j t ■ u ■ 1 1" **'—t l-a-aaSgr | t VOLUME TWOi NUMBR* ISS l« if Offt-iaeAl ‘ < '■ .M . • Jt*vl ■•> 'll* flC# HTTPUiOHI HI Hu i bifiQiiv in JVmCLE HIES J Os SEIM MS ■t ■ jTrP- . iMtiM -r Wlut J “ AMe m p*y Jflp article % BE LAST yjkr 14. c*l O H Hutchinson ‘ - u *. a *. c. Ammon the nur statement* that W*n tended to erente an tppruMlo* MMU GormanfWis tricking ktr eredl imp. -mm tiff **en more persistent & mt dfiketivAto* that compering the IjWttem I* fflpoMay »nd Great Brit- Mo. It ku kMi Mid that while tb* L|;»|oH» English contribution to tax* tloo lo nsarly thirty pound* per bead Os the population, that or tbc German populace la about aa many shillings tt la Impossible lo nay whenec* the*# eattoale* originate »r bow I titty are peached, aaleaa no me bod; Bos 'translated the German taxation lo gterks Into Ita equivalent In Eng Hah pound* UerlißC Then, aa more than two thouaaad mark* are r# paired to purchaae the pound juat ;.o sow. M la quit* *a*y to make out e 5 aoee. Unfortunately lor tbe German ha lo oof able to pay hie taxation Ir Bqglish bank ootoa. he muat pay Ii the paper currency of hi* own coun tip. So when we come from th< rather nebuloua region of propagan SO Sown la the bed-rock or fact*. w< •n dtbat the German la taxed In - fashion that would create somethin; H akin |n a revolution In this country •In Germany they get down to tb foundation* and they tax directly th . man wok has vesy little. In Eng l land those who earn IIS pounds r year or lose have no Income-tax ti POP. thootb their contribution* Ir » ladlract taxation are abaurly heavy Too. minor, beer, tobacco, and th< ihqiglT - amwaemont* are all caller' I Upon to aid exchequer Th» oocher* of UH* country have bear fpgapd io OMfe a hoovjr eqptnbuttor h» Urn price of ‘Victory.' nod tbelt rafte* I* tba matter df.MeMn*-tow would to mrnm vmm bwtaaNd pf tiiSh [hldfmi Chargqs even If It had nM bMO oaUealy %*d #u‘ «» *•"* i yodoetloo Os wage* doe. If the truth \WtMd. to reduced trade which la Ita tor now owe to the claim for fan tactile reparations. The married man escqpqa on tin tot MS pound* of hi* income. 3f ‘pound* la remitted on account »of th. Sl«t child, and tt? for those wh< ' Mbv In the United Stataa *« 1» r come of lto dollar* escape* tax a tlmi. la the case of a married mar tba limit Is t.MO dollars, while 2.•!*•**Hix 'ha' vXmii Oritaln prld.-* Lot Self. an upon her r ‘ T *' '»» «• ‘‘J . 0 pay enorntou i I »' tt't.' I ’ Jig Used up to the hilt. Them sound Judges who hoK that the limit* of productive taxation have been reached. If not panned, and (•A a pp extension of the exlatlog p imposition * will InAlct damage, rath- L or thaa coaler beneftt upon tho Mate Yot we *ee when we come to waamloe the flguree. that Germany. wMoh lo Imporartabad ao far »* the rank aad Ale Oermaa* la con cerned hi peylM mor® do * *.* no’la fae's e rim l> L." wMeh happily there le oo parellel la thle country. It will be seen too that the net lo spread mode widely la Germany than In Eogland and that tanttlu begin* on quite small la ,"w*r'have too much trouble <»ur aelvea about flatter of taxation to I apace any of compaa l MOO for other people- hut when we * . remember that the young married ■MI la Germany who earn* the euwtvMeot of i\ - a day has to pay la | „Otm» tag aad thM the ta> rtaee lo etaedlly lacreaalng proportiooa* ex needtag earn at every tori. H ta a little aboard to saggeet that the k mmmommdjMmMm tomtoMMfi . — - ! * ' »- - THE GOLDSBORO NEWS MEMSRUL SEffitCES II CHI HOUSE IT EHElpilll Q+rw It. Ptmm wmt Ken Mtk C RpyiSlf Spook on vtko Proof dent Both oo Mood aad ao o Official , JUILL GOLDSBORO EXPECTED TO JOIN All Goldsboro Will a toad with Its bead uncovered and Ita heart heavy at Ave o'clock tbfe ehweai when tho body of Warrea O Harding, once President of tbe United State* I* low erod Into Its eternal resting place In the IIUIs cemetery la Marlon. Ohio. have been taauqd. request* have boast eaot out. aad the people will gather la front of the court bouse at I o'clock *« pay their past email trthaet to the memory of a man tho feast of which caa be said of him la that ha was a good rnaa. Whistles will sound forth, belli will toll and aa the sue goes to rest out la the wool. Ootdsboro will pay Its tribute to name of the President and to the msamry of Ita late occu pant. Warren G. Hard lag Thoke In charge of the sere monies at the court Immim wtab that a* toiay aa possible will ha peasant and hear the speeches to bo made by Oeorge Freeman and Kenneth Royal an the President as a President aad the President As n man. Bshop Hughes Speaks «r the Fatherhood of God •W’lfo* • , __L_ I-ok# Junaluska. N. C.. Aug. d.