11 adflounced they would flic n motion j I Judge McMullen auid lie had ' been j 1 advised the case would he taken to; 1 the Htutc Hupremc four! and lllgglu hoHium waa releaaed on glo.ooo boOd until the higher court dlaposca of tbe 1 case. •c __ L $3,137 Received On The „Memorial Campaign Fund With SI,BOO Yet Tq Raise * • Mr. Lionel Weil Wiuhes for a Citizen Who Will Complete th* Thirty Five Thousand • _ Dollars Wanted , -v . h .'MANY OUT OF TOWN StjjiSCKIBFILS Tkc lv)«l •mount or unourv rucolvnd by «tn M« mortal t |» »*- portal by IJonrl Wail n*djiJ »jr% iL. 147, with appro* Imalaly n.Mw mwra tw rataa. rtvn hundred of TWal* hiiffCj reported wax nlv«*w>y un out ol town party. Mr Wall itaud yaatarday afternoon that/Hit wanted aouta patriotic cltljafi whdcould afford to do no lira lb* «V --aiuuout. Hr ’i** rltL* I THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BITTEBf TUTS TO SEE ITS FMENDS DURIHe THIS WEEK- Invitation Extended By Tele- ' , gram To Nena To All \ Friends of the Unit ARE ON THE RANGB^i DURINGREST OF WEEK , * ■ 1 Battery A. United Rules Field Ar tillery. of Goldsboro, goes on the , rangy today, according to a message received here yesterday. It Is as j follows: "Goldsboro News. Goldsboro. N, C •> ' "Publish invitation from battery. "A" for alt our friends to visit us ' 1 next weak starting Tuesday Will be I 1 on range pith guns Send copies.lot battery J. ft. Hopks. Jr." J Captain David Rose and. Mpjor Mlchaux ware In tbe city yesterday! < and stated that all tbe men In tbe battery ware ta tine helth and all , doing full duty, a record they con- ( elder and those In tbe «ftmp con-.,, elder very unpaual |, /)The battery wilt go on the range ( today Wttb tba big guns aud will I { get some of tbe excitement of a Hf«« time. Tbe battery is anxious to ( have as many frlenda visit as they ( can while they are on tbe range, and . a cordial invitation Is extemled now. ( STATE AUBIT WILL i GO TB CSIWMrnEE i ...... ~t . * *i Investigation Follows Sennit- 1 t tonal Charges Made By 1 A. J. Maxwell ,1 HE SAID STATE j l HAD BIG DEFICIT < n 1 RALEIGH. N. C., July H.-Official » as well as clv 1 Itlß tffortli Carolina * awaits t»nl|bt with Interast for tba 1 rvporr or tor MUflliion <>T tha htflte Agunoaa which wiM b«f delivered bare ’ tomorrow to 'the special legislative committee by the uudltora who have 1 Ireen engaged for ntiout live months l In an axtsnsive survey of the subject ~ Tbe Investigation of the state’s #- 1 nances followed charges made dur- 1 Ing tbe laat session of the legislature * by Corporation Commissioner A. J. ’ Maxwell that a large deficit existed “ In tbe treasury Instead of the eur- 1 plus which Goveruor Morrison bad 1 asserted there was The 1 insisting that bis nnyalyatri of the 1 state treasurer's repprtwas correct 1 rftnd that Mr Magdell bad erred In I bis Interpretation of tbe figures, call- 1 ed op tbe legislature to go tbor- < oughiy Into tbe matter and the board 1 of auditors to make tbe lnve«tiga- I tion was tbe result, utter u special < committee of legislators bud l>eeen 1 Appointed to bundle the mutter A special meeting of the leglsla- j live copqtUUe bus been called for I tomorrow morning at Raleigh, tbe) auditors’tmviug indicated that they| at that tjKTe wftlli* prepared to make I 1 a report of fl*lr investigation | < Mr. Maxwell. In bis stnteibent Is- 1 Rued, during the setnter asserted I that an analyst^of, the iguf- sos the l treasurer’s reporv i‘>d him to bellevt 1 that a deficit of X|fti»exlinataly f 5- < OtHi.otrpo existed tu the state fiuauces ] Goveruor Morytaqn'a vehement speech to „tbe genrjhl he dec la i c/wtlis doutd frt-the correct 1 ness pf MT Maxsltir* ■ deductions 1 followed tmtMAdfstet#, the Governor 1 concluding with « r«e(iieht tor an tin- 1 mediate an if tpnroiigti invent tfu'tioo I Senator M U>tlg of Itoaßvike Rap 1 Ids heads the W|rtt xeiialc and