1 WEATHER CimM IlMbr IU Xui*;, I K*WWjr tkaader vhoaerv »—n m ■ 1 1 ~~ Friends of F. Mintz Backing Him for Os fice i ■ )Mount Olive Man Has Staunch Defenders As ,to His Welfare Ability Peace Is Gone Where Grasshoppers Moan For \ . Hay Following Yesterday’s Move FORMER REPRESENTATIVE HAS AN EXCELLENT RECORD • 11 Peado over the matter «f Jtli« au-1 pettnteadeat of public welfare has, gone "where the woodbine twlneth and the grasshopper* moan for hay> or la Jhe word* of the remarkable Mark Twain, anyone thinking that Fred Minted friend*, both Iq Mount Olive oad Goldsboro and the real of Wayne county, '’didn't get. mad about him being characterised a* "one Fred Mintz" are "full of the Juice of the royal prune " Mr Mint# didn't have anything to nay himself, but there graant any thing left to be aald after Ills j ftfend* got through talking uny way. Jhe fact that anyone would dare tnalnuate that Mr Miotzwa* one Fred. made 'em mad to atari __ jSh. and then hla friend* aald they ■“'Ph be *a» fully qualified to t*e •• auperlntendent of public welfare If be wanted to be and to prove the . assertion they ouly pointed ’the all-j ent finger tp Sir. Minu s reacord as j a public figure. Thl* Is the record. J and admittedly a nice one: . Fly* terma In the state leglala tare from Wayne county. Was chair-! ■A'/ of the eootmitUM' on education "to the gcnaral MaejPhlv when that «wu ml tide if* «* Mggeat In the IftnleUttifY; |{a sponsored the <-ei tlfloMlH ‘P'ddWber. bill that ha* ' ravolutlonlm the educational ays tem of the state. He waa chairman > of the Health committee In the I general assembly when the great health program wan put on In this statennd hla personal effort* for the bill Is the reason tor its existence t today. There hasn't been a bigger man In the legislature thuu Kred Mints, according to bis friends who arei coral MEN ON to mm hr am »pi m> m now < Lhenxml Cotton Bxcluuvkv To Changes at Meeting fT« lIK EFFECTIVE IN OCTOBER 1921 * , 'jj* .■ Waafclactoa. July 14.-Two donen - teadiag wMw men from various aorta of the couairy havve accord Ik* lavßatteo of the Department of Agriculture to participate in the conference hero *u«n wlihi C. R fiVlef and P. J Y|jilcy. rep re muil • Inc the Liverpool rollon annot'latloir* will present association* re common- I acun- I, 4anh an 4 M the hay declare* Him •0 effort to chan***' a year In nil- j , ./lade an «lwt will h*«ipade. Tue*- *» into ef fect at the bactaatuc of the year in October. 1914. Among thoee accepting l« C. W. I Johnson of Charlotte Smokeless Powder Make* Brilliant i Light Against Sky NAtlHVlUii:. Tenn.. July U r l l Twelve thouaand pound* of amohe-' Wdtti powder, manufactured at the Oldj 1 Hickory Powder plant near here riur- I In* the war to' fleht the Hun iant was a prvrotechnli'al plwythlna ■ w hich made a pretty light. Declared i W defective, the a torn a e bulk waa heap! I ad In a maaa. lighted wltli a torch and aent hundred es fact into the air. Ha brilliant re dagalnat the aky waa a««n In Xaahvllle. 11 mllea awny. Yaatarday Iva Other leu were bora* •i- „ . . • .*«« \ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS i n«»t alow In fight for him for the office of auperlntendent ( of public welfare If he Is a candidate for the Vice, and admittedly he la At ohe time be was prominently n.Vnnoued I for speaker of the bouse, nnd has been repeatedly urged % run for atato offices, but bis business would not permit Mr. Mlntt's friends mulntuln'Thut as a social worker he Is not the beat In the world, but be Is far from the worst. He has tact, they maintain and a wide and sympa thetic knowledge or the good coun ty of Waype. These two qualifica tions glone. they assert, are the baats for a good superintendent of public welfare. "Tbla Is not ‘Dame Rumor mon keying aronn4t'" one asserted very positively. "If It comes to a show i down I am perfectly willing that anyone know how I stand on the I matter." { "There hasn't been a social w-el | fare conference In this stute In | years with but two exception*, that Mr. Mintx hasn't attended." another