ij| « • || PuSmIA gfAßgv ta ttnxSt^ P owr * . 1.1 H ... * TWO; NUMBMB t*7 SfIHKH MW , (In ii in 1 HilCITt DOTH! ygEk** 'TjIJME DBi: rAMINE 11 | 1 IffnUlH Aug 11-yovera- ' | Mlkrmntlon designed «o pra- i * suspension in en- I Hi—jHßl'nM. production after Septembtr 1 t*W( ho taken oorljr next weak. HL :%tkUe tutermation M to the esact ri ll I . followed la lacking KVjyapt iko total coal cotnmiaaion will FMMU offemla of the miner* unlaw rOpr«*et)(nUv«a of the anthracite Bntora to vtnuao negotlatiou* r broke off day* ago tnoff' tk« union representatives de 'Ji&alad that the operator* (rant the |9~Vh*ck of* in contract and the , ifc ,M#rator* refuaod. v f>oe to tbd death < m/'M. Preaidant Harding deffolte action j Mjhi boaa withheld. Ham* official* I m2* of tbo opinion that auflalnat an- : Ekfahlte baa boo nruined to prevent , fuel famine even If operation! are i ■JjdUlhiallr auapended. Notwithstanding | Wtp* chief deal re la to prevent any taat , the atorage capacity ico-opslTlegiil I VICTORY IN COURT f of win i A—flffUnn Upheld in Vmtort ' Cut by Judge Vinters In * DecisUn. ° IMPORTANT ADVANCE FOR CO-OPERATIVES — • | RAJAS IOH. Au(. 11.—A com plat# * ii victory woa won by tha ' tobacco I growera co-operative association to-j Any when Jadge Shipp In the coort hurt at WOtefhea upheld the aaaocia j tioa tp. all poipU in Itk drat Injunc tion agaibet ft. >l. Venter* and hi* nAiSt t nop praventlng them from fur-' y thar Tellverle* of their 1923 crop out-.', side of their own aaaoclattoo. | Today's caae In Flore new waa an important legal advance gar (hu mon eratlvea of South CaroUUg, both »» tha Arat Injunction caae ta oSSM to trtnl and because Vente>a who la a member of the aaaoclatiou claimed (o have rented ble land for live han - dred to hi* son who Is a-non-mem ber. Both are now enjoined from de- UTertag tobacco outside of the an-' •eclation and the contention of the cooperative official* that all tobacco of landlord member* that Is frown . ' upon thylr lands must be de live rad id the db-operative floors la stroag- |j upheld by the South Carolina court Membera of the tobacco growera co * operative association, both In Eaetem North Carolina and the Old Bell will hold a aarlea or ralllea naxt work, pt which officiate of tt)« aaaoclatlon Will add re** tobacco farmers In six countlM. The organised growera of: A Beaufort county are planning a large co-operative picnic on the Pamlico river below Washington, where Rleh ’Sard E. PaUeraon. manager of the a»-d • Saocletton warehouse*,' will tell of the YL**oclation plana for handling the S)S* crop of tu members. M congressman If. 8. Ward will apeak Sn the benefit* Os co-operative mat- Eetlng and county chairman W'. U n rimes Is pleonlng for the largest j j ? v i r ni>N -wag held In Beaufort county l A. Norwood, of the f-r \ will address tha s \ Os Pepder county on tl* < Itfe day. while In Western North Dr. J. Y. Joyner, director of mj the aseocietton. will meet the orgu fO/ nlaed growera of Davidson. Randolph ~ and Granville counties at Islington. Aabeboro and Creedmoor on August 11, II and II rspectlvely. Deliveries to tha oop-pperatlva markets In Boutb Catalina have largely Increased dur ing the past week, and new membra have Joined the marketing association unsolicited at a nug»b*i*°f points as mkny as plevan new contracts being signed at Tabor In one day Last weak. A. l_ ohn*on and L. R Rogers T , wbpehonaCVu and ffeld repreannu } five of thJwaeoclatton, recently aign di np eleven out of thirteen Cumber -1 |fr* county fanner* whom thyy vis dtn4 to market their 1923 crap with ho association. ■ ! J " fft'Pf rn.i’u «»• **>•' J»*i ltd