• in to* m »mn ,» ■i i m n M ma * I VOLUME TWO: NUMBRK 137 MKKMffi CHIEB TO MEET ■i HIKE &m>n wPfj imkirr Mr strike ’ An* It—**p tbe A* If— Erewi) „i *— rs *»d operators to (Ik JPktbrarlte field were tummonmt to »• federal Coel Comuilsshn m9 * t^JZ W Y * rk Cllr VNVd "* a ’ —f •toPHttniKtos dealt a., te HbveJL Itrtt. Whleh constitute* * r,t »<rp of gorsrnnieatal inter •pw»0« to the esUUei deadlock war iMoed with the approval of I’rnal • Coolldge after be bad discussed Ike Matter with member* of the com to lento* It will be the design of the coni ■ mieeluu tc net solely as ageata ol Modlattoa aad coacUtotloa f«g tb< Utoe being. IU -Object wll|*b« tr —rb out book compromise whlcli • IrUI rweult la the coatlauatloa of tbr Operatloas of the mines Aatoracitr mlalag le being con , darted under terms of a wage roe 1 tfKl between the union and opera »*ra ftohig rdtea of pep. working coo dltloas and Method* of wattling coe disputes Negatlattaas-were begun In Atlantic City to July. These hrok> (o#n* completely several Ays age when Lewis served notice oh tbe gen •ftl poliey coMMltlee that tbe onion Mould demand to tbe new contract IgpUllatloa of the check off system of collection of union dues. In which the employee/* withholds wages aad tuns them evgr to the ualoen The dJWktors refused the ultimatum and •egotistloos ceased BUMPER HAY CRQP THIS YEAR •aletgh. Aug IC—'Tmat year was a bumper crop for hay. especially to ths coastal oountrtan.” It was Wfewed to a statement IsHued to piiit hy the Iftne-federal Department ruE RAplhAt Crhp Reporting tor* Vice.' "Many crops ware cut Ipr bay Wat Mara intended for other purposes whtoh la akhhy oases was made arc senary oa account M sacaanivs rains > "The average condition of hay for August I was PO per cent with th> hast coadltion being found to the Mountain and central rowel si court Upu .Wild or meadow hay Is found ' almost escluulvely In the mountain • rpuallem where lira stock Is devel opod to a considerable degree * "It la reported that the hay cron far the United States averages 91 cent, forecasting a production o* lI.SM.IKM> tons which averaged slight ' .Ip ovaf four fifths of a ton to the : acred Wild.As* averages it per cent With • ailgtoly higher yield than Ih .dame varieties The average prlc at this sea so a Is tame. 912 4*. and Mild Mtl per top. These prices *r ghaut |IM higher than quoted # u wiar ago . “Pastures averaged 13 per cent In rendition. which corresponds iden Ucallr with the condition of tom boy The poorest rondltloa Is noticed ta the Piedmont bell where Condi dobs have been quite dry during Julf j The soy bean gad cow pea crop,- ahow eery good growth In the cen tral consul and mountain counties the condition of soy beans being the b*»t to the eastern run ties The ns tidnni pasture condition average ; 77#' per-cent of normal. •“This state has been encouraging I the planting of pemiaaenl pastures j agratg which has doubtless reacted , to a greater Interest to this type of crop The eastern couptiss have been 0»e growing of hetter tlyestcok Thl * 1 Y j particularly fortunelr. to view . ' boll weevil ravages " BHM I HR LAW* MIR t lift ait moT»:tTi«v St louts. Aug It Needed leglsls tkra for the protection of atoersft op rratlou will be one of the principal topic- of dlscussiu at the aanaui meeting of the Nottongl Air Institute, which will he bMd hate October *-3. j Under tbe supervision of the Aern ' rsqM' sl Chaffer of. Commerce This j b4*y la eooAfet lag With a commit-J |a* re presently (be National Advt* pty Commutes for Aeronaiitku. Ho-' itety of Automotive Epgln-io.. Anver i teen Society of Meehaalcal Kagl •ears aad the National Aerooeth As soctptloa m The Third Matlnnal Acre Congress, which tne|udl |the convention of llie Natlnnsl A«»e \dllc Association, the - governing ho.y of aviation to this Salry. also will convene Jier# 9** ir I, simultaneously ««h ih.