WEATHER •town-* Friday and MiN«), hilr ■■4 saawwlHil mrarr. VOLUME TW6} NUMBER lit F. MINTZ OF MOUNT OiI VE SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC WELFARE iriOBILE HUE REGISnUTUN EC! EFFECTHEIT IST nf Mom! Important I.hwh _ iWtl by The (.crural As- wnbiy WILL KKlhTce THE INSURANCE RATES HAI.KIUII. All*. 2;|. Altai |* eon •Mkred by many officials aml officers iW®' statn aud alao by tbouaands of 1' owner* a* one of the in bat * rtlportaul law* passed by the last f General Assembly tliv motor vehlcb H»l* registration art. goes into October 1. In view of Oil* law, automobile theft Insurant.' officials already huve an nounvrd that they will reduce their rate* 10 per cent and. acording to Secretary W. N. Everett. | n whose hands rests Uiu enforcement of thi law, they have assured that furthot antomoblle theft Insurance rale re dtictlons will lie made later lu accor-i ance with the cffec‘lveue»a of the new act. ." Registration of all automobiles am •, other motor vehh-les Including truck o sad motorcycle a. by ihelr munufae' •irers’ and engine numbers, la requlr ed by the new law. which.also make It unlawful for a person to operat< a car on or aftci October 1 unless re nisi rat lon has been made orapplL-t for An automobfle must be rvgUt.rei ust like i piece of real property, tie owner must hae a title for It. sab Mr. Everett In summarizing lie lav hi lefly Provisions are made for transfer!!) automobile titles In a much slmlla •canner to the transferrins of title • o rta'tv holdings Special prolvslon ate made for aulomoblle dealers, net end sec ml hulij It wan said a' Ibc tmr the act wi iro .n ed lu bill form to the icfls llttlie tliai OUY ol the more than 2(Ki. •100 motor vehicles lu North < urollni over T.imiO were stolen and that tb majority of the operators of these an tomobllcN ware Ignorant of the fac' that they oot knowing at the time » purchase that they were buying stol an property. The majority of tties automobile bear no manufacturers' or- ( engine numbers. It fcas said, This D I a problem, says the Secretary of Stab-. ' for w hich a solution nijust he found , in the near future There, Is no way, in Bud the rlgtful owner*' of these thousands of automobiles und ye' clear titles caunot tie given their pres ent operators, he said Mr. ISvwrrt' said he SWopght be probably would j arrange in auch Instances However. • he did not iSimmlt himself to Ihl * pis u V Registration blanks will Im- mailed | aulomoblle owuers accompanied by 1 copies of the new act The rcglstrii l ' . C *' f tlon blanks must la- filled out uud , v_»alled to the seiretary ol stave with | the nominal license fee required. Th," nmny derivvd from the fees will b deposited to a special fund, part of which may be used In mainlalnlug a > corps of deputies authorized with t*pllc t ,e powers to enforce the dew "act aud other traffic regulations following are Important excerpt from the automobile tile rcglsruiou 0* law: is "Hec. 2. t’erlflcate or title Tor mo tor vehicles, after Oclobr tirst. IJ - no crtlflcate of the registration of ai" vehicle or number p'ates said description shall contain Ibc WnufaAirer* numla-r. the motor number and any dtatlngulfhlna marks Ingcther with a statemenl of Ibc np pllesnt's Mile and of any liens or nth tr nacunthcranees* upon said motor Lhlelc and such other Information l ms t|e«- rotary of State may require “Mac 3 Naw isrllflcale require!' after sale or transfer In the even' of (he sale or other transfer lu this state al'er Oetohar *rst. nineteen bun drrd and twenty-thrae " f "»' "* n /vrsblp of a motor vehlcl* for » t c.rUfl.aU- of title ha- »•►*» 1 aforesaid the holder of such cer Heat# shall endorse on