— God was spoken of under the title of parenthood only e*V*n times In tb* OM Testament, declared Bishop csdwta H. Hughes of the Methodist Episcopal Church, la aa address at the Southern Assembly her*, unde, th* auspices of the School of Mission* of tbs MoikOdlM Bptscodni Church •Booth. 4U AN Os tb#**, Bfobap Hughes said. Be Wad dalMd tb* “fath »r «♦ tbe h«bk people: la only two Die father of Individual men. In the Old Testament there I* only one pray er addressed to God as "father," de clared the speaker. • ‘‘But." continued Bishop Hughes, "after Jesus came and taught, tbr vpell of orphanhood waa broken. 8< MI times la Us New Testament Oo< I* named under tbe title of father hood. Thus the parental aam< sprinkles the records of the new cov enaat. "But thnt doctrine of parent boot does not atop wltk.God alone. W* an to be ‘like Him.’ If we do - become like Him. there muat be In us th< growth of his owo seas* of parent hood. He called the palsied mat who must have been older than him self by the earthly calendar, ‘eon’ . md He called the woman who touch «d tbe hem of bis ganaeat and whop the contest reveals as surely olds .than Christ 'daughter.' It would no' be natural for so young a man t< do this now; and It ta all sn evl dence of that overflowing parents mood that .was la Christ aa the rave lattoo of God. foil one of these per sons (? whom Christ showed lb fatherly nature waa a foreigner—ou beyond the uncovenonled mercies o Israel. But Ibe divine fatherhood Ir him claimed that fragment of thi world. * "If must be so with us. ‘lt Is not th* will of your father la heaven that oa* Os these llttleooea ehoultf-uperlsh. Why* Just because He Is the 'fkth er.' „That wpgd purged of the weak ■ess end aeivUmeOtilMy - which w. too often associate with It. carrier the gospel In Ita hearts. “We speak of the 'child races ’ Th< phrases Is suggestive here. Are there parent race# thee? If so. where are they? Th* reply must be tho#* races that have gotta* In th* hearts of tbelr people tb* divine nature Is parenthood. “The progress of life Increase* that MBS* In {he true people of Qod Either by the experience of parent hood. Ml by the iiwrea* of th* P*ren tal Instinct, that mood grow* In all tbe foUowofs. of mid dhd give# tbe most of ua st least two chaage* to IK Ita meaning. In our A Ist bom* where parental lone siwf eare flow toward us. and In our second hom*. where our love and care flow toward our children There map even rome the experience of grandparents wherein w* have our third com men tary. AH lAt* gives u* the stlltud* of flod towaN the chlldrea In all lands who** w* would redeem. "Bishop McDowell tells that oa hie visit to India on* of tha last scene* Includ'd a satire child Who horr flowera to tb# Blshefihn*?®- w *»® ~m' ply folded the child la her arms f I at be symbol of our Chriattae atf ludr towaN nil tb* child race* • tb* Heavenly Father: and II Is t* missionary Impute* aad argument which'era must not neglect In all our speaking sod giving until we fulAl' tesaitfur *— GOLDSBORO, N. C„ FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST I*. IMS Harding Now Sleeps Under T Roof Os His Boyhood Home Awaiting The Day Os Burial LINES REACH SIX BLOCKS FROM HARDING HOME MARION. Ohio. August *—At •:M o'clock thle evening a linn of persons six to eight abreast and amending from the Harding home to tbe ofAoe of the Merlon Star a distance of ai> blocks had been In tba Inin panning Urn bier of the dead president. Rome of those In the 'ins bad waited patiently for more than two boars to gat a Aaal look at the face ao Tamlllar to them The crowd was ao largq that Mr*. Hwrfllag lhnuunced that the body would oontlnu* to lie In state until midnight If neces sary 4 MERCHANTS OF COTTON STATES TO HOLD MEET Memphis, Tenn.. Aug 99.