- In- IMatolsaal Air tanas Members of tbe cabinet, ranking Officera of tha army sad navy as wall tha Uaited Stales Uisll service. Ufa egffocted to attend wiy v- ~ " " jf . - * THE GOLDJtoWU NEWS »• * . n , , * » - * l ' mm -msiffliMK FUHME Mill Cw *c. Walton IfMticd OfllM 1 After ’Conference With Man Whipped GUARD UDTrre HJSNT FROM OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA <TTY. Aug 13. -flov ernor J. C. Walton late today IssuaJ s proclamation placing the ctly of Tulaa under inurtls| taw. The city goes under tbe rale of tbe military at * a. m lomorrow. - Ouards from Oklahoma city ware ordered to proceed to Tulsa. Isauancc of tbe pmclamatlnn fol- Ibwed tbe flogping of Natltsn Hagman of Tulsa Friday alight. Hagman call ed at the ovemer's offlte and was la conferMtoe with the exccgtlvr councilor. The martial law order was promulgated after Hagman told his story. «* v Red bolder la~ Damaging Crop Raleigh. Aug. 13.—Numerous com plaints .of damage u> Cotton by tbe Red Hplder have been received from Wilson. Hcrtlc ilifiu and Warren counties, aedhding to Franklin *ber man. chief of entomology for the •tats Department of Agriculture "There were a few complaints to late June and early July, hut many reports of damage have been receiv ed since mtd-Jply." Mr. Kheriuan state. "The area affected extends from Fayetteville In the Northeast) ward with the greatest damage' la the counties mentioned Mr. Rheratan paid hat Ibis area pwlll be relieved from damage to tbe egtent It la sharing in the recent rains* as a spell of wet weathor wll usually check the Insect. Mr. Hberman advocates ifcmmillag bod burning of the affected s means of cheeking tbe s|aia(l, or the Infected area may 'he by removing a few stalks all around It. A lime, sulphur solution, such as Is used for orchards, he said, may be used at a rate as 1 U> M gallons of wager All of these will help check 1 -' thf spread, be asserted. "There Is coneoildsllon for Ihe cot ton grower. Mr. Rhenium cOgtiauod. "la fact tlutt' In general a season Which Is favorable to Red Hplder Is apt to be uafavarable to Mr 801 l Weevil and vice .versa, yet such a rule la subject to exceptions, and It Is best not' to erly 100 strictly on title factor ■ 1 Hold Up Evidence In Fuller Cane N*w York. Aug 12-—New drvnlop inents In the series of fctlera! prose : rations growing out of ‘he IS.oOO.Wm failure of Kdward M. Fuller ind t o. bucket shop brokers- caused United States Attorney Hayward to bold up for today the presentation hr grand Jury of evidence against K. M. Fnllerj and W F. McG<* Post tenement of the proceedlng.t waa ordered when Mr. Hayward wirtt Infouiwd of the Idenltty of O. Rl»ag new gt>d H f Telfair as they were listed a* iffidlow street jail under va rious wddrefses when they vlstled Fuller and McGee In Jail DAN BONEY COMES TO GOLDSBORO TO PRACTICE L A W l*«n Rone/ of Klnitlon. popularly known as “ctuie Dan" has come to Goldsboro tn take up the'prartW-c lit law. Mr. Itonry In • well known young lawyer, and at preneat In annpclated with Kenneth C. Koyall In kh law nfflcta Hr did lila work at the J'nh vernlty of North Carolina aperjalia In* In corporation law. 'While n student there he era* regarded an one of the iuoml promlaln* men In lit* rlan* Mr lloney la well known socially and profeasloiytlly In tloldahoro and throughout the ntate id the tier feel forttlnale.that he will In union* their number here TAX IXfMtb <»> i.nmtiH' ; WUT T« Ul ld ls Bueno# Aire#. .Vug 13.-' A bill de aliraed tn dtneoorlgc Hueno* Alreann from crossing the Hirer Plate to gamble In Ytruguny ban tmea passed by the Aricentlne Chamber of Hapti* tte* It Impose# a tai of IP.Utto penoe W rpyagr o nuny passenger at name r from an Arinatlne port whh h calle at any port altuatnd within W kilometer* of Bueno* Airaa. where miilnlte or other gamh- Hap e*tahllahmrat* are maintained Til* uteaatirr directly affect* a rlr nr a|eam«r which nightly carrlea aevaral hundred gambler* to the Urugaayan port of Colonla. return lag la the morning Suicide* of Ar gentine* who bait fortune* on Colo* nla‘* roulette wheels were rlted when the bllP wns proponed Gambling re aorta are prohibited In the Argentine eapttal, but *re legal ip Crugu#*. ,m- V 4* 1 % 1 .... Y in Mis, ,■■■■» n ■ w.. - ——— —. iiWai JAh* ■ ■■■ . , JRI.M ■!