I WmtHWi J I Fait HaturdaflMMl Sunday, moderate I / ° temperature ~ 4 1 fcwn' mill --111 VOLI MK TWO; NUMBER 146 One Juror In Co-Operative Case Excused V- ' * GEIMMI9TMTIOH U Mil 1 j, MTIUHL CIPIIIH || I iiiiJti i if a Clash in Central , .it, Ku%6f (nnnof be Averted a* N3r ('ondltiooM Nos Bxlnt (• |*KHHIMIHM RUNNING RIOT WITH OFFICIALS O N. A,, « at-Th* In* taraaflnuuMoti In Qerm*a> notwlth *tiimßr reet'nt indications uP aorjie liitpwmin-ijt m recording Washing ton with arav«- apprehension Mom American ofHrtal* for obvious reason* have refrained front dUeiutc- Ing the finest Inn publicly lull munr members *f lhe hovtso and senate ami other* agct-e privately that the out look la dlaqiihetliiK. to broadly repr.*- j aentatlvc diplomatic circles 100 there la a pronounced and almost uni vernal note of d lacou rage men t. Some rcpreaeniatlveM of count rlea not con cerned directly with Oernuin repara tiona regards eluah In central Kurnpe a* Inevitable In diplomats circles fe lnxatlou of pressure In the llhur U not expected. Any change was held lo lie i>os*itdf long before premier Baldwin made bta atatement on repnrtlon In common* hi whai lias l»e«n regarded a* an es- j fort to save Central Kurope from dla - *H*«T SIKH IUK V HW4P ..DAUBER 0I,|) VI. F., HAY* fHYHIt IAY > | , (.rtamoutti. Aug 23 nr lteier MacDonald startled the British Meri-j fell Association conference here by nigging that a atoop of the shoulder* enuaaa 3*d *#•—a direct Inversion of the popular theory He m»M that by following the ad vlgg of a Nfyman he threw a acore or yeara from hU shoulder* “i Wga fooling old and decrepit.’' l etplalsed Dr. MacDonald "when l| pkknd up n honk published by this layman, from a bookstall 1 «as thru a ago' tpiwt ■ | ago the author, and he told me j that I wpa old simply because I stoo|ied. Under the Ireaimenl lie laid down l thraw off my stoop, and In a few we«?he I became u different % man." Dr. MacDonald I* an upright, spruce looking man. with an eyeglass .and when he slirtched hlmaelf lo his full j height and carefully adjusted his monocle he looked Itarely thirty years of d’ge "We doetora." he said, "are 100 pre-j Judlecd against luymeiv who make a Study of a certain aubjert. nnd often learn more than we do. despite-all j out knowledge of medicine and eiff gery. « * "We have net eliletl the Idea Ihnt the stoop of the shoulders untf lh< hettd of ihe neck are Inevitably link - cil up with old age “1 know K will sound unorthodox to-you all to auggrsi Jhal wild age I* brought or hy litis stoop of tha shoul J ilers, hut .1 have been convinced that H |s so; the stance of Ihe seems * (o tic Imiinil up with tltf period mu can live, and If everv mats would bold himself itprigbl he would live many years longer." o . -j 0 . ■ flllFlGO TF.4I HH HBIMFTVI.H rhtcMgn. Ana 2,1--Byaicmailc clas room work In safety , education sot I'hk-ago Is planned In Ihe natlon-wldi campaign to chei k the niuunllnx tol of occidental death unit tnjudv. A plan for schooling In accident pr vi niton, safety methods, and Mist ah activities drawn In- a committee ap pointed by Superintendent of School * jiraelite In 'he elemenlarv *rh(»ol* u' tlf* ()|M'lilng of the Fall term fA *feiy