the back n MS aslgnmant _ thereof w,t|, warranty of tlila. U> nrint-d thereon, wtth a staleno-nl of all liens and enconiberance* on said motor ve hide, and dejlver tb. same to the ) Continued on pag* threat *- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS HIM Jim is MHO MT LETTER MiOE PUBLIC TOOIT / Ha>h Thiil He Wishes The Stale men! to lie Taken as Chal lenge to F'ight in California SAYS HE WOULD LIKE TO BE PRESIDENT WABHINOTON. Aug 2,i Publica tion of n letter written by Senator Hiram Johnston written to a friend lu iillfurtvla discussing ibc igdlticul outlook for IW2-I lmpelled'*the S«-u*- tor to issue a statement paying bis respects to those who the loi ter tb Uie public and adding that be hoped Ho- Incident would "be taken by the opopalßou as aif' Invitation to a contest lu allforulu Apart from candidacies the state ment tmld Jbe "progressive republi cans of allfornla arc determined that the stute to the republican National Couvurftlon next year must represent truly "a progressive n-jiub llcan state," The letter to wJmse publlcatlota the* senator referred was written from Europe in May and was addressed to ('buries K Mrt'lalrhy. >f Sacramento In It Mr. .lubnston laid be would like to" be president but saw no prospect that President Harding could be He add nd that lie was convinced'the Johns ton element could not rally Its old time strength In-California and doubt ed whether he could carry the stale against "Harding. Hoover or any olh 'r candidate ’ „ Tonights statement Was prefaced •y Heustnr Johnston with u stipula tion that he was giving It out for publication on the expressed condllou that it shall be published.exactly a written or not at all. fill TOUCHES iE UOOED TB PROGRAM OF I. FUEL SUPPIT Different Departments are Tak ing: a Hand in The .Mittume mcnU a* Outlined by Arintin ist ration A WILL HOLD UR THE EMERGENCY RERORI Washington. Aug 2a. Final |>h u «cs i Os the governors' program to supply 1 fuel to. aiithi'aclto consumers In the | events of auapenslon of work 111 tjy, j hard coal mines were taken up to i day by the several bureaus to which; | the prepwruljMn* hail been assigned • but hope of an ultimate seUli-tfTent I of the controversy between o|»arator*i I end their employes continued to be expressed Chairman llumuioud of the Oiu| Conuntslon after u conference with President Foolldge uphonni *-<>l that the coiniiitaalotier’s emergency report of the situation would be held up un til the last minute so Its conclusions might tint binder any move of,the dlsputaitts to get together He de clined to s.*» whether the commission ft* was in receipt of Infonliatton which led’ It to expect such « move His visit to (be White House was explain ed 4s for the pttriHise of ie|HirtlUg progress In the dlstrtbillon problems The threatened sus|M-nsion of an Itu urite priMtiielton WUS rcflei ted In the-activity of number of govern iiieu bureaus today as tlie admints-, tnvtlgins defense program began to; a>.-ume deflnllc shape. Ift tin Ipli t tot ilcpurl meat completed iu.-droc ttons for those who would be called upon to substitute soft for bard cool. Mid OF I. It M MIT W IMI 0 l> h t>S\> To|M'ka. May" It As a result of the recent decision In the Katiaassu preuie court meiutieis of the Imlus |rltil Workeis iif III*- World are not wanted In Kansas The high conn tut - sustained gn In junction against the I \\ W, Its of ficials uii.l all members, issued In the district' court of Muller country. It bus bee,t held by the attorney gen eittl's department that the poasesamn i of all I W VI tin- 111 Im- is lit p card ,i --sufficient grounds .on which stub member rnay be held In contempt of Hie injunction in any county