Tub* i-J?fVniilXtar clt isenahlp. i Ranorta of lodlna, Address by McR Whlte. of Kinston. ' JfK, Informal announcetatapu?, Address by Rev{ e Inexhaustible bed* ot fow \ mineral ore. Approximately IpHBSj cent of tbe tonhage shipped fronl JMhv neaota baa been iuMn-avallskWTltete l j treatment ot-lhy fa( llitV ore washing planta^i Tha cream or the rich la dimlnahlng raaccgwf Li these experts yr? mining activities iPthe worldA, ldrg st Held* may revolve almost eatfrly around this reclamation process, al though a few of the^ richer hedlKmaj. be maintained. A. It waa II year; ago that Oliver Iron Mining Company, controllers of approximately 40 percent of the lake Superior properties. Installed tbe flrst i or* waabtan plant. Now there are 19 of these plants on the Meeahe and Cuyuna ranges in Minnesota The ore washing Is merely a process of aepa . rating the sand and rock from ttft i iron ore It la a tedious process, nth! IlnnumeraM almprovementa were ne cessary before this reclamation could be made profitable POOI* IKKTI^ MwniAil*. Att| ll.—a true* Saun ter*, president Os Plggly Wisely, lac .. announced today that meeting of r s>*aiber* •( Ik* r*cat Plggly Wiggly rite* *“ r ‘ Mamday at which ttttl 'W *nT’bi ' determined whether k* will eoattnu hi control V* ‘ . - J - »te, t.ouksmiuu, n; kwi)ay mounini;.u"a m RfllO ID JamSTOI 1 COUNTY 111 TO BE n UFO J. B Cameron, Highway Con- ' mifwioner Meets With Waynr ConmUwion a MAY WORK *' ( IN NEAR FUTURE Tbe Wayne Highway Commission through their attorney. Mr. Kenneth C. Roy all arraaged a confepoocv with member* of tbe Stats Highway Qom miaslon which waa held {aft Monday The Object of this conference wee to secure if possible additional hard surface roads fa our county and It waa learned that Mr. J E. Cameron rtf the State Highway Commission wo* In favor of hard surfarlag the highway between Goldsboro and the Johnston County l.ine fhia link" herd surfaced would give ua a har<| surface road to Raleigh.^ In dUcuesing tber paving In Wayne Mr. Cameron aUted that eh* State Highway Com in lesion would not con sider pawing from Qoldaboro to the' Oreen Co. line on the Snow Hill road. | neither would they otnalder paving tbe highway from Obldsboro to tbe Wlfaon county line. The State Highway commission will meet early In September and Mr. XAmaana will recommend that the road from Ooldsboro to Johnson .county Use be hardeurfacad. It la Sloped by the Whyne Highway Com mission'that the State Highway Com mission wHI approve Mr. Ciaeraa'* recommendation so that the paving company now located hare building Jibe highway from Ooldsboro to Wsr r*ew can aerune the contract far the road to the Johnson county line, and begin work Immediately after finish; Ing the contract that they are now working on. KILI.INIi MOV-41A UK 111 KUS Jjill HARK OIT OF HEAMOM F If any pcfiCß shall at *ny tlmnj hunt, rapture or kill any non-game j bird, or shall during the. olo»ed *ea m*- or time In each year In which fWt bunting or killing la prohibited, ‘phage with dogs, hunt, kill or wound.' or In any nuiuier taka or rapture anyl jpatnc bird, or equlrn|le will be llndc , t d) of 3d day* In prison, j N. H HARRIS Game Warden.; 9 f (HJjIHTIAV THFM'M VW'pG JteJlbol at Flrat t’hrletlan I'remtefflmk.JAjA p*»tor. Rv. 1.. M jinrd X p m I SSvLjßp’iiiodMng UlscourM. "Sli.dl •Ks Otlfcr There " Evening anbject: “The Valley of Shadows " The Bupt>er el 11:15. Christian Endeavor Met tin* at 7:16 p m. Visitor* and strangers are cordially Invited to tbyse services TALI'KH OMR I'KltT AT IlftOM J N*w York. May 10.