—Practi cal talk* by business man an statesmen of the nation will feature tbe program announced for fh* rollon fltetc* Merchants’ Con vention to be held here August It. II and 24. f The convention will be called to order on the morning of August 21 at 9 boclock, by H. 8. Morrison, of Earle. Ark., president. Mayor Rob ert Rowlett P*nts will dsllvef the address of welcome following Invo cation. Norman H. Johnson. Rk-tintnnri Vs.. Hoc rotary of the Southern Whole agio Dry Good* Association, will ecank qn the "Keynote" at 9: So Theodore if Price, of New York. wIL follow wRb an qddraas on “The Roaring Lion on th* Hill of Busi ness Difficulty." Mr. file* Is editor of Ufmmerc* aad Finance. ‘TJovsrnmsnt Aid to Agriculture and Business," te the subject of Oeorge R. Jones, member of (be Fed eral Reserve Board, of Washington The conference subjects for the' Amt day will be "Advertising and flailing.'' Tb* general dlecuneln wlll be presided over by Normro Jl Johnson, assisted by Bob-and Otlio Mooney, of Temnle. Ohio., and Jantev V. Bleb. Milwaukee. WU. “ On* the second day United States flenetor Carter Ola**, pf Virginia. U scheduled to dollver aa address al 10:30 o'ctock. Thomas K. Kelley. President of the Progressive Buies manshtp Institute, of Minneapolis. Minn., will speak alao In the morn ing m "Keeping Your Stock Mov ing. Committees are te be snnuomod by the President at the opening of the second day. "Meeting competition." h the con ference subject for the second dny The general discussion will be cen tered upon tbe subject "How tu Coun-, ter the Aggressive Chain Store* end Mall Order Houses."V Norman H Johnson will preside ovfcr tbe dla tiiaslon. aided by Boh and Otho Mooney, Jnafba W. Flak and Fred High. Oscar W. Underwood. United flutes flenetor frdte Alabama, will be thr principal speaker on tbe last day of the conference, hie subject being "European Conditions and How they Affect tbe Farmer. ' Howard W. Ijarrtngton. of Moline. 111., will speak at 9:30 a. m. ( ummlttaes will report oa the last day and officers will then be elected for tbe eext year. A question box will be conducted at 11 o'clock In which th« delegates will he expected to participate free ly, presided over by Norman h Johnson An entertainment program con stating of n hoot ride on the Mississ ippi.' water varnlyal and barbecue ha* bera worked out by the commit tee la charge. ■* The barbecue, the last of the *n tertalujiient features, la to tie staged at th Tri-State Fair Ground*, wllh preparations mud* for the' accom modation of l.AOfl guest*, the commit tec onnnunced. FOOTBALLALREADY BEGINS TO RISE Uarkavllle, Tenn.. Aug 91.—After the opening of tb* football season by the Southwest Presbyterian Ualver alty eleven here n# September 29. with Morin*-ElUett College. Houtli weatern will face three bard bat tla In a row. when- they meet Be wanec. University of Mlaalaalppl and Memphis “Doclor#."’ for the uexi three contest* aonoNlng to tb* 1923 SKs*** - R c K ** D * y ' Those Who Knew Him As “W. G,” And “Bom” Line Hie Streets As Funeral Car Gives - ■ Him Up Forever Into The Hands of His Friends . • Y-e Maroe. Ohio, Aug *.- (By the Aa soelatad Press)—A one time country .ulltor cam* back today to *lv*p for a algbt again under hie " lather's ie»f In Marion and with jit* came the grief.of th* nation, of the world, that be w«w dead. Warren Harding was bank again among the neighborly folk of his home town. Th# brief day of Ms greet nans was but a memory t rem it red by the aalloa Hta life work was doe*, tbe a I oof sees of hi* high place ended Th* home folks who had held back when last he came eomag them awed by the majesty “that doth hedge a king" now came eagerly lo look the last time oa hi* dead fe&. peaceful with the calm or eternity. It wee easy to believe that th* genial .soul might easily break th* bounds of th* dead and move the still lips In happy greetings to th* throngs of old friends la