■*>■■■ H iIM-mw GOLDS BOKO. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. AUGi’MT U. T»33 TOBICCO MIIKET OPEHW DIIE IS MOVEB BUCK WEEK \ t , mam* * . U.—.... Oh Account of ike btf Buyers Not Beiitff Able to be on Hand in Lantern Carolina Auff. 31 . o. « will have mrr litti.k . EFFECT ON MARKETING The tobacco musket tor Kastern North Carolina has been moved back one weok. Tbla action was taken yesterday afternoon to Wilson following a meet tog of tho leading dealers to the state The reason given was tbe fact that several of tbe largest buyers would not he able to get to tbe mar kets In time on account or the Isle season In Unuth Carotins ■ This will have but little effect on Ihe local market and still less on the markets north of here. The sc a non will be well on He way In Wayne pad the counties Immediately sdja j cent to Wayne. ' and ibe tobacco should conic In Ju a steady stream when tbr warehouses are opes ColUsto.ro Is looking forward to having one of Ibe biggest If not tbe biggest season aver had. The two new warehouaes on the open market and the co-opcrutlve warehouse will have much ifffoct on making ’.olds lu.ro a 10. owtSfco liound market this year. It Is the hope of the business men of the city that such will he the < use and they are doing everything possible to faoilUdto the working of the market. SWEET POTATOES NEAR AVERAGE ItaMgh. Aug. 13.— The North Car olina sweet potato crop la estimat ed st St per cent of a full crop con dition. forecasting a yield of *l7 hush els per sere. It was announced to day by llmv. Hlute-Federel Depart ments of Agriculture Crop Reporter Hervlce The white potato crop. Is Ihe state averages 77 per cent ul Ibis season for tbe late crop. It wq* asserted, which'"lndicate* a yield of IF bushels per acre. "Tbe white potato cro|> for Ihe I'nllnd States Is slightly leas than the tor several years anr considerably leas than last year." It was staled "The price of $1.23 per 'bushel la about 17 cents aboVe lasi yrar's quotation at this season The present condition of Ibe crop Is 90 It per cent or ten' per cent reduced acreage "The sweet potato arop shows I* per cent less production than las’, year, which Is also less than U>e av erage for six years. The averag' prl»+ quoted Is $1.23. or slightly le»"' than Ihe quotation of a year ago The North Carolina crop Is esll lusted at II per cent of a full crop condition, forecasting »7 bushels per acre. The acreage ta somewhat re duced. 0 GASOLINE PRICE IS LOWERED 6 CENTS CHICAGO. Aug 13.—The Htandard Oil Company, of Indiana, announced tonight that.lt will reduce ttie price of gasoline * and *-10 cents a gallon through the ten statee In Its terri tory. At *be Same lime II f«. Nich olas. the National Petroleum Mar keters AjAtoclatton announced that he had OoiKtod the Independents to re duce /> cent, a gallon Little Hope For Saving Entente Paris. Aug. 13. In spile of the ex treme reeerve In official elrclee as to the possible consequences of Ihe British note, conversation with Poin care nnd his collaborators today made tt quite clear that Utile hois ts entertained of saving Ihe entente All Idea of coming to an agree ment with London on the essential features was long ago shaadonsd but U was still thought until the lasi note that he Brltsh government would give, furhe ropportunlly. H tHt.lt t 1.1. Tit ROOT MIC Kiniriut or tititu Wwsltlngtoa. Aug It MexU-aa properly owners In the Ym-atan dis trict are now organising to oppose the Increase of socialistic tendencies | In the-population thereby Instituting' baseball teams The Idea Is gald to j Is- that of |tvlng the youths of the province some bless about play and 1 phvsleal M-If-development As a first move, according to re ports to the Cnltel Ktstes commerce department, the tbs laliat Rsatotaoce 1 la-ague, which Is the orßanlxalbm promoting the effort, has bought J.'