WEATHER Tartly c!p4t with tmttnd Miners JiUiiaj wad Sanaa) * --■■■■ ■■■ —"■■■■ 1 ' —■ -—" VOLUME TWO; NUMIUfU 141 Six Stills And Huge Amount Os Mash ffTaken By Officials SHERIFF AND THE ' (j i PROHIBITION MEN I GET BIG HAUI Distillers Warn Each) OtM With Fox Horn* an« Bells as Men A r ‘ rive on The Scene i Sheriff Grant and his deputies hat I a big day yesterday gating six atlllf I and ninety barrela of beer apd mash I With two deputies. Rpse and Gra 1 I and four prohibition officer* froir I Hlffh Point Sheriff Grant ttnrtc< I early yeaterday morning «n ( l>' I roundup. The still*. wire captuw 1 In Saulaton oad New Hope townships I | foiir in New Hop** and two in Sauls I ton. Amona them wa* anout tfie fine*' I ntlll the sheriff says he haa ever aeon J It wax a biff copper affair with a rn I parity of 100 gallons. one of the blr I peat the haH ever cap tnred. H hnd flMrty gallons nr nm*’ I nearby. No arreate were made elthe' J there or at the other places. Aa soon a* the raiding partio I wouid arrive within atrlliin» dlstanc of the atm* the people around wool- I give warning with fox horn*, bell I and other nolae making affair*. Th« waa the reaeofi the officer* were un I able to get any of the operator* Among other thing* captured wa one hundred pound* of sugar at on J place. 112 barrel* of mash with on attl lelffht with another. £8 with an I other, and 6 with two othera In the opinion ot she shfhrtff it wa the bi*ffe*t haul that ha* ever bee: 1 made in Wayne ssmnty, It ** on< * • 1 tin hlffpeat recently In n I Policeman Huns Amuck After / Argument Atlanta | ATIANTA. Ao«. 17. —Following *1 I Vs gtimenf over raid* conducted with wit wurrant policeman E Stcls ’ ‘me to our city." read* the ta k llorgaotown police attach to automo bile, vlaltlng. who tUrfaU- the traffic | « r r. n u‘what the first tan. a green ono. any*, but if the n«en.c; of lncor> rest or overtime parking I* 1" r * lM Jer the traffic violation a m-rlous „oe the re tng. an answer to the comW^® l v1 " ,,, " s m ® ‘f* 1 they were Win* «»e uvorublc. according to an ugrirul' turuf report lssue.l last night by Frank Parker, stale ugrh uttuarl sfa isticlun ‘'The season* have been* tenejully well dlatributed. except vhere dry. Intense heat ha* < aimed •onalderable Hiifforlng among the :ra*s crops. Including corn." the re >>ort miy*. “Ihtropian 'ii'oidUlotis. the report ■ontinue» "Indicate a favorable crop •ear. which will mean less demand 'or American i tucks Forelgn/re *orf* indicate that Mexico I* pitt ing out a new project, comprising !47.000 "acres of ci.rton The seed: vere produced in anil procured from he United fttnle* Honoris froir _ Australia indicate that the cottar grower* for the past gear increased ‘rom 2.oth) to 16.000 with prospect* »f further Increase I hi* year "The general agricultural situation Is that the South and th* Ka»t *r< in a better frame of mjnd than th* Western *tatea. and North Carolina I’* probably better mentally ami ac i ually town the other mate* Tbr crop qutloqh is good over the nona ry 'ai. a whole Mne pr the fe*v* •rop* appear U> Is' ampi*' for the iced*. - - "Os the main money crop*. 