romarked. "find I know further that Mr Mlntx Is g* we'll read on the subject as any tnsn In the state" Tbp uounty commissioner* main mined a divorce alienee throughout* t4>« 4uy as the (ampest In the t<-a- 1 'pot raffed They only grinned and 1 ebanffgd the subject when the mut ter was broached. The school board wa* not approached on the subject when the commissioners set them such u bad example by *no; talking. Both these 'todies meet In u wr* session night when the matter wilt be definitely settled IEVEREB SPEAKS TO COMMERCE BDDY THEM NIGHT I / _ Seercltiry’s Report To Show Remarkable Work of ■ Chamber for Year OTHER FEATURES OF DINNER guest of the Chamber of Commerce ind the principal ►,**k*r *: •Uv j annual dinner of, the 'hamt*.*' In i* | Tuesday night Fveretl will I arrive here Tuesday afternoon n:vl | will l.e the gucat of the iiu.mb»*- 1 I'm the l|mi' of his arrival The swretary. Walter C Iten-J f mark, l>a* about completed his an-l 1 iiuul report, and wfll havve It ready lor the meeting Tuesday night The report for be year shown anuaoal growth during the P*»t 4 twelve month*, and an unusual Interest be i Ing taken by the member* of the 1 chamber. , The work of the depuli lyu lit 111 | ; some lines ha* bea u remarkable. Tin traffic department in some lines ha. I I teen remarkable The truffle d«>- partuient haa ■ actor tH v *lhf development of tht community, and the work of See retary Denmark has beeu of un on j usual nature The securing of bet ter niall facilities, the Interentlng o' outatde capital In Goldslroro posai billtle* baa been among the oat 1 Mandiog work* of the year. A com- . plete report of the year will lie car-' Tied later lu the week BARRYMORE WEDS IRENE SENWICWj Rome. Italy, July" 14 Mias Irue Senwlck and Lionel Barrymore, j American celebrttles were married ; at the capital here today They Y’tf ; for Venice tor a hojit-ymonji The Hoysl CommlkaloneY* of the ' j Municipality had - xpressed a doatr* ' to perform the ■■eimmtmi hut wqg deatned by a prevloaa mgagmsal la secorioncs with If Kan oaatom the briffs and groom inkanffnl I rf*n , j COMMUNITY FUND ■ GOES TO 5331)0 WITH 11500 TO GO <* - • Lionel Weil Puts Out Want Att for a 11500 Man To Finish It FIFTY PER CENT SMALL SUBSCRIBER*^ 1 The community- memorial fund bus reached and Uouel Weft's greatest want at the ffresent time Is a man who will flnl*h out the other *1.500. It Is'Mr Weil's dr ternilpDtuu lltut the full iS&.OOO he raised so all those who want to see 'the driva end, mgibt us well come across with j 1.500. |!p to the preseul time over fif ty per cent ot the subscriptions have been small ones, u very unusual thing In drives of this sort. Mr 'Weil stated that I not her drives In Goldsboro It hsd always been the case that at least 60 Opcr cent of the subsccriptlon was made .up by large contributions from a few men anduwomen. i A* soon is, the aubucrations are the letting of a contract, work will paid In sufficient amount to justify begin on the new building Very 'ti tle grading will be necessary on the lot. which Is Just opposite the court bouse on Walnut street, und when the work, ,doee stsrt It will be but a short time until the building will be completed cons JURY IS CONVINCED MRS - KEPNER MURDERED —— & Body Wm Exhumed und Physi cian* State That She v Wat BMP' FIRST THOUGHT A SUICIDE . *■> Frederick., Maryand, July 14 - Mrs. Crease Him mo ns Kepner, wife of U E. KvpnW’ an architect of Frederick camv to her death on Juou at the hands of sore* pejgowUnki>wg, the coroners Jur-- duoided In Its verdldt here thll a.- tsrnoon The ;ury its de cision in two hour*. Mr. Kepner. waa found lb a room is the farntlv ■ home with a bullet hole- In the head Immediately after the verdict wa* announced State Attorney A. R Anders said he deplored the dec!*- . . 