.b complete hasehall outfits from the United Mates. In sddltlon. a physl-; eal cullurt- director has been sent to the United Rtatns to learn ghoul the game as It Is played, and Isa»klel* of rule* and deerrlpltOus" ahoul II have . been printed In Rpaolsb Yucatan, from the beginning of Meilran troubles, has evlnced'3|:on atant symptoms., of radical political •« ttrttv -•V Nasons Refuse To Hear Ku Klux Lector And Kluxers Call Meeting Judge Charles J. Orbison, of Indiana on Program Until He is Identified With Kian Meeting at i Raleigh.—Dropped by Field Agent LOCAL KLAN CALL MEETING HERE FOR TONIGHT TO LISTEN TO THE GENTLEMAN The Grand laalgv Masons of the Rlxeth Dial rid. comprising Wayne. G reejbr and i-ounlles. are meeting here tonight for sn oduru tional program which has Imnn ex-1 tynslvely advertised IlirouglKMit the district Judge ( lias.‘.l MlrhlKon •«« on the program. ; f - j I.ate yesterday Dr 'W ti Wicker. | ediicational A«ld aecrelarj of the Grapd Ualga saw tbe adverttsroiear of the Isoture of Judgw I‘haHas J. Or bison before the Raleigh Kii Klux Klan oa Wednesday night Mr W|ck protnptly informed the local Masons to cancel the engagement with Mr Orbison at once, and thus It, was thul the Judges nano- was summarily dropped from the program and his address on Opportunities for OlUxan ahlp was not to be heard hy Golds boro folk Hut nay. said some In tioldsbom who wanted to Mnd out ahiait nppor- i tunitles for. citlxenahtp. aad late last night a meeting for the Ku Klux Klan called by some of |h* wtxarda still unknown, was advertised In bobl black print In the favorite morning newstwiper of Goldsboro The opiiortually of bearing the Hoonter Judge was n6t a thing to Is llgblly passed hy. so the Klan pro posed at once, to hear him and thus It atanus. Apparently the good gahtleman. a lodge of some sort. In In Ihs business of lecturing Ku Klux Klaus on a large scale It was learned definite ly last night that he was to deliver *v« such lectures la the state of | North Carolina alone. Wbat'>-h« Is going to do down la Georgia and Alahaupt la Hot known. A well known Mason waa wondering last 4 bight If be could slip a lecture In between a couple of whipping bee*. He sug gested that the Judge remain In North Csrtdlns for several ’ more weeks until 4lte open season In Geor gia In over and the Klavern settle | CONDITIONS 111 | CUM DISCUSSED iii woicim Trouble Set*ms to be Over a Railroad Hill Before Cuban Houite of ReprefienlaliieM c GOVERNMENT TAKES STEI*S TO PROTECT WAHHINGTO. Aug 13 l onditinn* In Cuba were tilacussml by dec rets ry Hughes with ambassador 0 Crowder who was called home from Havana for that purpose The ainhuseador spent half an hour In ibe secretary's office but ho an nouncement was made afterwards to- 1 yond the statement that the Amerlcsu > government had requested Ihe Cuban government to defer final action os the railroad consolidation bill |n mi ll'* In the the views of American Interests Involved could be presented. Assurance given In Kavans Delay by Ihe Cuban foreign minister that the bill would not be. voted upon In the senate uhtll such lug had been given appeared today the wa> for a full dlaciiaslon for the meas ures effect r>n American owned prop erty In Cuba, while m» detailed Infor mation has loteii made poblie here .is to protests made t*jf AmeK<aii 'ule rents. operation of Ihe private rell-! roads of American shipping Inlererts I* mode i stood In be (lie chief obje. I under discussion CMII iI.D I llill INI HIN AAtoi . IMMJKR FOR III.IN l> KUlihuO * hi' ago. Aug It In an eftoyl to reach every sightless person In this l>«rt of the country, the collection of books for the blind In the public Library The blind from nearly every state In Ihe .Mississippi valley pglroqlxe this collection. hrcatiNW of Its ready accessibility, declares Kdward Peter son. ta charge of the work Anybody '•an apply for a loan, aad the govern• "wnl permits the boohs to Ite seal out to fraqkwd «nvelopes The number of nvltohle valunirs In mtowd printing hi small, tt is said hilt (he Chicago li brary. wlih 3.500 hooks, claims to t«ive virtually everything ever puh- H-heu for Ihe m-netli id slpbtlos* peo- | pie. hack to <ahl Jobs of protaettna South •rn