1' ap aeurs that wheat, cotton, potatpe* tnd fruit haijj* go**! prospect* Got ton may surpass lust yeur’* produc lion in the Middle Western *«»'*• •ondltlons are quite the opposite from la»t year when hog prices, were rel atlvely high end corn low Tltb I year there are plenty of hogs ant „ore coming The high-priced corr I i» going to mean a more expenslv* I feeding of Juig* "As a rule, labor is scarce and th* weather has been bothersome over the country a* * 11 '•* I >*»y . year to deal with Not onlj I the farmers themselves. b>" ,hpl ' I families. Including the women. ar< helping in the felds The I li*couraß4*ni4 > nt. ‘ narltv which persists between »h< I price* ‘he farmer* have to puy-f*r Ir-scnttal products und they re elve for quite essen.lal^roducts I trown by themselves • It 1* **“ n * r I \lly cjinrodod 'hr too «> present agricultural disturbance b I found in -he relative Lower that the farmers Product J have in relation .« "tyr •^ modl ,W \i south » -bole I* opt! mU T,c The cotton I* dang well The boll weevil Is «><>* being ** <* North farolina •>- - .-v,s-«:ted l-t'hof *» ilaces. but the farmers pre deter mined to make th.-lr crop*, regrsd less The dry weather in Texas is causing consldefttW** concern** •The crorm showing decreanea in thin yearn production are M> rtnlf wheat, corn. rye. Irish, potatoea, . w «et potatui-s. hay. apples • an peaches Crop* showliur lnrryi»*» In production ar- oats no and heads •Os the price trends. It is f«-'m that cotton, com and potatoes show higher range* »hnn la*' month In* coton. corn, butter and wool show higher trend than a year ago ( loth „nd clothing show »20 P" 1 "' 1, v ''’ tlulldlng materials nhow almost So point* or 30 per rent Maher levels j tn prices Katw product. as a whole Indicate a lower level than a mon'l ago, but a seven point higher level than lant year. •'The relative purchasing power Ol various farm product* Indicate that < wheat will purchase only 2-3 a* much clohting as H would before the war; that com rangea near 3-4 th<* purchasing power It had If yat ago. that , the comparative pnreha .- i .jjy power of hay la even less titan ! and that, »•»• deglded advante-e In that. It will pur rhane 1-3 more than it would ten year sago The tobacco crop Is,mi t other, advantageourv crop' for Not i i rarolhia .tta purchasing power b«- ling much greater than hefore the * f Wfl f* * t ■• Prices are fairly aatiafactory and ! Nocfh t'aroliDa** crop gsn-rftliy prom » gf*t»d yield S > ~ . , . °olSkteo BY OHM Jlffl Warrnntn Ordered Issued Yefe terdtt) But as Yel Have Nut Been SeVved SAYS HE VIOLATED . TWO STATE LAWS RAKFORD. Aug 17 A* a nation to the fuveaUgatlon ai tli« gd .mtnlst ration of Dr L il superintendent of the atate sana torium for tuberculosis Ordered the legiaVniure or the 1D23. the grand Jury of Hoke county returned an in dictment against the physician char ging him with the violation of the penal statute* of |hp atate ou two count*. The net Inn of the grand Jury fol lowed ihe charge by Judge N A. Sin clair when court convened early tn tb* woyk when he called the sana torium situation to It* attention and asserted that if there had been vio lation* of (he peuat statute* It wa* Ihe duty of the Jury to make an in vestigation. Tht* was done the Jury catling for the report of the legls -1 lutive committee to assist In it* in vestigation I>r. Mcßruyer »Un4* in dicted for trading with btmself a* the -land Hill Orchard company and with receiving financial benefit thereby The statute* of the that eprohtbtl state offlnials from . dealing with themselves* Hond wag fixed by the court at S6IH» hut at a late hotrr to night Dr Ji* Brayer had not been *erved with the warrant It I* expected that arre*t will take sine*- tomorrow with trial at the No vember tecA of court FULLER CASE BEGINS TO GET INTERESTING New York. Aug'- 17 Penetrating the ever deepening ma*e of evidence ’unreining the |6.OO4JMK) of K M Puller and Company. Federal officials oday ramie the best of a eerie* of pments of the day included publication of the bankrupt'* sworn tatenient that records of the busi ness had been thrown Into a sewer by their attorneys. Fuller told hi* whole story before the federal grand jury w.hlch haa al ready toileted them. Itfll Vl» TMK WORM* till I.INK IORKSH tIMItM l* IN BRITAIN iMndori, Atfg 117 —An Imperial air Mn«* at retelling out to India and th. Far Kast, and eventully encircling he earth. Is foreshadowed by the •he Duke of Sutherland. retary .for Jfir in the UriUsh gov*4n» ment Thl* air ship aeheme. upon which the cabinet In expected 1o give I de. lsl,u•• possible noon to fly to ihdjtf ii\ hour* The new British Home Defense Air Force. «he ITnder-Seeretarv said would consist of not fewer than 5(Hi airplanes The purpose of thin force would he to protect Britain against sir attack by -tronncr atr (y/c - vthtln striking distance of this coun try "Thu Is the onlv Wav to Insure peace," said the Duke “l don't wish anyone to think I am accusing any of our great and friendly neigh horn of wishing us HI ' The Under-Beeri tnry gald great extensions'and Improvements *• '* now being considered especially In regard k) 111 umulv■ »moii"" of the varlotin companies concerned In chd aviation and the employment of largo ait ms of private capita), which lie l« lived was the only wav Os attaining eventually commercial socee. s with out governmental assistance HIIF I l*s* Kal.lgh. Aug >• '' rhr ,O, “J n " lons for the rnl’ed VHntes and <»n sda In July was approximately acconltnir to «noffU»« reliable information r< reived by Commissioner of Insurance Piacey W M ade and announced at hi* offlc Inday. , The estimate Indicate, a d"«W d deereas. in fire losses as . ompdrr with July. Ml. when .os-over - same area tetaletj approximately »•> MT.76<*. according to rep..rt* rn. dwcrcasau aald to the first of Im portance In three vear • The July In" • ,h » ••' 1 I said, was spnroxinti*W’ ,v *t " i less than 'he June l®»* B,US If. 11< Derbam. Auc ’* Thrmtgh t d" I elston handed doyn thla' afternoon to ’l President W B Badham of rhe Pied ! mowt 1-aagoe Danville reran*rs acv crnl rs lh* pjnfpi* dre'» r, td forfeited ' thrmtgß 'h« Playing of Pit dtp r M»r --« .. ■ • * a _• % wjk * GOI.IKSBORO. N. U, SATURDAY CORNING. AUGUST 18. f o own to . TO FIGHT CASE IN SOUTH CIIUI Try to Gel Hearing Before Gov*j ernor MrLeod Before Honor inf Papent „aie i * 0 SAYB COME ANY DEFRAUDED (XIENT t'oluniiiia, S t'.. Aug. If • neprexefltlug K. H Barrett litre* 1 other member* of the Augusta, Cbttou firm of Burret* and Company, charge*! with obtaining property" by, false ' pretenses in Aijfc< n county through Robert Beverly Herbert otumhla lawyer that Governor Mc- Leods office for a hearing before the governor before he issue* requisi tion paper* for the defendant’* in th' proceeding*. Following the i*»uanc# today of the Attorney General > office upon the protestation* ‘»f " A. Smoke of Aiken, attorney for (' R t.ihrand who allege* he wa* de frauded by the defendant aUtnnpP were made by B, A M«Dowell. *e« retary to Gov. Mcloxsl *o g*d in tuoch with lb* Governor, who 1* oui o the city. Any unuouncement a* t** what course would be pursued by the gov ernor would have to be .uuthorUad I*> him. J OLD BECOBOS CUE ■ to rams ME into Two Cohte To Lirht; M tic in 1726 and 1744: Shown Much of Early Life of Sfntc | r. ' Raleigh. Aug. 17 - The task transcribing will* find othnr old doc ntnent 7 *. some of Amrly two iQ>ntiirie« old. -la a t.adt c.ow < -um iag *)« early inhuhttuji'x of th'- “old North Stn> ■ Two Will* made by Joseph Bell, of ('artaret which were transcribed tbl* week a*- | trurted much interest no the part of ! eriiployet*' in the secretary of state s I office in aptte of the hours of t«dl»»a* work they *p*’nt in making tbo trnn irriptiona. will* "abound in ni!