in ihc slate C H lirlffith. stale attorney geliei 1 1 In his brlal before the court, », nrib anniversary flr tbn first woman s right* convention wbi.'Vwns bcld at Seneca | alls, N Y, In (MS These girl* repc.senled burden bearer* In the |«,gc..nt which was held on July JK. 23 i.nd 24 und was wltnc-vd by thousand, ot raffnigists from gii over ih« countrjr. * on TIKE 111 PITT COUNT TRIAL | FEMES THE DH l’l;iinli(T Rents Cast in Trjatl t»f I*i 11 nut it AlfHinstl Tohnrcn ' (iniwtra AfHociitlion F u r Fraud ° FARMERS SAY THEY HOT LOWER PRICES OHBENVTU.E, N c. Aug 2: - 1 The pla|nilff restyd Ibis nflernoon in the c*s»- of <1 H. Pittman agulnxt the Tolmo o Pare Icsil lied that lie bad altelulcd the iilentiiig ul which Plltmivß said mlsreprc I'lita I lons w ere made and wlire be signed be .aiitlract Pa* e * testimony was in the effect Unit no promise of Mi |h-i cent was uuwlc by the jig ml und tbn! were avail,ibb to all w ■ signed at that lime lor iiielt jtispr ' tlon a ltd I* ailing b* f**r* ,i*la tvt n*-- then - ignatm. - J)n . i-\a ,1-^ ' l lloh 111 ts-v t It'i 'it 11t |' 1 1 • '.,1-1 Hon probald' -.'a in o- i f lb*' ■* i . Ids wlib.b il i • tilifn• m , nlle&eil have gotten 'ru n i oope talivi mtirkciin- not 'm,i in.- farm,. 1I r. f!,.1 , ti .■ v•> 11 c- b,. ,k , v | would lie done in v . •' II- -aid In hiol obtained bis lsf<>rii<,iiksi alaiiii t' .* 11 r-1: Mil 1 I * Htc i-llbji'i lln w f>, acting In Un ■ - t j Stance ol II V\ . tvilgofe head o 110 Jllali* agtleull u! at vxt.ll dou -i-rvit* mol that to did n.rf i.reive any -.d mi y exc» pi from*-, couniy a federal zuvrim u- l II I. i I also seeled that H,i h hud t ■ ■ n m. HUM e-el-’.ll jllll - 111 110- meet 111/ ,' tended oy VSi , , ~ met- took th- 'I-iiiil rftlflng Hi c.n for the plaintiff' nod i< »Hlosl that ’lt"* tool r.i elved a lowei pro, rn Os Terror * Promise of I. W. VV. . Sat Aut ■::: V-« tti hr RuhjiH'tmi to u "iulgn «ts li r no by I U " and rue in tiers • of the organi/nlion plan (o give the ett yttre same tjlml of n dose that *«- admlnt»ier.*(l to f cntrallu. Washing ton. tbc author!! il H who ate Invest) gating the aclivittsa ot ill- organitu-- tlon In I'.allfuriilu rv(Hired today. GOLDSBORO, N C., FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST. 21. ID2.T MEXICO SOI TO BE RECOGNIZED SO THINKS GFFIGIIL Warren Say-s Work in Rrartirai iy Ooih* (.» Wiihhimrton Think* Day i* Nrar When Mexico To lie Uecornizi-d OTHER COUNTRIES TO FOLLOW LEAD M \AHINCTON An. : Ili-innj, lion ol fncndlv rHulioiii win, Vli* Ico is regarded here are vitally . II rliilhtv ’ and It I- egpnctfd of ficial auiiiMincedKini v*ijl lie quoli ahortly liv Iho goverumont t 'the attitnde ol fh* ru* him on ibe question biid need revealed o diplomatic repressmallves her. of ( sevcral Inreijl govovnincais which d is iw-llevsd w(|| extend recognition to Mexico once ihc I lilted Slate,, ha done WI.H * Annoupvnment was piadF utixiuy that ('.*ll Warren on*, of the Ameri can Comuii jpto i> t't (1,. r- - cut Mexico • * 1 1y ctlDfe'retici- h.itl com lull ed lu> work fro Hu time being Mr Warrip -said he s*, fully imihdciit as In the results of the negotiation., and this asM-rtion was .taken us an adidtlonul lndlcatina lhal a rocivgiil tboi was'not Ur oft Charges Will Be Investigated Say League Officials NKW YORK Im . two < arc 111 mil i p|uyers wt-n uji p; o.u lied l/y gam bier* r* * * nll y on (lie eve of a crucial series with till- New Yolk. ({lnula will lie uirted to 110 bot tom .1 A Hey ler president of Mu N.itloioil' la'.ic ill altuounced to.lai a! ! * Ns»ll#| lieforc him earlier in the ilay which tin- players, Sammle l-oliiie suit lett fielder Pat Ibiucun flatty denied the accusations I'hi cli. fg- wen. pubitwtied last Saturday by a hb ago k|airte papi i ’■ ■ ! • lost o! dial -,>•g l, 11 piii -i , f-u then was lit todays lienntig in t, i office of tlie National lu-ngtie c x■ eetltivi who c*lab|ir|ii'i| a pi.ccdi-ul , •i\ inviting i inciun.ii i newapwpet men to uiivnd *» „ "101 h W Vs | | Vl llts I,)| |l'JXi*> Manilla. Vug 22 i V' 1 • "jU-*l, by • -titerg-.