bmlae I committee wbKth will receive' |be I auditor's report * - - ' i iar /on* or rtwo mm abould **t to ayflivr and flout, out Hi. amount ■ The out t the tinouuia that bava ba.tr raised bavva ba«n in small aubacrlptlonn, oaar fifty p, r cant ft tbe total recelvad coming |q (btar’&im IP* . T New Seats Ordered For Wall Revival '. ■ C'J L Singer Arfitea And Takes Charge of Choir Ratetown Singers Present Sunday . Night "Mr the Pale tow ■ tholr preseutl and with k 1, \lolfa|agel Wading the music at the tabernacle began loj pick up Souda) ijrgijt \ Ilu re wan an overflowing crowd plcaent and a deep Interest aim* g llioae present Over seventy-1 In.-Xjuie | OIWarU for J, r * yer the < end of Hh> sermon . Additional seats are being tuabed through and by tonight the ware house will accommodate tbe crowds ' Tbe, sermon Sunday ntgbt la ua follows: Subject: Stephen, tbe Trlubmpbaut One . * I have chosen this subject for the rcuson that (hero ure s large uum-j her of peoplu who feel that because have but Rule education, be causfc they haw hut little means, be cause they have bud but little advau luge in Ufa, that they cannot do much. Stephen, dear friends, was Just sn ordinary man who was permitted to, who because of bis faith In and by-i ltv»o In an extraordinary time, and ' cause, of bis faith In and because of hls surrender unto the Imrd Jesus Christ, was able to do. lu bis day. and j in bla generation un extraordinary Piece of work If we touigbt. my dear 'friends, can look at and think about ibis ordinary man living cbwe to God , and doing, for the people of bla i an extraordlbary piece of work' we; aball be- able to gather from this study t of hia life that Inspiration and that \ hlep that shall send each of os from flits place to do better work in our d«y. and din ohr generation 7 j There ure Jnst three vlstous ol b|s 1 life that I want to uULyour 4tird of lairds In his day You'will not. boy uud young girl, amount to much In life unless ;ou are men uud women of fultb. boys of faith snd girls of faith Here was a bov who was not a skeptic, who was not an Infidel, who was not an atbe lat; but was one having tremendous ffclth; fault li oflhe right kind Faith of fhi- Mghl bind sees no mountain j which W-nut be crossed, laltb of the pot N- IfArfpgd faith of the right kind ifibea hti desert* tbldfcsanul lie pass ed t*e\ Tight kind sees nu smlc* w ,.W defeated, ►..-rip. oliMfit |eg.ii*i • )» P'tah evl aslfty- Fatih pi Hm. la-tol«:.,rn< 1• [ gellc. t rt.finphalli gtset |pn*wrd I despite obstacle*, iifiidrawt >(# : despite crlllclxni and fiegl'lte oP-A(a i p» 1 BJf’iVIM 1 There is a story % loal the C-Ol.s- o' I'ilgrims Frog raws that I low Ui| think alndd You iwtuemlM-P Iwnv Hopeful und t'hiiatiau coin" to tbh. wui.rs that separated IbeuffYom Itiu , lab land, and how Hopeful comes at d i Is ready to go serosa and when (Tula-1 Han ton es he thaws back tul Hop fill lead* him in and tremblingly he g1 ** ' if * Bt -- —f s r m ■, - , v GUI.RIBGKU. R. tk, VtfeMUIV MOK.MII>, it LY M, IPM - - „ - | atop wbeu you coma to the Kfd S*u 1 and to tbe atrgam over wUp h n< | bridge haa been.,.built. The third Item In bla eifolpiueni for bis life s work la that he waa a mat full of tbe Holy Spirit Tberg la but : one explanation of Stephen's icon a meuUl work and that is this Btepfa en's plus God and bla powai. to? when you bavs an Individual ompow •red bv God (bai ludivldual 4 Invla \ clble und will to do a Wort that will alartle the peoples of hi dry aud of hls genara|lon "Slepber I' ll ol b|i« Holy Ghost " It Is the same word which tbl fiafa erman on the sea of Galilee ufied m they said the sails ware filled by tb< breeies and thus IJc w ailed aercatx Itw bosotu of Galilee, It If the ssu«4 wo", that the fishermen used wbefi 4 said. "Our nets are flliatl With ItsJ), «»': it la the saaM wqrd tbe ingf, used who took the linen and lowerct. It