ediicatl<*u_ tbrough *Jut-in , and |al«|es, class room games theme drnmatuaUon and debates Is u purl o Ihe plan In'addition, an effort will Is made to relate »i*clilei»t,statistics with the student'! work In ttrlhmelc. grant mar and geography **K*peril-nee In *fva:nl dllea ,h«» shown,' - Ml*. Mor'Htsun said, "that safety Cducwtion In the schools has hero the moat effective agenev |yi <v iiu, lnk the number of accidents to children ’ ** TIM* progfant approved for rhlengo, an jAA|eved to be mor.-evti nslve than else way arranged by prlßCßvals In arhtsds here. In roo|ier»- tlon with more than B« agencies Inte tested In *he alms of ihe undertaking •‘lt does hot contemplate the addi tion of s school subject," Mr ortenson txplslnyl. "btu rather the Itujvlli u'ldn In wmeila aabjeeu of concern for the |- h a Jr til ihe children." *** MB 1 IIHh MUHIN t New York. Aug 23—Spot eotlon closed quiet: middling 26.tf« t’otton “ r~t-iree eioagti .owlet hut steady (>c |dbar i 1.28; December 24 17; March fiM: Jaa-*»i' it-H: Maj- 23 THE GOLDSBWfO NEWS Bit Lima SKde at Jupiter Terracilfin Yelfowstone A care-ln. which occnrretl at Die tveutiilfut Jupiter' tersam of tlu- Alamuioih lint Mpnnga In Yellowstone National parg recently, was tha most serious within ihe ipetitory of the old residents. After softening becitiise of an ultuaual now of hot water, n chunk of the formation fell, leaving a hole upproxinuitely 20 by -to feet. The inutwilul, i-unsiaUng 'fit white carbonate of lime, then flowed down to the highway below ami Into tlye wtiler supply reservoir. Tbla photo graph shows the spot where lira slide «w vairrod. Nois sirrnk lr centw of the idoture. __ READY TO RING UP 1 1 CUM ID NATION WIRE COAL STRIKE #> • All The Preliminiry Plans Com pleted a*<f Miners Depart for Their Homes From Atlantic I City . WILL LISTEN TO A PIjEA FROM PINCHOT A * WASHINGTON, 0 Aug 21- Anthrn | , | cllt mlnV rcpreimiitßtftveiK today took ' V -the last step necessary to shill down, t Ihe mines Septe’mher 1 thot|gn ness | i-ame..to them front WaaWngion ths*4 I (Injirgor Pint hot would seek a last I worC before the Impendlit* atrugglr I jln the anthracite region. Stale., cott j nitlces Yrom the three union dlatrlds iittlhorired by nnonlmous vote the Is-j snance of work suspension t * orders, aud walked out of their meeting mom i to take the trains which tonight ate carrying most of them to their hntuns. Their officials hbwever sultf that | any request’ would he ucrept«-*t. In pits 'view tneinlverv of tin o|>»- 1 .ilnr. policy committee ttlso Joined The employers would refuse no r»**|tie»t I for discussion however slight might : be the prospect for a settlement Tanker Reported In Had Trouble Galveston. Aug 24 The British; tanker "(J. U Crowe" was reported j In distress ihU afternoon, necrvrdlttj: | to dispatches received jjl Ihe nival* j station here The position of the j Crowe wa* given as about ISO miles east of Tampico ■Ww - I«i:vn Al. in I ll'll NUHONTOBN The fatymen’s Christian l-'rderatlon ! ire holding revival services In Bryani -street Baptist church, unilfr the letttl - vrsblp of the President tii the Kede- Mayor K. II Itain Kat It night at k n i 1011, some mem •cr of the Pederutlon h-sdn Itya sir-; li % lit it short Ualk, followed by le Itnoni#* frti|tt nj,enibers of-the f-edi allot! and any olio oh i- who lov» » Hi-- Vtrd enough to tell ol* Ills soutleons mu, gootl lies', a at :iien> In.'