100 44s aald he was not In favor of calling a special session of the grand. Jury 4o consider the can*- A Wood, the coroner who gave the , previous verdict -of suicide did not hold an Inquest anil his decision >was disputed by Mrs. Kepner's family At Ibeir request the body of Mrs Kepner was exhumed ami an autopsy performed by three phy sicians AH three doctors agreed In their report that Mr*. Kephe/- could not have shot herself as the 0 course taken by the bullets through the bead hnd Its point of entrance Indicated thut It would linvev been impossible to do so FEDERAL AGENTS Seize 200 motor BOATS AT DETROIT DETROIT. July 14 Federal pro hibition agents, assisted ley represen tallres of the Treasury Department. | last night and earls today seized 201) motor boats off Ecorse. Wyandotte Trenton In Hie down river district' The operations were conducted In ttM face of an angry mob who. accord ing lo the .officer*, attempted at one J tint* to dynamite a small bridge giv ing agrees to A well. BK I) BU G I S RECEIVED FOR GREAT SACIFICE Washington. July 14 The de- . . pertinent of agrlcoltureg offer to buy I.2 Is-,I hogs for It* In secUcklr experiment -'■station al Vienna has not been without re sult. ■> Today a single hag shipped from Philadelphia In n tiny t pasteboard lan rear bed the ala j Don alive und well and rsady to ■ make the supreme sacrifice In the name of science Officials would not disclose the exact ad draao of the martyr’a former -■ im.ll ~WI. I . . - lll-,. - '.ST=" '' t LOLRAIMIRO, K. to rW XBIY MOVING, JI I.Y li, UWX *-. 3u^ r ,t. ' '■' * ° Dewey’s Grandsons Sailors Too j Them* two granrlaonn of iKc late Adufirul Dejt.’w hate ambit lots to can tor* an enemy tleet, too. They are sianlog Jn Ik* bottom f»,« boys ara Richard and Orville Ib:w*y. |»<>th of them nit uiliCfa of thg District of Columbia Naval reaerve The photograph waa i.uid* just fwfur* ths rwaervm l*ft on a practice c 1 utaa. ... .. .a.jiLs . GOLDSBORO MAN RESCUES ME FROM DROWNING Dr. T. A. Monk fietff WoMvn] Oul of Water Al HWorcnt When Haft Turflw HIS WIFE’.WAM * **« * ' - ONE OF THEM Dr T A Monk, of JO* Koruegay ri»-*vi or- Urerlgk qf his own Ufs rescued three women from drown ing at HIU Crest last Tbnfsday it ternoon. Dr Monk said poshing about lb») in', urritnce tu -friends In Goldsbord. hut eye wfinvsses told the stpry, “Which la otsu ot dtarotsm unadorned. . , r Four women serf ob aJj#-float 1 tng rail whV» hr-th wawr dyer tjie head of e'reg a |all b* fspo . J ii* 1 women, ambng tbe tu lbs doctors ■ wife, got too. near 1 the edg* Ot- Ui< I 'raft and It .llpix-d sligtltly. throw- j lag lhani all ofi their bahuicn into f the water over their liegds. NMI of, thi'ui could swim. Doctor Monk who was swimming, uci«t the raft heard their cries uud'l xuu Ui the rescues lie pullud in his wife tilrst und went after the other .women who were Htrogl.llng and strangling nearby. One Soman managed t omakn tne raft bat the other two went down for ths aec- > ond time. Dr. Monk was able to pull them both to safety after a slrugglg) which wonl.d bava rmn pleiely exhaualed an ordinary maq, 1 High praise of "Dr Monk's herntxm f is heard on the street* today, and many who saw the struggle *u) ! that the feat wa* remarkable. « TEX RICKARD IS MYSTIFIED .0 V E R FOREST STATEMENT; Trainer Snys That Flrpo Would i qKntvr “Siauifhlrr flouae” If Hi* Meets Jack New Yolk. July 14 IBy the As suclated I'rsaa.j—Texa Hikard, tgu ing promoter who 1* negoilatliig with Jack Kerns for a flgfit' het.wev-n 1 Dempsey and FUrpo for thn worlds heavyweight cLa/r>» toffy hip early In I Hepfemiter mnlglit he was , mystified by the *|j|l*u»«pit of Jim my Forest that thq-AfViptldd would enter a ''alaughlar.pmiiefc If 'h* en t*r*d a ring with Dnni«aiev In Iswr than four months. "I rannot understand ” b* fc aUl 'Onlv» yesterday Forest lofd'Yhe Kir-i p*> was reday and able to meet ;iny one ■hi Ilk- w orld , Rlkard declared he wa- not tiand . : ling Kirpoa Interests bus . was n - got luting whh Karns ton-Hii Iteizip*,) fight soon Three Gormans Court-Martialed By Belgians AIX I.A CHAWPI.IJK July 14 •By lb* Ai.