the modest parlor *f his father's boats. To Mm they bed always been "Tom," “Jack," and "Bill" and be had beta ~W. 0," aad "Boss' In the happy days before a people bad called Mm to service to tb* Bag Tim* was whew he told them face to face of the "heavy heart" wttb which bn realised they held back from Harding the President a* they bad anvnr kept Moot from Harding, the man. . TBTit waa Harding the man and not tbe President that came beats today and It la Harding the uien who will be laid asleep tomorrow in a spot near when* Me mother Mas asleep. Where his Aaal meting ptnee will be M still undecided tee be* Is Marl one greatest son. But no pU* baa been proponed that will take Mm from th* quiet presence ot hta own dead la that little burial ground with neighbors all about taking their ease from Ilf*. A thronged borne town awaited to day tor twi second coming of a neighbor called by deetlny since be waat.oht two yeqra ago amid shoot ing and Joyous acclaims to take bis place la ?Washington and guide a mighty nation through troubled wa ters. Only one brief visit to betp homefolks to celebrate. But tbl* coming was greater than that for he came In the added dignity of death, aad weighted with sorrowful honor* from, all tha world. As tb* funeral car which had car ried him rolled In a few national guardsmen lined the way abefed to keep th* crowding neighbor folk* ol Marlon back a Ittthm way The gbaetg of boner seat by th* nation to share In Marion'* day of grief lifted Ihi heavy burden down again snd placed th* casket In a grey hear** for thr short trip to the boyhood home. Tb< cabinet members stepped down fron tbe platform snd then Mrs. Harding coming so rtbe second Uni* sines sb left so blithely at her husband's side to share with him the highest honoi a nation can bestow upon s cltlnen Th* reeolute courage that has kep‘ ibe stricken widow Arm snd entm Hi rough the Iqng ordeal of the long Proclamation By The Mayor Whereas. Warren G. Harding, tale Thief Eiaecutlv#" of these United flutes of Amsrtcp has paused to th« sreot beyond- It I* our binding duly and obligation To hallo* his memory snd mourn his death. It Is past understanding why th* bend of our nation, when et tbe (Ifigbl of bis embWlqp and glory. ItP nit down and goea forth to be seen no more. Tbe Supreme Ruler of the Universe knows and ffas the <)petlpy. of nur nation In HU hands and U Is Hta will and not ours,. The world movea on and (he name of Warren O. Harding, will bs re corded as tb* kindly, good, loving, and Christian President Whereas ws are a part nf thane United State* and wlah to have a part and do our share In mourning oar distinguished dead, and would not hare a right to be called rlllsens of this fair land If we fail In this ad occasion. Mow. Therefore. *|. Edgar H Bain. Mayor of tbe\UUy rtf Goldstetro. State of North Carolina,- do' btr*by r set aside Friday afternoon. Augual IA. IDI3. st Av* o'clock, as the hour for memorial, honor aad. respect for our departed president, At th* tolling of th* 9ra bell let It be a algagj for church bell* at uqr c|ly lo take Os foe pc si* qpd ring forth I* nrltmn toll of Hip (tenth! and burial of our grant chipC. r VH (her, sssemhie at 118 OtranJM journey, and trying days In Washing ton while the nation said Its mourn- Ul. yot proud fot-owell te her ileei 1 waa atilt with her ma she walked with heed erect to th* watting mo tor car. Dr. Harding'S home Is oely n few short blocks away from the station There the father waited to receive Ms great eoe at tbe modest thres hold. bowed, but still unbroken by the weight of yonrn sad sorrow. There Is n strong quiet strain of ceurape and endurance In adversity In the Harding blood. Tbe heed .of the beans ns It drew awny from the station st Inal up th* silent aisles tbs men sad women end hlldrea of Marlon had mads for this sad home coming wajksd the deed President * aides Than gin* tb* earn with tbe cabinet sad who had boon with the tuaernl train and who cam* at Mr*. Hardlnfe personal request Flunking the henre* the giihrd o' honor walked in column their uni forms* and those of th* two officer Isadlng th* way gave th* only toucl of military pageantry yto the scene NEWS OF COTTON COrOPS SENT OUT FROM CAPITAL Ralotgb. Aug. 9.