**t|el!ee preserved In th<- ( Htute's nr< hives. They »ro at most Illegible the ink having f.'d"d und theparchment having browned with sac Tbi >• wi ri a.| ■• l /tii Mr aid of magnifying glass „ In phraseology end rSlg ! lons expression. Hi*' will drawn In 1741 Is the most interesting It fol low In part: “In »he name /if Cod. Xnten 'hit 12th day of March, 1714. I Joseph Hell of Burtrlte county hi North ■ 'urollmi Planter be vary sick and and weak in Body but in perfect mind and memory thank* be given itntfci (iod. "Therefore railing unto mind the i mortality of thy Body and 'knowing . that it apivolntcl for all men .Once to! dye do make and Wilnin this my last I will and Testament that l. lo ’ prladpcUy and Bygt M all 1 glv< and I re. ointnen* my Boil* inlo the banc j .if t; md I recommend, tny Bod) JCt< • if to h. bitr.- ; tn decent i hrl- i.irt l.urls'l til the dl , . retain of my oxerutovrs nothing .tonbttng but at th* Om r*l Ressur ■•(.tlhn 1 shall> am., aggie. I,y tf*.e Mighty power of Ood ivnd a touching ftnPh Worldly estate wb« re , «tth It h*'h plesawd )}<«l to bb»H tn^ *tn thb Ilf" I Ice (UtnUfl.'and .llsyosc 'of same In follow-ini; manlier, snd form " In the firat will Joseph Beil he queathed various ptec*. of property, real snd personal to hi* wife, 'fur I tha Bell, and to four children, but j in ft,,, second will be mimed his wife i ,tx the principal heir and 4e ignet'd that sft*r her d*a'» th* nmiiert ; sho d,I CO to n MB. not naming any o fthe Hire* other children a? bet.* It was not stated whether ttpy had idled or for *hat r-a ••>« they wet* ; not mentioned In 'b* 'f^! 1 _ Tb* Will WAf Joeeph •* r;„- 2T3JB««Sr£' th* mart* Os Booth and Ma th at nootlh *W wliMaa** '* WB cwrMflad BT N>m.’ Mm ld. • clari * court. • , r. " • ■ . v ’ • i s* v. - - .m i LITTLECEREMONY ‘ IN DEPOSITING THE TREATY RATIFICATION Work H4iriitsi ImfhMfartPlt To Demolish Mrs! Lint 1 Bn I lie Ships 0 HUGHES TYKES HARDING'S PLACE » IVashington. Aug » 17' .Seatci' wb*mt ; a table gt the state department -Atm. recorded the Anal approvn of the powers of the treaties drafter bv the . and* too* of fighting ship* n«» an' <*« ft»p» this navy ‘Hat WiW Open Tiiesda* .v ArrangyVnent* for the opening r the co-operativ«b warehouse* n<*r Week wer<* completed a‘ » nieettn* o -forty warehousemen and attorney ht M In re last .nteht at the Kenno Motet' f. C!.-AVy4ktff*. director n warehoiis*** and Malor 'V T Joynet associate counsel presided. Attoftioya from the various e.stn tie* wlter*' co-operative ritirehoq**- j are stationed were advised a->fSk th 1 co-npertlilon thev were expert rill t extend the warehousemen Both warhouawraen and attorney ■ \ pressed themselvda as '> '' wB mlstlc over the outlook for a vet igucmrtatln Report* from loeul rbqw 175 contract* alsncd during the Pit** week with * number of local* ret <<- report- Hpe.-lal effort I* twin* in Warren, Cuberrin, Cleveland^ Rutherfordr Polk and Lincoln conn* tie*. Arriin*ement» have hefrW mad for a county-wide drive In Rowan with th. a«*l*ti»n trlct drive Manager Ma**k rr,nr ' d.