lato the dye uhtll every fiber of ;hi garment bud uadergou- a ch mge Stephen full of the Ghost an I flat Is tbe thing abour which I hav< been speaking, and thal'a the thing I 1 with young men and young women mild hare: "Their Uvea full of tht power of God and gulag forth. d» spite discouragement, and despiU j beavj loads, to vlsltory tn the naiaas of tbe lord Jesus Christ. If yo« want : to be successful, link up with Jesua Boys and girls. If you want to d< ' worth while things in yaati day ami In yuur generation link up whh J* sua. be filled w ith the Hply .Oboat uud that a what we need Muca pray er ifieaas much power; little prayer , uivafs little power; sad no prayer ineaps nu power, I want that from night to utgbt. 1 shall be filled; by tbe spirit of God. I desire Chat thb place , shaft be charged, yea aur Margid with the spirit of Almtfhly (iod op t til aa the men and woman pome base j tbpr, •hall hmath an atnaaaaMfit. itoi 1 iavlporatea them, shall fee) move 1 meals which exileraies and out fitom hem we shall go to fight anew, yea , successfully, the battles of life. The fourth Item in hls cuutpmenl was this: "Stephen full of wisdom” Ob. what pa equipment for wortry full of wisdom. Wisdom, w say Is the ability to wisely and right I ly fine tpe knowledge which we have UlsPonf. says the business man I praatlcal . sagacity; wisdom says th, «vegage\maß is common sense, as th> 'milking of a cow, the harnessing • a liaise digging of a ditch, or ntak in of a bouse; common sense la aebse abopi the common things of jl.fc Yea j sayg tbe Kentuckian, wjadoui Is b»rs< Hen—, and pray, what Is horse sense It la that aeuae which enables a Ken tuckian to tell a good horse when be seek one. Wisdom was that divine Insight glv- j «n to the man God bad chosen to do j tbe right tiling In the right way at | tbe right lime It meant tbe ability 1 | (o detect the Imposter when that tm- ' pouter came along This mini had I « , ' r ® n charge of a fund and 1s not right, not worthy. Ha was In the nrtb and last place I t lull of power as well Degr friends I one of the crying needs of »ue> day : und of-our generation Is power W« have, over aud over ag-in. "a toimr of Owlllness without the power 'tiie;- al Os" I have ofteu Hsnleif li fiswf' long enough to behold the stglu >‘un I am tieholdtog tonight t - t.old-lioro Kefs Itigbf Kvauiple. I have always felt that ff people j hi.d faith In God und tn tbe minister* of tbelr city that we would not hue-- to send out to tbe uttermost put nj | ibe earth to get an evangelist lu .-or.e and be tbe leader In religious thought und plan and | Ibunk God that Golrtsbofo cau la-come j an example city to all (he cities round labouat ; that we havo faith In ltd, 4 . | I faith in tbe ministers of our : and you are ahuwlnt tonight, by this j large audlenee. that you huvev faith !lu the God-cal le,l meu In the city of ! Goldsboro. ffrilfteViro la not only the ggi# to ' I'aroliua. lirotherr Sae- I'retgL) IK-pmsrk. but It is the gate- 1 ' wrsy hi Heaven as well and thsnk God i* that wn have, lived to see the time -when we comakers; by the thtmsands and say ''Preacher, preach the word, tell the people *he I'.o»pel and we et lit pray for you. bold up yrmr hands , oodd work with yog." aud by the up wfth Him f*ho never bhevl defeat Thus I have Called your ai.i-ntlou to tbe equipment of thla ordinary man for hta life's work Hlepkea's Berk. 1 j Ftrst of all he gave out aunt.' tireu 1 J to Mime poor women and ervtug and ii#*dy children. 