—Junlu* fiuttag 1 of tbia city, ban * cent fbit he ral-; uea at 110,000. “It Is the first roln to b«ir the let aU. ft." aay* Mr. Uiueg, "Uw Ural upon which tbs decimal system waa based The data of It la 117 W It t* tb* ala* *f a dime aid ia mad* of silver, worth about three cents " owl tad WdM. curator of the American Numismatic •nrtetv cmv- JStsrlwffi "’T- '* MRS. HARDING PACKING UP; AT WHITE HOUSE I Wnaklngton. Aug. 11.—Mrs Harding who returned ty Wash ington this morning spent tbe en- Ure afternoon in Ahd clearing out of tha effects *f the late Presi dent from tbe executive building Sec Christian sad ether* of the Whit Hous Staff mot edited la to assist and * mewa at material was taken ew«y. ' It W Mrs. Harden g’e present purpose td remain In (he White Hofcne at least until llohday after which she may take up |a"M>orary residence her*. C OF C TO HQLO FIILLMEMBUP ketr nr All Mcffibcra Urgefl to be l*m cut for Buuinen* VUal To Public Welfare PRESIDENT HAWLEY ISSUES THE CALL John H. H wley. president of tbe Chamber o' t ■ omerce has Igtued an Ujrgaat call tor ’he entire m> mlwr tj-'n :•» r.i'st r.iriday ntgb* Auifust 14th at • o'clock In the assembly rooms of tha Chamber. ' t Seven t •••-' 'mpcTtant m .tterr •avs Mr Haw,i v are to be dlvaasctl each of lb* n •*tal to tbe prog res- of our city An opportunity fgc»- our dty tha: will dema«l tbe • id •up port f jf .id,*< d man pwer. and the Chambe of C•> ireroa beln| tub of our c:tict pi.;-sea must 'ike Im mediate nctmu, therefore an mjpmt of the menhunt- mdr men of our env for their iuppart la our effrta. » Come to the id ft lag Tueadav nlyhr and glr* its you* support. BOYDEN PRWAfIES TO SAIL FOR HOME _—- / °* , Parts, Aug. ll.Afßy thO Annoctet-1 M I’rr s*l L —Roland W. Boy den. who had Just turned over hte "unofficial" duties an American delegate to tho ' reparations commission, and ta pre-. paring to sail for home, wilt leave Franc* with prestige kqual to that i of tha moat popular am]>-*aadar the' United States ever had here. The Frenclrllke Mr. Hoyden. Although they know he has not ■*!- way* been their ba<'h* r on tb# repu j ration* commission th-;y Ilk* bla frankness and fairness. Premier Poincare once said It was a grant! pity that Mr. Boydea'a duties war* not mere ‘'official" not only because It would have been wall to have tbe' weight of American prestige used es- j lectlvely In the settlement of rape-' rations petd>Vema but because tb> American rep esentatlve wuv Mr.' Hoyden. * The Fieech admire him prCtcd' ’•rly fi(r Vbat In ttielr eyes tea go at trst. He prevented the position of "unofficial observer,' which at time ueimd bound to fell i*.i ridi cule from being caricatured on JJ«; Paris musical hall stage "Boyddh without w vote, has almost aa much influence on tbe commission aa .any other deUfkute,” an official of the commission once remarked “Hl* counsel on many Oceanian* baa straightened out tangle* that dele gates of tb* more directly Interested power* were unable to unravel." Mr. Boydne goes borne with tH> cross of tbe luiglon of Honor and | decoretloni from other countries rep | resented n tbe commission and with all tbe honors accorded a diplomat ic representative. Krrellont mending long ha* been on* of * the great assets of Trench womanhood. Qlrls virtually are nev er seen with bolee In their etocklagß bwt apparently loon Uerard. the min ister .of education, has observed some beet* * Mining through, for he ha* Is sued a circular to all schools Iq«1 at - ing that gtrla be well Inst ruct darning. “1 wish." be nays In the new srhcool decree, “when a girl ha* new stock-' Inga she would loan before using [ them to. reinforce the heels as our mothers did. Tie would give her reg -1 ular practice with a darning stitch which