-ncy bmrrd lot a etutenretit from - on i nn.i'll 1 offi li.'in. rhi-ir unus-ed equipment h„< di ■ oacd tbn 1 .bud- (I 0011 OH,, Ol ipplle be lob ;l|i -. to tin Insular guverrviru-nlv l.- lotitii ' fi'-m disusi ut wii-'hou-i-s l.rt.'ot"^ will- to- ic,mb o* savr lie .bat. II IM It* I I lit M ITH H'tgfh V'tiiilu- la atroe •il 1-1 II V ill • 11 bill, u' 'a . o t.l 1 S| aI I a otia I / I 111 Hi I; lull"- ‘-l.i<'Oi*(iji>lonia lain Hunt hern I .euuHi ' Na '-v ill*- M. i*pi,i I f hultauiHi,;a |I * Little Ifock I , " 7 P'i rng , r.- I 'i ItirmlAgbani k I. Hlanri 7 I, It in tilagr, dars Ni- w (|i |ca ji* *1 -‘t w 'i. 1 irgillla liic.'iie ifb t ico'-il . W 1,1 on I (Hlmrs lain Pii-ditiuH.t l.eggiie D u ham I ,r* 1 I, \atlniiat I,eagle • J'P ago PMlud- l)dila I, 1 CiuviunaU lu, Brooklyn 2 Hi Isuiia 7-7, New York s-t Ptltabnu X Host.»n 1 tmerlean l.ewgue ’ I'bilace.lphli* n. i htjago in Nsw Y»irk I. Itstrolt 2. Hoatort !; St I ami* t. OPERATORS MU MB SUM SH.ENCE FOR Dll ■ One Side Offers Arbitration and 1 The Other Huy* Thev Hill not > Work IjnleMH T he> art (‘aid More WILL SETTLE FINAL > POINTS VERY SOON API ANTC ( ITT Auk 21 Anthra rite nine operator* and official* of ' : in- inliiMM nit ion> convinced ■ Hurt M«|itnnil)cr 1 would mn* * coni pjctc -iu|i| .ikp of their tmlitilri an u tt jiiU of failure to main a Hew wage 1 cuutTwet.felwgWd in tins cjy 1 lluiiiuli all tomiitunu-atlon between 1 tbum hud, lai'ii s.ixpeudcd for forty eight lionik Hoih group* had been 1 definitely told that., the government ' bail no »roll till tin Intervening till ther lit prevent the uhul down utid nelllier hsul iliuured In ijfvir vllglit eet dcgfei Ibe conflicting HttltlldiiN which made them break nit nagoHa- I ton •> % Arhlirailou for every disputed point wai tbo laiit (iltiV tbe eiii|il.i|rt the) adhred hf the iiUimntiii i» tnui tpi mi it'’would ein> «»«> front work tilth n w .i*r Increase wax a* kii red i It ulen ii|i|ieureil durian the day | that the miner* uubiu iiiid the ope-; ruturn "bWd u |nlint to settle liefofe *r|»a .Itltirr till.ill) In take I lielncaa tire* which are necessary In whut In ilb Mdes‘conceded nitty be a" fin 111 b ll'hl It will take shout toon titan In keep the liUllip.l III the deep! mlttc* through the Pennsylvania r> iflnn In keep Up the maintenance' work under-mound and to mine Hu coal that f 111 lilt lilt |Miwer-hnu»e unit must he kepi rutinluK Two Killed in A OoHHinj? (Tush jS;.! niton tint .'• Mn Nannie I 'lt '■ I ' 'S' . (it •) tier : Oil ' 'Michael. >. Hi killed InklaUll) late Indu) when i Norfolk and - Wealenf frutc I'm H" inoliu ear In wbleh lhe‘> wet#' tldltur ni i trade eroi’lxiig m fiaslr to nr here Two- other none, 1 lon : Ml, drfver «l tti«* ear and WII -01. 1 1)01 rd I.IMIIt riMM HMHI Mil |t • lit IlimsH t 1.1 Kl'l >» IN laiodo.' Ai'i .2 Thvtw wo* .• v I !'• no /• iidoou p.« «ire In laitnlni V' 11 wont to 'ii'tiotiiii i I beat re.- a - . I .link •iHil !•! ihi in rot It Hut iiowm <• ' t 1 • ihfitMi i "f tin go-pel w|io '.ill .' .w • . •• .a ('ll"! 1 ■ iid I i a o .0,1. ’ I .» lio" el ei ha (• it’adi mli n i iMri plat < ta*t ' ■ the lie - , h t, Saxton Ad In - the f>u rim in Norkhhln* and ■ , ■ a nil ■ 1 tre Rut loti a I If i l"!i 111 la-edi) reeentH fie >»ald ' I l.oiil'i line to in oui dellahiu P in t . alii every we- k u ftof pla) a p!