.-riY lie •hlhlren of tiiett „ Rev *' A. Jones, of the M K el ■jilt of this district aided Ihe Kcdr •/railon Ibis week by preaching on ll* In the revival On 'fhursday night six men t*f ihe hurth neigtilsn! I - c i fnrw . sj, he it it at j i .i 1 1 I-- fit in 4 vll slv at tlii -• -t*|w art tm u of brain. I>| ,I«I1 .Hid mu-ili pi i- ■ - ril ''conversion. j , 6 Two sgrvhi-s will he held in Hryiii Street cliuuli at II t - tit nnd 4 |i m The services, like all servile- hell hy (he Federation, are non-deuortithn tlonal and everyboily who love* the , laud and desires lu aid In Ihe fur | iherance of Ills tvlngdom tot the earth I are Invited lo attend and In-ip m, In Ihe good times We ate bavin* The latyttisn's t hrtsthin Kederwtlon will WnrsUJi) nl Knsewood »< hisil house In Fork township, next Httndttjr afternoon Fvery layman who ran fnrni h a j ear lo lake the folks to tills *r rvtie lls urgetl lo do so All are iav ted In Ago II nr eijieel u fine atendanre at Hit i itieeling and linjn- for a good time spiritually t I H ItAIN f‘ns. I CHAo A. BROWN, Sic. ! EIGHTY TWO NEW IEGHI LIGHTS IN ; NORTH CAROLINA Two Men. (tAhe Holme* and M„ If. Thompson, of Goldsboro Are Among Those Passim* Kxaminalion FIFTEEN FAILED ON EXAMINATION RAMOH Aug 21 J-iiuhly two lawyershave been added to the state’s legal rosier’according lo the tlsl made public tonight by the Hu preno- Cottrl Th of tb««« t»s*sed ih. 7 exauitriHtlon fie"TtrfTie first part of ihe week and remaining threa under Ihe j cotoltjr .tel applied for” llceii»t-« ! fifteen of whom failed lo pass the wntten exn'mlaattona and onj- who j wu.i not granted a llrs-nss under the - cuttill) act Those who were granted license to. pra'tice In North Carolina Included. • tialte Hnlntes. Gnldsliorn. Mcredlih ijugh Thompson. Uoltlattoro i , -. —.l—-i*iijjj, I, ,. I I IIN IMH.H INTO GAHBFYH is it\a vrm r-ROPOsti, .' t Boston, Aug 24 The transforma ton Inin [rustlife* ami market gardens •>f hundreds of acres of swamp land , and submerged area.-, is fore-'-etr hy John W Phllsled of the Massafltu lu-pa-imeiit ol Agrltnliur, unde; tjjff stair and reclamation luw passed by the l'*2'.l legislMtur<- The Wet. land* of ihe state, It. I* es ttmated. jovrr fronj Tod.otto to Min I 1 ObOacres, and range front small-sized IwigH to one lartte swamp ol 7,hfto .-or.- Mattv acessihle swamps can h< -lijfllned and tiled Ml Flalsted out. and the - oil may l>, tpadv to produce <rt>p* of hay. vegetables or tatsittriigt Irttis helping lo meet 1 u:t ever growing net-4 Lor agricultural land In these tltiys of rapidly expand ! lux low n* and tilit-s 4b financing lu»* been -the main prob lem in former reclamation project* In Mitssat husclls The ptesettl law pro ! vides three separate methods, f.itijl may be rai-ed liy unsesantent In a glv «-tt (tutrtit. urul deposited wlllt vlo stole treasurer; the members of the tt/strict inn' vot<- tolni'-.r debt to t'itdlng to the tends'-of the In* . or tin old o' tinali tt-K i*v ipjiroprts'ton* by