ah* caa apply later to daraln* holes whlrh Is much more difficult ' ‘ It mlsht 6* well alao to show the chUdfea how to avoid holes To do this K Is w)«tekNK When the atek- 1 lags have been washed to lank then i over carefully sad the* strengthen the tbla *2* Wt to wear e lot he* fneo or with «f «v*» ts ail *«sa. te la inch C'iiiwSaHiii CLOSE m MO IM HEIO IS WIOFIIIH Ret u nut from Funeral and Sum mdnu (abinel OfAcura To Haadquartera WISHES THEM ALL TO CONTINUE WORK WAHMINGTON. Aug. 11. -President Cooltdge returning to ihe oapltol to day tram Marlon, where be attend •l the funeral of President Harding, summoned cabinet officers to bl* tempt"at) executive offlies~ end'ex pressed to them the desire that the forces clbae rank* and march al|#ad. Hf, relented ble with that all oeb laet meuiberi continue In office end some of Bl* caller* are of tbe opinion that there will be no changes In the* family sos some ntoalbe. Single 4mt In groups th« heads of seven department* conferred with MrF Cooltdge ttodnyf They wan* Hughe*. Week*. Hoover. Work Wallace. Postmaster General New And Attorney ffenenri DaUgbert* tery Melloi and Da via era out. In the country end Secretary Deahy has earned hi* vacation on hla Michigan faaae Mr Cooltdge will oonfaf with them whgßtthey come to, Washington I Anuooncemont waa made today that regolar (heatings of tbe eahlnet will be held, on Toeaday and Friday w||b the i# pfealdent presiding at the meeting. The meeting will be heldj in the While House exepuUv* office, which will be taka ®ver Monday Bel and Mr*, oulldge wtll continue to lie# at tbe New Willard until Mr*. Hard ing leave* tbe White Houa President I'oolldge nude Vlt known' today that bp aaea no need tor an #I-| era session although b* te keeping w "open wind The majority of thee* who mthe preaideat has dtecueeed the, question l»av* been la opposition GIRL SCOUT KEEPS m mi w to , cwirpm Interesting (trading Furakhed b v Bmm Youngster Who Thinks MW* P*rk ‘DurAni j Home one of tfcoae »irl scouts whd left here last Monday hue been ksop-y in* a diary. Nan a certain woman of aoma Importaiice who Is with them evidently awlped a few plume of UaMj diary and enclosed It apodal delltwry i to the managing editor of the Colds-', boro Nawa. She made a legible nota tion on one able Which aald to plaaanj cut out the Darling Mlaa Catherine) •tuff (hat la worked In with tie mat of the more sensible ramarka on tin trip ovar the mountains bat that eould'j aot be dona* P* ham la tha dtaryj Juat aa written ao far aa It cofld bai "ftggered' out: Dtary or Ait*. •Dqar CHary:' 9:30 —Hay! am you ready. Oh! goody! gdbdy! were noma exciting crias that were heard In the dear old atatlon of OoOlaboro at thla time. • :46—She ta Over there ahr |»! and who should come up hut oirr darling Mlaa Catherine 9:00 —After "falllag In" everybody crowded on the waiting train “mid" klealnia from parenta. and a few minutea every oaa wae enjoying train life. Rome were playing gnmaa. tohera were talking and aome look ing nut. From than until 13:00. Nothing of apodal Intercat took plkoe. but writing the namea of sta tions between and 13:00 the -ea*roK>rjor and after aome scrambHhg. a little ronfuelon th* lunch boxea were parchaaed Sorai were very hugry. napedally Carrl* More Naah and Cora Flllner Collier hecauee they ate from there to Uw next etatlon. Wllrifa Spence didn’t know ahe waa ao ltungry till ah< atarted eating. Neither did I 0:00 Mias (atherlqy carried, ever girl tot. the dining caopand we ba< Ice cream 10:00 Almost every person wa ready to etart a nlgbt'a real Pel lets were put on the Boor and noun were on beds. Midnight —“Miss, Katherine I'n