woniauhiMKl. and whipping u«- grtMia. , Just what the open break marine last night bet ween the Klan and tljo Masous meaus la still n matter mmjeeture. It Is the Oral stand vja-, i siuvh have taken on »o largo a scale I la Ibis section, and no doubt the fpcl - Inga of the klan arv going to lie lAirt. They may gst awfully mad aim it It und Iry beating up someiaatoT Albany rain that ought to gel out sonis rad fira and their nighties and iiiarcji up and down the streets around her. m>uicw here just to show i good old Goldsboro that there ain’t nothing on jjparth so nice to play around In as sn uld nightgown und pillow slip wllJi u little red tire thrown In. Tbe public Is lavlted to hear tho i Judge tomorrow nlglit The adver tisement says that he is a circuit court Judge and really worth bsntr- Ing The Klnn should have mi ' nounjeed whether everybody was sup posed to mask up before comjig. Some announcement *lll probably, bn made later shout the matter. If ev eryone I* going to wear gowns It Is suggested that , sir holes b« cut In convenient place* to allttw air to cir culate. for It t* almighty bo these day*. - / The vonlplale program Os tbe meeting tonight helug held under the auspices ol tbe Mwaonu Is glvwn lie low The viiinplelr proarsip as tb" Ku Klux meeting could not be ob lalhu-d: | I Opening si $ p. m. . Itrimrt of laMlgus." „ Address hy Rnv. L Melt. M’hlte, of Kington Informal announcements. Address by Rev. V K Procter of Kinston Address hy Hr W (’. Wicker. Edu cational Field Hecrelary In "Masonic Rervtce to RiK-lely." I Dosing. Coolidge Devotes Day to Conference 14 Musbington. Aug. 13. President Coolldge occupying the White House office.* today for tbe first time de voted himself Ui mug bout tha day with conferences with cabinet pmm la-rs. Outstanding in the day's Work were conferences with the coal commis sioners and decretory Hta.ver Thu latter vi| In con sere bee ®-l(h the President faith Itefora sad after the announcement of the summoning of the two parties. Typographers Anrue Old Question Atlanta. Os., Aug. 12 —A question which has been hefors convention of Internailopal Typographical Union for many years, whether members ' of Ibe spirals committee shall be appointive or elective waa Ural upon the prorgram of the session here to day hnd brought forth hours of de hale befqrr a vote waa hrmight. lilsvusslon of tbe question cam with objection to the appointment o' the committee hy Ihe rulea commit tee. More ban n score of delegatee argund thf question. II It IT If* H ENVOI UIGF.Ii HY (Ml. HKtI.I.ING SITURHMF.R laifldon. Aug. 13. - Tbe succeas of recent 011-drflllng opersilojia In the northern count lea of England and In Hrolland have led to a new drllllna operations onto larger scale The oil found, while not abundant, (a claim ; ed l»v he of the fineat heavy grade und haa lead many geologist* to Ite- j I lev*- that asphalt deposits lie In this section. Oil has been f.nmd In Th-rhyahlre. Staffordshire and Midlothian At ardatoft. lierhyshire. a well drilled shout a year ago has produced a thousand lons <>( heavy oil and the i well la still flowing Five other ■ wells In thl* section have shown traces of oil hut have not yet been pumped Indications of oil have Iteen found t'n the Staffordshire coal mines, hilt the prospects are not believed e*-, .outraging for tbe operator Moat of (be teal well* have been drilled by the government In ordsr lo prove the theory that off exists In many of tbe sections of Ihe British Isles. English operator* believe that , while the, result of the drilling so far Is not what was looked for. It’ Is possible lo produce nil in commer cial WILL ASK lIIIEO ; SHIES HUT THE > 'Uiewm I’M* Document Shown Clearly Th«t no Settlement WHI Be Benched In Europe Soon TRENCH ISSUE A ' * BIG “YELLOW HOOK ' PARIS. Au*. 11.—"A Yellow Book'* <>( *,t>Kiuuonl« Issued lo niitbt. by the...'