county com ml sc loners may Im- ailoplml ihe lii 'wis held also lo applv In low land* In t.eml of IrrlgatlijlJ. and II . is hedged that such territory may he developed with the disiiu-t rncthods ' imtline-l , The Intent of the ,oi t -i --dated to Ip lo help the people to help ihenisetve . It i* » piivata matter I -npeivl-eil j*tid encouraged hy (he o'tale and artordln* l«t ngrltllllursl iiuthorltte* reptesents it movement ol the greatest promise • .... Ut- - j- ■ KM MII »T HOHFWOOl) I !,f .iniiiiiil revival loi Ihe I’ile I'oi.- i Metltodlsl and tommunlty will paid I-- Flu ne>-' school hafidtna i Tlii’ meeting sill begin Htinda)?. A'tg i list 26th. II a to.- Goldsboro tiirls ttim leilefiilloit will h«Hd -irvlti,* l Hlllnl.iJ at 1 in p in FtWiieMtig a* I a p. nt. When annouacemant will be ■ .in, the i oti.in* we-tv Tin pi ojrte of .the whole eonunuill t tv art Invited lo altenil ihe tneeiltix • Jlo Itev Mi Uililam Hewttrl. I* a • fine flv,incelif t N< r \fi Goodrhlld. line gospel sing! t Come .10-1 ! - -ih> i • Godly, men A - Vie want ull the preachers of the tyttlilv wiio fart to be with u* Yours In.CJilist Cha , a J „ut I’gitot GOLDSBORO. N. C., SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 25, 1«2.1 TRINITY PROSPECT' BRIGHTENS AS THE SEISRN MIKES —e &k ' Uisenct- of UaptHiit Neal 16 Ih; Keenly Fell it i)Y Though hy Conch WILL DEVELOP SEVERAL,NEW MEN l»li; II Ml. Am-, '.'f iilnii jvVjpJ-1 !e! -• I not bn It pr«»*fw-et.- for ihwVflptd •j ly aprjinactilug sfhi waanßr new en | '■ouragio , arcoidikt to J. B. Bur-! J Ivag#. graduate m nagec. who spy* J ihat all of l»-t >»»»»' and j 'all hut four of thr llilesmet ajrg *\ ’ ;>ecled to rettltn to ttHjtejl»Btee* oil tpe eleven ■probably the greatest loss to the Trinity squadrrjn wilt be that of Cap- I tain Tom " Neal, left end. according o Manager 11-irhagi "Doggv "Haleh i-r-f Is expeeled hack nl left field anti "key' Taylor, aD*state guard prab ably will to- Ifttck nl Ills |w»»ltloii left j of "Jimmy" flhptpaon. center and cap taln-elecl flight gtiard ha,« been left o|»eii by; the departure of Jack Caldwell tor \Vc«l Poltll The rlfiltl fackle |snvl tloti plat) will, be open Jack Hllmt having graduated lasi year ll seent* "ibable tha! T : ne- t .-trier tha sen sat lon a I right ejidii. will return. Manager Burbage expert* thi hark field to lie Just as M was last season vitti lilt/. Mmlth playing his fnttrili i -r 4 -jtinrlet Garrett his 3rd (i,i at. tight Ipuc H-rvo Johnson’ nd Ihi it ip-it k .-I 'nl; . - tot K<i i.iig c rstatt at left half. rohaldy tin new varsity linesmen will have lo be eranted this year on .icconnt id Ihe four otieil- postllon* nd o unit -iußy heavy ►< lieil-ile -J' .1'- tin . U-Itvale ujau.igi-r, who uljfn .Is general dlte- to: ol giblrtlcs Me •il-o .-ftiysll-it-hahly four new men will I" u-i -l to ( tretigtliett tils (.half hack cejd ft*ri i - F The moat promising rerrults to hid fen varsity i>o*ll lona Hu* year. It Is field in idhlettc < Irties, will he Al -Irldg*. scrub t etHer I**l y«Vr. Kve t«-it, ,-erub half: Moor*, tackle; Pnr tet iftt.ird. ({:■>. it'll;-.! d. Hhutc. larkh utid Troy, end » v Q filtlllMl IVOR I N |(F TIM 111 I H.lll FOR MIGHT* O (.onion, Auu 21 That women have d- lie -. teiy hoaxed by men law at - - j t, • de< i" Ring uiuliiM •<' ■ ,-|i tro;.. , t to- f e-all tip JtmtdK deptil.l 100 I - presenting the piltuipal orga- - it <n of I, i- throughout 'tin *' ' • ’ " - lln Hole seerelaty to Urge nmendmtiH of Ihe 1' *ttt - -i.