-ntlv expect* n tin rnher«hlp of ’hi* t y-flv. - thouaaßd when the preaonl «ud *«*»£;’ on addreaa and « telegram tr*n hln confirms the -acceptance L- u * lock. General Manager of th. No Carolina Cotton Grower* ( "I'"^ V,*. litmn will sH make *n addreaa The committee on arrangement* M> nnnnrea riiuslc hy « rlt.-etf dinner with an iVlu,n . d ’' 3 Mod . hi-ken and h■■ - l "”. .tale* that the dinner will l* ‘ .i.v >v,,v. niyflvc of the Pro* tie at girl | nthe three'l.-a 1 ‘'he tie*n mild, to " \fotor C»> Company hy th- Truck amt Motor for,me* •«• he aclaethm of H*H <"""" ! *» «*' Kent Os the lath r concern *»•* « n today' 4 «* A."*-""* " f atm k hold »ra of the rear If** Company accfr* ng to un announcement. turned to night from the * ‘ h " * ttr v**y for *ha P**rl«*»^ i, Garland Russell Killed When He Dives Oft Tree •o ■ . V - - n At Little River Bridge TWO NEGROES ARE ‘ LYNCHED IN GEORGIA IN A SINGLE DAY " Governor Walker Starts In vest itfat ion Promptly When He Hears News ONE NEGRO SERVING ON t'HAINGANG AT TIME ATLANTA, Aug • Twn negro** ' verc lynched In Georgia early this uorning A crowd of men broke In ' . i|»* lilerl" I»■ y county jail at Coach ran, * Z~ r <* ■ took » nerro named ILtrri* 1 I harged with attacking a white wo- ‘ I nan carried htm twleve mllea from 1 I own, strung him up from a tree' and ] diot him to death Tbla mob waa I ial I Kxfepsion in OrdwAd to Include J*nrt of n Couniy By Governor WIU, CAM. FOR NO MORtf TROOPS '■Tul-u Aug 17 Martial law which haa hern In effect Itj the city of Tul *a *ii extended tonight to Include the a.mthern portion* of Tulaa coun ty. In eluding the town* of Red Fork and Pit Arrow, arena of the re cent ftogglu. The order enlarging the area of military occupation algned by A- G II If Mnrkhani followed eloaely the tfh'l of the men at .lenak No adldtloiml tro. p* will he railed he •aid. kI V 11F4T. KM, M l\N in “OVKiimmh Hit.inriv’ «• • Tiillgh/i.sMpp Fla, Aug 17 A "Overaeaa Highway" paralleling th< r "OverHMgH Hallway" from Key Ww*t •o the Florida mainland, a dialanc* of approximately I2f. mil. a. la a |ni- . albllity of the not dUtant future t' i plnn» of Key W. civic I. Miters ar ea rr lad .till They a.'.'k to MUpple m.-nt mean* of travel to and from I It.- little/l|y which wa* entirely eu' off from the mother atate tin'll th. Florida Kant Coaat railroad wa* com plated In 1*»12. P’lanx already have progr****.! t the point of Inveatlgatlng the fen*t hlttty of the road, the committee th 1 made the aurvey' pronouncing Ik * ■■liter :.-.>■ 1 - of ffl .:?»<-> * heart leal hlghwav ran be coaat rod <-.| ».v. r the dla|anee. eyeept for \ hridge*. the committee reported for approximately ll.SOn.ono Re.-mn ruendatlOn that ferrle* he need ove» t|»e .«rgtehe* of oi*en water until fund" are available for bridge htilld Inr waa mad*' tT>ie*« out aide aid Id rendere.l I however, con at ruction of 'l** road ■ diav l>e completed only In eectlon owing ,'n Monroe countv. llnaHSHtv lo hlrul II Hf sb.iVe A date, , early in feptemher I* IwlA* .llacs* ' ed »a the tlnie to vote on a bond M-s ' to heogln the work The! ataf" highway dermrtment M | lla liat quarterly maatiog. voted to jf-ive the pri*ct It* naaUlgnca to the extent of yngtoaertag' ’advje. . ■a „ ■ • # A; li. .!! ’ ' .a i ' . f MEMBER OP, 1 ASSOCIATED PRESS j PRICE FIVE CENTS SPINAL Cor6 IS BROKEN; HEAD HITS BOTTOM - V' Y. Was an Inspector For Atlantic Coast Line Coming Here From Hubert, N. C. Garland Rueaell. aged 26. wna kill ed laat night when be dived off n tree at the Utile River Bridge on the Raleigh road and