‘sih mud I’rt-r * I A B«*! ; atoa cour t nucrUal Ur a, ;<>dg} 141 ■Mmed the death pensltly Spaa three . P™ '&*' lM4mlk iqt-a&vsc ... ~»-T V 4.1 '" ' » COMISSIOK WILL MEET WITH Km BOARD i' ’ _ *• Joint S«HHion To Elect Superin-! tendent of Public Welfare w»m, msrrss SC'HOOU UIIIKJRT The Hoard of county commission ers. of which 1.. J: Itaney la chalt man. anil the Ixiard of education of, Ike i minty meal In Joint aesalqp boro loufbrrow to decide the matlor of a superintendent of public wel fare. and other mattera which will come tup for discussion. among the approprlationa for the uiunljr school* for the coniine school year. The" meeting promises to b« one •of the most Interesting or U»*» veal i on account of the pseudo-scrap now ! going on between two factions for | the office of the superintendent of" ! public welfare. The metier Os the school biutke* will not take much time as the two hoarda hare practically come j •to an attrenmeht on the subject. It Iji not sure- that they will agree on J the other matter , l FAItF 011 R WAS (INK OF FIRST IN FIRET DEPARTMENT | L. Served When Bain’ii 1 Fill her Wa* ihc Chief of Fire Depart meni • Twenty-ffcreot ythiJ* ago John Jo “-eph Kaifoor. Manclaled wllh Georg - , l-arfour Htil aa chief, by Horace King a (aw years later ang J h« many ponui* VHI remember. Under • chief hlagt tu > had a reel lire de- atid during this lima there tw.«a developed an honor system foi the volunteer department and Mi cKnrfo.up wor. the gold madal lot three years In 'honor of maintaining tio- la st reeord dor being first to the engine boose on this sounding of the fife alarm Mr. Kerf opr »t|)e * r * . Wayne Co. Court House Gifted Head of State Fair Makes Eloquent Pki for Co-Operation :x * v ■ WANTS IT TO BE STATE-WIDE EXHIBITION ■ l " »A » . -:- '; * "Tlo- itr roper function of a state j Fttlrr. or any other fair. Is not the amusement of pleaamre-weckers." de rlared Mr*. Kdlth Vanderbilt, Pros- Idem of tbd North Carollmi Agri ewltursl Sovietv. la an oddr«*'s h*-re yesterday. ‘lt la for the de velopment along proper lines of edu cation In agriculture, industry aad general knowledge" Mr Vaaderhlll said the mistakes of Ihr past and hopes far the fu | lure should l»e brought out (dearly I*o that farmers might visualltc where they can plant heller crops and "ronlli* bigger return# -where Industry may' learn lessons of bene fit and where the gonl'of art that la good for everyone may It* placed In away that In easy to under stand, that. I*.-by the use of one* eyes and earn." "The other ' function of .a' state 1 J fair." Mrs. Vanderbilt continued "In Its value to the state as a 1 | whole la displaying in attractive ■ fashion *u ihat U will bring not on-, |ly exhibitors of the country’s best t but people from other state* and pff'rt* of the,rountry to see what our 1 state baa to eshlblt **! will venture to nay there I* no | other state on the Atlantic (tea- 1 , board that can present so much in < Ih* way of natural resources as. North Carolina ! will slab ven | tare to ntett that todaf u Htate j . Knit qa natnte-xflffg. ffagls sad ft nan • ’ dally organ'. 'ed would do more or * North Carolina In flv# years than a ; million dolUts spent Ip any other way Even with th-v Hunt-1 '1 i:i llee and moan . of ia*, ys.tr wr* drv I klioarlng goo I < oiwm-at from as fori North as N»*w H;,mp.t'i!ie. V«rrt| ! 'west from tVi*coa«in. \V *r.t In Indi ana aad - Mlaaourl The whole Booth Is waking' up tb wwbat a State Fair will do toward* boosting Iba Htate ahead. '"Our cattle exhibits were consid ered verjf line and cattle breeder* throughout the country have pot wgrj fair on their list Our department* , are receiving equal attention X^TJz* —f«jr is owned sad run by he North V*roUna Agriculturnl Bp clety. This la s membership organ ization whdse list I* In, jo wine re-, strteted Anyone may join who ' 9J)Hr sirs TWELVE i HOUR SHIFT 500# 1 TO BE MB ' Steel Corporation Plans To Eliminat* Trouble in Noxt * HU Week* \ , *» * FULFILS PLEDttE MADE TO HARDING \t»w York. July t# Klbeft Gary today mulf It plalu that th*- Pelted riluift Steel Corporation of. ‘which lip la head pin lined within ill week. '■) begin elymln.itin* th* 11 bom day In lla plant*. It wan reported i In Wall street that the rest of the industry would follow ault and