-- -if loti I! **-* 'I -y' t I ■ tic tqe senlentt of Ihe gel It It laid dov 0 lha| it person shall ih-l la disqualthed hy m x or marrhtg* ftOill the exi l< -e (li un. public flltl* •lon It I now cleat. *ny Ihe fen ill!-'. . litai wln o-ver it i» challenged the ait tails lo iittie «ex equality It* chief sflerl hits liei It to enable women to mlt os juries which rigidly or wrongly- I* rig tt u|ed hy taosl Fug ti*h ta*-p|e -i* .1 jm natty rathet limit - j-**-th of e<|Ual litiseashtp Hit Hit women have been admitted as la Wye la. lon thi* is Iw-iiuse the lagst so* lidles have acr*ptr4 Ihe aptrlt of the ,ul and have tun -im*rn to elutl letige ll* letter. Ajwirt from tbwae tadut the art. aecording lo K* w-om*aj dr 11* * ha. *4pnally failed lu soute vital particular*,,, “ | PlUi M« PEICpER P ; TOR SlTlii »•*- -*_ ~M*« 0 | Appointed bv The l‘re»*idcn( us. 1 Sp«ti«i Mediutor in Tht* , Wranirle Th«t Threntejm the Country WUh Uonl Strike' .OFFICIAI-8 THINK IT I GOOD AI'UOINTMENT It ASMINGTON. Aug 21 An ave nue ihnmglt which anthiarite ope rator* and miner* may coqu- togetlier cod reach u settlenirnt was provided, jhy FreaMent today In the ; designation of Governor IMnchot. tis I‘enn. a* special mediutor Maliitiilnlng Ihe convlrlion "Ihpl” *ti»iieiisititi of hard coal produrtfqn 1 Keptnmlier I would l«- aufcld.iUo both employers and miners the 'gmern i inenlg art lon wa* said t» he designed lo furnish a medium through w hich „ i onetlbitory on both sides might operate with out damage tn th* Astra Itinrheon L-onference at the Whltehoiiae .Mr, I’lttcliot returned to llarlshtirg with ihe inlenlloit' of get ' ting in touch at once with represen tatives of the mhter and operptor group It wag stated that no doßnlta lirofioival hud Ixu-tt envolved at the Whitehall** meeting and Mr. Plncltnla fttMl n<jvr would he to ttscerlaln whether it hast* for further iiogoHa tlon exists dtspße the lineqtllvoeal ten or of Ihe statement I Sailed hy both Oesehlhtng the relation of Governor Flnchot in the federal attthorliy a* solely eoopi ratlve" a s|i<>ke*tiiaii for j tfn- president *uld that his st-lecllon was varlh ularly a happy one because Ihe lb Ida are located almost exclusive J l» la Pennsylvania and because of the | unusual aafe guard* thrown uround I Fitzpatrick Now OounHel For C. & O. *»■*- -M—i. **,« ’ Cleveland, Aug 2t- Herbert Ftfi lialrlck of Huntlngtan, Meat Virginia, wa snnnied vice president and gene nil counsel for Ihd-C- and O rgllroatl at meeting liere lodny ,Mi Flixpairtek wan for yeitrs the road* Wem Virginia counsel lie sttc ceeds Wickham of Richmond who re signed. Mr Wickham Will retain *d In an udvlsoiy cajiat lyl Nfot Prepared To Announce Mexico A* Recognized Wuxhfiiwlon. Aiik 'it Tllr It S Kttyrrnnwnt.lt w«« declxnd today ill] 1 the White Ifniur would not it* i>jr ! iMtrt'i) to formally annonnta raxump tloll Jof <|lplontMll<* K-UtllilM v»tlll Mulcn Until 110- mill'll*- Saplrni ; her oil (ii-i-ount of ilia n«-<rxxlly of terrain txrhaiiMPx ST. 1.01 IS K XI'KITs 7tt,NMl y TO WITNESS UK HUT • . * Si Ikimlk, Auk 21 tJjjK*|mr«it|im o( St I.on|* Meld for ilw. IntcreithHitl Ku*vx to I** In* Id lu-r*> Art* |, j, aml 1, lx rapidlynearing rnihplellnß The ! work la In i'hai«e offid. Albert T. \ I'erkln* and repat m». vlrfaMy, the • Ollxt It Kt lot) r | ||i» ('.