|i a- tui nine ;il.t>» »re ■- '»>>•) a ..»■ mu anl the ■•• I« ce. .■inly a mlulutry of ISoghtsr wel| la 111 rf.lllg , '¥ k « Kl Ilf PORI I It Ilf tit lo . ■ A nr. 2 1 I \\#* official!., e potted hi re tIIIu. atteroonn that Ha-J run Toino*ahum Kulo. plernlei bf Ja pan bud died irimd been previous F Iv announced that he *a» aerlrßntlyj 111 Reports Havfc Been In Circulation That Mrs. Johnston Will Object _ - A ( all For Business Men To Boost Market Me bate ret Oe-ted In latter tine liHadn»* huoiite.o sad pre- I'e.Khinai men ui nur ell) lo meet at ottr office till* morula** at it o'clock to ‘ole a >Hirl> to rn Hint 0 Maine fV.'Nty In the luleriit.ol oir Tohaceo Hariri. It L hie liutl ■ oil did aai irel one of tin •a teller* liat imr rei;ite*| up- I pile* f» 'ou liivf the .atmWe an build our I abate* market only li) i'iiii|H-nillnu «Ith tobacco ware hou»e iNuuaueri la the tohnreo turmer. that Hold*hunt telronies them aad H la defer mlnalioa of oar maaoawet ,to wee to see lhal the prices today la (.oldshore 'imipan fatorlily with those of other market*. Mill yoa sapport h« in ottr effort*t t<»ld*horo t hamher as t'li—at ni. TRUE RILL RETURNED ICIINSTIJH PIERCE FOR DEATH RE NEGRO Id Alleged to H«v« Struck Him With Car on Itakiirh Itoud Idiat IVlity, Ihe Wan Itvinic Savcral Mtmlhn letter (HVJ;; HON It LAST NIGHT FOR fUton The *fo nil i Jury yoaleedar re to rn(nt" a true '.ill oKulnel Tiiin Fierce, while, of (loldaloini, chartloti hint with muaalauKhter lit Toiitiuethiii with tho death of Krnewt Kaeford, Colored tm on the Kalelsh Hninl lu*t May Olerte. It eceiim wan driving a cnr ulotiK the mud and run the old oylor ■-d man ilowh. Tho Jury fouud a true j hill ugalnat hi in und he win nrrnwi ed He arranged bond for lUKMt and 'ln ul present at l.lbcrty. The case will (ome before the Judge today, hut i trial I*' not K*|eictcd at this term of cuurtp The ngro did two montba af ' let the accident la alleged to have uiiirred , o yp. Horse Stealing Not • 1 Profitable in Wayne Youiik White Man Geta Two to Four Yean* in Sujierior I 01 Ut Klnaton Aug Zl Patrolman Kl elnird who admitted cluhlhng Cleveland l.oftln. when ihe laller re -iaied arte"* and I'ltraed the officer at an Kurt Klnaton point aoDte week* ago. will p«) purllal coal In a COM j agatnrf him In H«i>erlor court Dffl ■ i t St i mid siih 4U»|ieitd«d teui|Mirarl ly and afterward* rettuttaied Ilia »u --pirrlora »ald he acted huatlly under; i vtrtnite jirovoratton l.oftln today | «'iH»d convicted of riaPdlhg un otrrsi! with Judgment cvnecteil to lie Mill-j : 1 ' Ml 'i poo |. i v nicnl o! Mptg It' Watt oi iplllted "! .■ charge of dll. Ing an white Intoxicated ' v >..iitig v*union w|tiiea» created .iiiiiim i.ieul in u HI) wltlj Solicitor Powii . n't I lie lo.ulna of, Ihe i aae. against latftiii After admitting that l.oftln vlgjted Mt her Inline aoinetlmeH. - i M- elied .i i| lie. lion a* tll |Minal Inc .ill .itlnn ahe might entertain tm hiti Ihe pri.sei utor waned to. know j If the mtiple were wwcetheurte I I bat h nope ot’ volir iHDIItHW," tile . w Hnt a repllnd, adding that itlte had | ! -eiti In "anothei rune The "Stale wu« eftMctuillly ailenced >» M VOKb I'OTTrtff . N.w York. \ug .’;t Spot cotton hiaed quiet loday Middling 3k 26 Mont ha: October 2to«; Heeetuher 23 M; January 23 ki. March 23 72; May 23 70. 1 MEMBER Os! . ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK KIVK CENTS Rumor Has It That She Will Refuse To Issue a Certificate to Newly Elected Head b . ..... Pied MipU. of Mottat Oliva, vet*rati newa|M4p«r man and formar rrpr** lentatlva from Wayne county la Ihe houac of reprgooatatlvae. *»« elected miicriiitundent iff public welfare for Wayne county la a called aaaalon of the board of county comtaJaalonara and the hiMtrd of education yeaterday mornlna. * * Mr Mlnix will take over the office un dupteiffhcr I. It hau boon rumor ed generally that Mr» Kate Burr lohiKtoQ will rofuae to give Mr. j Mini* „ his certificate The chairman of the cotnnilealonerei U A. Raney 1 staled yesterday afternuon that If Mi* .