broke hla neck., The accident happened about 8: .10 o'clock. bad climbed the tree to dive end called down to aak the depth of the water A companion In th* water warned him not to dive. t« the water waa only five feat dang. He went ahead with the diva, and Dr. Roae who waa aummoaad. «aM that he k*d at ruck on the aide of hla bead ttnd had broken hla aptnal cord. Two terteba had anappad out of place and the reault waa the brokea spinal cord. After hla diva companion* aaw he waa hurt and promptly pull led him out of the water. Wttbta elffkt min utea of the time l)e had left the top of the tree Dr Roae had arriead oa the scene The map waa atlll nllva and hla heart reeponded to stimula tion for a saw minute# Then It aeemed to go all Ul piece* and the roan dlad. He waa carried to the undertaking parlor* of the Ooldeboro l'#Bert|Wi| company' where the body waa ptw- #4 pared for bVirtal Mr Huaaell waa a car laapaator for jm the Atlantic Cooat Line and eonetd ered one of the beat employee* of tbo AyjjM company ll* waa genarally pokulat with hi* fellow worker* who T|; | wend a body of men to attend funeral. t He < am* here frofn Huberts Qg aloei county about a year ago J •tne* then b*» *">•«» Vlltb AH tfIHM He Goa*i Line He I* earvlved parent* Mr and Mre. D. W, ftuffpaS* - The body WHI be taken to Mffiwrt 1 gome time today for burial j decided last night tha* » Inquest the body waa ffptiflpßW J • ragary. Governor Walker Receives Threats Oklahoma Oty.-Aug 17 —A« auouy moit* letter - threadaalng Oovarnor r ! Walker iinlea* troop* Immadlalgly are withdrawn /rom Tul«a waa T*- i reived In the egactrtlve off leg* today aeeordlng *o an from the govarnor'a counagllor > t “Hnlaaa troop*, are wllhdrawa ai one* your fata wHI ba tju. »am# aa that of th* other*” th* eqttaa»Hag aald the tatter read Me dacltnrd to divulge th* ptaea II waa poatad. rHItfKHK HOTfOTT OF J*P4d I*l. UR HITOf' WITH KXPOITTR Tokio, Aug 17.-JAp»»n’a export . trade ... China ha# -uffarad aaor- I inonaly ~ ing the lavt law month* ; nSrr t»< th* Chine** '.ovcoM of Jap ;n#*e o. da ■ Rtear-h'p cmpanla* rl< h..y been hard ; \ Japan*** merchant* ar* up In arm* J * and reaolutlon after reaolutlon la be ing paaeed demanding that th* gov ernment take anjn* firm action to hrlng about a ehang* Th* foralgn office, however, ha* found It Impoa elble to do more than aend ahtp# to protect Japan*** auhjacta aad prop erty and bring the matter before the ('bln*** government with a raqnaat lhat local official* take atepa to pat an end to thla unfriendly attitude From Hie beglnnln* of th* year to the end of May Japan # export trad* fell off by more than JO.add.dd® Yen nine* then these haa baea ao diminution of the l*ojfcotl P4RCRI. FORT tIU»H TO KXPOIITR Wnahlngton. Aug. 17-Th# Amarf ran eximrt bualneaa by mall and P* r ' c*l po» l *» growing *o rapidly that Department of Comniarc# offlciala have decided to a*«ertaln ao tnr as poaalble the extant of this bualneaa of which no aUtlatlc* ever ha** baas kept It I* believed to rua Into a huge asm each year, which yfll awell the total value pf- the foreign export* i of the Dotted Rtat** Plan* hire been completed to cot. iect, beginning *l ,h January, ttli. alallallea of hy 4»rc»l post and mall, whlcti haw not b*on » I,'etcd heretofore, becauae *uch **- port* are not cleared Ihruogn ecu*- | iom bouaaa Tentative ' auhjecf to approvaLby the PoaWUX*- I ter (Jeneral, have l>*eu drawn up rd?. uulrlng bM)S|naW coscerns >» < ‘ ( I'nited Rtata* exportlngrby »••• | valued al >25 or nd ,