cold," “ao am I," “Havent you i sweater or lomcthlng." Ob' I knov you can have the comfort off our bed Hodn we were snug ami quite warm Darling Mlaa Catherine had agalr provided away. I surely think eb« follows thla aaylng. "Where there 1 ! a will, there's away ) d't& Neit morning-"' Many war* draanad -and out elptortna tha aar roundings Thom won many swing and boaptiful wants t« view , T:H jnnkfaac which aeeou much enjoyed by all hooaaaa wa wer ] 9 000—Wo were leaving for camr (Continued on page two) STATE BACK OF PROSECUTION OF WHIPPING MOB ;ATUNT*. Alls 11 -Tb. “lull Power M a* egecutlve department will ,be .used" to stup the series of Gagging in Radon county and other mob outrage In tb* slate, Uoverw or Walker declared tonight la an nounced reward* fbr the arrest of the paraona connected with the whipping recently at Maoon. The ijgovrrnor offered a reward l&OO for the leader of the Ma con flogging party and |IOO each me in l>er He offered almllar rw warda fdr the leader and member* of the mob that elate reformatory. - MERE IMIS • IRGREIISE OF UNHEST 11« PEOPLE > . ** Government Expected to Fall Hourly aft Kexult of “No CtMt- Hdence” - • STRIKERS AND PEASANTS FIGHT RERUN. Aog. 11 Unreal la on the Increaae In Oermaay. Pood rtota. dlaordera. and agltattons'Tqf&red by. the oominnnleta are among the trou ble* with which the government of chancellor Cun ois contending And > to make the poeltton worn the gov* 1 eminent tenure of ofllce by reason of , the “No confidence Portion’ appear* noon to be over. There waa every Indication* to -1 night that the government will aa ! nounc it* resignation at any time. The war* trouble waa at AU Chappell* when* atrthera who were trying to aelae the reop* from the peasant* wee* confronted by self pdotectlon squad* organised by the peasant* 11 peraona were killed and many were wounded L«t SEMI PROTESTS lEIWOfCM) If THF CUT 11 Feel Thrv Have Rotter Claim on The Road Titan Tim , A. C. L. * r WOULD RATHER IT * ' STAY NEUTRAL | Baltimore. Aug. II —That tt haa been virtually determined the B. A. L. will protest the acquisition of the CUnchßeld and Ohio Railroad Com paap by the A. C. L. through Itg sub •ldary the L. and N. waa huthoftu- Uvelg ■deyned here today. It wea aanoukced aeveral day* ago tbit tha A>;i tale ream bad 1 leased for M year* the' C. C.aad O. It Is , understood that the Seaboard feel* K has a better claim on tha Clinch- | Held road If tt I* to go to any othar system, but that It la not *o much disposed to proa* that claim as. It Is to urge that the Cllnchfleld be kept in n neutral capacity. - "—y- ' WRECK ON A. C. L. INJURES PERSONS LAKELAND. Fla. Aug 11—Tea persons were Injured end many oth er* badly shaken up when Atlantic 3t Una train No. M waa derailed mile west of Lucam* at 2:11 p im. yestrday afternoon. Tb# Injured | war# taken to a local hospital. Two I day coaches and n Pullman turned over. | Jacksonville, Aug 4 n About itwlave passengers were slightly In lured tbie afternoon when, three day conches, engine and two Pullmans of A. C. L. train No to ware derailed hear here according to advices re- Kelved tonight at tha offices her# lone were Injured seriously so ra* ii la known her*. Two of the day roaches turned over as did a Full pian. The cause of”the derailment has not been, learned. FIRST ARRESTS MADE IN THE WHIPPING CASES I Mllledgevllle. Q*., Aug. 11.