-’Preach government brURM out claarly that the United Hlatca ultimately will be naked by tha ulllait bow much of the debt alia expects to be paid The book contain*' itnriiy letter*, moat of them betweea Premier Poin care ahd ambaaaadore. Premier Poincare pul* hi* position plainly In the June meases* to the ambassadors In l<ondoo He Inilrucla the ambaaaador* to tall l-ord t urion ■’ll U th eproblem of late-allied debts which prevent* qa from telling Ger mans Hid exact amount *he owe#.*' The message add* the solution of thla problem la In the hand* of the English Mnd the (Tnlled State* after want* The letter* can be approach «*d after the elltaa have agreed upon a formula, and It ha* become evident everything depend? only on the al titude of tha government at Wash ington Poor Fruit Crop For State Report -wßaletgh. Aug. 1I.~“Wc have one of th* abortreet frurlt crop* In North Carolina that baa been experlrenced la maay year*." according to an nouiteement tonight by the State Kederil Departments of Agrteulture. "Even th* Sandhill aectton la graatly behind In thla reaped The low fore cast of one fourth crop ha* been re dured to between 16 and i< par meat the prevent expectation being aomr thing over throe hundred rare of prut-hen “The state average, a* vapored front hundred* of crop reporter* In nil tfiuptiea in the state. shows *3 per cent. The National crop I* Vo- I**tried el l7.3fNi.omt bushels. which K almost 20 par cent leas Utah last roar'* crop. and approximately 10, par cant below the five year average I The price of SMt |* quoted tor Aug- i uat average* which I* 70 rente above the price of a year ego. The Nortl t urnllna crop la very spotted “The state apple crop I* estimate) to average 31 per rent for th* agrl cultural crop fen* than that to the commercial grower* There wa u rather heavy drop In June, bat con dttlons have been somewhat mor favorable during Jply. Th* Amarl yen critp I* forecast at 1M.«M.0« buabela agricultural crop and 31. HM., (»A0 barrel* for the comitiercla t rap. Tha average price report*- over th* country la f 1.31 per bunhe for the general run. which la ebon th* same ee last year* prion. “Grape* and pear* show quit* dlf ferent condition* Eighty per cent to the grade crop, which I* a goo proa part, while 12 per Cant for pear Indicates a low production. Othe fruit was generaliy poor .over th date Blackberries showed a condl tioo of 12 par cent, tiaaad on Augu* 1 condltln*. "Watermelons and cantaloupes gv •rage 72 per cent of a toll crop proa pect for August I In North f'aroltm* Tomatoes average SO per reat; cab bage 7» per cent; onions 16 per oen rosfe-tlvely. MweU potatoes aver aged 111 per cent: and late Irish po»' ia(jpg-s 777 per rent condition Mo* of the early truck crop* so Here from either unfavorable spring *•* sons or the dry summer weather, e* peclally In the Piedmont or Centra counties “The recent rainfall has been tsv- j orable for moot part* of the state; but la getting egr.esslvnly wet In , many of the eastern counties while relieving things ronaldembly to the j Piedmont Cotton has grown un usually wall, but wfth the weevil la Mime of the wet weather area*, the fruiting Is not as good now aa It wa*. Moat of the crop* are’dola* well amt the faultier* are generally optimist!) about the outlook Certololy North Carolina I* on* of the moat favored stale* In the I’nlnn so far as crop growing conditions are conqerned This, however, done nol assure big return* on their prospects, for later * condition* may tie quite adverse and production In other states may ao af fect the market* that ~ th* farmers will ge very, poor price*. The to bacco outlook I* very good In pro duction an dprlcoe. This In a gen eral way. I* true of cotton ” tm.ll ATIO’ IIKNIKB York. Au* jl. The appllca lion of the BtuU motor company to rellat It* *t)M:k on tha Naw York eg chunge has I sen dcoled It eaa learn ed late today. While an official seatsment *-)»ul«t he obtained II «>• .understood the reason given was Insufficient distri bution of stock. Htulx stock was styteksu from th* list when Allan Ryan cornered the m*rk*» , a -„i J.s^h4>ifa-. l »*m& PRICE FIVE CHNTB R N HACKETT LOBES . Lmm, A*«rt » Wm&X (luvrtar * CASE IS *Sr~~ .. V :<£x out oreourr Ahi I-and, prominent attoegMgi «*f