1 ran hear you aajr, "Whgt a prty thpt for a Wfill mas ofi tot* T»o> % . » M—— ■ mm lieul. R. E. -Maugham In Him Coanl TiM ow-H Flftfiil Has Kntrine Trouble ■ \ WILE TRY AGAIN *■> NEXT WEEK ST JOSKPH. Mo. July :r. I.leut S. I- ’ Msugban. atlamptlng a roast o-coaal day light flight, waa iort#d lown ut 1:10 p mi f'autral tlniel an miles northeast of hare today, ebeu Maughan a engine "went dead." The aviator was uninjured but bis ■lniif was so liudly damaged 'hat laugban said be would be uuablc o continue bis flight MaupfciNl snlj ia would make another staid i -om Na wYork In a week or ten days DAYTON. Ohio July k Issoclated Press i ou< t/lTi ipi 4:, f nlnutes behind xchedulrj ou Which ■e wu» wßem|illiig to Jr,veto the oallneul between dawn uud sunset. ■'•Nut Itusscll T Mangle a arr.ved ul Iftcf ook Field here ut if* IB o'clock, ’latil-em standard Hum, thla mtirtling toenu-five mtailtaa ffitar Ms Curilas vlane again took the sir irontldint bat be would nfuke up' for l»«f time. Ha hopped off at 9:36 a. nr . toalvru daudard lime. Heavy fog and a busy atmosphere, which caused Maughau to l>wi Ills say. accounted for hta falling ha- : ilnd schedule The first point he ictuwHy recognised ,uGar lepvtng New York, he said; was Akron. Ohio, whirl) sas one hundred miles off bla course. I The loss of big course Caused him o fly upproxlmatflly TOO miles be-, tween Mitchell Field and Dayton. Lieutenant Msugban said Hls map route had called for only 570 mlles.| Mi nt HULL 'PIKI.D. N Y . July 9 ) (By the Asgoclated Press.)w-Lieut Russel U Msugban. |l 8 A . piloting a pursuit plant, bopped off s( 3:iti a. m eastern dayl4bt savings time j today ou the first log of bla dawn' to dunk flight across the continent The attempt to reach the coast byj the light of a single day was begun In the flood of a dawn of high vfx ‘Urtlfty: which h«W promt— of -awcah-i lent flying wealhir on tbe Oast teg of the fiigbt to Daytou. Ohio Tbe Start was made lu the flrit lift for a purple lend mist which' drifted dbwn lamg island before dawn Maughan. living his plane strip ped to tbe barest necessities, clr- 1 heading fur Dayton cled above tbe fi«ld once before Tbe take-off was witnessed hyi traiy officers In the flying corps aud, official* of the Acrnautlcal Chamber of i'otmneice. Lieutenant Maughan expect* to reach Bau Francisco lu lfl>i hours of daylight savings lime ~ The dis tance la estimated at 2.C40 miles snd, an sverage s|>eed bf IfiV miles an! hour will be injdutalned Dining Hie (Infix she plane main tain*-,! Its schedule . rate of speed of ! I«0 miles so hour, tbe pilot said. | the additional distance accounting for (be d«la> An Internal brace In the vertical . fin of the plane waa found broken Whan the i,Hilling was made ben- and I tEtw' wn* iepalred. The next slot* I lx St JoaepU. Mu > lour Mop* Pl*aimed Four stopn will be made-: At Me ! t ook Field. Dayton. Ohio, Municipal rField. SI Joseph. Mo Air Mall Field. i Cheyenne. Wjro.; and Saidurn. I Tall, f The qMect-trf the flight, said Ma jor V, It roiiimundlug olfle*" here, is to hluxe a trial for the trans porting lu ouc- day of fieeta of air plane* . from coast tn coast In the (event of sn attack on the United States .by hostile forces It will also show, be said, tbe piopar sites for the establishment of lauding field* Jll aid lite devolopmeut of (Oinutar cial aviation IJeUtenam Maugb&N waA promlao) 'cleat weather except In Montaua ; and lUfb. where thundershowers j were expected If neceagary l.ien tenaDt MftUghan xabt he will add a lew Tim.-* to the trip and fly around tlie storms He hoped, however, to n/ over them The flight was «cv ► ral times postponed because as stormy weather. ' , He expects to cover tlx, ilia tulles ( to Dayton In three boors. Ihlrly-slx minuted, the bop of sflo miles to St | Joaaph. he planned to make In three hours, twenty-live minutes Three hours *ud twenty minute* la tip- time sal for reaching Fhejcnne. 