(ale departnmnt did not mrt to It j aite Mr. Mint* hi* cortifthalo sa • mial welfare forkor the cotmaU ; alonera wonld make out a eartlffoat* all their own and give It to Mr. Mtßti and (uaduci the affair* of the office nf Ahe Office without the co-oparatloa j of the a talc uffleaa. The elacilon at Mr. Miata follow* j < onalderahle apaeulallon on tha part jof the oat Ire county a* to what ac ; tlou the iMMiri) would lake In tha ter. Heveral hlylc urgaidiatlaßff as (ioMahoro have gone on record ffa Ba iun lb favor of ohly a I rained MMM for tile office of the ahpertatMildika and while Mr Mint* la wall IMdgrd and a capable man H I* gaaargllß I c oft ceded that tha remit hMoiib «aaa aimed at tha hoard to try to kffggy thoui horn eleetlag Mr. Mlhth. Rw H elideil yealarday luurnißg. The board of educatioa baa fawffwd a tuofn highly trnlagil mah for |ha iae>itliiti but the general opiaiqf fly Ihiit •lure Hr Mtnlj, I* (dectad W# will give whole kaatied aapporfTia •■rKHiiUatiotih iii 'town that vara fa favor of u more highly trglaad man The salary l« rived pi lltoo a year .... ReminUneut la felt ovar tha report ihut Alt?, ohneion «|t| not Inane n certificate. If atich la her Ifftoattou lit vet igut lon ahown that she has inf er In the peat, nor hnh tha defaft utetit ever turned down an appUca- Hon, and If Mr. Mlnta'a request Is turned down Ute hoard latnadn to ffat Home excellent reasons for aaeh Sit action . V . jt'c Ht'lff. ST IST TRI TO ROLfI XYftTKRV Off BLI'R MXV New Orleans. Aug 19—Mfeil* acl eittlela are endeavoring to *otvn the mystery of Ihe earn; of Trad TVlnHera. the tusn with (be blue akin sad or gana. who died in a New York hos pital |aat Monday, apeclalliat* ol Maw Orleans have announced the presence here of p similar case, according lo a atorjf puhllHhed In a local newapa r . r per • Theca ce la that of Mr*. Amelia Loopidd. 73 year* old, believed hf limul HpeclallaU to be the only wo man In the world with blue eh In, the , *tory bays * Kof more than twenty years, aecorning to Atm Aebor, her brother. Mr/' I cmxild has been a uiyatery to aelMiUata. Thousand* of edv|lara have been ipenl tn an attempt to deterhi'iim ihe underlying cdune of the change ol her skin when 62 year* old from a creamy white to a deep blue h Him mk Off i Oku* 11 ut* ff’Oß MKRT INDIAN ('QI.ORIRH Jaindou, Aug. 22 Pear that Amer ican Inrilieiice* may eventually af fect the n>l»ibin* between KltgUßff hnd the Hritlah Meat Indie* hav In "ailed I’ar llauienl and catiaad some members of the Hoove of l-orda to urge that the government |o-»« no time In etrengtheulng the e*l*t|gg bund* wit lithe Hritlah coloalaa Vlaouunt llurnhatn has urged that special rapreacniailoia at the Imper ial Kcimotulr ronfcrence he given the Meat ndlo*. mid that lotlter eomruun tcatlon on the *ea and under It b t e*- luMi*hen a the preaeut tliq* t* very had. a mudlttnn |hat dues not obtslti with any othur part of tha ISipplr* Almost all of ihe uewa enplllad to Hie Wpet ntllatt pa|«er* come* from Amerha. and ref|ac|a the American I’olnt of view. Nffrt PORTO RICO iM IMP TAX Hun Juan. Porto Rico, Aug, 22- A production tax of « caata par hun dred pounds on sugar has been lev ied toy a new exclae tag lam which hue j uni become operative and In eg peeled lo yield from s27o.nffO to 1300. into a year for the Insular treaa ury. W e*H v 1