GoUtaooro has been In Urecaatoyro jkIM Amtw»villa f&,- *jv r*i dayg attgrd- hiding at OrngashnHk In Hockatl-Hiker one* In wbtofc he Wa* on* at the attorney*. Mr I-and In ■ comaraachittoa t* the New* last night racloadhth* AM report of the procoedlaga m Oraah*- •x»ro saying thnt he wleholf the truth to be known la Goldsboro ouMßtfß- Ing the hearing. Iln. Mlher |« a sister of Mr* I mad aad a daughter of Judge l-ohg ead la well ' kaowa ond highly respected la OufcdtMhh In hla communication Vo the Ntwi Mr I-and said “the cootqattM* *# llackett Is without say me fit gad U outrageous " He sdded that be .Wge "anxious to have the poopfe *T OhMS boro hfVe the real facta In The report, take* from the G togas- Imro New* la gives in toll heWw: tiHKKNHBORO. Aug, Congressman H. N. Hncktol. of Wtt- hla 16-year bid daughter, tsofg IgU Hacked 1 TT - Rupertor Court Judge- Ukomae S? Rhaw after Medrthg Mr. ftarkeOg »*-. tit ion sad the lengthy anaerdv «f Nr* lads la>ng Hiker formerlyignsfapd eats, held that he wa* without jurta diction In the cane gad dlamlaand th* pntltlon for look of *Mh*r olio ltd taxed Mr. Hacked with th* eh**. -Judge Shaw's act 100 «a* hoaod Oh a legal techaleallly which MMfgoa that jurisdiction ovar the tli< custody a child it", court In which dlvorTO »*ecn Instituted .ad aa lias started divorce pr> M -<|M||R« i« "'like* county the court mBThSt t« puss on the question ' duly of the youag girl. HK i ,:>,i V Judge (thaw's t^UonJbgjg^^^ ' child throws the case 1 and the matter now xUh* § ' before Mr HackaU ttmmjjEmtt corptM liter produce)! la nftHmQMf f|Er day afterupoa * Prominent People lav*tvo>: . The >-ase involvoe comm of th* meet prominent families hi th* nthtn MM. Hackett served for Who term member o( the lower hotwo'hf Cng troea from th* eighth North ffcKpflhh district. Be Is s lawyer ahfe£«BMp, boon promlneat lo th* afairs of Qm ’ *Ut* Mrs Hiker is the daughter hlAhli* and Mrs. Ben P long, of HtaMMi. udg* ead Mm. la>*g beta■ algsikW spondaats I* Mr. RwAtUs p*t%*U. All of the above aamof fttoWl war* m in court yosfsrdgy afternoMt In her answer Mrs. Rfltdr bvtpfs charges at non-aupgort 4 itlUhlltiM dope using. 111-lraatmoal and -idMhr* al conduct ..gainst Mr Hsehtmjd*- clarlng th*t “hla dUpoSMton nine renders him ImponoiMs to I M MUI. •nd a dangerous person to t*** the ear* and custody of a U In hi* fkoOthm Mr. HncksU tot* forth that he sad tha hrsodht Mph. Hiker warn married January 11. HVf. ind that Mrs. Rlksr sspaitbd law self from him la III* taktag with r h#r tbelr daughter, to* cJ«Md Wa' E5- life* uutod • v He silages that la III* she wsat to Nevada sad purportedly eosarud g -> divorce, although he alleges that %» wa* never served with a otic* a# h*r action and had no- oppotmUtty tu ceu teet It or ask custody of the child lo IVI6. he say* Mrs. Hack alt nsgr-' tied Kraaklln Hiker sad slao* that 1 time they have lived together . k»*ta* with them lads lawg HaekWt. Ms daughter from seeing hi* gad also continually kept nut nf th* state sad out of the jurisdiction nf the enuri* of North t arollna. . I • Hertlon 1 of the peril ion altogo* that Judge long and Ms »g|. tor\ (aide his seeing- hie OHM sad dMlgd the right of enlllng at Ath Nat for that purpose. ••*..* * in*. < t easplrory XgainM Mlm In section 1 el Ik* pstHlsh to charge# a ...qspiracy td proUkht"W» Mdughtar from seetog Mm ahd -hlto charges that Judge gad' Ma toM and Mr. and Mrs Biker wern'poikoh ing hi* daughtar** mind sgatojf him ' sad cudeavorlng to atleuot* pwr af frctlon* tor him. Th* ssCtlnn fol low*: “Thai, your potltkm la laforahfA M vlaed saiO. believqp. egg SO eHtjW that the dofeodant. B P. Lohg'ahd hi* wife. Mr* Mary llobblns IxHM. 1-0- loo* Hachett and Kvaaklto fttflSr entered Into a conspiracy to aggnsHh each other to prevent thla pgUsagv from seeing hla child sad *Mh to prevent th* danghtar of this Butt- ~ iloner from bearing the name at hit father, and as evtdsoca of MBs fact I the daughter of this pctihaor Ig aon h Jt (OostlßUod ob yog* two) e#e a hhe *

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