—With the ap proach of a second season. General Manager U. B. Blaldck of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Co-opera tive Aasvclaliou announce* plana for th*' Inspreroaiait of tb* service req. derad tb* roembereblp. A compete tat corps of Held rproenfaflven, tfm- H«l la number, but thoroughly pite pared so rtho work will represent the association In the various cottas counties Tbe warehouse system, found tnsdaquat# last season will be enlarged. Borne new warehouse* ere bwtng erect* dead old warehous es arw being enlarged Arrange meat* are being mode for warehous lag cotton ot the porta of Wilming ton q«d Norfolk In order that ante tan b# made to better advantqgq “‘The association begin* tbe season with * competent cor pit ot claaaera naif warebauu receipts con ba comptet- N with lh* proper grades promptly the salts department has been strnjrthened and tt ts.tb* purpose ol tb* management to hare a regular rapreaootatlv* whose doty will be u call oet tb* maaufactnrera rtf th* two (’aroMa'es and advise them of the plans and purpose* of the coopera tive aaeochulon «*» i Rslelgb. Aug. 9. Tbe cloee of the A rst year of operation, shows the* ‘he North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association has receiver 1.16 420 bales of cotton, approxi mately eighteen per cent nf the total crop of lh* State--* fairly good showing so rtbe flnrt year and large •f percentage than la shown In th* reports oftaay cooperative notion as soclattoa la tb* South. ;•* 4. “ ———. (Continued on Page Three) at Av# o'clock all of our people for service in God asking fur guidance snd protection over n bereaved peo ple Itet all. at tha tolling of lb* bells, stand for one minute in silent attitude), ibe men and boys removing the hat. piecing It over the been n* s tribute to (hr dead. I«t the military organisation Are the estate and lap* lie sounded from all four corner* of lh* clly. |*t all eburebsa. religious organisations, social *ocls ties, buslnsss rjnbs. business houses, ire dapsrimenu, th* military, frater nal orders, and all orgnnlsatloas. ob serv* thi* occasion with all tbe seel, respect snd honor due In (be one who was oor greet president. lot your pal I) lons to the Almighty be that He will be with the foinlly, of nur Isle President. Ibat they may, •crept tbe vtsttallon of |he death an gel as Gnd's will ami tur the best. Pray tbal the new- president may have ibid’* ' blessing snd l»* given Wisdom snd guidance so as in gov erp this great nation Hi tb* best snd night way. In WltamM Whereof. I have here unto oof my bend and caused the seel of tbe (’lt) of Grtldshoro to he sfAxed. Don* at the City nf Goldsboro. N. 4L, thin the nlqtli ile* nf August. In j Ike panr us our Lord on* thousand lakM Bo»dre«l snd twenty three 1 EDGAR H. BAIN, M*yor ffIPMIKS mrsHEcnn FIHEMEfS MEETING Got* Water in 9 Second* Which Ib Beiitvod To B« th. * Quickest Known OTHER TOWNS TAKE SEVERAL I'RIZES Durham,- Jf. C„ A tig I.— I Today marked the does of tb* Ith annual convention of the N. C. Bjate Kirs msna Association held In this city for the past three dny*. It was de clared by many of the Bremen that tbl* year was the beet In the h(slaty of the association Tb* race* were tb* feature of the Anal day with l< towns being represented In them. High point estubllahep what was clslmed to be a world's record In the water contest when the loom Hum that clfy mad* th* run and 50.4 reeded in getting water through The hose In nine second* time Othei town* made good showing . The Anal meeting of this assorts tlonu was held In tb* auditorium o tb* Duke High Reboot at noon wttb Marly (AO In aUehdonc* hi the morning th* lAP rants rei race wa* run Wlnston-Bnlem wo* ' In II J-* seconds In the grab contest Hast Rpanoar won Bret place with If M seconds High Potat 2nd Winston' IN. Con cord 4th In th* afternoon High Point won Arst boners In Uw water contest making th* ran end getUof water In • seconds. mate*vlll* won Aral money I. tbs' chemical content while Klnetoa and Lexington won second place. Kin stoa making the money and Using ton given tjilN piano. GEORGIA ASSEMBLY NEARING CLOSF Atlanta. On., Aug. I.