-111 Thp ».lte lx the old Kr Field foimarly u i'ottiniart.lal fl*-lil toil now tin- home of thp Mlxxnml National iluard ulr unit * A unfgup i*• rpiuoni »~» held I | month byway of forin.i|[) dediru'jjifc . Hu- field Major Albert II Lambert t*«*k alwft .i IM* pound xtonr and drop I**'d ltl> with atalr i|p*rpp of aprtiraiy,' Hi-.'i where tin Itlyu haimUTv.lx hiUU; hum Oft I < lax*- übt\JlL w.l tha lira! ' ottu-1 'lyii.Ui'-r luiiKli) airplane I lu> *mount ~rrr-. Tirnuiu in in* d**n to i* ■ * i oft ih*- tip id in pi|iiival«nt to , iil'tmt fto tntli'x of ordinary railroad • pt.tdlt'r Sl* xteel liHliiiiirx, hi. liy IJO !'i l . it umi lilni- xliop iud .i ».it«r iitw »r with .1 lll.taiu khlToii latiaill* ulxo , re, tinder tunxtruillon HouxltiK.tr i->nK'uii* i*t« ulxo will l*p m.oh- for ih* *oo n-Kii.Ur army‘troopx. niltl'.irv i 1 11 ;• •> fly* rx end their no rlomh' win. will to 'it 110 tl'lif dm llu. »jf<- meet Seatitik urrutiKPtUPiitw will l>r prowl l.oldln.: *4* |*< fxonx pwt-h. aa wrll ax ■i protoeUU|||- In ai • ouiuiimldlp fiIMHMt I'urkliu rPuip for ti.iam > mx alx** will lx- artxnifod Col: I’erkln* lx i halrnmn of Ih*’ vround* pommlltep of thp Si lamia A*• t *•»>it»i ’I* Corporation lie lx n proni lipiil rail road man of S'. I.*mlx and la > w* II known ihrouahout ilip Soulhwext Ixirllf tlu war In- wax uUm lod in the •'Dtlwt rx altd wo* wire dernrxlrd Major I' M Soap lon mil "dr.p i.-xen'xilvr of Major Oen* ral Max'*n M ; l*atrieli. rldxf of the It S Army Air tfxralow. la at tha Ar|d xiipi-rvlxlna or* j tanjauianty fat Ihy army enimulu' ' , Trial Wili Go With ; <3 Eleven Jurors; Kilgore Proves Good Witness Masked Men Rob ; Hank And Tarry Off The Cashier Muskogee, tlklu. lav tx.— F«» masked no n held •••* Ihe hank of Maghx Mayan connfy, 2a wile* n«»1h «f here today.' They fled with an andelremitted amonnl of money Inking the cashier with them acrordlug to repvirt* receiv ed here. »■-——' «-->■*■ - ■ - *■ DiverMiffcation of Cropa by A Proper Method Raleigh N. Aug 2t A through knowledge of how lo employ Ihe pr*w. mr'' ntothiHln of crop dlverolftcgllon cttnstltuies the fartuer's chief hast* 'or stu-cea*. according to 4. P I’lls utry, pioffeanor of horticulture of he Nortla-j Cantina eaperliueattal tolloli n tHtae College Iterevr lit alt ntervlew grunled yesterday Proffea or Pfllahury cited tnieresltug rum -live to heu r .4t Ibis Kla(em«nl. "A few years agir tn Jfalu’Wbu Vlthly known jor ll* dairying a ‘arm survey was inada.” „Hie borl* • tit it rial said, "and In Ihe course of lint survey it was noted iltul the op urators of hd small farms had an av -•rage yearly liilmm 1 pcoote '•tfj.l26. lit looking over Ibe fhPtrnif' which tils average wns derived H was nol d the two «if tlivaa Ist titers who nude intuit noire, one ov«r Itf**" slid he over over II tiffh a glance at the (•cord* d*i lowed Ihe fads that the lr*l wa* growing *ti,-»l*-i * • anil uatkullug them In netghhortng mill Hinges, while Iheoilier was *r<iwln« . ittr«ery stock Sol cotislderlojl Ihes* - Wo tnrrner*; —H--w-aa that lo- remaining Ik. who were growitt/ orn, cut lon nttd -other general fa.