5.10 mile* *w*y Muugh*n frtsmi the 170 miles to Raldnro In three hour* ! A twenty minute rest ft> he m*de at each landing field Tlie Wt’inll* bop to Crlssy Field tbe presiilo. Ran ! E'rsndsco. I* expected to take three hour*, six minutes Lieutenant Maughan nl all a to If* l? 0 miles an hour over tbe plan* and >4O miles over tbe mountain* Hr will fly at an altitude of 2.0(*0 feel •bwve level greand lacras-uig it to MM fast Isl the Allegheny Mouat»4 regies *ad la jpaftor Mdbt* over PRESIDENT SAYS a Ht IS “APOSTLE” WRANGELL, AUagu. July tHy the Associated Cress pres •‘lent ll.mliuf landing here today greeted thods.. n<' aludenta to be enrolled In rteylauilrer. It la badly outgrown aa tbe dormlturlea ur the dining fatillilea we/e~"1n 1920 when Mt title it t m slept 111 tbfre deck Iretta and/' ate In ablfta Furthermore, tbe skud ant organisation* have Increased ijitiij' rpptdly than -tbw- student body, tad ht*'s UO pi »o» la w Mcb *bcvj MEMBOror '"" ''"l ASSOCIATED PgßSf I ■ - v.i i ®|®ih“ j KothXHnd Ti«# lUwndtf l . , , ifttMEATfONM AM * l ' HE BND omrnnmiw CLEVELAND. lib to. %-rfbg * body of Maul I. J Roth. V R K, reached Cleveland at <:M p clodb'|» night aboard the bydroglgM.VlMM of the Aerial Marine Airway's £2. pany. it was la charge of 1 Igptjff I J dtrong, inapeetor of asset slh«rhn at the Uleen Martin plant held. FORT STANLEY, J«Mr ’R—RnEe Erie today yielded the Mdf d I*.A. Roth pilot of the 111-fated LoKId States navy Its I loos A-dddf. Etta* ped to the basket of the hogoup add dad only, la hie nfir IM»|| which had been tleff a ttfd pMddWM . Hotbd body was bound Rg MhJAHP*' this manting It mites oftr li'dfM t captniu Oeorgr Wilson. maahor ts • Wi»M| >■» ApparseUy caught It the tewrtdr meant of Mel Thdri#i». bight Uadi Ml hevidedtly tdhk Mo ' aide si tho hoehodafter dPreeUag fcS. 1 of hie nMMng sad than g* w the ivashet loons from the haf‘lftaL Ing to the bouyaeee deviwtrsSMp - J which the basket was eodtgßlf .to keep It ufloat Mow lona (he daatet »M bdHMtllil shout the lake, attar tbeC«nf*Mt I t uadltion of Ruth's body l*4lc»&| *' that he died tof eftpourc. ; Mr shddl ders were Udagiag over tga (alia M. * the banket Ideafthoatied . dddt MM* . of the body by the nlUgl* •* jffl,; f nndoi wear , ' " * * The baaket oontalaod ddtlUjMld t give ad tdkltaa of wtma ttd '*gr* oVertgnge the two pilots a/ /, fj Ken«rU rechived bare that the btfg of Lieut Holt the other yiflbgndl of the baitooti had b«M. (Magi fa P was found to he •aid) was found to be that a j . fig #'* ,d NEW YORK JfSHKSSEtf taken to Aafctglß limlu) in await «xscUtlo4' * tractor. Sentenced this inpraiag ' by. f* pmme Court Just We Q'Mhiloy t |m calmly made s statsmedl. R'AMj coun protesting her MMMNMMr Although Justice O'Malley geOh£Li| dale of her elocution iil A^dfi meet here doiilh fftr s yeef •VQt'fc cun be carried on aystemaUdotSt ’till aatlsfaf lorlty Tha building' which will M aft*** late Georgian »iyle Os if i hhfg||g>_i brick with llmesiooa ttTutelage. 'kvrtf**' be located on the old In JS'f will face west acroaa thy oagmagg towarda the Q-'«‘- »' ( dormitories. with odeth ahddhmifc eitenalouii facing respect! vetr VMuUM l ' lln atreet and the valliny M*a«li ’ tha Inn and Alumni fVkfkrg I WP 9 maid enlrene* ftonv the cknflb dV be through a »pa clone ptfUMMid ' .< luge aerial room, 40 by Oh lhr drat Boor, uopabl# of Mhg ua*tl for a variety of purgyoyo as class and atiwunl banquete, moat Inga of tha larger club*. gran tftth log. and other general *MMSr«S*f tintiee It will alnn tr« dWhgr n»*‘V t ea. to atalrwgya fcadtng Og - ggfT down, coat room*. g» 4 itca. serving room and ladtoo* rangy tlon room. Tha base meat will 1 tain I (dials, a barber ahn#, *g|Mßfr f space, a large cafeteria, and a -ergS* ‘ equipped kitchen connected Whht lh* ** flrat and aecoml doors w»»h n eywtaan of dumb wattera. Tha hone >ka» tha social room will he dletdoff fifteen rooms of varying atega, dStflbf ' can be connected with taldlag'dftMjhPl and will he used delusively fgr ggph ent activities. The north ahd gjjSt reitenalons will provkda uaaxtnra Jtfr musical cluba. Collage yuMlMpm. the atudegL.cotim.il. county tSt .ifhlrtlc tg. f ' - .-.a'-u ..r*a raici Fits cmk- *' .... * .k. * - '' • •'