—With the 1111 kfssion of t&* Oeorgia General Assembly now In jta closing days leaders of the house today wars non Adaos. «k«h t (any ton rdm mod* ura lg enacted this summer It wit' be one of feur bills already pro posed. three of which have been rec ommended by the constitutional amendment* committee The three recommend*# measures framed by tb* committee after Gov ernor Walker bad urged a compro mise on numerous Mils being ooo i Ids red by the body, are a* follows: One proposing an Income tax lim ited to Ave per cent. Another which would establish both an Income tag and elMaJftoa lion l*vy. . A third propdulag n classlßqaUou tax. 2 a three propositions were sub id by tb* committee. H was Msl-d. to thnt either tb* income or ■ isvstAcatlon tax could be selected or If botb systems were desired they could be adopted by voting for tbe second bill Representative Bussey, of Crisp Is offering a substitute, for all thro* of the committee proposals. Briedy bis measure contain* provision* that no property now being returned tc county tax receiver* •hall he taxed for state purpose*, sxcept during war. luvaaou or Insurrection, whib 9*ll property returned to the Comp troller General of, Oeorgia shall b taxed for state purposes. A three personal tax on Issursnc* premium* also Is proposed along with a Jim ited Income levy. Mr Bussey’s measure Is s revision of a bill be Introduced early la tbr session and which was not adopted by tb* coastllutloaal amendments commits*. While thee* proposal* ere betnt considered, th* bill repealing the | state tax equallaatlos law. passed i? the bouse .Is beagles Are lo thr He nets. Th* leader* of the upper branch here stated they are awaiting action by tb« bouA on tbs-tax re form measure* before sctlng on thr repeal. FOREIGN NEWS V; DUBLIN. August count Plunh slt the noted Republican lender who was elected e Republican deputy to day waa released from tha military, Interment ramp at county Kildare, j Hr was arrested last April when by was enroute with Miss Mary Mc- Hwenney to th* funeral of I4aS| Lynch. DCBLIN. August D.—Tb# dail ?lrsann Anally was dlsaolved today. isaldsnt r'osgrave In bta speech pointed nut Ibat tbe .dall bad passed ct art* and hr thanked tbe dsputle* for tbslr rourteay snd coNlal co operation which thay have tb* gov ernment In Its dlfAcult lash. PAHIB. August 9.—A naval demon stration In Chines* waters by the European powers It wu learned to day Is under ronaklrration owing to aa sou rental condition In tbs Cbl-I wear navy Tbe Prsoch department! of marine* I* preparing so send two. cruiser* one of them sn armoured cruder If tba demonstration Is do-1 elded upon. . .k .w-, . ..1 e*o*roi s isi—omaoaei Muff SSqffjlfc MEMBER Os v U. J ASSOCIATED PRBtt] prick nvi oßivnr Mnr Har4i M SHE BHOWB SAME KEENNESB FOR HOME .MARION. August 9.—Ctoac ger man) (rloads of Mrs HnNtag who talked with her at bar arrival bora Ibid afternoon saM that She wap "landing up well under tb* Simla und showed ae signs of rTtlAfri Tbqy sold ska met the bumooothiag Ith lh* same fortitude that she bag always displayed ami daolarod TlWf •be wa* oat going to brook Akthg. They said' bar vole* w« Arm aad *he-showed tb* same hi i—Urdf fn isrest, in home folks as before tha daoth of bar husband - i' a . r A number ,of old '•u.p| Wj eeA #*W Star of Bee called if nTTmj|| borne ibis afternoon. They tdqßsafM that thay be permitted to v|*qr,|kß body of late “WO" privately. ‘Oq**, ly." Ura. MaNlay said. Too Id! aO tb* talk* oa tb* Btor they co« «MBd out tomorrow meqi>hff <«k JSm o'clock and I will jURIr After they had sxpeoseed tksir •ympalhy. "Yes. It Ip to# bod, MR I am not going te brook dd|9*. fid member me to *ll tb* folks ffiplfi* IHAMmTIItI NDUSTRIKSTOMWT K)WN AT FUNERAt. TO Mto-ta, MUr M Mu MU moiled to every Industrial ptof taH our.otty. -J Geottsama: W* are freqosaUy cqlM afMs '1 'row tbs regular ruutlar of boMBCas | •> pay owr last respecU to 1 whose Ilf* bos bqo« a Into tu shaping the destiny o< ]b#