-tig rtijis. only received a nel return of »'il for lltelr labor if wmilil **eet t dial iiiore of these farms should have 1-m-n ullllxetl 111 gri.twliig hop tlculttiralcrojm. and (lial. us a neurjy alwa.va In the cdse In tlalry sections Ihe'couiMy us a .wliohe should have tuipird It* ailenlloit no ll* horllctll tiirwl jpiHslhtlltli-*--- a* well # " l-^B/lu*lii lice I* not Hied with lire idea THhdvlslng iltul ull lltese farm er* should have changed Ihelw farm* a* to mum and sjiecia'nxed |n grow ing strawberries and nursery sluik An exchange of one ar more crop* fur one or niorfc dlfferrn tcroji* I* not "dlveralftcalhMt. and the horilctil- Ittrlst . inu*l practice the hlgbeel type of lUversincutfoit to Insure hta suc cess." " DlvetslflCMliolti. It* explained. Im* an i-nlltely dltjyreiil meaning It not on ly nienit* Ift •« glowing of a’variety at fruits unf vegetal.l,.* amt other crop*. hut also the of some live *lie'k (»f various, klnd*. tltc ivcodiu-lng . hi* family, the growing of Umbel in I of food forthe fanner himself and! order to Insure asttpjd) of wimhl .I and the sit moulding’ of hla home: house afattisrtlvfc “and hi* homalife 1 with jdanl* olid flowers lii itiake his Its hide r. vjr 4‘fllpl>ury cnhtinthul. the hot ih ult it riot hi* hortlculturlal "The ledul fs." lie said, 'that with 'he lon ttriiitur I*l hi* lioillcuitoral fiecialty I* literalv dominant and im * -llples the iMmllioll nt ho* chief In* elect. The oilier filings sre added - o Ills slid k of Interest In make III* liet-hilty secure. Me find* It tint on-' y nt onnnilratly nqrsMjuiry, hut prof tghle In many Ways' 1 The farmer, must tret rill If tlichle.i hat'Mils I* an age of s|a<iiall*l* he II I lured>exo|alnliig that s* for a* lie s'Ciltlrei ned It I* not. excejd In large urjioratlon* editcalhtnal ln*iiiitthm>i mil in Home <.u**e» exnlea*lv» farm tng o|Mirallon«. *"'ll *|lll take* art all-round titan. "Mr Finsbury »sbl he believed "to run a farm, Itrtd he smaller Ihe farm the bigger the man iuu*t he In hi* .Knowledge of agrtculturar principle*, •itch a* soil an ilother natural elr-, nienls. the kind utid varllle* of rroji- Ihat he call grow toadyanlage unit of the meana and expedients beat i ada|ded to hi* needs for illverslflra ilon In hi* parllntlar slltiallon and of, how to tlllllze III* product* to tlie best advantage Farms are liecoiotilg smaller and smaller, i-vy-fy day by Ntthdlvlslon and the day Os Ihe gat den tyi>e of farming, a* on lit tlie older sou lit lie*, Is not fir, away ” | T“ —r l 1 r 1— m.nnpm I PRICE FIVE CENTS Testimony in Case Flat ly Contradicts in Spots as Interest Grows (IHKEN’VII'I.IO, Aug 24 The fa'lh <*' ■■ if, if* 1. Hbrt, <*ut* of lht> Juror* In tlir rdae of H »1. ft ft man again*! tb< N i’. Tub* eon A wane la I lon «H *U«I - kill***! al Ayrten. N. and the r«un etcueed Hi.n ami by agreement between run liar I Ibt* trial wilt pro reed wlih II Juror* * The evidence cloned late today 111 Ilia ault (i. II IMitman og.ilpai thi , tplmvro grower* cttoperatlv* aaaocin llitu whlrli lit* riNilamlt «a> ntHafo ••/I by deceit ami framl. Judge Horton ullititMl *U boar* lit cuunael for. argument Judge H. 