—The Brat arrest In connnctlon with whlp idngs In Middle Georgia took place here when J. J. Nolln yes taken In ■'hnrge by Sheriff Ham Tate. Prelim inary hearings will take pines nett Saturday Mra. Orion Mnnnleo superintendent of the boys’ training school annonn , n means had been taken to protect the 1 institution from any attack. MEMBEROiB^IT j ASSOCIATED wmhaj L ■■■— ■ ■■ —. ■ I m ■ .'W.l—WWemkiA* I ***** ' FRICK rfRR CRNTE' mmmmm pemMiiMteM, 9 girnor m DEFEIBIS PDSITHR 1 STITE TROOPS «• Wag SamHng MHltia to Charianten IMN WILL RARITT" , PUBLIC PROPBRTT Columbia. Aug. Declaring that h* wan fully preparwd to sstahUgß legality of his noting la. qajgg tha national guard la cwaaillag with tha Charleston primacy. Guv*roar Thp an McUd made a brief (Utameat thin afternoon Iq rrpjy fa tha letter af* dreeeed to him hr W. T. Logan, chairman of tha clip exeetfftvn aasn mlttt% of Charleataa which prgtafaad agalnat the uniting gut as mMlgfr forans *. , V r T am perfectly willing mg tha public to have full kaowlpdgt at tha fact* which lad up to tha ordering of tb* troop* t« i 'bast set on." the t governor said when shown g aoggr as Mr. Lgaa’a letter ga tha latter «yaw ii t the Aaaorlatad Pres* at phmlfe toa And the neeeaelty apd eanaa of my action 1 am willing to anhartt to the judgment at a fair minted people ... .... , „ T «r— I 111 11 1111- ■■ HI A Ap lr I% « ’ lESIGMTiJSF dhUikjM am msam. 9FOR9E 0 CHRISTIfII With Tb* (iMbnitaMtaf Thai It WHI Not Tnkg Affaet al Omm .v r ”.h NO INDICATION Aft TO NEW BECUngH ■■ii ■« ■ a . Washington. Aog. Coolldge today accepted the Mftgjp* dot. Os o H Christian. seeriHft the late President Harding jH If# understanding that It win «#- facted at once There has been no to who will become I'restart (Ms Idge's secretary t. T Clnfk mM aa secretary to he wo rice president mBOWF4m> ilnued to assist him state vatlon to the pre*h|*s*y. 01 FELLOWS WILL CONVENE IN RkLEIdl WID Comm t* QajjrtgN ta * Orphanage WfflMß* » Bay Aft ms - RALKKJH, Aug. 11 -TRg Orgad Kncampwtant of tb* lnln|lfgH*» der of Qdd Kellows of North CgggMna will Ntovn# Ur this city' neat «•*» dag afternoon at 4 aetanß W a ttbn daya session Local paVllirghg h*a» heap bdatlrring tbeataedvaa jjdjg are promised aa loUraeltPg Mny % tha city. r Jdhi c WrtghL of SMlah. temf Patriarch, will preside oven tb* tebh eratloa* of th* Grand bodgv Under bis adrotnlatratloa the Graad BBi catnpment haa tabaa * forward vbHna and upd.r «hq.WaMßAadUbb •»*•* i In bln hands this week. grankn>thMß for (his hreach of Odd Patlownhlp will be planned. la adtrjtlon to the Ralqlgh featnr* of the 'meeting. 4a autamobll* tfig tq the Orphan Homs at Cktldahorn la planned for Wedneeday afteraoen. Be fora.'tmadtag fbr Ooldabora. tha “aa* ravue” will tonr Raleigh a sight seeing trip. The meeting of the eaeumfflpat-gp, Tuesday afternoon will h* far th* Mb pose of conferrta /the Oread lft£ campment degree, receiving Ha r*>, ports of the grand ofAeya and tha appointment of commltfaea. , A brlfe open meeting will ha MM at. I o'clock p. m. Aa addmaa of' Wel come Will be delivered By Prof. Pnrcr of this city. Th* rsepogM f||) bfe delivered by Omnd Patriarch Ml CT Wright. Dr. W. a Parry, patter as th* First Christian church of thia city, will mak* a short nddrteg a* ‘Fraternal Toleratlea.” Mr. Parry Ip a strong praachar and an snthwlaallc I fraternal order map and Rip ifMm will be Interesting and lantnmMva. i After this brier program refreebmente will be served. Odd FdlWi «M their wives are lnv|t«d. Fololwlng th* nubile meetiag. fbapa will be a special meeting qf dtgUd F.ncampmeot. No. if. for tRa lpr|Al* of conferring the Royal Pnrjß* Bp gree on n numbpr of ctqRMW W th* degree team of Capßot Bneantp >j ni< tit i A business session will be M : | Wednesday morning tastidg Vgtfl r about noon.Ofdcer* will Ml gteetff and lantalled. laglalattan Wf Impar » tance will be considered a* Wgß* I th* DOXt place of meeting (glaMil.