that '.Ho pMl* mad*’ o President lUfJbj tng i-oneernlng the much attacked shift gradually would be redeemed I it iu under date of Jane XT that director* dFthe American Iron and .Steel Inatftuta wrote the |>r#a|-j don' that "they were determined at your command to seccure In the lion und at eel Industry of ihl* coun try a total alteration of the !.i hour day at tha eartleat tltae poaat ble. Hanutuiel iioui|>erj, pie«ldent of | the American Federation of Labor and other labor leader* hit oa ttK bla" and exprvaaed their akeptlciem* phraae “At‘the earlieat time poaai A little, later Mr. Gary In M In-j tervtew declared the larreaalaa (a- i bor Bitptillea fcoiu the negro** from i the South and Meltbo. the Philip-1 pine* und abroad led him to believe , fiihat Ike Initial step* should be 'tah i en eiwin but *llll no time limit war t l turnllotted ' T(*j*y. howeverfl Mr. i Gary declared "N*v .ball probably I 'ooUMneii* e «< lively to reduce the number of tereive hour workers 1 * I ( i S' e ■. .■ ■■■■ ■i* MEMBER OF > - ASSOCIATED PRESS - - •. price piti cevn ■— » has the Interest and will to'do tsn. ' It la dot In any way h private cor poration Idr making money In fact ts we can sutireed Id demon - atratlng the" value of the Fair 'na n State Fair and a Sl*llnstitution be legislature will he naked to take „ It over. look, slock and Anrrrl and rnn It na aticb Thai la tk<* logical com Itiston of the enterprise “This section of North Carolina has not manifested any iHtftlrular In tereat In the Stale Fair, ugd I must confess I rln at a lose In under stand this attitude I am aura tp« _ matter has not tMfors beet In tbe proper tight adp the purpose of my visit betjFdt* ’ Hay # "You ha 1 # so our excellent HfgUßjSsM uugl community (<»lrs and lygHf gested that' tbe lies! front aent on to Raleigh aa ug collectively rrom such • otml community and ceuaty ridr fa aIPMa pm Lent lust Ituiton and ahonld Rm teeder for the that* Fair. 5 "In the flret place I to have .and f h«|u- it *in iif no. ranged, an exhibit from this • and city Tbla should Ittclgde A thing of which ytyu are prt>j*d 'Second, I w uuld Ilk# lo have an exhibit from >nmk «gp- I cere that la product p* «uy ■ lias the right to Third. I would more than Mm» Ml see enough InUmot^n^^eMPjky {in the North Carotins , Society. , •' thing Indeed, ir set aside one day in the WeerfNjK'- cfelr for the people of tbla -eMIgR to come en masse Then we |MgM4 * > secure special trains and rga eggjgp alons And lastly, ptenae that these things which I am ajffi|i lag of you to do ere net fey my hags edt but fur your own good anpYHMg| good end glory of tb. old North Mre Vaederbiu asM herj through eastern North rarming primarily for the pur, hiss of pm moling the latere*t df the North Carolina slate fair and to sttaMy late Interest In It end the <-e«nty and communly fain of theostale. TYPHOID FEVER IS EPIDEMIC NW v THREATENS HERE Three 4Wn of Dreaded * Now Vn GokUbon Anf^ More Expected TWO 4 (HA)HED \ND ONE WHfl* Goldaboao I* seriously threwnad with a tvi.h.dil i-pMeml* MKoMM# to reporta from Ahr depart*u-rU (ntV health Three ca*K> have beet «§»-* pond within tbe iik. (wo not ored apd one whl4h The white case jl» on .Vrlnptfc atreet and both the ceae* aih j it 10-orgetown All thr-- ,er#nn» kre »e Hourly 111 and the dcpaiiW* lt». expect. Other ea*e* to he r< l«rt*4l at any time. Typhoid cad be av%d*d |r. Jo*-, me way. and that la through H typhoid aerum which ta given truer® of charge by the department The health department Mate. that dnyd Per.ijp refusing to take the aartttn la Jeopardlxlng pot only their ow* health, but often the health of nth era around them. Yesterday afternoon and yeetwr day morning over a hundred too* the aerum at tbe haaitb oglce A I trip each week ** taken Idlo the cxsjnty and over fuor bundled have been taking th* tralm*nt. Typhoid I* u. ginning to he re garded almost la th* name tight aa smallpox One* a dreaded disease i that on* went through life fearnlg, now neatly avoided through ploper ! raccloahm methods ' -■-.•y.,.. It t " l .i/i *■ iZSti ifTv'Hs