'V. Whedhee will Often fur rittiuan ,i»t v<>iirt ****lon tonight followed by lullmi Hrown (nr Ihe * mandat h»U. I'hieing nUlemriit* from the aaaociu- IKW will Im made' by Jo mew H I**hi aiul dtepben i liragaw. of Mfaablng- Min - . Allilnu Ihtnn chief allnragy far I'ltlinmi trill make Hie dowlng ad drt*»» It I* evparted Ibt* cnee will an |n ilia Jury tomorrow aftarauon. Judge Horton linplivatedhrtdebrdahrd Judge Horton Indicated that the al* •'Winn** of artloß net ntll In Ihe Mil nf cotnftlalnl only on* lean* will be allowed to go to ibe jury that whe ther ib.< olgneture of flltuian waa ob tulned by fuiod. More l£n> * netire of wltuM|Hpa were beard today to rtbe ""•'M’ldfijNS »lio (tally contradicted several wh nleolllled («»r Human SM MptcoHllUlum. ware made *tjK| mwctlai when I*llllll*9 'Hned 1 contract. Other a declared they with advance* made by the hgjfSHp* • lon Ute chief wit nee* foi 1 |a Jig him'la 1 lon wan fir ft. IV KllaoTg, 0- l eiitrr-Ttr the »nH« hgrh " d aM e«l*erlinent*l err vice The «HtMM old why lie Inalrncted county g|pM»- 1 ultural Hgenla arlei|lHie nprftf Mi ein ploy »«• (o devale part of thtifr time It. aiding nieniltereblp cqatpalgga . •>f live < i«b.m la 1 lon Hr Kilgore anM hat following the atraaa of tUfti which left fa 1 inlug tnteresta la ouch a deplorable condition ha oougbt •nine meaadke In alerlala the dte- Ireaa During Ihe year be aald North I'aniline had loot fourth plaa* oa • lie Hat of alole* for vine In agrtrul-. liiraf product km. Htndyln* t'allforala • ondllloaa. wlilclrlitn «ucceeded thla 111 pru<|Ucltnn, ha found that coopern .live marketing wa* re*pon*lMe fur holdlna price* where Ihey wefre wII nea* Ball) that he w*» hrart «tld • atllll In the w ork of reetornlg Ibe lula lo Ilk former plan- Hr |n- Klrm led meinltera of lilt »lalf In help orguiilaulhm On enma tlnmlnailou by allorney Jhiiin In anawer lo a <t u eat lon aa whether thW aaiwtrlailon had ever filed an annual report with • ItMa agricultural depurlgittgl aa re «iHired by* law lie replleil In the neey tlv*' 111 Haul he naked for the r it;,. l*Ort It lit tjiat |l had never reached III* office k > GEM raw 0 FGEOIMI GULES TO EXM SESSION will Tukr up Tu* Reform* and Frt> Te*f Rook* ((uruliott— Will CtHivritr on Novembgr 7lh . _ « KXPKCTH TO STAY IN SKSSION MONTHS ■o „ „ AT4.AXTA. Ana 24 Oovemnr • 'HIT..id VV*IT" I tod..* railed the tjeorgbi general e»»embly for Novem- Imt 7, 1»21 for the ptirpna* of eon ablerlng .to tueaaiire*. Ta« rhfoftn and tag enforcement* nod free teat bonk* both were the three auhiect* mimed In the rail for the legislature lo connhler. The gov ernor nan not ft v the Until of lb* »*». lie lotliiialed he eipanted the legtelafur* to complete their work by November 28. mum m*i»<»i*tki» Toklo. Aiig -4 Viscount Yaatiyn I'chlda min later of foreign nffalra baa lo*en upfMdnled premier ad Interim : uml will *erve until a new egbtaef la | formed.

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